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Home Explore Califronia Customs Brand Book

Califronia Customs Brand Book

Published by joseph hawa, 2021-07-27 12:15:19

Description: Califronia Customs Brand Book


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customs Brand Book 1

Contents About us 3 customs Logo 4 Colors 8 Typography 9 Photos 10 Products 15 2

About us customs California customs was found since 1969, it's a family business that is Passed on from generation to generation. the main reason this company was founded is to help car lovers to live there dream with there high level customs cars. the rebranding was made in 2020 to improve the performance of the company. and to keep it alive and in the market. 3

Logo customs 4

Shield is For trust and make people feel safe about this brand. Company name Was named after the state the company was found. customs The Car is for telling what this customs company do 5

customs Atleast 4 cm empty space between the logo and everything beside it customs The minimum size is 19/24 mm customs to use the logo 6

customs The main version of the logo always customs use this version if there is no red customs background. customs The second version of the logo Using this logo is for products and only if there is a red background. customs The Black & white logo is also for customs products with different colors and depends on the background. 7

Colors R - 43 C- 69.98% #0D0D0D B - 40 M - 66.73% customs G - 42 Y- 61.94% K- 66.40% R - 115 C- 31.56% #730C02 B - 16 M - 96.4% G-0 Y- 100% K- 44.79% 8

Typography abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 American Captin ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (For the logo) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Lobster (For Brand books , ads and flyers) 9 customs

Photos 10customs

11 customs


13 customs


15 customs

Products 16



19 customs



customs 22

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