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Home Explore Bee Cave Running & Gait Assessment Helps Athletes With Injury Prevention

Bee Cave Running & Gait Assessment Helps Athletes With Injury Prevention

Published by francis, 2022-08-08 08:01:08

Keywords: Bee Cave Running & Gait Assessment Helps Athletes With Injury Prevention


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Bee Cave Running & Gait Assessment Helps Athletes With Injury Prevention

Do you want to improve your running form? You need a running analysis!

Axiom Physiotherapy is the go-to orthopedic clinic for running and gait analysis in the Austin area. Their running analysis uses a high-speed camera that assesses your running at 120 frames per second.

It allows the team to evaluate your perfomance in real- time and provide immediate feedback.  The professionals may also suggest custom orthotics, if necessary.

A running analysis usually takes around 50 to 60 minutes. 

Before the session, the therapists will review your injury history, if any, assess your shoes and mileage, and discuss your concerns. 

Learn more at nning-Analysis

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