2 Kendall Weekly TimesSomeone You Should Know by Martin Flowers ago I decided to branch out into face painting and re‐ employees as the company grows. I know it will! cently incorporated henna art. For face paint parties or corporate events and makeup contact me at he most exciting aspect of my business is the look 630-205-6543 or by email at [email protected] and smiles the kids have once I inish their face paint. or online atwww.facesbyiris.com. Please Like and fol‐ Every summer I have a booth at Montgomery Fest, so low Faces By Iris on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. many kids wait in line for hours just to get their face painted by me while there are so many other face he idea to start Faces By Iris was always my dream as painters there. hey stand around to watch me paint a little girl. I used to put makeup on my friends grow‐ while we sing along to Disney's Frozen soundtrack. I ing up, always playing with everyones hair. I had no also offer free glitter and rhinestones to inish my art‐ idea what I was doing but I always wanted everyone to work so everyone feels special and by time I'm done, I feel beautiful. I was inspired to take my talent serious‐ get lots of hi-ives and big hugs. hats how I know this ly once I was I was getting offers offers to travel to oth‐ is what Im meant to do! er countries for my clients. I am self taught yet people he biggest challenge I faced was not getting my com‐ always trusted me and said to \"work my Magic\". One pany started sooner. Even though I have been doing day the name just came to me and Faces By Iris was this for years, I was worried I would not be able to pro‐ born. mote very well on my own but with social media, pro‐ moting Faces By Iris has been actually very easy. I have he biggest challenge is wanting to buy every single been very busy with face painting once I purchased my new product on the market. Speciically for face paint, company domain on June 1st of this year. My speciali‐ most products must be purchased online so costs can ty has always been wedding makeup and hair while add up fairly quickly. However, its absolutely worth many of my clients have been by word of mouth. So if the cost when the child loves the artwork created. I can give anyone advice, it would be to put fear aside and move forward to make your dream a reality. In ive years my goal is to expand the company by em‐ One last thing about Faces By Iris is based on the idea ploying local artists, expand into all branches of beau‐ that we are all beautiful and are as young as we feel. ty, and create \"how to\" video tutorials to teach others With a little face paint, makeup, glitter, and a little ind to ind their artistic sense. I want my employees imagination, artwork is created to make us feel like a to always go the extra mile to make every child com‐ princess, superhero, or simply young again. pletely happy. In ive years, I want to be as happy as IName of business is Faces By Iris. Faces by Iris special‐ am now doing this job and I want that same for all myizes in face paint, makeup, hair, and henna. I originallystarted as a hair & makeup artist however three years
Kendall Weekly Times 3 25 Winners Named in Montgomery Floral Display Contest he Montgomery Beautiication Committee has rec‐ ognized 25 homes for their plantings and beautiica‐ tion efforts in this summer's Floral Display Contest. Award winners received a letter signed by Village Pres‐ ident Matt Brolley and Beautiication Chair Stan Bond, along with a colorful yard sign to display during the coming weeks. \"We appreciate the efforts of those who plant lowers to help beautify our neighborhoods and the entire vil‐ lage,\" Bond said. \"he Beautiication Committee would like to thank this year's winners for their outstanding efforts to make our community attractive and friendly.\" Following is a list of winning addresses:John Behnke to Serve as Parade Grand Concert in the Park 1342 Oak Ridge Ln.Marshal for Montgomery Fest July 14th 1859 Deer Run Dr. 1895 Deer Run Dr.John Behnke served as Commander of the VFW from Head on over to Montgomery Park on July 14th to en‐ 1910 Ridgemont Ct.2012-2016. He is retired after working as an air traffic joy this summer's inal Concert in the Park featuring 1900 Lakeside Dr.controller for the FFA from 1959-2000, serving at country music hits performed by Billy Croft & he 5 1917 Lakeside Dr.both St. Louis and Chicago control centers. He and his Alarm. he concert begins at 7:30 p.m. and will end at 220 Fairwind Dr.wife Donas (nee Yost) have three daughters; she 9:00 p.m. 191 Holmes Pl.passed away in 2013 after 51 years of marriage. 219 Jefferson St. Billy Croft & he 5 Alarm is a red hot smokin' country 327 S. Main St.John served in the Air Force from 1955-1959. He was band! With four vocalists and a blistering rhythm sec‐ 219 S. River St.a ground control radar operator, keeping track of ene‐ tion, they offer music from the latest hits on the coun‐ 132 Riverside Dr.my lights and enemy aircraft in Korea. He served with try charts by Jason Aldean, Lady Antebellum and Luke 2762 Providence Ln.the 607th AC&W squadron, which trained him well for Bryan to rock legends like he Eagles and Linda Ron‐ 2354 Majestic Prince Ln.his future civilian job. stadt. Billy Croft & he 5 Alarm will play your favorite 3279 Huntington Dr. country songs all night long! A long time ireighter, 2447 Prairie Crossing Dr.While at the VFW, John helped organize various annu‐ Billy and his band pay homage to America's service 2456 Prairie Crossing Dr.al events, including the new Rolling hunder event workers through their music. 3200 Kennedy Ct.that was held for the irst time last year. He continues 1726 Heatherstone Ave.to lead the color guard, which provides inal honors at Just bring a blanket or lawn chair and enjoy an 3151 Kennedy Ln.graveside services for veterans. he Montgomery VFW evening of great music. Jerry's Hot Dogs will also offer 2290 Margaret Dr.Post was chartered in 1946 and is celebrating their food for sale during the concert. Montgomery Park is 2814 Brian Ln.70th anniversary this year. located at the corner of River and Mill Street in Mont‐ 2465 Hanbury Ln. gomery. 2543 Deerpoint Dr.he parade starts at 1:00 p.m. on August 14th. It will 2933 Manchester Dr.feature community loats, marching bands, the Divi‐sion BMX Stunt Team and local dignitaries. Members of the Beautiication Committee include Pat‐ ti Bulat, Martha Larson, Tom Yakaitis, Brett Schaefer, Nancy Tranby, Marilyn Michelini, Marion Bond, Robyn Strait and Judy Brown. Other Montgomery Beautiication Committee pro‐ grams include the lower plantings along Mill Street Bridge, hanging lower baskets and banner displays throughout the downtown area, refurbishing of entry‐ way signs to the village, construction and oversight of 90 bluebird houses placed in the village's natural areas, and the holiday decoration awards program.
4 Kendall Weekly Timeshe Beautiication Committee meets on the thirdWednesday at 6 pm in Village Hall. Area residents areinvited to attend the meetings and participate in ourcommittee's activities. he committee is always look‐ing for new ideas and creative ways to beautify ourcommunity.Settlers' Park Movie Series ContinuesCalling all movie lovers! he 2016 Movie Series contin‐ container. he demonstration will offer ideas and tech‐ Concerts in Settlers' Parkues on Friday, June 24, at 8:30 p.m. he Village and niques so you can make your own. Plus, one lucky at‐Plainield Park District will be showing Night at the tendee will receive a pond container. Register online. Concerts in Settlers' Park, presented by Greg &Museum: Secret of the Tomb (PG, 98 min.), sponsored he Green Village Series is a partnership between the Dorothy Chapman, continue on July 14 with a concertby Baxter & Woodman, in Settlers' Park at the Richard Plainield Public Library District and the Village to by Wild Daisyat 7 p.m. Wild Daisy plays \"current, up‐A. Rock Amphitheater. his summer, the Plainield Li‐ provide the community with environmental programs. beat country favorites with a few pop/rock surprisesbrary, Police Department, and Fire Protection District thrown in.\" 2016 Concert Schedulewill also be at the movies. Plus, you can cool down Coffee with the Mayor - July 13, 2016with shaved ice from the Kona Ice Truck! For more Plainfield Festevent information, click here. 2016 Movie Schedule Join Mayor Collins for coffee and conversation on Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at 9 a.m. at the Village Hall, Mark your calendar...Plainield Fest is July 15-17! heGreen Village Program - Pond Containers 24401 W. Lockport Street. All residents are invited. Fest includes carnival rides, food vendors, live music, a his is a great opportunity to learn more about the Vil‐ craft and business vendor fair, and bags tournament.he 2016 Green Village Series continues on Monday, lage. For more info, visit plainieldfest.org.July 11, at 7 p.m., at the Plainield Library. Add a cre‐ative touch to your patio with the addition of a pond
Kendall Weekly Times 5 Village of PlainieldD.A.R.E. Pool Party er without an early termination fee. To return to utilizes Fort Beggs Drive to the east, Route 59, and ComEd, please have your account number ready and Renwick Road to the east. More information.he D.A.R.E. Pool Party is hursday, July 21, from 6-8 call Homeield Energy at 1-866-694-1262 and let themp.m., at the Ottawa Street Pool! he party is free and know that you would like to return to ComEd supply Settlers' Parkopen to students entering 6th-9th grades. Register by service at the earliest possible date. It can take one toJuly 18 for this fun evening of swimming, dancing, two billing cycles for the changes to take effect, de‐ he Village is completing a comprehensive refresh ofand food!Registration form. pending on meter read schedules. If you have any Settlers' Park including paver brick replacement/reset‐ questions, please call the Will County Governmental ting, repair of the sign kiosks and benches, replace‐Chat with the Chiefs League at 815-729-3535. Click here for more informa‐ ment of damaged sidewalks, cleaning and powerwash‐ tion including price comparisons. ing the amphitheater, repair of the pond fountain, andOn Wednesday, July 27, 2016, at 7 p.m., join Chief overall landscaping enhancement. A majority of theRiddle of the Plainield Fire District, Chief Veseling of Waste Management & Village Roll Out work adjacent to the Veterans Memorials has beenthe Oswego Fire District, and Chief Konopek of the Special Materials Collection for completed. he contractor will continue with furtherPlainield Police Department for Chat with the Chiefs Residents enhancements in Settlers' Park throughout June.at the Plainield Police Department. Attendees will Pedestrian traffic may be temporarily detoured in thelearn more about the happenings within the Plainield Waste Management and the Village are pleased to of‐ park during construction work.Fire and Ambulance Departments, the Oswego Fire fer a new service, At Your Door Special Collection, toDepartment, the Plainield Police Department, and residents. At Your Door is a convenient home collec‐ Route 30 Reconstruction Projectthe Plainield Emergency Management Agency. tion service to help residents safely dispose of home generated special materials. It provides a safe and easy Project Update: A change in traffic staging is scheduledElectric Aggregation Program Changes alternative for removing unwanted household materi‐ to begin on Route 30 which will shift the existing als, such as electronics, garden chemicals, household Route 30 traffic onto the newly constructed concreteSince 2012, the Village, along with other Will County cleaners, CFLs, automotive products, batteries, and pavement, south of Renwick Road. Once the trafficcommunities, has negotiated a ixed price electricity paint products that are potentially hazardous to peo‐ shift occurs, the contractor will begin storm sewer andsupply contract for residents and small businesses. ple, pets, and the environment. Residents can sched‐ pavement removal operations on the opposite side ofhe goal of the program was to provide electricity cost ule a collection by contacting At Your Door at (800) the road in anticipation of concrete paving later thissavings. While we are pleased to say that we have been 449-7587, visiting www.wmatyourdoor.com, or e- summer. Please be aware of driveway and business ac‐able to save participating residents and businesses mailing [email protected]. Press Release. cess locations as some may change temporarily duringnearly $30 million countywide and the average house‐ construction operations.hold has saved over $400, when compared to the River Road Closure Project Information: IDOT has started reconstructionComEd supply rates, we must unfortunately inform of Route 30. Between I-55 and Renwick Road, the typi‐you that the current contract will not provide savings River Road, from Fort Beggs Drive to Renwick Road, is cal section will be a 5-lane highway. From Renwickin its inal year. closed during the construction of the new DuPage Riv‐ Road to Route 59, a 3-lane section will be built. heBased upon the electricity supply contract terms, you er Pedestrian Bridge. It is anticipated that the roadway project is expected to be completed by Summer 2017.have the right to return to ComEd or any other suppli‐ will be reopened on June 30, 2016. he detour route Motorists can expect delays and should allow extra
6 Kendall Weekly Times
Kendall Weekly Times 7time for travel. Drivers are urged to pay close atten‐ Society for setting up and sharing this collection of 2014 Rematch in thetion to laggers and signs in the work zones, obey the photos and artifacts! 50th by Paul Bachmanposted speed limits, and be on the alert for workersand equipment. Office Closures A decision handed down this last week by the Illinois State Board of Elections will allow Yorkville ResidentLily Cache Road Closed he Village Offices will be closed Monday, July 4 (Inde‐ Valerie Burd the opportunity to run for the Illinois pendence Day); Monday, September 5 (Labor Day); State House after the decision was made not to re‐Lily Cache Road is closed at Caton Farm Road as part Friday, November 11 (Veteran's Day); hursday, move her from the Ballot based on a petition challengeof the City of Joliet's project to replace the existing November 24 - Friday, November 25 (hanksgiving); that stemmed from not getting the required numberCaton Farm Road bridge over the DuPage River. he and Friday, December 23 & Monday, December 26, of signatures which is 520 .closure is expected to last approximately 15 weeks as 2016 (Christmas).the contractor completes the irst stage of the project. Burd turned in 642 signatures and 143 were chal‐ lenged on the grounds that registered republicansMetroNet Update signed her petition. Under the Illinois State Election Code because Burd was not a candidate during the pri‐he Village Board approved a local franchise agree‐ mary and is seeking to be placed on the ballot for thement with MetroNet, one of the largest all iber-to- November General Election the Voters that did signthe-premises providers in the Midwest. Residential her petition are legal to participate in the general elec‐consumers will have access to Internet speeds of up to tion which allows voters to vote for the candidate of1 Gbps as well as iber TV and phone services. their choice regardless of party.MetroNet is beginning to install iber optic cable inthe Village of Plainield. Work is underway (or will his now sets up a rematch between incumbent Keithsoon be underway) in the following subdivisions: Wheeler and Valerie Burd in the 50th house district.Bronk Estates, Dunmoor Estates, Eagle Chase, the En‐ Representative Wheeler defeated Valarie Burd back inclave, Golden Meadows, Kensington Club, King's 2014 to win his irst term.Crossing, Nature's Crossing, Quail Run, Shenandoah,Tuttle Estates, Walker's Grove, and Wilding Pointe. In‐formational signs are posted. Residents canvisitwww.metronetinc.com/plainield or call779-252-1111 to ind out when the MetroNet networkwill reach their neighborhood. More information.Now on Display at Village HallWhen visiting Village Hall, be sure to check out theHistorical Society's summer themed exhibit. Manythanks to Sue Hasenyager and the Plainield Historical
8 Kendall Weekly TimesOswego Beats & Eats • Keith Semple-6:00-7:00 Community • TBD opener ConversationOswego Beats & Eats is a celebration that promotesthe variety and importance of music, art, food and cul‐ Saturday Nites • Main Street • Cool Music • Great Food During this year's State of the Village address, Villageture. Free and open to the public, the events will take • Craft Brew • Rock • Roots • Reggae • Indie Sounds • President Gail Johnson unveiled our new theme #Os‐place on Main Street from 4:00 - 10:00 p.m. on July Market Goods • Family Fun • Community • Charity • wegoConnects, which is intended to connect the Vil‐30, and August 27, 2016. his concert series will show‐ Culture • New Friends • Relax • Sing • Dance • Play • lage of Oswego with our residents, businesses, region‐case up and coming national, regional and local musi‐ al partners and more.cians paired with some of the best foods and libationsof Chicagoland. In an effort to connect with our residents, the Village is excited to invite you to attend our second \"Commu‐July 30 nity Conversation\" on July 7, 2016 at 7:00PM in the gymnasium of Prairie Point Elementary. In total there • Tony Lucca-8:45-10:00 are four Community Conversations planned, one for • Paul Pfau-7:15-8:15 each sector of the • JD Eicher and the Goodnights-5:45-6:45 • TBD opener Village scheduled throughout the summer. here are two additional planned for later in the summer includ‐August 27 ing July 21st at hompson Junior High School and August 23rdat Churchill Elementary. All Community • Red Wanting Blue-8:45-10:00 Conversations will take place at 7:00PM • Mockingbird Sun-7:15-8:15 During the Community Conversations, the Village will present information that is important to our residents. Topics will include details on Village i‐ nances, the new Police Headquarters, the Metra exten‐ sion, our water system analysis, the Downtown Tax In‐ crement Financing District, and more. Please join us on July 7, 2016 at 7:00PM at Prairie Point Elementary to connect with the Village of Os‐ wego. For more information, please call 630-554-4636 or visit www.oswegoil.org.
Kendall Weekly Times 9
10 Kendall Weekly TimesMontgomery Fest Kendall Area Transit Schedule a RideCraft/Business After you become a registered rider, you canBooths SERVING THE GREATER schedule a ride by calling 1-877-IGO-4KAT. Gen‐ KENDALL COUNTY eral trips can be reserved no more than 6 daysIf you want to sell handmade items, or provide a ser‐ COMMUNITIES PUBLIC and no less than 2 days in advance. Medical tripsvice, or just want to advertise your non-proit organi‐ TRANSPORTATION NEEDS may be scheduled up to 2 weeks in but no lesszation, ill out an application to have a booth at Mont‐ than 2 days in advance. When scheduling trips,gomery Fest on August 12, 13 and 14, 2016! he reser‐ KAT will implement transit service in the Kendall priority will be given to those with disabilitiesvation deadline is July 22, 2016. Montgomery Fest is County area that is reliable, lexible, and inancially and to senior.held in Montgomery Park at the corner of River and sustainable, while satisfying the various mobilityMill Street. needs of the general public and individuals unable to AssistanceKAT operators are trained to take a access or operate a private automobile. wheelchair up or down one step by themselves.he fee for a handmade craft booth is $35 for all three When a rider's needs are beyond the responsibil‐days. A craft booth is deined as the selling of goods Registering for Service ity of the driver, a travel assistant is required.that are made by hand by the crafter. his does not in‐ In order to participate in the Kendall Area Transit One travel assistant may ride at no charge.clude the resale of merchandise purchased from some program, you must be a registered rider that resides inother source. Kendall County. To ind out more about how to be‐ Seeking Volunteers come a registered rider contact Kendall Area Transit at to visit seniorshe fee for a commercial booth is $125 for all three 1-877-IGO-4KAT with Home Delivereddays. A commercial booth is deined as the resale of Mealsmanufactured goods (not handmade) or services pro‐ Fares (one way)vided to the community for proit. Please note that he one-way fare for the KAT demand response ser‐ he Community Nutrition Network, offering Homehanding out food samples requires a Kane County vice is $3.00 curb-to-curb or $5.00 door-to-door. For Delivered Meals to isolated senior citizens in KendallHealth Department food handling permit. destinations outside of the county, an additional County reports they are in desperate need of volun‐ $2.00 fee will be added. Seniors (60 year of age and teers to help the close to 30 seniors identiied forhere is no fee for a non-proit booth, deined as an or‐ older) receive a $1.00 off all fares. meals in Boulder Hill.ganization, school or religious organization and asso‐ *Please note KAT only transports registered riders tociated affiliates of any of the above as well as organiza‐ designated locations outside of Kendall County. If you can imagine the impact that human contacttions that serve the community in a not-for-proit would make if you yourself were isolated at home, youmanner. However, an application must still be com‐ Hours of Service will recognize that these home delivered meals arepleted to reserve your space. Bus services are available 7:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m. with about much more than a hot lunch each day. last scheduled reservation at 4:30 p.m. Monday thruhere is an extra $30 fee if a booth requires electricity Friday (except holidays). Reservation office hours are Volunteers are invited to learn more about thisand the space size of each booth is 10' by 10'. 8:00 a.m. till 3:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday (except project. It is extremely lexible. Drivers serve once a holidays). When scheduling trips, priority will be given month, or once a week, depending on their availabilityApplications are available at the Village Hall or on the to those with disabilities and to senior citizens. and desire to help.Village Hall website at www.ci.montgomery.il.us. ; Youwill be notiied the day you arrive for set up about Who Can Ride the BusService is available to Please contact Barb Nadeau, RSVP/Transportation Co‐your speciic booth space location. For questions, Kendall County residents. his is a general public ordinator at 630-553-5777, if you'd like more informa‐please call (630) 896-8080 ext. 9034. transportation service with a priority for the tion about this volunteer opportunity. disabled and seniors. We are committed to offer‐ ing courteous, safe, and reliable service for all of Can You Drive a Veteran to the local V.A. Clinic? our riders, without regard to race, gender, age, or disability. Volunteers are being sought to pick up and transport veterans living in the Southern Kane and Kendall County region to the Aurora VA Clinic, 161 S Lincol‐ nway, North Aurora Illinois. he retired and Senior Volunteer Program is seeking a pool of ive or more drivers to assist, so that this service would not fall too heavily on any one person. In addition to veterans, there are many other senior citizens in need of trans‐ portation too. Isolated seniors are looking for rides to doctors, therapy appointments and other important destinations, such as the bank or grocery store. Qualiications include: valid driver's license, good driving record, proof of auto insurance (supplemental insurance is available to drivers over 55 years of age), a strong passion for investment to veterans and desire to help other people, and good customer service skills such as courtesy, respect, and professionalism, and ability to maintain client conidentiality. If you'd like more information about RSVP and the Volunteer transportation Program, call, 630-553-5777.
Kendall Weekly Times 11Join Aurora's app provided by Morris Hospital on Friday. Individu‐Community Emergency For more information, contact the Aurora Emergency als who wish to park at Yorkville IntermediateResponse Team Aurora Management Agency at 630-256-5800 or email EMA School and Circle Center Grade School should-- Coordinator Joseph Jones at [email protected]. stand by the shuttle transportation sign at each location. he shuttle will leave Circle CenterIn an effort to prepare residents for Ribs on the River Grade School and Yorkville Intermediate Schoolemergencies, the City of Aurora will Weekend: River Night on the hour following this schedule: 2pm, 3pm,host four Community Emergency Response 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm, 8pm, 9pm, 10pm. ShuttlesTeam (CERT) training classes this year. Friday, July 15, 2016 will leave Riverfront to return to the school on 5:00pm - 10:00pm the half hour following this schedule: 2:30pm, 3:30pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm, 9:30pm, 10:30pm. Please note that shuttle times may change without notice. Down‐ town parking is also available. Please see the link below for more information on available parking areas. Riverfront Park (131 E. Hydraulic Ave, Yorkville) • Downtown Parking(PDF)CERT students make a difference in their communities SCHEDULE OF EVENTSby learning to care for themselves, their neighbors, Enjoy a night illed with family fun, food, beverages,and the public at-large in the irst three days following cardboard regatta, and more! Schedule of events is asa major disaster. Students learn ire suppression in‐ follows:cluding ire extinguisher training, disaster medical op‐ 5-10pm: Food Vendors & Beer Tenterations, light search and rescue operations, pre- and 5-7pm: Cardboard Boat Racespost-storm CERT operations, and general disaster pre‐ 5-9pm: Free Family Area Activities (Bounce Houses,paredness. Face Painting, Arts & Crafts, Performances) 7-10pm: Live Performance by Red Woodyhe classes consist of 26 total hours of training andare being held on various days and times to better CARDBOARD BOAT RACE INFORMATIONPleasemeet the schedules of people who may be interested in join us for River Night's Cardboard Canoe Raceparticipating. from 5-7pm. his event is hosted by Yorkville Area Chamber of Commerce, United City ofhe 2016 CERT class dates: Yorkville, and Chicago Whitewater Association. hree races and plenty of prizes to be won! ForCERT Class #1: more information please download the event li‐From 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, March 29, April er and race rules.5, 12, 19, 26, and May 3; and 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.Saturday, May 7 Race One: Corporate RaceWill the iremen put their oars in the water against the police? WillCERT Class #2: Kendall County board have enough board to stayFrom 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Mondays, June 6, 13, 20, aloat against the City Council? Do you own a27, July 11 and 18; and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, business and want to inally have a chance toJuly 23 \"paddle it out\" against your competitor? A great team building experience, and a fun way to showCERT Class #3: off your logo. Afraid to call out your From 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. on hursdays, Aug. 18, 25, competition?? Don't worry, we'll do that for you.Sept. 1, 8, 15 and 22; and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Just contact Stephanie at Stephanie.r1@sbcglob‐Sept. 24 al.net and let her know who you'd like to chal‐ lenge.CERT Class #4:From 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Fridays, October 7 and 14; Race Two: Build at HomeAre you handy and haveand 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 15 and Sunday, a family who likes to work together? Do you loveOct. 16 being outside? Do you have a neighbor, family member, or a friend that is up for a fun creativeAll trainings will be held at the City of Aurora Emer‐ \"paddle it out\" competition? hen get your sup‐gency Management Center, 1100 Mitchell Road. plies together and get ready to race the rapids in your very own cardboard canoe. Rules will follow.Classes are free and are open to ages 14 and older. Stu‐dents age 14 and 15 must attend with a parent or Race hree:Build on Siteguardian. Students age 16 and 17 may attend with ei‐ To those who missed the pre-event advertising,ther a parent or guardian or a signed release form don't panic. here will be two hours at the site tofrom a parent or guardian. build what you can with kits we supply to make it down the river. Limited kits available, so don'tAfter successful completion of this class students will be paddling yourself for missing out.have the opportunity to apply to become members ofAurora's CERT Team, which meets regularly and vol‐ PARKING INFORMATIONunteers at City of Aurora events. Free Shuttle Parking from the Yorkville Inter‐ mediate School and Circle Center Grade School isTo register please go to the City of Aurora EmergencyManagement page: https://eforms.aurora-il.org/f/evs‐
12 Kendall Weekly TimesRibs on the RiverWeekend: PORKville &Illinois WhitewaterFestivalSaturday, July 16, 2016 10:00am - 10:30pmRiverfront Park (131 E. Hydraulic Ave, Yorkville)PORKVILLE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Yorkville, IL will become PORKville, IL as the sweetand spicy aroma of BBQ ribs ill Riverfront Park withthe schedule of events as follows:10am-10:30pm: Food Vendors & Beer Tent 11:30am-2:30pm: Live Performance by County LineBrothers1:00pm-6:00pm: Family Activities (Bounce Houses &More!) 3:30pm-6:30pm: Live Performance by Whiskey Ro‐mance7:30pm-10:30pm: Live Performance by Back CountryRoadsILLINOIS WHITEWATER FESTIVALJoin theChicago Whitewater Association on the MargeCline Whitewater Course located at 301 E. Hy‐draulic Ave, Yorkville, IL as they host a Butter‐cup Slalom Race! Come out and compete or justenjoy the spectacle as kayak enthusiasts SlalomRace and BoaterCROSS throughout the day! Formore information and a schedule of events clickhere! PARKING INFORMATIONFree Shuttle Parking fromthe Yorkville Intermediate School and Circle CenterGrade School is provided by Kendall Area Transit. In‐dividuals who wish to park at Yorkville IntermediateSchool and Circle Center Grade School should stand bythe shuttle transportation sign at each location. heshuttle will leave Circle Center Grade School andYorkville Intermediate School on the hour followingthis schedule: 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm, 8pm,9pm, 10pm. Shuttles will leave Riverfront to return tothe school on the half hour following this schedule:2:30pm, 3:30pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm,8:30pm, 9:30pm, 10:30pm. Please note that shuttletimes may change without notice. Downtown parkingis also available. Please see the link below for more in‐formation on available parking areas. • Downtown Parking(PDF)
Kendall Weekly Times 13
14 Kendall Weekly Times Chicago White Report by Kyle Veederhe Chicago White Sox end the irst half of the seasonwith a 45 and 43 record and sitting in 3rd place in theAL Central. Sox have been a team of two tales this yearstarting out with a 4 game lead and being in irst placeand by mid-June had fallen to 4 games below 500.he Sox have rebounded and now are heading in theright direction. he turnaround has happened becausea shift in philosophy in the club House. More atten‐tion to detail or as they say\" back to fundamentals\".he Sox are getting solid pitching and timely hittingthat is allowing them to compete in each game and isnot getting blown out.his is team growing in character and people like whatthey see! What are some things to look for in the 2ndhalf of the season? Fundamentals and a return to soliddefense this lineup is not built to lead the league in‐stead they are built to compete. In order for the Sox tohave a chance Jose Abreu needs a strong 2nd half andJimmy Rollins needs to start getting on base again. Sohere's to the 2nd half of the season and we look for‐ward to seeing our cross town rivals.
Kendall Weekly Times 15Cubs at Mid Point by Dick Kolf Chicago Cubs came into the All Star Break with the 2nd best record in the National League and 10 game lead over the Cardinals. Cubs stumbled at the end of June with some poor pitching performances from the starters and injuries also caused for the lack of run production from this powerful lineup. In his last three starts Jake Arietta has been rocked he is showing signs of fatigue but hopefully with a few days rest he will be back to form. John Lester and John Lachey continue to be solid have suffered like Ar‐ rietta some bad outings, but let's get those bad outing out of the way now and begin to look to the 2nd half and a strong inish. On the offensive side the Cubs are powered by Kris Bryant and Antony Rizzo both have good seasons af‐ ter slow starts both at hitting 275 average and 30 Home Runs and over 50 RBI's that is why both made the ALL Star team for the 2nd year in a row. Soler and Baez have been taking turns on the DL and the return of Dexter Fowler should help get the leadoff spot go‐ ing again and setting the table for the Cubs Lineup. Looking ahead for July the cross town classic and don't take the South Siders likely they have been Play‐ ing some good Baseball.
16 Kendall Weekly TimesThrow BackThursdayThrowback Thursday:A Cruise Down MemoryLaneThursday, July 215pm-9pmTown Square(301 N Bridge St,Yorkville)Join the Yorkville Parks and Recreation Departmentfor an evening dedicated to old fashioned fun! heevening will start with a Cruise Night with classic carslining Town Square Park and ends with the YorkvilleBig Ban performing music from the 40's and 50's.Beer and wine will also be available for purchasethroughout the night. For more information call theYorkville Parks and Recreation Department at630-553-4357. his event is sponsored by First Na‐tional Bank and First Insurance Group.
Kendall Weekly Times 17Summer Programs for Adults atthe Oswego LibraryJuly 2016 his month's book is Headhunters on My Doorstep: A CLICK HERE TO REGISTER. True Treasure Island Ghost Story by J. Maarten Troost.here Is Still Time To Turn In Your Summer (Click on the title to check our catalog) hursday, July 14Reading Log! hursday Afternoon Book Discussion Group Contact group moderator Gloria in Adult Services for more 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM at the Oswego CampusPaper Reading Log information. Stop by the Adult Services reference desk at the Os‐ his month's book is he Mockingbird Next Door: Lifewego Campus or the Montgomery Campus to pick up Saturday, July 9 with Harper Lee by Marja Mills.your reading log! Increase your chances to win great Dave Clark Presents: he Ghosts of Route 66 (Click on the title to check our catalog)prizes by submitting multiple logs (before the 9:00 PM 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM at the Montgomery Campusdeadline on August 3.) Contact group moderator Laura in Adult Services for more Route 66 winds through countless communities on its information.Online Reading Log way from Chicago to California. he Ghosts of RouteIf you prefer to log your entries online, go to www.os‐ 66 explores both the ghostly stories and haunting leg‐ Saturday, July 16wego.lib.il.us and select the Get In the Gameonline log ends about the ghost towns that can be found along Retro Video Gamesbutton the country's most famous highway. Speaker Dave 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM at the Montgomery Campus or you can access the online log directly by clicking Clark will share the history of many towns duringhere. You will need to create a password, ill in your their boomtown days and compares them to the If you love video games, you will enjoy our variety ofirst name, last name and your library card number towns' current stark realities. he relics of these classic game systems. Join us and play vintage video(the number on the back of your card) to create your towns, which are manifested in their deteriorating game systems. Relive those epic Mario Kart 64 racesaccount. structures, embody the living spirit of the en‐ or experience what it was like gaming with two but‐ trepreneurs that invested their hopes and dreams in tons and a directional pad. Game systems include Su‐All logs must be completed by 9:00 PM on the myth of Route 66. per Nintendo, Atari, Nintendo 64 and more. ChildrenWednesday, August 3.Prize winners will be noti‐ under age 14 must be accompanied by a parent.ied by August 19. Registration Required. Registration Required. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER Tuesday, July 12 Jim Cherry Presents: he Doors Examined 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM at the Oswego Campushe Library will be closed on Monday, July 4. Jim Cherry is the author of he Doors Examined and Tuesday, July 19 an authority on the inluential rock band, he Doors. Identity heft Programhursday, July 7 Please join us for an informative and entertaining pro‐ 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM at the Oswego CampusAward Winners & Classics Book Discussion gram that will feature an audio/visual presentationGroup and lecture. If you are a fan of the Doors and 1960s Are you concerned about identity theft? Rocky Greene7:00 PM - 8:00 PM at the Oswego Campus rock 'n' roll, you will not want to miss it! from Community Outreach for Financial Education (COFFE) will help you understand identity theft, the Registration Required. various kinds of theft, and ways to protect your identi‐ ty. Also, learn what to do if you become a victim of identity theft. Community Outreach for Financial Ed‐
18 Kendall Weekly Times Nonfiction Best Sellersucation is a nonproit organization. No registration required. Drop ins welcome. Grunt: he Curious Science of Humans at War By Roach, MaryRegistration Required. Friday, July 8 and Tuesday, July 12 2016-06 - W. W. Norton & Company Genealogy Consultations 9780393245448 Check Our CatalogCLICK HERE TO REGISTER hese consultations take place Grunt tackles the science behind some of a soldier'sWednesday, July 20 most challenging adversaries panic, exhaustion, heat,Mystery Book Discussion Group noise and introduces us to the scientists who seek to conquer them. Mary Roach dodges hostile ire with the U.S. Marine Corps Paintball Team as part of a study on hearing loss and survivability in combat. She visits the fashion design studio of U.S. Army Natick Labs and learns why a …MoreWhen Breath Becomes Air By Kalanithi, Paul Foreword by Verghese, Abraham 2016-01 - Random House 9780812988406 Check Our Catalog On the verge of completing a decade's worth of train‐ ing as a neurosurgeon, Kalanithi was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer. Just like that, the future he and his wife had imagined evaporated. Kalanithi chronicles his transformation from a naive medical student into a neurosurgeon at Stanford working in the brain, the most critical place for human identity, and inally intoOn the Shelf Top Summer Reading List7:00 PM - 8:00 PM at the Oswego Campus · the 2nd Tuesday of the month, 9:00 AM - NOON a patient and new …Morehe Gene: An Intimate Historyhis month's book is he Curious Incident of the Dog in · the 2nd Friday of the month, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM By Mukherjee, Siddharthathe Night-Time by Mark Haddon. 2016-05 - Scribner Book Company(Click on the title to check our catalog) Members of the Fox Valley Genealogical Society will 9781476733500 Check Our Catalog assist patrons in researching their family history withContact group moderator Jaymiein Adult Services for the library's local history and genealogy collection. All From the Pulitzer Prize-winning, bestselling author ofmore information. consultations will be at the Oswego Campus. \"he Emperor of All Maladies\" a magniicent history of the gene and a response to the deining question ofhursday, July 21 the future: What becomes of being human when we34/30 Writers' Group learn to read and write our own genetic information?7:00 PM - 8:00 PM at the Montgomery Campus Siddhartha Mukherjee has a written a biography ofAll writers, whether beginner or pro, are invited to the gene as deft, brilliant, and illuminating as his ex‐network and share their writings at our monthly traordinarily …MoreShoe Dog: A Memoir by themeetings. he group is intended for adults and high Creator of Nikeschool age students who write novels, short stories, By Knight, Philpoetry or noniction or enjoy writing exercises. Drop Author Knight, Philip H.by to discover what our group has to offer. he group's 2016-04 - Scribner Book Companyfacilitator is Karen Young. 9781501135910 Check Our CatalogNo registration required. Drop ins welcome. In this candid and riveting memoir, for the irst time ever, Nike founder and board chairman Phil KnightTuesday, July 26 shares the inside story of the company's early days asJust Add Color: Coloring, Coffee, and Conversa‐ an intrepid start-up and its evolution into one of thetion world's most iconic, game-changing, and proitable7:00 PM - 8:00 PM at the Oswego Campus brands.You are never too old to color! Take your mind off ofthe daily stresses of life and join us for the newest Young, searching, fresh out of business school, Philtrend for adults, adult coloring books! Have a relaxing Knight borrowed ifty dollars from his father andevening of good company, soothing music and a nice launched a …MoreTribe: On Homecoming and Be‐cup of coffee or tea. Coloring materials will be provid‐ longinged and you are welcome to bring in your own By Junger, Sebastianmaterials. People of all artistic skill levels are welcome. 2016-05 - Twelve 9781455566389 Check Our Catalog
Kendall Weekly Times 19We have a strong instinct to belong to small groups fended the Constitution, and helped to found the biggest ideas in physics. \"he New York Times Bookdeined by clear purpose and understanding--\"tribes.\" United States. Fusing hip-hop, pop, R&B, and the best Review\"his tribal connection has been largely lost in modern traditions of theater, this once-in-a-generation showsociety, but regaining it may be the key to our psycho‐ broadens the sound of Broadway, …MoreBill O'Reil‐ A startling and illustrative distillation of centuries oflogical survival. ly's Legends and Lies: he Patriots science. \"he Economist\" By Fisher, David Decades before the American Revolution, Benjamin 2016-05 - Henry Holt & Company \"\"Franklin lamented that English settlers were constant‐ 9781627797894 Check Our Catalogly leeing over to the Indians-but Indians almost … Lean, lucid and enchanting. \"New Scientist\"Morehe View from the Cheap Seats: Selected he must-have companion to Bill O'Reilly's historicalNoniction docudrama \"Legends and Lies: he Patriots,\" an excit‐ All the beauty of modern physics in seven short andBy Gaiman, Neil ing and eye-opening look at the Revolutionary War enlightening …MoreBeing Mortal: Medicine and2016-05 - William Morrow & Company through the lives of its leaders What Matters in the End9780062262264 Check Our Catalog By Gawande, Atul he American Revolution was neither inevitable nor a 2014-10 - Metropolitan BooksAn enthralling collection of noniction essays on a unanimous cause. It pitted neighbors against each 9780805095159 Check Our Catalogmyriad of topics from art and artists to dreams, other, as loyalists and colonial rebels faced off for theirmyths, and memories observed in #1 New York Times lives and futures. hese were the times…MoreBut Awards:bestselling author Neil Gaiman's probing, amusing, What If We're Wrong?: hinking about the Pre‐ Books for a Better Life (2015), Indies Choice Bookand distinctive style. sent as If It Were the Past Awards (2015), L.A. Times Book Prize (2014), New By Klosterman, Charles England Book Award (2015)An inquisitive observer, thoughtful commentator, and 2016-06 - Blue Rider Pressassiduous craftsman, Neil Gaiman has long been cele‐ 9780399184123 Check Our Catalog In \"Being Mortal,\" bestselling author Atul Gawandebrated for the sharp intellect and startling imagina‐ tackles the hardest challenge of his profession: howtion that …MoreValiant Ambition: George Wash‐ We live in a culture of casual certitude. his has always medicine can not only improve life but also the pro‐ington, Benedict Arnold, and the Fate of the been the case, no matter how often that certainty has cess of its endingAmerican Revolution failed. hough no generation believes there's nothingBy Philbrick, Nathaniel left to learn, every generation unconsciously assumes Medicine has triumphed in modern times, transform‐2016-05 - Viking that what has already been deined and accepted is ing birth, injury, and infectious disease from harrow‐9780525426783 Check Our Catalog (probably) pretty close to how reality will be viewed in ing to manageable. But in the inevitable condition of perpetuity. And then, of course, time passes. Ideas aging and death, the goals of medicine seem …More\"Valiant Ambition\" may be one of the greatest what-if shift. Opinions …MoreBetween the World and Mebooks of the age a volume that turns one of America's By Coates, Ta-Nehisibest-known narratives on its head.\"-Boston Globe 2015-07 - Spiegel & Grau 9780812993547 Check Our Catalog\"Clear and insightful, it consolidates his reputation asone of America's foremost practitioners of narrative Awards:noniction.\"-Wall Street Journal ALA Notable Books (2016), Alex Awards (2016),From the \"New York Times\" bestselling author of \"In Books for a Better Life (2016), Kirkus Prize (2015),he Heart of the Sea\" and …Morehe Life-Changing Literary Award (2016), National Book Awards (2015)Magic of Tidying Up: he Japanese Art of Declut‐tering and Organizing #1 \"NEW YORK TIMES\" BESTSELLER - NATIONALBy Kondo, Marie BOOK AWARD WINNER - NAACP IMAGE AWARDTranslator Hirano, Cathy WINNER - PULITZER PRIZE FINALIST -NATIONAL2014-10 - Ten Speed Press BOOK CRITICS CIRCLE AWARD FINALIST -NAMED9781607747307 Check Our Catalog ONE OF THE TEN BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY \"he New York Times Book Review O: he Oprah Mag‐his #1\"New York Times\" best-selling guide to declut‐ azine he Washington Post People \"Entertainmenttering your home from Japanese cleaning consultant Weekly \"Vogue Los Angeles Times San FranciscoMarie Kondo takes readers step-by-step through her Chronicle Chicago Tribune New York Newsday Libraryrevolutionary KonMari Method for simplifying, orga‐ …MoreGrit: he Power of Passion and Persever‐nizing, and storing. ance By Duckworth, Angela Despite constant efforts to declutter your home, do 2016-05 - Scribner Book Companypapers still accumulate like snowdrifts and clothes pile 9781501111105 Check Our Catalogup like a tangled mess of noodles? In this instant \"New York Times \"bestseller, pioneering…MoreHamilton: he Revolution psychologist Angela Duckworth shows anyone strivingBy Miranda, Lin-Manuel to succeed be it parents, students, educators, athletes,Author Seller, Jeffrey or business people that the secret to outstandingAuthor McCarter, Jeremy achievement is not talent but a special blend of pas‐2016-04 - Grand Central Publishing sion and persistence she calls grit.9781455539741 Check Our Catalog Drawing on her own powerful story as the daughterAwards: of a scientist who frequently …MoreSeven BriefGeorge Washington Book Prize (2015) Lessons on Physics By Rovelli, CarloWinner of the 2016 Pulitzer Prize for Drama 2016-03 - Riverhead Books 9780399184413 Check Our Catalog Lin-Manuel Miranda's groundbreaking musical Instant \"New York Times \"Bestseller\"Hamilton\" is as revolutionary as its subject, the poor Clear, elegant...a whirlwind tour of some of thekid from the Caribbean who fought the British, de‐
20 Kendall Weekly Times http://gibbleguts.com
Kendall Weekly Times 21 Representative Kids Summer Camp Kifowit Speaks at Kendall County Forum Forest PreserveTonia Khouri (IL-11) AURORA, Ill. - Speaking about the unique role wom‐ Registration is now open for the Kendall CountyNamed Illinois State en have in politics and their support of female partici‐ Forest Preserve District's2016 Summer CampsCrime Commission pation in the business sector, state Rep. Stephanie Ki‐ for Children. Our nature and equestrian-themed2016 Award Recipient fowit, D-Oswego, joined business leaders at the Cen‐ camps are wildly popular, introducing children tral Illinois Women's Economic Summit in Utica last to nature, wildlife, beginner horsemanship, andKhouri is a 2016 recipient of the Award of Excellence week. \"I was honored to have the opportunity to speak outdoor recreational activities.Each fun-illedin County Government. before so many incredible women and chat about the camp session features nature hikes, games, expanding role women are having in the political and crafts, exploration and discovery. Camps are of‐(AURORA, IL) - he Illinois State Crime Commission business world,\" Kifowit said. \"While women have fered for different age groups pre-K through agepresented Congressional Candidate Tonia Khouri with made much progress, there is much work remaining to 13, with program offerings at both Hoover For‐the 2016 Award of Excellence in County Government be done to ensure we are equally represented in the est Preserve in Yorkville, and at Ellis House andat the annual \"Salute to hose Who Make A business sector and in the decision making process in Equestrian Center in Minooka.Difference\" Awards Dinner on Wednesday evening. Washington and Springield.\" Kifowit joined the U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce (USWCC) for their Camps begin the week of June 13 and run\"Tonia's continued excellent work on behalf of the cit‐ Central Illinois Women's Economic Summit and spoke through the week of August 5.Summer Campizens' of DuPage County in judicial and public safety, along with state Rep. Andy Skoog, D-Peru, and Margot Catalog and Enrollment Forms are available on‐as well as her service in mass and public transit, health Dorfman, President and CEO of the U.S. Women's line.For more information, and to stay in touchand human services, and inance is indeed most appre‐ Chamber of Commerce among other presenters. Over with Kendall County Forest Preserve Districtciated,\" said Jerry Elsner, ISCC Executive Director. 30 percent of small businesses in Illinois are owned by news and events, take a moment to subscribe to\"Our commission, and the law enforcement communi‐ women. For more information, please the District's Stepping Stones eNewsletter.ty, sincerely appreciate her efforts and her support of Questions? Contact District staff by email at kc‐our mission.\" visit www.ILDistrict84.com or contact Kifowit's con‐ [email protected] , or by calling the mainISCC aims to combat public corruption and strength‐ stituent service office at 630-585-1308 office at 630-553-4025.en the criminal justice system here in the state of Illi‐ [email protected]. It has accomplished important goals pertainingto crime prevention and anti-terrorism, amongst oth‐er areas, and boasts a diverse membership of inlu‐encers in government, law enforcement, education, la‐bor, business, and public policy.Public safety remains an issue of utmost importanceto Khouri and has topped her list of preliminary itemsto take to Washington, D.C. when she is elected toCongress. \"As I've traveled our district over the past ninemonths, I've heard time and time again that publicsafety is a concern for many Illinoisans,\" said Khouri.\"I am so grateful to the ISCC for recognizing my workto foster safe communities in DuPage county and Ilook forward to continuing that work at the federallevel come November.\"
22 Kendall Weekly Times
Kendall Weekly Times 23 Montgomery Seeks Improvement to Area Roads by Jennifer Flowers Dear Neighborhood Supporter, We appreciate your taking the time to hear about our program and thank you for your time. Community School District 308 is a strong advocate and partner with your organization here in the Oswego/Aurora/Montgomery/Plainield areas. We have teachers, administrators and students that have supported your company for many years, and it has truly been a pleasure to work with such a fantastic staff/group of individuals. We are looking forward to moving forward this upcoming school year and continuing this powerful relationship. he next step in moving forward for Community Unit School District 308 is that we are planning a huge event for the teachers and staff on Tuesday, August 16, 2016; an event we call Convocation. his is our way of celebrating the beginning of a strong school year. We will be extending gift bags to each of the teachers and staff (2800+ bags). We are hoping for your partici‐ pation within our RAFFLE to the teachers. he idea of a teacher winning a gift card to your establishment for him/her showing your support for what they do repre‐ sents a lot and is something they would truly appreci‐ ate! We would also like to extend the opportunity for your business to submit a coupon or lyer for the 2800 give-away bags. What a way to give back!!!Since 2012 the Village of Montgomery has worked meeting on the expansion of Route 30 from route 47 Our communications department will be featuring atirelessly to improve the roads through the village. he to Route 31. Over 100 area residents attended the \"hank You\" section on our website, as well as the dayVillage also has been working with area law makers to open house and the town hall meeting to communi‐ of the event, showing our appreciation to our support‐improve the main route through the Village Route 30. cate with engineers and IDOT officials about the ex‐ ers. Our website gets approximately over 16,000 hits aIn 2014 residents of the village approved an increase pansion of the Route 30 Corridor. You can view the day and we truly understand the importance of build‐to a tax levy that allowed the village to invest in entire proposal for the Route 30 corridor on the web‐ ing that community connection. his may seem to be arepaving many streets throughout the village and im‐ site at www.us30baselineroadstudy.org . one-time offering, but it will deinitely make a strongprove other areas of the infrasture including replacing impact.old water mains. he Village of Montgomery has repaved since the in‐ We are excited and want to thank you again for your vestment over 18 miles of area roads and are planning support during our school year 2015-2016; and can'the Village under President Matt Brolley and the Vil‐ to do at least another 10 miles next year. For all the wait to see what we can do this upcoming yearlage Board have been instrumental in investing in news and happenings going on in the Village ind the 2016-2017!!Montgomery to help improve the quality of life for its Village of Montgomery on the web at Building a great team and living the dream!residents. As part of this commitment the Village Community Unit School District 308 / Communica‐hosted an open House and community town hall tions Click here for a pdf of this letter Contact Kandi King at SD 308 [email protected] for more information
24 Kendall Weekly Times
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