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Home Explore Framingham, MA Insurance Agency Shares Report On Benefits Of Flood Coverage

Framingham, MA Insurance Agency Shares Report On Benefits Of Flood Coverage

Published by francis, 2021-11-30 14:04:22

Keywords: Framingham, MA Insurance Agency Shares Report On Benefits Of Flood Coverage


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Framingham, MA Insurance Agency Shares Report On Benefits Of Flood Coverage

With BRZ Insurance's latest resource, you can learn four crucial benefits of having flood insurance.  The report covers oft- overlooked facts about such plans, helping you further appreciate their value. 

This newly published material was shared in light of the recent flooding caused by Hurricane Ida.  It aims to protect you against the financial ramifications of property damage and loss due to deluges. 

According to research, Massachusetts' sea level has risen eight inches since 1950, making the state more susceptible to flooding.  Indeed, it is estimated that flood mitigation is costing the local government at least $1 billion.

Given the cost of repairing or rebuilding your home following a deluge, it is better to have a separate flood protection policy As the report notes, such coverage is not included in your standard home insurance plan, thus leaving you vulnerable.

Moreover, the resource notes that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) might actually require you to get flood insurance if you live in low- lying areas. The brokerage also reminds you to get a policy as soon as possible since coverage takes at least 30 days to be activated. 

Learn more at derstanding-flood-insurance

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