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Home Explore Intermediate Grammar Book

Intermediate Grammar Book

Published by oruchorn, 2020-07-05 21:51:09

Description: English_Grammar_in_Use_-_Fifth_Edition ( - Copy

Keywords: Intermediate


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14.2 UNIT 16 Key to Exercises 2 The weather has been cold recently. 3 It was cold last week. 16.1 17.3 4 I didn’t eat any fruit yesterday. 2 They’d been playing football. / 3 I didn’t have / hadn’t got my phone 5 I haven’t eaten any fruit today. 4 I have a cold or I’ve got a cold 6 Emily has earned a lot of money They had been playing … 5 OK 3 I’d been looking forward to it. 6 I didn’t have any energy this year. 7 OK (or It hasn’t got many shops.) 7 She didn’t earn so much last year. / I had been looking forward … 8 Did you have (Had you is unusual) 8 Have you had a holiday recently? 4 She’d been having a bad dream. / 9 OK 10 he had a beard 14.3 She had been having … 11 OK (or We’ve got plenty of time.) 3 I didn’t sleep 5 He’d been watching a film. / 12 do you have a shower 4 There was … there were 5 worked … he gave He had been watching … 17.4 6 She’s lived / She has lived 6 They’d been waiting a long time. / 2 has a break 7 died … I never met 3 had a party 8 I’ve never met / I have never met They had been waiting … 4 have a look 9 I haven’t seen 5 ’s having / is having a nice time 10 Did you go … was 16.2 6 had a chat 11 It’s been / It has been … it was 2 I’d been waiting / I had been waiting 7 Did you have trouble 12 have you lived / have you been living 8 had a baby … I realised (that) I was (in …) 9 was having a shower … did you live … did you live 3 went … had been working or had 10 haven’t had a holiday / haven’t had a 14.4 worked break Example answers: 4 had been playing … started 2 I haven’t bought anything today. 5 Example answer: UNIT 18 3 I didn’t watch TV yesterday. 4 I went out with some friends I’d been walking for about ten 18.1 minutes when a car suddenly 2 used to have/ride yesterday evening. stopped just behind me. 3 used to live 5 I haven’t been to the cinema recently. 4 used to be 6 I’ve read a lot of books recently. 16.3 5 used to eat/like/love 2 We’d been travelling 6 used to take UNIT 15 3 He was looking 7 used to be 4 She’d been running 8 used to work 15.1 5 He was walking 3 It had changed a lot. 6 I’d had it 18.2 4 I hadn’t heard it before. 7 I’d been going 2 used 5 She’d arranged to do something else. / 8 I’ve been training 3 used to be 9 (When I finally arrived,) she was 4 did She had arranged … 5 used to 6 The film had already started. waiting … she’d been waiting 6 use 7 We hadn’t been there before. (such a long time) 7 to 8 I hadn’t seen him for five years. 10 a he was already working 8 be able 9 They’d just had lunch. / They had b had already been working 9 didn’t c He’s been working just had … 18.3 10 He’d never played before. / He had UNIT 17 2–6 never played … 17.1 • She used to be very lazy, but 2h 15.2 3c she works very hard these days. 2 there was … 4g 5b • She didn’t use to like cheese, She’d gone / She had gone 6a 3 He’d just come back from / 7e but she eats lots of cheese now. or 8f She used not to like cheese, but … He had just come back from … He looked 17.2 • She used to play the piano, 4 got a phone call 3 don’t have / haven’t got (haven’t is He was but she hasn’t played the He’d sent her / He had sent her … less usual) piano for a long time. / … played it she’d never replied (to them) / she 4 didn’t have for a long time. had never replied (to them) 5 doesn’t have / hasn’t got (hasn’t is • She didn’t use to drink tea, 15.3 less usual) 2 I went 6 do you have / have you got (have but she likes it now. or She used 3 had gone not to drink tea, but … 4 he’d already travelled / he had you is less usual) 7 didn’t have • She used to have a dog, but it already travelled 8 Does he have / Has he got (Has he is 5 broke died two years ago. 6 we saw … had broken … we less usual) 9 did you have 339 stopped 10 don’t have / haven’t got 11 had … didn’t

Key to Exercises 20.2 22.2 2 I’m going to try 2 It will look 18.4 3 I’m going to say 3 you’ll like / you will like Example answers: 4 I’m going to wash 4 You’ll enjoy / You will enjoy 3 I used to be a vegetarian, but now I 5 I’m not going to accept 5 You’ll get / You will get 6 I’m going to learn 6 people will live eat meat sometimes. 7 I’m going to run 7 we’ll meet / we will meet 4 I used to watch TV a lot, but I 8 I’m going to complain 8 she’ll come / she will come 9 I’m not going to tell 9 she’ll mind don’t watch it much now. 10 it will be 5 I used to hate getting up early, but 20.3 2 He’s going to be late. 22.3 now it’s no problem. 3 The boat is going to sink. 2 Do you think it will rain? 7 I didn’t use to drink coffee, but I 4 They’re going to run out of petrol. 3 When do you think it will end? 5 It’s going to cost a lot (of money) to 4 How much do you think it will cost? drink it every day now. 5 Do you think they’ll get married? / … 8 I didn’t use to like hot weather, but repair the car. they will get married? now I love it. 20.4 6 What time do you think you’ll 2 was going to buy UNIT 19 3 were going to play be back? / … you will be back? 4 was going to phone 7 What do you think will happen? 19.1 5 was going to be 2 How long are you going for? 6 was going to give up 22.4 3 When are you leaving? 7 were you going to say Example answers: 4 Are you going alone? 2 I’ll be in bed. 5 Are you travelling by car? UNIT 21 3 I’ll be at work. 6 Where are you staying? 4 I’ll probably be at home. 21.1 5 I don’t know where I’ll be. 19.2 2 I’ll turn / I’ll switch / I’ll put 2 We’re having 3 I’ll check 22.5 3 I’m not working 4 I’ll do 2 I’ll never forget it. 4 I’m leaving 5 I’ll show 3 You’ll laugh 5 are you going 6 I’ll have 4 I’m going 6 Laura isn’t coming / Laura’s not 7 I’ll stay / I’ll wait 5 will win 8 I’ll try 6 is coming coming 7 It won’t hurt 7 I’m going 21.2 8 What will happen 8 He’s working / He is working 2 I think I’ll go to bed. 9 we’re going 3 I think I’ll go for a walk. 19.3 4 I don’t think I’ll have (any) lunch. UNIT 23 Example answers: 5 I don’t think I’ll go swimming today. 2 I’m working tomorrow morning. 23.1 3 I’m not doing anything 21.3 2 I’ll lend 3 I’ll meet 3 I’m going to wash tomorrow evening. 4 I’ll stay 4 I’ll show 4 I’m going swimming next Sunday. 5 I’m having 5 are you going to paint 5 I’m going to a party this evening. 6 I won’t forget 6 I’m going to buy 7 we’re going 7 I’ll have 19.4 8 Are you doing 8 I’m not going to finish 2 Are you going 9 Will you do 9 (What) is he going to study / (What)’s 3 he’s moving / he is moving 10 Do you go 4 I’m going / I am going … 11 won’t tell he going to study 12 I’ll do 10 I’ll call does it start 11 he’s going to have … he’s going to do 5 we’re meeting / we are meeting 21.4 6 Are you doing 2 Where shall we go (on holiday)? 23.2 7 does this term end … starts 3 Shall I buy it? 2 I’ll see 8 We’re going / We are going … 4 Shall we get a taxi (or) (shall we) walk? 3 I’m going to sell 5 What shall I give/buy/get 4 you’ll find (you’re going to find is Who’s getting / Who is getting 9 Are you watching Helen (for her birthday)? also possible) 10 leaves … arrives 6 What time shall we meet? 5 a I’m going to throw 11 It finishes 5 b I’ll have it. 12 I’m not using / I am not using UNIT 22 6 a I’ll take 6 b Amy is going to take (or Amy is UNIT 20 22.1 2 won’t taking) 20.1 3 ’ll / will 2 What are you going to wear? 4 won’t 5 ’ll / will 23.3 6a 3 Where are you going to put it? 6 won’t 2d 7e 4 Who are you going to invite? 3h 8b 5 How are you going to cook it? 4g 5c 340

UNIT 24 25.4 6 When Key to Exercises 2 if 7 if 24.1 3 If 8 if 27.4 2 b is true 4 when 3 couldn’t wear 3 a and c are true 5 If 4 couldn’t have managed 4 b and d are true 5 couldn’t have been 5 c and d are true UNIT 26 6 couldn’t afford (or couldn’t manage) 6 c is true 7 couldn’t have studied 26.1 8 couldn’t stand 24.2 3 can 2 be going 4 be able to UNIT 28 3 won’t be playing 5 been able to 4 will be starting 6 can (or will be able to) 28.1 5 be watching 7 be able to 2 must 6 will you be doing 8 can 3 can’t 7 won’t be going 9 be able to 4 must 8 will be landing 5 must 26.2 6 can’t 24.3 Example answers: 7 must 2 we’ll be playing / we will be playing 2 I used to be able to run fast. 8 can’t 3 She’ll be waiting / She will be waiting 3 I’d like to be able to play the piano. 9 must 4 it will have finished (or it will be 4 I’ve never been able to get up early. 10 can’t 11 must finished) 26.3 5 you’ll still be living / you will still be 2 could run 28.2 3 can wait 3 know living 4 couldn’t sleep 4 have left 6 she’ll have travelled / she will have 5 can’t hear 5 be 6 couldn’t believe 6 have been travelled 7 be looking 7 I’ll be staying / I will be staying 26.4 8 have heard 8 he’ll have spent / he will have spent 2 was able to finish it 9 have been 9 I won’t be doing / I will not be doing 3 were able to solve it 10 be joking 4 was able to get away 11 get / be getting or have UNIT 25 26.5 28.3 25.1 4 couldn’t 3 It must have been very expensive. 2 we’ll let 5 managed to 4 They must have gone away. 3 starts 6 could 5 I must have left it in the 4 it changes 7 managed to 5 I’ll make 8 could restaurant last night. 6 I’m 40 9 couldn’t 6 It can’t have been easy for her. 7 I’ll wait 10 managed to 7 He must have been waiting 8 he grows up 9 you’re UNIT 27 for somebody. 10 is 8 She can’t have understood 11 will be 27.1 12 you’ve had 2e what I said. or She couldn’t have 3b understood what I said. 25.2 4f 9 I must have forgotten to lock it. 2 she goes 5a 10 They must have been having a party. 3 you know 6d 11 The driver can’t have seen the 4 I’ll wait / I will wait … you’re / you are red light. or The driver 5 Will you still be … I get 27.2 7 could couldn’t have seen … 6 there are … I’ll let / I will let 2 could 8 can 12 He can’t have worn them much. 7 You won’t recognise / You will not 3 can 9 could 4 could 10 could UNIT 29 recognise … you see 5 can 8 you need … I’m / I am 6 can 29.1 2 might know 25.3 27.3 3 might be Brazilian 2 it gets dark 2 could have come 4 may not be possible 3 you decide or you’ve decided / 3 could be 5 may be Tom’s 4 could have been 6 might be driving you have decided 5 could have 7 might have one 4 you’re in Hong Kong / you go 6 could come 8 may not be feeling well 7 have moved to Hong Kong 8 gone 5 build the new road or ’ve built the new road / have built the new road 6 she apologises or she’s apologised / she has apologised 341

Key to Exercises 29.2 31.2 32.5 2 have been 3 have to make 3 You needn’t shout. / You don’t need 3 have arrived 4 don’t have to decide 4 be waiting 5 had to ask to shout. / You don’t have to shout. 5 have told 6 don’t have to pay 4 I didn’t need to go out. / I didn’t 6 have gone 7 didn’t have to go 7 be watching 8 has to make have to go out. 8 have 9 had to stand 5 OK 9 have left 10 will have to drive / ’ll have to drive / is 6 You needn’t lock the door. / You 10 have heard 11 have forgotten going to have to drive don’t need to lock the door. / You don’t have to lock the door. 29.3 31.3 7 I didn’t need to say anything. / I 2 might not have wanted 3 OK (I have to remember is also correct) didn’t have to say anything. 3 couldn’t have been 4 I had to walk home. 8 OK 4 couldn’t have tried 5 OK (You have to come is also correct) 5 might not have been American 6 He has to study UNIT 33 7 We have to go UNIT 30 8 She has had to wear glasses since … 33.1 For the present perfect (has had) with 2 You should look for another job. 30.1 since, see Units 11–12. 3 He shouldn’t stay up so late. 2 I’m going to get 4 You should take a picture. 3 He might come 31.4 5 She shouldn’t worry so much. 4 I might hang 3 don’t have to 6 He should put some pictures on 5 She’s going 4 mustn’t 6 I might go away 5 don’t have to the walls. 6 doesn’t have to 30.2 7 don’t have to 33.2 2 might wake 8 mustn’t 2 should be here soon 3 might spill 9 mustn’t 3 should be working OK 4 might need 10 don’t have to 4 shouldn’t take long 5 might hear 5 should receive 6 might slip UNIT 32 6 should be much warmer 7 shouldn’t cost more 30.3 32.1 8 should solve 2 might have to leave 2d 5g 3 might be able to meet 3b 6a 33.3 4 might have to pay 4e 7c 3 should do 5 might have to wait 4 should have done 6 might be able to fix 32.2 5 should have won 2 must 6 should come 30.4 3 mustn’t 7 should have turned 2 I might not recognise him. 4 don’t need to 8 should have done 3 We might not be able to get tickets 5 mustn’t 6 needn’t 33.4 for the game. 7 mustn’t 2 We should have reserved a table. 4 I might not have time to do the 8 don’t need to 3 I should have written down her 9 needn’t … must shopping. address. / I should have written her 5 I might not be able to go to the 32.3 address down. or I should have 2 needn’t come written it down. wedding. 3 needn’t walk 4 The shop should be open (now / by 4 needn’t keep now). / The shop should have 30.5 5 needn’t worry opened by now. or It should … 2 I might as well buy a new one. 5 I shouldn’t have been looking at my 3 I might as well paint the bathroom too. 32.4 phone. or 4 We might as well watch it. 2 You needn’t have walked home. You I should have looked / been looking where I was going. UNIT 31 could have taken a taxi. 6 She shouldn’t be doing 50. / 3 They needn’t have stayed at a hotel. She shouldn’t be driving so fast. / 31.1 She should be driving more slowly. 3 I have to go / I’ll have to go They could have stayed with us. 7 I shouldn’t have gone to work 4 do you have to go / will you 4 She needn’t have phoned me at (yesterday). 8 Team A should win (the match). have to go 3 am. She could have waited until 9 The driver in front shouldn’t have 5 he has to get up the morning. stopped without warning. / … 6 We had to run 5 You needn’t have shouted at me. shouldn’t have stopped so suddenly. 7 does she have to work You could have been more patient. 8 I had to do 9 do you have to be 10 We had to close 11 did you have to pay 342

UNIT 34 35.3 Key to Exercises 2 had 34.1 3 not UNIT 37 2 I should stay / I stay / I stayed a little 4 should 5 to 37.1 longer 6 I’d 2g 3 they should visit / they visit / they 7 were 3d 8 better 4b visited the museum after lunch 9 hadn’t 5a 4 we should pay / we pay / we paid 10 do 6h 11 did 7f the rent by Friday 12 was 8c 5 we should go / we go / we went to 35.4 37.2 the cinema 2 It’s time I had a holiday. 2 Would you like 3 It’s time the children were in bed. / 3 I’d like 34.2 4 Would you like to come 2 OK … went to bed. 5 Can I take 4 It’s time I started cooking (the) 6 I’d like to (‘suggested that we should meet’ is 7 Would you like to try also correct) dinner. 8 Do you mind 3 What do you suggest I do / 5 It’s time she/Kate stopped I should do 37.3 4 OK complaining about everything. 2 Can/Could I/we have the (‘suggest I buy’ is also correct) 6 It’s time (some) changes were made 5 I suggest you read / you should bill, please? or … get the bill? read … UNIT 36 3 Can/Could you check these forms 6 OK (‘suggested that Anna should learn’, 36.1 (for me)? or Do you think you ‘suggested that Anna learns’ and Example answers: could check …? ‘suggested that Anna learnt/learned’ 2 I wouldn’t like to be a teacher. 4 Can/Could you turn the music are also correct) 3 I’d love to learn to fly a plane. down, please? / … turn it down? or 4 It would be nice to have a big garden. Do you think you could turn …? 34.3 5 I’d like to go to Mexico. 5 Is it OK if I close the window? or 2 should say Is it all right if …? or 3 should worry 36.2 Can I close …? or 4 should leave 2 ’d enjoy / would enjoy Do you mind if I close …? 5 should ask 3 ’d have enjoyed / would have 6 Would you like to sit down? or 6 should vote Would you like a seat? or 7 should be done enjoyed Can I offer you a seat? 4 would you do 7 Can/Could you tell me how to get to 34.4 5 ’d have stopped / would have the station? or … the way to the 2 If it should rain station? or … where the station is? 3 If there should be any problems stopped 8 Can/Could I try on these trousers? or 4 If anyone should ask 6 would have been Can/Could I try these (trousers) on? or 6 Should it rain 7 ’d be / would be I’d like to try on these trousers. or 7 Should there be any problems 8 would have Is it OK if I try … 8 Should anyone ask 9 Can/Could I get your autograph? / 36.3 … have your autograph? or 34.5 2e 5a Do you think I could get/have your 2 I should keep 3b 6d autograph? 3 I should call 4f 4 I should get UNIT 38 36.4 UNIT 35 2 He promised he’d call. / 38.1 2 dropped 35.1 … he would call. 3 lost 2 We’d better reserve a table. 3 You promised you wouldn’t tell 4 happened 3 You’d better put a plaster on it. 5 went 4 You’d better not go to work this her. or … wouldn’t tell anyone/ 6 did anybody. 7 was morning. 4 They promised they’d wait (for us). / 5 I’d/We’d better check what time the … they would wait. 38.2 2b film starts. 36.5 3a 6 I’d better not disturb her right now. 2 wouldn’t tell 4b 3 wouldn’t speak 5b 35.2 4 wouldn’t let 6a 2 OK 7b 3 You should come more often. 36.6 4 OK 2 would shake 343 5 OK 3 would share 6 everybody should learn a foreign 4 would always forget 5 would stay language 6 would always smile 7 OK

Key to Exercises UNIT 40 UNIT 41 38.3 40.1 41.1 2 I bought 2 If she’d missed / she had missed 2 hope 3 would you invite 3 wish 4 he asked (the train), she’d have missed / she 4 wished 5 I’d be / I would be would have missed (her flight too). 5 hope 6 somebody gave … I’d have / I would 3 I’d have forgotten / I would have 6 wish forgotten (if) you hadn’t reminded 7 hope have 4 I’d had / I had had (your email 7 Would you be … you met address) I’d have sent / I would have 41.2 8 would you do … you were … it sent (you an email) 2 wasn’t/weren’t 5 they’d have enjoyed / they would 3 ’d told / had told stopped have enjoyed (it more if the weather) 4 had / could have had been (better) 5 could 38.4 6 It would have been (quicker if) we’d 6 hadn’t bought 2 If we stayed at a hotel, it would cost walked / we had walked 7 didn’t have 7 you’d told / you had told (me) I’d 8 have gone too much. have tried / I would have tried 3 If I told you what happened, you 8 I were / I was 41.3 9 I’d been / I had been 2 I wish she would come. or wouldn’t believe me. or … believe it. 4 If she left her job, it would be hard to 40.2 … would hurry up. 2 If the road hadn’t been icy, the 3 I wish somebody would give find another one. 5 If he applied for the job, he wouldn’t accident wouldn’t have happened. me a job. 3 If I’d known / If I had known (that 4 I wish the/that dog would get it. you had to get up early), I’d have stop barking. UNIT 39 woken / I would have woken you up. 5 I wish you wouldn’t drive so fast. 4 If I hadn’t lost my phone (or If I’d had 6 I wish you wouldn’t leave the 39.1 my phone), I’d have called you. or 3 I’d help / I would help … I would have called you. or door open (all the time). 4 It would taste … I could have called you. 7 I wish people wouldn’t drop 5 we lived 5 If Karen hadn’t been wearing a seat 6 we’d live / we would live belt, she’d have been injured / litter in the street. 7 I was / I were she would have been injured (in the 8 it wasn’t / it weren’t crash). or … she might have been 41.4 9 I wouldn’t wait … I’d go / I would go injured or … she could have 3 I knew 10 you didn’t go … you wouldn’t be been injured 4 we hadn’t gone 11 there weren’t … there wouldn’t be 6 If you’d had / If you had had (some) 5 the bus would come 12 would you do if you didn’t have breakfast, you wouldn’t be hungry 6 I could come now. 7 it was/were 39.2 7 If I’d had / If I had had enough 8 I’d taken / I had taken 2 I’d / I would buy them if they weren’t money, I’d have got / I would have 9 you’d listen / you would listen got a taxi. (or … taken a taxi) 10 you wouldn’t complain or so expensive. 8 If Dan had done well/better at 3 We’d / We would go on holiday if we school, he could/would have gone you didn’t complain to university. 11 it wasn’t/weren’t could afford it. 12 the weather would change 4 We could have lunch outside 40.3 13 I had / I could have 2 I wish I’d learned / I wish I had learned 14 we could have stayed if it weren’t/wasn’t raining. 5 If I wanted his advice, I’d / I would to play a musical instrument (when I UNIT 42 was younger). or I wish I could play ask for it. … / I wish I was able to play … 42.1 3 I wish I hadn’t painted it red. or 2 is made 39.3 … the gate red. or I wish I had 3 was damaged 2 I wish I had more free time. painted it a different colour. 4 are shown 3 I wish Helen were/was here. 4 I wish we’d gone / I wish we had 5 were invited 4 I wish it weren’t/wasn’t (so) cold. gone by train. or 6 ’s/is found 5 I wish I didn’t live in a big city. I wish we hadn’t gone by car. 7 were overtaken 6 I wish I could find my phone. 5 I wish we’d had / I wish we had had 8 are held 7 I wish I was/were feeling well/better. more time (to do all the things we 9 was injured 8 I wish I didn’t have to get up early wanted to do). 10 is surrounded 6 I wish I hadn’t moved (to my new 11 was sent tomorrow. flat). or I wish I’d stayed where I 12 is owned 9 I wish I knew more about science. was. / … stayed in my old flat. 42.2 39.4 2 When was television invented? Example answers: 3 How are mountains formed? 1 I wish I was at home. 4 When was DNA discovered? 2 I wish I had a big garden. 5 What is silver used for? 3 I wish I could tell jokes. 4 I wish I was taller. 344

Key to Exercises 42.3 UNIT 44 45.3 2 a covers 2 You’re / You are supposed to 44.1 b is covered 2 was given be my friend. 3 a was stolen 3 wasn’t told / was not told 3 I’m / I am supposed to be on a diet. 4 ’s paid / is paid 4 It was supposed to be a joke. b disappeared 5 been shown 5 Or maybe it’s / it is supposed 4 a died 6 was asked 7 weren’t given / were not given to be a flower. b were brought up 8 to be offered 6 You’re / You are supposed to 5 a sank 44.2 be working. b was rescued 2 being invited 7 It’s supposed to be open every day. 6 a was fired 3 being given 4 being knocked down 45.4 b resigned 5 being bitten 2 ’re / are supposed to start 7 a doesn’t bother 6 being treated 3 was supposed to phone 7 being stuck 4 aren’t / ’re not / are not b ’m/am not bothered 8 a was knocked 44.3 supposed to put 2 got stung 5 was supposed to depart b fell 3 get used 6 isn’t / ’s not / is not supposed to lift 9 a are they called 4 got stolen 5 get paid UNIT 46 b do you call 6 get broken 7 get asked 46.1 42.4 8 got stopped 1b 3a 2 All flights were cancelled because 2a 4b 44.4 of fog. 3 were 46.2 3 I was accused of stealing money. 4 given 2 Sarah has her car serviced once a year. 4 How is this word used? 5 lost 3 Have you had your eyes tested 5 All taxes are included in the price. 6 being 6 We were warned not to go out alone. 7 get recently? 7 This office isn’t / is not used any more. 8 doesn’t 4 I don’t like having my hair cut. 8 Five hundred people were invited to 9 was 5 It cost fifteen pounds to have my suit 10 weren’t the wedding. cleaned. UNIT 45 6 You need to get this document UNIT 43 45.1 translated as soon as possible. 43.1 2 Many people are reported to 3 be made 46.3 4 be kept be homeless after the floods. 2 I had it cut. 5 have been repaired 3 The thieves are thought to have got 3 We had them cleaned. 6 be carried 4 He had it built. 7 have been arrested in through a window in the roof. 5 I had them delivered. 8 be delayed 4 The driver (of the car) is alleged to 6 She had them repaired. 9 have been caused 10 be knocked have been driving at 110 miles an 46.4 11 be known hour. or … to have driven at … 2f 5c 12 have been forgotten 5 The building is reported to have 3a 6b been badly damaged by the fire. 4e 43.2 6 The company is said to be losing a 3 It’s been stolen! / It has been stolen! lot of money. 46.5 4 Somebody has taken it. or 7 The company is believed to have lost 2 We had our bags searched. a lot of money last year. 3 I’ve had my salary increased. or … taken my umbrella. 8 The company is expected to make a 5 He hasn’t been seen since then. loss this year. I had my salary increased. 6 I haven’t seen her for ages. 4 He’s had his application refused. or 7 Have you ever been stung by a bee? 45.2 8 It’s / It is being repaired at the moment. 2 they’re / they are supposed to be He had his application refused. 9 It hasn’t / It has not been found yet. 3 it’s / it is supposed to have been 10 The furniture had been moved. 4 they’re / they are supposed to have UNIT 47 43.3 won 47.1 2 A new road is being built 5 the view is supposed to be 2 (that) it was too far 3 Two new hotels have been built 6 she’s / she is supposed to be living 3 (that) she didn’t want to go 4 some new houses were being built 4 (that) he would let me know next week. 5 The date of the meeting has been 5 (that) he hadn’t seen her for a while 6 (that) I could borrow hers. changed. 7 (that) she wasn’t enjoying it very much 6 I didn’t know that our conversation 8 (that) he sold it a few months ago was being recorded. or he’d sold it … / he had sold it … 7 Is anything being done about the 9 (that) she didn’t know 10 (that) there were twenty students in problem? 8 They hadn’t / had not been cleaned her class for ages. 345

Key to Exercises 49.2 50.3 3 Who paid the bill? / Who paid it? 2 She asked me how long I’d 47.2 4 What are you worried about? Example answers: 5 What happened? been in London. or 2 wasn’t coming / was going 6 What did she/Diane say? … how long I had been … 7 Who does it / this book belong to? 3 They asked me if/whether I’d been somewhere else / couldn’t come 8 Who lives in that house? / to London before. or 3 they didn’t like each other / … I had been … Who lives there? 4 She asked me if/whether I liked they didn’t get on with each other / 9 What did you fall over? London. they couldn’t stand each other 10 What fell off the shelf? 5 He asked me where I was staying. 4 he didn’t know anyone 11 What does it / this word mean? 6 She asked me how long I was going 5 she would be away / she was going 12 Who was she/Sarah with? to stay. away 13 What are you looking for? 7 She asked me if/whether I thought 6 you were staying at home 14 Who does she/Emma remind you of? London was expensive. or 7 you couldn’t speak / you didn’t … is expensive. speak any other languages 49.3 8 They asked me why I’d come to 8 he’d seen you / he saw you last 2 How is cheese made? London. or … why I had come … weekend 3 Why isn’t Sue working today? or … why I came … 4 What time are your friends arriving? UNIT 48 5 Why was the meeting cancelled? UNIT 51 6 When was paper invented? 48.1 7 Where were your parents born? 51.1 2 But you said you didn’t like fish. 8 Why didn’t you come to the party? 2 doesn’t 3 But you said you couldn’t drive. 9 How did the accident happen? 3 was 4 But you said she had a very 10 Why aren’t you happy? 4 has 11 How many languages can you speak? 5 will well-paid job. 6 should 5 But you said you didn’t have 49.4 7 won’t 2 Don’t you like him? 8 do any brothers or sisters. 3 Isn’t it good? 9 didn’t 6 But you said you’d / you had never 4 Don’t you have any? or Haven’t 10 might 11 am … isn’t or ’m not … is or been to the United States. you got any? 7 But you said you were working can’t … can or can’t … is UNIT 50 12 would … could … can’t tomorrow evening. 8 But you said she was a friend 50.1 51.2 2c 3 Do you? I don’t. of yours. 3a 4 Didn’t you? I did. 4b 5 Aren’t you? I am. 48.2 5b 6 Did you? I didn’t. 2 Tell 6c 3 Say 7b 51.3 4 said 8a Example answers: 5 told 3 So did I. or 6 said 50.2 7 told 2 How far is it to the airport? Did you? What did you watch? 8 said 3 I wonder how old Tom is. 4 Neither will I. or 9 tell … said 4 How long have they been married? 10 tell … say 5 Do you know how long they have Won’t you? Where will you be? 5 So do I. or 48.3 been married? 2 her to slow down 6 Could you tell me where the Do you? What sort of books do 3 her not to worry you like? 4 asked Tom to give me a hand or station is? 6 So would I. or 7 I don’t know whether anyone was Would you? Where would you like … to help me to live? 5 asked/told me to open my bag injured in the accident. 7 Neither can I. or 6 told him to mind his own business 8 Do you know what time you will Can’t you? Why not? 7 asked her to marry him 8 So am I. or 8 told her not to wait (for me) if arrive tomorrow? Are you? Are you doing something nice? I was late 51.4 6 I’m afraid so. UNIT 49 2 I hope so. 7 I think so. 3 I hope not. 8 I’m afraid not. 49.1 4 I don’t think so. 2 Were you born there? 5 I suppose so. 3 Are you married? 4 How long have you been married? 5 What do you do? 6 What does your wife do? 7 Do you have (any) children? or Have you got (any) children? 8 How old are they? 346

Key to Exercises UNIT 52 53.2 54.5 2 making 2 what to do 52.1 3 listening 3 how to ride 3 don’t you 4 applying 4 whether to go 4 were you 5 reading 5 where to put 5 does she 6 living 6 how to use 6 isn’t he 7 travelling 7 did it 8 forgetting UNIT 55 8 can’t you 9 paying 9 will they 10 trying 55.1 10 aren’t there 11 losing 2 or do you want me to lend 11 shall we 12 interrupting 12 is it you some 13 aren’t I 53.3 3 or would you like me to shut it 14 would you 2 I don’t mind you driving it. 4 or would you like me to show you 15 hasn’t she 3 Can you imagine anybody being so 5 or do you want me to repeat it 16 should I 6 or do you want me to wait 17 had he stupid? 18 will you 4 We can’t stop it raining. 55.2 5 I don’t want to keep you waiting. 2 to stay with them 52.2 3 to call Joe. 2 It’s (very) expensive, isn’t it? 53.4 4 him to be careful 3 The course was great, wasn’t it? Example answers: 5 her to give him a hand 4 You’ve had your hair cut, haven’t 2 going out 3 sitting on the floor 55.3 you? or 4 having a picnic 2 I didn’t expect it to rain. You had your hair cut, didn’t you? 5 laughing 3 Let him do what he wants. 5 She has a good voice, doesn’t she? 6 breaking down 4 Tom’s glasses make him look older. or She has a good voice, hasn’t she? 5 I want you to know the truth. or She’s got / She has got a good UNIT 54 6 Sarah persuaded me to apply voice, hasn’t she? 6 It doesn’t look right, does it? 54.1 for the job. 7 This bridge isn’t very safe, is it? or 2 to help him 7 My lawyer advised me not to … doesn’t look very safe, does it? 3 to carry her bag (for her) 4 to meet at 8 o’clock say anything to the police. 52.3 5 to tell him her name / to give 8 I was warned not to believe 2 Joe, you couldn’t help me (with this him her name everything he says. table), could you? 6 not to tell anyone or (She 9 Having a car enables you to 3 Lisa, you don’t know where Sarah promised) she wouldn’t tell anyone. get around more easily. is, do you? or … you haven’t seen Sarah, have you? 54.2 55.4 4 Helen, you don’t have a tennis 2 to get 2 to do racket, do you? or 3 to live 3 cry … you haven’t got a tennis racket, 4 to play 4 to study have you? 5 to tell 5 finish 5 Anna, you couldn’t take me to the 6 say or to say 6 do station, could you? or 7 to do … you couldn’t give me a lift to the 54.3 8 drive station, could you? 2 to look 9 change 6 Robert, you haven’t seen my keys, 3 to move 10 to work have you? 4 waiting 5 to finish UNIT 56 UNIT 53 6 barking 7 to be 56.1 53.1 8 having 2 driving 2 playing tennis 9 missing 3 to go 3 going for a walk 10 to say 4 going 4 causing the accident 5 to win 5 waiting a few minutes 54.4 6 asking 6 not telling the truth or 2 Tom appears to be worried 7 asking 8 to answer (She admitted) lying. about something. 9 causing 3 You seem to know a lot of people. 10 to do 4 My English seems to be 11 being 12 to climb getting better. 13 to tell 5 That car appears to have 14 talking … to see broken down. 6 Rachel seems to be enjoying her job. 7 They claim to have solved the problem. 347

Key to Exercises UNIT 58 59.2 3 prefer 56.2 58.1 4 eat / stay 2 He doesn’t remember crying Example answers: 5 I’d rather (wait) / I’d prefer to (wait) 3 He remembers falling into the river. 2 I don’t mind playing cards. 6 to go 4 He doesn’t remember saying he 3 I don’t like being alone. or 7 (I’d) rather (think) / (I’d) prefer to wanted to be a doctor. or … to be alone. (think) He doesn’t remember wanting to be 4 I enjoy going to museums. 8 I’d prefer a doctor. 5 I love cooking. or I love to cook. 9 go 5 He doesn’t remember being bitten 6 I hate getting up early. 11 I’d rather listen to some music than by a dog. 6 He remembers his sister being born 58.2 watch TV. (when he was four). 2 She likes teaching biology. 12 I’d prefer to eat/stay at home rather 3 He likes taking pictures. or 56.3 than go to a restaurant. 1 b meeting He likes to take pictures. 13 I’d rather go for a swim than play 4 I didn’t like working there. c leaving/putting 5 She likes studying medicine. tennis. or … than have a game d to say 6 He doesn’t like being famous. of tennis. e lending 7 She doesn’t like taking risks. or 14 I’d prefer to think about it for a while f to call/phone rather than decide now. 2 a doing She doesn’t like to take risks. b to say 8 I like to know things in advance. 59.3 c wearing / having / taking / 2 (would you rather) I paid it 58.3 3 would you rather I did it putting on 2 to sit 4 would you rather I phoned her d leaving / giving up 3 turning 3 a to become 4 doing or to do 59.4 b working 5 to get 2 came c reading 6 being 3 watch d going up / rising / increasing 7 to come / to go 4 than 8 living / being 5 didn’t UNIT 57 9 to talk 6 was 10 to have / to know / to get / 7 to watch 57.1 8 didn’t 2 to reach to hear / to be told 9 did 3 knocking 11 to wait 10 rather than 4 to put 12 losing or to lose 5 to concentrate UNIT 60 6 asking 58.4 7 calling 2 I would like / I’d like to have seen the 60.1 8 to remember 2 applying for the job 9 restarting programme. 3 remembering names 3 I would hate / I’d hate to have lost 4 winning the lottery 57.2 5 being late 2 It needs cutting. my watch. 6 eating at home 3 They need cleaning. 4 I would love / I’d love to have met 7 having to queue or 4 They need tightening. 5 It needs emptying. your parents. (without) queuing 5 I wouldn’t like to have been alone. 8 being 90 years old 57.3 6 I would prefer / I’d prefer to have 2 washing 60.2 3 looking travelled by train. 2 by standing 4 to think 3 by pressing 5 cutting UNIT 59 4 by borrowing 6 to go 5 by driving 7 to iron 59.1 6 by putting 8 ironing Example answers: 2 I prefer basketball to football. 60.3 57.4 3 I prefer going to the cinema to 2 paying/settling 2 look or to look 3 going 3 overhearing watching movies at home. 4 making 4 smiling 4 I prefer being very busy to having 5 being/travelling/sitting 5 make or to make 6 going 6 organise or to organise nothing to do. 7 asking/telling/consulting/informing 7 thinking 6 I prefer to go to the cinema rather 8 doing/having 8 get or to get 9 turning/going than watch movies at home. or 10 taking I prefer going to the cinema rather 11 bending than watching movies at home. 12 buying 7 I prefer to be very busy rather than have nothing to do. or I prefer being very busy to having nothing to do. 348

60.4 62.2 Key to Exercises 2 I’m looking forward to seeing 2 of stealing 3 from taking off UNIT 64 her (again). 4 of getting 3 I’m not looking forward to going to 5 on telling 64.1 6 to eating 2 I opened the box to see what was in it. the dentist (tomorrow). 7 for being 3 I moved to a new apartment to be 4 She’s looking forward to leaving 8 from walking (or … stop people nearer my friends. school (next summer). walking) 4 I couldn’t find a knife to chop the 5 They’re looking forward to moving 9 for inviting 10 of using onions. or (to their new apartment). 11 of (not) trying … a knife to chop the onions with. 5 I called the police to report the UNIT 61 62.3 accident. 2 on taking Ann to the station 6 I called the hotel to find out if they 61.1 3 on getting married had any rooms free. 2 used to going 4 Sue for coming to see her 7 I employed an assistant to help me 3 used to working / used to being 5 (to me) for being late with my work. 4 used to walking 6 me of not caring about other people 5 used to living 64.2 UNIT 63 2 to do 61.2 3 to walk 1 It took her a few months to get used 63.1 4 to drink 2h 6a 5 to put / to carry to it. … 3d 7e 6 to discuss / to consider / to talk about She’s used to working nights. / She 4g 8c 7 to go / to travel is used to working nights. 5b 8 to talk / to speak 2 When Jack started working in this 9 to wear / to put on job, he wasn’t used to driving two 63.2 10 to celebrate hours to work every morning, but 2 There’s no point in working if you 11 to help / to assist after some time he got used to it. 12 to be … He’s used to driving two hours don’t need money. every morning. / He is used to 3 There’s no point in trying to study if 64.3 driving … 2 to you feel tired. or 3 for 61.3 There’s no point in studying if … 4 to 2 No, I’m used to sleeping on the floor. 4 There’s no point in hurrying if you 5 for 3 I’m used to working long hours. have plenty of time. 6 for 4 I’m not used to the crowds (of people). 7 to 63.3 8 for … to 61.4 2 remembering people’s names 2 They soon got used to her. / … 3 finding a job / getting a job 64.4 4 getting a ticket for the game 2 so that I wouldn’t get/be cold. to the/their new teacher. 5 understanding one another 3 so that he could contact me. / 3 She had to get used to living in 63.4 … would be able to contact me. a much smaller house. 2 going / travelling / getting 4 so that nobody else would hear us. / 4 She can’t get used to the weather. 3 getting 5 He had to get used to having less 4 watching so that nobody else could hear us. / 5 going / climbing / walking … would be able to hear us. money. 6 getting / being 5 so that we can start the meeting on 7 practising time. / so that we’ll be able to start … 61.5 8 working 6 so that we wouldn’t forget anything. 2 drink 9 applying 7 so that the car behind me could 3 eating 10 trying overtake. / … would be able to 4 having overtake. 5 have/own 63.5 6 go 2 went swimming UNIT 65 7 be 3 go skiing 8 being 4 goes riding 65.1 5 ’s/has gone shopping or 2 The window was difficult to open. UNIT 62 3 Some words are impossible to went shopping 62.1 translate. 2 doing 4 A car is expensive to maintain. 3 coming/going 5 This meat isn’t safe to eat. 4 doing/trying 6 My house is easy to get to from here. 5 buying/having 6 solving 65.2 7 buying/having/owning 2 It’s an easy mistake to make. 8 seeing 3 It’s a great place to live. 4 It was a strange thing to say. 349

Key to Exercises 65.3 UNIT 67 68.4 2 glad 2 Thinking they might be hungry, … 3 to hear 6 amazed 67.1 3 Being a vegetarian, … 4 of you 7 to make 1 b give 4 Not having a phone, … 5 to help 8 not 2 a stopped 5 Having travelled a lot, … 9 silly 6 Not being able to speak the local b stop 65.4 3 a open language, … 2 Paul was the last (person) to arrive. 7 Having spent nearly all our money, … 3 Emily was the only student to pass b opened 4 a say UNIT 69 (the exam). / … the only one to pass (the exam). b said (says is also possible) 69.1 4 I was the second customer/person to 5 a fell 3 We went to a very nice restaurant … complain. 4 OK 5 Neil Armstrong was the first person/ b fall 5 I use a toothbrush … man to walk on the moon. 6 … if there’s a bank near here? 67.2 7 … for an insurance company. 65.5 2 We saw Clare eating/sitting in a 8 OK 2 You’re / You are bound to be tired 9 … we stayed in a big hotel. 3 He’s / He is sure to forget restaurant. 10 If you have a problem … 4 It’s / It is not likely to rain or 3 We saw David and Helen playing 11 … It’s an interesting idea. 12 OK It isn’t likely to rain tennis. 13 … It’s a good game. 5 There’s / There is sure to be 4 We could smell something burning. 14 OK 5 We could hear Bill playing his/the 15 … wearing a beautiful necklace. 16 … have an airport? guitar. 6 We saw Linda jogging/running. UNIT 66 67.3 8 explode 69.2 8 a question 3 say 9 crawling 3 a key 9 a moment 66.1 4 happen 10 riding 4 a coat 10 blood 3 I’m afraid of losing it. 5 crying 11 slam 5 ice 11 a decision 4 I was afraid to tell her. 6 put 12 lying 6 a biscuit 12 an interview 5 We were afraid of missing our train. 7 tell 7 electricity 6 We were afraid to look. 7 I was afraid of dropping it. UNIT 68 69.3 8 air 8 Don’t be afraid to ask. 2 days 9 patience 9 I was afraid of running out of petrol. 68.1 3 meat 10 an umbrella 2 Amy was sitting in an armchair 4 a queue 11 languages 66.2 5 jokes 12 space 2 interested in starting reading a book. 6 friends 3 interested to know / interested to hear 3 Nicola opened the door carefully 7 people 4 interested in studying 5 interested to hear / interested to trying not to make a noise. UNIT 70 4 Sarah went out saying she would be know (interested in hearing/knowing 70.1 is also possible here) back in an hour. 1 b there’s a lot of noise 6 interested in looking 5 Lisa worked in Rome for two years 2 a Light 66.3 teaching English. b a light 2 sorry to hear 6 Anna walked around the town looking 3 a time 3 sorry for saying / sorry I said 4 sorry to see at the sights and taking pictures. b a great time 5 sorry for making / sorry I made 4 a a glass of water 68.2 66.4 2 I got very wet walking in the rain. b broken glass 1 b to leave 3 Laura had an accident driving to 5 a a very nice room c from leaving work. b room 2 a to solve 4 My friend slipped and fell getting off 70.2 b to solve a bus. 2 bad luck c in solving 5 Emily hurt her back trying to lift a 3 journey 3 a of going / about going 4 complete chaos b to go (or on going) heavy box. 5 doesn’t c to go 6 Two people were overcome by 6 some lovely scenery d to going 7 very hard work 4 a to buy smoke trying to put out the fire. 8 paper b on buying 9 heavy traffic c to buy 68.3 10 Your hair is … it d of buying Example answers: 2 Having bought our tickets / Having got our tickets 3 Having discussed the problem / Having talked about the problem / Having thought about the problem 4 Having said he was hungry 5 Having lost his job / Having given up his job / Having been fired from his job 6 Having spent most of his life / Having lived (for) most of his life 350

70.3 UNIT 72 Key to Exercises 2 furniture 3 chairs 7 advice 72.1 UNIT 73 4 hair 8 experience 1 … and a magazine. The book is in 5 progress 9 experiences 73.1 6 permission 10 damage my bag, but I can’t remember where 1 a lift I put the magazine. 2 a nice holiday … the best holiday 70.4 2 I saw an accident this morning. A 3 the nearest shop … the end of this 2 I’d like some information about car crashed into a tree. The driver of the car wasn’t hurt, but the car was street places to visit (in the town). badly damaged. 4 a lovely day … a cloud in the sky 3 Can you give me some advice about 3 … a blue one and a grey one. The 5 the most expensive hotel … a blue one belongs to my neighbours. which courses to do? / … courses I I don’t know who the owner of the cheaper hotel can do? grey one is. 6 to travel in space … go to the moon 4 I’ve (just) got some good news. / 4 My friends live in an old house in a 7 think of the movie … I thought the I’ve (just) had some good news. / small village. There is a beautiful I (just) got some good news. garden behind the house. I would ending … 5 It’s a beautiful view (from here), like to have a garden like that. 8 Is it a star? No, it’s a planet. It’s the isn’t it? 6 What horrible/awful weather! 72.2 largest planet in the solar system. 1 aa UNIT 71 4 a the 73.2 b the ba 2 TV 71.1 c the c an 3 the radio 3 They’re vegetables. 2 aa 4 The television 4 It’s a flower. ba 5 a the 5 dinner 5 They’re planets. c the ba 6 the same name 6 It’s a game. 3 a the ca 7 for breakfast 7 They’re tools. b the 8 vitamin C 8 They’re rivers. ca 9 the internet 9 It’s an insect. 10 the ground … the sky 10 They’re languages. 72.3 11 The next train … platform 3 2 the dentist 71.2 3 the door 73.3 2 He’s a waiter. 4 a problem 2 … doing the same thing 3 She’s a journalist. 5 the station 3 Room 25 is on the second floor. 4 He’s a surgeon. 6 the post office 4 It was a very hot day. It was the 5 He’s a chef. 7 a very good player 6 He’s a plumber. 8 an airport hottest day of the year. 7 She’s a tour guide. 9 The nearest airport 5 We had lunch in a nice restaurant by 8 She’s an interpreter. 10 the floor 11 the book the sea. 71.3 12 a job in a bank 6 What’s on at the cinema … 2 a careful driver 13 a small apartment in the city centre 7 I had a big breakfast … 3 some books 14 a shop at the end of the street 8 You’ll find the information you need 4 books 5 sore feet 72.4 at the top of page 15. 6 a sore throat Example answers: 7 a lovely present 2 About once a month. 73.4 8 some students 3 Once or twice a year. 2 the sea 9 without an umbrella 4 About seven hours a night. 3 question 3 10 Some people 5 Two or three times a week. 4 the cinema 6 About two hours a day. 5 the question 71.4 7 50 kilometres an hour. 6 breakfast 4a 7 Gate 24 5 Some 8 the gate 6 an 7 – (You’re always asking questions!) UNIT 74 8a 9 – (Do you like staying in hotels?) 74.1 10 Some 2 school 11 – (Those are nice shoes.) 3 the school 12 You need a visa to visit some 4 school 5 … get to and from school countries 6 the school 13 Kate is a teacher. Her parents were 7 school 8 … walk to school. The school isn’t … teachers too. 14 He’s a liar. He’s always telling lies. 351

Key to Exercises 75.4 77.2 1 stories 3 OK 74.2 2 the words 4 … and the United States 1 b university 3 the rooms 5 … than the north 4 public transport 6 OK c university 5 All the books 7 OK d the university 6 Life 8 … in the Swiss Alps 2 a hospital 7 The weather 9 The UK … b the hospital 8 water 10 The Seychelles … in the Indian Ocean c the hospital 9 films (‘films with unhappy endings’ 11 OK d hospital 12 The River Volga flows into the 3 a prison in general) b the prison Caspian Sea. c prison UNIT 76 4 a church 77.3 b church 76.1 2 (in) South America c the church 1 b the cheetah 3 the Nile 4 Sweden 74.3 c the kangaroo (and the rabbit) 5 the United States 2 to work 2 a the swan 6 the Rockies 3 bed 7 the Mediterranean 4 at home b the penguin 8 Australia 5 the bed c the owl 9 the Pacific 6 after work 3 a the wheel 10 the Indian Ocean 7 in bed b the laser 11 the Thames 8 home c the telescope 12 the Danube 9 work 4 a the rupee 13 Thailand 10 like home b the (Canadian) dollar 14 the Panama Canal c the … 15 the Amazon 74.4 2 to school 76.2 7a UNIT 78 3 at home or stayed home 2a 8 The 3 the 9 the 78.1 (without at) 4a 10 a 2 Turner’s in Carter Road 4 to work 5 the 3 the Crown (Hotel) in Park Road 5 at university 6 the 4 St Peter’s in Market Street 6 in bed 5 the City Museum in George Street 7 to hospital 76.3 6 Blackstone’s in Forest Avenue 8 in prison 2 the sick 7 Mario’s in George Street 3 the unemployed 8 Victoria Park at the end of Market UNIT 75 4 the injured 5 the elderly Street 75.1 6 the rich Example answers: 78.2 2–5 I like cats. 76.4 2 The Eiffel Tower 2 a German 3 Buckingham Palace I don’t like zoos. 4 The White House I don’t mind snow. Germans / German people 5 The Kremlin I’m not interested in boxing. 3 a Frenchman/Frenchwoman 6 Broadway 7 The Acropolis 75.2 the French / French people 8 Gatwick Airport 1 b the apples 4 a Russian 2 a the people 78.3 Russians / Russian people 2 St Paul’s Cathedral b people 5 a Japanese 3 Central Park 3 a names 4 the Great Wall the Japanese / Japanese people 5 Dublin Airport b the names 6 a Brazilian 6 The Classic 4 a The First World War 7 Liverpool University Brazilians / Brazilian people 8 the National Museum b war 7 an Englishman/Englishwoman 9 Harrison’s 5 a hard work 10 Cathay Pacific the English / English people 11 The Morning News b the work 8… 12 the Leaning Tower 13 Cambridge University Press 75.3 UNIT 77 14 the College of Art 3 spiders 15 The Imperial Hotel is in Baker Street. 4 meat 77.1 16 The Statue of Liberty is at the 5 the questions 2 The doctor 6 the people 3 Doctor Thomas entrance to New York Harbor. 7 Biology 4 Professor Brown 8 lies 5 the President 9 The hotels 6 President Kennedy 10 The water 7 Inspector Roberts 11 the grass 8 the Wilsons 12 patience 9 the United States 10 France 352

UNIT 79 80.3 Key to Exercises 2 school football team 79.1 6 pair 3 film production company UNIT 82 2 don’t 7 are 4 life insurance policy 3 doesn’t 8a 5 tourist information office 82.1 4 some 9 it 2 hurt himself 5 them 80.4 3 blame herself 2 two-hour 4 put yourself 79.2 6 news 3 two hours 5 enjoyed themselves 2 means 7 species 4 twenty-pound 6 burn yourself 3 series 8 means 5 ten-pound 7 express myself 4 species 6 15-minute 5 series 7 60 minutes 82.2 8 twelve-storey 2 me 79.3 9 five days 3 myself 2 don’t 10 Five-star 4 us 3 want 11 six years old 5 yourself 4 was 12 six-year-old 6 you 5 are 7 ourselves 6 is or are UNIT 81 8 them 7 Do 9 themselves 8 do or does 81.1 9 enjoy 3 your friend’s umbrella 82.3 10 is or are 4 OK 3 feel 5 James’s daughter 4 dried myself 79.4 6 Helen and Andy’s son 5 concentrate 2 is too hot 7 OK 6 defend yourself 3 isn’t enough money 8 OK 7 meeting 4 isn’t long enough 9 Your children’s friends 8 relax 5 is a lot to carry 10 OK 11 Our neighbours’ garden 82.4 79.5 12 David’s hair 2 themselves 3 … wearing black jeans. 13 OK 3 each other 4 … very nice people. 14 my best friend’s party 4 each other 5 OK 15 OK 5 themselves 6 There was a police officer / a 16 Ben’s parents’ car 6 each other 17 OK 7 ourselves policeman / a policewoman … 18 OK (the government’s policy is 8 each other 7 These scissors aren’t … 9 introduced ourselves to each other 8 OK (The company has is also correct) also OK) 9 … is a very rare species. 82.5 10 Twelve hours is … 81.2 2 I made it myself 2 father’s 3 Laura told me herself / Laura herself UNIT 80 3 apples 4 Children’s told me 80.1 5 Switzerland’s 4 know themselves 3 train ticket 6 parents’ 5 cuts it himself 4 ticket machine 7 photos 6 do it yourself? 5 hotel staff 8 someone else’s 6 exam results 9 Shakespeare’s UNIT 83 7 race horse 8 horse race 81.3 83.1 9 running shoes 2 Last week’s storm caused a lot of 2 We met a relative of yours. 10 shoe shop 3 Jason borrowed a book of mine. 11 shop window damage. 4 I met Lisa and some friends of hers. 12 window cleaner 3 The town’s only cinema has closed 5 We had dinner with a neighbour 13 a construction company scandal 14 car factory workers down. of ours. 15 road improvement scheme 4 Britain’s weather is very changeable. 6 I went on holiday with two friends 16 New York department store 5 The region’s main industry is tourism. of mine. 80.2 81.4 7 I met a friend of Amy’s at the party. 2 seat belt 2 twenty minutes’ walk 8 It’s always been an ambition of 3 credit card 3 two weeks’ holiday / fourteen days’ 4 weather forecast mine to travel round the world. 5 washing machine holiday / a fortnight’s holiday 6 wedding ring 4 an/one hour’s sleep 83.2 7 room number 2 his own opinions 8 birthday party 3 her own business 9 truck driver 4 our own words 5 its own private beach 353

Key to Exercises 83.3 84.3 UNIT 86 2 your own fault 2 There may be 3 her own ideas 3 There won’t be 86.1 4 your own problems 4 There’s / There is going to be 3 no 5 his own decisions 5 There used to be 4 any 6 there should be 5 None 83.4 7 there wouldn’t be 6 no 2 make her own (clothes) 7 none 3 clean your own (shoes) 84.4 8 any 4 bake our own (bread) 3 there will be an opportunity 9 no 5 write their own (songs) 4 There must have been a reason. 10 any 5 OK 11 none 83.5 6 OK 12 no 2 myself 7 There used to be a lot of tourists 13 any 3 our own 8 There’s no signal. 14 no 4 themselves 9 OK 5 himself 10 There’s sure to be a car park 86.2 6 their own 2 Nobody/No-one. 7 yourself somewhere. 3 None. 8 her own 11 OK 4 Nowhere. 12 there would be somebody … 5 None. 83.6 6 Nothing. 2 Sam and Chris are colleagues of but there wasn’t anybody. 8 I’m not waiting for anybody/anyone. 9 I didn’t buy any (bread). mine. UNIT 85 10 I’m not going anywhere. 3 I was scared. I didn’t want to go out 11 I haven’t read any (books). 85.1 12 It doesn’t cost anything. on my own. 2 some 4 In my last job I had my own office. 3 any 86.3 5 He must be lonely. He’s always by 4 some 2 nobody/no-one 5 any … some 3 Nowhere himself. 6 any 4 anything 6 My parents have gone away with 7 some 5 Nobody/No-one 8 any 6 anywhere some friends of theirs. 9 some 7 Nothing 7 Are there any countries that produce 10 any 8 Nothing. I couldn’t find anything 11 some … any all their own food? I wanted. 85.2 9 Nobody/No-one said anything. UNIT 84 2 somebody/someone 3 anybody/anyone 86.4 84.1 4 anything 2 nobody 3 There’s / There is 5 something 3 anyone 4 there wasn’t 6 anything or anybody/anyone 4 Anybody 5 Is it 7 anybody/anyone 5 Nothing 6 Is there 8 somewhere 6 Anything 7 there was 9 anybody/anyone 7 anything 8 It isn’t / It’s not 10 something 8 any 9 There wasn’t 11 Anybody/Anyone 9 No-one … anyone 10 It’s / It is … there isn’t 12 somebody/someone … anybody/ 11 It was UNIT 87 12 Is there … there’s / there is anyone 13 It’s / It is … There’s / There is 13 anywhere 87.1 14 there was … It was 14 anything 3 OK 15 something 4 It cost a lot to … 84.2 16 something … anybody/anyone 5 OK 2 There’s / There is a lot of salt in the 17 somebody/someone … anybody/ 6 You have a lot of luggage. 7 OK soup. or … too much salt … anyone 8 … know many people or … know 3 There was nothing in the box. 18 anybody/anyone anything 4 There were about 50 people at the a lot of people 85.3 9 OK meeting. 2 Any day 10 He travels a lot. 5 There’s / There is a lot of violence in 3 Anything 4 anybody/anyone 87.2 the film. 5 Any job or Anything 2 He has (got) plenty of money. 6 (example answers) 6 anywhere 3 There’s plenty of room. 7 Anybody/Anyone 4 … she still has plenty to learn. There is a lot to do in this town. / 5 There is plenty to see. … plenty to do in this town. / 6 There are plenty of hotels. … a lot happening in this town. or There are a lot of places to go in this town. 354

Key to Exercises 87.3 88.4 90.2 2 little 2 All of them 2 The whole team played well. 3 many 3 none of us 3 He ate the whole box (of chocolates). 4 few 4 some of it 4 They searched the whole house. 5 little 5 none of them 5 The whole family plays tennis. or 6 many 6 Some of them 7 little 7 all of it … play tennis. 8 much 8 none of it 6 Sarah/She worked the whole day. 9 few 7 It rained the whole week. UNIT 89 8 Sarah worked all day. 87.4 9 It rained all week. 2 a few dollars 89.1 3 little traffic 2 Neither 90.3 4 a few years ago 3 both 2 every four hours 5 a little time 4 Either 3 every four years 6 only a few words 5 Neither 4 every five minutes 7 Few people 6 both 5 every six months 87.5 89.2 90.4 2 a little 2 either 2 every day 3 a few 3 both 3 all day 4 few 4 Neither of 4 The whole building 5 little 5 neither driver … both / both the / 5 Every time 6 a little 6 all the time 7 little both of the cars 7 all my luggage 8 a few 6 both / both of 9 a few UNIT 91 10 a little 89.3 2 either of them 91.1 UNIT 88 3 both of them 3 Each 4 Neither of us 4 Every 88.1 5 neither of them 5 Each 3— 6 every 4 of 89.4 7 each 5— 3 The movie was both boring and long. 8 every 6— 4 Neither Joe nor Sam has a car. or 7 of 91.2 8 of … has got a car. 3 Every 9 — (of is also correct) 5 Emily speaks both German and 4 Each 10 — 5 every 11 — Russian. 6 every 12 of 6 Ben neither watches TV nor 7 each of 8 every 88.2 reads newspapers. 9 each 3 of my spare time 7 That man’s name is either 10 Every 4 accidents 11 each of 5 of the buildings Richard or Robert. 12 each 6 of her friends 8 I have neither the time nor 7 of the population 91.3 8 birds the money to go on holiday. 2 Sonia and I had ten pounds 9 of the players 9 We can leave either today or 10 of her opinions each. or 11 European countries tomorrow. Sonia and I each had ten pounds. 12 (of) my dinner 3 Those postcards cost a pound each 89.5 5 any / … one pound each. or 88.3 2 either 6 either Those postcards are a pound each / Example answers: 3 any 7 neither … one pound each 2 the time 4 none 4 We paid 200 dollars each. or 3 my friends We each paid 200 dollars. 4 (of) the questions UNIT 90 5 the pictures / the photos / the 91.4 90.1 2 everyone photographs 3 Everybody/Everyone 3 every one (2 words) 6 (of) the money 4 Everything 4 Everyone 5 all 5 every one (2 words) 6 everybody/everyone 7 everything 8 All 9 everybody/everyone 10 All 11 everything 12 Everybody/Everyone 13 All 14 everything 355

Key to Exercises 93.2 94.4 2 you’re wearing or Example answers: UNIT 92 2 The reason I left my job was that the that/which you’re wearing 92.1 3 you’re going to see or salary was too low. 2 A customer is someone who buys 3 I’ll never forget the time I got stuck in that/which you’re going to see something from a shop. 4 I/we wanted to visit or a lift. 3 A burglar is someone who breaks 4 2009 was the year Amanda got that/which I/we wanted to visit into a house to steal things. 5 I/we invited to the party or married. 4 A coward is someone who is not brave. 5 The reason they don’t have a car is 5 A tenant is someone who pays rent who/whom/that we invited … 6 you had to do or that neither of them can drive. to live somewhere. 6 The last time I saw Sam was about 6 A shoplifter is someone who steals that/which you had to do 7 I/we rented or that/which I/we rented six months ago. from a shop. 7 Do you remember the day we first met? 7 A liar is someone who doesn’t tell 93.3 2 the wedding we were invited to UNIT 95 the truth. 3 the hotel you told me about 8 A pessimist is someone who expects 4 the job I applied for 95.1 5 the concert you went to 3 We drove to the airport, which was the worst to happen. 6 somebody you can rely on 7 the people you were with not far from the city. 92.2 4 Kate’s husband, who I’ve never met, 2 The waiter who/that served us was 93.4 3 – (that is also correct) is an airline pilot. or … whom I’ve impolite and impatient. 4 what never met … 3 The building that/which was 5 that 5 Lisa, whose job involves a lot of 6 what travelling, is away from home a lot. destroyed in the fire has now been 7 – (that is also correct) 6 Paul and Emily have a daughter, rebuilt. 8 what Alice, who has just started school. 4 The people who/that were arrested 9 – (that is also correct) 7 The new stadium, which will be have now been released. finished next month, will hold 90,000 5 The bus that/which goes to the UNIT 94 spectators. airport runs every half hour. 8 My brother lives in Alaska, which is 94.1 the largest state in the US. 92.3 2 whose wife is an English teacher 9 Our teacher, whose name I have 2 who/that runs away from home 3 who owns a restaurant forgotten, was very kind. 3 that/which were hanging on the wall 4 whose ambition is to climb Everest 10 We enjoyed our visit to the museum, 4 that/which cannot be explained 5 who have just got married where we saw a lot of interesting 5 who/that has stayed there 6 whose parents used to work in a circus things. 6 that/which happened in the past 7 who/that developed the theory of 94.2 95.2 2 more formal I went to see a lawyer 2 The strike at the factory, which began relativity 8 that/which can support life whom a friend of mine (had) ten days ago, has now ended. recommended. 3 I’ve found the book I was looking for 92.4 less formal I went to see a lawyer a 3 the nearest shop that/which sells friend of mine (had) recommended. this morning. or … the book that/ 4 some things about me that/which 3 more formal The person to whom I which I was looking for … spoke wasn’t very helpful. 4 My car, which I’ve had for 15 years, were less formal The person I spoke to has never broken down. 5 The driver who/that caused wasn’t very helpful. 5 Few of the people who/that applied 6 OK (the person who took is also 4 more formal The woman with for the job had the necessary whom Tom was in love wasn’t in qualifications. correct) love with him. 6 Amy showed me a picture of her son, 7 a world that/which is changing less formal The woman Tom was in who is a police officer. 8 OK love with wasn’t in love with him. 9 the horse that/which won 95.3 94.3 2 My office, which is on the second UNIT 93 2 where 3 who floor, is very small. 93.1 4 whose 3 OK 3 OK (the people who/that we met is 5 where 6 whose (The office I’m using … and The also correct) 7 whom office which I’m using … are also 4 The people who/that work in the 8 where correct) 4 Sarah’s father, who used to be in the office army, now works for a TV company. 5 OK (the people who/that I work with 5 OK (The doctor who examined me … is also correct) is also correct) 6 The sun, which is one of millions 6 OK (the money that/which I gave of stars in the universe, provides us with heat and light. you is also correct) 7 the money that/which was on the table 8 OK (the worst film that/which you’ve ever seen is also correct) 9 the best thing that/which has ever happened to you 356

Key to Exercises UNIT 96 97.4 99.2 3 There’s somebody coming. 2 tastes/tasted awful 96.1 4 There’s nothing left. 3 feel nervous 2 in which 5 There were a lot of people travelling. 4 smell nice 3 with whom 6 There was nobody else staying there. 5 look wet 4 to which 7 There was nothing written on it. 6 sounds/sounded interesting 5 of which 8 There’s a course beginning next 6 of whom 99.3 7 for which Monday. 2 happy 8 after which 3 happily UNIT 98 4 terrible 96.2 5 properly 2 most of which was useless 98.1 6 good 3 none of whom was suitable 2 a exhausting 7 slow 4 one of which they never use 8 badly 5 half of which he gave to his parents b exhausted 9 violent 6 both of whom are lawyers 3 a depressing 7 neither of which she replied to 99.4 8 only a few of whom I knew b depressed 3 the last two days 10 sides of which were lined with trees c depressed 4 the first two weeks of May 11 the aim of which is to save money 4 a exciting 5 the next few days b exciting 6 the first three questions (in the exam) 96.3 c excited 7 the next two years 2 which makes it difficult to sleep 8 the last three days of our holiday 98.2 sometimes. 2 interested UNIT 100 3 which was very kind of her. 3 exciting 4 which makes it hard to contact her. 4 embarrassing 100.1 5 which is good news. 5 embarrassed 2 easily 6 which meant I had to wait two hours 6 amazed 3 patiently 7 amazing 4 unexpectedly at the airport. 8 amused 5 regularly 7 which means we can’t go away 9 interested 6 perfectly … slowly … clearly 10 terrifying … shocked tomorrow. 11 (look so) bored … (really so) boring 100.2 8 which she apologised for or for 12 boring … interesting 2 selfishly 3 suddenly which she apologised 98.3 4 sudden 2 bored 5 badly UNIT 97 3 confusing 6 awful 4 disgusting 7 terribly 97.1 5 interested 8 comfortable 2 The taxi taking us to the airport 6 annoyed 9 clearly 3 a path leading to the river 7 boring 10 safe 4 A factory employing 500 people 8 exhausted 11 safe 5 man sitting next to me on the plane 9 excited 12 safely 6 brochure containing the information 10 amusing 11 interesting 100.3 I needed 2 frequently UNIT 99 3 fluent 97.2 4 specially 2 stolen from the museum 99.1 5 complete 3 damaged in the storm 2 an unusual gold ring 6 perfectly 4 made at the meeting 3 a beautiful old house 7 financially or completely 5 surrounded by trees 4 red leather gloves 8 permanently 6 involved in the project 5 an old American film 9 nervous 6 tiny pink flowers 10 dangerously 97.3 7 a long thin face 3 invited 8 big black clouds 100.4 4 called 9 a lovely sunny day 2 seriously ill 5 living 10 an ugly yellow dress 3 absolutely enormous 6 offering 11 a long wide avenue 4 slightly damaged 7 caused 12 important new ideas 5 unusually quiet 8 blown 13 a nice new green sweater 6 completely changed 9 sitting … reading 14 a small black metal box 7 unnecessarily long 10 working … studying 15 beautiful long black hair 8 happily married 16 an interesting old French painting 9 badly planned 17 a large red and yellow umbrella 18 a big fat black and white cat 357

Key to Exercises UNIT 101 102.3 104.2 2 Why are you in such a hurry? 2 quite a good voice 101.1 3 I’m surprised it took so long. 3 quite a long way 2 good 4 … but there’s no such company. 4 a pretty cold wind 3 well 5 … why I did such a stupid thing. 5 quite a lot of traffic 4 well 6 Why are you driving so slowly? 6 a pretty busy day 5 good 7 How did you learn English in such a 7 started fairly recently 6 well 7 well short time? 104.3 8 well … good 8 Why did you buy such an expensive Example answers: 2 rather long 101.2 phone? 3 rather strange 2 well-known 4 rather impatient 3 well-kept 102.4 5 rather expensive 4 well-written Example answers: 5 well-informed 2 She’s so friendly. 104.4 6 well-paid 3 She’s such a nice person. 3 more than a little … 4 I haven’t seen you for so long. 4 completely 101.3 6 hardly 5 I didn’t realise it was such a long 5 more than a little … 2 slowly 7 hard 6 more than a little … 3 lately 8 hardly see way. 7 completely 4 fast 9 hard 6 There were so many people. 5 hard 104.5 UNIT 103 2 quite safe 101.4 3 quite impossible 2 hardly hear 103.1 4 quite right 3 hardly slept 3 enough buses 5 quite different 4 hardly speak 4 wide enough 6 quite sure 5 hardly said 5 enough time 6 hardly changed 6 enough vegetables UNIT 105 7 hardly recognised 7 tall enough 8 enough room 101.5 9 warm enough 105.1 2 hardly any 10 enough cups 2 stronger 3 hardly anything 3 smaller 4 hardly anybody/anyone 103.2 4 more expensive 5 hardly ever 2 too busy to talk 5 warmer / hotter 6 hardly anywhere 3 too late to go 6 more interesting / more exciting 7 hardly or hardly ever 4 warm enough to sit 7 nearer / closer 8 hardly anybody/anyone 5 too shy to be 8 harder / more difficult / more 9 hardly any 6 enough patience to be 10 hardly anywhere 7 too far away to hear complicated 8 enough English to read 9 better UNIT 102 10 worse 103.3 11 more often 102.1 2 This coffee is too hot to drink. 12 further / farther 2 so 3 The piano was too heavy to move. 3 such 4 These apples aren’t / are not ripe 105.2 4 such a 3 more serious than 5 such enough to eat. 4 thinner 6 such a 5 The situation is too complicated to 5 bigger 7 so 6 more interested 8 so explain. 7 more important than 9 such a 6 The wall was too high to climb over. 8 more peaceful than 10 such 7 This sofa isn’t / is not big enough for 9 more slowly 10 higher than 102.2 three people (to sit on). 2 The bag was so heavy 8 Some things are too small to see 105.3 6 worse 3 I’ve got such a lot to do 2 careful 7 than 4 I was so surprised without a microscope. or … to be 3 better 8 quietly 5 The music was so loud seen without a microscope. 4 frequent 6 It was such horrible weather 5 more 7 Her English is so good UNIT 104 8 The hotel was such a long way 105.4 9 I had such a big breakfast 104.1 2 I ran further/farther than Dan. 2 quite hungry 3 The journey takes longer by train 3 quite often 4 quite noisy than by car. 5 quite surprised 4 My friends arrived earlier than I 6 quite late 7 quite old expected. 5 The traffic today is worse than usual. 358

Key to Exercises UNIT 106 107.2 108.4 3 The station wasn’t as far as I thought. 2 That’s the funniest joke I’ve ever heard. 106.1 4 The meal cost less than I expected. 3 This is the best coffee I’ve ever tasted. 2 much bigger 5 I don’t watch TV as much as I used 4 That’s the furthest/farthest I’ve ever 3 a lot more interesting than 4 a little cooler to. or … as often as I used to. run. 5 far more complicated than 6 Karen used to have longer hair. 5 It’s the worst mistake I’ve ever made. 6 a bit more slowly 7 You don’t know them as well as me. 7 slightly older or It was the worst … or … as I do. 6 Who’s the most famous person 106.2 8 There aren’t as many students in this 2 any sooner / any earlier you’ve ever met? 3 no higher than / no more expensive class as in the other one. UNIT 109 than / no worse than 107.3 5 as often as 4 any further/farther 2 as well as 6 as quietly as 109.1 5 no worse than 3 as long as 7 as hard as 3 Joe doesn’t like football very much. 4 as soon as 4 Dan won the race easily. 106.3 5 OK 2 bigger and bigger 107.4 6 Have you seen Chris recently? 3 more and more nervous 2 Your hair is the same colour as mine. 7 I borrowed some money from a friend. 4 worse and worse 3 I arrived (at) the same time as you. 8 OK 5 more and more expensive 4 My birthday is (on) the same day as 9 I ate my breakfast quickly and went 6 better and better 7 more and more time Tom’s. or My birthday is the same out. or I quickly ate my breakfast as Tom’s. and … 106.4 10 Did you invite a lot of people to the 2 The more tired you are, the harder it 107.5 6 much party? 2 than 7 twice 11 Sam watches TV all the time. is to concentrate. 3 as 8 is 12 OK 3 The sooner we decide (what to do), 4 him 9 me 5 less 109.2 the better. 2 I met a friend of mine on my way 4 The more I know, the less I UNIT 108 home. understand. 108.1 3 I forgot to put a stamp on the 5 The more electricity you use, the 2 the tallest 3 the worst envelope. higher your bill will be. 4 the most popular 4 We bought a lot of fruit in the market. 6 The more / The longer she had 5 the best 5 They built a new hotel opposite the 6 the most honest to wait, the more impatient she 7 the shortest park. became. 6 Did you learn a lot of things at school 108.2 106.5 3 better today? 2 more 4 the most expensive 7 We found some interesting books in 3 longer 5 more comfortable 4 any 6 The eldest or The oldest the library. 5 the 7 oldest 8 Please write your name at the top of 6 older 8 the quickest 7 elder or older 9 quicker the page. 8 slightly 10 my earliest 9 no 11 … the highest mountain in the 109.3 10 (The) less (he knows, the) better 2 I go to the supermarket every Friday. world … It is higher than … 3 Why did you come home so late? UNIT 107 12 Do you have a sharper one? 4 Sarah takes her children to school 107.1 No, it’s the sharpest one I have. every day. 2 My salary isn’t as high as yours. 5 I haven’t been to the cinema 3 You don’t know as much about cars 108.3 2 It’s the largest country in South recently. as me. or … as I do. or … as I 6 I remembered her name after a few know. America. 4 We aren’t as busy today as we were 3 It was the happiest day of my life. minutes. yesterday. or … as busy today as 4 It’s the most valuable painting in the 7 We walked around the town all yesterday. 5 I don’t feel as bad as I did earlier. or museum. morning. … as I felt earlier. 5 It’s the busiest time of the year. 8 My brother has been in Canada since 6 Our neighbours haven’t lived here 7 He’s one of the richest men in the as long as us. or … as long as we April. have. country. 9 I didn’t see you at the party on 7 I wasn’t as nervous (before the 8 She’s one of the best students in the interview) as I usually am. or … as Saturday night. usual. class. 10 Lisa left her umbrella in a restaurant 9 It was one of the worst experiences last night. of my life. 11 The moon goes round the earth 10 It’s one of the most famous every 27 days. universities in the world. 12 Anna has been teaching Italian in London for the last three years. 359

Key to Exercises UNIT 110 111.2 UNIT 113 2 He hasn’t gone yet. 110.1 3 They haven’t finished (it) yet. / … 113.1 3 I usually have … 2 Although I had never seen her before 4 OK finished repairing the road yet. 3 although it was quite cold 5 Steve hardly ever gets angry. 4 They haven’t woken up yet. 4 although we don’t like them very much 6 … and I also sent an email. 5 She hasn’t found one yet. / … found 5 Although I didn’t speak the language 7 I always have to repeat … 8 I’ve never worked / I have never a job yet. well 6 I haven’t decided (what to do) yet. 6 Although the heating was on worked … 7 It hasn’t taken off yet. 7 although I’d met her twice before 9 OK 8 although we’ve known each other a 10 … my friends were already there. or 111.3 3 still long time … my friends were there already. 4 yet 5 any more 113.2 110.2 6 yet 2 a In spite of (or Despite) 2 Katherine is always very generous. 7 any more 3 I don’t usually have to work on 8 still b Although 9 already 3 a because Sundays. 10 still 4 Do you always watch TV in the 11 already b although 12 yet 4 a because of evenings? 13 still 5 … he is also learning Japanese. 14 already b in spite of (or despite) 6 a We were all on holiday in Spain. 15 still 5 a Although 16 any more b We were all staying at the same hotel. b because of c We all had a great time. UNIT 112 Example answers: 7 a The new hotel is probably expensive. 6 a he hadn’t studied very hard b It probably costs a lot to stay there. 112.1 8 a I can probably help you. 2 even Lisa b he had studied very hard b I probably can’t help you. 3 not even Amy 7 a I was hungry 4 even Lisa 110.3 5 even Kate b being hungry / my hunger / 2 usually sleeps 6 not even Lisa the fact (that) I was hungry 3 It’s / It is usually easy to … or 112.2 113.3 Usually it’s / it is easy to … 2 We even painted the floor. 2 In spite of playing quite well, we lost 4 were both born 3 She’s even met the prime minister. 5 She can also sing 4 You could even hear it from the next the game. or In spite of the fact 6 Do you usually go … (that) we played quite well … 7 I have / I’ve never spoken street. / You could even hear the 3 Although I’d hurt my foot, I managed 8 We’re / We are still living … noise from … or to walk home. or I managed to 9 You always have to wait … You could hear it / the noise even walk home although I’d … 10 We might never meet from the next street. 4 I enjoyed the film in spite of the silly 11 I probably won’t be 6 I can’t even remember her name. story. / … in spite of the story being 12 Will you still be 7 There isn’t even a cinema. silly. / … in spite of the fact (that) the 13 She’s / She is hardly ever 8 He didn’t even tell his wife (where he story was silly. or 14 We would / We’d never have met was going). In spite of … , I enjoyed the film. 15 It doesn’t always take 9 I don’t even know my neighbours. 5 Despite living in the same building, 16 We were all … we all fell we hardly ever see each other. or 17 always says … she never does 112.3 Despite the fact (that) we live in … 2 even older or We hardly ever see each other UNIT 111 3 even better despite … 4 even more difficult 6 They came to the party even though 111.1 5 even worse they hadn’t been invited. or 3 He doesn’t write poems any more. 6 even less Even though they hadn’t been 4 He still wants to be a teacher. invited, they came to the party. 5 He isn’t / He’s not interested in 112.4 2 if 113.4 politics any more. 3 even if 2 It’s very long though. 6 He’s still single. 4 even 3 We ate it though. 7 He doesn’t go fishing any more. 5 even though 4 I don’t like her husband though. 8 He doesn’t have a beard any more. 6 Even 7 even though UNIT 114 or He hasn’t got … 8 even if 10–12 9 Even though 114.1 2 in case you get hungry / … you are He no longer writes poems. He is / He’s no longer interested in hungry politics. 3 in case it rains He no longer goes fishing. 4 in case you get thirsty / … you are He no longer has a beard. / He’s no longer got a beard. thirsty 5 in case you need to call somebody 6 in case you get lonely / … you are lonely 360

Key to Exercises 114.2 115.4 UNIT 117 2 I’ll say goodbye now in case I don’t Example answers: 2 it’s not too hot. 117.1 see you again (before you go). 3 there isn’t too much traffic. 3 … like his father 3 Can you check the list in case we’ve 4 it isn’t raining. 4 … people like him 5 I’m in a hurry. 5 OK forgotten something? / … in case we 6 you have something else to do. 6 Like her mother … forgot something? 7 you pay it back next week. 7 … like talking to the wall 4 Keep the receipt in case they don’t fit 8 you don’t tell anyone else. 8 OK you (and you have to take them back 9 you take risks. 9 OK to the shop). 10 like a fish UNIT 116 114.3 117.2 2 in case I forgot it. 116.1 2e 3 in case they were worried (about me). 2 I listened as she told me her story. 3b 4 in case she didn’t get the first one. 3 I burnt myself as I was taking 4f 5d / in case she hadn’t got … a hot dish out of the oven. 6a 5 in case they came/come to London 4 The spectators cheered as the two 117.3 (one day). teams came onto the field. 2 like blocks of ice 5 A dog ran out in front of the car as we 3 like a beginner 114.4 4 as a tour guide 3 If were driving along the road. 5 like a theatre 4 in case 6 as a birthday present 5 if 116.2 7 like winter 6 in case 2 As today is a public holiday, all 8 like a child 7 if 8 if government offices are shut. 117.4 9 in case 3 As I didn’t want to disturb anybody, I 2 like 10 in case 3 as tried to be very quiet. 4 as UNIT 115 4 As I can’t go to the concert, you can 5 like 6 As 115.1 have my ticket. 7 as 2 You won’t know what to do unless 5 As it was a nice day, we went for a 8 like 9 like or such as you listen carefully. walk by the canal. 10 as 3 I’ll never speak to her again unless 11 like 116.3 12 as she apologises (to me). or 3 because 13 like Unless she apologises (to me), I’ll … 4 at the same time as 14 like 4 He won’t understand you unless you 5 at the same time as 15 as speak very slowly. or Unless you 6 because 16 like speak very slowly, he … 7 because 5 The company will have to close UNIT 118 unless business improves soon. or 116.4 Unless business improves soon, the 3 OK 118.1 company … 4 when I was in London 2 You look as if you’ve seen a ghost. / 6 The problem will get worse unless we 5 When I left school do something soon. or Unless we 6 OK … as if you saw a ghost. do something soon, the problem … 7 when I was a child 3 I feel like I’ve (just) run a marathon. / 8 OK 115.2 … like I (just) ran a marathon. 2 I’m not going (to the party) unless 116.5 4 You sound as if you’re having a good Example answers: you go too. / … unless you’re going 2 I saw you as you were getting into time. too. 3 The dog won’t chase you unless you your car. 118.2 move suddenly. 3 It started to rain just as we started 2 It looks like it’s going to rain. 4 Ben won’t speak to you unless you 3 It sounds like they’re having an ask him something. playing tennis. 5 The doctor won’t see you unless 4 As she doesn’t have a phone, it’s argument. it’s an emergency. / … unless it’s an 4 It looks like there’s been an accident. emergency. quite difficult to contact her. 5 It looks like they don’t have any. 5 Just as I took the picture, somebody 6 It sounds like you should see a walked in front of my phone. doctor. 115.3 7 provided 2 unless 8 Unless 3 providing 9 unless 4 as long as 10 as long as 5 unless 6 unless 361

Key to Exercises 118.3 UNIT 120 121.2 2 as if he meant what he said 2 at night 3 as if she’s hurt her leg / as if she hurt 120.1 3 in the evening 2 by 8.30 4 on 21 July 1969 her leg 3 Let me know by Saturday 5 at the same time 4 as if he hadn’t eaten for a week 4 you’re here by 2 o’clock. 6 in the 1920s 5 as if she was enjoying it 5 we should arrive by lunchtime. 7 in about 20 minutes 6 as if I was crazy / as if I were crazy 8 at the moment 7 as if she didn’t want to come 120.2 9 in 11 seconds 8 as if I didn’t exist 2 by 10 on Saturdays or … works 3 until 118.4 4 by Saturdays 2 as if I was/were 5 until 3 as if she was/were 6 by 121.3 4 as if it was/were 7 by 3a 8 until 4 both UNIT 119 9 by 5a 10 by 6 both 119.1 11 until 7b 3 during 12 By 8a 4 for 13 until 9 both 5 for 14 by 10 b 6 during 7 for 120.3 UNIT 122 8 during (or in) Example answers: 9 for 3 until I come back 122.1 10 for 4 by 5 o’clock 2 on time 11 during 5 by 3 April 3 on time 12 for 6 until 2028 4 in time 7 until midnight 5 on time 119.2 8 while 6 in time 3 while 9 during 120.4 7 in time 4 While 10 while 2 By the time I got to the station 8 on time 5 during 11 During 3 By the time I finished (work) 9 in time 6 during (or in) 12 while 4 By the time the police arrived 7 during (or in) 5 By the time we got to the top (of the 122.2 2 I got home just in time. 119.3 mountain) 3 I stopped him just in time. 1 for 4 We got to the cinema just in time for 2 during UNIT 121 3 while the beginning of the film. / … just in 4 during (or in) 121.1 time to see the beginning of the film. 5 for 2 on 6 while 3 in 122.3 7 during (or in) 4 at (or on in American English) 2 at the end of the month 8 for 5 on (or I last saw her Tuesday.) 3 at the end of the course 9 while 6 in 4 at the end of the race 10 during 7 in 5 at the end of the interview 8 at 119.4 9 on (or There are usually a lot of 122.4 Example answers: 2 In the end she resigned (from her 3 Can you wait for me while I make a parties New Year’s Eve.) 10 at job). or She resigned (from her quick phone call? 11 in job) in the end. 4 Most of the students looked bored 12 in 3 In the end I gave up (trying to learn 13 at Japanese / learning Japanese). or during the lesson. 14 on I gave up (learning Japanese) in the 5 I was asked a lot of questions during 15 in end. 16 At 4 In the end we decided not to go (to the interview. 17 in the party). or In the end we didn’t 6 Don’t open the car door while the car 18 on go (to the party). or We decided 19 at not to go (to the party) in the end. is moving. 20 at 5 o’clock in the morning or We didn’t go (to the party) in the 7 The lights suddenly went out while 21 on 7 January … in April end. 22 on Tuesday morning … in the we were watching TV. 8 What are you going to do while afternoon or at home Tuesday morning … in the afternoon you’re on holiday? 9 It started to rain during the game. 10 It started to rain while we were walking home. 362

122.5 7 in 124.3 Key to Exercises 2 In 8 in 2 in 3 in 9 in 3 at 126.2 4 at 10 at … at 4 at 2 I’ve been to … once. 5 In 5 in 3 I’ve never been to … 6 At 6 on 4 I’ve been to … a few times. 7 in 5 I’ve been to … many times. UNIT 123 8 in 9 in 126.3 123.1 10 on 2 in 2 On his arm. or On the man’s arm. 11 in 3 – (no preposition) 3 At the traffic lights. 12 on 4 at 4 On the door. (notice) 13 in 5 to 14 on … on 6 – (no preposition) In the door. (key) 5 On the wall. UNIT 125 126.4 6 In Paris. 2 I got on 7 At the gate. (man) 125.1 3 I got out (of the/my car). 2 on a train 4 I got off (the train). On the gate. (bird) 3 at a conference 5 I got into the taxi. or 8 On the beach. 4 is in hospital / in the hospital 5 at the hairdresser’s I got in the taxi. or 123.2 6 on his bike I got in. 2 on my guitar 7 in New York 6 I got off (the plane). 3 at junction 14 8 at the Savoy Theatre 4 in his hand UNIT 127 5 on that tree 125.2 6 in the mountains 2 at the station 127.1 7 on the island 3 in a taxi 2 in cold weather 8 at the window 4 at the sports centre 3 in French 5 on the plane 4 in love 123.3 6 in Tokyo 5 in the mood 2 on 7 at school 6 in the shade 3 at 8 at the art gallery 7 in my opinion 4 on 8 in kilometres 5 in 125.3 10 in 6 on 2 in 11 on 127.2 7 in 3 at 12 at 2 on strike 8 at 4 in 13 in 3 on a cruise 9 on 5 on 14 in 4 on fire 10 at 6 at 15 at 5 on a tour 11 in 7 in 16 at … at 6 on her phone 12 on 8 at 7 on TV 13 in a small village in the south-west 9 at 8 on purpose 14 on the wall in the kitchen 9 on a diet 10 on holiday UNIT 124 UNIT 126 11 on business 12 on the whole 124.1 126.1 2 On the second floor. 3 at 127.3 3 On the corner. or At the corner. 4 to 2 on 4 In the corner. 5 to 3 at 5 At the top of the stairs. 6 into 4 in 6 In the back of the car. 7 – (no preposition) 5 on 7 At the front. 8 to 6 in 8 On the left. 9 into 7 at 9 In the back row. 10 to 8 at 10 At the end of the street. 11 at 9 on 12 to 10 on 124.2 13 to 11 at 2 on the right 14 into 12 on 3 in the world 15 to 13 in 4 on the way to work 16 – (no preposition) 14 on 5 on the west coast 17 to (France) … in (Brazil) 15 on 6 in the front row 18 in (Chicago) … to (Boston) 16 on 7 at the back of the class 17 In 8 on the back of this card 18 in 19 on 20 in 363

Key to Exercises UNIT 128 129.3 UNIT 131 2 to 128.1 5 by chance 3 in 131.1 2 by email 6 by hand 4 of 2 proud of 3 by mistake 5 in or to 3 ashamed of 4 on purpose 6 for 4 typical of 7 to or towards 5 capable of 128.2 8 with 6 scared of 2 on 9 of 7 aware of 3 by 10 to 8 envious of 4 on 11 of 5 by 12 for 131.2 6 in 13 of Example answers: 7 by 14 with 2 I’m hopeless at telling jokes. 8 by 3 I’m not very good at maths. 9 by bike (or on his bike) … on foot UNIT 130 4 I’m pretty good at remembering 128.3 130.1 names. 2 by a professional photographer 2 That was generous of her. 5 I’m good at making decisions. 3 by mosquitoes 3 That wasn’t very nice of them. 4 by Leonardo da Vinci 4 That’s very kind of you. 131.3 5 by one of our players 5 That isn’t very polite of him. 2 similar to 6 by lightning 6 That’s a bit childish of them. 3 afraid of 7 by Beethoven 4 interested in 130.2 5 responsible for 128.4 2 kind to 6 proud of 2 with 3 angry with 7 different from / different to 3 by 4 excited about 4 by 5 impressed by / impressed with (different than is also correct) 5 in 6 bored with (bored by is also possible) 8 capable of 6 by 7 amazed at / amazed by 7 with 8 careless of 131.4 8 by 2 of furniture 9 on 130.3 3 on sport 10 by 2 of 4 of time 11 by the bed with a lamp and a clock 3 to 5 at her job 4 with 6 to a doctor on it 5 with (by or in are also possible) 7 of him / of Robert 6 to 8 from yours / from your problem or 128.5 7 at/by 2 In the last ten years the population 8 with to yours / to your problem 9 about (different than is also correct) has gone up / increased / grown / 10 about risen by 6 million. 11 for 131.5 3 Helen won (the election) by two votes. 12 about/by/at 2 for 4 I missed her/Kate by five minutes. 13 to 3 of 14 of 4 in UNIT 129 15 by/with 5 of 16 with 6 on 129.1 17 about 7 of 2 to the problem 18 at/by 8 with 3 with her brother 19 for/about 9 on 4 in the cost of living 20 at/by 10 of 5 to your question 21 of 6 for a new road 22 to UNIT 132 7 in/to living in a big city 23 about 8 in food prices 24 furious with us for making 132.1 9 for shoes like these any more 2a 10 between your job and mine 3b 4b 129.2 5a 2 invitation to 6a 3 contact with 7b 4 key to (key for is also possible) 8a 5 cause of 9b 6 reply to 10 b 7 connection between 11 a 8 photos of 12 b 9 reason for 10 damage to 364

132.2 UNIT 134 Key to Exercises 3 spoken to 4 point (them) at 134.1 135.3 5 look (directly) at 2 hear about 2 paid for 6 listen to 3 heard from 3 accused of 7 throw (stones) at 4 heard of 4 depends on 8 throw (it) to 5 hear from 5 live on 9 reply to 6 hear about 6 apologise to 7 heard of 7 suffers from 132.3 8 congratulate (him) on 2 at 134.2 3 at 2 think about 135.4 4 to 3 thinking about 2 from 5 to 4 think of 3 on 6 at 5 think of 4 – (no preposition) 7 at 6 thinking of or thinking about 5 from 8 to 7 thought about 6 depends how (no preposition) or 9 at 8 think of 10 at 9 think about depends on how 11 to 10 think (much) of 7 on 11 thinking about or thinking of 8 of UNIT 133 12 think of 9 on 133.1 134.3 UNIT 136 2 waiting for her to reply 2 of 3 searched my bag 3 about 136.1 4 asked him for a receipt 4 of 2 happened to 5 to ask the way 5 of 3 divided into 6 discussed the problem 6 to (us) about 4 invited to 7 nothing about them 7 of 5 believe in 8 for the airport 8 about … about … about … about 6 fill (it) with 7 breaks into 133.2 134.4 8 Concentrate on 2 to 2 complaining about 9 succeeded in 3 for 3 think about 10 drove into 4 about 4 heard of 5 – (no preposition) 5 dream of 136.2 6 about 6 reminded (me) about 2 I prefer small towns to big cities. 7 for 7 remind (you) of 3 The company provided me with all 8 about UNIT 135 the information I needed. 133.3 4 This morning I spent eighty pounds 2 of 135.1 3 about 2 for on a pair of shoes. 4 for 3 of 5 The city is divided into ten districts. 5 of 4 of 6 for 5 – (no preposition) 136.3 7 about 6 for 2 to 8 – (no preposition) 7 of/from 3 on 8 for 4 in 133.4 9 of 5 to 2 looking for 10 for 6 in 3 looked after 11 on 7 with 4 look for 12 for 8 into 5 looks after 9 in 6 looking for 135.2 10 on 2 for the misunderstanding 11 – (no preposition) 133.5 3 her on winning the tournament 12 into 2 wait for 4 him from his enemies 13 on 3 talk about 5 on bread and eggs 14 into 4 ask (me) for 6 me for the (bad) weather or 15 with 5 applied for 16 from (one language) into (another) 6 do (something) about the (bad) weather on me 7 looks after or has looked after 7 my friend of stealing a car or 136.4 8 left (Boston) for Example answers: (that) my friend had stolen a car 2 on petrol 3 into a wall 4 to volleyball 5 in seafood 6 into many languages 365

Key to Exercises UNIT 137 138.3 UNIT 140 2 dropped out 137.1 3 moved in 140.1 2 sit down 4 left out 2 put the heating on 3 taking off 5 joined in 3 put the oven on 4 flew away / flew off 6 taken in 4 put the kettle on 5 get out 7 dropped in 5 put some music on 6 speak up 7 get by 138.4 140.2 8 gone up 2 Fill them in or Fill them out 2 going on 9 looked round 3 cross it out 3 take off 10 be back 4 let us in 4 drove off / went off 11 broke down 5 get out of it 5 put on 12 getting on 6 set off 138.5 7 put off 137.2 2 drop out of college 8 called off 2 back at 3 fill in / fill out the application form 9 put on 3 up to 4 get out of going to the party 10 tried on 4 forward to 5 taken in by the email 11 see (me) off 5 away with 6 drop in (and see us) sometime 12 putting (it) off 6 up at 7 was left out of the team or had 7 in through 140.3 8 out about been left out … 2 took off 3 tried on a/the hat or 137.3 UNIT 139 2 wake me up tried a/the hat on 3 get it out 139.1 4 was called off 4 give them back 2 a candle 5 see him off 5 switch it on 3 an order 6 put them on 6 take them off 4 a fire 5 a new product UNIT 141 137.4 6 a problem 3 I have to give them back to her. 141.1 4 We can turn the TV/television 139.2 2c 2 works out 3b off. or We can turn off the TV/ 3 carried out 4a television. 4 ran out 5a 5 I don’t want to wake her up. 5 sort out 6b 6 (example answer) You should put 6 find out / work out / figure out your coat on or You should put 7 tried out 141.2 on your coat. 8 pointed out 2 finish off 7 I was able to put it out 9 work out 3 drive on / carry on / go on 8 Shall I turn the light(s) on? or 10 went out 4 ripped off Shall I turn on the light(s)? 11 turned out 5 getting on 9 (example answer) they’ve put the 12 works out / turns out 6 went off price(s) up or they’ve put up the 13 find out 7 told off price(s) 14 put out 8 went on 10 I knocked it over 15 figure out / work out 9 get on 10 keep on / keep UNIT 138 139.3 11 get on / carry on 2 giving/handing out 12 showing off 138.1 3 turned out nice/fine/sunny 13 put off 2 eats 4 working out 14 went on / carried on 3 drop 5 run out of 15 dozed off / dropped off / nodded off 4 fill 6 work out how to use the camera or 5 moved 141.3 6 checked figure out how to … 2 gets on with 7 plug 3 carry on / go on / keep / keep on 8 dropped 139.4 4 finish it off 9 dive 2 try it out 5 were ripped off 3 work it out 6 go off 138.2 4 sorted it out / worked it out 7 tell them off 2 in 5 pointing it out 8 She keeps on / She keeps 3 into 4 out 6 in 5 into 7 out 8 out of 366

UNIT 142 143.2 Key to Exercises 2 used up 142.1 3 washed up 144.4 2 took them down 4 grow up 2 look it up 3 stand up 5 turn up / show up 3 put up with 4 turned it up 6 gave up 4 making it up 5 put their bags down 7 taking up 5 come up with 6 were blown down 8 give up 6 tear them up 7 put them up 9 ended up 7 saving up for 8 bent down (and) picked them up 10 takes up 8 bring it up 11 make up 9 mix them up / get them mixed up 142.2 2 turned it down 143.3 UNIT 145 3 calm him down 3 tidy it up / tidy up 4 let her down 4 fixed it up 145.1 5 written it down 5 keep up with 2 blew away 6 cut them down 6 was brought up 3 put it back 7 keep it up 4 walked away 142.3 8 went up to 5 threw it back (to her) 2 calm down 9 set it up 6 threw them away 3 slowed down 10 gave it up / gave up 4 was turned down 11 was made up of 145.2 5 broken down 2 be away / have gone away 6 cut down UNIT 144 3 be back 7 let down 4 ran away 8 closed down / has closed down 144.1 5 get away 9 be knocked down 2d 6 keep away / keep back 10 turned down 3e 7 smile back 11 was knocked down 4c 12 broke down 5g 145.3 6a 2 throw UNIT 143 7b 3 gets 4 be 143.1 144.2 5 look 2 went up to / walked up to 2 held up 6 gave 3 catch up with 3 did it up 7 get 4 keep up with 4 cheer him up 8 put 144.3 145.4 2 blew up 2 throw it away 3 beaten up 3 take them back 4 broken up / split up 4 pay you back / pay it back 5 do up 5 gave them away 6 clears up / will clear up 6 called back / called me back 7 mixed up 367

Key to Additional exercises (see page 302) 1 8 since I’ve been / since I 21 you haven’t had went / since I last went 22 I’ve had 3 I’m getting / I am getting 23 have you seen 4 do you do 9 did you buy / did you get 24 has he been 5 we arrived … it was raining 25 I saw 6 phones … she didn’t phone 5 26 he went 7 you were thinking … I decided 27 He’d been 8 are you looking 1 got … was already waiting … 28 he decided / he’d decided 9 It doesn’t rain had arrived 29 He was really looking forward 10 He wasn’t looking 30 is he doing 11 we went … she was preparing … 2 was lying … wasn’t watching 31 I haven’t heard … ’d fallen / had fallen … was 32 he left We didn’t want … we didn’t stay snoring … turned … woke 12 told … he didn’t believe … 8 3 ’d just gone / had just gone … He thought … I was joking was reading … heard … got … 1 invented didn’t see … went 2 it’s gone / it has gone 2 3 had gone … left 4 missed … was standing … realised 4 did you do … Did you go 2 didn’t go … ’d left / had left … had … got 5 have you had 3 is wearing 6 was looking or ’d been looking / 4 went 5 met … was walking … ’d been / had 5 haven’t heard been … ’d been playing / had been had been looking 6 is being playing … were going … invited … 7 She’s been teaching / She has 7 wasn’t reading ’d arranged / had arranged … 8 didn’t have didn’t have been teaching 9 It’s beginning 8 bought … she hasn’t worn or 10 worked 6 11 wasn’t she didn’t wear 12 you’ve stayed 2 Somebody has taken it. 9 I met … was … I’d seen / I had seen 13 I’ve been doing 3 They’d only known / They had only 14 did she go … I remembered … he was 15 I’ve been playing known each other (for) a few weeks. 10 Have you heard … She was … 16 do you come 4 It’s been raining / It has been 17 since I saw her died … She wrote … I haven’t read 18 for 20 years raining all day. or 11 does this word mean … I’ve never seen It’s rained / It has rained all day. 12 Did you get … it had already started 3 5 I’d been dreaming. / I had 13 knocked … was … she’d gone been dreaming. 3 are you going 6 I’d had / I had had a big breakfast. / she had gone … she didn’t want 4 Do you watch 7 They’ve been going / They have 14 He’d never used / He had never 5 have you lived / have you been going there for years. 8 I’ve had it / I have had it since I got up. used … he didn’t know been living / have you been 9 He’s been training / He has been 15 went … She needed or 6 Did they have training very hard for it. 7 Have you seen She’d needed / She had needed … 8 was she wearing 7 she’d been sitting / she had been 9 Have you been waiting / Have sitting 1 I haven’t seen you been here 2 You look / You’re looking 9 10 does it take 3 are you going 11 Have you heard 4 are you meeting 3 used to drive 12 Have you been / Have you ever been 5 I’m going 4 was driving 6 Do you often go 5 were working 4 7 are you going 6 used to have 8 I’m meeting 7 was living 2 ’ve known each other / have 9 has been (delayed) / is (delayed) 8 was playing known each other or ’ve been 10 I’ve been waiting 9 used to play friends / have been friends 11 has just started / just started 10 was wearing 12 is she getting 3 I’ve ever had / I’ve ever been 13 Does she like 10 on / I’ve had for ages (etc.) 14 she thinks 15 Are you working 2 I’m going to the dentist. 4 He went / He went home / He 16 spoke 3 No, we’re going to rent a car. went out / He left 17 you were working 4 I’ll call her now. 18 went 5 I’m having lunch with Sue. 5 I’ve worn it 19 I started / I’d started 6 What are you going to have? / What 6 I was playing 20 I lost 7 been swimming for are you having? 7 I’ll turn on the light. 8 I’m going to close the window. 368

Key to Additional exercises 11 4 I’ll come / I will come or 8 couldn’t have done I’ll be / I will be 9 should have been 2B 10 could have phoned 3A 5 I’ve been / I have been or 11 should have been warned 4B I’ve eaten / I have eaten 12 ought to have come 5A 6C 6 I used to play 18 7C 7 I haven’t been waiting or 8A 3 could rain / might rain I haven’t been here 4 might have gone / could have gone 12 8 I’d been / I had been or I was 5 couldn’t go 9 I’m going / I am going 6 couldn’t have seen / can’t have seen 1 (2) Are you going to do / Are you 10 I haven’t seen or I haven’t 7 should get doing 8 wouldn’t recognise / might not heard from (3) it starts 11 I’ll have gone / I will have gone or recognise (4) you’ll enjoy / you’re going to 9 must have heard I’ll have left / I will have left 10 should have turned enjoy (5) it will be / it’s going to be 15 19 2 (1) you’re going (2) We’re going 2 I’ve been travelling 4 rings (3) you have 3 I’m beginning 5 you were (4) I’ll get 4 I’ve seen 6 it’s / it is (5) I get 5 has been 7 it was or it were 3 (1) I’m having / I’m going to have 6 I’ve met 8 it had been (2) are coming 7 I left 9 you had (3) they’ll have left 8 I stayed or I was staying 10 I’d had / I had had (4) they’re 9 I’d planned or I was planning 11 it wouldn’t have happened (5) I won’t be / I will not be 10 I ended up 12 I didn’t watch (6) you know 11 I enjoyed (7) I’ll call 12 I took 20 4 (1) shall we meet 13 met (2) I’ll be waiting 14 I’m staying or I’m going to stay 2 called (me) (3) you arrive 3 (If) I’d known / I had known … (4) I’ll be sitting or I’ll be staying or I’ll stay (5) I’ll be wearing 15 I continue (I) wouldn’t have disturbed (you). (6) Is Agent 307 coming / Is 16 I’ll get 4 (There) wouldn’t be (so many 17 I’m Agent 307 going to come / 18 I’ll let accidents if) there was … or Will Agent 307 be coming 19 I know … (if) there were … (7) Shall I bring 20 I’m staying 5 (If) you’d told me about (the (8) I’ll explain / I’m going to explain 21 we’re going to visit or we’re visiting problem), I would have tried to help (9) I see 22 are building or have been building / I’d have tried to help (you). or (10) I’ll try 23 it will be … I would have helped / I’d have 24 I’ll be helped 13 6 (I) would have got/gotten (very wet 16 if) I hadn’t had … 1 I’ll have 7 (If he) hadn’t been / hadn’t got / 2 Are you going 2A hadn’t gotten … (he) wouldn’t have 3 shall I phone 3C failed / would have passed / ’d have 4 It’s going to land 4 B or C passed … 5 it’s / it is 5B 6 I’ll miss / I’m going to miss … 6 A or C 21 7 A or C you go / you’ve gone 8C Example answers: 7 Shall I give … I give … will you call 9 B or C 1 I wasn’t feeling so tired 8 does it finish 10 A or B 2 I hadn’t had so much to do 9 I’m going … is getting 11 A 3 I would have forgotten Amy’s 10 I’ll tell … I’m … I won’t be 12 C 11 I’m going to have / I’m having 13 A or B birthday 12 she apologises 14 B or C 4 I’d probably waste it 13 we’ll be living / we’ll live 15 B 5 I’ll take a picture of you 14 you finish / you’ve finished 6 you were in trouble 17 7 you hadn’t taken so long to get ready 14 8 I would have gone to the concert 2 shouldn’t have eaten 9 I might have got the job 2 I’ve had / I have had 3 must have forgotten 10 you’d eaten lunch 3 I bought or I got 4 needn’t have gone 11 there was less traffic 5 can’t be changed 12 it would be harder to get 6 may be watching 7 must have been waiting information 369

Key to Additional exercises 22 2 I had reserved a hotel room, but 6 Everybody seems to have gone out. when I got to the hotel they told 7 We’re / We are thinking of moving. 3 was cancelled me (that) they had no record of a 8 I was afraid to touch it. 4 has been repaired reservation in my name. 9 I was afraid of missing my train. 5 is being restored When I asked (them) if/whether 10 It’s / It is not worth seeing. 6 It’s believed / It is believed they had any rooms free anyway, 11 I’m not used to walking so far. 7 I’d be fired / I would be fired they said (that) they were sorry, 12 She seems to be enjoying 8 It might have been thrown but the hotel was full. 9 He was taught herself. or She seemed … 10 being arrested / having been 3 The immigration officer asked us 13 He insisted on showing them to me. why we were visiting the country, 14 I’d rather somebody else did it. arrested or I was arrested and we told him (that) we were on 11 Have you ever been arrested holiday. 28 12 are reported … have been injured Then he wanted to know how long we intended to stay and where we 3 I’ve given up reading newspapers. 23 would be staying during our visit. 4 I’d rather not go out tonight. / … 3 ’ve sold / have sold or sold 4 She said (that) she’d phone us stay at home tonight. 4 ’s been sold / has been sold or from the airport when she arrived. 5 He has trouble sleeping at night. or She said (that) she’ll phone us 6 Do you want me to phone was sold from the airport when she arrives. 5 are made No, she said not to come to the you this evening? 6 might be stolen airport. She said that she’d take 7 I came in without anybody/anyone 7 must have been stolen the bus. or She said that she’ll 8 must have taken take the bus. seeing me. / … without being seen. 9 can be solved 8 I was accused of being a cheat. / 10 should have left 5 He wanted to know what my job 11 is delayed was and asked (me) how much I … of cheating. 12 is being built … is expected earned. or He wanted to know 9 I’m looking forward to seeing what my job is and asked (me) 24 how much I earn. them again. … so I told him to mind his own 10 What do you advise me to do? 1 Castle Fire business and ended the call. 11 I’d like to have gone out with 2 was discovered 3 was injured 6 He said (that) he’d be at the you last night. 4 be rescued restaurant at 7.30. 12 I regret not taking your advice. / 5 are believed to have been destroyed He said (that) he knew where the 6 is not known restaurant was. And I told him to … that I didn’t take your advice. 2 Shop Robbery phone me if there was a problem. 1 was forced 29 2 being threatened 7 You just said (that) you weren’t 3 had been stolen hungry. 2 a foreign country … the language 4 was later found But you said (that) you didn’t like 3 an economist … in the United 5 had been abandoned bananas. You told me not to buy 6 has been arrested / was any. States … for an investment company 4 I love sport, especially tennis … two arrested 26 7 is still being questioned or three times a week … not a very 3 Road Delays 3 changing good player 1 is being resurfaced 4 to change 5 for dinner … after work … to the 2 are asked / are being asked / 5 change cinema 6 being 6 When unemployment is … for have been asked 7 saying people to find work … a big problem 3 is expected 8 to call 7 an accident … going home … 4 will be closed / is going to be closed 9 drinking taken to hospital / taken to the 5 will be diverted / is going to be diverted 10 to be hospital … I think most accidents … 4 Accident 11 to see by people driving 1 was taken 12 taking 8 the name of the hotel … The 2 was allowed 13 to be Ambassador … in Queen Street in 3 was blocked 14 to think … making the city centre … near the station 4 be diverted 15 living … to move 9 The older one … a pilot … The 5 have been killed 16 to be … playing younger one … at school … he 17 being stopped … stealing … driving leaves school … 25 18 work … pressing go to university … study law 1 I told her (that) Paul had gone out 27 30 and I didn’t know when he’d be back. 3 I don’t fancy going out. 2B I asked (her) if/whether she 4 He tends to forget things. 3C wanted to leave a message, but 5 Would you mind helping me? / 4 A or B she said (that) she’d try again later. 5C Do you mind helping me? 6B 7 A or C 8A 9C 10 B or C 11 B 370

Key to Additional exercises 12 A 7 to a party at Lisa’s house 6k 13 A or B 8 on 7c 14 B 9 on 8j 10 to 9b 31 11 in Vienna … at the age of 35 10 f 12 in this photo … on the left 11 i 3 It’s the most polluted place … 13 to the theatre … in the front row 4 I was disappointed that … 14 on the wall by the door / next to 38 5 OK 6 Joe works hard, but … the door / beside the door 2D 7 … in a large modern building. 15 at 3B 8 OK (as fast as he can is also correct) 16 on 4B 9 I missed the last three days … 17 in a tower block … on the 5A 10 OK 6A 11 The weather has been unusually fifteenth floor 7D 18 on 8C cold … 19 by 9C 12 The water in the pool was too 20 on the bus … by car 10 B 21 on 11 A dirty to swim in. 22 in 12 D 13 … to wait such a long time. 23 in London … to Italy 24 to 39 or to wait so long. 25 on 14 OK 2 out to 15 … I got up earlier than usual. 35 3 up with 4 forward to 32 1 for 5 up with 2 at 6 out of 2 If 3 to 7 on with 3 when 4 to 8 up with 4 if 5 in 9 back on 5 when 6 with 10 out about 6 if 7 of 11 on with 7 if 8 to 8 unless 9 of 40 9 if 10 at/by 10 as long as 11 of 3 turned up / showed up 11 in case 12 about 4 fill it in / fill it out 12 in case 5 knocked down / pulled down / 13 if 36 14 even if torn down 15 Although 1 of 6 give up 16 Although 2 after 7 dozed off / dropped off / 17 When 3 – (no preposition) 18 when 4 about nodded off 5 to 8 split up / break up 33 6 – (no preposition) 9 put up with it 7 into 10 get by 2 on 8 of (about is also possible) 11 went on 3 on Tuesday morning at 9.30 9 to 12 put it off 4 at / on 10 – (no preposition) 5 on 11 on 41 6 at 12 of 7 In 13 of 2 put 8 at 14 – (no preposition) 3 moving 9 during 15 in 4 put 10 on Friday … since then 16 at (about is also possible) 5 done 11 for 17 on 6 turned / turns 12 at 18 If Alex asks you for money 7 find 13 at the moment … until Friday 19 I apologised to Sarah for 8 Calm 14 by 9 set 15 in keeping … 10 held 20 I thanked her for everything … 11 left / ’ve left / have left or 34 37 missed / ’ve missed / have missed 1 in 12 works 2 by 2h 13 join 3 at 3e 14 works 4 on 4g 15 drop / call 5 in 5a 16 sort / work 6 on 17 went off … woke me up 371

Key to Study guide Present and past 6.6 C Relative clauses 6.7 D 1.1 A 12.1 A, C 1.2 B Reported speech 12.2 A, B 1.3 C 12.3 C 1.4 B, C 7.1 A 12.4 B 1.5 C 7.2 B 12.5 D 1.6 A 7.3 A 12.6 B, C Present perfect and past Questions and auxiliary verbs Adjectives and adverbs 2.1 B 8.1 C 13.1 B 2.2 C 8.2 A 13.2 C 2.3 A 8.3 D 13.3 B, C 2.4 C 8.4 A 13.4 A 2.5 A 8.5 B 13.5 A, D 2.6 B 13.6 C 2.7 A, D -ing and to … 13.7 B, C 2.8 D 13.8 C 2.9 A 9.1 A, D 13.9 C 2.10 A 9.2 B, D 13.10 B, C 2.11 C 9.3 B 13.11 D 2.12 A 9.4 A 13.12 A, B 2.13 C, D 9.5 A 13.13 B 2.14 C 9.6 A 13.14 D, E 2.15 D 9.7 C 13.15 D 2.16 C 9.8 D 9.9 C Conjunctions and prepositions Future 9.10 C 9.11 B 14.1 A, D 3.1 B 9.12 C, D 14.2 C 3.2 A 9.13 D 14.3 B, C 3.3 C 9.14 B 14.4 B, D 3.4 A, C 9.15 A, B 14.5 B 3.5 B 9.16 A 14.6 C, D 3.6 C 9.17 A 14.7 B, C 3.7 A 9.18 B, C 14.8 A Modals Articles and nouns Prepositions 4.1 A, B 10.1 B 15.1 B, D 4.2 B 10.2 A 15.2 A 4.3 A, C, D 10.3 B, C 15.3 C 4.4 C 10.4 B 15.4 B 4.5 B 10.5 C 15.5 A 4.6 C, D 10.6 A 15.6 B, D 4.7 B 10.7 A 15.7 B 4.8 A, C 10.8 A 15.8 B 4.9 B, C 10.9 D 15.9 C 4.10 A, B, D 10.10 C 15.10 C 4.11 A 10.11 C 15.11 C 4.12 D, E 10.12 A 15.12 A 4.13 A 10.13 C 15.13 C 10.14 B 15.14 B if and wish 15.15 D Pronouns and determiners 15.16 D 5.1 B 15.17 A 5.2 C 11.1 A 5.3 B 11.2 B Phrasal verbs 5.4 D 11.3 D 5.5 A 11.4 B 16.1 B 11.5 B 16.2 A Passive 11.6 C 16.3 D 11.7 A, C 16.4 C 6.1 C 11.8 D 16.5 C 6.2 B 11.9 D 16.6 B 6.3 D 11.10 A 16.7 A 6.4 A 11.11 B 16.8 A, D 6.5 A, B 11.12 B, C 16.9 B 372

Index The numbers in the index are unit amazed astonished numbers, not page numbers. amazed + to … 65C astonished + to … 65C amazed at/by 130C astonished at/by 130C a/an 69–72 a/an and the 72, 73A American English Appendix 7 at a little / a few 87D–E an see a at (time) 121 a/an with quite and pretty 104A angry (about/with/for) 130B at the end and in the end 122B such a/an 102 annoyed (about/with/for) 130B at (position) 123–5 answer at the age of … 127D able (be able to) 26 adjective + at 130C, 131B about an answer to something 129D verb + at 132 to answer a question (no preposition) adjective + about 130, 131A attitude (to/towards) 129D verb + about 133–134 132B auxiliary verbs (see also modal verbs) accuse (of ) 62B, 135A any 69C, 85–86 active and passive 42 in questions 49A–B adjectives 98–101 any and some 85 in short answers etc. 51 adjective + to … 65–66 anybody/anyone/anything/anywhere in question tags 52 the + adjective 76B avoid (+ -ing) 53A, 56A adjectives ending in -ing and -ed 98 85–86 aware (of ) 131A order of adjectives 99 not … any 86 away (verb + away) 137, 145 adjectives after verbs 99C any and no 86D adjectives and adverbs 100–101 any (of ) 88 back comparative 105–107 any and either 89D in/at/on the back 124D, Appendix 7 superlative 108 any + comparative 106B verb + back 145 adjective + preposition 130–131 any more / any longer 111B admit (+ -ing) 53, 56A apologise (to somebody for) 62, bad (at) 131B advantage (of/in/to) 60A, 129B baggage (uncountable noun) 70B adverbs 132A, 135B because (of) 113B–C adjectives and adverbs 100–101 apostrophe (in short forms) bed (in bed / to bed) 74C, 124A, 126A comparatives 105B been to 8A, 126A position of adverbs with the verb Appendix 5 apostrophe s (’s) 81 been to and gone to 7B (always, also etc.) 110 appear (+ to …) 54C before advice (uncountable noun) 70B apply (for) 133B advise (+ to …) 55B approve (of + -ing) 62A, 135A before + present simple 25A afford (+ to…) 54A, 56A aren’t I? (question tag) 52D before + -ing 60B afraid (of ) 131A arrange (+ to …) 54A, 56A begin (+ -ing or to …) 56C arrive (in/at) 126B beginning (at the beginning) 122B I’m afraid so/not 51D articles (a/an/the) 69–78 being (he is and he is being) 4D afraid to do and afraid of doing 66A believe (in) 136A after a/an 69–72 believed (it is believed … ) 45A after + present simple / present perfect a/an and the 72, 73A better 105C the 72–78 had better 35A–B 25A–B school / the school etc. 74 between (noun + between) 129E after + -ing 60B, 68B children / the children etc. 75 blame 135B look after 133D the with names 77–78 bored ago 12C as 107, 116–118 bored and boring 98 agree (+ to …) 54A, 56A as soon as 25A–B bored with 130C all 88, 90 as … as (in comparative sentences) born (I was born …) 44C all and all the 75B, 88B both (of) 89 all (of ) 88 107 both … and 89C all and both 89D as long as 115B both and all 89D all, every and whole 90 as (= at the same time as) 116A position of both 110D position of all 110D as and when 116 bother (+ -ing or to …) 56C alleged (it is alleged …) 45A as (= because) 116B bottom (at the bottom) 124C allow (+ to … and -ing) 55B, 66D as and like 117 bound (bound to do) 65E already 111D as if / as though 118 bread (uncountable noun) 70B already with the present perfect 7D ashamed (of ) 131A break position of already 110 ask break into 136B also (position of also) 110 ask in passive sentences 44A break down 137B, 142D although 113 ask (somebody) to do something break up 144D always busy (busy doing something) 63D I always do and I’m always doing 3B 48D, 55A position of always 110 ask how/what + to … 54D 373 ask somebody (no preposition) 132B ask somebody) for 133B

Index consist (of ) 135A each (of ) 91 contact (with/between) 129E each other 82C by 120, 128 continue (+ to … or -ing) 56C by after the passive 42B, 128C continuous tenses see present -ed clauses 97 by (+ -ing) 60B either (of ) 89 by myself / yourself etc. 83D continuous, past continuous by (the time) 120 verbs not used in continuous not … either 51C by and until 120B either … or 89C by chance / by mistake etc. 128A tenses 4A, 6E, 10D, 16D, 17A either and any 89D by car / by bus etc. 128B contractions (short forms) elder 106E a play by Shakespeare etc. 128C eldest 108C adjective + by 130C Appendix 5 encourage (+ to …) 55B corner (in/at/on the corner) 124E end call 26 could 26, 27, 29C in the end and at the end 122B call somebody (no preposition) at the end (position) 124C 132B could and was able to 26D end up 143E call something off 140B could (do) and could have (done) 27 enjoy (+ -ing) 53A, 54A, 56A, 58A call somebody back 145C couldn’t have (done) 27E, 28B enough 103 Appendix 4 could in if sentences 38C, 39E, 40D envious (of ) 131A I wish I could 41C even 112 can 26 could I/you …? 37 position of even 110 can I/you … ? 37 could and other modal verbs even if / when 112D can and other modal verbs even though 112D, 113E Appendix 4 Appendix 4 ever (with the present perfect) 8A countable and uncountable nouns every 90 can’t (cannot) 26, 28 every and all 90 can’t help 57C 69–70 everybody/everyone/everything crash (into) 136B capable (of ) 131A critical (of ) 131A 90A, D care (care about, care for, take care of ) crowded (with) 131B every and each 91 everyone and every one 91D 133C damage (uncountable noun) 70B excited (about) 130B carry damage to 129D exclamations (What …) 71A–B excuse (for) 62B carry on 53B, 141A dare 54B expect carry out 139C decide I expect so / I don’t expect so 51D case (in case) 114 expect + to … 55A causative have (have something decide + to … 54, 56A expected (it is expected that) 45A decide against + -ing 62A experience (countable or uncountable done) 46 delighted (with) 130B cause (of ) 129B demand noun) 70A certain demand + should 34A–B explain 54D, 132A a demand for 129A certain (+ to …) 65E, 84B deny (+ -ing) 53, 56A fail (+ to…) 54A, 56A, 66D certain of/about 131A depend (on) 135D fairly 104 cheque (by cheque) 128B dependent (on) 131B famous (for) 131B church (church / the church) 74B depressed (and depressing) 98 fancy (+ -ing) 53A, 56A claim (+ to …) 54C deserve (+ to …) 54A, 56A far clauses despite 113 when and if clauses 25 did (in past simple questions and far/further/farther 105C if clauses 38–40 far + comparative 106A -ing clauses 68, 97 negatives) 5C fast 101B relative clauses 92–96 die (of) 135A fed up (with) 60A, 130C collide (with) 136C difference (between) 129E feel comparative 105–107 different (from/to) 131B, how do you feel and how are you comparative with even 112C complain (to somebody about/of …) Appendix 7 feeling 4C difficulty (have difficulty + -ing) 63C feel like 62A 134D direct speech and reported speech feel + adjective 99C, 100C compound nouns (a tennis ball, a few 69C, 87 47–48, 50B few and a few 87C–E headache etc.) 80 disappointed few (of ) 88 concentrate (on) 136E finish conditional sentences (if sentences) disappointed + to … 65C finish + -ing 53A disappointed and disappointing 98 finish off 141C if I do… 25C disappointed with 130B first if I do and if I did 38 discuss (no preposition) 133A it’s the first time I’ve … 8C if I knew, if I were etc. 39 divide (into) 136B the first/last/next + to … 65D if I had known, if I had been etc. 40 do/does (in present simple questions the first two days 99D unless 115A fond (of ) 131A as long as 115B and negatives) 2C providing / provided 115B do up 144D congratulate (on) 62B, 135D down (verb + down) 137, 142 connection (with/between) 129E dream conscious (of) 131A consider (+ -ing) 53, 56A dream of + -ing 62A, 66D dream about/of 134C 374 during 119

Index for going to 20, Appendix 3 hospital (hospital / the hospital) 74B, 125A for with the present perfect 8B, 9B, going to and will 23 American English Appendix 7 11–12 was/were going to 20D for and since 12A how about (+ -ing) 60A for and to … (purpose) 64C, 103C gone to and been to 7B how long … ? (+ present perfect) 11–12 for and during 119 good how long is it since … ? 12D noun + for 129A adjective + for 130D, 131B good at 60A, 131B if 25, 38–40 verb + for 133, 135B good of someone to do something, (be) if I do … 25C if I do and if I did 38 forget (+ to …) 54, 56A good to someone 130A if I knew, if I were etc. 39 forgive (for) 135B good and well 101A if I had known, if I had been etc. 40 frightened (of ) 131A it’s no good (+ -ing) 63A if and when 25D from got (have got) 17A, 31D if + should 34E gotten (American English) if any 85C adjective + from 131B even if 112D verb + from 135C Appendix 7 if and in case 114B front (in/at/on the front) 124D, guess (I guess so) 51D as if 118 Appendix 7 had if (= whether) 50 full (of ) 131A had done (past perfect) 15 imagine (+ -ing) 53, 56A furious (about/with/for) 130B had been doing (past perfect impressed (with/by) 130C furniture (uncountable noun) 70B in further 105C continuous) 16 future 19–25, Appendix 3 had (past of have) 17 in (time) 121 if I’d known / I wish I’d known 40 in time and on time 122A present tenses for the future 19 in the end and at the end 122B going to 20 had in (position) 123–126 will 21–22 had done (past perfect) 15 in/of after a superlative 108D will and shall 21D, 22D had been doing (past perfect in (other uses) 127A, 129C will and going to 23 continuous) 16 adjective + in 131B will be doing (future continuous) 24 had (past of have) 17 verb + in 136A, 137, 138 will have done (future perfect) 24 if I’d known / I wish I’d known 40 in and into 138A future with when, if etc. 25, 114A, in case 114 had better 35A–B increase (in) 129C 115C, 119C hair (countable or uncountable noun) infinitive (to be, to play etc.) 54–59, generous (+ preposition) 130A 70A 64–67 geographical names with and half (of ) 88 passive infinitive (to be done ) 43A–B happen (to) 136D infinitive in reported speech 48D without the 77 happy (happy about/with) 130B verb + infinitive 54–59 gerund see -ing hard 101B–C continuous infinitive (to be doing) 54C get hardly 101C–D perfect infinitive (to have done) 54C, hate get in the passive 44D 58C get something done 46C hate doing / to do 58 infinitive after a question word 54D get someone to do something 55B would hate 58B–C verb + object + infinitive 55 get used to 61 have/has 17 verb + infinitive or -ing 55–58 get + adjective 99C have done (present perfect) 7–14 to-infinitive and to + -ing 60C get to (a place) 126B have been -ing (present perfect infinitive for purpose (I called the get in/out/on/off 126D, 138A get by 137B continuous) 9–10 restaurant to reserve a table) 64 get out of 138C have and have got 17 adjective + infinitive 65–66 get on 137A, 141B have breakfast / have a bath etc. infinitive without to get away (with) 145B after make and let 55C get back to 145C 17C, Appendix 7 see/hear somebody do 67 getting (present continuous) 1C I’m having, we’re having etc. 17C information (uncountable noun) 70B give have to (and must) 31 -ing (being, playing etc.) 53, 55–63 give in passive sentences 44A have got to 31D being (done) (passive) 44B give up 53B, 143E have something done 46 verb + -ing 53, 55–59 give out 139C having (done) 53D, 68B–C having (done) 53D, 68B–C give away 145B hear verb + -ing or to … 55–58 glad (+ to …) 65C with the present simple or can 4C preposition + -ing 60, 66 go hear someone do/doing 67 to + -ing and to–infinitive 60C go swimming/shopping etc. 63E hear of/about/from 134A used to + -ing 61 go on holiday / on a trip etc. 127C help verb + preposition + -ing 62, 66D go on 53B, 140B, 141A help + to … 55A expressions + -ing 63 go on doing and go on to do 56B can’t help 57C go swimming / go shopping etc. 63E go out 139A home 74C, 125A, 126C see/hear somebody doing 67 go off 140D, 141C hope -ing clauses 68, 97 hope + present simple 22B hope and wish 41A I hope so / I hope not 51D hope + to … 54A, 56A 375

Index long myself/yourself etc. (reflexive as long as 115B pronouns) 82 insist no longer / not … any longer 111B insist + should 34A–B by myself / by yourself etc. 83D insist on 62A, 136E look you look and you’re looking 4C names with and without the 77–78 in spite of 60A, 113 look forward to 60C, 62A, 137C nationality words with the 76C instead of (+ -ing) 60A look + adjective 99C, 100C need intend (+ to … or -ing) 56C look as if, look like 118 interested (in) 60A, 131B look at 132C need to do and need doing 57B look back (on) 145C a need for 129A interested in doing and interested to look for/after 133D needn’t 32 do 66B look up 144D needn’t have (done) and didn’t need to interested and interesting 98 lot (a lot /lots) 87A–B (do) 32 D into 126D quite a lot 104A needn’t and other modal verbs a lot + comparative 106A verb + into 136B Appendix 4 in and into 138A love American English Appendix 7 invitation (to) 129D love doing / to do 58 negative invite would love 55A, 58B–C present simple 2C invite + to … 55B be / fall in love with 127A past simple 5C invite somebody to something 136D negative questions 49D irregular verbs 5B, Appendix 1 luck (uncountable noun) 70B no, none and any 86 it and there 84 luggage (uncountable noun) 70B negative short forms it’s no good / it’s no use (+ -ing) 63A it’s time … 35C make Appendix 5.3 it’s worth (+ -ing) 63B make somebody do something 55C neither (of ) 89 make up 143E, 144A jealous (of ) 131A neither am I, neither do I etc. 51C just manage (+ to …) 26D, 54A, 56A neither … nor 89C many (and much) 69C, 87 neither and none 89D just with the present perfect 7D, never Appendix 7 many (of ) 88 never with the present perfect 8A married (to) 131B position of never 110 just in case 114A may 29–30 news (uncountable noun) 70B, 79B just as 116A nice (nice of someone to do something / just in time 122A may as well 30D may I … ? 37B–C be nice to someone) 65B, 130A keen (on) 131B may and other modal verbs no keep Appendix 4 no and none (of ) 86A, 88 keep on 53, 56A, 141A mean (adjective – mean of someone to do no and any 86 keep up (with …) 137C, 143A nobody/no–one/nothing/nowhere 86B keep away (from …) 145B something / be mean to someone) 65B no + comparative 106B kind (kind of someone to do something means (noun) 79B no longer 111B might 29–30 none / be kind to someone) 65B, 130A none (of ) and no 86A, 88 know (how/what etc. + to …) 54D might in if sentences 30B, 38C, 40D none and neither 89D might as well 30D nor late and lately 101B might and other modal verbs nor am I, nor do I etc. 51C laugh (at) 132C neither … nor 89C learn (how) (+ to …) 54, 56A Appendix 4 nouns leave mind (+ -ing) 53, 56A, 58A–B countable and uncountable 69–70 singular and plural 69, 71, 79 leave for 133B do you mind if … ? 37C noun + noun (compound nouns) 80 leave something out 138C mine / yours etc. (a friend of mine/ noun + preposition 129 less 107A let yours) 83A of let somebody do something 55C modal verbs (will, can, must etc.) of and ’s 81 let somebody down 142D all of / none of / most of etc. 88, 96B like (verb) 21–22, 26–37, Appendix 4 both of / neither of / either of 89, 96B like doing / to do 58 more a friend of mine/yours etc. 83A would like 37D, 55A, 58B–C of/in after a superlative 108D like (preposition/conjunction) more in comparatives 105 noun + of 129B like and as 117 not … any more 111B adjective + of 130A, 131A like and as if 118 most verb + of 134, 135A likely (+ to …) 65E, 84B most + noun 75A listen (to) 132A most (of ) 88 off (verb + off ) 137, 140–141 little 69C, 87 the most … (superlative) 108 offer little and a little 87C–E much (and many) 69C, 87 little (of ) 88 much (of ) 88 offer in passive sentences 44A a little + comparative 106A much + comparative 106A offer + to … 54A, 56A live (on) 135D must must and can’t 28, Appendix 7 376 must and have to 31 mustn’t 31C, 32A must and should 33A must and other modal verbs Appendix 4

Index on past simple (I did) 5 prepositions 121–136 on my own 83D past simple and past continuous for and since 12A on (time) 121 6C–D in questions 49C on time and in time 122A past simple and present perfect preposition + -ing 60, 66 on (position) 123–125 12–14 verb + preposition + -ing 62, 66D on a bus / on a train etc. 125E past simple and past perfect 15C prepositions in relative clauses on (other uses) 127B–C past simple passive 42C 93C, 96A adjective + on 131B in/of after a superlative 108D verb + on 135D, 136E, 137, 140–141 pay like and as 117 pay in passive sentences 44A for and during 119 one another 82C pay (somebody) for something 135B by 120, 128 only (position of only) 110 pay back 145C by and until 120B ought to 33D at/on/in (time) 121–122 people 79D on time and in time 122A ought and other modal verbs perfect see present perfect, past at the end and in the end 122B Appendix 4 at/on/in (position) 123–125 perfect to/at/in/into 126 out perfect infinitive (to have done) 43B in/at/on (other uses) 127 out of 126D by car / by bus etc. 128B verb + out 137–139 (passive), 54C, 58C noun + preposition 129 out and out of 138A persuade (+ to …) 55B adjective + preposition 130–31 phone verb + preposition 132–136 own phrasal verb + preposition 137C my own house / your own car 83B–C on the phone 127B on my own / on your own etc. 83D phone somebody (no preposition) present see present continuous, present simple, present perfect paper (countable and uncountable) 132B 70A phone somebody back 145C present tenses for the future 19, photo/photograph Appendix 3 participle clauses (-ing and -ed in a photo 124A clauses) 68, 97 a photo of someone 129B present and past tenses phrasal verbs (break down / get on etc.) Appendix 2 passive 42–44 passive and active 42A 137–145 present continuous (I am doing) 1 by after the passive 42B introduction to phrasal verbs 137 present continuous and present simple tenses 42C phrasal verb + preposition (run away simple 3–4 to be done/cleaned etc. (infinitive) am/is/are being 4D 43A–B from etc.) 137C present continuous for the future 19, perfect tenses 43C position of object (turn the light on / 20B, Appendix 3 continuous tenses 43D present continuous passive 43D being (done) 44B turn it on etc.) 137D get 44D verb + in/out 138–139 present perfect (simple) (I have done) it is said that 45A verb + on/off 140–141 7–8 verb + up/down 142–144 past (see also past continuous, past verb + away/back 145 present perfect with this morning, perfect and past simple) picture today etc. 8B, 14B in a picture 124A past after if and wish 38–40 a picture of someone 129B present perfect simple and continuous past after I’d rather 59D plan (+ to …) 54A, 56A 10–11 past after it’s time 35C pleased past after as if 118D pleased + to … 65C present perfect with how long, for and present and past tenses pleased with 130B since 11–12 plenty (of ) 87A Appendix 2 plural and singular 69, 71, 79 present perfect and past simple 12–14 past continuous (I was doing) 6 they/them/their used for somebody/ present perfect and past perfect 15B present perfect after when 25B past continuous and past simple nobody etc. 85E, 86C, 90D present perfect passive 43C 6C–D spelling of plural nouns present perfect after a superlative past continuous and used to 18E Appendix 6 108E past continuous passive 43D point American English Appendix 7 past perfect (simple) (I had done) 15 present perfect continuous (I have past perfect and present perfect 15B there’s no point in + -ing 63A past perfect and past simple 15C point (something) at 132C been doing) 9–10 past perfect after if 40 point out 139C present perfect continuous and past perfect passive 43C police (plural) 79C past perfect continuous (I had been polite present continuous 9C polite of someone to do something / be present perfect continuous and simple doing) 16 polite to someone 130A 10–11 prefer 59 present perfect continuous and past would prefer 55A, 58B–C, 59B prefer (one thing) to (another) 59A, 60C, perfect continuous 16B 136D 377

Index relative pronouns 92–96 shout (at/to) 132D who 92–96 show present simple (I do) which 92–93, 95–96 present simple and present that 92–94 show in passive sentences 44A continuous 3–4 that and what 92D show someone how/what + to … present simple for the future 19B whose 94A, 95B present simple after when and if 25, whom 94B, 95B, 96A–B 54D Appendix 3 where 94C, 95B show off 141C present simple passive 42C of whom / of which 96B show up 143E similar (to) 131B pretend (+ to …) 54C rely (on) 135D simple past see past simple pretty (pretty good, pretty often etc.) remember simple present see present simple since 104 remember + to … and -ing 56B with present perfect 8B, 9B, 11–12 prevent (from) 62B, 66D remember how/what + to … 54D since and for 12A prison (prison / the prison) 74B, 125A remind how long is it since … ? 12D probably remind + to … 55B since (= because) 116B remind of/about 134E singular and plural 69, 71, 79 probably + will 22B reported speech 47–48 they/them/their used for somebody/ position of probably 110 reported questions 50B problem (have a problem + -ing) 63C responsible (for) 131B nobody etc. 85E, 86C, 90D progress (uncountable noun) 70B rise (in) 129C slightly (+ comparative) 106A progressive tenses see continuous risk (+ -ing) 53A, 56A smell promise room (countable or uncountable noun) promise (+ will/would) 36B with the present simple and can 4C promise + to … 54A, 56A 70A smell something (burn)ing 67B protect (from) 135C smell + adjective 99C proud (of ) 131A ’s (apostrophe s) 81, Appendix 5.1 so provide (with) 136C said (it is said that) 45A so am I, so do I etc. 51C provided/providing 115B same (the same as) 73B, 107C, 117B I think so, I hope so etc. 51D purpose satisfied so that (purpose) 64D to … for purpose 64 so and such 102 on purpose 127B, 128A satisfied and satisfying 98 so + adjective + that 102B put satisfied with 130B so long as 115B put out 139A say solution (to) 129D put off 53B, 140, 141C say and tell 48C some 69C, 71, 85 put on 140 say (+ to …) 48D some with countable nouns 71 put up/down 142A scared (of ) 131A some and any 85 put up with 144D scenery (uncountable noun) 70B somebody/someone/something/ put away 145B school (school / the school) 74A search (for) 133B somewhere 85 questions 49–50 see some (of ) 88 present simple questions 2C, 49B with the present simple or can 4C soon (as soon as) 25A–B past simple questions 5C, 49B see someone do/doing 67 sorry negative questions 49D see off 140D sorry + to … 65C embedded questions (Do you know seem sorry to do and sorry for/about doing what … ?) 50A seem + to … 54C reported questions 50B seem + adjective 99C 66C question tags 52 –self (myself/yourself etc.) 82, 83D sorry about/for 130D series 79B feel sorry for 130D quite 104 shall and will 22D sound shall I/we? 21D sound + adjective 99C rather Let’s … , shall we? 52D sound as if 118 would rather 59C shall and other modal verbs space (space and a space) 73C I’d rather you did something 59D speak (to) 132A rather cold / rather nice etc. 104 Appendix 4 species 79B American English Appendix 7 spelling Appendix 6 reason (for) 129A shocked spend recommend 34 A–B, 53 shocked and shocking 98 spend time + -ing 63D reflexive pronouns (myself, yourself shocked at/by 130C spend money on … 136E short (of ) 131A spite (in spite of ) 113 etc.) 82 short forms (I’m, you’ve, didn’t etc.) start (start + to … or -ing) 56C by myself/yourself etc. 83D state verbs (like, know, belong etc.) refuse (+ to …) 54A, 56A Appendix 5 4A, 6E, 10D, 16D, 17A regret (+ -ing and to …) 53D, 56B should 33–34 still 111 regular and irregular verbs still and yet 111C should and had better 35B Appendix 1 should and other modal verbs relationship (with/between) 129E relative clauses 92–96 Appendix 4 American English Appendix 7 relative clauses as object 93 prepositions in relative clauses 93C two types of relative clause 95 378

stop the 72–78 Index stop + -ing 53, 56A the and a/an 72, 73A stop someone (from) + -ing 53C, 62B, the sea, the sky etc. 73C turn 66D the cinema, the theatre etc. 73D turn out 139 school / the school 74 turn on/off 137D, 140A stupid (stupid of someone to do children / the children 75 turn up 142A, 143E something) 65B, 130A the + adjective (the young etc.) 76B turn down 142 the + nationality word (the French etc.) subjunctive 34B 76C two–word verbs see phrasal verbs American English Appendix 7 the with geographical names 77 typical (of ) 131A the with streets, buildings etc. 78 succeed (in + -ing) 62A, 66D, 136A the + comparative (the sooner, the uncountable nouns 69–70 such better) 106D understand (how/what + to …) 54D the + superlative (the oldest etc.) 108B university (university / the university) such and so 102 such as 117A there (and it) 84 74B suffer (from) 135C there’s no point in … 63A unless 115A suggest there will/must/should etc. 84B until (or till) suggest + should 34A–C, 55B there is + -ing or -ed 97C suggest + -ing 53, 54A, 56A until + present simple / present perfect superlative (longest/best etc.) 108 they/them/their (used for somebody/ 25A–B suppose (I suppose so/not) 51D anybody/nobody/everybody) 85E, supposed (He is supposed to …) 45B 86C, 90D until and by 120B sure up (verb + up) 137, 142–144 sure + to … 65E, 84B think upset (about) 130B sure of/about 131B I think and I’m thinking 4B use (it’s no use + -ing) 63A surprised I think so, I don’t think so 51D used surprised + to … 65C think of + -ing 54A, 62A, 66D surprised and surprising 98 think about and think of 134B used to do 18 surprised at/by 130C be/get used to 61 suspect (of ) 62B, 135A though 113E I am used to doing and I used to do suspicious (of ) 131A as though 118 even though 112D, 113E 18F, 61D tags (question tags) 52 usually (position of usually) 110 take threaten (+ to …) 54A, 56A throw verbs see also present, past, future, take care of 133C passive etc. take somebody in 138B throw to/at 132D take off 140 throw away 137D, 145B verbs not used in continuous tenses take down 142A till see until 4A, 6E, 10D, 16D, 17A take up 143 time talk it’s the first time I’ve … 8C list of irregular verbs talk to somebody 132A it’s time … 35C Appendix 1.4 talk about something 62A, 133A countable or uncountable noun 70A taste on time and in time 122A present and past tenses with the present simple or can 4C tired Appendix 2 taste + adjective 99C tired and tiring 98 teach tired of 130C verbs + -ing and verbs + to … teach in passive sentences 44A to + infinitive (to be / to do etc.) see (infinitive) 53–59 teach somebody how to do something 54D verb + preposition 62, 132–136 teach + to … 55B infinitive telephone see phone to 126 phrasal verbs (break down / get on tell etc.) 137–145 tell in passive sentences 44A to + -ing 60C tell and say 48C noun + to 129D wait (for) 133B tell someone to do something 48D, 55B adjective + to 130A, 131B want (+ to …) 55A, 66D tell someone what to do 54D verb + to 132, 136D warn (+ to …) 55B tell someone off 141C too and enough 103 was/were 5D temporal clauses (when clauses) 25 top (at the top) 124C tend (+ to …) 54A translate (from/into) 136B was/were -ing (past continuous) 6 than 105, 107 travel (uncountable noun) 70B was/were going to 20D thank (for) 62B, 132B, 135B trouble (have trouble doing something) was/were able to 26D that was and were in if sentences 39C said that 47B 63C waste (waste time + -ing) 63D in relative clauses 92–94 try weather (uncountable noun) 70B well 101A try + to … or -ing 57A were (used with I/he/she/it) 39C, try out 139C try on 140C 118D what what in questions 49 what … for? 64C What … ! (exclamations) 71A–B what and that (relative clauses) 92D, 93D what and which (relative clauses) 96C 379

Index when word order when + present simple / present have something done 46 perfect 25 questions 49 when and if 25D negative questions 49D when + -ing 68A embedded questions (Do you know even when 112D what … ?) 50A when and as 116 reported questions 50B order of adjectives 99 where (in relative clauses) 94C, 95C verb and object together 109A whether 50 place and time 109B which position of adverbs with the verb (also, always etc.) 110 which in questions 49 word order with phrasal verbs (turn on which in relative clauses 92–93, 95–96 the light, turn it on etc.) 137D all/none/some of which 96B while work while + present simple / present uncountable noun 70B, 74C work out 139B perfect 25A while + -ing 68A worried (about) 130B while and during 119C worse 105C who worst 108A who in questions 49 worth (it’s worth + -ing) 63B who in relative clauses 92–96 would 36 who and whose in relative clauses 94A who and whom in relative clauses 94B would and will 36B whole 90B–C would you like? I’d like 37D on the whole 127B would in if sentences 38–40 whom wish … would 41D in questions 49C would like/love/hate/prefer + to … in relative clauses 94B, 96A–B all/none/some of whom 96B 55A, 58B–C whose (in relative clauses) 94A, 95C would prefer 58B, 59B why would rather 59C–D why isn’t/didn’t (etc.) … ? 49D would and other modal verbs why in relative clauses 94D will 21–22 Appendix 4 will you? 21, 37A write will and shall 21D, 22D will and going to 23 write to 132B will be doing (future continuous) 24 write down 142D will have done (future perfect) 24 will in if and when sentences 25, 115C yet will and would 36B, Appendix 4 yet and still 111C will in the passive 43A yet + present perfect 7D Don’t … , will you? 52D will and other future forms Appendix 3 will and other modal verbs Appendix 4 wish 41 I wish I knew etc. 39, 41 I wish I’d known etc. 40C, 41 wish and hope 41A wish … would 41D with noun + with 129E adjective + with 130B–C, 131B verb + with 136C without (+ -ing) 60B won’t (= will not) 21–22 380

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