49pop-up boutıqueSnap up a designer bargain at our exclusive boutique, showcasing outfits from leading fashion houses to unique vintage piecesChristmas can be an These pre-loved gems mayexpensive time of year and be second hand but are bylots of different occasions no means second rate. Inequal lots of different outfits. the past, one lucky shopperEspecially for you, we have walked away with a gorgeouscurated the perfect pre-loved pair of Jimmy Choos!boutique as well as sourceddesigner items to purchase Featuring one-off vintageat less than 50% of their retail pieces, as well as neverprice. So step inside our been worn garments andtreasure trove of fashion and accessories from top Londonkit out your wardrobe for the designers including Bellaparty season. Freud, Eddie Handmade, Paul’s Boutique, Jamie Wei Huang and many more, you won’t want to miss this opportunity to explore these unique pieces. You never know may just find that Mulberry handbag you’ve always wanted!
ProudtosupporttheRedCrossatChristmasOur word our bond
Famous faces have given their time this season to doodle unique signed artwork to support the life-saving work of the British Red Cross, these and many more are available to buy at www.guildhallchristmasmarket.auction-bid.orgStrictly Come Dancing judge Singer-songwriter Singer-songwriterBruno Tonioli Sam Smith Charli XCXFormer Archbishop of Star of stage and screen Inbetweeners giant Greg DaviesCanterbury Dr Rowan Williams Felicity Kendal CBE Comedian and wannabeBritish Actress England Rugby player Rugby player Jack WhitehallJenny Agutter OBE James Haskell
Celebrity doodlesActress and author Autograph Downton Abbey writerDame Joan Collins DBE Dame Vera Lynn DBE Julian FellowesLegendary Fashion designer Ab Fab FavouriteStephen Fry Orla Kiely Joanna Lumley OBEHercule Poirot himself Twilight starDavid Suchet Taylor Lautner Signed 15th September 2015 – 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain. “I am very happy to give an autograph supporting the Red Cross but at 98, I’m too old for Doodles” Dame Vera Lynn DBE
With special thanks to ourCity of London Sponsors The Worshipful Company of Basketmakerswww.basketmakersco.orgCity Livery Club Bishopsgate Ward Club
Price Bailey is a leading firm of chartered accountants and business advisers operating throughout the UK SENDS VERY BEST WISHES AND SUPPORT TO THE BRITISH RED CROSS FOR ITS CHRISTMAS MARKET 2015 Price Bailey, 7th Floor, Dashwood House, 69 Old Broad Street, London EC2M 1QS Tel: +44 (0)20 7065 2660 Fax: +44 (0)20 7065 2661 Email: [email protected], informed,branding, advertisingand design for thefinancial sector……and magazine design forthe Christmas MarketPrice Bailey is a leading firm of chartered accountants and business advisersjogdesign.com operating throughout the UK SENDS VERY BEST WISHES AND SUPPORT TO THE BRITISH RED CROSS FOR ITS CHRISTMAS MARKET 2015Price Bailey, 7th Floor, Dashwood House, 69 Old Broad Street, London EC2M 1QS Tel: +44 (0)20 7065 2660 Fax: +44 (0)20 7065 2661 Email: [email protected]
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With the new 5p charge for the shopping bags we take a look at basket the case for bringing back the humble case wicker basket. Set to trend in 2016, we say hurray to the humble basket! Mary Butcher MBE, Trade Adviser, Worshipful Company of Basketmakers Have you noticed baskets everywhere? Baskets are everywhere! Look round your kitchen, living Here in the UK we have had a strong basket tradition spaces, garage, shed. You may think you don’t have any based on purely functional items, often for very specific but they are so unassuming but so practical that we take tasks. Many have been for industrial use, for major them for granted. Almost everyone has a few but rarely agricultural crops, for the woollen and silk mills andlooks at them with that attention to detail: what colour is it, almost any other activity you can think of. And all withis it stiff of flexible, is it made of twigs of some sort, does it individual shapes and dimensions. Around me, in East have texture and decoration? Basketmaking here is taken Kent, the fruit crops have all had their own baskets, appleto include woven chair seating, straw work, and work with pickers of particular volumes, cherry kibseys for picking and measuring the cherry harvest, a number of sizes of other natural and man-made recycled materials. baskets for hop picking, all measured in the old fashioned The range is vast and we hope to encourage all. bushel measure. Our baskets have been excellent, made by fully apprenticed basketmakers as a flourishing and essential trade. Life changes, of course, and our need for baskets too. But we still enjoy having them, to remind us of rural things perhaps, that country life so idyllic in prospect, or because their colour fits in with our décor or because they are still so useful. The Basketmakers’ Association www.basketmakersassociation.org.uk was founded in 1975 to give a new look to our baskets, keeping the quality but with a range of new techniques and materials.Baskets now are many and various, wonderfully inventive, striking styles and still with excellent workmanship. and appreciate their fine qualities. Basketmaking thrives! It is a vibrant craft, with baskets available direct from makers via their web sites, from smart Craft and Art Galleries around the country and from exhibitions. They are still everywhere! You will start noticing them now, I hope. To get your hands on a bit of original wicker visit the Worshipful Company of Basketmakers, who are proudly sponsoring this year’s Guildhall Christmas Market, on 30 November and 1 December 57
the jolly holidayguide to London Join Kimberley Walsh this Christmas at Elf the Musical. Based on the beloved 2003 New Line Cinema hit starring Will Ferrell, the hilarious tale of Buddy, a young orphan child who mistakenly crawls into Santa’s bag of gifts and is transported back to the North Pole. Dominion Theatre, Tottenham Court Road. photo Featureflash / Shutterstock.comKermit and friends are taking on aChristmas Classic this year and you canjoin then at the Prince Charles Cinemafor a sing along with The MuppetChristmas Carol. Bound to be full oflaughs and innuendos, we have nodoubt Miss Piggy will once again stealthe show.photo Tinseltown / Shutterstock.com Prepare to be dazzled by the International ice dance sensation. The Imperial Ice Stars who are getting their skates on and returning to the Royal Albert Hall for a spectacular performance of The Nutcracker on Ice. The legendary musical Cats returns this Christmas with a new cast headed by Beverley Knight as Grizabella. Folowing in the footsteps of Elaine Page, we look forward to hearing this power house of a voice belt out the classic ‘Memory’. Showing at the London Palladium. photo Kojoku / Shutterstock.com
Warm up your vocal chords this winterat the majestic Carols by Candlelightat St Bartholomew the Great. Set in oneof London’s oldest churches join in thesing song, plus enjoy readings fromsome famous faces including RichardWilson OBE, Dame Esther Rantzen andnews reader Martyn Lewis.photo 1000 words / Shutterstock.com Christmas shopping with a difference. The Guildhall Christmas Market is set to be bigger and better than ever this year, filled with fashion, arts, crafts, gifts, street food, live entertainment and festive drinks. www.redcross.org.uk/market photo 1000 words / Shutterstock.com Adventure to Santa’s Grotto this Christmas at Westfield Stratford City! Prepare to be whisked away on a fun, interactive adventure with help from Shrek and Donkey. Enjoy a magical, journey complete with a 4D cinematic sleigh ride. Each child will have the chance to speak with Santa and receive a gift! photo Roman Vukolov / Shutterstock.com He’s behind you! Sorry no he’s not, our favourite panto character London’s Dick Whittington is taking to the stage at the beautifully restored Wilton’s Music Hall, this Christmas and he won’t be short of a hairy legged Dame! There is nothing quite like the movies moment of stepping onto the ice rink to make us feel Christmassy and we can’t think of a more beautiful setting than The Tower of London.
www.pwc.co.ukDelivering thevalue you’relooking forWe work to create the value our clients, our people and our communities arelooking for. And we do this by building long-term, sustainable relationships.Which is why PwC are proud to support the British Red Cross ChristmasMarket 2015.To find out how we could work with you visit www.pwc.co.uk© 2015 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. In this document, “PwC” refers to the UK member firm, and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is aseparate legal entity. Please see www.pwc.com/structure for further details.