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Home Explore NI Cleaning Employee Handbook Version 1

NI Cleaning Employee Handbook Version 1

Published by sophie.toumazos, 2023-06-27 13:48:35

Description: NI Cleaning Employee Handbook Version 1


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NI Employee Handbook 1

Contents General Employment Terms & Conditions........................................... 4 Personnel Files......................................................................................... 5 Communication ........................................................................................ 6 Company Attire......................................................................................... 7 Rest Breaks .............................................................................................. 8 Mobility Clause ......................................................................................... 9 Client Policies and Procedures.............................................................. 9 Contact with Clients ............................................................................... 10 Annual Leave Policy .............................................................................. 11 Public Holidays ....................................................................................... 13 Company Standards.............................................................................. 14 Uniform Policy ........................................................................................ 14 Wastage .................................................................................................. 15 General .................................................................................................... 16 Security on Site ...................................................................................... 17 Surveillance and CCTV......................................................................... 17 Confidentiality ......................................................................................... 19 Right to Search....................................................................................... 19 Company Policies & Procedures ......................................................... 20 Corporate Social Responsibility........................................................... 21 Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy .................................................. 22 Company Vehicle Policy ....................................................................... 27 Personal Property .................................................................................. 32 Recruitment and Selection Policy........................................................ 35 Reward and Recognition....................................................................... 38 Absence Policy ....................................................................................... 38 Jury Duty ................................................................................................. 58 Disciplinary Policy .................................................................................. 74 Grievance Procedure............................................................................. 81 Dignity at Work Policy ........................................................................... 85 Termination of Employment ................................................................. 90 2

Retirement Policy ................................................................................... 91 Child Protection Policy .......................................................................... 92 Employee Privacy Policy Statement ................................................... 92 Mobile Phone Policy ............................................................................ 101 Policy for use of E-Mail & Internet ..................................................... 108 Social Media Policy.............................................................................. 110 Media Policy.......................................................................................... 116 Whistleblowing Policy.......................................................................... 118 Health & Safety Policy......................................................................... 125 Time Management System................................................................. 132 Environment Policy .............................................................................. 132 Smoke-Free Workplace Policy........................................................... 134 Anti-slavery and Human Trafficking .................................................. 135 Employee Wellbeing Policy ................................................................ 136 Employee Assistance Programme .................................................... 141 Flexible Working Policy ....................................................................... 142 3

General Employment Terms & Conditions 4

Personnel Files As part of the company’s procedures, we request the following information/documentation from all new employees: Confirmation of identity (Photo ID): Passport, Driving License, National ID Cards Proof of address: e.g., Utility Bill, Bank Statement, Tax Certificate etc. Proof of Bank Account e.g., Bank Statement Written Reference (s) Proof of legality to work in Northern Ireland Completed New Starter Form Fully completed application form and/or Curriculum Vitae Signed Contract of Employment Please supply this information to your line manager on commencement of employment with ABM. Please note payment may be withheld if full paperwork is not provided. Upon commencement you must submit your bank account details and a reference from your most recent employer, accompanied by completed version of the New Employee Form, to your Supervisor/Manager. The New Employee Form is located at the back of this handbook. Please note signing the New Employee Form confirms receipt and understanding of this handbook. You should notify your Supervisor/Manager or the Human Resources Department immediately if there is any change to your personal details, such as address, telephone number, next of kin, etc. This information will ensure that your personnel records are kept up-to- date. 5

Communication The company reserves the right to communicate with you by email, matters relating to your employment, and/or matters relating to the company. Renumeration Payments are paid by bank transfer on a fortnightly basis, every second Thursday. When a bank holiday falls within a pay week, payment will be paid a day later. Hourly rates of pay will be paid at the rates currently applied. Your payslip is available on the Employee portal showing how the total amount of your pay has been calculated and showing the deductions that have been made, including the reasons for them, i.e. tax and pay related social insurance. Salaried staff are paid monthly by bank transfer on the 28th day of each month. Where this day falls on a weekend, payment will be made on the previous Friday. It is a condition of your employment that your payslip will be issued through email or via online access. Once you receive your payslip online you will have the option to print your payslip. Please ensure you submit your email address on the New Employee Form on commencement of employment with ABM. This will ensure you are in receipt of your payslips in a timely manner. We can also issue historical payslips or associated paperwork by email. Any queries regarding wages should be raised with your line manager in the first instance. In the event you have be overpaid for any reason you must immediately inform your Supervisor/Manager. The total amount of the overpayment will normally be deducted from your next payment. 6

Deduction from Wages The company reserves the right to recover any overpayment of wages and/or holiday entitlement from your pay or require a repayment from you in respect of the overpayment of wages/holiday entitlement. A deduction for any company property (including uniforms) not returned will be made from an employee’s final salary. Company Attire ABM will provide you with a uniform which you must wear at all times whilst carrying out your duties. The Company will replace uniforms, damaged due to normal wear and tear, free of charge. However, in the event the replacement is required due to your own negligence you will be responsible for the cost of replacing the uniform. The uniform items that you receive are to be maintained in a respectable condition and to conform to the highest standard of cleanliness and hygiene. Working Hours Your normal hours of work are detailed in your Statement; it is your responsibility to ensure that you attend punctually for work and follow all timekeeping and absence procedures. In order to help us to maintain optimum service levels, you may be required to work additional hours from time to time. Further details are contained in your Statement. If you have a need to leave work prior to your normal finishing time or to have time away during the normal working period, you must not leave without first obtaining permission from your line manager. In such circumstances, you must report to your line manager upon leaving and, where appropriate, returning to work. 7

Persistent lateness, unacceptable levels of absence and/or unauthorised absence may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal, depending on the circumstances. Rest Breaks Breaks must be taken at times agreed with your manager/supervisor. Any employee found to be abusing this by taking extended breaks will be subject to disciplinary procedures. No member of staff is permitted to eat, drink or smoke while at work except in areas designated by the client for that purpose and only during authorised break times. ABM takes its responsibilities under the Working Time Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2016 to provide all of its employees with appropriate rest breaks during the working day. In this regard, you are entitled to take: • A 15-minute rest break after working 4 hours and 30 minutes; and • A 30-minute rest break after working 6 hours, unless the break you take after working 4 hours and 30 minutes, is 30 minutes in duration. There is no entitlement to be paid during these rest breaks and they are not considered part of working time. You are entitled to 11 consecutive hours’ rest in any period of 24 hours except where your working day is spread out over the day in which case you must ensure that you have at least 11 hours break from work during the 24-hour period. Please note that if you work at multiple locations during a single working day, you must ensure that you take your break as detailed above and should not be taken whilst travelling between locations. Ordinarily, your supervisor will inform you of the time and duration of your rest breaks and you should comply with them. As such, if you are 8

unclear as to your entitlements, do not believe you have received your entitlements or have any queries in relation to same, please contact your supervisor within 24 hours of the break period. No eating, drinking or smoking is to occur in any storage/cleaning room facility, which is controlled by ABM or our client. Smoking in the Workplace is prohibited by law and it is vital in the interests of personal safety that eating and drinking does not occur where chemicals are stored. Employees are not permitted to take additional breaks during the day to smoke, this must be done within allocated break times. Mobility Clause Staff are employed to work for ABM and employment is not exclusive to one particular site. Due to the nature of our business the Company reserves the right to transfer staff from one work location to another at its sole discretion. The Company will provide as much notice as possible in the event of such a change becoming necessary. Client Policies and Procedures As a Contract Services provider delivering key and often essential services on Client sites, our Employees are Ambassadors for ABM. This relates to how we present ourselves for work, how we behave and how we engage with client, employees, customers, and other Contractors. Each of us plays an important role. If your behaviour is deemed unsuitable or inappropriate client approval may be removed. The Company will take all reasonable measures to ensure that requests are handled in a sensitive and fair manner. We would instruct that all employees act in a professional manner at all times and as a positive ambassador for ABM. On occasion, it may be that the Company has to comply with instructions to remove an employee or employees from a particular site. In those circumstances, the Company will take full account of the best interests of the workforce 9

and its statutory obligations before taking such action. If approval is removed the Company will seek an alternative location however if one cannot be found this may result in a lay off situation. If required, the disciplinary procedure may be invoked if deemed necessary which could result in termination of employment. Site specific rules apply, these must be followed and adhered to. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Client rules include but are not limited to: smoking on site, use of canteen facilities, accessing client property and inappropriate use of company programs. Contact with Clients If you have any questions or require assistance, you must contact your Line Manager. You must not contact the Client directly. Lay-Off and Reduced Working Hours The Company reserves the right to lay you off from work or reduce you’re working hours where, due to circumstances beyond its control, it is unable to maintain you in employment or in full-time employment. You will receive as much notice of such lay-off or short time as it is reasonably possible to give. You will not be paid during any lay-off period. In order to delay, and if possible, avoid such circumstances, employees must be prepared to accept reasonably alternative work if their own work is not available. Should the need arise to put staff on short-term work or to lay-off, the Company will give as much notice as is reasonable in the circumstances. Employees will only be paid for actual hours worked during such periods. 10

Annual Leave Policy Your annual leave entitlement is set out in your Statement. The holiday year runs from 1st January to 31st December. Unless otherwise set out in your Statement, you are entitled to 28 days' paid holiday during each holiday year or the pro rata equivalent if you work part time. This includes the usual public holidays in Northern Ireland. The public holidays recognised by the Company may differ depending on the site you work on and will be notified to you by your line manager. If you are required to work on a public holiday, you will receive time off in lieu for those hours worked. You will accrue annual holidays on the basis of 1/52nd of the annual entitlement for each week of service in the holiday year. Your Statement sets out whether you will receive time off in lieu, or any other entitlement, for any hours you are required to work on a public holiday. Generally, you will only be permitted to take a maximum of 2 weeks’ holiday at any one time. All holidays must have prior approval and authorisation. Requests for holidays should be submitted to your immediate line manager using a holiday request form at least 4 weeks prior to the start of a holiday period of 5 days or more and 2 weeks prior to a holiday of less than 5 days. There may be occasions when the Company will accept less notice at its discretion. The Company will respond as soon as possible to your request for holiday. No responsibility will be accepted for monies lost as a consequence of your failure to comply with this procedure. Where too many employees require the same holiday period, which if granted would impair the efficiency of the business, holidays will be granted on the basis of first request, first granted. You must reserve 11

sufficient annual holiday entitlement to cover the bank/public days and any general shutdown days required by a client during which the location where you are working is closed, the dates of which will be notified to you in advance each year. Unless otherwise set out in your Statement, you cannot carry forward untaken holiday from one holiday year to the following holiday year unless you have been prevented from taking it in the relevant holiday year by one of the following: a period of sickness absence or statutory maternity leave, paternity, adoption, parental or shared parental leave or where you have been unable to take holiday for operational reasons, and carry-over has been granted by your line manager. In cases of sickness absence, carry-over is limited to 4 weeks' holiday per year less any leave taken during the holiday year that has just ended. Normally, any such carried over holiday which is not taken within eighteen months of the end of the relevant holiday year will be lost. During any period of long-term absence, you shall not accrue holiday in excess of your statutory entitlement. Your entitlement under your Statement for the holiday year in which such absence takes place shall be reduced pro-rata but shall not fall below your statutory entitlement. Upon termination of your employment, payment will be made for all unused accrued holiday entitlement. Unless otherwise set out in your Statement, if we have dismissed you or would be entitled to dismiss you or you have resigned without giving the required notice, such payments shall be limited to your statutory entitlement under the Working Time Regulations 1998 (in Great Britain) or the Working Time Regulations (NI) 2016 (in Northern Ireland), and any paid holidays (including paid public holidays) taken 12

shall be deemed first to have been taken in satisfaction of that statutory entitlement. As set out in your Statement, if you have taken more annual holiday entitlement than you have accrued during the holiday year, the balance will be deducted from any outstanding pay. Part time employees are entitled to bank/public holidays on a pro rata basis. Public Holidays The following public holidays will be granted in accordance with the Working Time Regulations 1998 (in Great Britain) or the Working Time Regulations (NI) 2016: New Year’s Day Spring Bank Holiday St. Patrick’s Day Orangemen’s Day Good Friday Summer Bank Holiday Easter Monday Christmas Day Early May Bank Holiday Boxing Day Alcohol and Substance Abuse Alcohol and substance misuse can have a detrimental effect upon your health and can adversely influence your work performance and your relationships with colleagues and customers. It can result in reduced efficiency and increased absenteeism. The Company has a duty towards and is concerned about the health and welfare of all employees. It is therefore Company policy to: • Promote a responsible attitude to the consumption of alcohol amongst employees. • Offer assistance to those employees who require it. • Treat alcohol and substance abuse as a health problem and arrange for employees to seek professional assistance. 13

The Company may treat any absence due to alcohol and substance abuse in the same way as sickness absence on condition that you obtain professional treatment and maintain regular contact with the appropriate Occupational Health Department. The Company will treat all relevant discussions in strict confidence. If inadequate work performance or unacceptable behaviour, including poor work relationships, occur or persist, the matter may be dealt with under the Company's Disciplinary Procedure. Careful consideration will be given if you have acknowledged the existence of a problem and/or have agreed to obtain medical help for the condition. However, any incident which amounts to gross misconduct would be considered a dismissible offence. If you fail to complete a prescribed course of treatment or have a relapse following treatment, the matter may be dealt with under the Company's Disciplinary Procedure. Company Standards Uniform Policy Your appearance is of the utmost importance. We have learned over the years that our customers like and expect a clean well-groomed team, of neat appearance, therefore we have put together a few tips that are useful for everyone. The Company will provide you with a uniform which you must wear in full at all times whilst carrying out your working duties. The Company will replace uniforms damaged due to normal wear and tear free of charge. However, in the event the replacement is required due to your own negligence you will be responsible for the cost of replacing the uniform. • Full uniform must be worn at all times. 14

• Wear a clean, neat uniform. You should see to repairs such as stitching on hems and buttons yourself, however, ask for a replacement uniform if necessary. • Choose comfortable black or navy shoes, polished and in good repair. Open toed shoes, high heels, boots, platforms or runners are not allowed. • Safety shoes are essential on particular sites, you will be provided with a pair of safety shoes if they are required. • Jewellery should be conservative, and make-up and nail polish kept to a minimum. • Uniforms must be returned at time of leaving the Company, failure to do this will result in the deduction of their value from your final wages. Employees who are not required to wear a uniform must comply with the following formal dress code: • A business suit or smart jacket/blazer plus coordinating trousers/skirt and smart shirt/blouse/ top should be worn during all working hours. Any employee who disregards these rules will be subject to disciplinary action. In serious cases, where an employee's appearance is, in the organisations view, unacceptable, the employee will be required to return home to change. In these circumstances, the employee will not be paid for the duration of his/her absence from work. Wastage We operate a policy of “minimum wastage”, which is essential to the cost-effective and efficient running of all our operations. You are able to promote this policy by taking extra care in the pursuit of your normal duties to avoid unnecessary or extravagant use of services, time, 15

energy, materials and machinery. The following points are illustrations of this: • Handle machines, equipment and stocks with care. • Turn off any unnecessary lighting and heating. Keep doors closed whenever possible and do not allow taps to drip. • Ask for other work if your job has come to a standstill. • Start with the minimum of delay after arriving for work and after breaks. The following is an express written term of your contract of employment; • Any damage to vehicles, stock or property (including non- statutory safety equipment) that is the result of your carelessness, negligence or deliberate vandalism will render you liable to pay the full or part of the cost of repair or replacement. • Any loss to us that is the result of your failure to observe rules, procedures or instruction, or is a result of your negligent behaviour or your unsatisfactory standards of work will render you liable to reimburse the full or part of the cost of the loss. • In the event of failure to pay, we have the contractual right to deduct such costs from your pay. General • You are expected to arrive at the agreed starting time and you should not finish work before the agreed finishing time. • Changes in the work schedule on your contract, may only be altered by agreement with your Supervisor/Manager. • Unauthorised personnel or children must not be brought onto customers’ premises under any circumstances. • You may not make or receive personal telephone calls whilst at work. 16

• Under no circumstances may you use a customer’s supplies/equipment, etc. for personal use, nor should supplies/equipment be removed off site. • Both from the point of view of safety and of appearance, work areas must always be kept clean and tidy. Security on Site We operate in an industry in which trust plays a major and essential role. Strict security measures are therefore always in force and continually being updated. As an employee of ABM, you are in a position of trust and are expected to adhere to all security instructions on the sites in which you work. This is to protect both yourself and our customers. Any deviation from recognised security procedures and working practices will result in disciplinary action being taken. If you are in any doubt whatsoever about the security procedures which apply to your job, you must consult your Line Manager. Keys to customers premises, if entrusted to operators, must be kept safely, and must not leave the possession of the operator at any time. Always report any suspicious approaches or observations to your line manager as soon as possible, your report will be treated in strict confidence. Surveillance and CCTV We conduct all surveillance and monitoring in accordance with the guidelines of the Data Protection Regulations and surveillance may be conducted both overtly and covertly. Should an investigation be required, the investigating officer shall collate any available evidence which may include CCTV footage, photographic evidence, witness statements, notes of meetings and/or other documentation footage as soon as practicably possible. 17

It should be noted that some Company and Client premises may be equipped with CCTV cameras for security purposes. While relevant signs are clearly identifying such areas on Company premises, the use of signs on Client premises is beyond the control of ABM. All efforts are made to advise the employee designated to such an area/site of CCTV cameras in operation; however, the Company cannot accept any responsibility for such systems being installed and operated by the Client without relevant sign-posting. The Company will not use CCTV facilities to actively monitor employee conduct in the performance of day-to-day duties and will not proactively use CCTV to identify conduct that may give rise to disciplinary action. However, employees are advised that in the event of disciplinary or other investigative action being conducted, CCTV footage may be sought and used where it can assist in the process. This means that the Company may request access to CCTV footage if it is believed it may be relevant and/or assist with any investigation or disciplinary process, once it is aligned to the purposes for which it was originally recorded. Monitoring by CCTV will be conducted in a professional, ethical and legal manner. Review of the CCTV footage will be the responsibility of senior management or an appropriate designated individual. CCTV footage may be supplied to third parties where required to do so by law. Complaints Any complaints regarding the location or use of CCTV leading to an invasion of privacy or confidentiality should be made in writing your line manager. All complaints will be given full consideration by management. 18

Confidentiality In the absence of consent employees may not divulge or discuss any information, both during and after termination of employment, which comes into their possession during the course of their employment with the Company. Employees must exercise reasonable care to keep all documentation and other materials containing confidential information safe and shall at the time of termination with the Company, or at any other time upon demand, return to the Company any such material in your possession. Right to Search The Company reserves the right, at all times, to search any employee or employee’s property (including vehicles). It is understood that such checks in themselves do not imply suspicion in relation to the individual concerned. Due to the nature of our business, you may be required to undergo random searches whilst on sites by our clients as agents of the client. 19

Company Policies & Procedures 20

Corporate Social Responsibility We recognise that we must integrate our business values and operations to meet the expectations of our stakeholders. They include customers, employees, suppliers, the community and the environment. Our Corporate Social Responsibility policies mean that ABM always endeavor to build and maintain sound relationships with our stakeholders through open and fair communication. Our Core Purpose and Values define the way we do business, how we treat our customers, our people, each other and our suppliers. They help to define our responsibilities to the communities where our business operates and create the culture and environment in which our business strategy continues to deliver strong results. Our philosophy of \"Big enough to make things happen, small enough to care\" underpins these wide-ranging responsibilities. We pride ourselves on providing the best possible service and engage in fair dealings in every aspect of our business. Customers are at the heart of everything we do. Corporate Social Responsibility is good for our business and good for the communities where we operate. Corporate Social Responsibility reflects our Values. Our partnership values are as follows: • We shall strive to improve our environmental performance through implementation of our Environmental policies. • Through our Environmental Policy, we are employing new technologies and an energy efficiency system to help reduce our carbon footprint and establish new ways of improving our environmental management systems. • We shall ensure a high level of business performance while minimising and effectively managing risk. 21

• We shall support and encourage our employees to help local community organisations and activities in our region. • We operate an equal opportunities policy for all present and potential future employees. • We shall provide safeguards to ensure that all employees are treated with respect and attend a work environment free from bullying and harassment. We shall uphold the values of honesty, partnership and fairness in our relationships with stakeholders. • We will operate in a way that safeguards against unfair business practices. • We shall encourage suppliers and contractors to adopt responsible business policies and practices for mutual benefit. • We engage with our local community on a regular basis and take part in local community events, providing the Company with a sense of belonging within our community. Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy ABM s fully committed to the elimination of unlawful and unfair discrimination and values the differences that a diverse workforce brings to the organisation. ABM will not discriminate because of Age, Disability, Civil Status, Gender, Family Status, Race, Religion, Sexual Orientation, and Membership of the Traveller community. ABM will build a culture that values meritocracy, openness, fairness, and transparency. All employees are responsible for the promotion and advancement of this policy. Behaviour, actions or words that breach the policy will be dealt with in line with the organisation's disciplinary policy. Objectives relating to fair and inclusive practices will be included in all employees' performance indicators and will form an integral part of performance reviews throughout the year. 22

The policy is applicable to all employees, secondees, agency staff, clients, communities, suppliers and contractors, whether permanent or temporary. The policy applies to all processes relating to employment and training and to any dealings with customers and clients. Decisions relating to customers and communities will be based on business-related criteria only. The policy will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to reflect changes in the law, demographics and internal business requirements. Progress relating to the policy will be recorded annually and a full report will be presented to the senior management team to debate progress and review the policy status. Procedure wording: The publication of a diversity policy enables ABM to send out a strong message of commitment, both internally and externally. Although the diversity policy is a fundamental part of the organisation's diversity strategy, it will be brought to life only if it is reinforced by a focused and structured strategic diversity plan. In order to do this ABM is committed to the following processes. Leadership: ABM will: • Set diversity objectives. • Identify a senior level champion for leading the diversity strategy. • Secure top-level ownership and sponsorship for the programme. • Develop and cascade a diversity vision statement. 23

Audit: ABM will: • Undertake a full audit in relation to policies and procedures, practice of policy and perception of policy and process. • Obtain workforce metrics and compare them with sector and best practice organisations. • Produce a risk analysis report for senior leadership team to act as a catalyst for future activity across the business. The audit will include a review of all the processes to establish the organisation's position with regard to compliance and best practice. This will be done by administering a questionnaire to all staff, undertaking one-to-one interviews with key leaders and stakeholders, and facilitating focus groups to establish employees' perception in relation to key areas of the questionnaire. Policy Development: ABM will: • Benchmark existing policy statements from other organisations and advisory groups. • Develop human resources and other policies (outlining vision, scope, responsibility, accountability and measurements). • Cascade new policies with the chief operating officer endorsement through business briefings. 24

Training and Education: ABM will: • Conduct a full training needs analysis relating to the understanding and management of diversity. • Consult key stakeholders and players on the organisational learning requirements. • Evaluate suppliers' training and secure budget for training design and delivery. • Integrate diversity into mainstream training and development programmes. • Establish education programmes for all staff (including programmes that move from awareness to behavioural change). • Integrate diversity competencies into development programmes and assessment and selection processes. Communication and Consultation: ABM will: • Establish key lines of communication across the business through consultation with key stakeholders. • Undertake an audit of existing communications channels so that compliance and inclusiveness are assured. • Ensure that communication imagery and graphics are inclusive, and reflect and reinforce the words within the documentation. • Distribute a top-level communications plan to senior management for team briefings, and develop \"reporting back\" communication lines to ensure feedback. • Ensure that mainstream business communications reinforce the inclusive messages and become mainstreamed into day-to-day processes. 25

• Communicate and celebrate the organisation's successes in diversity. Resources ABM will: • Establish formal reporting lines for monitoring progress against targets and objectives. • Select and establish a diversity steering council with representatives from across all parts of the organisation. • Identify and appoint functional diversity champions to report progress to the diversity council on a quarterly basis. • Secure financial sign-off from the Chief Operating Officer / HR Director to enable related activities to be undertaken (for example reasonable adjustments to comply with the employment equality acts 1998 - 2015, and communication and training programmes). Measurement ABM will: • Capture all available workforce metrics from existing databases to benchmark against sector companies, demographics and best practice standards. • Agree the aspirational targets for the workforce composition over a five-year period with the chief executive, the board and the diversity steering council. • Establish formal measurement tools to assess the climate in ABM (for example regular staff surveys, 360° feedback mechanisms and diversity perception audits). • Assess progress in achieving its diversity objectives. • Develop relationships with external benchmarking bodies to assess progress. 26

• Evaluate network fairness (both in and out of sector) to assess value for benchmarking purposes. External Profile ABM will: • Join appropriate organisations in order to network, exchange best practice and generally raise the organisation's profile. • Build relationships with trade, and the local and national press to develop a good external image and to position ABM at the leading edge. • Market the organisation's key representatives on to the human resources / diversity conference circuit in order to present case studies and capture external best practice. • Develop relationships outside the human resources press sector in order to mainstream the diversity context into business. Company Vehicle Policy This policy applies to all employees of the company, employed on a contract of service, who are entitled to make use of a company vehicle either as part of compensation package or job requirement vehicle. In the event of a non-employee driving a company vehicle, the non- employee must first obtain the permission of the Company and must then sign a Company Vehicle Policy and submit a copy of their driving licence before they will be permitted to drive. Eligibility for Company Vehicle • The company provides vehicles where they are essential to perform a job effectively and economically on a job requirement basis. 27

• Company vehicles will only be given to employees’ who have presented a copy of their valid driving licence. • All of those on full driving licences may drive a company vehicle. Standard Reference Models The Vehicle Policy is operated at the full discretion of the Company and its decision will be final with regard to: • The options offered to any individual employee • The choice of cars and extras. Although the company will, whenever possible, take full account of employee’s wishes with respect to choice of car, it’s decision will also be influenced by the following: • The availability of unallocated vehicles in the vehicle pool • The requirements of the job as they relate to choice of vehicles and extras – with particular regard to driver safety considerations • Presentation of an appropriate image of the company • Accident record of employee Safety Seat belts must be worn at all times by all passengers, including rear seat passengers. Passengers must only travel in a seat, i.e., not in the back of the van. If you carry children in a company vehicle, they must be seated in the appropriate child seat and/or wearing an appropriate seat belt at all times. Never attract thieves by hanging jackets inside your vehicle, or leaving briefcases, handbags or other valuables visible in the seat of your vehicle. Lock your valuables in the boot of your vehicle and never place items on the rear passenger 28

shelf or under your seat where they may attract unwanted attention or block your view of the rear window or roll under brake or accelerator pedals while you are driving. Because you are driving a company vehicle, a colleague may have used the vehicle since you last drove it. Every time you drive a company vehicle you must ensure that mirrors and seats are adjusted to your own comfort before you start driving. Be familiar with the location of all primary and secondary controls before you drive off. Traffic Fines When driving, all motorists have the responsibility to obey the rules of the road and the legal obligations that arise under the Road Traffic Act. Fines for all infractions of the law, for example speeding and parking violations, are the employee’s personal responsibility and may not be claimed for reimbursement nor will the Company make deductions for same from payroll and pay the fine on behalf of an employee. Penalty Points There are now 31 driving offences incurring penalty points and any person who accumulates 12 penalty points will automatically be banned from driving for 6 months. In this situation, employees who are required to drive would no longer be in a position to carry out their duties and would face dismissal. (a) Employees must notify the Company in writing within 30 days of receiving penalty points. (b) Employees who have accumulated 6 penalty points will receive a verbal warning reminding them that they will face dismissal if 12 penalty points are accumulated. 29

(c) Employees who have accumulated 8 penalty points will receive a written warning reminding them that they will face dismissal if 12 penalty points are accumulated. (d) Employees who have accumulated 10 penalty points will receive a written warning reminding them that they will face dismissal if 12 penalty points are accumulated. (e) Employees who have accumulated 12 penalty points will face dismissal. In some cases, the Company may agree to the employee appointing a driver for the period of the driving ban at the employee’s own expense. This is entirely at the discretion of the Company. Accident In the event of an accident involving a company car, whether the vehicle is damaged or not, the following procedures must be adhered to: • Always stop the vehicle at the scene of the accident. • Ensure the Gardai are called to the scene and get the name and station of the Garda involved. • Ensure that any injuries are investigated at the nearest hospital. • Obtain the name and addresses of witnesses where available. • Do not admit/accept liability. Statements should only be provided to the Gardai or Company. • Obtain full details of the third party i.e. name, address, contact phone no., details of insurance and policy number, model and registration number of car. • Report the accident as early as possible to the company and complete a Motor Vehicle Accident Report Form • Any correspondence from the ‘third party’ relating to the accident should be passed to the Human Resources Department 30

• No repair work should be undertaken without the prior approval of the company. Theft In the event of either the theft of the vehicle or the theft of personal property from the vehicle, you should follow the procedure set out below: • Report the incident to the Police • Report the incident to The Company • The company insurance will not provide cover in relation to loss of personal affects, therefore, it is not advisable to leave valuables in your car. Care of Company Vehicle All company vehicles are issued on the understanding that they will be cared for and utilised in a responsible manner and that all terms of this policy are complied with. Drivers are reminded of the fact that they are using company property and are expected to maintain their vehicles in a clean and tidy condition at all times. We are a contract cleaning company and it is imperative that we present a hygienic image to customers and potential customers as we go about our daily business. You must report any repairs due or any mechanical faults with the vehicle to the Stores and Purchasing Manager. ABM retain the right to claim, from an employee, expenses incurred regarding damage to a company vehicle through the employee’s negligence or carelessness. Foreign Travel 31

When travelling outside Ireland, when use of company car is solely for private purposes, additional insurance costs and other associated costs will not be borne by the company. Unpaid Leave Car benefit does not remain in effect during employee’s long-term absence, parental leave or maternity leave, paid and unpaid. A Taxable Benefit Company cars are taxable as benefit-in-kind, which must be deducted from payroll. The company is not responsible for changes in the tax laws or changes in the interpretation of those laws. New Benefit in Kind rates and requirements may be imposed by the Revenue Commissioners each year. Insurance ABM have the appropriate insurance policies in place to cover all ABM leased/hired vehicles and their drivers. There is excess on the policy and ABM reserve the right to reclaim this from the individual if the damage is a result of their negligence. Drivers must annually submit a copy of their driving license to Reception for insurance purposes. Drivers must also submit a copy of statement of penalty points from Department of the Environment when requested to do so. Personal Property The Company will not be responsible for the loss or damage to employee’s property, including motor vehicles, bags, money, etc., on company premises or at Client sites or facilities. Employees should report all property, lost or found, to their Supervisor/Manager. 32

Smoke-Free Workplace Policy ‘Vehicles’ are included in the definition of a ‘place of work’, therefore the company Smoke-Free Workplace. Policy states that smoking is prohibited in vehicles during working hours, at which time the vehicles are designated workplaces. Disciplinary Action Willful damage or negligence to the Company Vehicle is deemed as Gross Misconduct. If you’re found guilty of gross misconduct you may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Car Insurance and Accident Liability Policy The below information is for employees of ABM who are in possession of a Company Vehicle. Associated cost with Company Vehicle Whilst petrol/diesel, tax, insurance and maintenance of the vehicles are all costs which are covered by the Company the following costs are not covered by the Company: • Toll trips to and from work not covered by the Company and payment must be discharged by the employee- please discuss the appropriate method of payment with your Line Manager • Car washing is the responsibility of the authorised driver and Company vehicles are expected to be presentable inside /outside at all times. 33

Authorised Drivers The Company accepts that Company vehicles are used during employee’s personal free time. However, certain restrictions apply regarding who is covered on the Company insurance motor policy during that time. The Company employee authorised to drive the Company car is authorised to give permission to their spouse/partner to drive their Company vehicle. Should permission be granted, it is on the basis that their spouse/partner has no penalty points, has not been involved in a motor accident and is a full licence holder. The spouse/partner authorised to drive the Company vehicle must be 25 years of age or older. The Company authorised driver must ensure compliance and must inform the Company, in writing, who they have nominated. Notifications can be submitted to the Human Resources Department. No other individual is permitted to drive the Company vehicle without express written permission of a Senior Manager. With regard to commercial vehicles, a spouse/partner is not authorised or insured to drive the Company vehicle, the employee is the only individual who is covered by the Company motor insurance policy. Accidents In case of an accident the driver will be held responsible for the first €400.00 of the damages to Company vehicle where the accident was as a result of driver error. In the unfortunate event that a driver is involved in various accidents, the driver will be accountable for the first €400.00 of each accident whereby the vehicle requires the repair. The driver is also responsible for keeping the vehicle locked and secured at all times, in event of vehicle being stolen as result of failure 34

to lock or secure the vehicle, the driver will be held responsible for damages incurred. Recruitment and Selection Policy Promotion It is our policy to provide career opportunities for employees whenever possible and to encourage employees who wish to progress. If you would like to be considered for more responsibility, you should advise your Supervisor/Manager. All applications for promotions will be given full and fair consideration. Promotion will be at the discretion of management and will be based on ability and suitability for the position as determined by the Company. Advertising The Company commits to advertising all vacancies internally. Internal notifications will be circulated by email to all staff. In addition, it is the responsibility of Site / Account Managers to display vacancy notices in the area of work, where possible. The Company advertises all positions on our Company website and on our recruitment platform. We encourage all employees to review the website for current vacancies. Prior to applying for a vacancy please discuss this with your line manager directly. Shortlisting ABM commits to reviewing all Curriculum Vitae / Application Forms submitted for vacancies. Applications will be reviewed in line with the essential criteria required for the position. In circumstances where the number of applications submitted exceeds the resources available the 35

Company reserves the right to introduce desirable criteria, as outlined in the role profile, at the shortlisting stage. Interview The Company commits to a formal interview process which is competency based. A competency is a skill, attribute or behaviour that we have identified as essential for the role. Candidates will be asked a series of questions in which they will be required to provide an example of a time they previously demonstrated the competency. The Company commits to responding to all candidate following the interview process. Job Offer Where a candidate is successful at interview, they will be moved to preferred candidate stage of the recruitment and selection process. Preferred candidate stage means the candidate has reached the appointable score at interview and has been provisionally offered the job. This provisional offer is subject to satisfactory references and proof of qualifications, and successful Garda Vetting for some sites. Job Commencement Induction We are committed to ensuring that all employees receive training throughout their career at ABM. At the commencement of your employment you will receive a Company induction and on the job training for your specific job. Employees will also receive Manual Handling training as part of the induction process. As your employment progresses your skills may be extended to encompass 36

new job activities within the business. Any training needs should be identified by your immediate Supervisor / Manager. Site specific training requirements may also apply. You are instructed to attend where required. You manager will advise on requirements. Probation Unless you have a contract that states otherwise, your appointment with ABM is subject to a 13-week probationary period. During the probation period you will be provided with the appropriate training in order to provide with the opportunity to attain the high standards of performance, conduct and attendance required by ABM. In circumstances where shortcomings are identified your manager will discuss with you as soon as possible. The purpose of this discussion will be to bring the shortcomings to your attention and to identify whether there are any additional training supports you may require. Failure to satisfactorily complete the probation period within the 13- week time frame may lead to the termination of the contract of employment. During the probation period, the contract may be terminated by either party with 1 weeks’ notice. The probation period for Administration / Management staff and above is 6 months. The time frame of your probation period will be stated in your contract of employment. Failure to satisfactorily complete the probation period within the 6-month time frame may lead to the termination of the contract of employment. 37

ID Badge You may be assigned an ID badge, where applicable, on commencement of employment. It is imperative that where you are assigned an ID Badge that you ensure you wear it during each shift. Certain ID Badges can also be used to provide access to offices / Client sites; if this is the case, they must be kept safe and secure at all times. You cannot share or give access to any other member of staff, the public or third party without prior approval from your Manager. Any breaches of this could result in the Disciplinary Procedure being invoked. Reward and Recognition Pension The Company complies with its “auto-enrolment” pension scheme duties. Please ask your line manager or the HR department for more information about your entitlements or contributions under our pension scheme. Absence Policy It is policy of ABM to establish reasonable and necessary controls to ensure adequate attendance standards are in place to meet business needs. There is a reasonable expectation that all employees manage their health to ensure they are fit to provide a regular and uninterrupted service in order to fulfil their contractual obligation to the company. The Company recognises from time to time an employee may be absent from work due to illness. Absence will be measured and monitored by the manager responsible for the site(s), to ensure that 38

the employee is able to do the job effectively without putting themselves or others at risk. All absences will be considered on an individual basis however, excessive amounts of absenteeism will be assessed and discussed with the employee directly. In circumstances where there is excessive absenteeism an investigation may be conducted to identify any underlying reasons impacting the employee’s attendance at work and to ensure all supportive measures are put in place to facilitate the employee to attend work regularly. In these circumstances ABM may request consent to write to your Doctor to request a medical report and/or refer you to the Company Doctor. ABM is aware that absence due to illness may result from a disability. At each stage of the absence meetings procedure, outlined below, particular consideration will be given to whether there are any reasonable adjustments that can be made, to the requirements of a job or other aspects of working environment, that will provide support at work and/or assist a return to work. If you consider that you are affected by a disability or any medical condition which affects your ability to undertake your work, you should inform your Line manager immediately. ABM does not intend to penalise employees that are genuinely ill, however if an employee is certified medically unfit to continue to work, they may not be able to continue employment and fulfill their employment contract obligations. Absences that are deemed not to be genuine will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action being initiated. 39

Attendance Punctuality is imperative to the successful and satisfactory execution of all contracts. You must attend work punctually, at the specified times, and you are required to comply strictly with any time recording procedures related to your area of work. If you arrive late for work, you must present to your manager immediately to advise them of the reason for late attendance. Disciplinary action may be taken against employees who are persistently late for work. In circumstance where you attend more than 1 hour late without having previously notified your line manager, other arrangements may have been made to cover your duties and you may be sent off the premises for the remainder of the shift/day without pay. You must seek authorization from your Supervisor/Manager should you wish to leave your place of work before your normal rostered finishing time. Statutory Sick Pay Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) will be paid when you are absent from work due to sickness, provided that you have complied with the requirements and conditions attached to its payment. The rate of SSP is set by government in April each year. When SSP is payable SSP cannot be paid for the first 3 days of sickness. Therefore, payment usually starts on the 4th day of absence, and continues for as long as you are absent, up to a maximum of 28 weeks in any one period of sickness. SSP is paid in exactly the same way as normal earnings. 40

Where periods of incapacity for work are separated by less than 8 weeks, you will be entitled to SSP from the first day of the second period of incapacity for work. When SSP is not payable SSP is not payable in certain circumstances, the principal ones being: • If your average weekly earnings are less than the figure set by the Government for the payment of National Insurance Contributions; • For absence of less than 4 days; • If you have failed to follow the Sickness Notification Procedure; • If your employment has terminated; • Where Statutory Maternity Pay/Shared Parental Pay is being paid to you; • For days on which you do not normally work (e.g. if you work Monday to Friday and not at weekends, SSP will normally apply to those 5 days only). The rules on SSP are very complex and you should not hesitate to raise any query you may have with the Company. Absence & Lateness Procedure It is a condition of employment that employees who because of illness, or any other reason, are unable to report for duty should notify their line manager as soon as possible on the first day of illness, realising that you must allow sufficient notice for your line manager to make alternative staffing arrangements. Where possible if you work a morning shift, you should contact your line manager on the evening before your shift is due to start. 41

If you work an afternoon shift, you should contact your Line manager by 11.00am. If you work an evening shift, you should contact your Line manager by 1.00pm. Calls in relation to your absence should inform your Line manager of: • The reason you cannot attend work • When you became ill / injured • The nature of illness / injury • Whether your illness / injury is due to an accident at work • Whether you will be seeking medical attention • The expected duration of your absence It is unacceptable for another person to report an employee’s absence - only in very exceptional circumstances can another person call on your behalf. If you are feeling unwell while at work, you must contact your line manager before leaving your work location. Text messages, voicemails or e-mails are not recognised methods of communication. In the event you cannot contact your line manager you must contact the next most appropriate manager to inform them of your absence. Prompt action removes uncertainty about the reason for absence and allows a proper assessment (this could include, for example, whether to re-allocate duties, request temporary cover, plan a replacement, etc.). Employees are required to contact their line manager no later than 3pm the day before their expected return to work to confirm their intentions to return to work or otherwise. This is requested to allow sufficient notice for the line manager to source cover if required. 42

Unauthorised Absence If an employee is absence from their work and they have not notified the company of the absence as per the Absence and Lateness Procedure, such absence will be referred to as an unauthorised absence. Cases of unauthorised absence will be dealt with under the Company’s Disciplinary Procedure. Self-Certification and Medical Certificate You should produce the following written evidence of absence and ensure that appropriate certificates are provided for the whole of your absence. Self-Certificate In the case of absence lasting 7 days or less (including weekends and public holidays) you should obtain a Company self-certification form from your Supervisor or Manager immediately on your return to work. The form must be completed and signed in the presence of your Supervisor or Manager whom you should ask to countersign it. All sickness absences in excess of 7 consecutive days are to be covered by doctors' medical statements which must be forwarded to the Company without delay. If absence continues beyond the expiry of a certificate, a further certificate must be provided. If your doctor provides a certificate stating that you \"may be fit for work\" you must inform your Manager immediately. We will hold a discussion with you about how to facilitate your return to work, taking account of your doctor's advice. If appropriate measures cannot be taken, you will remain on sick leave and we will set a date for review. 43

The Company may require you to undergo examination by a qualified medical practitioner in cases of lengthy or frequent absence. Medical Certificate • A Medical Certificate from a doctor is required for absence of more than 7 calendar days; or when requested, where more than 3 periods of self-certificated absence occur in any 12- month period (this may have to be obtained at your own expense); or for absence before or following an annual or public holiday. • If you are absent by the eighth day (including Saturday and Sunday), you must send the certification issued by your GP to their Manager. • Fit notes must cover subsequent periods of absence. • You should forward certificates and any correspondence to the Site Manager or Account Manager as soon as possible. Failure to do so may result in sick pay being delayed or withheld and action under the Company’s Disciplinary Procedure being taken. Keeping in Contact during an Absence It is the employee’s responsibility to maintain contact with your line manager whilst you are absent from work. This contact is to ensure you keep your line manager updated on your expected date of return and any potential reasonable accommodations you may require. If you have any concerns while absent, you should contact your line manager directly. If you are absent on sick leave you may be contacted from time to time by your line manager in order to discuss your wellbeing, expected length of continued absence from work and any aspect of your work that may require attention in your absence. Such contact is intended to provide reassurance and will be kept to a reasonable minimum. 44

Return to Work Interviews On your return to work your line manager will conduct a return-to-work interview with you. This interview allows the line manager to explore the details of your absence; discuss your health and welfare; provide you with necessary supports; review your attendance and lateness record and highlight any concerns about attendance levels. It also gives you the opportunity to raise any concerns or questions you may have and to bring any relevant matters to our attention. Following periods of long-term absence, period of four weeks or more, a ‘return to work’ medical certificate is required prior to an employee recommencing work. A Return to Work certificate, enables your Doctor to advise if you Fit to return to work with full duties. Where your doctor has provided a certificate stating that you are “fit for work” we will usually hold a return-to-work interview to discuss any additional measures that may be needed to facilitate your return to work, taking account of your doctor’s advice. At this meeting, the suggested amendments will be discussed with the aim of facilitating your return to work as soon as possible. If the suggested amendments are not possible you will remain on sick leave. If amendments are possible you will return to work, but regular reviews will be carried out to ensure that the amendments are adequate. It should be noted that any amendments are not to be viewed as a permanent change to your contract of employment. 45

Returning to Work after a Long-Term Absence Long-term sickness absence is defined as a continuous absence for a period of 4 weeks or more. The Company is committed to helping employees return to work from long-term sickness absence. As part of our sickness absence meetings procedure below the Company will, where appropriate and possible, support return to work by: • Obtain medical evidence • Make reasonable adjustments to the workplace, working practices and working hours (if suitable according to business needs) • Consider redeployment, and/or • Agree a return to work programme with everyone affected If you have been absent for a continuous period of 4 week’s or more, we may request permission to send you to the Company Doctor to get an unbiased, independent review. Consideration will be given to reasonable adjustments or alternative employment which could facilitate your return to work. However, employees should be aware that long term absence could lead to the termination of their employment if they are certified medically unfit to return to work. AWOL Process Absent without official leave (AWOL) is when an employee fails to turn up for work without notifying/making contact with their employer to advise of their absence. ABM adhere to a fair process when managing an employee who is deemed absent without leave. 46

Should the employee fail to make contact with the company within the first 3 days of absence, the employee will be contacted in writing advising them: 1. That they are in breach of the company’s Absence Policy and 2. Requesting them to make contact with the company within 3 – 5 days to advise on the reasons for their unauthorised absence. Should the employee fail to make contact with the company after the first attempt, the employee will be contacted for a second time in writing advising them: 3. They are being provided with a final opportunity to make contact with the company. 4. That they are in breach of the company’s Absence Policy and 5. To make contact with the company within 3 – 5 days to advise on the reasons for their unauthorised absence or the company will be left with no alternative only to believe that the employee wishes to terminate their contract of employment with the company. Should the employee fail to make contact with the company after the second attempt made in writing, the HR Department will be notified by the employees’ manager. The HR department will then issue the employee a termination notification in writing, and they will be processed as a leaver from the date of the final AWOL correspondence attempt. The employee will also be provided with an opportunity to appeal any termination within a given timeframe. Absence Review Meetings Procedure The Company will apply this procedure whenever we consider it necessary, including, for example, if you: 47

• Have been absent due to illness on 3 or more occasions within a rolling 6 month period; • Have discussed matters at a return to work interview that require investigation; and/or • Absence for a period of 4 weeks or more Unless it is impractical to do so, the Company will give you 2 working days’ notice of the date, time and place of an absence review meeting. Concerns about your absence and the basis for those concerns will be put to you in writing and a reasonable opportunity for you to consider this information will be provided before the meeting. The meeting will be conducted by your line manager. You may bring a colleague or trade union representative with you to the meeting as support. You must take all reasonable steps to attend the meeting, failure to do so without good reason may be treated as misconduct. If you or your representative are unable to attend at the time specified, you should immediately inform your line manager who will seek to agree an alternative time. To ignore or fail to acknowledge the meeting request, will not be tolerated by the Company. A meeting may be adjourned if your line manager is awaiting receipt of information, needs to gather further information or consider the matters discussed at the meeting. You will be given a reasonable opportunity to consider any new information obtained before the meeting is reconvened. Confirmation of any decision made at a meeting, the reasons for it, and of the right of appeal will be given to you in writing within five working days of a sickness absence meeting (unless this time scale is not practicable, in which case it will be provided as soon as is practicable). If, at any time, your Manager considers that you have taken or are taking sickness absence when you are not unwell, they may refer 48

matters to be dealt with under the Company’s Disciplinary and Dismissal Procedure. Right to be accompanied at meetings You may bring a representative to any meeting or appeal meeting under this procedure. Your representative may be either a trade union representative or a work colleague. Their identity must be confirmed to the person conducting the meeting, in good time before it takes place. Some companions may not be allowed: for example, anyone who may have a conflict of interest, or whose presence may prejudice a meeting. Companions should not work at another site, exceptions will be made when no-one reasonably suitable is available at the site at which you work. The Company may at its discretion, permit a representative who is not an employee or union representative where this will help overcome particular difficulties caused by a disability, or difficulty understanding English. Please seek permission from your manager to allow attendance at the meeting. Employees are allowed reasonable time off from duties without loss of pay to act as a representative. However, they are not obliged to act as a representative and may decline a request if they so wish. A representative may make representations, ask questions, and sum up your position, however, will not be allowed to answer questions on your behalf. You may confer privately with your representative at any time during a meeting. Stage 1: First Absence Review Meeting The purposes of a first absence review meeting may include: • Discussing the reasons for absence; 49

• Where you are on long-term sickness absence, determining how long the absence is likely to last; • Where you have been absent on a number of occasions, determining the likelihood of further absences; • Considering whether medical advice is required; • Considering what, if any, measures might improve your health and/or attendance; • Agreeing a way forward, action that will be taken and a time- scale for review and/or a further meeting under the sickness absence procedure. Stage 2: Further Absence Review Meeting(s) Depending on the matters discussed at Stage 1 of the absence review meeting, further meetings may be necessary. The purposes of further meeting(s) may include: • Discussing the reasons for and impact of your ongoing absence(s); • Where you are on long-term sickness absence, discussing how long your absence is likely to last; • Where you have been absent on a number of occasions, discussing the likelihood of further absences; • If it has not been obtained, considering whether medical advice is required. If it has been obtained, considering the advice that has been given and whether further advice is required; • Considering your ability to return to/remain in your job in view both of your capabilities and the business needs and any adjustments that can reasonably be made to your job to enable you to do so; 50

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