January 2016 SRI AUROBINDO SOCIETY VOL 30.01 Singapore Permit No. MCI (P) 146/12/2014 NEWSLETTER PEACE The indispensable condition for the body’s progress.Botanical Name: Ixora thwaitesiiCommon Name: White ixoraSpiritual Significance: Peace in the Cells The moments fell into eternity. But someone yearned within a bosom unknown. .And silently the woman's heart replied: \"Thy peace, O Lord, a boon within to keep Amid the roar and ruin of wild Time For the magnificent soul of man on earth. - Savitri, Sri Aurobindo
Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. January 2016. Guiding Light of the Month“. . . O Supreme Master who shinest in my being and each thing, let ThyLight be manifest and the reign of Thy Peace come for all.” ” The Mother, ‘Prayers and Meditations’ November 28 1912The theme that garners our attention in this issue of From the Editor’s Deskour Newsletter is “Peace”, another of the twelve One can experience the state of being one is in whenvirtues that revolve around the fourfold Shaktis – one cultivates peace or allows peace to exist within and one who does not have any place for peaceMaheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and within. When we settle down quietly and pull ourMahasaraswati in The Mother’s symbol. Of all virtues senses away from the surface movement and noise, when we go deep within and down into ourselves, thewe ask for, Peace perhaps is the most invoked and state of being somehow becomes strikingly calm and rested. Besides securing the first condition to meetinvited or called after. It is coupled with every with that Presence within, such a state automatically exerts an effect on the physiological and somaticmorning mantra, as OM Shanti or a prayer uttered, be component of our being. One’s breathing is calmed and becomes regulated and steadily decreases; one’sit at the sanctums of temples, along the banks of heart beat simultaneously drops to a calm steady rhythm, one’s mind becomes more open, spacious andscared rivers of India or in the haven of our own a feeling being free settles in; one’s heart space delveshearts’ altar. There is something within that goes after in a potent silence, open and still, not demanding or expectant. It is a state of true rest that does one’speace. It appears that everything that is sought after in health well, contributing to an overall state of wellbeing.life has as its hidden aim, peace of mind, heart andbeing. Nobody wants to sit with a troubled heart ormind, or an agitated being who knows no quietude,silence or stillness, even if momentarily. There is anatural tendency to aspire for or at least desire peace,whatever one’s station in life. Peace has that specialattribute, more than any other virtues or qualities.For one after spiritualisation of one’s being, the Here is an assurance from The Mother that everyone can attain peace and that he or she is not alone, andsettlement of peace becomes a basic necessity in his that She herself will help, guiding us towards the descent of peace into our entire being. Here is heror her advancement in consciousness. The Mother assurance, “Together you and I shall try to silence allsuccinctly puts it in this way, “The first sign of the the external noise on the surface of your being, so thatdivine presence in the being is peace.” The Mother in silence and peace you may unite with this inner glory. Then that day will become the day of your newexplains that deep in each of us is the Divine birth.” The Mother has given us all a mantra to deal with out state of restlessness that impedes the state ofPresence. A being devoid of peace is in no condition peace that is possible to be realised. She offers,to discern this presence within. The presence of or the “Peace, peace, O my heart!”absence of peace serves as an indicator of one’s state Let us hold this mantra within and may each cell ofof being. A being lacking peace is essentially one our being, each nerve and vessel within be suffused with Peace.dragged from one surface concern to another, onetrouble to another, one attraction after another. Thereis constant movement and noise in the being and insuch a state, discerning an inner presence becomesvery difficult and challenging, if not impossible.www.sriaurobindosociety.org.sg 2
Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. January 2016. Savitri The prophet moment covered limitless space And cast into the heart of hurrying Time A diamond light of the Eternal's peace, A crimson seed of God's felicity; A glance from the gaze fell of undying Love. (Book Eleven, Canto One) Only a while at first these heavenlier states, These large wide-poised upliftings could endure. The high and luminous tension breaks too soon, The body's stone stillness and the life's hushed trance, The breathless might and calm of silent mind; Or slowly they fail as sets a golden day. The restless nether members tire of peace; A need to call back small familiar selves, To tread the accustomed and inferior way, The need to rest in a natural poise of fall, As a child who learns to walk can walk not long, Replace the titan will for ever to climb, On the heart's altar dim the sacred fire. (Book One, Canto Three) Stepping BackMost of you live on the surface of your being, exposed to the touch of external influences. Youlive almost projected, as it were, outside your own body, and when you meet some unpleasantbeing similarly projected you get upset. The whole trouble arises out of your not beingaccustomed to stepping back. You must always step back into yourself—learn to go deepwithin—step back and you will be safe. Do not lend yourself to the superficial forces whichmove in the outside world. Even if you are in a hurry to do something, step back for a while andyou will discover to your surprise how much sooner and with what greater success your workcan be done. If someone is angry with you, do not be caught in his vibrations but simply stepback and his anger, finding no support or response, will vanish.Always keep your peace, resist all temptation to lose it. Never decide anything without steppingback, never speak a word without stepping back, never throw yourself into action withoutstepping back. All that belongs to the ordinary world is impermanent and fugitive, so there isnothing in it worth getting upset about. What is lasting, eternal, immortal and infinite—thatindeed is worth having, worth conquering, worth possessing. It is Divine Light, Divine Love,Divine Life—it is also Supreme Peace, Perfect Joy and All-Mastery upon earth with theComplete Manifestation as the crowning. When you get the sense of the relativity of things, thenwhatever happens you can step back and look; you can remain quiet and call on the Divine Forceand wait for an answer. Then you will know exactly what to do. Remember, therefore, that youcannot receive the answer before you are very peaceful. Practise that inner peace, make at least asmall beginning and go on in your practice until it becomes a habit with you.(CWM, Volume 3, Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Puducherry)www.sriaurobindosociety.org.sg 3
Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. January 2016. Bird of Peace (CWM, Volume 3, Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Puducherry)This is a graphic representation of the signature. It means “The Bird of Peace Descending uponEarth”. It has its wings tilted towards the earth. It is coming down to the earth. You see the angleof its wings and how it is descending towards the earth? It is to bring Peace. It is the messengerof Peace. The Bird of Peace Descending upon Earth. You see?...Now I will explain to you how this bird corresponds to the signature. Look, first, this is the tail ofthe bird. Here are the two tips of the tail, and I extend it as the wing which is seen like a curvedline. You have seen the tails of birds, they are like this… So, with these two tips of the tail andone wing, it is one part of the bird. And this is the other wing. They are large wings. And theseare the eyes which are represented here by these two points. And here is the head.One sees the bird appearing from far, that is why one sees only the eyes that shine and not all thedetails of the figure. It has very large wings and it is inclined like this to one side, that is why itsbody is hidden. Once does not see its body, it is hidden behind its large wing. And from far onesees only its two eyes and the beak and all that. Because it is only the eyes that shine: the eyesreflect the soul. They are important, the eye. So it is like this: the tail joins with one wing andthis is the other wing, and these two points are the eye.www.sriaurobindosociety.org.sg 4
Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. January 2016.This is the symbolic representation of the Bird of Peace Descending upon Earth. Instead ofdrawing the whole bird each time, I have made a symbolic drawing which represents the bird.You can see clearly this is the bird in flight which is descending towards the earth. It is still far,but one day it will alight upon the earth. Then there will be Peace. This, then, is the significanceof my signature. It comes from another world to bring Peace down here.(Conversation with the Mother as noted by Mona Sarkar in Luminous Notes) The Word of the Silence A bare impersonal hush is now my mind, A world of sight clear and inimitable, A volume of silence by a Godhead signed, A greatness pure of thought, virgin of will. Once on its pages Ignorance could write In a scribble of intellect the blind guess of Time And cast gleam-messages of ephemeral light, A food for souls that wander on Nature’s rim. But now I listen to a greater Word Born from the mute unseen omniscient Ray: The Voice that only Silence’ ear has heard Leaps missioned from an eternal glory of Day. All turns from a wideness and unbroken peace To a tumult of joy in a sea of wide release. - Sri Aurobindo(Sonnets, Collected Poems by Sri Aurobindo, Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Puducherry) Words of The Mother In the very depths of your being, deep within your breast, the Divine Presence isalways there, luminous and peaceful, full of love and wisdom. It is there so that you may unitewith it and it may transform you into a luminous and radiant consciousness.Together you and I shall try to silence all the external noise on the surface of your being, so thatin silence and peace you may unite with this inner glory.Then that day will become the day of your new birth.(CWM, Volume 17, Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Puducherry)www.sriaurobindosociety.org.sg 5
Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. January 2016. Shades of the skyGentle fingers tune the strings of tanpura*. Soft music emerges, announcing the beginning of asong. The singer’s voice hums tuning with the music coming from the strings. An alaap* talks ofthe raagam* that is going to carry the song. Then walks in the flowering words stringed likebeads of a jewel. The various instruments join in, harmoniously creating a confluence with thesinger. Various levels are reached, the song is lived by everyone. Gently the music comes to anend, gradually reducing in intensity. Strings of tanpura reverberate again, marking the end of thesong. A feeling stays in everyone’s heart as though, a single sound has traversed through all thenotes of the song.Gentle fingers of the sun touch the dark sky. Soft light emerges, announcing the beginning of theday. The seeker’s energy aligns with that of the rising sun. A bright smile talks of thecheerfulness in his heart for the day. He then decides on the various tasks to be carried out.Various people join in, creating a beautiful team effort. Achievements are made, the day is livedalong with everyone. Gently the day comes to an end, as the calm of the dusk sets in. Fingers ofthe sun reach out again to paint the sky with pink hues, marking the end of the day. A feelingsstays in everyone’s heart as though, a single beam has traversed through the various shades ofthe day.Shades of the sky – dawn, day, twilight and nightfall - are similar to the various stages of abeautiful music.Savitri begins with “The Symbol Dawn”: “It was the hour before the Gods awake”.Sets into evening in “The Return to Earth”: “In indolent skies reclined, the thinning day Turned to its slow fall into evening’s peace”Decorates Nightfall towards the end: “Night, splendid with the moon dreaming in heaven”And finishes by saying: “And in her bosom nursed a greater dawn”www.sriaurobindosociety.org.sg 6
Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. January 2016.To celebrate the various shades of the day, we welcome readers to a series which will spreadthrough the year, beginning with the dawn, brightening into an active day, setting to a calmevening and relaxing into a cool night. - SandhyaTerminologies and References: Tanpura is an Indian string instrument accompanying the musician in Carnatic music. Alaap is initial notes of a Carnatic music that marks the beginning of a song Ragaam is a melody of music. (A terminology used in Indian music) Savitri lines from Book Twelve, “The Return to Earth” Panorama of Savitri by M.P.Pandit, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Puducherry. Image sourced from http://img0.mxstatic.com/wallpapers/2af1d28801aee381875c98b49169b395_large.jpeg November – December Sunday Activities at the Centre – A glimpseNovember 22nd and 29th - Meditations and Discussions on Savitri (Book 9, Canto 1):The great wrestle of Savitri with Yama is over – and respite should have been. Instead, Savitri isconfronted with Yama transfigured – an arisen Godhead representing the Supreme. Yet, thisGodhead, while sweet and luminous and full of an entrancing Ananda, nonetheless denies Savitriher prize: Satyavan resurrected.This sets the scene for the lines we studied these three weeks – some of the most musical, potentand fiery in the whole of Savitri. We read these lines in a circle, appreciating their beauty andabsorbing the magic of the Mantra. Then we discussed these lines, seeking to appreciatesomething of their mysteries.The scene begins with temptation: The temptation of the Divine by the Divine – and luminousYama asks Savitri to leave the earth and ascend to her rightful home where she can be eternallybe with Satyavan. Yet Savitri refuses. In a series of sweet images, she outlines her natural royaltyand divinity, her right to the kingdom of heaven that was “once her natural home” (l.542).But she is the embodiment of something greater: The sublime song of struggling earth. And sheis the magnificent Mother who embraces the labour and the battle and the pain: “A heavier tread is mine, a mightier touch. There where the gods and demons battle in night Or wrestle on the borders of the Sun, Taught by the sweetness and the pain of life To bear the uneven strenuous beat that throbs Against the edge of some divinest hope, To dare the impossible with these pangs of search, In me the spirit of immortal love Stretches its arms out to embrace mankind.” (Savitri, Bk 9, Cant 1., ll.557-565)To complete her mission, Satyavan must return. The hilt and the blade must be made one.www.sriaurobindosociety.org.sg 7
Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. January 2016.But the God still demurred. In a vast sweep of Vision and time, he outlines the story of theworm-man, crawling through the mud, his spirit far from bursting a gray chrysalis. He asks,commands even, Savitri to trust in the grand unfolding of the aeons – when all that must be shallbe done.Again Savitri is commanded to return to her “original might / On a seer-summit above thoughtand world”.Our study stops here. Man’s destiny is now poised on a knife-edge. We await Savitri’s choice –which will fix the evolutionary path of humanity.December 6th - Readings from All India Magazine:This week’s reading and discussion is on the most advanced stage of the Integral Yoga: TheYoga of the cells. We read several entries on how the Mother had been doing the inconceivablework of impregnating her cells with the Supramental Force, putting them totally under theinfluence of the Supreme. We also discussed the great mysteries concerning the purpose of theMother leaving her body and how this may have facilitated her Work to transform the earth.We also briefly touched on the existing controversies between those who view the Yoga of thecells as the ultimate stage of the Integral Yoga, being only feasible for those who have been putinto direct mental and vital contact with the Supramental (something aligned to the viewsexpressed in Sri Aurobindo’s writings) – and those who believe that the Mother’s arduous workover thirty years has made the Yoga of the cells a possibility for many more than a few supremespiritual athletes. - Jared PROGRAMME FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 2016DATE TIME DETAILS New Year Day – Darshan Day1st Jan 2016 10:30 AM Special Morning Meditation Friday Monthly Morning Walk *3rd Jan 2016 8:00 AM Sunday Reading from AIM Magazine Q&A from Mother Complete works Volume 83rd Jan 2016 6:00 PM Sunday Followed by Om Choir Study Circle – Essays on Gita10th Jan 2016 6:00 PM Sunday Savitri – An unending journey17th Jan 2016 6:00 PM TBA Sunday24th Jan 2016 6:00 PM Sunday31st Jan 2016 6:00 PM Sunday* Please see below for details.www.sriaurobindosociety.org.sg 8
Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. January 2016. JANUARY 2016 MORNING WALK – NO. 365Date: Sunday, 3rd January 2016Time: 8:00 A.M. sharp for warm up exercise Please note that after warm up exercise we shall proceed with the walk by 8.20 AM.Meeting Point: Bukit Timah Nature Reserve Visitor Centre Car Park (along Hindhede Drive)Contact No: S.Ramanathan (91385130)Directions to Driving:the Meeting After reaching either Upper Bukit Timah Road or Jalan Anak BukitPoint: Road look for Hindhede Road - drive in that road to reach Bukit Timah Nature Reserve Visitor Centre Car Park. MRT/Bus: Nearest MRT: Beauty World MRT Station nearly 1 km away from the Walk Venue. Buses: 67,175,170,171,173,184,852,961Hosts: M/s Kiruthika & Adrian # 11-512, Block 621, Bukit Batok Central, Adjacent to WEST MALL, Singapore 650621 Tel: 66006142 HP (96490670, 81125720) Email: [email protected] to Driving:Host’s Residence From City: PIE-> Turn Right to Bukit Batok East Avenue 3 Exit -> Head Straight to Bukit Batok Central -> After Bus Terminus turn left and cross West Mall car Park to reach the HDB Car Park for Blocks 620 to 622. MRT/Bus: Short Walking Distance from Bukit Batok MRT. Buses: 61, 66, 77, 106, 173, 174, 176, 178, 187, 189, 506, 852, 985Note: All are encouraged to attend the Walk. Those, however, who are not able to join the Walk,the hosts would be very happy that they directly come to their residence latest by 10.15 A.M. andjoin in the brunch. Prayers and meditation will commence sharp at 10.30 A.M. All are requestedto be punctual.www.sriaurobindosociety.org.sg 9
Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. January 2016. PREVIEW OF FORTHCOMING SUNDAY MORNING WALKSWALK DATE PLACE HOST NO 07/02/2016 East Coast Park Mrs Nisha Maheswary & Family 366 06/03/2016 TBA TBA 367 Along the Way… December 2015 Morning Walk – A ReviewThe walk started on 6th Dec 2015, 8.30am at the Fort Canning Park Located at the junction ofCanning Rise and Fort Canning Road in Singapore's Central Business District, it is only slightlymore than 60 metres high but has a long history intertwined with the city-state, not least due toits location as the highest elevation within walking distance of the civic district.I would like to share a few lines about the History of that place. Fort Canning Hill, originallyknown as Bukit Larangan (or \"Forbidden Hill\" in Malay) has been a local landmark in the citysince Singapore's earliest recorded history. It has been the exclusive address of many ofSingapore's rulers and colonial leaders dating back to the 14th century when it was the site forthe palatial resort of former Majapahit kings, then in colonial times became the location for theresidence of colonial governors starting with Sir Stamford Raffles.www.sriaurobindosociety.org.sg 10
Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. January 2016.The hill was renamed Fort Canning Park with the planting of a fruit tree by the then-PrimeMinister Lee Kuan Yew on 1 November 1981.Today, Fort Canning Park is a venue forcelebrations. Its expansive, sprawling lawns play host to concerts, theatre productions andfestivals such as Shakespeare in the Park and Ballet under the Stars.We had a group of 10 persons for the walk. It was pleasant morning with a cool weather. Weenjoyed the beauty of nature in the garden. The heritage rain tree marks the start of the walk. Therain tree, a native of Central America, is planted in Singapore for its large, shady, umbrella-shaped crown. Its trunk and branches host beautiful ferns and orchids, and its leaves often foldup at dusk or before impending rain.We walked on the side of the tall banyan trees that looked older than a century. The fresh air,green plantation and tall trees and their communion with our souls go beyond words to express.On the way of the walk we saw a man who was practising his vocal skill building with a loudvoice.We were walking down the steps that pave the way through the spice garden. This Spice Gardenis a small replica of the original garden Sir Stamford Raffles established in 1822 as the firstexperimental and botanical garden in Singapore. We had an opportunity to see some varieties ofwww.sriaurobindosociety.org.sg 11
Sri Aurobindo Society, Singapore. January 2016. plant species like Artemisia Scoparia (Redstem wormwood). This plant has strongly aromatic foliage with a hint of lemon. I cannot end this walk review without sharing a few words about the Archaeological dig and exhibition area. We experienced the fascinating connection between the landscape and historical journey back to the 14th century. Going round the bend and following the path leads you to the archaeological dig and exhibition area, one of the biggest attractions on this trail. On display are several 14th century artefacts uncovered by researchers at the site. These artefacts provide evidence that way before the arrival of the British in 1819, Chinese merchants were already travelling to this part of the world to engage in trade. Finally the walk finished at the Aurobindo Centre with a Delicious food served by Mr. Prabhu Deva Basappa & Family. They took care of each and every one and they served us with delicious fruits on the way back to home. - N.Manikandan ANNOUNCEMENTS Membership Renewal for 2016 & Subscription to AIMFor 2016, Annual Members need to pay SGD 60 as their membership subscription to the Society. Thosesubscribing to the All India Magazine will need to pay an additional SGD 30 for the magazine.Please send a cheque payable to \"Sri Aurobindo Society\" and post it to the Treasurer, Sanjay Mehta at thefollowing address: Blk 720 Tampines Street 72 #03-31 Singapore 520720.You may also physically pay it to him in cash or by passing a cheque to a committee member and letting Sanjayknow, during our activities. Printed and Published by The Sri Aurobindo Society of Singapore 2A Starlight Road 01-07, Singapore 217755.Saurab: 86559940 or [email protected]; Sanjay: 98750767 or [email protected]; Email: [email protected] Visit our website at: www.sriaurobindosociety.org.sgwww.sriaurobindosociety.org.sg 12
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