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Home Explore Sterling, VA Work-From-Home Furniture: Get Your Items Delivered & Installed

Sterling, VA Work-From-Home Furniture: Get Your Items Delivered & Installed

Published by francis, 2022-04-08 09:48:27

Keywords: Sterling, VA Work-From-Home Furniture: Get Your Items Delivered & Installed


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Sterling, VA Work-From-Home Furniture: Get Your Items Delivered & Installed

Have you finally joined the remote workforce? Congrats! Now you get to make money and play with your dog at the same time! Hey, don't start thinking about slacking off before you even start! If you're gonna make this work, you at least need the right furniture to keep you in a working mood. Sumner Furniture & Design can deliver right to your home!

Although the number of remote positions began rising rapidly as a result of the recent pandemic, it continues to increase as companies shift to hybrid and remote working arrangements permanently.  With remote work becoming the norm, the store’s selection of furniture is designed to help you create a comfortable office space.

Sumner Furniture & Design carries innovative office furniture from an array of brands including 9to5 Seating, Arcadia, Conklin Office, DeskMakers, Evodesk, LexMod, and Peabody Office. You will be able to find new, pre-owned, and rentable furniture.

If you are currently transitioning into an at-home workstyle, you will need adequate furniture that offers sufficient space and comfort for your daily tasks. Evodesk, one of the store’s partners, creates electric desks with adjustable height options. As sitting for long periods can lead to chronic pain in the neck, back, and shoulders, an adjustable desk would allow you to stand up and work whenever you want.

You can have your selected furniture delivered to your home and installed for you by Sumner Furniture & Design. If interested, you can request an estimate by filling out a brief form with details on the type of furniture you're looking for, which you can find on the store’s website.

Go to https://www.sumnerfurni to find out more.

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