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Home Explore 2Secure: Top CyberSecurity Managed Defense & Compliance Experts For Small Business

2Secure: Top CyberSecurity Managed Defense & Compliance Experts For Small Business

Published by francis, 2022-06-03 07:51:24

Keywords: 2Secure: Top CyberSecurity Managed Defense & Compliance Experts For Small Business


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2Secure: CyberSecurity Managed Defense & Compliance Experts For Small Business

Year after year, cyberattacks continue to increase in number, as well as complexity. To battle against hackers, scammers, and bad actors, security firms must constantly improve their techniques and upgrade their skills. 

2Secure takes this strategy a step further by helping you to constantly improve your defenses, and prevent attacks from happening. Research shows that at least 66% of all small businesses suffered from a ransomware attack in the last year, and many of those businesses were not prepared.

Ransomware has become an increasingly popular form of cyberattack because it allows the attacker to bring your entire company to a halt unless you pay for the release of your data and computers. 2Secure focuses on helping these small business clients to update their defenses so that when ransomware attacks occur, they can carry on with business as usual.

2Secure offers clients free security evaluations, so that they can find the weaknesses in their networks, and secure them before they become a problem.

While they offer completely managed defense and remediation packages for their clients, they also provide in-depth cybersecurity training and education. They specialize in helping to prevent threats that include but are not limited to social engineering, viruses, worms, human errors, back doors, software bugs, and unauthorized access.

With over 25 years in the cybersecurity industry, 2Secure specialists understand the wide range of techniques that have been used in the past, and how they are evolving today.

 A complimentary e-book available on their website discusses the newest advancements in online security, and what business owners can do to protect themselves. Don't be a victim of cyberattacks - be prepared.

Visit  https://www.2secure.b iz to learn more.

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