Fast ERTC Eligibility Check For SMB/Non-Profit IRS Payroll Tax Rebates 2022
In 2020 when the pandemic struck, one strategy used by the federal government was to offer rebates on payroll taxes as an incentive to keep employees on the payroll.
Retention Credit Recovery Service has launched a new fast rebate service to help you claim those rebates from the IRS through the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) program. While there were several pandemic relief programs that provided loans, this new fast rebate service helps you claim funds that are not a loan and never need repayment.
You may be eligible for rebates under the expanded qualifications, even if you were not eligible when the program was first launched. Employers that have received loans from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) are now eligible for ERTC rebates, as well as startups, new businesses, and non-profit organizations.
You can take a no-cost, no-obligation assessment to determine if you qualify for rebates, by visiting the Retention Credit Recovery Service website.
The 15 Minute Refund program is provided with no risk to employers. Any company that does not qualify or does not receive a rebate will not be charged.
Visit https://employeeretentionreb ate com
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