Body systems By; Veronica Lopez Table of contents:
Table of contents:Table of contents:Integumentary SystemMusculoskeletalNervousSpecial sensesCardiovascularRespiratoryDigestiveUrinaryReproductiveBibliography Table of contents:
Integumentary SystemFunction Protects the body against bacteria as well as regulating the water content and the temperature of the body.Vocab words Arrector pili- Smooth muscle attached to the hair follicles. Callus- A bnormal thickening of epidermis due to constant exposure to friction. Cerumen - E arwax Epidermis- t he cuticle. Hemoglobin- Oxygen carrying pigment in the red blood cells that provide color to the epidermis. Keratin- I nsoluble protein that makes up hair and nail. Melanin- Dark brown/ black/ yellowish pigment found in the skin or hair. Pallor- T he paleness of the skin resulting from shock or anemia. Shaft- S uperficial protein of the hair. Lunula- white area at the base of the nail shaped like a moon.Key words Derm/o-Skin kerat/o-H ard xer/o-D ry xanth/o-Yellow erythr/o-R ed pedicu/o-L ice onych/o-Finger or toe nail myc/o-Fungus lip/o-F at pil/o-HairDisease Eczema-Non contagious inflammatory skin condition. Acne-Inflammation of the sebaceous glands. Athlete's foot-contagious fungal infection. Dermatitis-I nflammation of the skin cause by an irritation.Healthcare careers Dermatologist-Specialises in treating disease and disorders of the skin hair and nails. Dermatology-T he diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders. Table of contents:
MusculoskeletalFunction This system makes movement possible it also moves the fluids on the body and generates body heat.Vocab words Muscle fibers- muscles held together by connective tissues. Abduction- moves away from the midline. Adduction- moves toward the midline. Extension- increase in angle. Elevation- raises a body part. Rotation- turns a bone on its own axis. Supination- turns the palm upward or forward. Dorsiflexion- b ends the foot upward at the ankle. Flexion- decrease an angle as in bending a joint. Depression- Lowers a body partKey terms -cele-T umor, swelling -ia-a bnormal condition -ic-p ertaining to kinesi/o-movement -lysis-b reakdown, separation -plegia-p aralysis ton/o-tone, stretching Tri-three tax/o-c oordination -rrhexis-ruptureDisease Epicondylitis- I nflammation of tendons surrounding an epicondyle. Carpal tunnel syndrome- Painful condition of the hand and the fingers. Myofascial damage - P ain syndrome has to do with connective tissues. Rotator cuff injuries- A dull ache in the shoulder.Healthcare careers Orthopedics-S pecialist in treating bones and muscle. Podiatric- Specialist in the bones of the foot like the ankle. Table of contents:
NervousFunction This particular system does the transmitting of throughout the body.Vocab words Central nervous system-b rain and spinal cord. Tract-group of nerve fibers located within the brain and the spinal cord. Ganglion-group of nerve cells bodies located outside of the central nervous system. Plexus-n etwork of intersecting nerves and blood or lymphatic vessels. Impulse-w ave excitation transmitted through nerve fibers and neurons. Stimulus-a nything that activates a nerve and causes an impulse. Neuron-basic cell of the nervous system. Dendrites-r eceive impulse and conduct them to the cell body. Synapse-space between two neurons and a receptor organ. Dura mater-outermost membrane. (thick.tough)Key words Neur/o- nerve encephal/o- brain myel/o-s pinal cord, bone marrow ambu/o-w alk -esthesia-sensation/feeling mening/o-m embranes psych/o- m ind concuss/o-shaken together narc/o-n umbness ech/o-soundDisease Epilepsy-abnormal electrical charges from brain cells cause seizures. Parkinson's disease-n erve disease that affects movement. Multiple sclerosis-p rotecting lining of nerves is attacked by the body’s immune system. Aphasia-loss of speech/speech disorder. Can happen when you have a growing brain tumor they experience a hard time building things and talking they become very weak.Healthcare careers Neurosurgeon- Specialist who treats diseases and conditions affecting the nerves. Neuroscientist-branch of life science that deals with the anatomy and physiology of nerves. Table of contents:
Special sensesFunction This system has to do with vision, smell, taste, and hearing.Vocab words Eyelids-protects the eyes. Eyelashes-projects from the border of each eyelid. Lysozyme-e nzymes that destroy bacteria. Ossicle-small bone of the ear. Gustatory-t aste buds Olfaction-s ense of smell Taste bud- the three epithelial cells: supporting, gustatory, and basal cells. puple -hole in the center of the iris. Cones-p roduce colour vision. Cornea-allows light rays to enter the eyeKey terms -acusis-h earing aur/o-ear ot/o-e ar tympan/o-eardrum audi/o-hearing -otia-ear condition ech/o-s ound insipid/o-tasteless ocul/o-e ye -osmia-smell/odorDiseases Otitis media-i nflammation of the middle ear. Conjunctivitis-inflammation of the conjunctiva. Myopia- lack of foresight, or intellectual insight. Esotropia-inward deviation of one eye in relation to the otherHealthcare careers Audiologist-specializes in the measurement of hearing function. Ophthalmologist- p hysician who specializes in ophthalmology Table of contents:
CardiovascularFunction This pumps the blood that does the carrying of oxygen and the nutrients throughout the whole body this system also carries liquid waste to kidneys and the liverVocab words Cardiovascular-P ertaining to the heart and the blood vessels. They work together to give oxygen to the body. Pericardium-T he sac that encloses the heart. Epicardium-T his is the external layer of the heart. Myocardium-This is the thickest layer of the heat and it also consist of cardiac muscle. Endocardium-L ining of heart that comes in contact of the blood that is being pumped thru the heart. Atria-This is the receiving chamber, all of the vessels enter the heart thru the Atria. Venules-t hese are the small veins that join together to form larger veins. Lumen-T he opening within the vessels and that’s where the blood flows. Arterioles- c arries blood thru Capillaries. Capillaries-C onnects the arterial and the venous circulatory system.Key words Cardi/o-Heart angi/o-Blood hem/o-b lood or relating to blood Brady-Slow Tachy-fast thromb/o-clot -emia-B lood or blood condition leuk/o-W hite erythr/o-R ed Capill/o-H airDisease Coronary artery disease-Atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries. Atherosclerosis-n arrowing of the arteries due to the build up of the cholesterol plaques. Ischemia-C ardiac disabilities in a result from insufficient supply of oxygenated blood to the heart Atheroma-Fatty within the arterial wallsHealthcare careers Cardiologist-They specialize in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders relating to the heart. Hematologist-they diagnose and treat disorders relating to the blood. Table of contents:
RespiratoryFunction This system brings oxygen into the body and then it transports it to the cells as well as removing carbon dioxide and water waste from the bodyVocab words Mucus-T his helps to moisten and warm air as it enters Cilia-s mall hairs inside of the nose. Sinus-Air-filled cavity and is lined with mucus membrane. Tonsils-Protecting the body from invading organisms. Adams apple-promonet projection. Lobe-Division of the lungs. Epiglottis-flap of cartilage that gets depressed when swallowing to cover up the windpipes opening. Alveoli-tiny air sac in the lungs where the exchanging of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs. Nasal septum-b one and cartilage in the in nose separating the nostrils. Pharynx-cavity behind the nose and the mouth connecting them to the esophagus.Key words bronch/o-B ronchial tube cyan/o-blue laryng/o-t hroat -oxia-O xygen condition Oxy-sharp pleur/o-Side of the body pneum/o-l ung,air pulmon/o-lung thorac/o-c hest trache/o-n eckDisease Asthma-S evere breathing difficulties Emphysema-l oss of lung function. Bronchiectasis-a chronic enlargement of the bronchi Smokers respiratory syndrome-c hronic conditions seen in smokers with things like coughing, wheezing, sore throat and more.Healthcare careers Pulmonologist- A person specialized in diagnosing and treating problems with the lungs. Respiratory technician- someone who has a career in respiratory machines. Table of contents:
DigestiveFunction Digests food that can be absorbed into the bloodstream it also eliminates solid wastes.Vocab words Esophagus- T ube that leads from pharynx to the stomach. Pylorus-Narrow passage connecting the stomach to the small intestine. Large intestine- Waste product of digestion are processes in the large intestine and then exiting from the anus. Illium-T he last portion of the small intestine that extends from the Jejunum to cecum of large intestine. Liver-M oves the excess glucose from the bloodstream and stores it as glycogen. Gallbladder- Stores and concentrates the bile for later use. Anabolism-Building up of body cells and substances from nutrients. Uvula-Hangs from the edge of the soft palate to help produce sound and speech. Pharynx-c ommon passageway for respiration and digestion. Jejunum-This is the middle portion of the small intestine.Key word cholecyst/o-Gallbladder enter/o-small intestine col/o, colon/o-c olon, large intestine hepat/o- liver gastr/o-stomach or/o-mouth -pepsia-digestion chol/e-b ile, gall proct/o-a nus,rectum pancreat/o-pancreasDiseases Dysphagia-Difficulty swallowing Pyrosis- Heart burns caused by the acid that returns up the esophagus from food. Esophageal reflux-T his is the upward flow of acid into the esophagus. Gastritis-Inflammation of the stomach.Healthcare career Internist- S pecializes in treating disorder of the internal organs. Proctologist- specializes in disorders of colon, rectum, and anus. Table of contents:
UrinaryFunction This system does the filtering of blood and the removing of waste it also maintains electrolyte and the fluid balance within the human bodyVocab words Urea-Major waste product of protein metabolism. Nephrons-Form urine from the process of filtration, reabsorption, and secretion. Urochrome-is the pigment that gives urine its normal yellow-amber color. Urinary bladder-Muscular organ that is a reservoir for urine. Urination-Normal process of excreting urine. Homeostasis-State of equilibrium that produces a constant internal environment throughout the body. Medulla-U rine-collecting tubes. Glomerulus-C luster of capillaries surrounded by the membrane. Urethra-t ube extending from the bladder to the outside of the body. Urethral meatus-o pening of the urethra.Key words nephr/o-Kidneys pyel/o-R enal pelvis urin/o-Urine ureter/o-Ureters cyst/o-Urinary bladder urethr/o-Urethra -pexy-S urgical fixation Dia-B etween -lysis-breakdown Tripsy-to crushDiseases Anuria-Suppression of urine formation by the kidneys. Uremia-Toxic condition caused by excess amount of urea and other waste products. Pyelitis-Inflammation of the renal pelvis. Nephritis-I nflammation of the kidney.Healthcare career Nephrologist-specialist in diagnosing and treating disorders of the kidney. Urologist-s pecialist in diagnosing and treating disorders of the urinary system. Table of contents:
ReproductiveFunction The production of life through sexual reproductiveVocab words Epididymis-I s a tube at the upper part of each testicles. Penis-male sex organ that transports the sperm into the female's vagina. Vas deferens-T his leads from the epididymis to the ejculatory duct in the prostate. Mammary glands-Milk producing glands that develop during puberty Ovaries-Small almond shaped organs that are located in the lower abdomen. Fallopian tubes-Carry the ovum downward from the ovary to the uterus. Uterus-P ear shaped organ that has muscular walls and a mucus membrane lining filled with rich supply of blood vessels. Vigana-M uscular tube lined with mucosa that extends from the cervix to the outside of the body. Testicles-two small egg shaped glands that produce sperm. Gamete-T his is the reproductive cell.Key words cervi/o-neck of the uterus salping/o-f allopian tube ov/o-egg, ovum orchid/o-t esticles oopor/o-Ovary men/o-menstruation mamm/o-Breast gynec/o-woman, female colp/o-v agina nulli-N oneDiseases Oophoritis-I nflammation of an ovary. Salpingitis-i nflammation of the fallopian tube. Balanitis-Inflammation of the glans penis. Pyometritis-i nflammation of the uterus.Healthcare careers Gynecologist-s pecialist in diagnosing and treating disorders of the female reproductive system Urologist-s pecialist in diagnosing and treating disorders of the urinary system Table of contents:
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