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Home Explore Get First-Page Google Results With Multimedia Content Campaigns From mediApogee

Get First-Page Google Results With Multimedia Content Campaigns From mediApogee

Published by francis, 2022-08-10 09:15:58

Keywords: Get First-Page Google Results With Multimedia Content Campaigns From mediApogee


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Get First-Page Google Results With Multimedia Content Campaigns From mediApogee

Imagine having your small business featured on hundreds of news sites.

With the multimedia content campaigns from mediApogee, this is just a few clicks away. You get access to a team of professional writers who will create your very own news articles, blog posts, videos, infographics, podcasts, and slideshows.

They are then distributed across more than 400 of the world’s most recognized news outlets, like CBS and FOX, so your company’s name goes from zero to hero overnight. It might sound expensive, but the innovative multimedia content campaigns from mediApogee are designed to be a super affordable way for you to get online visibility.

Distribution across a variety of platforms is aimed at generating increased site traffic and leads, while also pushing you onto the first page of Google.

The service can include ongoing campaigns in which you target different locations and/or products each time.

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