A unique specialist estate agency with a refreshingly personal and thoroughly professional approach.
Situated on the vibrant South Bank in the iconic multi award-winning NEO Bankside, Circa London provides anuncompromising, professional and bespoke service. We specialise in the sales, lettings and management of residential properties in central London. Our experienced and proactive teams’ diverse strengths and excellent teamwork, help to achieve the best results and client’s peace of mind. As well as the applicants generated by our marketing and high profile office, we have excellent, well established relationships with buying agents, relocation agents and corporations in London and overseas, who provide us with a constant supply of clients seeking to rent or buy in London.
Our skilled team has a historyof success in selling high qualityapartments and houses in centralLondon. It is headed by NicholasPearce with over 30 years experiencein the central London property market.“Many of our clients are extremely busyprofessionals, often international, withresidences around the world. We providea trusted and focused service. Regularcommunication is imperative so they arekept aware of exactly what we are doingon their behalf and of the market’s reactionto our efforts. We take time to gain a fullunderstanding of our clients’ needs andtailor our marketing accordingly.”“I bought an apartment at NEOBankside from a Circa client and foundCirca knowledg eable and helpful inprogressing the transaction stage bystage with diplomacy and tact.”JM, Buyer
In a highly competitive market,the presentation, pricing andmarketing of a property to let iscrucial. Our experienced Lettingsand Management team advise ourclients on every aspect to ensure wefind the best tenant at the highestpossible rent.Our letting negotiators are trained tocarefully interview each applicant toascertain their requirements and matchthem to the right property. Our landlordscan be confident that the prospectivetenant has been properly qualified andany offer they receive will be from aserious applicant.Once an offer has been agreed, they willdraw up the necessary documentation,ensure all regulations are complied withand carefully manage the process ofmoving the tenant in.“...very impressed with theprofessional, customer-centric serviceprovided by Circa. I would highlyrecommend them to anyone lookingfor a high-quality agent in the area.”TM, Landlord
For a rental investment to succeed,a well-managed and maintainedproperty will attract the best tenantsand will encourage them to stay forthe longer term.We conduct regular property inspections tocheck that the property is being looked after,which also gives the tenants the opportunityto raise any concerns that they might have.The letting of residential property is highlyregulated and our management team willensure that all our landlords’ obligations aremet and the tenants are protected.The team liaise with utility companies andother service providers and by doing this,the bills are always addressed correctly. Thedeposits are registered and they deal withthe end of tenancy reconciliations. In short,our role is to take care of the day-to-dayissues and dispel any potential problems.“In my experience, Circa Londonprovide a professional, responsive andhelpful service to tenants.”SY, Tenant
Sales Lettings Nicholas Pearce FNAEA MARLA Robby Ellis Lettings Manager Director +44 (0)20 3137 7877 +44 (0)20 3137 7877 robbyellis@circalondon.comnicholaspearce@circalondon.com
CIRCA LONDON, The Pavilion, 118 Southwark Street, London SE1 0SW +44 (0)20 3137 7877 www.circalondon.comHenslowe Estates Limited trading as Circa London. Company registration no. 09531417
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