Reading Journal By Kantithat Anantawut / 6031006017This journal is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor English reading and writing 1 course of Liberal Arts in English Program, Mae Fah Luang University First semester 2018
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Obesity to kill more women than smoking in 25 years as cancer rates increase Obesity is to overtake smoking as the leading cause of preventable cancer inBritish women, according to a new paper. If trends continue, obesity-relatedcancers could account for 23,000 cases by 2035, compared to 25,000 caused bysmoking in the same year, said the report by Cancer Research UK. By 2043 obesityis likely to cause more cancer cases than smoking. The conclusions were based onprojections, and researchers stressed that there remain many uncertainties inpredicting what will cause cancers in the future. As fewer people smoke andobesity rates increase, however, the gap will continue to close. With higher ratesof obesity and fewer smokers among women than men, the narrowing ishappening faster among women. Week ___ Title: Obesity to kill more women than smoking in 25 years as cancer rates increase Author: Sky News Source: smoking-in-25-years-as-cancer-rates-increase-report-11507220 Summary Obesity increase cancer rates by the research from CancerResearch UK. Obesity is likely to cause more cancer than smoking innowadays. If this situation doesn’t stop cancer rates cause by obesitywill decrease gap between obesity and smoking cause cancer rates. Thissituation seems to happen easily, but It will be based in many things. Page 3 of 7
My reaction/reflection: This article is not difficult to understand because it contains alot of easy words. This article is a useful knowledge, and it is fun toread. I think this article is noticeable, and it give us a surprise factabout cancer rates. New Words Definitions1. obesity the fact of being extremely fat, in a way that is dangerous for health2. preventable Nowadays, people seems not to fear of obesity.3. uncertainty able to be prevented4. projection This injury can be preventable.5. overtake a situation in which something is not known, or something that is not known or certain Life is full of uncertainties. a calculation or guess about the future based on information that you have We have set our projection of this year. to go past something by being a greater amount or degree This company tries to overtake our business. Page 4 of 7
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Articles Rubric for Independent Reading Journal (10%) 5 12341. Summary (4 %)2. Reflection (3%)3. Vocabulary Learned (3%) Scores Total scores _______ ÷ 5 = _____ marksCriteria for the above categories1. Rubric for Article SummaryCategory 5-4 3 2 1-0Summarizing Provides a very Provides a clear Provides a clear but Provides a somewhatthe content thorough and clear and concise shallow summary of muddled, unclear and and concise summary of the the article; may be rambling summary of summary of the article context excessively brief or the article. article context and and content. may include some content. extraneous information.Identifying Student recalls Student recalls Student is not able to Student cannot locateDetails several details for details for most locate most of the details with accuracy. each main point. main point. details of the main point. Is characterized byParaphrasing Is characterized by Is characterized Is characterized by the substantial paraphrasing of the by paraphrasing the substantial copying of main idea and of the main idea copying of key indiscriminately significant details and significant phrases and minimal selected phrases or details paraphrasing sentences.Spelling & There are few or There are some There are serious Serious errors inGrammar no errors in usage, errors in usage, errors in usage, mechanics, usage, grammar, grammar, grammar, grammar, or spelling punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, that make the sentence sentence sentence fragments, summary difficult to fragments, or fragments, or or spelling. understand. spelling. spelling.Total ________/20 ÷ 5 = 4 %2. Reflection on the Articles (3%)Students who have completely and clearly responded to the guided questions stated in the reading journalform will get 3 marks.3. Vocabulary Learned (3%) Page 6 of 7
All correct = 3 marks ≥ 70% correct = 2 marks 1 ≤ 70% = 1 mark Page 7 of 7
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