2 Kendall Weekly TimesFrom the Top – he Editorial Board ofLimerick CommunicationsHead of the Class by Jennifer Flowersand Nadia KanhaiWe would like to recognize all the stu‐dents from the area high schools whohave graduated and will now be enteringthat next chapter of their lives. We salutefor all your hard work and from the staffof the Kendall Weekly Times here's tothe class of 2016.Limerick Communications joins forceswith Diabetes Awareness by JenniferFlowers and Nadia KanhaiLimerick Communications is proud tobe joining forces with a local steeringcommittee who is made up of communi‐ty leaders to help raise diabetes acrossthe Fox Valley. he organization is madeup of the following members JenniferFlowers , Elizabeth Flowers, Sarah Sklil‐ton, Nadia Kanhai, Steve Jungermann ,Ken White, Dayna Dittman - White,Kristine Heiman , Ken Musich , TomKozlowicz, and Martin Flowers. hesteering committee has been meeting thelast few months and are planning a yearlong list of activities, fundraising, andawareness campaigns to help raiseawareness for Diabetes. To become in‐volved and to stay informed please visitthe Diabetes Awareness Warriors onFacebook at https://www.facebook.com/D i a b e t e s - Aw a r e n e s s -Warriors-547053755473579/ .Oswego Officials Work to continuestudy for Metra StationWe at Limerick Communications proud‐ly endorse the Village of Oswego andKendall County officials for working tocontinue the study for the future of atrain stop in Kendall County. As a coun‐ty of over 100,000 people and in theheart of the Chicagoland Kendall Coun‐ty needs to have a stop that will also leadto improved travel conditions for ourresidents who leave the county to headto the city for work.
Kendall Weekly Times 3 In addition to looking for drunk drivers, clude: the Montgomery Police will be stepping up seat belt enforcement, particularly at If you are hosting an Independence Day night when seat belt usage rates are at party: their lowest. • Remember, you can be held liable and National Highway Traffic Safety Admin‐ prosecuted if someone you serve is in‐ istration data shows that young drivers volved in a drunk driving crash. (18 to 34 years old) are especially at risk • Make sure all of your guests designate of driving drunk. In fact, nationally, 58 a sober driver in advance or help arrange percent of the drivers 18 to 34 years old ride-sharing with other sober drivers. who were killed over the July Fourth pe‐ • Serve lots of food and include lots of riod in 2014 were driving drunk (BAC non-alcoholic beverages at the party. of .08 or higher). Motorcycle operators • Keep the phone numbers for local cab are also overrepresented as the highest companies handy and take the keys away percentage of alcohol-impaired drivers from anyone who is thinking of driving in fatal crashes. In 2014, more than a drunk. quarter (29 percent) of motorcycle oper‐ ators in fatal crashes had BACs of .08 or If you are attending an Independence higher. Day party:Don't Drink and most traveled holidays of the year. If you're caught driving drunk this Inde‐ • Designate a sober driver before theDrive this pendence Day, you will be arrested. he party begins and give that person yourIndependence Day hat's why the Montgomery Police De‐ consequences of drunk driving are that car keys. partment will be on patrol this Indepen‐ serious. Not only could you put your life • If you do not have a designated driver,Every year, Americans head out on our dence Day, making sure motorists are and the lives of others at risk, but a DUI ask a sober friend for a ride home, call aroads to celebrate the Fourth of July at driving sober. arrest means a loss of freedom and mon‐ cab, sober friend or family member topicnics, parties, parades and more. Un‐ ey, including going to jail, losing your li‐ pick you up, or just stay where you arefortunately, for many, the celebrating in‐ \"Don't even think about drinking and cense, and paying steep inancial expens‐ and sleep it off until you are sober.cludes drinking alcohol, which too oten driving this Fourth of July - or you will es. • Never let friends leave your sight ifleads to drunk driving on one of the be arrested,\" said Deputy Chief Arman‐ you think they are about to drive while do Sanders. \"he 'Drive Sober or Get Deputy Chief Sanders wants you to drunk. Pulled Over' campaign means zero toler‐ know that always designating a sober • Always buckle up - it is your best de‐ ance for drunk driving - no excuses.\" driver and not letting friends drive fense against a drunk driver. drunk are just two simple steps to help avoid a tragic crash or an arrest for Pedestrians are at risk, too. If you are drunk driving. Other important tips in‐ walking, keep an eye out for cars. Even a sober driver is a risk if you are drinking and walking. Designated drivers: Be alert for impaired walkers who may not obey street signs. he Independence Day \"Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over\" crackdown is funded by federal traffic safety funds from the National Highway Traffic Safety Admin‐ istration administered through the Illi‐ nois Department of Transportation.
4 Kendall Weekly Times\"Sunday in the available. 4th Of July treats and FREE FUN for all with inlata‐Park\" June 26th in Fireworks bles and music that will make you wantMontgomery his event is sponsored by the Mont‐ to get up and dance! gomery Village Board and the Fox Valley FREE Familyhe open park area behind Lakewood Park District, with free ice cream provid‐ Activities & Entertainment: 7:30 p.m. - 9:15 p.m.Creek Elementary School will be the lo‐ ed by Engineering Enterprises, Inc. Fireworks! Evolution - Classic to current rockcation for a new community event calledSunday in the Park on June 26th from Please call (630) 896-8080 ext. 9003 with Monday, July 4th, 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Fireworks4:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. any questions. RiverEdge Park - 360 N. Broadway At approximately, 9:35 p.m., he City ofJoin friends and neighbors for free ice Ave. Lights will live up to its name with a py‐cream and a visit from the Kendall rotechnic extravaganza illuminating theCounty Mounted Patrol from 4:00 Great food along with an amazing view night sky with a rainbow of colors! Fire‐p.m.-5:00 p.m., food to purchase from of the ireworks at Aurora's premier out‐ works can be viewed from both locationsfood trucks, games and activities for kids door concert venue. and along the banks of the river.of all ages and a concert from 5:00p.m.-8:00 p.m. Bring picnic blankets and 6:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. American Legion Park Remotely & Ride Our Shuttleslawn chairs! Two bands, Friday Jackson Band FREE!and he Lennys, will provide energetic 7:45 p.m. - 9:15 p.m. Fox Valley Orces‐and family-friendly musical entertain‐ tra he City of Aurora is offering free parkment. and ride shuttle service from 6 p.m. to 9 McCullough Park - Illinois Ave. & p.m. providing roundtrip transportationPlenty of parking is available at the Lake St. to 13 convenient locations throughoutschool and in the surrounding neighbor‐ the city. he shuttles will resume servicehood. he stage will be located near Local food vendors with taste-tempting ater the ireworks display with the latestPrescott Drive and Jacob Avenue. Por‐ departure scheduled for 11 p.m.talets and hand washing stations will be
Kendall Weekly Times 5 Village of PlainieldSettlers' Park Movie Series Coffee with the Mayor - July 13, 2016 ming, dancing, and food!Registration year.Continues form. Based upon the electricity supply con‐ Join Mayor Collins for coffee and con‐ tract terms, you have the right to returnCalling all movie lovers! he 2016 Movie versation on Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at Chat with the Chiefs to ComEd or any other supplier withoutSeries continues on Friday, June 24, at 9 a.m. at the Village Hall, 24401 W. an early termination fee. To return to8:30 p.m. he Village and Plainield Park Lockport Street. All residents are invited. On Wednesday, July 27, 2016, at 7 p.m., ComEd, please have your account num‐District will be showing Night at the his is a great opportunity to learn more join Chief Riddle of the Plainield Fire ber ready and call Homeield Energy atMuseum: Secret of the Tomb (PG, 98 about the Village. District, Chief Veseling of the Oswego 1-866-694-1262 and let them know thatmin.), sponsored by Baxter & Fire District, and Chief Konopek of the you would like to return to ComEd sup‐Woodman, in Settlers' Park at the Concerts in Settlers' Park Plainield Police Department for Chat ply service at the earliest possible date. ItRichard A. Rock Amphitheater. his with the Chiefs at the Plainield Police can take one to two billing cycles for thesummer, the Plainield Library, Police Concerts in Settlers' Park, presented by Department. Attendees will learn more changes to take effect, depending on me‐Department, and Fire Protection District Greg & Dorothy Chapman, continue on about the happenings within the Plain‐ ter read schedules. If you have any ques‐will also be at the movies. Plus, you can July 14 with a concert by Wild Daisyat 7 ield Fire and Ambulance Departments, tions, please call the Will County Gov‐cool down with shaved ice from the p.m. Wild Daisy plays \"current, upbeat the Oswego Fire Department, the Plain‐ ernmental League at 815-729-3535.Kona Ice Truck! For more event infor‐ country favorites with a few pop/rock ield Police Department, and the Plain‐ Click here for more information includ‐mation, click here. 2016 Movie Schedule surprises thrown in.\" 2016 Concert ield Emergency Management Agency. ing price comparisons. ScheduleGreen Village Program - Pond Electric Aggregation Program Waste Management & Village RollContainers Plainield Fest Changes Out Special Materials Collection for Residentshe 2016 Green Village Series continues Mark your calendar...Plainield Fest is Since 2012, the Village, along with otheron Monday, July 11, at 7 p.m., at the July 15-17! he Fest includes carnival Will County communities, has negotiat‐ Waste Management and the Village arePlainield Library. Add a creative touch rides, food vendors, live music, a crat ed a ixed price electricity supply con‐ pleased to offer a new service, At Yourto your patio with the addition of a pond and business vendor fair, and bags tour‐ tract for residents and small businesses. Door Special Collection, to residents. Atcontainer. he demonstration will offer nament. For more info, visit plainield‐ he goal of the program was to provide Your Door is a convenient home collec‐ideas and techniques so you can make fest.org. electricity cost savings. While we are tion service to help residents safely dis‐your own. Plus, one lucky attendee will pleased to say that we have been able to pose of home generated specialreceive a pond container. Register D.A.R.E. Pool Party save participating residents and busi‐ materials. It provides a safe and easy al‐online. he Green Village Series is a nesses nearly $30 million countywide ternative for removing unwanted house‐partnership between the Plainield Pub‐ he D.A.R.E. Pool Party is hursday, July and the average household has saved hold materials, such as electronics, gar‐lic Library District and the Village to 21, from 6-8 p.m., at the Ottawa Street over $400, when compared to the den chemicals, household cleaners,provide the community with environ‐ Pool! he party is free and open to stu‐ ComEd supply rates, we must unfortu‐ CFLs, automotive products, batteries,mental programs. dents entering 6th-9th grades. Register nately inform you that the current con‐ and paint products that are potentially by July 18 for this fun evening of swim‐ tract will not provide savings in its inal hazardous to people, pets, and the envi‐
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Kendall Weekly Times 7ronment. Residents can schedule a col‐ Project Update: A change in traffic stag‐ MetroNet Update September 5 (Labor Day); Friday,lection by contacting At Your Door at ing is scheduled to begin on Route 30 November 11 (Veteran's Day); hursday,(800) 449-7587, visiting www.wmatyour‐ which will shit the existing Route 30 he Village Board approved a local fran‐ November 24 - Friday, November 25door.com, or e-mailing traffic onto the newly constructed con‐ chise agreement with MetroNet, one of (hanksgiving); and Friday, [email protected]. Press Release. crete pavement, south of Renwick Road. the largest all iber-to-the-premises 23 & Monday, December 26, 2016 Once the traffic shit occurs, the contrac‐ providers in the Midwest. Residential (Christmas).River Road Closure tor will begin storm sewer and pavement consumers will have access to Internet removal operations on the opposite side speeds of up to 1 Gbps as well as iberRiver Road, from Fort Beggs Drive to of the road in anticipation of concrete TV and phone services. MetroNet is be‐Renwick Road, is closed during the con‐ paving later this summer. Please be ginning to install iber optic cable in thestruction of the new DuPage River aware of driveway and business access Village of Plainield. Work is underwayPedestrian Bridge. It is anticipated that locations as some may change temporar‐ (or will soon be underway) in the fol‐the roadway will be reopened on June ily during construction operations. lowing subdivisions: Bronk Estates,30, 2016. he detour route utilizes Fort Project Information: IDOT has started Dunmoor Estates, Eagle Chase, the En‐Beggs Drive to the east, Route 59, and reconstruction of Route 30. Between clave, Golden Meadows, KensingtonRenwick Road to the east. More infor‐ I-55 and Renwick Road, the typical sec‐ Club, King's Crossing, Nature's Crossing,mation. tion will be a 5-lane highway. From Ren‐ Quail Run, Shenandoah, Tuttle Estates, wick Road to Route 59, a 3-lane section Walker's Grove, and Wilding Pointe. In‐Settlers' Park will be built. he project is expected to formational signs are posted. Residents be completed by Summer 2017. Mo‐ can visitwww.metronetinc.com/plain‐he Village is completing a comprehen‐ torists can expect delays and should al‐ ield or call 779-252-1111 to ind outsive refresh of Settlers' Park including low extra time for travel. Drivers are when the MetroNet network will reachpaver brick replacement/resetting, repair urged to pay close attention to laggers their neighborhood. More information.of the sign kiosks and benches, replace‐ and signs in the work zones, obey thement of damaged sidewalks, cleaning posted speed limits, and be on the alert Now on Display at Village Halland powerwashing the amphitheater, re‐ for workers and equipment.pair of the pond fountain, and overall When visiting Village Hall, be sure tolandscaping enhancement. A majority of Lily Cache Road Closed check out the Historical Society's sum‐the work adjacent to the Veterans mer themed exhibit. Many thanks to SueMemorials has been completed. he con‐ Lily Cache Road is closed at Caton Farm Hasenyager and the Plainield Historicaltractor will continue with further en‐ Road as part of the City of Joliet's project Society for setting up and sharing thishancements in Settlers' Park throughout to replace the existing Caton Farm Road collection of photos and artifacts!June. Pedestrian traffic may be tem‐ bridge over the DuPage River. he clo‐porarily detoured in the park during sure is expected to last approximately 15 Office Closuresconstruction work. weeks as the contractor completes the irst stage of the project. he Village Offices will be closed Mon‐Route 30 Reconstruction Project day, July 4 (Independence Day); Monday,
8 Kendall Weekly TimesKendall Area TRANSPORTA‐ become a registered rider contact 5:00 p.m. with last scheduled reservationTransit TION NEEDS Kendall Area Transit at 1-877- at 4:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday (except IGO-4KAT holidays). Reservation office hours areSERVING THE KAT will implement transit service in 8:00 a.m. till 3:00 p.m. Monday thru Fri‐GREATER the Kendall County area that is reliable, Fares (one way) day (except holidays). When schedulingKENDALL lexible, and inancially sustainable, he one-way fare for the KAT demand trips, priority will be given to those withCOUNTY while satisfying the various mobility response service is $3.00 curb-to-curb or disabilities and to senior citizens.COMMUNITIES needs of the general public and individu‐ $5.00 door-to-door. For destinationsPUBLIC als unable to access or operate a private outside of the county, an additional Who Can Ride the BusService is avail‐ automobile. $2.00 fee will be added. Seniors (60 year able to Kendall County residents. his of age and older) receive a $1.00 off all is a general public transportation ser‐ Registering for Service fares. vice with a priority for the disabled and In order to participate in the Kendall *Please note KAT only transports regis‐ seniors. We are committed to offering Area Transit program, you must be a tered riders to designated locations out‐ courteous, safe, and reliable service for registered rider that resides in Kendall side of Kendall County. all of our riders, without regard to County. To ind out more about how to race, gender, age, or disability. Hours of Service Bus services are available 7:00 a.m. till Schedule a Ride Ater you become a registered rider, you can schedule a ride by calling 1-877-IGO-4KAT. General trips can be reserved no more than 6 days and no less than 2 days in advance. Medical trips may be scheduled up to 2 weeks in but no less than 2 days in advance. When scheduling trips, priority will be given to those with disabilities and to senior. AssistanceKAT operators are trained to take a wheelchair up or down one step by themselves. When a rider's needs are beyond the responsibility of the driver, a travel assistant is required. One travel assistant may ride at no charge.
Kendall Weekly Times 9he Joliet FireDepartment wouldlike to remindresidents of thecriteria for using acommercial ire pitwithin the citylimits. • Commercially sold steel outdoor ire pits that are on legs attached to a steel bottom, wire mesh sides and a top are approved. A ire extinguisher or garden hose must be available to extinguish the ire, if necessary. Approved outdoor pits shall be at least 15 feet away from any struc‐ ture or fence. Fuel (wooden logs, or artiicial logs) shall it inside the conines of the wire mesh, and the top shall be in place to be legal. Wooden pallets, treated deck wood, leaves, dimen‐ sional lumber, or garbage, shall not be used as fuel in an outdoor ire pit. Be aware that although it is legal to burn in an approved outdoor ire pit, if it is believed to be offensive or objectionable by the com‐ plainant due to smoke, lames, sparks, or odor omissions, then the homeowner shall extinguish the ire immediately. In addition, a police officer on the scene may is‐ sue a compliance ticket to the homeowner for creating a public nuisance or being in violation of the International Fire Code 2003 Section 307.2.2 \"Prohibited Open Burning\" which states: \"Open burning that will be offensive or objectionable because of smoke or odor emissions when atmospheric conditions or local circumstances make such ires hazardous shall be prohibited. he ire code official is authorized to order the extin‐ guishment by the homeowner or the Fire Department of open burning which creates or adds to a hazardous or objectionable situa‐ tion.\" Residents are also reminded to verify any restrictions or guidelines with their Home Owners Association, if applicable, because the use of ire pits may be forbidden.
10 Kendall Weekly TimesMontgomery Fest Join Aurora's and older. Students age 14 and 15 must Can You Drive a Veteran to the localCrat/Business Community attend with a parent or guardian. Stu‐ V.A. Clinic?Booths Emergency dents age 16 and 17 may attend with ei‐ Response Team ther a parent or guardian or a signed re‐ Volunteers are being sought to pick upIf you want to sell handmade items, or Aurora -- lease form from a parent or guardian. and transport veterans living in theprovide a service, or just want to adver‐ Southern Kane and Kendall County re‐tise your non-proit organization, ill out In an effort to prepare residents for Ater successful completion of this class gion to the Aurora VA Clinic, 161 S Lin‐an application to have a booth at Mont‐ emergencies, the City of Aurora will students will have the opportunity to ap‐ colnway, North Aurora Illinois. he re‐gomery Fest on August 12, 13 and 14, host four Community Emergency ply to become members of Aurora's tired and Senior Volunteer Program is2016! he reservation deadline is July 22, Response Team (CERT) training CERT Team, which meets regularly and seeking a pool of ive or more drivers to2016. Montgomery Fest is held in Mont‐ classes this year. volunteers at City of Aurora events. assist, so that this service would not fallgomery Park at the corner of River and too heavily on any one person. In addi‐Mill Street. CERT students make a difference in To register please go to the City of Auro‐ tion to veterans, there are many other se‐ their communities by learning to care for ra Emergency Management page: nior citizens in need of transportationhe fee for a handmade crat booth is themselves, their neighbors, and the https://eforms.aurora-il.org/f/evsapp too. Isolated seniors are looking for rides$35 for all three days. A crat booth is public at-large in the irst three days fol‐ to doctors, therapy appointments anddeined as the selling of goods that are lowing a major disaster. Students learn For more information, contact the Auro‐ other important destinations, such as themade by hand by the crater. his does ire suppression including ire extin‐ ra Emergency Management Agency at bank or grocery store.not include the resale of merchandise guisher training, disaster medical opera‐ 630-256-5800 or email EMA Coordina‐purchased from some other source. tions, light search and rescue operations, tor Joseph Jones at [email protected]. Qualiications include: valid driver's li‐ pre- and post-storm CERT operations, cense, good driving record, proof of autohe fee for a commercial booth is $125 and general disaster preparedness. Seeking insurance (supplemental insurance isfor all three days. A commercial booth is Volunteers to visit available to drivers over 55 years of age),deined as the resale of manufactured he classes consist of 26 total hours of seniors with a strong passion for investment to veter‐goods (not handmade) or services pro‐ training and are being held on various Home Delivered ans and desire to help other people, andvided to the community for proit. Please days and times to better meet the sched‐ Meals good customer service skills such asnote that handing out food samples re‐ ules of people who may be interested in courtesy, respect, and professionalism,quires a Kane County Health Depart‐ participating. he Community Nutrition Network, of‐ and ability to maintain client coniden‐ment food handling permit. fering Home Delivered Meals to isolated tiality. If you'd like more information he 2016 CERT class dates: senior citizens in Kendall County re‐ about RSVP and the Volunteer trans‐here is no fee for a non-proit booth, ports they are in desperate need of vol‐ portation Program, call, 630-553-5777.deined as an organization, school or re‐ CERT Class #1: unteers to help the close to 30 seniorsligious organization and associated affili‐ From 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, identiied for meals in Boulder Hill.ates of any of the above as well as organi‐ March 29, April 5, 12, 19, 26, and May 3;zations that serve the community in a and 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday, May 7 If you can imagine the impact that hu‐not-for-proit manner. However, an ap‐ man contact would make if you yourselfplication must still be completed to re‐ CERT Class #2: were isolated at home, you will recognizeserve your space. From 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Mondays, that these home delivered meals are June 6, 13, 20, 27, July 11 and 18; and 8 about much more than a hot lunch eachhere is an extra $30 fee if a booth re‐ a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, July 23 day.quires electricity and the space size ofeach booth is 10' by 10'. CERT Class #3: Volunteers are invited to learn more From 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. on hursdays, about this project. It is extremely lexible.Applications are available at the Village Aug. 18, 25, Sept. 1, 8, 15 and 22; and 8 Drivers serve once a month, or once aHall or on the Village Hall website at a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 24 week, depending on their availabilitywww.ci.montgomery.il.us. ; You will be and desire to help.notiied the day you arrive for set up CERT Class #4:about your speciic booth space location. From 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Fridays, Oc‐For questions, please call (630) 896-8080 tober 7 and 14; and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. onext. 9034. Saturday, Oct. 15 and Sunday, Oct. 16 All trainings will be held at the City of Please contact Barb Nadeau, RSVP/ Aurora Emergency Management Center, Transportation Coordinator at 1100 Mitchell Road. 630-553-5777, if you'd like more infor‐ mation about this volunteer opportunity. Classes are free and are open to ages 14
Kendall Weekly Times 11 Networking Your Way to a New Job will help job seekers learn how to develop re‐ lationships and contacts with relatives, friends and acquaintances that can assist with the job search. his class also shows how social media its in with networking for employment. he workshop will be held at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 22. Workshops last about an hour, depend‐ ing upon class size, except for the LinkedIn Lab. hey are offered at no cost to Will County residents.TICKETS ON bag chairs. Bag chairs and blankets are June WSD Career Cafe will meet at 10:30 a.m. onSALE NOW! also allowed on the grassy hill. CLICK workshop schedule Tuesdays except for June 28. Career Cafe HERE for map. released is a networking event designed to con‐Buy online, call 630.896.6666 or stop by nect people looking for work. In addi‐the Paramount heatre at 23 East Galena Events at RiverEdge Park will take place JOLIET - Workforce Services Division of tion to sharing tips with other job seek‐Boulevard in Downtown Aurora open 10 rain or shine. In the event of a cancella‐ Will County has announced its June ers and learning job search techniques,a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday. tion due to weather, a credit in the workshop schedule. participants will hear from guest speak‐ amount of the face value of your ticket ers sharing their hiring expertise.All tickets will be mailed starting will be issued to your customer account. Microsot Word will be offered at 1:30March 2016. he credit may be used towards a future p.m. Mondays and 10:30 a.m. hursdays. To reserve a seat at a workshop or Career ticket purchase for performances at he basics of how to use Microsot Word Cafe, call (815) 727-4444 and press 0 orIn over 4 decades, Kool & the Gang has RiverEdge Park or Paramount heatre. in a job search and in creating a profes‐ e-mail [email protected] over 70 million albums worldwide, No refunds will be issued. sional looking resume and cover letterwon 2 Grammys and 7 AMAs, racked up will be taught. In addition, WSD's computer lab will be31 gold and platinum albums and scored CLICK HERE to read the RiverEdge open at 2 p.m. every Friday. Walk-ins area star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Park policies, including the new food Standout Resumes will be offered at 2:30 welcome at computer labs.his June, they're bringing their funky and cooler policy. p.m. Wednesday, June 1. Attendees willjams to RiverEdge Park. You won't be learn the basics of creating a competitive WSD is in the Workforce Center of Willable to stay in your seat when these guys resume and cover letter. Participants County, 2400 Glenwood Ave. For moreroll out hits including \"Celebration,\" may then schedule one-on-one resume information about the Workforce Ser‐\"Jungle Boogie\" and \"Get Down On It.\" reviews with WSD staff. vices Division of Will County, go to www.jobs4people.org. WSD is led by Administrative Manager Susan Flessner and is under Will County Executive Larry Walsh's office.And to add to the good times, Motown Participants will learn job interviewingicon and founder of the Commodores techniques at 9 a.m. Wednesday, June 8,homas McClary is bringing his leg‐ in Successful Interviewing. Learn how toendary Motown sound along. With writ‐ prepare for a job interview, be conidenting partner Lionel Richie, McClary is re‐ and make a positive impression. Atten‐sponsible for some of the biggest dance dees may schedule an individual, digital‐hits ever, including \"Brickhouse\" and ly recorded mock interview ater com‐\"Too Hot to Trot\" and ballads like \"Easy.\" pleting the workshop.It'll be one hit ater another when thesekiller performers take the RiverEdge LinkedIn Lab will be offered at 9 a.m.stage. You won't want to miss these mu‐ Friday, June 10, and Friday, June 17. Par‐sic royals when they rock the Fox this ticipants should already have a basicsummer! LinkedIn account. During the lab, they will review LinkedIn features and bestPLEASE NOTE: practices for success in inding a job. LinkedIn Lab lasts 90 minutes.For this event, there will be a standingroom only section located directly in A session on job search skills, Masterfront of the middle section of the stage Your Job Search, will be offered at 9 a.m.with limited bench seating on either side Wednesday, June 15. he workshops willof that area. Bench seating is on a irst include a review of basic job search tech‐come, irst served basis. No bag chairs niques, including networking and howare allowed to be set up in this area. he to use the internet to conduct a jobrest of the park is general admission for search.
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18 Kendall Weekly Times On the Shelf - Summer ReadingNoniction Best Sellers 2016-06 - W. W. Norton & Company gene and a response to the deining An inquisitive observer, thoughtful com‐ 9780393245448 Check Our Catalog question of the future: What becomes of mentator, and assiduous cratsman, NeilWhen Breath Becomes Air being human when we learn to read and Gaiman has long been celebrated for theBy Kalanithi, Paul Grunt tackles the science behind some of write our own genetic information? sharp intellect and startling imaginationForeword by Verghese, Abraham a soldier's most challenging adversaries that …Morehe Life-Changing Magic2016-01 - Random House panic, exhaustion, heat, noise and intro‐ Siddhartha Mukherjee has a written a of Tidying Up: he Japanese Art of De‐9780812988406 Check Our Catalog duces us to the scientists who seek to biography of the gene as det, brilliant, cluttering and Organizing conquer them. Mary Roach dodges hos‐ and illuminating as his extraordinarily By Kondo, MarieOn the verge of completing a decade's tile ire with the U.S. Marine Corps …Morehe View from the Cheap Seats: Translator Hirano, Cathyworth of training as a neurosurgeon, Paintball Team as part of a study on Selected Noniction 2014-10 - Ten Speed PressKalanithi was diagnosed with stage IV hearing loss and survivability in combat. By Gaiman, Neil 9781607747307 Check Our Cataloglung cancer. Just like that, the future he She visits the fashion design studio of 2016-05 - William Morrow & Companyand his wife had imagined evaporated. U.S. Army Natick Labs and learns why a 9780062262264 Check Our Catalog his #1\"New York Times\" best-sellingKalanithi chronicles his transformation …Morehe Gene: An Intimate History guide to decluttering your home fromfrom a naive medical student into a neu‐ By Mukherjee, Siddhartha An enthralling collection of noniction Japanese cleaning consultant Marie Kon‐rosurgeon at Stanford working in the 2016-05 - Scribner Book Company essays on a myriad of topics from art and do takes readers step-by-step throughbrain, the most critical place for human 9781476733500 Check Our Catalog artists to dreams, myths, and memories her revolutionary KonMari Method foridentity, and inally into a patient and observed in #1 New York Times best‐ simplifying, organizing, and storing.new …MoreGrunt: he Curious Sci‐ From the Pulitzer Prize-winning, best‐ selling author Neil Gaiman's probing,ence of Humans at War selling author of \"he Emperor of All amusing, and distinctive style. Despite constant efforts to declutterBy Roach, Mary Maladies\" a magniicent history of the your home, do papers still accumulate like snowdrits and clothes pile up like a tangled mess of noodles? …MoreShoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike By Knight, Phil Author Knight, Philip H. 2016-04 - Scribner Book Company 9781501135910 Check Our Catalog In this candid and riveting memoir, for the irst time ever, Nike founder and board chairman Phil Knight shares the inside story of the company's early days as an intrepid start-up and its evolution into one of the world's most iconic, game-changing, and proitable brands. Young, searching, fresh out of business school, Phil Knight borrowed ity dol‐ lars from his father and launched a … MoreSeven Brief Lessons on Physics By Rovelli, Carlo 2016-03 - Riverhead Books 9780399184413 Check Our Catalog
Kendall Weekly Times 19Instant \"New York Times \"Bestseller By Coates, Ta-Nehisi THE TEN BEST BOOKS OF THE key to our psychological survival. 2015-07 - Spiegel & Grau YEAR BY \"he New York Times BookClear, elegant...a whirlwind tour of some 9780812993547 Check Our Catalog Review O: he Oprah Magazine he Decades before the American Revolu‐of the biggest ideas in physics. \"he New Washington Post People \"Entertainment tion, Benjamin Franklin lamented thatYork Times Book Review\" Awards: Weekly \"Vogue Los Angeles Times San English settlers were constantly leeing ALA Notable Books (2016), Alex Francisco Chronicle Chicago Tribune over to the Indians-but Indians almostA startling and illustrative distillation of New York Newsday Library …More‐ …MoreHamilton: he Revolutioncenturies of science. \"he Economist\" Awards (2016), Books for a Better Life Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging By Miranda, Lin-Manuel (2016), Kirkus Prize (2015), Literary By Junger, Sebastian Author Seller, Jeffrey\"\" Award (2016), National Book Awards 2016-05 - Twelve Author McCarter, Jeremy (2015) 9781455566389 Check Our Catalog 2016-04 - Grand Central PublishingLean, lucid and enchanting. \"New Scien‐ 9781455539741 Check Our Catalogtist\" #1 \"NEW YORK TIMES\" BESTSELLER We have a strong instinct to belong to - NATIONAL BOOK AWARD WIN‐ small groups deined by clear purpose Awards:All the beauty of modern physics in sev‐ NER - NAACP IMAGE AWARD WIN‐ and understanding--\"tribes.\" his tribal George Washington Book Prize (2015)en short and enlightening …MoreBe‐ NER - PULITZER PRIZE FINALIST - connection has been largely lost in mod‐tween the World and Me NATIONAL BOOK CRITICS CIRCLE ern society, but regaining it may be the Winner of the 2016 Pulitzer Prize for AWARD FINALIST -NAMED ONE OF Drama Lin-Manuel Miranda's groundbreaking musical \"Hamilton\" is as revolutionary as its subject, the poor kid from the Caribbean who fought the British, de‐ fended the Constitution, and helped to found the United States. Fusing hip-hop, pop, R&B, and the best traditions of the‐ ater, this once-in-a-generation show broadens the sound of Broadway, … MoreBut What If We're Wrong?: hinking about the Present as If It Were the Past By Klosterman, Charles 2016-06 - Blue Rider Press 9780399184123 Check Our Catalog We live in a culture of casual certitude. his has always been the case, no matter how oten that certainty has failed. hough no generation believes there's nothing let to learn, every generation unconsciously assumes that what has al‐ ready been deined and accepted is (probably) pretty close to how reality will be viewed in perpetuity. And then, of course, time passes. Ideas shit. Opin‐ ions …MoreGrit: he Power of Passion and Perseverance By Duckworth, Angela 2016-05 - Scribner Book Company 9781501111105 Check Our Catalog In this instant \"New York Times \"best‐ seller, pioneering psychologist Angela Duckworth shows anyone striving to succeed be it parents, students, educators, athletes, or business people that the secret to outstanding achieve‐ ment is not talent but a special blend of passion and persistence she calls grit. Drawing on her own powerful story as the daughter of a scientist who frequent‐ ly …MoreValiant Ambition: George Washington, Benedict Arnold, and the Fate of the American Revolution By Philbrick, Nathaniel 2016-05 - Viking 9780525426783 Check Our Catalog \"Valiant Ambition\" may be one of the greatest what-if books of the age a vol‐ ume that turns one of America's best- known narratives on its head.\"-Boston
20 Kendall Weekly TimesGlobe\"Clear and insightful, it consolidates hisreputation as one of America's foremostpractitioners of narrative noniction.\"-Wall Street JournalFrom the \"New York Times\" bestsellingauthor of \"In he Heart of the Sea\" and…MoreBeing Mortal: Medicine andWhat Matters in the EndBy Gawande, Atul2014-10 - Metropolitan Books9780805095159 Check Our CatalogAwards: Books for a Better Life (2015), IndiesChoice Book Awards (2015), L.A. TimesBook Prize (2014), New England BookAward (2015) In \"Being Mortal,\" bestselling authorAtul Gawande tackles the hardest chal‐lenge of his profession: how medicinecan not only improve life but also theprocess of its ending Medicine has triumphed in moderntimes, transforming birth, injury, and in‐fectious disease from harrowing to man‐ageable. But in the inevitable conditionof aging and death, the goals of medicineseem …MoreBill O'Reilly's Legendsand Lies: he PatriotsBy Fisher, David2016-05 - Henry Holt & Company9781627797894 Check Our Cataloghe must-have companion to Bill O'Reil‐ly's historical docudrama \"Legends andLies: he Patriots,\" an exciting and eye-opening look at the Revolutionary Warthrough the lives of its leadershe American Revolution was neitherinevitable nor a unanimous cause. It pit‐ted neighbors against each other, as loy‐alists and colonial rebels faced off fortheir lives and futures. hese were thetimes…More http://gibbleguts.com
Kendall Weekly Times 21Tonia Khouri verse membership of inluencers in gov‐ Representative Kids Summer(IL-11) Named ernment, law enforcement, education, la‐ Kifowit Speaks at Camp KendallIllinois State bor, business, and public policy. Forum County ForestCrime Public safety remains an issue of utmost PreserveCommission 2016 importance to Khouri and has topped AURORA, Ill. - Speaking about theAward Recipient her list of preliminary items to take to unique role women have in politics and Registration is now open for the Washington, D.C. when she is elected to their support of female participation in Kendall County Forest Preserve Dis‐Khouri is a 2016 recipient of the Award Congress. the business sector, state Rep. Stephanie trict's2016 Summer Camps for Chil‐of Excellence in County Government. \"As I've traveled our district over the Kifowit, D-Oswego, joined business dren. Our nature and equestrian- past nine months, I've heard time and leaders at the Central Illinois Women's themed camps are wildly popular, in‐(AURORA, IL) - he Illinois State Crime time again that public safety is a concern Economic Summit in Utica last week. \"I troducing children to nature, wildlife,Commission presented Congressional for many Illinoisans,\" said Khouri. \"I am was honored to have the opportunity to beginner horsemanship, and outdoorCandidate Tonia Khouri with the 2016 so grateful to the ISCC for recognizing speak before so many incredible women recreational activities.Each fun-illedAward of Excellence in County Govern‐ my work to foster safe communities in and chat about the expanding role wom‐ camp session features nature hikes,ment at the annual \"Salute to hose Who DuPage county and I look forward to en are having in the political and busi‐ games, crats, exploration and discov‐Make A Difference\" Awards Dinner on continuing that work at the federal level ness world,\" Kifowit said. \"While women ery. Camps are offered for different ageWednesday evening. come November.\" have made much progress, there is much groups pre-K through age 13, with pro‐ work remaining to be done to ensure we gram offerings at both Hoover Forest \"Tonia's continued excellent work on are equally represented in the business Preserve in Yorkville, and at Ellisbehalf of the citizens' of DuPage County sector and in the decision making pro‐ House and Equestrian Center in Mi‐in judicial and public safety, as well as cess in Washington and Springield.\" Ki‐ nooka.her service in mass and public transit, fowit joined the U.S. Women's Chamberhealth and human services, and inance of Commerce (USWCC) for their Cen‐ Camps begin the week of June 13 andis indeed most appreciated,\" said Jerry tral Illinois Women's Economic Summit run through the week of AugustElsner, ISCC Executive Director. \"Our and spoke along with state Rep. Andy 5.Summer Camp Catalog and Enroll‐commission, and the law enforcement Skoog, D-Peru, and Margot Dorfman, ment Forms are available online.Forcommunity, sincerely appreciate her ef‐ President and CEO of the U.S. Women's more information, and to stay in touchforts and her support of our mission.\" Chamber of Commerce among other with Kendall County Forest PreserveISCC aims to combat public corruption presenters. Over 30 percent of small District news and events, take a mo‐and strengthen the criminal justice sys‐ businesses in Illinois are owned by wom‐ ment to subscribe to the District'stem here in the state of Illinois. It has ac‐ en. For more information, please Stepping Stones eNewsletter.complished important goals pertaining Questions? Contact District staff byto crime prevention and anti-terrorism, visit www.ILDistrict84.com or contact email at [email protected] , oramongst other areas, and boasts a di‐ Kifowit's constituent service office at by calling the main office at 630-585-1308 630-553-4025. [email protected].
22 Kendall Weekly Times
Kendall Weekly Times 23Weekend Sports Wrap with Ken MusichWith summer here there is summerbaseball and summer sotball we will becovering this summer for you. Howeverthis week's focus is on the controversyabout Pete Rose the all-time hit leaderfor MLB. He will be once again able toattend the All Star game and the festivi‐ties he has once again applied for full re‐instatement to the commissioner's officeand was denied. Since 1989 he has beenbanned from the game because he bet onbaseball and worse he put against hisown team at the time of which he was amanager of the Reds.For years he denied betting against hisown team but in recent years has admit‐ted to his guilt. With over 4100 hits anda lifetime batting average of 300 Rose isone of the greats of America's pastime.His character however does not relectthe morals and the history that Baseballstrives to provide for so many across thenation. He has not done charity work, hehas not helped the community, and in‐stead Rose has made a living off beingPete Rose. here is no doubt he was greaton the ield but off he was a disaster. Soas we head into the All- Star Break let'sremember some of the greats that havepassed and Tony Gwynn stands out inmy mind. A man who let us too soonand someone who gave back; So Mr.Rose 2017 is around the corner and iswhen you are eligible to reapply so weinvite you to do so but do not be sur‐prised he if once again you are denied.
24 Kendall Weekly Times
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26 Kendall Weekly Times Cubs Report by Dick KolfChicago Cubs continue to move throughthe season as the best team in baseball.Cubs end week with a record of 45 and20 and are the best team in the MajorLeague. hey continue to play soundbaseball and have avoided injuries. JakeArietta just picked up his 11 win withthe 6-0 gem over the Pirates on Friday.Kris Bryant and Antony Rizzo each have15 Home Runs to help pace the offensivewith 2nd baseman Ben Zobist adding 9round trippers for a lineup that is in thetop 5 of scoring runs. John Lester andJohn Lackey help pace the pitching eachhaving 8 wins. John Lester has returnedto form ater last season's let down.he Week ahead the Cubs will inish theseries with the Pirates in NL Central Di‐vision play and then will host the Cardi‐nals for a four game set at Wrigley andthen hit the road to face the Marlins.his week's player to watch is rookie Al‐bert Almora Jr the Cubs brought him upto ill the roster spot when KyleSchawaber was lost for the season in his Sox Report by Kyle Veedertime he is hitting 421 and has added help At weeks end the Whitesox sit 33-34 and teams have not really set themselvespinch hitting and coming off the bench. are 3.5 games back in the AL Central. apart yet. he Indians have put togetherCubs need to keep pace as we head into Sox have continue to have issues scoring a June that helps them to be the Divisionthe All Star Break. runs and are losing close games the leader at this point but again they are not pitching has been there but run produc‐ a clear favorite yet. Sox will need help tion has fallen on hard times. So the and this week we look to Jimmy Rollins question is how we will get this lineup to begin to have a good week in both the off life support. It's critical that Jose ield and at the plate. Abreu starts hitting he is currently hit‐ ting 259 average 9 home runs and 39 runs batted in at the almost midway point in the season. his is off the pace from the previous two years. Todd Fra‐ zier continues to power the offense lead‐ ing the team in Home Runs with 19. Chris Sale continues to lead the AL in wins with 10 and has been masterful in his pitching performance. he other starting pitching have dropped off they are getting quality inngs but with no run support they will continue to struggle to get the Wins on the Board. Week ahead inish up the series with the BlueJays and then on to face the Twins in AL Central play. At the almost midway point in the season and only being 3.5 games back the Sox need to put together a string of wins that will help them make ground on the Royals and Tigers. here is no clear leader in this division all the
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