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Home Explore Santader Presentation V6

Santader Presentation V6

Published by alberto.quintana, 2017-01-16 12:47:35

Description: Santader Presentation V6


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WULegal Notices & DisclaimerThis material is confidential and is proprietary to Western Union and is not to be reproduced, disclosed, or used except inaccordance with program license or other written authorization of Western Union. Any use, copying, manipulation, orreproduction of Western Union trademarks, logos, or material created by Western Union, its subsidiaries, affiliates or itsbusiness units, in whole or in part in any medium for any purpose whatsoever, is strictly prohibited without the prior writtenpermission of Western Union.The contents of this document are solely for the purpose of discussion and in no way constitute any formal agreementbetween the two parties whether it be formal or informal in nature.All trademarks included herein are acknowledged by the parties. Confidential. Subject to NDA.

WUGlobal Leader in Cross Border Money TransferWestern Union: on average 29 transactions per secondCompany Profile Market leader for cross border money transfer +500,000 Agent locations and 100,000 ATMs & kiosks Leading Compliance & AML Organisation Listed at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: WU) Fortune 500 CompanyResults in 2015 $5.4 billions revenues 255 milions transactions $1 billion cash flow Confidential. Subject to NDA.

WUUnmatched Global Network Western Union: more than 500,000 Agent locations globally  2,000 Bank Partners  Partnering with 100 Post Organisations  200 Countries and territories  Over 16,000 corridors Confidential. Subject to NDA.

WUMarket LeadershipWestern Union: 18% market share and 4 times larger of the closest competitorMarket Share * FY 2015 Revenue** (in $, Billions) $5.4 18% $1.3 $0.6 Western Union Moneygram Ria (Euronet)• Source: Western Union estimations based on Balance of Payments statistics/World Bank• ** Q4 2015 Earning Release di WU, MG e RIA Confidential. Subject to NDA.

WUBank Partners around the World Besides Forex Bank, Western Union has approximately 2,000 bank partners around the world. 6 Confidential. Subject to NDA.

WULeading Omni–Channel Technology Western Union is leader in Retail, On Line, Mobile & Accounts Cross Border Money Transfer Confidential. Subject to NDA.

ABMT – Account Based Money TransferSolutions for Banked ConsumersIn order to better serve the needs of banked customers and of financial Institutions, Western Union created a new comprehensive product bundle WESTERN UNION • Account Based Money Transfer (ABMT) is a product-line enabling account holders to access Western Union through their accounts • Western Union P2P Transfers can be made 24/7 within minutes • An Integrated Service to the bank’s customers - through all alternative channels, - at low transaction cost, - fully in compliance with all regulations and legal requirements! - The service requires a back-end integration for automated transfers. Confidential. Subject to NDA.

ABMT – Account Based Money TransferAccount Based Money Transfer Online Banking  Access Western Union’s global network through online banking site  Account-to-Cash and Cash-to-Account available  Live Service with most ABMT banks Customer Call Centre  Customers can initiate a money transfer via the call centre  Customer call centre will use the WUPOS system  Payment would be debited from the customers account by the call center ATM – Self-Service  Carded customers can send or receive money from your ATMs 24/7  Completely compatible with ATMs managed by the bank partner  Standard and enhanced keyboard ATM supported  Live with 12 banks on almost 100.000 ATMs Retail/Branch  Enable bank customers to send or receive money directly to/from their bank account via bank’s retail branch network  Some bank partners allow non-account holders to initiate money transfersConfidential. Subject to NDA. (attracting new customers)

ABMT – Account Based Money TransferBest Practice Example Click the link to check the video: Confidential. Subject to NDA.

App Initiated RetailDigitising the Consumer Journey Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4:Complete the form Find a location At Point of Sale Cash Payment on the WU App v £v POS Agent Enters Phone POS Agent collects # number and confirms payment transaction details Customer prepares trx on WU  The confirmation page on the App v OR £v App and Selects Pay-in-Cash offers customers the option to find an agent location Agent Validates ID, Customer receives Agent still has the Clear instructions are displayed in where applicable an automatic option to Print a the App providing guidance on  Customers can search for their Email receipt what information should be taken nearest retail locations who receipt to the location. support App-initiated transactions and get directions Confidential. Subject to NDA.

Compliance & AMLLeading Compliance & AML Organisation Best-in-Class Compliance Organisation Qualified Compliance Professionals - Agent Due Diligence and Support - Risk-Based Transaction Monitoring 1 Consumer Risk Assessment: Customer Risk Index, Real Time Risk Assessment, Business Monitoring Rules 2 Agent Risk Assessment: Global Due Diligence; Comprehensive Model to Prioritize Strategy; Agent Program Scoring, Agent Oversight Program 3 Product Risk Assessment: Gating Process for launch of products 4 Investigations: FIU and Fraud Market Threat Assessments 5 Internal Controls Testing: Testing to assess effectiveness of controls in place 6 Periodic Roll Up Risk Assessments: Global Enterprise Wide AML Risk Assessment; Entity Assessments (e.g., WUPSIL, WUBS); Subject (e.g., Sanctions); Country; Product Families 7 Internal Audit: Independent corporate governance, includes Enterprise Risk Management to assess and manage exposure of the company Confidential. Subject to NDA.


Santander Envíos & Western UnionValue Added Proposition 20 countries 200 countries and territories 3.000+ Agent Locations 500.000+ Agent Locations Transacting in more than 130 currencies Complementing existing offer services 14 + Corridors + Channels + Convenience Wider Customer scope Make transfer money easy, fast and reliable Confidential. Subject to NDA.

Banco Santander & Western UnionPartnership proposalPartnership proposal – Banco Santander & Western Union - Digital channels Service integration.- Santander Envíos & WU. According to our market leadership, Western Union will enhance remittance business through your both retail and digital channels. Western Union services available from Banco Santader´s App, Online Banking and ATM. Marketing campaign for both Customer Database. Leverage Marketing & CRM Programs. Co-marketing actions between Banco Santander - WU and MYWU. Confidential. Subject to NDA. 15

Banco Santander & Western UnionPartnership proposalProposed collaboration between Banco Santander & Western Union throughElectronic Channels:Channels Type of Trxs Payment App Account • Account to Cash • Cash App Stage & Pay • Account to Account • Account • Account to Mobile* • Mobile Online Banking • Account to Card** • Card • Cash*** to ATM • Cash • Account • Mobile • Card Confidential. Subject to NDA. 16

Thank YOU! Confidential. Subject to NDA.

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