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Home Explore 2021 Ruby Buckle Horse Sale Catalog

2021 Ruby Buckle Horse Sale Catalog

Published by trishaj1, 2021-04-16 21:08:22

Description: Ruby Buckle Stallions and Horse Sale Catalog


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Ima Talented Guy*

Irish Pay *

JD Look

JL S BY THE NUMBER$ MARE OWNERS: Invest $3500 in a stud fee and the payoff in 5 years: $8.5 Million* that your foal can run at from these incentives Pink Buckle ($2.7M plus $110K Breakaway), Ruby Buckle ($2.3M), The Breeders Challenge ($1M), Royal Crown ($1M plus $100K Team Roping—both ends), Future Fortunes ($1M), and Triple Crown 100 ($100K). In addition, foals would be eligible to enter the regional races/sidepots below. *2021estimatedpayouts PINK BUCKLE RUBY BUCKLE BREEDERS CHALLENGE ROYAL CROWN FUTURE FORTUNES TRIPLE CROWN 100 VGBRA BARREL DAZE 5-STATE BREEDERS CORNHUSKER BREEDERS BARREL BREEDERS INCENTIVE COLORADO CLASSIC SOUTHWEST DESERT CLASSIC GLACIER CHASER CLASSIC 2007 Stallion by Dash Ta Fame × Solara by Band Of Azure SI 94 ROM, 2010 AQHA Champion Canada Hi-Point 3-Year Old Colt His foals have earned over $567K+ and his oldest are just 8 years old! Almost EVERY foal who has competed, has earned a good share of this total. THEY CONSISTENTLY WIN! 2021 FEE $3500 Standing at Fort Benton Montana 406-868-0477 [email protected]

Johnny Reb Jackson *

JUST WINNIN Sire: Winners Version • Dam: TR Dashing Badger, Mr Illuminator Stud Fee: $2000 including chute fee and first shipment Standing At: 70 Ranch Performance Horses

KN FAMOUS CZAR Sire: Dash Ta Fame • Dam: KCZartessa, Streakin Dash Winston & Maddison Light Light Cattle Company & Quarter Horses P.O. Box 8, Rio Medina, TX 78066 814-853-3058 • Email: [email protected] •

KVN Corona*

LETHAL STRIKE Sire: Corona Cartel • Dam: Lethal Delight, Dean Miracle Stud Fee: $850 first shipment and chute fee included Standing at: Decillo Equine in Hempstead Texas. Contact Kathy Stoops 979-826-2852, [email protected] Owner is Curtis Collier: 214-906-7939, [email protected]

Lucky Wonder Horse *

MAKIN YA FAMOUS Sire: Dash Ta Fame • Dam: Moon Hankin Mama, Good Timin Hank Stud Fee: $2500 Standing At: Outback Stallion Station

METALLIC MALICE Sire: Metallic Cat • Dam: High Boon, Mecom Blue Stud Fee: $2500 70 Ranch Performance Horses Don Ham (940) 390-3807 or CJ Lembke (720) 227-1959

MONSTERR Sire: Tres Seis • Dam: Rosas Cantina CC, Corona Cartel Stud Fee: $2000 Standing At: Smokey Willow Farm,

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