Description: The latest employment analysis from online business training agency Crucial Constructs explains 20 part-time employment opportunities for retirees. Go to for more information!
Avoid The Retirement Crisis! Expert Explains How To Supplement Your Pension
Crucial Constructs, an internet- based resource and training provider for business endeavors, has launched the latest in a series of reports that discusses alternative employment avenues for retirees. According to a US Government Accountability Office report entitled 'The Nation's Retirement System', retirees today are expected to be less well off than their parents.
Some experts are labeling it a 'retirement crisis'. While some of Crucial Constructs' previous discussion pieces have focused on more well-known part- time jobs, the report advises you on some creative approaches to building revenue streams.
As with earlier reports, the author introduces you to a number of opportunities that have been created by technology and/or the internet. An example is errand running services, which can be facilitated by websites such as TaskRabbit.
As the author explains, increasingly busy lives mean that many people are willing to pay you to do things they don't have the time or skills to do themselves. Another internet-enabled job opportunity suggested is to provide ride-shares.
The report states that websites such as 'Lyft' offer the opportunity for anyone with a car and valid driving license to drive for those in need of a ride. In total, Crucial Constructs provides you with 20 ideas for post-retirement employment.
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