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Home Explore Fast IRS Pandemic Relief Tax Credit Program | Maximize ERTC Rebates Guaranteed

Fast IRS Pandemic Relief Tax Credit Program | Maximize ERTC Rebates Guaranteed

Published by francis, 2022-06-01 19:07:32

Keywords: Fast IRS Pandemic Relief Tax Credit Program | Maximize ERTC Rebates Guaranteed


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Fast IRS Pandemic Relief Tax Credit Program | Maximize ERTC Rebates Guaranteed

The Employee Retention Tax Credit program is reversing the usual flow of money, from small businesses to the IRS, and you may be able to claim tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in IRS rebates, using this new fast application from ERTC Wizard.

While the ERTC program has been around since 2020, many companies chose not to take part in favor of enrolling in the Paycheck Protection Program instead. Originally, your company could only enroll in one program or the other, but the new application process from ERTC Wizard can help you to claim tax rebates, even if you have already received a PPP loan.

The two pandemic relief programs were created at the same time, but each provides funds to small businesses differently. The PPP offered small loans with certain restrictions, that could potentially be forgiven.  The ERTC provides a one-time payout as tax credits that comes with no restrictions and does not need to be repaid.

Originally, the program allowed up to $5,000 per employee, per quarter, but that was increased to $7,000, allowing some companies to claim up to $26,000 per employee.

ERTC Wizard has created an absolutely free, no-obligation eligibility assessment tool that will help you to determine if you are eligible by answering 10 simple questions. Eligible employers can use the ERTC Wizard 15 Minute Refund program, which guarantees the maximum allowable rebate and includes audit-proof documentation for IRS support.

The 15 Minute Refund program is open to any company with up to 500 full-time employees on average, instead of the original 100- employee maximum.

Non-profit organizations, startups, and new businesses can all claim ERTC rebates. Find out if you're eligible today. You could be eligible for tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars - all you have to do is claim it before the funding runs out. 

Find Out More At https://ERTCWizard. com

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