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Home Explore SCHOOL NEWSLETTER 2020-2021


Published by Priya Arun, 2021-10-03 08:10:16

Description: SCHOOL NEWSLETTER 2020-2021


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“In crisis it is acceptable to have more questions than answers. In crisis there is no room for ‘Not invented- here’. In crisis we should all be learners.” Being able to make a contribution in uplifting lives through education is a very noble mission. Our aim at Sunrise is to work unanimously to unleash the inherent intellectual, social and emotional capacities of all students who pass through the gates of this institution. I would like to convey my earnest appreciation to the Management and staff of Sunrise for their systematic, strenuous and successful efforts that have enabled the school to deliver quality education through this covid-19 pandemic. Covid 19 with its sudden upheavals has changed our routine and lifestyles. We understand the challenges faced by students, parents and the teachers to the academic needs during closure of school and adapting to virtual learning. However, the importance of education remains consistent. This huge challenge inspired us to re-invent ourselves. Our teaching staff has been working hard showing their care and concern for the students.

They modified their teaching methodologies to ensure that on line classes are as effective as the physical ones. They have tried to create a happy atmosphere by providing intellectual and interactive sessions, varieties of online games and quizzes and entertaining hours of dance and music. All these also lead to imbibing of digital skills, one of the most important literary skills of 21st century. We believe this is the time to not just deal with the current emergency but also build the foundation of resilience to face such different events in the future. We have learned to be responsible, empathetic and safe. The students too adapted quickly to this new routine of online classes. This Covid-19 pandemic should not lock down the aspirations of our young generation. My suggestion is that they should take the lead and acknowledge their accomplishments. “For I believe - sprouted in the fire does not wither away in the sun”. As parents walk the tight rope in achieving the precarious work life balance, it is crucial that quality time is given to children to establish a routine for them and to help them get over the inability to meet their friends. The unstinted support and cooperation which we received from our dear parents as we navigated our way through this challenge is praiseworthy. Each issue of our newsletter is a milestone that marks our growth, unfolds our imagination and gives life to our thoughts and aspirations. My message to my dear students at this juncture is- Success is not an option but an expectation. It can’t be accomplished overnight. It requires careful planning and willingness to accept challenges and bring about new changes. Have ambitions and aims untrammelled and your hard work, enthusiasm, resilience along with knowledge and intellect would take you to any extent you desire. Endeavour to be better human beings while foraying in the competitive life and realizing your dream. May God shower his choicest blessings on each one of you.

‘In education technology can be a life changer, a game changer, for kids who are both in school and out of school’ – QUEEN RANIA OF JORDAN. It has been a very busy year with lots of high-quality teaching – learning experience taking place every day for both the teachers and the students. Sunrise English Private school has moved forward to achieve the mission of meeting the students’ needs academically and non- academically amidst the pandemic and various other challenges that came our way. We present this newsletter as a ‘wall of fame’ which is filled with photographs of the trophies, certificates and accolades earned by our students in various competitions.

The faculty of Sunrise continue to pride by providing the high range and quality of education even in the online classes. We motivate them and set them up for the success as citizens and inspire in them a drive to do well and succeed in life. Children carry what they taught at a young age throughout the rest of their lives. They will use what they have learned to influence society. Everyone knows that today’s youth will become tomorrow’s leaders. We, as teachers understand our responsibilities and educate the students in their most impressionable years. Our online teaching enhances the education system as the students can work at their own pace and the materials are provided according to the students’ needs and the learning abilities. Our institution provides new opportunities for the teachers to deliver content in ways that the students of today can relate to. We make sure to develop a strong bond with students as we get to know them better and develop a sense of how they are coping with the class and the content. We would like to extend our sincere appreciation to the parents for your support and resilience. We understand the enormous responsibility and challenges that Remote Learning placed on parents and students as you had to create time, space, routine, and support for learning at home. Effort is the process; achievement is the outcome.

During the online classes our students have shown a best combination of talent, skills and attitude that add up to a great performance. I feel elated and proud to appreciate our students who brought great laurels to our institution with their passionate efforts. The online classes have been phenomenally successful, and our team has reached great heights with flying colours. Life is an adventure...enjoy the ride. I wish you much happiness as you travel down life's highway. Looking forward for an another enticing year full of new adventures and challenges.

Chasing Dreams UAE Mars Pride Mission “HOPE PROBE” The United Arab Emirates has made history as the first Arab country to reach Mars. The Emirates Mars mission, named the Hope Probe, reached the red planet at 7:42 p.m.UAE time, Tuesday, 9th Feb2021 and sent its signal back to Earth just over half an hour later. The spacecraft is a robotic probe sent to Mars under the Emirates Mars Mission and has been named \"Hope\" or Al-Amal. Spacecraft: Hope (Arabic: ‫الأمل‬, Al-Amal) Launch mass: 1350 kg, including; 800 kg hydrogen Launch date: 19 July 2020, 21:58:14 UTC Orbital insertion: 9 February 2021, 15:30. The Hope Probe will be the first probe to provide a complete picture of the Martian atmosphere and its layers when it reaches the red planet's orbit in 2021. It will help answer key questions about the global Martian atmosphere and the loss of hydrogen and oxygen gases into space over the span of one Martian year.

Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre is responsible for the execution and supervision of all stages of the design, development and launch of the Hope Probe. The UAE Space Agency is funding and supervising the entire project. Probes which were sent earlier by other countries Mars Observer (launched in 1992) Mars 96 (1996) Mars Climate Orbiter (1999) Mars Polar Lander with Deep Space 2 (1999) Nozomi (2003) Beagle 2 (2003) Fobos-Grunt with Yinghuo-1 (2011) Schiaparelli lander (2016) As of February 2021, there are 14 missions with objects on the surface of Mars.

Aim of the HOPE PROBE mission: To provide a complete picture of the Martian atmosphere. Scientific objectives of the mission : •Understand climate dynamics and the global weather map through characterizing the lower atmosphere of Mars •Explain how the weather changes the escape of Hydrogen and Oxygen through correlating the lower atmosphere conditions with the upper atmosphere •Understand the structure and variability of Hydrogen and Oxygen in the upper atmosphere, as well as identifying why Mars is losing them into space, Goals of the mission: •To Improve the quality of life on Earth by pushing our limits to make new discoveries •To encourage global collaboration in Mars exploration •To build scientific knowledge and capabilities in the field of interplanetary exploration •To Inspire future Arab generations to pursue space science •To establish the UAE’s position as a beacon of progress in the region.

At the crack of dawn, when our parents wake us up and, as usual, get ready for school. The reverberating sounds of the bus horns along with the gushing of the morning breeze as we wait at our stop. One of the typical routines of most of us. But things have changed after March. Our world has gone for an eerily silent sleep. I remember, about nine months ago, sitting and studying exuberantly for our final term, and my Math’s exam was the day after. I recall when mom was reading the school mail and heard that school is going to close after the math exam, the rest would continue online. At that point, I felt perplexed. Fast forward to mid-April. The airports were at a halt. Everyone had to sit in their home. Schools were told to conduct classes online in applications like Zoom, Teams, etc. The next terror was for my parents to get enough devices for us. Mostly, for my mom, I used to see her getting in trouble with the requirements for both my siblings. A school is a place not only to educate but also for chit-chatting and mingling with friends, to play, etc. According to me, online schooling was an abnormal state of usual. As I have joined a new school this year, I haven't even seen the interior of the school yet. We can't speak to each other like we used to. And also, we couldn't go to India on summer vacation and not even to Dubai. And felt like we are locked in prisons. Besides, we all should have a check-up for our vision, as most of the time, we need to look in the system for our homework classes, etc.

Apart from that, even though it is a lockdown, it had a lot of ups too. I felt that it was a little constructive and useful. As for me, parents can spend more time with their kids. They can sit around the dining room table with their family. Secondly, I feel like the environment is less polluted, the skies are getting clear. Maintaining enough hygiene, people wearing masks, gloves, sanitizing their hands frequently, I am pretty sure that this wasn't the life we had before coronavirus. And last but not the least, accepting the present situation. Hence, I feel that this pandemic, even though it is a hazardous virus, but is also is an eye-opener from nature to us to realize to stop wasting food, being satisfied with what you have or with the present situation, etc. It is teaching us to huddle with each other and unite as one like how we are battering the virus. Cause this will only lead to one's destruction and not for the good of anyone. -Stay Safe, Feel Motivated, Enjoy the Present Name: - Kartika. B. Nair Grade/Session: - 9D

1. The Launch I joined NASA and had training. The training was so cool.The Flight training, Neutral buoyancy, Countermeasures (Exercising in space), Space food (testing), Space suit (Pressurized space glove), Spacewalking etc. The day my rocket was about to launch, I was so excited. 3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF!! 2. The Orbit I reached space in about 8 ½ minutes. The moment we reached there, I saw the Planet Earth. I looked the other side and saw the moon, full of craters, aliens, rocks, ice… Wait a minute! ALIENS!!?? An alien in one of the craters? Hmm… My eyes must be playing tricks on me. Huh! Another alien!?? This time my eyes are NOT playing tricks on me!! Wait and it’s waving at…us?!! I got to tell my friends! Guys, you really want to see this! They came here and the alien just disappeared!! They said my eyes were playing tricks on me. …I said my eyes don’t play tricks on me two times! But they just ignored it

3. The creature We landed on the moon, it looked so different from up here. Everyone went here and there. I stepped forward and the floor opened just under me, and down I went!! It was deep fall. I said “Am I going to reach the core of the moon!!? And suddenly I bumped on the floor. It was quite dark, But good thing I had a torch on my suit. I clicked the on button… A monster!!!!! I quickly ran and hid behind a boulder… I saw it was just a little alien. I asked its name, it said “BOO!!” I got frightened! I asked its name again. It replied “BOO!!” I was even more frightened. I said “Umm…. I am asking your name….” It replied “My name is Boo!” I said “Oh, so your NAME is BOO” I asked him directions to go up, he showed me an elevator. Before going up, I asked him “Is the moon full of booby traps?” He replied “yes” I asked him why? He replied “To protect us.” I went up and told them everything that happened. SARVESH SANDEEP KORE GRADE : 4 E

What I do when I fail I fail at things much more than you can imagine. And when I fail, I get down on myself, feel guilty and try to avoid thinking about it. Failing at things can be very dreadful. Yet, I get back up and try again. Failure is probably one of the aspects of life most people are afraid of. But the truth is that everyone has failed. We tend to think all successful people are lucky, but they too have failed, nevertheless they did not stop after their failures. They stood up and tried again, time after time. At least once in your life time you will fail and it is ok. Do not be afraid of failure, it is a part of your road to success. Firstly you must learn from your failure. In order to grow, you need failure, it is life’s ultimate lesson. Failing will happen, no matter how hard you try to avoid it, and when it happens just accept it. Through failure, you will get to know yourself better and you will learn from your mistakes. Failures make us rethink, reconsider, and find new ways and strategies to achieve our goals.

Next you will have to stop fearing it. In order to reach your ultimate potential, your personal best, and to make the ‘impossible’ possible, you need to push yourself, go to the absolute limits, and definitely not fear failure. When you have a no-fear attitude and embrace failure it will maximize your motivation, determination, and perseverance. Lastly just let go of your ego No one wants to fail, because it is bad for our ego. Failure humbles you and will make you evaluate the situation better. When your ego is in charge, you will not learn from the mistakes you have made, you will not be open to other people’s views or see the situations clearly. Your ego always wants to be right and will get in the way of you and your success. In order to be successful, we have to accept that we were wrong, evaluate, learn, and move on. Many of us are sometimes afraid of failing, but we mustn't let that fear stop us from moving forward. It's important to realize that we always have a choice: we can choose to be afraid, or we can choose not to be.. Overall, the success of an individual comes from his mistakes in life. By learning from bad experiences, human beings can achieve big things in life. Aksa Sara Anil 9F

A story by Juan Once, before humans populated the earth, in the Malaysian Island now known as Borneo, two monkeys are in pursuit of a permanent source of food. This was an important step in settling in places for humans. One of them, whose name is Caspian, was an impatient Proboscis Monkey with quite a large nose. He is a person who would eat anything if he was hungry, not being affected by the toxins at all. The next contender is a Mandrill by the name of Artemis. He takes time with foraging the ground for seeds and fruit. So, Caspian quickly finds a Banana grove but saw that it was unripe and unfit for eating. So, he leaves the place looking for other sources of food. Artemis comes upon the same banana grove, stays near the banana grove, using it as shelter, eating the seeds were near him and in due time, it had grown into a beautiful Banana orchard with plenty of fruits to eat. When He was starting to have a feast, Caspian comes and says “I have found this tree and the fruit first and therefore they are mine” and then he chases Artemis away. Once done, he looks at the banana tree and to his utmost surprise, the fruits were rotten! The tree voiced “You cannot strip Artemis of what he owns for yourself, the reward for his patience was the fruit and you are not worthy of it, so it is rotten. Artemis comes back and settles in the orchard and to this day, he gives some fruits to Caspian, who repents of his hastiness, in another place. Moral: - The fruits of Hard Work and Patience are sweetest of all others. Juan Tonio 6C


Locked Down We have gotten to that extreme point of boredom, A point like the flavor of a washed out gum. Trapped between the same old walls we are, The walls which are sick of us, like we are of it’s tar. We’ve started to star-gaze and even read newspaper, We’ve also become close to our dear old neighbor. Though we’ve forgotten how the sea water smell, We’ve really memorized the ring of the phone bell. Catching up on our sleeps are many of us, While some are working out by making a fuss. The hidden talents of many have started to come out, Yet there are ones who only sit and pout. This quarantine made us realize how birds are caged, Locked behind are us be big, small or aged. In a way saving the world from pollution we are, Though all of us are just waiting for a chance to ride in a car. Amna Fathima Suhail XI-D

Should Plastic Be banned? Plastic, or Polyethylene, is a very much-discussed on subject of talk. You hear about the different negative effects of using plastic, over-usage of plastic is wiping out marine life and different awareness programs. With so many different reasons for a ban, it still thrives. You can see plastic everywhere, from plastic bottles, to special movie props, plastic bags, packaging etc., Not following eco-friendly procedures had a big impact on the marine life, the pacific great garbage patch was formed and still, we use plastic. Why? Plastic is used in our everyday lives because of its cost, efficiency to manufacture, it is almost inevitable to use. Different awareness programs seem to have no effect on the society. Worldwide, about 50 kg of plastic is produced annually per person, with production doubling every ten years. And still, it continues. Toward the end of the 20th century, the plastics industry promoted recycling in order to assuage environmental concerns while continuing to produce plastic. Most plastic produced has not been reused, either being captured in landfills or persisting in the environment as plastic pollution. Plastic pollution can be found in all the world's major water bodies—for example, creating garbage patches in all of the world's oceans and contaminating terrestrial ecosystems.

Even though people know about the risk’s plastics pose to the environment and in the end, to themselves, they continue to use plastics. Most plastics are re-usable, but single-use plastics, infamously used by many companies cannot be re-used, like straws. There are many bans on plastics by different countries around the world, but they only do so much as to reduce 28% of plastic production. For this to change, we need to change our mentality on plastic production. You can’t stop using plastics, it is inevitable, but we can reduce usage. Bans have their place to make a plastic-free society, but without strict laws to enforce them, they are fruitless. Possible Solutions will provide little relief, but without changing our mindsets on how serious and under-exaggerated is plastic pollution, noticeable changes will present its selves to us to us. Laws and Bans work only to an extent, and then plastic production will continue to rise. You have seen various pictures on countless marine organisms tangled in a plastic bag in awareness programs, yet is there a change? You can use renewable sources of plastic, or even better, boycott plastic. Healthier alternatives are present, but little known, like re-usable Jute Bags, or Stainless Steel or glass. All people have a role to create a plastic free society, after all, the Earth is our home, but also a home for the next generations to come. Juan Tonio 6C

Should video games be used in Education? \"Games can make education relevant for young people. Given how pervasive computers and the internet is now and how integral it is in our economy and how fascinated kids are with it, I want to ensure that they know how to actually produce stuff using computers and not simply consume stuff ----Barak Obama--- Video game, popularized by the advance in technology and high-end mobile phones, is loved and played by all kids irrespective of their age group. The problem behind prolonged gaming is that the children get easily addicted and loses their interest in studies. “Can these very addicting, mind blowing video games be used for education”? smart phones have become integral part in the present student life and education can be made student friendly so that children can use their Focusing skills to learn new things. This can simultaneously give a child fun as well as learn something useful. Even though many apps are using this method of innovative teaching there is still a problem. What makes the video game attractive is that it makes the player or child forget where he or she is and it makes the player go to a different world. Further, it gives the Players hope that he or she can win, that’s why they play it over and over again. If the teachers or instructors can create that same experience, the same feeling for having fun and enjoyment, only then this idea will succeed.

In total, a child can concentrate on any lecture only for a maximum of 20 to 30 minutes, and that’s where the videos game education has the uppercut; it can make the child concentrate for more than an hour because it's interesting. That’s where the Teachers must use their imagination; to make the game as interesting as possible. Video games such as Minecraft and Portal have been suggested as platforms for Teachers to experiment with their educational abilities. Minecraft is a sandbox game in Which the user can create objects using the crafting system, while Portal is a physics Game: the player uses the laws of physics, such as gravity and inertia to advance Through the game's series of test chambers. Critical thinking and problem solving are Inherent in the latter game's design. Both Minecraft and Portal are adaptable to some Learning environments. For instance, Minecraft has been used for children While Portal has been used by high school physics teachers. Portal 2 has also been Used to develop cognitive skills in older undergraduate students. However, a 2017 study Found that games including Portal 2, Borderlands 2, Gone Home and Papers, may be used to develop a range of skills in undergraduate students, such as Communication, resourcefulness and adaptability. Everyone needs to be a master in their field by gaining knowledge from quality resources. Presently the education system is based on imparting the best knowledge in the area of interest and to help us reach our goals more easily. The fact- based knowledge grasped by us, help in building our careers and succeed in professional life. Professionalism is now deep-rooted in our society and this education makes us achieve value addition.

In short, Video games have been found to be more Entertaining instead of providing information over an extended class period. Games Provide small amounts of information at relevant stages. Playing video games helps with metacognition (which describes the ability to think about your own thinking), strong metacognitive skills have been proven to help with developing academic skills and allows students to learn about their strengths and weaknesses and increase them performance. However, even if we find a way to make a video game education as implementation as possible, we still must be mentally prepared to stop being addicted to games and find proper time to study properly. However, remember: “Education is only a ladder to gather fruit from the tree of knowledge, but now the fruit itself.” ---Albert Einstein Cyril Abraham Ceby Grade – 7I

Alina Bhati 9B

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