How To Survive An Active Shooter: Online Instructional Modules Available
A.L.I.V.E. Active Shooter Survival’s online training courses are designed to equip you with strategies meant to keep you alive in an active shooter event.
The school offers 4 web-based training programs that teach you how to recognize warning signs of violence and the steps you should take to survive an active shooter. The courses also reveal common motives that lead assailants to attack.
If you've never taken this type of training before, you will benefit the most from the 3-hour comprehensive course. The curriculum comprises 8 educational modules and an exam you can take to earn a certificate
In this training, you will learn how to develop a survival- based mindset and become proactively reactionary.
You'll also learn the 5 steps of A.L.I.V.E. - Assess, Leave, Impede, Violence, and Expose. Enroll today on the company's website!
Go to https://training.activeshootersurvivaltraining. com to find out more.
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