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Home Explore Effective Communications Online Course: Customer Handling & Interaction Program

Effective Communications Online Course: Customer Handling & Interaction Program

Published by francis, 2022-08-02 07:01:22

Keywords: Effective Communications Online Course: Customer Handling & Interaction Program


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Effective Communications Online Course: Customer Handling & Interaction Program

How do you communicate with your customers? Regardless of how you see them - whether they're a patron, patient, member, or guest - they all deserve to be talked to with grace, professionalism, and knowledge.

Laurie Brown, CSP offers online customer service interactive training for professionals who want to improve their internal and external communication.

The training is meant for employees, managers and C- suite executives who want to strengthen their branding and provide excellent customer service.

The intensive program teaches you how to provide a unique customer experience, deal with difficult clients, and be perceived as credible and trustworthy through effective communication.

Through focused training on the best practices, Laurie helps executives and employees create lasting relationships with customers so that they respond positively, even when given bad or difficult news.

Part of the training includes an introduction to three essential communication techniques.

This is particularly important during customer service calls when the customer is usually irate and already in a bad mood.

In the training, you are taught how to make your business more about your customers rather than yourself.

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