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Home Explore This West End, Vancouver HIIT Studio Offers Low-Impact Fitness For Women Over 40

This West End, Vancouver HIIT Studio Offers Low-Impact Fitness For Women Over 40

Published by francis, 2022-07-23 08:16:08

Keywords: This West End, Vancouver HIIT Studio Offers Low-Impact Fitness For Women Over 40


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This West End, Vancouver HIIT Studio Offers Low-Impact Fitness For Women Over 40

Tsquared Personal Training, led by certified personal trainer and 20- year athlete, Troy Tyrell, offers low-impact workout sessions designed for women like you in the middle of their lives. The private fitness studio, based in downtown Vancouver, provides the training program in response to client demand for safe, age- appropriate workouts for older women whose bodies are adjusting to aging transitions associated with a loss of bone density.

Physical fitness experts have concluded that low-impact workouts serve to increase strength, reduce blood pressure, and lower stress while mitigating risk factors for musculoskeletal injury. A new trend combines the well- recognized benefits of both HIIT and low-impact training to improve muscle strength while shielding participants from joint damage.

Tsquared Personal Training, which provides morning, lunchtime, and after-work Gravity Training System (GTS) sessions, offers small group and 1:1 fitness training programmes. As statistics demonstrate, many people lack sustained motivation, which is precisely why Mr. Tyrell strives to help you achieve visible results as quickly as possible, letting you power past fitness plateaus to reach higher levels of fitness, energy, and success.

The studio's fitness training programs are developed using Mr. Tyrells's experience at INFOFIT and EnerChanges. The latter is a medically supervised exercise clinic, where he learned physio corrective techniques and postural analysis, key components of any fitness regime but especially critical for people over 40 who need to minimize the risk of injury.

Mr. Tyrell's focus on safety provides you with peace of mind and training that will sustain your fitness efforts for years to come. Muscle loss might go unnoticed for decades, but as women lose fast- twitch muscle fibres - especially -  reaction speed slows down and minor accidents naturally increase. 

One client commented: “Troy is a great trainer and has helped me a lot to improve my balance, increase my stamina and gain a lot of core strength. The gravity training method is low impact, high intensity and you get a full body workout every session.”

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