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Home Explore Jahari FLY March Magazine 4- Herstory 2021

Jahari FLY March Magazine 4- Herstory 2021

Published by Jahari, 2021-03-23 05:21:28

Description: Jahari FLY March Magazine 4- Herstory 2021


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J ahari's F.L.Y. & Sassy M agazin e

M arch2021 WHoismtoryeMn'osnth

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Von da is t h e Co-Fou n der w it h h er Hu sban d M ax (Fou n der ) of VM AX For On e Com m u n it y In c..A 501c3 Not f or Pr of it Or gan izat ion . Th is or gan izat ion ser ves an d of f er m en t or in g an d edu cat ion classes t h r ou gh t h eir Cr eat ive Ar t s Pr ogr am s. Th e Or gan izat ion s goal is t o assist each st u den t w it h an ideal w ay of developin g a f or m of expr essin g t h em selves. Th is Cr eat ive Ar t s Pr ogr am con sist of a six-m on t h class m odu le of Ru n w ay M odelin g, Fash ion Design , Ret ail Visu al M er ch an disin g an d Boxin g f or you t h s an d you n g adu lt s in Lak e Cou n t y an d t h e Cen t r al Flor ida ar ea. We pr ovide Pr of ession al Coach es an d Tr ain er s f or all you t h in clu din g you t h w it h in t ellect u al developm en t al disabilit ies t h r ou gh t h e m ast er y of developing and building charact er . Von da R. Par k er is a Cer t if ied In t er n at ion al Even t an d Weddin g Plan n in g Pr ocession al.Von da h as spen t h er Lif et im e Plan n in g, w h et h er it be Con st r u ct ion an d Hou sin g Ser vices t o Elabor at e Af f air s.No Plan n in g is t oo Sm all or t oo Big f or h er an d h er Team M em ber s. Von da is t h e ow n er , w it h h er Hu sban d (M ax) as Co-Ow n er of Bella Fair e an Even t an d Weddin g Plan n in g Pr of ession al, Fu ll Ser vicin g Com pan y.Von da?s Qu ot e is alw ays, ?We pr ide ou r selves w it h bein g at t en t ive t o all of ou r clien t Needs an d Vision s?. Von da is also t h e Fou n der of Lak e Cou n t y Flor ida?s An n u al Fash ion Design er Sh ow case an d M odels Com pet it ion , w h er e sh e Plan s an d Coor din at e t h is Red-Car pet Af f air .Sh e alw ays h ad a passion f or t h e Cr eat ive Ar t s Gif t t h at all Fash ion Design er s an d M odels display.An d loves ever y oppor t u n it y t o Plan an d Coor din at e t h is An n u al Fu n dr aiser t o give back t o t h e Cr eat ive Ar t s Pr ogr am an d t h e Com m u n it y in Cen t r al Flor ida.

DeidreSmith I was born and raised in Leesburg Florida, which was a small town but has grown over the years. I come from a family of three siblings with the same mother and HEADfather. We were raised closely and brought up to fear the Lord, and to love one another. My dad was a gospel singer and traveled when LINEhe was younger, my mom was a byaut horbeautiful loving woman who has established many other children throughout her life, due to the love that she gives to when I was told not to juniors, he moved back others. Growing up, I go to a dance and tried to San Bernardino was always the to sneak anyway with California, and I never smart, helpful and my older sister and thought I would see him outgoing child, I wore friends. I graduated again. After graduation, I a smile and everyone from Leesburg High was working my 2nd job outside of the home school in 1982, I failed at Wendy?s, had a 76? knew me as being a ninth grade after Pacer and started dating very friendly young getting into high school this motorcycle rider, lady. I only recall two watching the athletes. I who was hard working, instances of being started dating when I older than me, and disciplined for my got in the 10th grade going through a divorce, wrong actions, one to a young man who which I did not know when I ran into the was popular, but did much about. He and I back of my parents not know he was some grew close, and for home with the car black beauty. He was Christmas December that my uncle told cute, funny and 24,1982, I gave my me to pull too the outgoing but my daddy virginity to him, and had front, knowing I could saw all through this. a child who was born 3 nor drive, and two When we became

\" \" Sep t em b er , 1983. during the pregnancy, the ?rejection? coming over me again. So now, I During my pregnancy, and we began to fight. need to feel this void and this feeling of he stopped talking to He would stay out all rejection, and start going out to parties that me, and rode by me and night, and break in the would end at my house acted like he did not house to eat. During the over night. Covering the hurt, I began to want more even know who I was. I delivery, the baby was to take away the feeling of ?rejection? and ended up did not realize it then, suffering from amniotic going harder than marijuana to a drug that but this is when I fluid, and my pressure kept me spaced out, woke, paranoid and adventurous received my first was dropping low. They ?crack?. After going through the periods of not ?rejection?. This was a gave me an emergency c being wanted and left with low self esteem, I feeling that could be sect io n . Ever yt h in g continued on the comforted by no one, began to come together journey of getting high, after being raised from a again, and he would be dad who loved and home enjoying the three protected his daughters of us as family, until I from anything that became a punching bag would try to hurt . In for real. Eventually we October, 1985 I had a separated for good, I little girl, he was starting was alone raising my to draw away from me children and I can feel

which landed me in and out of jail, living a life that they feel is without hope. without hope, and without care. Family In 2013, the Ministry started growing in raised my children and I lived as I had me, and I started my first ministry nothing to live for but getting high. I Dimensions Outreach, outside in the made up my mind that all a man could yards, under the tree and around local do for me was give me money to get areas. Reaching out to the people in the high, I did a awful lot of things trying to way that I felt I wanted to be reached out support my habit. From 1988 - 2006, I too by feeding and love. Later, I started was broken, without any goals or plans renting a building, which became a small to do no more than what I was doing. assembly of women and children. The In 2005, I dreamed I was in a large women came in broken, rejected and place with a lot of women in white, losing hope, lesbians, single mothers, after always wanting to be a nurse, I and some with diseases. My heart is too interpreted the dream as me going to help women to become a better them, school and becoming a nurse, I was and to teach them how to apply basic life happy and was telling everyone while principles to overcome the thoughts of being high. 03/2006 I got busted and suicide, oppression and depression. This ended in prison where all the women past year has been hard, after losing the had on white. Here is where I sought building in 2019, and having no funding, for a relationship back with God with a I begin to try and keep it running while heart of repentance. I did not seek him being with other ministries. But their to get free in the physical but in the vision was unlike the one God has given spirit, and for the first time me, and a lot of the people who were with me stopped following because they the words of Jesus jumped out at me were being belittled and experiencing and he spoke to me saying ?Therefore that they were not good enough. The if any man be in Christ he is a new spirit of rejection is strong in our women, creature, old things are passed away and there are people that it takes a and behold all things are become special love to cause them to come out new?(2 Cor, 5:17) and ?Whom the Son of this fearful and tormenting state of set free will be free indeed?(John 8:36) mind. I have experienced full lesbians I wanted what he said I could be and get free and be transformed back to have, I wanted a new life, a new mind,a being beautiful women, I have seen new heart, a new appetite and it was women with aids be healed from AIDS here in this place where I was healed and Cancer. It is a work that takes a lot from rejection, low self esteem and of attention, sacrifice, through calls and delivered from all drug addictions. visits, and which causes you to be away Since then, I have had a heart to help from home. I endeavor to get this vision those that deal with rejection, and

in full force nation wide as I tell my story to other women so that they won?t make the same mistakes that I did and help them to overcome the brokenness of being rejected, feeling like an outcast or black sheep. There is a purpose in every woman who has been birthed in this world. We are queens, we are royalty We ar e Goddess! Read more click below

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Love an d Life In spir e for ar t. W h at star ted as a H ol l iday wan ts h er Su ccess for Two Bl ack h obby even tu al l y evol ved in to jou r n ey an d h er W om en En tr epr en eu r s a full-tim e com m itm ent of il l u str ation s to m otivate spr eadin g k in dn ess an d h ope oth er s, especial l y you n g Two r isin g, wom en th r ou gh h er dr awin gs Bl ack wom en , to face fear depictin g Bl ack wom en . Th at an d fin d th eir voice. \"You r en tr epr en eu r s - Jen a com m itm en t bl ossom ed in to voice m atter s, you r cu l tu r e a bl og, aptl y n am ed Spoon fu l m atter s, you r back gr ou n d H ol l iday an d Kal il ah W r igh t of Faith , an d h as th u s becom e an d exper ien ce m atter ,\" sh e n ot on l y a su ccessfu l bu sin ess said. \"You m atter becau se - h ave fou n d th eir voice an d bu t a cu l tu r al beacon . you ar e h er e.\" ar e u sin g it to spr ead Bl ack \"Au th en ticity is th e m ost H er bu sin ess, star ted in val u abl e qu al ity to m e,\" said 2014, took tim e to em er ge joy, sol idify Bl ack H ol l iday. \"Por tr ayin g Bl ack in to wh at it is today. For wom en as r aw an d h on est is th ose l ook in g to em u l ate r epr esen tation in r etail an d wh at I k n ow h ow to do, an d I H ol l iday's jou r n ey,h er sage feel it sh ows oth er aspir in g advice satisfies both th e sh in e a spotl igh t on wh at cr eator s to l ean in to wh o th ey em otion al an d pr ofession al u n iqu el y ar e. W e ar e al l am bition it r equ ir es to tak e su ccess l ook s l ik e. W ith th e u n iqu e an d n ot m ean t to be th at l eap of faith an d star t l ik e ever yon e el se.\" H ol l iday's pavin g a n ew path . h el p of Tar get, H ol l iday an d par en ts tau gh t h er th at fr om a you n g age, wh ich sh e feel s * Star t sm al l : \"A star t is a W r igh t's stor ies ar e bein g fr eed h er cr eative spir it an d star t. Rem em ber to accept dr ives h er to positivel y im pact an d wor k with wh at you tol d via th e r etail er 's Bl ack th e Bl ack com m u n ity. h ave an d cr eate th e best ver sion of you an d you r H istor y M on th cam paign , cel ebr atin g th e cr eator s bu il din g Bl ack econ om ic vital ity an d l eavin g a str on g l egacy for fu tu r e gen er ation s. W ith ju st a bit of faith , il l u str ator an d au th or Jen a H ol l iday wal k ed away fr om h er m ain str eam m ar k etin g job to em br ace h er passion

tal en t th at you can r igh t n ow. A l ook s differ en t for ever yon e, so spoon fu l is al l you n eed to star t.\" m ar ch to th e beat of you r own dr u m - peopl e wil l l isten .\" * Be h on est: \"If you u n der stan d you r sel f 100%, in cl u din g wh at you can * Em br ace th e cou r age to k eep an d can n ot car r y, you 'l l pr odu ce gr eat goin g: \"Fear can h an dicap you bu t wor k . An d, be h on est with you r su ppor t on l y if you l et it; al ways be m ovin g team an d l et th em k n ow wh er e you for war d.\" n eed h el p.\" * Util ize th e tool s you h ave: * Tr u st you r u n iqu en ess: \"Bel ieve you \"Resou r ces an d m on ey don 't h ave to ar e cr eative an d l isten to you r h ear t. be abu n dan t bu t be r esou r cefu l an d Cr eativity sh ows u p in so m an y ways, bu dget con cise ever y step of th e way.\" so don 't be afr aid to tr y th in gs th at fal l ou t of you r wh eel h ou se.\" * Stay bu sin ess m in ded: \"Keep focu sed on bu sin ess fir st an d k n ow * Live l ife: \"Tr y n ew cr eative ou tl ets to th at if th e bu sin ess su cceeds, th en h el p n u r tu r e you r per son al spir it. Read you wil l h ave an oth er pl atfor m fr om book s, watch m ovies, dr aw, wr ite wh ich you can speak you r tr u th .\" poetr y,dan ce, sin g, l au gh or l isten . Fin d th e joy in l ivin g by n ou r ish in g you r H ol l iday an d W r igh t cr edit m u ch sou l .\" of th eir su ccess to str on g Bl ack fem al e m en tor sh ip. W ith gu idan ce Un afr aid to u se h er wor ds to sen d a an d su ppor t, Bl ack voices can r ise u p. m essage, activist an d appar el design er Both H ol l iday,a m iddl e ch il d of seven Kal il ah W r igh t bottl es au th en tic an d with fou r sister s pl u s a m om al ways u n apol ogetic ph r ases abou t bein g tel l in g h er to \"go for it\" an d W r igh t, Bl ack in ever y cl ear can ister fr om h er m en tor ed by savvy bu sin esswom an com pan y M ess in a Bottl e. Pr in ted Cici Gu n n , u n der stan d th at bein g pr ou dl y acr oss th e fr on t of h er tops, par t of Tar get's Bl ack H istor y M on th decl ar ation s l ik e, \"A Bl ack W om an gives them the oppor tunity to uplift Cr eated Th is\" an d \"Th er e Ar e Th ose oth er Bl ack wom en . W h o W il l Ch an ge H istor y, An d Th ose W h o W il l Be Sad Th ey Didn 't Tr y\" give H ol l iday an d W r igh t ar e two a voice to th e voicel ess an d al l ow exam pl es of th e m an y su ccess stor ies peopl e to expr ess th em sel ves with ou t of Bl ack en tr epr en eu r s an d pr odu cts h avin g to say an yth in g at al l . Tar get is h igh l igh tin g du r in g Bl ack H istor y M on th an d al l year r ou n d. \"M y m essages ar e abou t l ove, l ife, Visit Tar get's Bl ack Beyon d M easu r e car eer an d cu r r en t even ts - th ey ar e Sh op for m or e in for m ation . BPT depiction s of m y l ife an d th in gs goin g on ar ou n d m e as a Bl ack wom an in th e Bl ack com m u n ity,\"said W r igh t. \"I wan t peopl e to be abl e to wal k past each oth er an d stan d in sol idar ity with each oth er ,th at's wh y I ch ose appar el .\" Lik e her clothing, W r ight offer s n o-n on sen se in sigh t for oth er s str ivin g for Bl ack su ccess. * Fin d you r au th en ticity: \"Su ccess

St eppin g Ou t Of Th e Sh adow s Coach , Au t h or , Wr it er Pam ela Bu r k s

Give our daught er s, Gr and daught er s and st ep daught er s ... Two t hings in life #1Conf idence t o k now her wor t h #2 Team t hem t o F.L.Y. ~ Fir st Love T h em sel ves ~ Jahar i's F.L.Y. Inst it ut e

Of al l th e m il eston es in ou r n ation 's su ppl ies avail abl e, wh er e COVID-19 r ecover y, wor k pl aces em pl oyees can access th em r eopen in g is on e of th e biggest. As an d wh o to r epor t an y m il l ion s of peopl e star t r etu r n in g to sh or tages or con cer n s to. offices, cl assr oom s an d m or e, th e h ope of pr ogr ess is tem per ed by con cer n s Re-assess r estr oom s. for safety. Ever yon e deser ves to feel safe at wor k . H ow can em pl oyer s h el p Restr oom s sh ou l d al ways be m ak e th at h appen ? wel l -stock ed with soap, h ot Th e k ey is pl an n in g ah ead, says Ch r istoph er Gil l , vice pr esiden t of water an d paper towel s. En vir oPr o Sol u tion s. \"H avin g en ou gh su ppl ies, th e r igh t equ ipm en t an d In cr ease th e fr equ en cy at cl ear in for m ation - al l of th ese ar e im por tan t. Th ey do m or e th an ju st wh ich r estr oom s ar e ch eck ed k eep th e wor k pl ace safe an d san itized. They help em ployees feel confident for su ppl ies an d san itized. Th is abou t r etu r n in g.\" is even m or e im por tan t if you r H er e ar e 5 easy steps em pl oyer s can tak e to h el p bu il d tr u st an d stay safe. facil ity's r estr oom s ar e open to Pick u p pl en ty of PPE. Th e bar e the public. m in im u m sh ou l d in cl u de disposabl e m ask s an d h an d san itizer. Depen din g For l ar ge r estr oom s, con sider on th e san itizin g steps you r bu sin ess is cl osin g off som e stal l s an d tak in g, gl oves an d goggl es m ay al so be sin k s to l im it th e ar eas th at n ecessar y. Design ate a cl ear r equ ir e fr equ en t san itizin g. r espon sibl e par ty wh o wil l be in Pl acin g ou t-of-or der sign s can ch ar ge of tr ack in g su ppl ies an d h el p deter u se. Post cl ear r e-or der ing. in str u ction s for h an dwash in g - it sh ou l d be don e for at l east 30 Post or sh ar e in for m ation on th e secon ds with h ot water an d soap. Scal e back sh ar ed spaces. Sh ar ed spaces m ay m ean br eak r oom s, em pl oyee k itch en s, copy r oom s, l obbies, su ppl y cl osets or m or e. If an y of th ese spaces ar en 't str ictl y n ecessar y,

HEADWor kplacer eopening? 5 waysto put employee safety fir st LINEconsider closing them off. This will discourage congregating and lim it th e ar eas th at n eed fr equ en t san itization . For sh ar ed spaces th at stay open , l im it fu r n itu r e an d su ppl ies to th e absol u te essen tial s. Th is m ay m ean r edu cin g seatin g an d tabl es, or r em ovin g com m u n al dish war e. byaut horIt's also vital to establish clear expectations for sanitizing shar ed spaces befor e an d after ever y u se. Pr om in en tl y post an d sh ar e san itizin g gu idel in es with al l staff. In cl u de in for m ation on wh er e san itizin g equ ipm en t wil l be stor ed an d h ow it can be accessed an d u sed. To h el p en su r e ever yon e fol l ows gu idel in es, l ook for a san itizin g sol u tion th at's fast an d easy-to-u se, l ik e el ectr ostatic spr ayer s fr om en vir opr osol u tion ,m ade by Victor y or Gr aco. Sick ? Stay h om e. W h er ever possibl e, en cou r age em pl oyees to stay hom e or work from hom e if: * Th ey ar e exper ien cin g an y sym ptom s of il l n ess. * Th ey su spect th ey m ay h ave been exposed to som eon e with COV I D-19 . * Th ey h ave ju st r etu r n ed fr om tr avel in g. * Th er e h ave been an y ch an ges to th eir h ou seh ol d, su ch as a ch il d r etur ning fr om college. Th e Cen ter s for Disease Con tr ol (CDC) pr ovides gu idel in es for l en gth of sel f-qu ar an tin es an d m or e in th eir Gu idan ce for Bu sin esses & Em pl oyees page. Pr ovide pr oper equ ipm en t. Em power in g em pl oyees is th e best str ategy for bu il din g tr u st. W h en it com es to san itization , pr ovidin g in dividu al san itizin g tool s is a ter r ific way to em power. Som e com pan ies offer k its to k eep m u l tipl e em pl oyees in -stock at on ce, su ch as th e M il l en n iu m Q Vir al Disin fectin g Kit. W h en ever y em pl oyee h as th eir own set of su ppl ies, th ey can tak e fu l l r espon sibil ity for th e safety of th eir wor k space. Even with sh ar ed wor k station s, h avin g dedicated sets of san itizin g tool s is h igh l y effective. Post or sh ar e cl ear in str u ction s on h ow to san itize an d th e n ecessar y fr equ en cy. Par ticu l ar l y for sh ar ed wor k station s, it's advisabl e for em pl oyees to san itize befor e an d after ever y sh ift. After m or e th an a year at h om e for som e wor k er s, r etu r n in g to th e wor k pl ace is an en or m ou s step. Em otion s m ay be r u n n in g h igh , an d it's u p to em pl oyer s to set a positive exam pl e an d ton e. M ak in g you r dedication to safety cl ear an d tan gibl e wil l boost em pl oyee con fiden ce,al l wh il e k eepin g you r wor k for ce h eal th y. - BPT

\" \"

Inez Bracy Inez Bracy is a Masterful Coach, Inspiring Speaker, Renowned Radio Talk Show Host, TV Personality, World traveler, and Award-winning Author. Inez has a passion for helping solo boomer women to confidently and courageously redefine their solo lif est yle.

TaxSeason2020 It's no secret that 2020 has been a maximum tax refund you deserve, Steber tumultuous year. Due to the COVID-19 offers the following tax tips. pandemic, many Americans found themselves out of work - at least 1. Understand how unemployment temporarily - and received benefits work unemployment benefits. Others may have experienced employment changes, If you received unemployment benefits like working from home or taking on this year, it may have been for the first multiple jobs. All of these factors will time. Make sure you're aware of how they have even more of an impact come time affect your taxes. to file income taxes on tax day, April 15, 2021. Unemployment benefits are taxable and must be reported to the IRS on your tax \"For many, the 2020 tax season will return. Taxable benefits also include any likely look different,\" says Mark Steber, special compensation authorized under the Chief Tax Information Officer at Jackson Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Hewitt Tax Services. \"The pandemic Security (CARES) Act earlier this year. That brought unexpected, overwhelming means if you did not withhold enough taxes changes.\" from your unemployment benefits, you could see a big tax bill or a much smaller To help you prepare and get the tax refund than you normally receive. Unemployment benefits can affect tax credits. Unemployment is considered

Here'sHowToHPrepEare ADunearned income, so it won't count married or divorced, having a baby or toward certain credits. For example, you adopting a child, buying or selling must have earned income to qualify for the Child Tax Credit or the Earned Income Tax Credit. Additionally, your LINEadjusted gross income must be below property, retiring, or starting a business. If you experienced any of these events in 2020, know that your return will look different. certain levels to get certain credits. 5. Keep track of important documents 2. Set money aside to cover unexpected Even if your taxes won't be affected by t axes unemployment, make sure you gather all If you received unemployment benefits your documents, such as W-2 forms and and did not withhold any federal or state 1099s for interest dividends and even income tax, you'll need to pay tax on that retirement distributions. Remember to money. To prepare, consider setting include the Notice 1444 you received with money aside now to cover those taxes on your stimulus check for your 2020 tax your 2020 return and brace yourself for a records. Collect your charitable much smaller refund or no refund at all contribution totals, mortgage interest, this tax season. property taxes you've paid, and any additional state and local income taxes 3. Take advantage of possible paid for the year. If you were furloughed d ed u ct io n s and able to pick up a temporary job, gather your W-2s for each job you worked. Every taxpayer will get a charitable If you worked a side gig, make sure to keep donation deduction for 2020. Make a list a record of your income, the miles you of any IRS-approved donations you made drove, and any additional expenses. And if this year and locate any receipts. you're not filing single, be on the lookout Whether itemizing or taking the standard for family members that may have been deduction, under the CARES Act, all impacted to make your tax return more taxpayers are eligible to deduct up to com p licat ed . $300 worth of monetary donations to qualified organizations. No matter your 2020 situation, follow these tips to prepare for any unexpected And while many Americans have been tax implications. For more information and working at home for months, a home help during the 2020 tax season, visit office deduction is not guaranteed. The BPT home office deduction is only available to those who are self-employed. 4. Consider major life changes Life goes on, even during a pandemic, and life changes can bring sizeable tax implications. Some changes that cause the biggest impact include getting

Teach in g Wom en To F.L.Y. ~ Fir st Love You r self

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