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The Flippin’ Title (1)

Published by devino1, 2017-10-13 12:52:55

Description: The Flippin’ Title (1)


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The Flippin’ Title of MyGilded Age History BookBy: Devin Olson This book is about America’s Gilded Age. Where everything worldwide seemed like it was working out, when underneath the “gilded surface” there was very poor living and working conditions along with many other negative factors. Enjoy the book and I REALLY hope you learn something because it means i most likely got a good grade.

Immigration (Generalized)The Gilded Age was a time where everything looked like it was going great when itactually wasn’t. So people from other countries, such as Germany, France, andCanada, would travel to America and attempt to take advantage of the newresources that have been discovered. All the countries settled in different areas.However i'm only going to talk about the people that immigrated from theNetherlands. The Dutch.

Dutch ImmigrationThe Dutch saw the exact same opportunity everyone other country did. They sawa chance to change their life for the better by moving to America. DutchImmigrants were apart of the “Old Immigrants” group. These Old Immigrantsmostly came from Central Europe and French Canada and they took all the lowskilled jobs upon arrival to America. Mostly California.

NativismNativism is when you favor a native inhabitant as opposed to and immigrant. Withmany new immigrants arriving in America in such a short period of time, it wasonly a matter of time before people started to be somewhat prejudice towardsthem and biased towards the natives. A policy was developed to protect theinterests of US natives as opposed to those of the Immigrants. This was simplyknown as the policy of Nativism.

Skyscrapers and Public TransportationDuring the Gilded Age, there was a fire known as The Great Chicago FIre. Thisfire had destroyed a lot of the city and left lots of wide spaces to reconstruct newbuildings. This is when the skyscraper was first built. Railroads were also built forlots of trains to do train things like, transport and carry things.

Tenement HousingDuring the gilded age, there were thousands of people who immigrated intoAmerica. In New York, the population doubled about every decade. All the housesthat were intended to house individual families ended up housing massiveamounts of people that make up several families. Tenements were narrowapartment buildings with very poor construction, lighting, and just overall livingconditions. These buildings are where the immigrants were forced to live.

Problems due to UrbanizationThe GIlded Age was the time period of Urbanization, which is quickindustrialization and economic growth. Which sounds really nice, however therewere also some negative affects to it. Such as corruption in government.Companies started to dominate all around and so the government had to getinvolved, destroying the agreement of Laissez-Faire. There was also the fact thatworkers were now in a competition between many different companies.

Political Machines/Party BossPolitical Machines were groups of people that controlled certain activities ofpolitical parties. Party Bosses had access to municipal jobs, business licences,and influenced courts. These people were major influences in the Gilded Agebecause they had OP control over virtually everything.

Tammany HallTammany Hall was the name of the political machine that had control over NYCpolitics. This control lasted from the Mayor Fernando Wood to Mayor FiorelloLaGuardia.

Social DarwinismSocial Darwinism is the theory that people are susceptible to the same forms ofnatural selection as plants and animals.

Gospel Of WealthThe Gospel of Wealth is an article that was written by Andrew Carnegie and itexplained that the wealthy have a certain responsibility to distribute their wealth ina thoughtful way.

ReformsCertain people had problems with political decisions and decided to “reform” whichis where they attempt to change the way things are, such as social darwinism

Realism in ArtArt started to take a turn where it was all based off of real people and events thathave happened. Such as portraits of people, statues of people, and paintings ofbig time events.

Populists and the Populists PartyThe populist party was a political party that was founded by the leaders of thepopulists movement. It was a party that was created to favor farmers overindustrialist or urbanization.

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