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Home Explore Find Out Why Your Business Needs Advanced Cybersecurity Protection Like SOCaas

Find Out Why Your Business Needs Advanced Cybersecurity Protection Like SOCaas

Published by francis, 2022-05-20 20:13:15

Keywords: Find Out Why Your Business Needs Advanced Cybersecurity Protection Like SOCaas


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Find Out Why Your Business Needs Advanced Cybersecurity Protection Like SOCaas

SubRosa offers SOC-as-a- service (SOCaas) to keep all threats at bay.  With this offering, your business can quickly collect, analyze, and respond to cybersecurity incidents. This system relies on machine learning to identify potentially malicious software, thus giving you real-time protection.

The service entails outsourcing your cybersecurity protection to a third-party provider.  Since you won’t have to hire and train your own team, you can realize significant cost savings.

According to industry research, there are 300,000 instances of new malware being created daily to target both individuals and organizations.  If even one of these successfully compromises your business’ system, it can cause great harm to your daily operations — and damage your company’s reputation.

However, creating a security team that can monitor your network 24/7 can be a costly endeavor.  As such, SubRosa created a turn-key solution that is cost-efficient and effective. 

By choosing SOCaas, you can get access to top-of-the-line software and highly trained experts at a lower cost. This solution can cover all aspects of security, including asset discovery, vulnerability assessment, intrusion detection, log management, and threat response. Together, these steps ensure that your confidential data will not be accessed by unauthorized parties.

Learn more by visiting soc-as-a-service

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