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Home Explore Principles of Sustainability

Principles of Sustainability

Published by WBN Marketing LLC, 2018-07-09 12:48:58

Description: Principles of Sustainability


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UNIT 1Introduction toSustainabilityIts Purposes, Challenges,and RequirementsObjectivesIn this unit, students will learn to:■■ Define sustainability.■■ Identify the three pillars of sustainability.■■ Explain why sustainability is important.■■ Recognize the relationship between business and sustainability.■■ Define systems thinking.■■ Explain the participatory sustainability movement. 14

|Unit 1    Introduction to SustainabilityTHE BIG IDEA Think about your day so far. You probably washed and brushed your teeth, ate breakfast, and went to school. Maybe you checked your smartphone for texts. Have you ever thought about what goes into these routine activities? Where did the water you used to wash come from? What kind of fuel heated the water? Who grew the grain for your cereal? Your smart- phone seems completely removed from nature, but where did all of those components inside the phone come from? These seemingly ordinary activities are connected with the Earth, energy, plants and animals, and people all over the world. Sustainability is a way of thinking that allows us to get under the surface of things and see connections in enlightening and some- times surprising ways.UNIT 1 SELF-ASSESSMENTBefore beginning this unit, consider what you already know about sustainability bycompleting this self-assessment. For each statement below, rate your current level ofconfidence with understanding sustainability concepts. NOT SOMEWHAT CONFIDENT CONFIDENT CONFIDENTI am able to explain the basic definition ❍❍❍of sustainability. ❍❍❍I am able to describe each of the three pillarsof sustainability. ❍❍❍I am able to explain why sustainability has ❍❍❍become increasingly vital during the pastfew decades.I am able to describe any sustainabilityprograms that my school has implemented. 15

|Unit 1    Introduction to Sustainability GROW YOUR KNOWLEDGE Consider the quote below: “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” ~Native American Proverb Discuss the quote with a partner or as a class. What do you think the proverb means by “we borrow it from our children”? What do you think we are borrowing? Write your answers and submit them to your teacher. Essential Concept By thinking about sustainability, we are able to understand the connections between seemingly disconnected elements in new ways.SUSTAINABILITY 1.1  What is Sustainability?The ability to be maintained Sustainability is a way of life. It changes how people thinkat a certain rate or level. In and act in business, government, and everyday activities.environmental science, it Often people think of sustainability as the protection of themeans avoiding the deple- environment. Although this is an important element of sustain-tion of natural resources in ability, it is only part of the concept.order to maintain an ecologi-cal balance. The Earth Charter, an ethical framework for building a just, sustainable, and peaceful society in the 21st century, definesUNITED NATIONS sustainability as, “A global society founded on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice, and a cultureAn international organi- of peace.” Initially started by the United Nations, the Earthzation formed in 1945 to Charter was carried forward and completed by a global civilincrease political and eco- society initiative. It is currently supported by over 6,000 orga-nomic cooperation among nization around the world, including many governments.member countries. 16

|Unit 1    Introduction to SustainabilityBIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES 1.2  T he Three Pillars of SustainabilityCycles that describe themovement of molecules, such The three pillars of sustainability are environment, socialas carbon or water, through equity, and economics, also known as the three Es. Using theearth systems, such as the three pillars together provides the structure needed to makeoceans, atmosphere, soils, sustainable choices.and rocks. The environment includes the Earth and all its biophysical components: oceans, atmosphere, soil, mountains, wetlands, grasslands, deserts, forests, lakes, rivers, and biogeochemical cycles, such as water, carbon, and nitrogen. To move toward a more sustainable future, people must understand and consider the complex and delicate relationships between these various cycles and earth systems. healthy environment vibrant economy equitable society The Three Pillars of Sustainability 17

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