Issue No. 42 March 2016 Turf Grass Times Sports Turf Association (WA) NewsletterWA Turf Industry Awards 2015 WA Turf Industry celebrates with the graduating classes of 2015.Treat your staff as “Industrial Athletes” Proactive Management of workplace injuries.STAA Graduate memorable trip to USA Read about Luke & Scott’s experienceSTA(WA) Social Day 2015 WA members enjoy a day at the Perth racesFire rages through Hartfield Country Club Devastating damage to the bushland conservation area plus much more inside...For long lastingcontrol ofArgentine stemweevil and funnelants, nothing is apatch on Impede.®®ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL DIRECTIONS.© Copyright BASF 2016 ® Registered trademark of BASF.
GOLD SPONSORS State WideTurf Services Specialists in Turf Renovation SILVER SPONSORS BRONZE SPONSORS Turf Grass Times
Issue No. 42 March 2016 Page 1 Contents SPORTS TURF ASSOCIATION (WA) Incorporated4. WA Turf Industry Awards 2015 PO Box 8492 | Perth B.C. | WA 68497. Bookshop8. Industrial Athletes Dear Colleagues,11. Pitch Perfect14. Purple Delight on New Oval Welcome to issue 42 of the Turf Grass Times newsletter for the16. Ocean Road Transformation Sports Turf Association (WA) Inc. This edition begins with the wonderful news20. STAA Graduate Trip to USA about the introduction of two new sponsors of the Sports Turf Association (WA).22. UWA Turf Research Update23. Fire Ravages Hartfield Bushland It is very exciting to have BASF Australia decide to join us in 2016 in the24. STA(WA) Social Day 2015 supporting role as Gold Sponsors of the STA(WA). Ian Macleod, Customer28. TGAWA Grower profile Service manager for BASF in Somersby has said that he is looking forward30. Students Upgrade UWA Turf to an ongoing relationship with the STA(WA). “At BASF, we believe it’s our responsibility to give Australians a better quality of life. BASF is a trusted Research Facility Reticulation resource in providing solutions to meet the needs of professionals in the turf32. from the Minister industry, including superintendents and turf managers, greenhouse and nursery34. WA Turf IDO update growers, lake and pond managers and vegetation management applicators. We36. STA(WA) Member Profile are dedicated to producing the highest quality products that help solve unique challenges, backed by guaranteed customer service satisfaction.” Also joining us as Bronze Sponsors this year is local company GROWISE who are the Western Australian distributors of the Bactivate range of products. Growise is a progressive enterprise dedicated to providing proven and effective biological and microbial soil health and plant growth solutions. Inside this edition, is an article that should be of particular interest to many readers who like me have chosen to work within a labour intensive job. The importance of managing the physical effect this job tolls upon our body. We’re too easily in denial about how we are not as young as we once were. Its about time that we stop taking for granted that our aging muscles and tendons be ready to go at a moments notice and at all hours. Too many injuries are embarrassingly easily avoided. Upcoming events to make a note off will be the favourite STA (WA) Presidents’ BBQ breakfast up at Kings Park on Wednesday 23rd March. We also then hope to host a Nutrient Management Workshop on Tuesday 5th April, venue TBA. Following which we then look forward to seeing many of you at this year’s 32nd Australian Turf Grass Conference at the Crown Palladium in Melbourne between 19th and 24th June. Until then I wish you a good read and a good year ahead. Regards Tony Guy President , STA (WA) | STA Australia. TGT Production The “Turf Grass Times” is produced wholly inhouse by volunteer contributors for members of theSenior Editor /Design & Production: Tony Guy - STA (WA) Sports Turf Association (WA) Inc. The STA(WA) is a not-for-profit organisation representing anyMob: 0417 977 734 Email: [email protected] person with an interest in turf grass and the Sports Turf Industry in Western Australia.Communications & Photography: Eva Ricci - WA Turf IDOMob: 0422 120 990 Email: [email protected] The “Turf Grass Times” is also distributed amongst members of the Turf Growers Association of WA as the major supporter of the WA Turf Industry Development Office. Disclaimer This newsletter is provided for information The “Turf Grass Times” has been partly funded Printed by: INKPOT Printing & Design purposes only. The reader assumes entire by Turf Australia and HIA Ltd. via the Federal 1/31 Shields Crescent, Booragoon WA 6154 risk as to the accuracy and for the use of any Government levy upon Turf Growers and Phone 9330 6760 information contained within. Readers are through its association with the extension of Fax 9330 6765 advised that the Turf Grass Times takes no WA Turf IDO project TU 11015. Email [email protected] responsibility whatsoever for the accuracy, or otherwise of any advertisements, Front cover image – Aerial view of the completed Ocean Road Reserve community oval, (photo courtesy descriptions, photographs, appearing in this Village Green Kikuyu ) issue or any time in the future. Rear cover image - Matilda Bay foreshore, Crawley, opposite UWA School Plant Biology, early morning 7 May 2015 (photo courtesy Tony Guy) Turf Grass Times
Page 2 Turf Grass Times Issue No. 42 March 2016
Issue No. 42 March 2016 Page 3 Turf Grass Times
Page 4 WA Turf Industries AwardsLast November 17th,the STA (WA) hosted the annual 2015 WA Turf Industries Awards night for the graduating turf students of 2015. This year’s celebration was held 2015 Graduating Turf the very welcoming Hartfield Country Club in Forrestfield. Some weeks prior to the Awards night, the STA WA executiveThe dining room in the clubhouse was just right for our semi- committeemetandduringthediscussionregardingorganisationalformal evening of speeches and presentations. Perfectly matched requirements for the event, I raised the idea that we couldby the sight outside the windows of an outstanding natural look at presenting a new award category of ‘WA Turf Industryview of Hartfield CC’s renowned Western Australian bushland Person of the Year’, as a form of recognition and appreciation ofthroughout the golf course. Later on that night we would be works performed towards the turf industry and also the generalall privileged when course superintendent Nick Kinley shared community at large. When I made the suggestion, it was greetedhis power point presentation outlining all the work that he with some hesitant agreement and sidelong glances about theand the Hartfield CC team had employed over recent years room. So I quickly inferred that we could introduce this later overtowards implementing sustainable land management practices the next 12 months. Little did I know at the time that the cleverand overall environmental stewardship of the golf course clogs about the room had already been discussing the same ideaand its surrounding environment. When Nick described the amongst themselves. And so it was that after the students hadextensive plans established towards the protection of sensitive received their awards, Mr Darren Kirkwood, Chairperson of theindigenous plant and animal habitats, it was no surprise that he Turf Growers Association of Western Australia started readingwas the worthy recipient of the 2015 AGCSA Claude Crockford out an abridged version of my own life story and curriculumEnvironmental Award. vitae to everyone in the room. It was an incredible honour Thanks to the ever-generous patronage of Baileys Fertilisers and quite humbling to be presented as the inaugural WA Turfwe were once again able to enjoy having well-known WA media Industry Person of the Year. I was especially proud to receivepersonality Ms Verity James perform her duties as MC for the this award amongst many of my respected industry colleaguesevening. Verity’s confidence and professionalism immediately and friends. Also sharing the evening with us were specialhad the more than eighty guests and graduating turf students guests Richard Stephens and Rachel Layt from Turf Australia,at their ease and ready to enjoy a relaxed and familiar night. who were visitingAfter all the apprentices and night class Cert 3 and 4 Sports WA that week forTurf students were presented with their certificates, the selected a round of turfaward recipients were celebrated. This year’s winners were: grower meetings.Jayden Pickering, Matthew Kempton and Michael Giamboi It was a truly memorable night Michael Giamboi from Meadow Springs CC was presented amongst friendswith the Best Apprentice Award (BAYER Shield) by Mr Danny and respectedHambleton of Globe Australia. colleagues. Matthew Kempton from Collier Park GC received theLecturers Award presented by Mr Terry Sellick of Lawn DoctorTurf Farms. Jayden Pickering from the City of Kalgoorlie / Boulder was Tony Guy receivesthe recipient for this year’s WA Sports Turf Graduate Award the award from(CH BAILEY & SONS PERPETUAL SHIELD), presented by Darren Kirkwood.Genevieve Bailey of Baileys Fertilisers. Turf Grass Times Issue No. 42 March 2016
Issue No. 42 March 2016 Page 5 ION OF WESTERNC FLOG T A OURSE SUPERINTEN AILARTSUA STNED Turf Growers Association TAICOSSA of Western Australia Inc. 2015 WA TURF INDUSTRY AWARDS “Celebrating academic achievement and excellence in turf. Recognising tomorrow’s turf managers today.”WESTERN 08 9434 5678 R I G A T I O NLEADERS IN WATER MANAGEMENT SINCE 1969Western Irrigation have been servicing the irrigation industry since 1969. Our knowledge and experience will help you choose the right options forevery water situation. Our solutions include: bore water supplies, pumps, storage tanks, aerations ponds, water treatment and ltration systems,centre pivots and includes construction, services and maintenance Contact Andrew Ogden to discuss you requirements. 211 Barrington Street, Bibra Lake, WA 6163 Phone: 08 9434 5678 [email protected] supply advice, design, supply, construction, installation and maintenance. Turf Grass Times
Page 6 36 Abernethy Road BELMONT 6104 WAExpert sNaoleost,hseerrvciocemapnadnyreipnaWirsesotfelranwAnumstorawliearsh,atsurtfheeqduivipemrseitnyt,osfuorufarcreanggroeoomf innegwmmacohwininegryaannddthuarfncda-rheeledqpuoipwmeerntot.ols. Jean-Paul Groosman 0418 919 230 Freecall 1800 248 676 Dollin Knight 0417 918 653 Bill Kilmurray 0418 488 434 08 9478 7000 EmaFila:[email protected] Issue No. 42 March 2016 Turf Grass Times
Issue No. 42 March 2016 Page 7Managing Turfgrass Pests Bookshop(Second Edition)Written by three of the top professionals in the turfgrass field, Managing Turfgrass Pests, Second Edition brings together hundreds of solutions and best practices to help you manageturfgrass weeds, diseases, and insects more effectively. Since the publication ofthe bestselling first edition, advances in pest-resistant turfgrass cultivars and pestcontrol products have led to significant changes in the ways pests are managed.This revised and updated second edition reinforces those management tactics thatare still relevant and covers new approaches that have been introduced since thefirst edition. The book discusses the concept of integrated pest management, incorporatingcultural, biological, and chemical control measures. In particular, the authorsemphasize the philosophy of minimizing pests through well-defined and well-implemented cultural systems. Rather than simply relying on a pesticide solutionfor control, they explain how to fine-tune cultural practices to better address thequestion of why the pest is present in the first place. Once these cultural practicesare in place, any pesticide that is still required will be much more effective atcontrolling the pest.New in This Edition• Revised and updated descriptions of economically important turfgrass pests• Revised and updated cultural approaches to turfgrass pest management• Revised and updated biological methods of turfgrass pest management• Revised and updated chemical control of turfgrass pests• More than 200 new colour illustrations Packed with photographs, this full-colour book provides updated informationon best practices and control measures for turfgrass pest management. It alsoexplains how to integrate various management strategies to ensure quality andfunctional turf. Throughout, the authors offer practical recommendations to helpyou optimise the competitiveness of your turfgrass against the pests that inevitablybecome part of any ecosystem.Pages : 519Language : EnglishISBN : 9781466555082 The Lawncare Man provides a comprehensive lawn maintenance service (excluding cutting) advising on and managing lawns on any scale in the Perth Metropolitan and Mandurah areas. We specialise in broadacre boomspraying and domestic weed spraying. Services are delivered as one-o , stand alone services or as part of a four-visit annual programme. Freecall: 1300 LAWNCARE The Lawncare Man is rmly committed to providing exceptional lawn care services. This includesPh: (08) 9337 1300 pre and post-emergent Weed control strategies, Disease and Fungus control, Fertiliser and Wetting AgentMob: 0409 245 156 applications and complete lawn renovations. View our extensive list of professional lawn care services [email protected] Turf Grass Times
Page 8Employers can reduce the severity and number of Treat Workers as workplace injuries by adopting three strategies that “Industrial Athletes” usually apply to professional athletes, a people riskexpert says. assessments, he notes. Aon Hewitt specialised services principal Scott Coleman told A pre-employment functional assessment should involveWorkplace Health Association Australia’s National WorkplaceHealth Conference in Melbourne last November that employers “vigorously” testing high-risk areas of the body in four or fiveshould determine the biomechanics of roles, apply the findings different ways “to create some element of fatigue”.to pre-employment assessments and take steps to improveemployees’ strength and conditioning. Employers could also consider conducting functional Coleman says most professional athletes have a “huge” team of assessments biannually, Coleman adds.people – such as dieticians, physiotherapists and masseurs – toprevent injuries or to help them recover quickly, but workers, “If you do health checks in your organisation, can you implementwhose bodies are often put through strenuous postures for some part of a functional assessment into that to actually assessgreater lengths of time, have “none of the same support available”. where individuals are at and where your organisation is at as a “We need to proactively manage our employees as if they were... whole?”industrial athletes,” he says. Strength and Conditioning Biomechanics “In an athletics setting, regular strength and conditioning is “All high-level sport has a set of well-defined biomechanical conducted to reduce injury and improve performance,” Colemanprinciples that are documented and, if followed, provide quality says.performance with minimal risk of injury,” Coleman toldconference delegates. “In most workplace assessments, this does not occur. “Having a workplace health and wellbeing program with “In most workplaces, there is little consideration given to this.” lunchtime sports is not the only answer. Employers should have documented “job demands assessments” “Implementing a ‘job hardening’ program... targeted at the high-and “occupational role profiles”, Coleman says. risk anatomical areas is critical to improving productivity and A role profile should include a summary page that outlines: the reducing injuries.”role; some of the tasks workers must perform; whether physical Job hardening programs, which can be as simple as requiringdemands are low, medium or high risk; and some risk mitigation workers to use a resistance bands on a daily basis, shouldstrategies, he says. target a role’s specific physical demands identified during the It should also include a section that outlines a role’s key risks biomechanical analysis, Coleman says.and identifies the equipment workers use, how much it weighs “In organisations with high physical demands, you need toand how often they use it, and rank the risks of injury to high- identify when an employee does not meet physical demands [or]risk anatomical areas, such as the lower back, shoulders, ankles has ongoing physical workers’ comp issues and engage them inand knees. such a program,” he says. Employers should then conduct a biomechanical assessment of “By having a conditioned workforce, you’ll generally have lessa worker’s postures while performing the role – how often they severe injuries and employees will recover faster if they do getside or forward flex, how long their arms are above head height, injured.”how often they spend pulling or pushing, and whether they areaccessing or egressing. All of this will give employers an overall risk ranking, “so youcan actually say for this job of x we know that a person has tohave these physical demands, we know the job means somebodyhas to do this, this, this and this, and we can categorically say therisk to each body part or anatomical area is this, this and this”,Coleman says. Pre-employment Screening “Athletes are rigorously assessed to check for injury and suitabilityfor a position prior to being awarded a contract,” Coleman says. Once employers have documented and assessed workers’ roles,they can similarly determine how capable prospective employeesare of meeting the physical demands of those roles, he says. To do this, employers should conduct both pre-employmentmedical assessments and pre-employment functional Turf Grass Times Issue No. 42 March 2016
Issue No. 42 March 2016 Page 9 Reducing Musculoskeletal Injury Claims • recognise the complexity of causation; • appreciate the unique aspects of onset; Changing workplace culture to “treat workers like athletes” is • see work as para-athletic and workers as athletes; the key to reducing musculoskeletal injury claims, according to • have intelligent return-to-work programs; a leading North American OHS consultant. • implement a comprehensive exercise program to warm- up, relieve stress, and strengthen; and At a ‘Safety In Action’ conference in 2004, past president of • make therapy and consultation available on a timely the American Society of Safety Donald Eckenfelder outlined basis for all employees. strategies for organisations suffering a high frequency of He said appointing an in-house trainer who understands the musculoskeletal claims. workplace is the quickest solution for an organisation suffering from widespread musculoskeletal claims. He said there is a widespread preoccupation among employers with the “myth” that jobs can be designed to limit physical stress and eliminate musculoskeletal injuries. “Ergonomic solutions often cost over 50 per cent of the total Case study: US shoe manufacturer cut costs by $11.5 millionapproach and provide less than 10 per cent of the solution,” he Eckenfelder referred to his work as corporate safetysaid. director at Bass Shoe and Health-Tex companies in Maine and Rhode Island, US, where there had been an epidemic of He noted also that there is a feeling among employers that “if musculoskeletal injuries among employees.workers’ compensation laws were less liberal, the problem would He said that in 1982, the company had a turnover ofgo away”. $100 million, of which $13.5 million was being lost to musculoskeletal claims. Too many employers are using inappropriate treatment for Claims were projected to cost the company $18.5 million inmusculoskeletal injuries that focuses on rest, pain killers, and 1983, and over $20 million in 1984, he rather than stretching and exercise, he said. But by designing a comprehensive exercise program that effectively treated employees like athletes and appealed to their “Rest will cause atrophy, painkillers mask the real problem and self-interest, compensation costs were slashed to $2 millionoften lead to re-injury, and surgery often damages more soft tissue within a year, he said.than it fixes,” said Eckenfelder. He said that to deal effectively with musculoskeletal injuries,employers must: • believe their employees are basically honest -malingerers are in the minority; General Pre-Work Warm-UpWhy? Quick TipsA proper warm up before any physical activity • Do not do quick, hard movement of the muscle...increases your heart rate, body temperature and DO NOT BOUNCE!blood supply to improve flexibility, decrease muscle • Continue breathing.stiffness, soreness and the potential for injury. • You may experience mild stiffness or soreness when starting a new stretch or movement. • If you feel any sharp pains, stop the stretch and seek qualified advice. Activate and warm-up the body!Core Push-Pulls Back Extensions Power Squats Cycle six (6) times between pulling Place your hands in your low Repeat fifteen (15) consecutiveapart and pushing in motions with back and gently extend backwards Power Squats. While keeping yourthe hands while doing the opposite holding the extended position for head and chest up, reach forwardforce direction at your feet. Apply three (3) seconds, then return to while sitting back keeping heelsthe forces for five (5) seconds normal upright standing. Repeat this on the ground and your lower legsbefore reversing. This will activate exercise five (5) times. vertical.your deep low back stabilisationmuscles.If you have any questions about your ability to perform and exercise, check with your doctor. Turf Grass Times
Page 10 Government of Western Australia Department of Commerce WorkSafe Prevent injury Minimise impact Preventing new incidents or re-injury requires strong foundations and systematic processes Manage risk before and Early report, response after injuries and medical intervention Identify, assess, control Communication between and review hazards employer, worker and health provider Investigate hazards, incidents and injuries Educate all about the benefits of early return to workRegister incidents and risks Involve all parties in Return to Work (RTW) programsMANAGE MANAGE RISK INJURYCULTURE LEADERSHIPIntegrate safety and health Lead at all levels DP1164/2012/ July 14/ Online into business at all levels Educate and inspire Consult, listen and act Plan your response Be systematic and methodical to injuries (IMS) Innovate through safe design Coordinate and nurtureBuild a genuine culture that initiativessupports and promotes OSH Support workers injured at work Stamp out complacency - she’ll be right is not alrightPlan safety at proactive and reactive Turf Grass Times Issue No. 42 March 2016
Issue No. 42 March 2016 Page 11 Pitch Perfect involving the major codes set to use the ground. The turf will have to be adaptable for hardness, softness, and length.Perth Stadium is making a pitch to have a perfect playing surface when it opens - at a hefty price. Drop-in cricket pitches will also be trialled that will aim to Director General of the Department of Sport and mimic the speed, bounce and lift of the WACA.Recreation Ron Alexander, the inaugural West Coast Eaglescoach told that it would cost between $5 million and Mr Hurst believed the right investment in the playing surface$8 million just to lay the turf at the new stadium. would lift the standard of games and spectator enjoyment. “If you’ve got a good pitch, athletes will want to play there and spectators will get a better game,” he said. The new 60,000-seat Perth Stadium will have a roof line that covers 85 per cent of the arena, so “grow” lights will be used to help the grass flourish once it had been laid and after games had been played on it. “The northeast corner will probably need some extra light to help give the grass a boost in the winter months”, Mr Hurst said. Mr Alexander said the cost was necessary to ensure Perth The new Perth Stadium will play host both AFL matches andStadium avoided turf issues which have plagued Melbourne’s cricket games when it is finished, with a number of trial eventsDockland Stadium, now know as Etihad Stadium, and Sydney’s to be held on the new surface ahead of the opening of the 2018ANZ Stadium in recent years. AFL season. Perth Stadium project director Ronnie Hurst said getting the “That will give us plenty of opportunity to ensure everything isplaying surface right was paramount to the brand. right for the first bounce down,” Mr Hurst said. “That price range is indicative, but the costs for the turf are built The Perth Stadium project, neighbour to Burswood’s Crowninto the overall stadium budget,” Mr Hurst said. Resort, also includes redeveloped parkland, a pedestrian bridge, rail and other public transport options. He said comprehensive research had gone into determiningthe optimum playing surface as a key part of the new stadium’s Ray Sparvellbrand. “We’ve investigated everything you can investigate about gettingthe pitch perfect,” he said. The Perth Stadium playing surface will be a mixture of couchand rye grasses held together with a synthetic binding orreinforcement. “It will grown off-site and delivered to the ground ready-to-play,”he said. There will be a comprehensive testing and approval phase Proud supporter of the WA Turf Industry.James Wooltorton | Mob: 0400 225 305 | Email: [email protected] Turf Grass Times
Page 12 Tel: (08) 9302 6795 As Perth’s premiere turf company, Turf Care WA has been offering specialised construction, maintenance, renovation and management of quality sports turf surfaces for over 25 years. Our focus is delivering quality work; first time, every time. SERVICING : SportiComplete MAINTENANCE Packages : Mowing | Returfing | MAINTENANCE holds long term | Sweeping | Grooming marking | Consultancy Turf Care WA currently | Spray & fertilising programs | Linefacility management contracts, maintaining some of Perth’spremiere grass tennis court facilities, as well as maintaining over 30 grass tennis courts in RENOVATIONprivate residences across the metropolitan area. With a proven track record, Turf Care WA Turf Care WA actively conducts specializecontinues to provide these sporting clubs and private residences with first class management services for the majority of WA’s lawn bowand playing surfaces. Turf Care WA also provides local government councils, private schools courses, tennis clubs, private schools, croand Commercial premises with mowing and maintenance services to various sized grass areas local government authorities.ranging from broadacre to confined area. All of these services are carried out in a timely Attention to detail and accommodation ofmanner, accommodating sporting club play schedules and complying with clients requirements are paramount to TuCONSTRUCTION: continual success in delivery of renovatio Earth environmental policies and industry best standards. Fencing | Lighting | SYNTHETIC: Deep Cleaning Moving | Soil analysis | Planting | Rolling | Fertilising | Weed eradication |QUALITY MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS DACRE RENOVATION QUALITY BROA QUALITY SYNTHET Turf Grass Times Issue No. 42 March 2016
Issue No. 42 March 2016 Page 13 MICHAEL MAARTENSZ ELOUISE MAARTENSZ DAVID HOWSON Mob: 0414 233 240 Fax: (08) 9302 6795 QUALITY WORK by QUALIFIED GREENKEEPERSing Clubs • Schools • Local Government • Commercial • Domestic • Residential Tennis Courts RENOVATION: Verti-mowing | Scarification | Topdressing | Laser levelling | Aeration | Coring | CONSTRUCTION | Rotary hoeingOverseeding | Compost spreadinged renovation With vast experience in project planning and SYNTHETICSwling clubs, golf construction of grass tennis courts, bowling greens, croquet greens and golf courses, Turf Care WA offer Turf Care WA now also provide a complete synthetic a complete and tailored solution to all your turf cleaning and maintenance service using world installation needs. market leading machinery and equipment at sporting venues, schools, commercial and residential premises.oquet clubs and With experienced personnel, advanced equipment and cleansers, Turf Care WA is Perth’s leadingf each individual synthetic turf cleaning company.urf Care WA’son services. Algae/Moss removal | Spray solutions | Decompaction | Dust, Debris & Smells | Sanitation | Rejuvenation | removal | Confined area access& REJUVENATION PO Box 672 OR OVER 25 YEARS. North Perth WA 6906 [email protected] CARE QUALITY SPORTS TURF SURFACES F Turf Grass Times
Page 14 Purple delight on new ovalAcustom-painted Fremantle Dockers tractor and a GPS have,” Clayton said. line marking system are some of the new features scheduled to be unveiled at Fremantle’s new elite training “We’ve sourced a GPS line marking system all the way fromand administration facility (ETAF) at Cockburn Central West. Switzerland.Programmed grounds division state manager Nick Clayton “We can dial in Etihad stadium or the MCG and walk outsaid the company had been working hard to ensure Fremantle’s and mark the ground without any measuring devices or usual situations of how you mark up an oval.” The ETAF will also feature a state-of-the-art reticulation systemtraining ground was one of the best in the competition. that can be remotely monitored at the touch of a button. “We’ve got the irrigation set up to a wind speed detector, if the“We’ll be the first AFL club to have a tractor in full branding and wind gets too hard overnight it will shut the water down and startmarketing of the club it represents,” he said. it again when the wind dies down,” Clayton said. “If we suddenly have a downpour of rain we can automatically“We’re at a stage at the oval now we’re we can physically sit and shut the watering system off so we don’t waste water the grass grow. “I can check on my iPhone or home computer or if I’m on holidays overseas I can dial in and see what the temperature is like and the“You see a lot of players rolling ankles and doing knees, we’ve wind speed.”[made] the firmest possible surface that’s not going to give waywhen a player stops or props.” Aaron BryansAlongside the new soil profile, co-major sponsor Programmed December 22, 2015has utilised a new GPS line marking system and a movable goalsystem that can assist in the reproduction of different sizedgrounds.“A lot of clubs now are constructing two different ovals so they canplay on different sized grounds, we can actually reproduce up to13 different AFL grounds across the competition on the system we Turf Grass Times Issue No. 42 March 2016
Issue No. 42 March 2016 Page 15Impatient golferslove Drive® XL.A new liquid formulation,fast drying in one hour.Drive XL, the herbicide that you know and trustis now a lot easier to use. Available now in aliquid formulation, it is easier to apply and provento deliver faster and more effective control ofsummer grasses, white clover and kikuyu.Drive XL is now rainfast within the hour, soyour clients won’t have to wait to hit the turf. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL DIRECTIONS. Turf Grass Times 11/02/2016 2:12 pm © Copyright BASF 2016 ® Registered trademark of BASF.BAST0043 Drive Press Ad STAP 184x271mm_v2.indd 1
Page 16Overcoming saline water and a coastal location, Village Green transformation Mandurah, south of Perth, is now home to a of Ocean Road Active Reserve spectacular two hectare community and sports area ofVillage Green turf after a rapid transformation this year, which school oval for the adjoining Ocean Road Primary School.saw bushland and a bedraggled school oval turned into an active Mandurah City Council overcame the high-salinity groundopen green space within three months. water and narrow coastal area challenges by utilising the nearby Caddadup Waste Water Treatment Plant. The irrigation system uses water from the plant that has been treated and filtered through the soil into a subsurface aquifer and extracted via bores and pumped into storage tanks for re-use on the reserve. The site was completely cleared during the three month construction phase of the project and the top soil completely revitalised and turfed with the more suitable Village Green kikuyu turf. The existing reserve had a total of 16,200 tonnes of the top soil removed and cleaned for reuse, while the base was levelled and lowered, and an additional 2000 tonnes of clean fill brought into the site. Mandurah, south of Perth, used to have a school oval that The soil amendment Terracottem was added to the top soil at astruggled to stay green with a lack of suitable water and a rate of 180 grams per square metre and incorporated to a depthburgeoning community that was desperate for public open space. of 200 millimetres to stabilise the sandy base. But in October 2015 all that changed when, in the space of just Sports Turf Technology was engaged to oversee the siteover a week, a massive construction site was transformed into development process to ensure a solid foundation for the turfactive and passive play areas with almost 25,000 square metres was laid, and is undertaking ongoing monitoring of the site.of Village Green turf. The new Ocean Road Active Reserve was officially opened inearly November 2015 and is the result of a three month completetransformation of a dilapidated school oval watered with salinewater and bushland by the Mandurah City Council. The two hectare area is an excellent example of the value of greenspace to communities and advances in water-use efficiencies. “Terracottem is a soil stabiliser with polymers mixed in to help with water retention and encouraging deep root growth. It is particularly useful on a site like this one so close to the ocean with a sand base,” Sports Turf Technology’s Ken Johnston said. Sports Turf Technology advised to mix the excellent quality of the bushland sand with the existing sportsfield sand to create mix to encourage good establishment of the Village Green turf. “The bushland soil had an ideal pH as it was a silica sand and the particle size distribution combined well with the existing soil from the sportsfield,” Ken said.L to R: Hon Dr Kim Hames, Ocean Road Primary School Head Girl Sarah The mix of existing sands and clean fill ensured a mix ofSmith, Principal Dean Finlay, and Mandurah Mayor Marina Vergone. particle size of 55 per cent medium sand (grains measuring 0.25- 0.5 millimetres in size) and the balance equal parts of finer sand (less than 0.25mm) and coarser (0.5-1.0mm) sands.It serves as a community open space, sporting fields, and a Mandurah City Council said the Village Green kikuyu turf was chosen as the best species of grass to use on the active reserve, due to its sustainability for high usage by school children, Turf Grass Times Issue No. 42 March 2016
Issue No. 42 March 2016 Page 17sporting groups and the wider community. areas. The quality of the grass needed to be high, and to minimise “There is one lysimeter incontamination, and as such Village Green was chosen because it each of the amended andis a short internode length type of Kikuyu. unamended areas at 400 millimetres below the surface. Village Green also has excellent frost and drought tolerance The lysimeters measure theand is a warm season turf which keeps good colour all year and volume of water passinggrows through winter. through the soil and the nutrients in the water that has For turf suppliers, Greenacres Turf, laying an area that size in a leached through the profile,”location near the ocean had unique challenges. Ken said. “Wind was a big factor for drying up the top surface of sand “There are also Hornet soilbefore laying, so the irrigation was on a syringe cycle frequently to moisture probes installed nearkeep the surface moist,” Greenacres’ Adrian Pitsikas said. each lysimeter. These probes measure soil moisture content and the data is uploaded to a Incredibly, the 23,815m2 of turf was laid in just eight days with website, which the City of Mandurah and I can view.”a nine man team from Greenacres working nine hour days tocomplete the job quickly. The actively used areas of the turf reserve are watered four times a week, while the passive areas are watered three times a week “We had one man levelling the area, two laying turf with a by an overhead rotor sprinkler system, using 36,000 kilolitres ofspecialised laying machine to handle the Jumbo Lay and Play water annually.rolls, three men matching in turf and four others driving the semi-trailers who delivered 32 loads of turf to the site”. Mowing of the reserve will be weekly and turf will be kept at a height of 20mm. Mowing heights of the turf and root depth The Jumbo Lay and Play rolls – measuring 22m² each – have will also be monitored at monthly intervals by Sports Turfa deeper cut than traditional turf rolls to allow more of the root Technology with large scale plant nutrition and soil health testingbase to be transplanted with the turf and means the grass settles being undertaken by Mandurah City Council four times a year.quicker. The project was completed by Mandurah City Council with The larger rolls were chosen for the speed in which they could the financial assistance of the State Government’s Royalties forbe laid and the ability to cover a large area quickly. Along with Regions 2013-14 Regional Grants Scheme, the Peel Developmentthe quicker establishment onsite, this allowed for immediate play Commission and contributions from the Department ofon the area. Education and Saint Damien’s Catholic Primary School. Since its installation, the feedback on the surface to Mandurah Drone footageCity Council has been overwhelmingly positive from the for the siteadjoining schools, the community and the two main sporting renovation canclubs who use the reserve, the South Mandurah Little Athletics be viewed atClub and South Mandurah Cricket Club. http://youtube/ dhlfHg5ZXFQ “The turf is just amazing,” Andrew Tarrant, president of theSouth Mandurah Little Athletics Club, said. Footage courtesy of The “The surface is flat and feels good underfoot, and the kids love it.” Triton Film Now it has been laid, the maintenance of the area has begun at Company.two sites on the reserve with equipment installed to assess theturf and soil health along with water usage and nutrient leachingthrough the soil profile. Assessment and recommendations of this monitoring is beingconducted by Sports Turf Technology. The monitoring sites arewithin the active spaces which have had the soil amendmentTerracottem added and in the immediately adjacent unamended WATTLEUP TRACTORS are now distributors for Trimax Mowing Systems.Trimax have a selection of mowers that are suitable for a rangeof environments, from sports fields and Parks to roadsides.Trimax have all your mowing needs covered.Call us today to find out more about the Trimax range of mowers Wattleup Tractors 7 Burchell Way KEWDALE Nino 0418 931 243 | Craig 0439 963 099 | Ph: (08) 9353 4700Kewdale | Carnarvon | Kununarra Turf Grass Times
Page 18 Turf Grass Times Issue No. 42 March 2016
Issue No. 42 March 2016 Page 19 Turf Grass Times
Page 20 STA Australia Turf Graduate ofThe 2014 recipient of the Sports Turf Association the Year program provides unique Australia’s Turf Graduate of the Year award, Luke experience. Cooney, has looked back on his past 12 months as atruly remarkable and unforgettable experience, having visited “While taking in the sights and sounds of one of America’s greatmany of the hallowed sports grounds in the United States. cities, Chicago, we also spent a night with Roger “The Sodfather” The Award, sponsored by Toro Australia, recognises Bossard at U.S. Cellular Park (home of the Chicago White Sox)outstanding graduates working within the turf industry and and watched the Sox and New York Yankees take to the field,”provides opportunities to enhance personal development, Cooney said.professionalism, career progression and heightened turf industryskills. As part of the award, Luke attended the Toro Sports Fields The recipient of the Turf Graduate of the Year award is also& Grounds Forum in Australia and the U.S. given a mentor who assists in career development and advice on Having completed his apprenticeship at the University of industry-related topics.Western Australia, Luke started his career as a cricket curatorat one of Perth’s oldest independent boys school, Hale School, As his mentor, Ballymore Stadium Ground Operationsbefore recently joining the Arena Management Team at Etihad Manager, Scott Wallis, accompanied Luke on his trip to theStadium in Melbourne as a Turf Tradesman. United States - a trip he says has been the highlight of his 20 “From that surprise early morning email when I was in Brazil at years in the turf industry.the FIFA World Cup to now, it has been an incredible 12 monthsas the 2014 Turf Graduate of the Year. The opportunities I have “Travelling to America with Luke was not only a uniqueexperienced have opened up so many doors and enabled me to experience for him, but also an amazing career highlight formeet the legends of the turf industry, those who curate the famous myself,” Wallis said.stadiums of Australia and the U.S.,” Cooney said. “It has also solidified for me that I made the right career move in “During our trip, we bounced ideas off each other and discussedjoining the turf industry.” technical turf issues among other things. Our professional The U.S. trip included visits to some of the world’s most relationship and friendship will continue in the years to come,”renowned sports fields including Petco Park, Qualcomm he said.Stadium, U.S. Cellular Park, Soldier Field and Wrigley Field. “I was fortunate enough to spend the day with a legend of the The pair attended the Sports Fields & Grounds Forum at TheU.S. turf industry, Steve Wightman, in San Diego.” Toro Company’s headquarters in Bloomington, Minnesota. The forum is attended by representatives from universities, councils, “I then spent two weeks with Amy Fouty, the Sports Turf municipalities, sports stadiums and colleges from around theManager at Michigan State University (MSU) and her Athletic U.S. The program included roundtable sessions, and productField Operations Crew. This was a fantastic experience.” testing and demonstrations of Toro commercial equipment and irrigation products. Michigan State University is home of the mighty Spartans, apowerhouse in college football and basketball, and they enjoy “I was not only amazed by the physical size of the Torosome of the most incredible athletic facilities. headquarters, but also by the inherent culture among its many and varied staff. “MSU has a fantastic working environment that fosters the valuesof teaching, learning, mentoring and professional development. The ability to look at and also drive prototype machinery andWhat I will take away most from my time at MSU is the attention then provide feedback to the engineers who design the equipmentto detail and the pride the whole town has in the University and was a unique experience that can’t be understated,” said Wallis.being a Spartan.” Luke adds that it was a true eye-opener to find out how much research, development, testing, detail, passion and pride goes into every machine that comes out of the company. His advice to future graduates is to make the most of their studies and take every opportunity to make and keep in touch Turf Grass Times Issue No. 42 March 2016
Issue No. 42 March 2016 Page 21with as many contacts in the turf industry as they can. “Look outside the box, there are some fantastic career opportunitiesaround the country and around the world,” he said, “I feel so fortunateto have shared experiences and formed bonds with the 20 or so curatorsfrom around America and Canada.” Wrigley Field, home of the Chicago Cubs Luke Cooney was nominated by the Sports Turf Associationof Western Australia and his lecturers at Challenger Institute ofTechnology. In 2013, he was awarded the C.H. Bailey Award forSports Turf Apprentice (WA). He has now handed over the baton to2015 STA Australia Turf Graduate of the Year Grant Woolley. Both Cooney and Wallis would like to thank Toro Australia for theongoing support of the Turf Graduate Program . “The investmentthat Toro puts back into the industry is outstanding and is a testamentto their belief of building strong, long term relationships with theindustry,” says Wallis.Article by Toro Australia published on 13/11/2015 US Cellular Field, home of the Chicago White SoxQuality products developedfor WA turf conditionsNo one knows WA better than BaileysFully granulated & liquid fertilisersNew Ultimate Turf Organics RangeSoil amendments and specialty productsGrosorb TM granulated & liquid wetting agentLaboratory testing & custom soil nutrient [email protected] | (08) 9439 1688 | Turf Grass Times
Page 22 UWA Turf Industries Research Steering Committee UpdateThe UWA Turf Research Program aims to provide strategic and applied science outcomes to improve knowledge on turfgrass agronomy, thereby assisting turfgrass producers and managers. Best management practices aim for quality/appropriate turfgrass surfaces, while minimising riskof potential environmental impacts. Soil Amendment Project: The program is currently investigating the role of soil amendmentsin turfgrass management. Recently on Wednesday 18th February 2016 the Turf Research Facility inShenton Park hosted an Open Day for all its stakeholders and those interested in the research projectsprogress to visit the site, review the condition of the turf plots and more importantly discuss the projectwith Assoc. Professor Dr. Pieter Poot and UWA field technician Gauss Azam. That morning Pieter explained that the project is comparing the effectiveness of a range of soilamendments to increase the water holding capacity of our sandy soils. The main aim is to evaluate whethersoil amendments can decrease the irrigation requirements of turfgrass and/or improve turfgrass qualitywhen under a limiting water regime. In the last year of the project the current field site, which has plots with a variety ofamendments incorporated in the top 10 cm of the sandy soil, will be used to test theeffect of topdressing (pictured below) on evaporation. Hydrological modelling suggeststopdressing could potentially reduce the evaporative loss of applied irrigation water. Water Allocation Project: This project has been completed and the final reportaccepted by Horticulture Innovations Australia (HIA). The project investigated approachesfor effectively utilising water allocations for turfgrass. Our field-based study compared howcombinations of water allocation amounts, watering schedules, and soil wetting agent use,affected turfgrass growth and quality, for three years. Key findings have been summarised in a Factsheet that will be distributed as a hard copywith this edition of the TGT and electronically to all subscribers of the UWA Turf ResearchNewsletter. Irrigator upgrade The boom irrigator at Shenton Park has now been fully upgraded. Our sincere thanksto the professional and determined work by Ivan Ricci who not only oversaw theelectrical install but also to see the upgrade project completed and fully functionalthroughout a series of frustrating setbacks. The diesel engine has been replaced by avery efficient and RELIABLE electric motor connected to mains electricity (no noise!,let Shenton Park neighbours rejoice!), and the irrigation water is supplied by an onsitetank via a running hose snaking back and forth on top of the now sand filled trench.Throughout the whole process we are indebted again to the selfless help from the WATurf Growers, most especially to Greenacres Turf Group and Westcoast Turf. If you would like further information about the UWA Turf Research Program, please contact :A/Prof Pieter Poot ([email protected]; 6488 2491), A/Prof Louise Barton ([email protected]; 6488 2543) ; or Professor Tim Colmer ([email protected]).Turf Grass Times Issue No. 42 March 2016
Issue No. 42 March 2016 Page 23Fire ravages conservedbushland at Hartfield Country ClubThe fire, which started on Brentwood Road at around He also paid special mention midday on Monday 21st December 2015, set out to burn to member Russ Miller who through 94 hectares during that afternoon. Large parts was a huge help hosing theof the award winning natural bushland roughs of the Hartfield club house down and ensuringCountry Club were included in its devastating path. Authorities all the staff had refreshmentsare yet to determine how the blaze started. throughout the day.The situation had become so serious that a Christmas luncheon Then came the cleanup and throughout the next two days of more than 100 guests came to during searing 39 degree an abrupt halt when it became temperatures the staff worked evident that the safest course tirelessly to repair the fairways as best they could so that the of action was to immediately course could reopen as soon evacuate everybody from the as possible. club room. As the images below will show At the peak of the fire in the the beautifully manicured whole area, there were up to 100 fairways and greens saved the firefighters at the scene, as well day by not only halting the fire two fixed wing water bombers, in its tracks but also providing four helitacs, and one air crane. easy access to the fire front for Club president Tony Sutton the many fire fighting trucks reported that the fire came and support 4x4s. One month after the fire and fire stopped across Tonkin Hwy behind Eventhough it was gratefully at the edge of the fairway. the 3rd Green and 4th fairway appreciated when President Tony Sutton said “Again, thank you spreading quickly to the 18th tee box and 17th green. Mick and all our great staff plus the volunteers on a job, well done He was quick with praise as he related how the green staff in very trying circumstances. put on the sprinklers and manned hoses, which with the You all went above and fire service saved the course and acted as a fire break to beyond what is expected!” neighbouring properties. Christmas 2015 at Hartfield “Employee’s Mick Smith, Brad will always be remembered Wallis, Nick Kinley, Brendan with the sad memories of Wright, Scott Hawkins, Tom having seen so much of the Tristram, Mike Toki and Jake treasured revegetetated and Ferguson all went above and conserved bushland about the beyond their duties to save our course being ravaged by the You can see where the fire stopped at the course”, he said. merciless ferocity of fire. edge of the 3rd fairway and on the other side is houses, boarding dog kennels saved by the grass as the fire front was Tony Guy split.3URYHQSHUIRUPDQFH +LJKHVWTXDOLW\VXUIDFWDQW ([FHOOHQWUHVLGXDOSHUIRUPDQFH8QVXUSDVVHGUHZHWWLQJ IRUPXODWLRQ ,PSURYHVZDWHUXVDJHE\FDSDELOLW\ZKHQFRPSDUHGWR 3URYHQSHUIRUPDQFHEDFNHG LPSURYLQJZDWHUSHQHWUDWLRQDQGRWKHUSHQHWUDQWWHFKQRORJLHV E\1XWXUIDQG%$6) UHWHQWLRQ1RQEXUQIRUPXODWLRQ²HYHQLQ ([FHOOHQWUHVLGXDOSHUIRUPDQFH 5HGXFHVLUULJDWLRQUHTXLUHPHQWVKLJKWHPSHUDWXUHV ,PSURYHVZDWHUXVDJHE\ E\LQFUHDVLQJWKHUDWHDQGGHSWK LPSURYLQJZDWHUSHQHWUDWLRQDQG RIZDWHUSHQHWUDWLRQ UHWHQWLRQ 1RQEXUQIRUPXODWLRQ²HYHQLQ KLJKWHPSHUDWXUHV or Free Call 1800 631 008 Turf Grass Times
Page 24 STA(WA) Social Day at the RacesThe Sports Turf Association (WA) toasted the end of 2015 on the 16th December during an enjoyable afternoon at Ascot Raceway. For a number of members this event is the one of all the STA (WA) events during the year in which they make a special effort to attend and renew those acquaintances with long time colleagues. Seemingly to sometimes take up conversationsfrom where they left off more than 12 months ago. The venue was ideal, sitting right next to the verdant track as the horses thundered past. Cameron Sutherland and his team at Perth Racing deserve our continued praise as they have performed an amazing reformation of the courses under their care. As is often the case this quality will be quickly accepted as the norm and memories of the past condition and standards are all too soon forgotten. Incredibly also soon forgotten was the fact that less than an hour ago most of us had been hard at work that morning. The feeling that afternoon soon became very relaxed and everybody somehow adopted a Sunday afternoon stance where work was the last thing on your mind. Its what I really appreciate about the STA. The comfortable acceptance of everyone on an even playing field and the support and good humour that comes from working with the best people in the best industry. Tony Guy8 big reasons why turf managers are turning to this biological superpower… rapidly build stronger, longer roots significantly reduces fungicide and pesticide use by boosting the plant's natural immune system highly effective in controlling nematodes significantly reduces chemical fertiliser use by increasing phosphorous uptake and makes atmospheric nitrogen available improves soil moisture holding capacity by up to 30% it's non-toxic, completely natural and safe for water catchments it's proven, cost effective and it works!!! free soil health support and advice from your local Growise Bactivate consultant Call Greg O’Dea, Bactivate Consultant M: 0422 026 627 E: [email protected] W: Turf Grass Times Issue No. 42 March 2016
Issue No. 42 March 2016 Page 25 Can you spot A rip at the beach? A great wave? A skin cancer? Two in three Australians will develop If you have fair skin, blue or skin cancer before the age of 70. green eyes, fair or red hair or The good news is that 95 per cent lots of moles or freckles you are of skin cancers can be successfully at high risk of developing skin treated if detected early. cancer. Do you know what skin cancer Cumulative UV exposure also looks like? contributes to your risk of A simple check could save your developing skin cancer. So if you life. We should all check our skin grew up in Australia, work outdoors regularly. Get to know your skin and or spend lots of time in the sun you take immediate action if you notice should take care to protect and any changes. check your skin.Use the ABCD of Asymmetry Border Colour Diametermelanoma detection to If the spot or lesion A spot with A spot with A spot that ischeck for the following: is divided in half, a spreading a number of growing and the two halves are or irregular different colours changing in not a mirror image. edge. through it. diameter or size.Melanoma Skin cancers Warning signs Check your skin regularly Be SunSmart. There are three main types of skin The following spots are not skin cancer • Most skin cancers are detected by people Protect yourself in five ways from• Accounts for 1–2% cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous but may predispose you to skin cancer skin cancer. of skin cancers. cell carcinoma and melanoma. or be a warning sign that skin damage themselves or by a family member. UV levels are highest during the has occurred. middle of the day. Take care to be• Is the most dangerous Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) • To check your skin, undress completely SunSmart when the UV Index is 3 or and aggressive form • Accounts for about 66% of skin cancers. Dysplastic naevi (‘atypical moles’) and stand in good light. above. You can find the UV Index at of skin cancer. • Grows slowly over months or years. • Are odd-shaped moles that may indicate • Look for small, round or flattened spots • Use a full-length or hand-held mirror to• If left untreated can a greater risk of developing melanoma. check your back, legs and scalp. If there Slip on protective spread to other parts that are red, pale or pearly in colour. • Usually 5-10mm wide with uneven are areas you can’t see properly ask clothing of the body and can be Some are scaly like a patch of eczema. a family member or your GP for a skin • Use clothing to fatal. • May become ulcerated, bleed and fail to colouring. check – don’t ignore them. heal. • If you have lots of odd-shaped moles cover as much• Grows quickly over • Usually found on the upper body, head • Make sure you check your entire body skin as possible. weeks to months. or neck. get your skin checked regularly by your as skin cancers can sometimes occur doctor. on parts of the body not exposed to the Slop on SPF 30• Can appear as a new Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) sun, for example the soles of the feet. or higher or existing spot, freckle • Accounts for about 33% of skin cancers. Solar keratoses (‘sunspots’) Go through the same checking sequence sunscreen or mole that changes in • Grows over months and may spread if • Generally hard, red, scaly spots each time to get into a routine. • Make sure it’s colour, size or shape. not treated. on sun-exposed areas of the skin. Check your: broad spectrum• Can grow anywhere on • Look for scaly red areas that may bleed • Most commonly found on the head, • Head, scalp, neck and ears and water- the body, not just areas resistant. exposed to the sun. easily, ulcers or non-healing sores neck and on the back of the hands. Take an extra close look around the nose, that are often painful, especially when • Is a warning sign that the skin has lips, ears and scalp. Slap on a hat• Occurs most frequently touched. • Wear a hat that on the upper back in • Often found on lips, ears, scalp, backs been damaged by the sun and that skin • Torso males and on the lower of the hands and lower legs. cancers may develop. Check the front, back and sides of the covers your face, leg in females. • If you have solar keratoses, protect torso. head, neck and yourself from further sun damage and ears. have your skin checked regularly by a • Arms, hands, fingers and nails doctor. Remember to look at the spaces Seek shade between the fingers and the beds of your • Make use ofaMcecloaunnotms a Harmless spots fingernails.focoafrna1cl0le%rs Seborrhoeic keratoses (‘senile warts’) trees or built • Buttocks, legs and feet shade or bring • Common non-cancerous spots sometimes confused with melanomas. Remember to check between toes, under your own. • Raised warty-looking brown or black lesions with well-defined borders. toenails and on the soles of feet. • Mostly found on the trunk but can occur anywhere on the body. Slide on some See a doctor straight away if you notice: sunglasses Eye damage • A skin spot that is different from other • Close-fitting The sun can also damage your eyes. spots around it. wrap-around In the short term, sun exposure can cause styles offer the burns to the eye similar to sunburn of • A mole or freckle that has changed in best protection. the skin. Long-term exposure can lead to size, shape or colour. cataracts (clouding of the lens), pterygium (tissue covering the cornea) and cancer • A new spot that has changed over weeks of the conjunctiva or cornea. It is or months in size, shape or colour. important to protect your eyes by wearing sunglasses and a broad- • An inflamed sore that has not healed brimmed or bucket hat. within three weeks. 1 1. Pterygium (tur-ridg-i-um) 2 3 2. Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the conjunctiva 3. Cataract For more information call the Cancer Council Helpline on 13 11 20 or visit Developed with assistance from Dr Jamie Von Nida, Dr Peter Randell and Dr Judy Cole. “ to disseminate current and new knowledge & technology for all engaged within the turf industry. ” Turf Grass Times
Page 26 25 SHIELDS CRESCENT | BOORAGOON WA 6154 AG Buffalo Turf Supplies Betta Turf Bullsbrook Turf Graeme Ferguson Brian, Bev and Kelly Vidovich John and Jenny Maas Tel: 9524 2364 Tel: 9410 1426 Tel: 9306 1065 Graeme: 0418 952 706 Brian: 0418 916 734 John: 0429 905 617Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 177 Moylan Road 108 Franklin Road 900 Eighty Road WATTLEUP WA 6166 WANNEROO WA 6065 Supply and Installation BALDIVIS WA 6171 Wintergreen Couch Supply of Turf Supply of Turf Sir Walter Buffalo Wintergreen Couch, Sir Walter Buffalo Velvet Buffalo Palmetto Buffalo Empire Zoysia Discovery Bermuda grass Village Green Kikuyu Down South Turf Farms Greenacres Turf Farm Greenfields Turf Farm John and Vicky Clayton Adrian and Peter Pitsikas John and Jenny Maas Tel: 9751 2228 Ph: 9525 8800 Tel: 9306 1065 John: 0419 933 927 Adrian: 0427 003 540 John: 0429 905 617Email: [email protected] Peter: 0427 003 541 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] PO Box 703 Lot 503 Henderson Rd 108 Franklin Rd BUSSELTON WA 6280 SERPENTINE WA 6125 WANNEROO WA 6065 Supply of Turf Supply of Turf Supply of Turf Sir Walter Buffalo Wintergreen Couch Wintergreen Couch, Village Green Kikuyu Santa Ana Couch Palmetto Buffalo Palmetto Buffalo Discovery Bermuda grass Sir Walter Buffalo Village Green Kikuyu Empire Zoysia Village Green Kikuyu Empire Zoysia Greenhills Turf Farm WA Turf IDO Lawn Doctor Turf Farms Derrin and Cher Greenhill Eva Ricci Dave and Liz Parker Tel: 9306 1788 Tel: 9192 3756 Tel: (08) 9437 2180 Dave: 0419 761 788 Derrin: 0409 689 960 Fax: (08) 9437 2180Email: [email protected] Mob: 0422 120 990 Email: [email protected] 171 Yamashita Rd, 12 Mile [email protected] BROOME WA 6725 22 Roussett Road Supply & Installation Turf Grass Times JANDABUP WA 6065 Wintergreen Couch, Supply of Turf Wintergreen Couch Sir Walter Buffalo Sir Walter Buffalo Kikuyu Turf Maintenance and Renovation
Page 27 The TGA WA was established in 1992 as an association of Western Australian turf growers and allied businessesgoverned by Rules, a Code of Ethics and a Code of Best Practice. The association is active in funding and assisting withresearch into turf growing and maintenance and members are committed to providing quality products and reliableservice. Please support your local turf growers supporting the WA Turf Industry. Ord Valley Turf Permanent Brook Turf Perth Turf Supplies Peter, Con and Sam Paino Grant and Sarah Lodge Tony Demasi Tel: 9169 2887 Tel: 9377 6755 Tel: 9330 2711 Tony: 0417 178 667 Peter: 0407 386 255 Grant: 0417 962 277 Email: [email protected] Con: 0407 386 256 Email: [email protected] 313 Arthur Rd Sam: 0407 386 257 WEST SWAN WA 6055 Email: [email protected] PO Box 2111 Supply & Installation,au KUNUNURRA WA 6743 Wintergreen Couch 25 Shields Crescent Santa Ana Couch BOORAGOON WA 6154 Supply of Turf Greenlees Park Supply and Installation Empire Zoysia Wintergreen Couch Palmetto Buffalo Superior Lawns Australia Jerome Flugge Palmetto Buffalo Queensland Blue Turf Farm Tel: 9409 9211 Sapphire Buffalo Eddy and Gloria Rzemek Or 1800 695 296 Empire Zoysia Tel: 9302 2260 Empress Zoysia Eddy: 0418 922 099 Jerome: 0417 177 030 Discovery Bermuda grass Email: [email protected]: [email protected] Turf Developments (WA) Pty Ltd Steve Lindsay 324 Landsdale Road 2B 32 Prindiville Dr LANDSDALE WA 6065 WANGARA WA 6065 Steve: 0418 912 257 Supply and Installation Supply and Installation Email: [email protected] Queensland Blue Wintergreen Couch Velvetene True Blue Turf Sir Walter Buffalo PO Box 1005 Leonard and Jimmy Deale Kikuyu JOONDALUP WA 6919 Supply and Installation of Turf Tel: 9754 8873 West Coast Turf Leonard: 0438 833 994 Darren Kirkwood Kikuyu Email: [email protected] Turf Maintenance and Renovation Tel: 9575 7520 Darren: 0428 928 309 Westland Turf PO Box 271 Email: [email protected] Peter, Con and Sam Paino BUSSELTON WA 6280 Supply and Installation Tel: 9330 2711 124 Marine Tce Peter: 0407 386 255 Wintergreen Couch SORRENTO WA 6020 Con: 0407 386 256 Cynomax Couch Supply and Installation Sam: 0407 386 257 Kikuyu Email: [email protected] Kenda Kikuyu Wintergreen Couch Sapphire Buffalo Plateau Couch 25 Shields Crescent BOORAGOON WA 6154 Santa Ana Couch Supply and Installation Neergabby Buffalo (ST15) Wintergreen Couch Village Green Kikuyu Palmetto Buffalo Jump-Up Fescue Sapphire Buffalo Empire Zoysia Empress Zoysia Discovery Bermudagrass Turf Grass Times
Page 28Adrian and Peter Pitsikas Grower Profile Greenacres Turf GroupGreenacres was established by brothers Adrian and Peter Pitsikas in February 1990, when they started the business from a bare irrigated paddock in Serpentine. There was a lot of enthusiasm and passion for the turf farm as that was what we wanted to do. When we were unable toobtain the necessary approvals for a proposed turf farm in Jandakot, we started a Landscape / Turf / Irrigation business in 1988.We used this cash flow to fund the turf farm as it was going to take quite a few years before it was viable for full-time employment. A huge amount of ‘sweat equity’ was in this business and this is not always understood by people who are not in business. It wascommon for us to work a 100 hour week for no wage, but we were happy doing what we always wanted to. Greenacres has since grown from no staff to currently over 40 which is a large number dedicated to growing, harvesting anddelivering our product. Our first delivery vehicle was a Hi-Lux ute with a trailer. We still have our first 2 trucks which were 4 tonneflat tops and we unloaded the turf by hand. The fleet now consists of 5 semi-trailers and one 6 wheeler rigid all equipped with forklifts. Our first office was the corner of a shed with a lunchroom at the other end and the workshop in the middle. The toilet was whereyou made it with a shovel that you would grab from the shed. In 1995 we bought our first transportable office and lunchroom,later an ablution transportable was acquired when we employed our first female staff member. A second transportable office waspurchased about 3 years later. In 2006, motivated by trying to provide a first class work place we built a 270 M2 purpose built office with a 900 M2machinery shed attached to it. We are currently expanding the office by 264 M2 which will include our training room,locker room and lunch room.Your history in the turf industry – how did you become involved and why and what exactly you do? Peter’s first job was working as a turf farm labourer after finishing year 12 in 1980. Our father figured justquickly developing a work ethic was going to be good for Peter as he was unsure at the time what he wanted todo. Adrian was an apprentice electrician specialising in motor control switchboards and PLC’s which wouldbecome a huge asset in the development of the Pump Stations and water distribution requirements forthe Serpentine farm. Peter knew the watering numbers and we just had to make sure they worked in thepeak of summer. Peter worked for a Turf Farm which was owned by Bill and Elaine Bostock who werepioneers in the turf production industry. They had then what would be called the first commercially sizedturf farm which started on an original 10 acre block in Mary Street, Wanneroo in the early 70’s. A fewyears later they then purchased a larger 40 acre property in nearby Sydney Road. Peter worked betweenthe two farms during its change over from the smaller holding to the larger one. It was considered hugeat the time. Adrian would be helping out after work as his part time hours were only 7am till 2pm. Peter wasworking from sunrise to sunset. It was outdoor work and they had a wonderful family business thattreated you like family. It was very hard physical work which was an asset when we were playing footballin the winter. Bill was a very quality driven, quality focused operator and would not accept second for hisproduct. In fact he was so passionate about his new farm and product he offered $10 000 dollars for anyperson who could find a crabgrass or clover plant on his farm – no public customer took up his offer. Atthe time in mid-80’s that was a huge amount of money while the average weekly wage was less than $300dollars. Bill was seen as a little eccentric. Little did we know those foundations of quality focus would seeAdrian & Peter agree to spend over $1 Million dollars on a Methyl Bromide fumigation program at their farm.It’s a family business so how does this work for you? All family businesses have their strengths and weakness and we are no different. Our core strength is that whilewe may not always agree on how a particular job is to be executed or performed we still walk in the same line asthe objective is the same – a quality focused business. Our other strength is the ability to make decisions and majorfinancial decisions quickly. Our weakness is our not letting go and allowing our Line Managers do their jobs to thestandard that Adrian and Peter demand. It is also about not just being the Adrian & Peter way anymore but doing thingsthe “Greenacres Way “. We are continually working on our culture to deliver this outcome.What is that you enjoy about working in the turf industry? What we most enjoy is the pride we get in the product we produce. In the early days of the business it was like theturf roll was almost part of you. Growing from a grass plant, nurturing it, mowing, fertilising, watering and finallyharvesting your product. There is a lot of satisfaction in doing that. The other aspect is all the good people you meetand those who are willing to impart their knowledge freely and those who have given a lot back into the industry. The voluntary roles of the respective organisations of the turf industry is not always appreciated by the members.Tony Guy is a stand out for the years that he has given across the whole of turf Industry. Turf Grass Times Issue No. 42 March 2016
Issue No. 42 March 2016 Page 29 What do you see as the challenges for the turf industry in WA? Water – The lack of a good long term planning. A little less than a year ago there was public statement about drought proofing Perth.Now there is talk about further water restrictions which Water Corporation claim is water efficiency and therefore not restrictions.We are tired of the jargon. Not being allowed to water your lawn 3 days a week from the water tap is a restriction and a manipulationof the Turf Industry’s first Phd student Digby Charles Short’s 1992 major research finding that turf required a minimum of 3 days aweek watering on unamended sand. This was subsequently promulgated as maximum requirement and granted as a luxury to boreowners. There have been changes to the watering environment with a huge increase in the use of organics, clay and mineral amendments,but there is only so far you can go. There was an article about a new business starting by painting lawns green in summer. If the rootsystem of the grass plant is not mature enough you might as well as be bypassing the whole process of installing irrigation and lawnand just spray green paint straight onto the hot sand. What varieties of turf does Greenacres supply and why? Where are your farms located? Greenacres grows Santa Ana and Winter Green couches , Palmetto Buffalo, Sir Walter Buffalo and our biggest seller is Village GreenKikuyu. Village Green is the first kikuyu in Australia to be issued with a PBR commercial protection and now has a European UnionPBR. The premise of growing a PBR Village Green kikuyu was simple; it has to be grown to a standard not to a price. We believe themarket has suffered with poor standards such as couch in the kikuyu or kikuyu in the couch turf rolls being offered for sale. Maybethere is a need for a grading system. Our main farm of 425 acres is in Serpentine and is located 10 mins from the Karnup road exit on the Kwinana freeway (after theSafety Bay Road exit). The Bunbury farm, which is 40 acres is located on the South West Highway in Picton. Is your clientele mainly domestic or commercial? Where do you sell from and how do you market? We are across all markets which can be challenging in peak times and we operate from our main office in Serpentine. Your concerns for the industry? Not being able to get the message out that turf has a vital place in the Social, Health and Environment domain. Water and a degradation of standards that comes as a result of price for the product are also a concern. Do you feel that the market has changed over the last ten years? If so what are the impacts on your business? The market has changed dramatically especially in the public sector – the brain washing from Water Corp is working. A few years ago, Adrian’s young son came home and said “trees are good, turf is bad” after having a lesson about the environment from his primary school teacher. Where do you see yourself in ten years’ time and why? Hopefully still doing what is our passion and fostering, empowering this attitude within our staff. Regrets or celebratory times, do you have any? Work / life balance with family is always delicate. Buying the land, building the infrastructure and sharing those achievements with family. Who has been inspirational in your life and why? Obliviously our parents who used their skill set to the best of their ability. Jointly was Bill and Elaine Bostock who were hard working kind and generous people and Bill taught us the turf trade as well as what we learnt at Bentley TAFE with Lyn Hambleton. Peter’s was his father in law who started with nothing and then went on to achieve an asset portfolio of over $100 Million Dollars. A very unique individual. Adrian’s was Paul Kounis who had over 7 different companies and over 250 employees where he served his apprenticeship with and instilled a business culture. WA’S LARGEST TURF FARM Quality Fresh Roll-on Lawn, Guaranteed - Weed Free! Call Now On (08) 9525 8800 Email: [email protected] TradeO&pePnu6bLoDlitac5yC0s3u- MHsteoonnmd-Fererisr8osanmWRoetoalcd5op, mSmeer&pSeantti8naemWtAo621p2m5Ask aboTuhteouCrhSopiecceiaolisfeLdaIwnsnta&llaTtiuornfSPerrovifceessionals Turf Grass Times
Page 30 Irrigation upgrades at UWA Turf Research Facility. Murdoch Turf studentsOn the 25th September 2015 the second year turf apprentices commenced their studies for the unit “Install Sprinkler Irrigation Components”. As part ofthis unit of competency the students were required to: organiseresources for installation of sprinkler irrigation systems, set outand prepare the site, install sprinkler irrigation components,complete installation work, and assist in commissioning asprinkler irrigation system. Later that day the students and lecturer went out to the location to consider the OHS implications of the site and then start marking out where the main and lateral lines were to be excavated. Students also checked the parts that had been delivered against the parts list for the system upgrade to ensure what had been ordered was delivered and there on site prior to commencement. We were fortunate enough to have been asked to help upgradethe back-up irrigation system at the U.W.A. turf research stationso that they could have more flexibility in the control of theirsystem. Previously they had 3 stations which ran two laterallines per station. Part of the upgrade was to change from threestations to 6 stations so that each individual lateral line could berun independently. The plans for the upgrades were drawn up by Jeff Austen thengiven to the students to determine the resources required tocomplete the task. Students had to come up with a parts list aswell as a list for the tools required to complete the install. Ph: 9405 4558Perth’s best kept secret. Ellenby Tree Farm is considered to be the forerunners in advanced trees throughout Western Australia. We use the most advanced methods and and technology to produce premium quality trees. With our premium grown trees and our local knowledge we can help you. Ellenby Tree Farm started as a small family business 30 years ago. A husband and wife team with the combination of seventy (70) years experience between them. Sharing a history of working in thehorticulture industry, studying botany, horticulture and then becoming landscape contractors before finally investing money into growing trees. Ellenby Tree Farm 439 Sydney Road, Gnangara WA 6077 Phone: (08) 9405 4558 Fax: (08) 94053759 [email protected] Opening Hours: Monday to Friday - 7am to 3:30pm Saturday - 9am to 3pm Cash or cheque onlyTurf Grass Times Issue No. 42 March 2016
Issue No. 42 March 2016 Page 31 After completing the install the students then performed a catch cup test to determine the efficiency of the irrigation system followed by a final tidy up of the site prior to completion. Once the mainline and lateral lines had been excavated it The Challenger turf lecturing team would like to thank U.W.A.,was time to start installing the components of the system. The Louise Barton, Tim Colmer, Pieter Poot and Gaus Azam for theirstudents were guided by lecturing staff during all stages of the assistance in providing a true work place scenario to help in theprocess to ensure all components were installed correctly and training of our future turf managers.that the plans were followed. As part of the station upgrade the students also got to re-wire Anyone in the turf/horticulture industry that has projectsthe new stations into the master controller then test their work planned which they may have labour or time constraintsby commissioning the system. Prior to testing each individual restricting them from being able to undertake the project, pleasestation the students removed the sprinkler nozzles so that when give the Challenger turf lecturing team a call to see if we canthe station was operated any debris inside the lines from the help assist whilst giving the students the training required toinstall was pushed out of the lines prior to replacing sprinkler complete their studies.nozzles. Written by Robert Williams.Challenger Institute of Technology is one of Australia’s best large training providers and was named 2012 Australian Large Training Provider of the Year. Turf Grass Times
Page 32 From the Minister: Hon. Mia Davies MLA Minister for Water; Sport & Recreation; ForestryStadium structure soars to Alongside installation of more than 2,700 tonnes of steel for the stadium structure, more than 600 of the terraced concrete new heights platforms that will support the seats are now in place.The Perth Stadium structure has reached its full height of 2016 will be the busiest period of construction and the 42 metres with the first of 50 steel roof trusses installed Burswood site is set to become a hive of activity, peaking mid- on the Burswood Peninsula site. year with a workforce of about 1,000 workers. Premier Colin Barnett and Sport and Recreation MinisterMia Davies were onsite today to view the latest construction Fact Filemilestone. • Brookfield Multiplex is responsible for sourcing and securing construction contracts “Just 12 months ago we • Construction of the Perth Stadium and Sports Precinct were onsite to see the first is on schedule to open in time for the start of the 2018 AFL concrete pile driven into season the ground,” the Premier • For more information, visit http://www.perthstadium. said. Premier’s office - 6552 5000 “The progress since then Sport and Recreation Minister’s office - 6552 5500 has been remarkable and Media Release : Thursday, 3 December 2015 construction is now 33 per cent complete based on design and procurementstatus. With the first of the roof trusses installed recently, the finalheight of the stadium is now clearly visible.” The 50 roof trusses will be delivered to the Burswood site andinstalled over the next 12 months. The 45 metre-long steeltrusses will support the lightweight roof fabric covering 85 percent of the 60,000 seats. Ms Davies highlighted the significant involvement of localWest Australian companies in the construction of the world-class venue. “More than 14,000 tonnes of steel are being used to constructthe stadium’s steel frame. This includes 50 steel roof trussesmanufactured at the factory of Henderson-based contractor,Civmec Construction and Engineering, with a workforce of morethan 120,” she said. “Subcontracts valued at more than $159 million have alreadybeen awarded to local companies and the opportunity for moreWA businesses to benefit from Perth Stadium will continue in theyears ahead.”Turf Grass Times Issue No. 42 March 2016
Issue No. 42 March 2016 Page 33 Are you utilising your soil health to improve your profitability? > Do you have water management issues? > Is your soil leaching valuable nutrients? > Do you have disease problems? If you have said yes to at least one of those questions, C-Wise can develop solutions to unlock your soil potential. Our products are available in bulk or in bags.Please contactAndrew Corrigan on 0431 285 852or [email protected] more Turf Grass Times
Page 34Dear Turf Industry colleagues, is for gardens and lawns in particular, (along with the innuendo As I sit in my little office donga on this stifling 42° that this is a waste of water), ignores the fact that 60% of used February day, facing the prospect of another four days water is going out to sea and not back into the ground.over 40°, I cannot for the life of me fathom the message comingfrom some of our state government agencies and departments, There appears to be a deliberate campaign to confuse the issuesas well as the mentality of our major land developers such as of water usage and water wastage. The campaign that issuesLand Corp. the proclamation that we are all guilty of using more water on A message that seems to be contrary to the unifying voices of our lawns and gardens than we ‘should’ and supplying specificresearchers, health experts and even that of our Prime Minister, instructions that we must all drop two minutes off our wateringclambering forward telling us that more quality, natural green run times, regardless of sprinkler type, is in my opinion aspace (both public and private), is vital to support true urban dogma that has the potential to seriously backfire and actuallylivability. How quality natural green space dramatically decreases encourage plant failure and water wastage. There are a multitudethe impacts of heat island effect, assists with maintaining a of examples of the general public further reducing the wateringhealthy society and most especially its impact on the mental time of their lawns and gardens as specified by the Water Corphealth of our communities. All these issues, adding up to the campaign, then wondering why their lawns and gardens aremultiple bottom line of social, economic and environmental dying. They then join masses of their fellow residents in the earlybenefits. evenings flooding their lawns and gardens with a hand hose in a There are Liveable Cities action groups and organisations futile effort trying to revive dying or dead plants.popping up all over the country. The nationally recognised andsupported 202020 Vision (20% more green space by 2020) has The messaging is poor. It’s negative, dictatorial rather thansecured political and community support. Major city committees instructive or inclusive and I reiterate, it’s messaging thatare fostering research and taking action to secure optimum encourages water wastage for many reasons. The currentlivability for residents, and local government authorities across “scarcity campaign” which seems to be driven from moral highthe nation are leading the way with developing green space ground needs to be exposed for what it is. Water is not scarce,policy to ensure that constituent needs are appropriately served. there’s actually plenty of water; it’s the quality of water that is Here in WA we have the very first Green Space Alliance in the problem along with the fact that there is no competition tothe country and yet as I listen to the radio today, I hear the supply water in this state.Director General of the Water Corporation talking about excesswater usage, possible further water restrictions and proposals to There is potential for further competition in the urban waterincrease the cost of water. It’s been a common theme for some sector. Although there have been some competition reforms,two months now, with the intensive and expensive “Drop Two” there are still significant barriers to competition and the majoritymedia campaign. However it appears to me that whilst it’s been of services are still largely provided by vertically integrated,obvious for a long time that climate change is having significant uncontested incumbent monopolies. While there are risks andimpact, the Water Corporation is still not prepared for the dry costs, there are no inherent reasons why bulk water and retailyears and are busy playing catch up to fit a rapidly growing competition should not exist. While other sections of the supplypopulation into an old IWSS (Integrated Water Supply System). chain have monopoly characteristics, further competitionThere still appears to be no solid plans towards safeguarding in these sections is possible. Options include encouragingprovision of fit for purpose water for all communities in the greater competition for the market, allowing competition forlonger term. management control and greater use of benchmarks to enable Maybe I am becoming cynical, but I assumed that when the comparative competition. Preconditions to competition reformWater Corporation revealed its one major charter as ensuring in the urban water sector have benefits in their own right there“Water for all, forever”, it meant that it would be doing everything are four main sets of issues:it could to be providing the populace of WA with all the waterit needed to live healthy productive lives. The current modus 1. There is not a complete separation of policy, regulation andoperandi of “adaptation” just doesn’t cut to the quick. We have operations. This inevitably generates multiple objectives anda proposed population increase to 3.5 million by 2030 in WA, conflicts of interest. In some regions there is no independentand to date it appears that the solution to ensuring water for this economic regulation and in some locations services are providedmassive increase in our population, is to ensure that we all use by business units of local governments. While the currentless water in the long term. Does this equate to cutting water reform process would seek to address these issues, there areusage to the point that the amount now used 2 million people additional concerns that the drought tested the extent to whichwill have to be used by 3.5 million? corporatised water utilities, under current arrangements, could The catch cry from Water Corp that 40% of home water usage, work independently of government interference. 2. There are issues with how economic regulation of water utilities is implemented. Water utilities are often given conflicting objectives, hampering their ability to operate efficiently. Regulated water prices frequently vary from the true value of Turf Grass Times Issue No. 42 March 2016
Issue No. 42 March 2016 Page 35 water. Most significantly, water prices generally do not respond government action towards protecting the quality of Perth’s to fluctuations in supply and demand and thus do not help to current green space and the sustained development of an manage the problem of supply uncertainty. The lack of efficient appropriate amount into the future, a group of amenity pricing has led to a number of relatively inefficient supply and horticulture industry members and aligned bodies, formed demand measures. the Green Space Alliance (GSA) back in 2014. The GSA is developing an ‘Improving Urban Livability’ discussion paper 3. There is no clear framework for managing the risk associated and accompanying position statement to outline a vision for the with security of supply. Current security of supply criteria are set future of Perth as it relates to greenspace. on the basis of convention, without clear underlying objectives. It goes without saying that the future of our own industry’s 4. Supply decisions are distorted by a number of regulations vitality is intrinsically linked to that of the future of Perth’s and other policies, such as legislative or institutional barriers greenspaces. to rural–urban trade between willing sellers. While the current reform process seeks to remove barriers to accessing water I am ever a valiant cheerleader for innovation and sources, progress is slow and there are other distortions created resourcefulness. Human beings are extremely creative and by government policy that encourage inefficient investment.” on the whole quite resilient. There are many ideas out there NATIONAL WATER COMMISSION — WATERLINES viii 4. regarding the management of our water crisis yet conservative bureaucrats stubbornly continue to confuse eastern state dry I also find it very frustrating when an entity such as the Water winter dormancy with our annual dry summer desiccation and Corporation decides to enter into the practice of administering thus blinker up and will not entertain new ideas for water. We horticultural irrigation advice to the public with an apparent are not a third world country, nor will we ever be, thankfully. disregard to local industry knowledge. In my opinion, the Regardless of what the Water Corp would like us to believe, it is obsession with marketing campaigns that do not enlist industry highly unlikely that Western Australian communities in the advice, is not only arrogant but perverse, when one considers the southern sector of the state, will entertain the notion of a “Las ultra-conservative and sluggish action by the Water Corporation Vegas” style approach to private and public open space. in not finding innovative and alternative uses for the 60% of used water being sent out to sea. Who is really wasting our water? The Earth is effectively a closed system and the total amount water it contains essentially remains constant. It’s how well, The lack of any new ideas or proposals coming out of the Water effectively and timely that we set up infrastructure in this day Corporation sadly reflects an impression that there appears to and age to provide fit for purpose water that is important. As be simply a casual ignorance for the economic impacts that consumers, tax payers, producers and managers, members of further restrictions would have on our industry and the wider community, we expect our state government agencies to act in community. In Western Australia, green space, public and private, the interests of all and not the select few. We have to do better in is supported by a dynamic and proactive amenity horticulture the future if we are to manage the impacts of an extra 1.5 million industry which provides jobs for an estimated 12,000 people and people. an annual turn-over of $1.7 billion. These are fairly significant stats, yet they realistically do not do the entire industry justice. Eva Ricci WA Turf Industry Development Officer As you are probably already aware, in order to encourageSymoeouieust swoainnrheg!at backyard to outba Z900 SerieS CommerCial ZtraCk mowerS • 3 yearS CommerCial warranty • 48” to 72” • Petrol or DieSel • mulCh on DemanD mowing DeCkSBook your demo today! Ca0l4l3P8a9u2l5B1e2a7Con BEACON EQUIPMENT CANNINg vAlE Unit 3 170 Bannister Rd 9456 5811 BEACON EQUIPMENT BENTlEY 1157 Albany Highway 9358 1288backyard to outback SHOP COCKBUrN CENTrAl - jANdAKOT Unit 33/87 Armadale Rd (Opp. Bunnings) 9414 7377 Turf Grass Times
Page 36 STA(WA) MEMBER PROFILE Jayden Pickering Your Job Position: Turf Curator City of Kalgoorlie /Boulder. How long have you been at Kalgoorlie / Boulder CC? 3 years of my apprenticeship and now 2 months as a qualified Turfie. How many staff work with/ for you? 25 staff works in the Parks and garden section of the City of Kalgoorlie Boulder. Best aspect of your job? Now that I am qualified, having the freedom to plan and make decisions that make a difference to my day to day works. Your worst day at work? 10mm of rain after spending a week preparing a belter of a wicket. Best day at work? When we get a hot week and the wicket gets a nice sheen to it. Why this career? Initially because I liked working outdoors, now because it’s a career that has endless possibilities with travel. Who do you admire in the Turf Industry and why? Josh Walker as he looks like he is at the great events. Who inspires you in life? Russell Coight. If you won lotto? Buy a house. Sporting Hero? David Boon, who doesn’t want to hold the record of most cans on a flight to London. Favourite way to relax? 4 wheel driving and camping out in the bush around Kalgoorlie. Sports Turf Association (WA) Incorporated PO Box 8492 | Perth BC | WA 6849 Enjoy the benefits of networking amongst colleagues with shared concerns and experiences.Get involved, get inspired, get motivated, get together in goodwill, good times and with good mates.Turf Grass Times Issue No. 42 March 2016
Issue No. 42 March 2016 Page 37 OUR SERVICES• Kikuyu Suppliers • Wicket and oval profiling • Broadacre planting• Sir Walter, Soft Leaf Buffalo • Overplanting • Consulting• Vertimowing • Aerating • Oval reconstruction• Verti - draining • Fertilising granular & liquid • Levelling• Sweeping • Planting • Parramatta removal• Top dressing • Flail mowing • Turf farming and laying• Stolen sprigging • Herbicide spraying • Mat removal• Recycle top dressing • Broadacre mowing • Training• Scarifying • Deep Slicing (Earthquake) • Coring Statewide 9306 Turf Grass Times
“ To promote education and research forthose engaged in the turf grass industry...” PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER Tony Guy Clint Betts Hugh Gardner Tel: (08) 9267 9099 Tel: (08) 9313 9378 Tel: (08) 9439 1688 Fax: (08) 9274 4183 Fax: (08) 9310 4726 Fax: (08) 9439 1068 Mob: 0439 950 993 Mob: 0417 977 734 Mob: 0417 942 570 [email protected] [email protected] WA Turf IDO Eva Ricci Tel: (08) 9437 2180 Fax: (08) 9437 2180 Mob: 0422 120 990 [email protected] Sports Turf Association of Australia (WA) Incorporated.PO Box 8492 | Perth BC, WA 6849 | [email protected] |
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