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Home Explore 4 Facts About Flood Insurance that will make you understand your needs

4 Facts About Flood Insurance that will make you understand your needs

Published by francis, 2021-06-11 13:19:10

Description: BRZ Insurance releases Four previously unpublished facts about its upcoming Flood Insurance launch. Further information can be found at

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4 Facts About Flood Insurance that will make you understand your needs

Ahead of the launch of its new flood insurance line, BRZ Insurance is making public 4 as yet unreleased facts about Flood Insurance , which fans and consumers within the personal and commercial flood insurance space will find interesting.

The Four items include nuggets such as how: 1 - Flood damage is not covered under homeowners insurance Around half of homeowners believe that flood damage is covered under the typical homeowner's insurance policy. In order to prevent putting yourself at risk, you have to purchase a flood insurance policy separate from the insurance policy that you already have.

2 - You may be required to get flood insurance Considering that 20% of flood damage occurs in low to mid-risk areas, purchasing flood insurance is a good idea regardless of where you reside, but it is absolutely essential to have a flood insurance policy if you live in an area that FEMA deems high-r 3 - Typical flood damage is costly Following a flooding event, the average claimed filed by a flood insurance holder averages around $30,000.

4 - You shouldn't wait Even if you're convinced that you should buy flood insurance, it's easy to feel like it's something you can put off without worry.

The idea for creating Flood Insurance came about after We want to bring knowledge about flood insurance, especially for those people who live in MA flood zones. We have been researching the best flood insurance carriers in the US for 4 years now and had a team of 20 flood insurance specialists working on it, which is within flood insurance companies' industry standards.

BRZ Insurance got its start when Founder Tiago Prado noticed a growing need for cheap flood insurance and flood insurance requirements.

Tiago Prado is quoted saying: \"I like to do things to connect with our consumers and customers. Things like finding out if is my property in a flood zone and what is the best solution aiming not only for flood insurance prices but in the best flood insurance coverage for you, and releasing these little factoids ahead of the Flood Insurance launch are what make a difference.\" You can request a

Contact Us At: https://brzinsurance.c om/

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