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Home Explore Residential Rehab Addiction Center Salt Lake City | Intensive Outpatient Program

Residential Rehab Addiction Center Salt Lake City | Intensive Outpatient Program

Published by francis, 2022-05-19 21:52:17

Keywords: Residential Rehab Addiction Center Salt Lake City | Intensive Outpatient Program


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Residential Rehab Addiction Center Salt Lake City | Intensive Outpatient Program

Over the last few decades, we've learned a lot about addiction and substance abuse, particularly in the last several years. Two things we know for certain are that if you're battling an addiction, there is help, and you are not alone. In 2017, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) showed that 19.7 million adults in America were suffering from a substance use disorder, and experts believe that the number has only grown more significant in the years since.

In response, Utah Addiction Centers has launched a new Intensive Outpatient Program that can help you, or someone you love, recover without having to abandon their other responsibilities. Though traditional rehabilitation options are effective, many people feel unable to make use of these services due to a fear of losing their jobs, or responsibilities at home. 

Outpatient programs allow you to continue living at home, taking care of your family, and going to work, while still receiving the care you need to recover. They provide therapy sessions for individuals, groups, and families.

The same NSDUH results showed that 8.5 million Americans suffered from both a substance abuse disorder and one or more other mental health disorders, known as co-occurring disorders.  For that reason, Utah Addiction Centers does not focus solely on substance or alcohol abuse but offers a complete range of treatments designed to treat the root cause of the issue.

They also provide a specialized service for first responders and heroes of all kinds, that focuses on trauma and PTSD caused by their line of work. Whether you need a traditional detox, an intervention, intensive therapy, or something else entirely, there are experts who can help.

Find Out More At https://utahaddictionce

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