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Placemaking in SE Forsyth

Published by Forsyth County Georgia Government, 2019-09-25 16:42:13

Description: Placemaking in SE Forsyth


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PLACEMAKING in Southeast Forsyth County A menu of ideas on how to create a sense of place March 2019


TCAOBNLTEEONFTS ABOUT THIS MENU WHAT IS PLACEMAKING? PROCESS PRINCIPLES THE POWER OF 10 THEORY PLACEMAKING IN SUBURBS TACTICAL EXPERIMENTS MENU ITEMS WHERE TO START? Placemaking inspires people to collectively reimagine and reinvent public spaces as the heart of every community. Project for Public Spaces Photo courtesy CNU.ORG PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

ATHBOISUMTENU This menu is written for all the citizens, County officials, and developers out there who want to learn how to jump-start placemaking in the southeast Forsyth community! After reading this menu, readers will be informed on what placemaking is, its process, the principles that guide that process, and examples of what they can do to create a sense of place in southeast Forsyth County. 6 PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY Photo courtesy David Shankbone


PWLHAACTEMISAKING? AND WHAT COULD IT MEAN FOR SE FORSYTH COUNTY Placemaking is the process of creating quality Places should be made places that people want to spend their time for the social interaction of people. living, working, playing, and learning in. It capitalizes on a community’s assets, inspiration, Sociability: When people see friends, meet and potential, with the intention of creating public spaces that promote people’s happiness, and greet their neighbors, and feel comfortable well-being, and attachment to an area. interacting with strangers, they tend to feel a The Project for Public Spaces (PPS), a non-profit stronger sense of place or attachment to their organization dedicated to educating people on community and to the place that fosters these the topics of placemaking, identifies four key types of social activities. qualities needed to create a successful place: Source: Access & Linkages: Access concerns how well a place is connected to its surroundings both visually and physically. A successful public space is visible and easy to get to and around. Physical elements can affect access; a continuous row of shops along a street is more interesting and generally safer to walk by than a blank wall or empty lot. Perceptions also affect access: the ability to see a public space from a distance is important. Comfort & Image: Comfort and image are key to whether a place will be used. Perceptions about safety and cleanliness, the context of adjacent buildings, and a place’s character or charm are often the first in people’s minds. Uses & Activities: Activities that occur in a place—friendly social interactions, free public concerts, and community art shows are its basic building blocks. They are the reasons why people come in the first place and why they return. 8 PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

In placemaking, the important transformation 9 happens in the mind of participants, not simply in the space itself. -Susan Silberberg “Places in the Making” WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR SOUTHEAST FORSYTH COUNTY? Forsyth County is a growing suburb of Atlanta In the Comprehensive Plan, the following that is attempting to find their identity. goals were also established: During the Comprehensive Planning process 1. Invest in a quality of life completed in 2017, residents discussed where 2. Improve mobility the county needed improvement. Themes 3. Enhance community character consistently mentioned included the following: 4. Expand infrastructure that furthers the ƒƒ Lack of sidewalks and bicycle lanes ƒƒ New developments lack quality and vision for growth and development 5. Facilitate job opportunities character 6. Maintain and expand greenspace ƒƒ Lack of walkable town centers Residents in the southeast Forsyth County ƒƒ Need to continue to build upon character appear interested in this idea of creating walkable town centers, preserving natural unique to different areas of the county spaces, having better design standards, ƒƒ Need for beautification in key locations and implementing placemaking within their ƒƒ Desire for more local restaurants and communities. This concept of placemaking is just emerging shops and more convenient retail in southeast Forsyth County. ƒƒ Potential loss of rural and agricultural land and heritage ƒƒ Few cultural arts facilities ƒƒ No central gathering places ƒƒ Lack of entertainment destinations ƒƒ Desire for additional greenspace and outdoor recreation ƒƒ Limited appeal for young professionals PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

POLNAGCOEIMNAGKPINROGCISESASN A large portion of southeast Forsyth County PLACEMAKING PROCESS DEFINE has either already been developed or is PLACE & IDENTIFY owned privately, so one may be wondering STAKEHOLDERS how placemaking can best be implemented EVALUATE SPACE & throughout the community. Placemaking, in its very nature, is a process that is fluid and IDENTIFY ISSUES requires not just developers or County officials, PLACE VISION but the citizens who live, work, and play in these SHORT-TERM spaces. Placemaking is not just about planning EXPERIMENTS for new development or even redevelopment, it’s about retrofitting existing spaces to make them ONGOING more lively, more inclusive, adaptable, culturally REEVALUATION & LONG- rich, and sociable. It’s ever-changing and there TERM IMPROVEMENTS is never a one-size-fits-all solution. Placemaking is: • Flexible • Culturally aware • Community-driven • Ever-changing • Visionary • Trans-disciplinary • Function over form • Context-led • Adaptable • Transformative • Inclusive • Inspiring • Focused on creating • Collaborative • Sociable destinations Placemaking isn’t • Static • Discipline-driven • Imposed from above • Privatized • Reactive • One-dimensional • Design-driven • Dependent • A blanket solution • Exclusionary on regulatory • Monolithic controls • A cost/benefit development analysis • Overly accommodat- • Project-focused • A quick fix ing of the car • One-size-fits-all 10 PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

Generally, placemaking can be broken up 11 into five steps that ensure initiatives can be implemented successfully. These short-term improvements require a short timeline and a small budget, and can be easily 1 Define Place & Identify Stakeholders undone. However, they are not an end in and of The placemaking process starts with a themselves. These short-term projects are an gathering to engage community representatives opportunity to test ideas that will help implement from public, private, and civic sectors in order the community’s vision for their public space. to identify the main issues that different groups face, and to identify a particular place (or places) 5 Ongoing Re-Evaluation & Long-Term to focus their placemaking efforts on. Improvements 2 Evaluate Space & Identify Issues Once a space is chosen, stakeholders Creating great places is an evolving process: must then understand how that space is used, it is important to check in on earlier projects and consider how it can be improved. by performing an evaluation of the space at different times of the day and year. For example, 3 Create a Vision best parks have maintenance and programming In this step, key stakeholders develop a staff members complete evaluations on a Visioning document for a space based on any regular basis, as part of their long-term plan insights gathered. This document can include some as often as once a day. Beyond looking for several parts: things that are “broken,” it focuses on how parts • A mission or statement of goals; of the space are used over time. • A definition of how a space will be used; • A description of the intended character of Source: the space; PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY • A clear idea of what the space will be; • A concept plan for how the space could be designed. Once an initial concept plan has been created, develop and assess its feasibility and identify any barriers to implementation; • A set of successful examples of similar spaces or parts of spaces; and • An action plan for short-term and long-term improvements. 4 Short-Term Experiments The most important step in the placemaking process is implementation. Good public spaces don’t happen overnight, and people do not need to immediately have all the answers to start improving. The key is to help the space grow incrementally by implementing and then evaluating short-term projects.

WCPPRLOHAOUECCNREETEMSYISA?NKISTINHFGOE RSYTH Southeast Forsyth County is in the very beginning stages of this placemaking process. In 2018, citizens in southeast Forsyth attempted to form a new city in order to have more control over their built environment. Their goal of cityhood did not succeed, but their efforts have spawned discussions on creating an identity and a sense of belonging for the county. There have always been individual subdivisions working on this, but these groups are now taking steps towards collaborating with each other to achieve this goal. In 2017, the Comprehensive Plan for the county was adopted and included goals and policies intended to improve placemaking in the community. The county was broken down into “Character Areas” and nodes within those areas were identified. Following that process, TSW was retained by Forsyth County in 2018 to create design standards both county-wide and a separate set of standards for southeast Forsyth. As part of these processes, came discussions about sense-of-place and what kinds of design standards could be established to improve the character of the county. This document is also a product of those discussions. It should be stressed that placemaking is not something a consultant can fully accomplish on their own. Placemaking is an internal process, not an external process, meaning the community must make the first steps towards initiating courses of action. The intent of this menu is to help the community understand placemaking and inspire them to act. 12 PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

CASE STUDY: PLACEMAKING IN 13 FORSYTH COUNTY In 2008, the Forsyth County Arts Alliance the eggs including students from Central, (FCAA) in collaboration with the Forsyth West, and North High. Students at Central County Parks & Recreation Department, painted the first egg, which still remains on and Sawnee Woman’s Club, won a grant campus. West decorated the egg that sits to begin a county-wide public arts project. at the Forsyth County Board of Education As a result, twenty-five giant replicas of on Dahlonega Highway, and young artists chicken eggs were placed throughout from North decorated their egg with Forsyth County, all of which were painted license plates which now sits at the Tag with different scenes inspired by local Office. Other eggs can be found at the organizations, artists, and county schools. Cumming-Forsyth Chamber of Commerce, Aside from the grant funds that were Coal Mountain Park, the Forsyth County awarded to the County, many entities were Family Center, the United Community involved to not only help make this public Bank, Lanier Tech, and the McDonald arts project possible, but to help make this Funeral Home. Each egg is decorated project one that the community was able differently, most often reflecting the area to stand behind. where it sits. The effort received support from Lanier The eggs not only serve as public art pieces Technical College who offered materials for Forsyth County, but families have made for the eggs at reduced prices. The Forysth day trips to locate all of the eggs. The County Parks & Recreation Department Historical Society of Forsyth County now supplied the cost and labor for concrete maintains the articles and information slab bases and individual signs naming the regarding the eggs project. artist. Three high schools have decorated PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

PPLRAINCCEIMPLAEKSINOGF 1. PUT EMPHASIS ON THE 6. BEGIN WITH SHORT-TERM CITIZENS SOLUTIONS 2. CREATE A PLACE, NOT A DESIGN 7. TRIANGULATE 3. COLLABORATE 8. FORM SUPPORTS FUNCTION 4. SPEND TIME OBSERVING 9. MONEY IS NOT THE ISSUE 5. DEVELOP A VISION 10. YOU ARE NEVER FINISHED 1 Put Emphasis on the Citizens institutions such as museums, schools, devel- It is important at the beginning of the opers, planners, and, in some cases, County placemaking process to identify the assets of officials who can help citizens implement their southeast Forsyth, and to meet with residents, placemaking ideas and, when appropriate, turn business owners, and stakeholders to learn temporary installations into permanent ones. more about the story of the community from 4 Spend Time Observing their perspective. There are those who can provide a historical perspective, explain how the After a space is identified for potential area functions, and give an under- placemaking, taking a moment to standing of the biggest issues and CITIZENS observe how it is being used or not used is key to truly understanding what is meaningful to people. what is working and what is not 2 Create A Place Not A PLACE working in the space. Through MAKING these observations, it will become Design clear what activities are missing and what might be incorporated. The goal of placemaking is to turn underutilized or unwelcoming public spaces into places that can Develop A Vision 5be more enjoyable. When a design Southeast Forsyth County is composed of various communi- fosters stronger relationships DEVELOPERS ties or character areas including between the people and their sur- GOVERNMENTS roundings, a great place is born. To do this, physical elements such as landscaping, seating, proper circulation, and available activi- ties are vital. Big Creek, McFarland, Haw Creek, Daves Creek, and the South Georgia 400 area, as identified in the Comprehensive Plan. Any placemaking vision developed does not need to represent southeast Forsyth as a whole. The process of 3 Collaborate developing a vision should start small, gain inter- Placemaking cannot be done alone. est, and ultimately reach out to all of southeast Having partnerships is invaluable in providing Forsyth. When each community comes together support and getting a project off the ground. to create a unified vision, that vision will instill Partners can include neighbors and local a sense of pride and bring identity back to the community. 14 PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

15 These ten principles should be addressed to help guide all placemaking initiatives in southeast Forsyth through a successful process. 6 Begin with Short-Term Solutions an informed concept for the space. Although Public spaces are complex, and often design is important, these other elements can change cannot be expected immediately. tell you what “form” you need to accomplish the The best spaces experiment with short-term future vision for the space. improvements that can be continually tested and refined. In southeast Forsyth, bringing a 9 Money is Not the Issue sense of place to the community will not likely Provided southeast Forsyth County has start with a completely new development, but available areas where people gather- schools, rather begin with short-term, experimental parks, commercial areas- the elements that are projects such as pop-up retail stores or tactical added to make it a place where people want to experimentation (do it yourself -DIY- projects). spend their time - vendors, temporary streetscape improvements, public art installations- would 7 Triangulate be relatively inexpensive. If the community and Triangulation is a term the Project for other partners are involved in programming, Public Spaces coined. It is defined as that cost can further be reduced. More importantly, characteristic of a public space that can bring by following these steps, people will have more strangers together. In public spaces, the choice enthusiasm for the project that the costs for the and arrangement of different elements in project are less significant when compared to relation to each other can put the triangulation the benefits. process into play. For example, if a bench, a wastebasket, and a public square are placed 10 You Are Never Finished with no connection to each other, each may Any great public space that effectively receive a very limited use, but when they are responds to the needs, opinions, and the arranged together along with other amenities inevitable and ongoing changes of the such as a piano or coffee cart, they will naturally community requires attention. The same spaces attract more people together, or triangulate! that worked for southeast Forsyth residents historically may not work as well for today’s 8 Form Supports Function residents. Amenities wear out, needs change, Input from the community and potential and demographics shift. Being open to the need partners, the understanding of how other spaces for change and having the flexible management function, and experimentation, help provide to enact that change is what builds great public spaces. PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

CCOOULLNATBYORATION Implement...and figure out policy later. -Krisztina Kassay - Urban Planner Do not view placemaking as something the City of Fayetteville and the Street Plans temporary. It is not a bottom-up or a top-down Collaborative, an urban planning, design, and process: it’s both simultaneously. Placemaking research firm. City staff from the Engineering, really does begin with the community, but it can Transportation, Police, Fire, and Parking be important and, in some cases, necessary to Management Departments make up the review collaborate with County officials for the project team and ensure applications are able to meet all to succeed or to turn what would be a temporary necessary safety and procedural requirements. installation into a more permanent one with Thanks to the guide’s completion, several planning, policy, and code updates. placemaking projects have been implemented Today, public officials and municipalities all throughout the city including but not limited to, a over are working to bring placemaking to their mini-roundabout installation, artistic crosswalk communities. Cities like Burlington, Vermont; and intersection treatments at various locations, Fayetteville, Arkansas; and Buffalo, New York a parklet, a complete streetscape, and a traffic have put together guides to help citizens plan, calming project. Citizens can also provide their apply for, and implement various placemaking feedback on current placemaking projects by projects. The City of Fayetteville, Arkansas put answering questions regarding those projects together what they call their, “Tactical Urbanism via an online survey, accessible through their Permitting Process, Application, and Materials city website. Guide.” Fayetteville encourages citizens to develop their own placemaking projects and What can the County do? community-led alterations to public spaces using their guide and an easy-to-understand Unfortunately, government entities such as permit application that was created for the sole Forsyth County are not generally set up with purpose of helping citizens start placemaking. the right tools and processes to support These resources also ensure that public safety placemaking. In some instances, the structure and welfare are not compromised during of departments and the processes they require installation periods. The city website states that, actually interfere with efforts. For instance, “city governments and community groups work transportation departments view their mission to build safer, happier, and more connected as moving traffic; parks departments are neighborhoods” and that “these goals are there to create and manage green space; and achieved by installing short-term, low-cost the planning and community development pilot projects to test out long-term, permanent departments are focused on the development improvements to the built environment.” The of projects, not always the spaces in between guide was created out of a partnership between 16 PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

WALKRALEIGH PROJECT - RALEIGH, NC 17 In 2012, a former urban planning student would allow the signs to be posted up started the WalkRaleigh Project. In an permanently if the signs were donated to attempt to lower the perceived barriers of the city, so that by law, they would be theirs walking around in downtown Raleigh, Matt to distribute. The planning department Tomasulo produced 27 corrugated plastic prepared a proposal to use the signs as pedestrian way-finding signs directing a three-month pilot educational program people to local landmarks and public to determine if they could be incorporated spaces with estimated walking times. The into their wayfinding system. A community project generated local and international petition to support the proposal was media interest and gained support from circulated and presented to City Council. local citizens. Since the signs did not ignite The proposal was approved and the signs any complaints, the planning staff did not remained. take the signs down initially, even though WalkRaleigh has provided an example of they were technically illegal. Tomasulo how government staff (county or city) can eventually worked with the planning assist citizens in their placemaking efforts staff and applied for an encroachment through collaboration and support. Forsyth permit which was denied. Between the County staff can use the emergence of two entities, they worked out a deal that unsanctioned tactical and temporary projects as an opportunity to examine current policies and practices and increase flexibility in rules and regulations. Building on the success of his project, Tomasulo has since started Walk [Your City], an online resource allowing individuals to create and print the way-finding signs for use in their own communities. them. There are many regulatory things that 6. Use county-owned land as the test site for Forsyth County officials can do to jump-start new projects; placemaking in the community. 1. Be proactive instead of reactive to citizen- 7. Re-work the County’s existing permitting process if needed; driven projects; 2. Inform residents about existing regulations; 8. Partner with relevant groups to increase 3. Create an easy-to-understand process to credibility and local interest; follow and minimize any barriers; 9. Research other placemaking projects to 4. Identify a central contact or community learn what to do and what not to do; liason with the County to answer questions 10. Consult citizens with creating and testing out and help citizens navigate around policies; placemaking initiatives; and 5. Foster communication and connections between entities by hosting a meeting with 11. Measure the impact of previous projects by private, public, and non-profit sector actors; collecting data to see if projects are meeting their intended purpose. PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

TOHFE10POTHWEEORRY (Project for Public Spaces, 2009) The Power of 10 Theory is a placemaking theory a space such as public art, seating, lighting, developed by the non-profit Project for Public landscaping, etc. into a space can be the first Spaces. The theory states that a successful step in defining it. area will have 10 general locations for people to Neighborhood communities in southeast Forsyth spend their time in, 10 specific places in each County can begin thinking about the special location for them to go, and 10 activities in each places already available in their community. place for them to engage in. The idea is that it’s How many of those spaces are there and how not enough to have just one great place in a connected are they? Are there places in the neighborhood—you need a number of engaging, county that could be more meaningful, but dynamic, and well-thought out places to create aren’t? What are the 10 best neighborhoods in a truly lively city or community. southeast Forsyth? What are the 10 best places These 10 great places should define people’s in each of those neighborhoods? Within each experience of an area, and be dynamic enough place, what are 10 different things you could do to attract a range of user groups, keep people in that place? Answering these questions with coming back, and continue evolving. This theory ease could mean the county is already full of can also encourage a community to implement good places. Questions can help placemakers many small experiments. determine both individually and collectively Applying “The Power of 10” to the context of where they need to focus their energy. Forsyth County provides a way to think through The case study on the following page details how to best create that sense of place Forsyth how the Power of 10 Theory can be used for the County is looking for. It can be implemented Big Creek Character Area of southeast Forsyth in many ways. Bringing design elements into County. 18 PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

LOCAL APPLICATION: BIG CREEK 19 Single-Family Some Semi-Public Subdivision Landscaping Greenspace Shopping Office / Multi-Family Center with Retail Complex Parking Large Entry into the Big Creek Character Intersection Area of SE Forsyth County located & Roadway just north of John’s Creek Applying Placemaking Questions to Let’s begin with listing out the assets: the Big Creek Character Area • Easy access for vehicular traffic • Shopping destination In the aerial image above, you can see a • Lots of space to work with single-family residential neighborhood, a • Upgraded landscaping multi-family complex, a large commercial • Residential within walking distance shopping center, office- type development, What is not working? lots of parking, landscaping, and a wide • Unsafe conditions for pedestrians arterial roadway. At first glance, you may not be able to tell that this is the entrance and bicyclists (high-speed traffic, wide into the Big Creek Character Area of roadways, limited sidewalk and bike southeast Forsyth County. What makes lanes) this area unique? What tells a traveler • Under-utilized large, parking areas that they have arrived in Big Creek? What • Vehicular-oriented development will entice the surrounding community to (structures located far from street) spend their time here? What can we do to add more points of interest to this space? When applying placemaking techniques • Inhabit/reimagine parking lots and to an area such as this, there are creative streets. things that can be done to start creating a • Activate large under-utilized spaces sense-of-place for this area. What can the for public gathering such as farmer’s community do, using the assets they have, markets, evening events, festivals, etc. to make this area more distinct, livable, and energized? PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

GPLRAOCWEMINAGKSINUGBUINRTBHSE New forces are transforming the suburbs, Many suburbs are trying to replicate some of informed by new ideas of what constitutes the best features that are offered in more urban healthy and environmentally responsible living. locations. These suburbs are finding they can Denser, walkable, mixed-use environments offer be made more enjoyable places to live by first choices that auto-oriented, single-use suburbs adding variety and creating places and public cannot match. Suburbs across the United spaces that are walkable. People want an States, including parts of Forsyth County, are experience and to be engaged and social with dealing with many of the same issues, including others. The most challenging part for many the following: suburbs is finding a place for the public to have ƒƒ Heavy dependence on automobiles; those interactions. ƒƒ Lack of a pedestrian scale; ƒƒ Limited places to walk to and congregate; ƒƒ Limited opportunities for chance encounters; and ƒƒ Predominantly commercial private spaces as semi-public spaces. 20 PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

CASE STUDY: AVALON 21 Pop-Up Retail Multi-Family String Fountain Lights Interactive Retail Art Landscaping Quiet Seating Public Seating The City of Alpharetta has experienced at the forefront and, in turn, has become a tremendous growth and change in recent town center for Alpharetta. The opening of years. Much investment, careful city Avalon brought on a change in perspective planning, and community activism has for the community. This perspective affected placemaking in not only downtown emphasizes the fostering of experiences Alpharetta, but other areas of the city. within a semi-public setting. As such, Avalon, a privately-owned, mixed-use Avalon has raised the bar in the region for development that opened in 2014, has mixed-use placemaking. quickly become a main destination point for the City of Alpharetta and the region, and it Public alleyway is widely popular among residents, visitors, with seating and the surrounding community. This development blends together retail shops Public Dog Park and restaurants, a movie theater, a hotel, and class A office spaces with single-family homes, rental apartments, and a myriad of semi-public spaces available for all to enjoy. Unlike other shopping centers, Avalon offers quiet spaces for visitors to crack open a book and relax outdoors, greenspaces to hold community events and festivals, firepits, a dog park, various courtyards with seating, and an open-container policy. Avalon is a great example of a privately- owned development that put placemaking PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

ETAXCPETRICIMALENTS evsinIIepnffoWnaywnitcto-.Hi’ceupstIo,hfrAaavioittnertfThe’iirsstuelpAnapieCalsosaBsboaslnaiiuneclnOnincniticetnttyUtiysigoaiioTnttnlenoosetveouIdshedNreneheaeetlaSvnpsvvewcUeecinenhnot.Riot,vnt,hersAwcereuhivNrltpeilahecuCnewkbcElei?c. What Are They? Pedestrian plazas. Parklets. Pilot complete streets. Pop-up bike lanes. Yarn bombing. Tactical experiments such as these, is all about action. Also known as “tactical urbanism,” “Planning- by-doing,” or “DIY urbanism.” This approach refers to a County or City, organizational, or citizen-led approach to neighborhood building and placemaking using short-term, low-cost, to work together, and to test ideas. To be certain demonstration projects (typically lasting 1 to 7 that long-term changes in the county will be days) to catalyze long-term changes. While larger successful, the process often starts with trying scale efforts do have their place, incremental, something small. Following implementation, small-scale improvements are increasingly seen results can then be measured in real time, and as a means to make way for higher-cost, more when done inexpensively and with flexibility, permanent solutions to placemaking. These adjustments can be made before moving experiments can be lead by governments, non- forward. profits, grassroots organizations, or residents looking to make a difference in the community. Tactical Experiment Spectrum Experimentation Informs Design Many of the tactical experiments listed in the spectrum below (which will be described Tactical experiments can be applied to create in more detail throughout the menu) began placemaking along roads and within parking as unsanctioned, temporary grassroots lots, and cul-de-sacs throughout southeast interventions that proved so successful that they Forsyth County. This approach can be used for a soon became permanent in the communities multitude of reasons: it can inspire action, draw that implemented them. This list can be used as attention to perceived shortcomings, deepen an inspirational tool to jump-start placemaking understanding, gather data, encourage people in southeast Forsyth County. FORSYTH COUNTY “Tacticians” (participants) Park(ing) Day Open Streets COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Pavement to Plazas NON-PROFITS Intersection Repair Pop-Up Shops GRASSROOTS ORGANIZATIONS Bike Parking Food Trucks Play Streets ENTREPRENEURS Build a Better Block Mobile Vendors Street Fairs DEVELOPERS LOCAL ACTIVISTS Pop-Up Cafes NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS Guerrilla Gardening Site Pre-Vitalization ARTISTS Yarnbombing Temporary Retail Pop-up Civic Forum Types of Tactical Experiments Unsanctioned Hybrid Sanctioned 22 PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

23 An approach to neighborhood building using short-term, low-cost, demonstration projects to catalyze long-term change. PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

DESIGN ELEMENTS THAT CAN CONTRIBUTE TO CREATING A UNIQUE SENSE OF PLACE FOR SOUTHEAST FORSYTH COUNTY Every place is different and there are a P ide Sidewalks number of elements that can be used to Wublic Space help promote a sense of place. The following are some options on the menu that we will be exploring for southeast Forsyth County: Menu Item #1: Saying Hello gateways, signage, branding Menu Item #2: Street Activation furniture, lighting Menu Item #3: Art to Touch murals, installations Menu Item #4: Create Ways to Meander and Reflect parks & trails Menu Item #5: Bringing People Together public spaces, alleys, & events Menu Item #6: Securing Your History historic markers & celebrations Menu Item #7: Space Re-Activation underutilized & privately owned spaces 24 PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

Priva te OutdoorSeating Landscap ing 25 s O ic Outdoor Seating Publn-Street Park Gate way ing Historic Buildings Public Art PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY


NDOIOUVWRE MILNEETNTO’US! 27 How can we create a sense of place in southeast Forsyth County using these design elements? PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

MENU ITEM #1: SAYING HELLO USING GATEWAYS, SIGNAGE, & BRANDING What are they? Gateways can come in many forms, from subdivision signage or archways to even Gateways are intended to advertise that you are aesthetic changes in landscaping, architecture, entering a distinct area. They ideally represent a or public art. Like all projects, they can also vary “community brand,” help display an identity, and in intensity, from temporary solutions that are serve as a welcoming point for people entering cheap to implement to more expensive options into a new place. that are more permanent and require additional planning before implementation. These build over time and help reinforce community identity. QUICK GUIDE TO DESIGNING A SIGNAGE SYSTEM OR GATEWAY 4. Identify any historic or cultural aspects: Consider and identify any unique aspects of Below is a step-by-step guide to help all entities the history or culture in and around the site participate in the process of developing and that might contribute to a sense-of-place designing a signage system and gateways. and bring local pride. 1. Clarify your goals: What is the purpose for 5. Outline guidelines for the information the signage system and gateway? system: Assemble the information you have gathered and organize it. 2. Survey existing signage/gateway conditions: What already works well, and how can you 6. Develop a master plan: Put together a improve what doesn’t work well? master plan that shows the types of signage needed, gateway improvement locations, 3. Understand the users and decision points: and summarizes the information you Walk along the paths frequented by different gathered so far. types of users such as visitors, tourists, residents, workers, families, younger and 7. Test, experiment, and evaluate: Test out older people, wheelchair users, bicyclists, signage, experiment, and talk with users etc. Make observations on these different about their experiences with the signage and/ types. Talk to people about areas, facilities, or gateway and evaluate the effectiveness of or features that they find difficult to locate. each. Lastly, interview people to understand current conflicts and circle these areas on a 28 mPaLpA.CEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

INTENSITY SCALE 29 More Expensive Medium sized archway with Large archway entrance signage to mixed- with signage for District use development or Character Area Permanent District entry signage on gate Signage/Light Entry signage fixture above main for larger private road development Temporary Simple archway Street art with for private directional signage development Directional signage Installation painted on wall alongcorridor Cheaper Residents who attended the listening sessions in Public Input SE Forsyth County thought this image was most appropriate to implement. In 2018, TSW, the consulting firm hired by PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY Forsyth County to develop design standards for the county, held a series of listening sessions with the public. Placemaking strategies were discussed and attendees were asked to choose images that they felt would most effectively enhance the community identity in southeast Forsyth. Three images of potential gateways were shown. The image to the right was chosen as the most appropriate among the three. This particular archway would be a more permanent and expensive option, and could be considered a long-term solution. The Intensity Scale above shows ways to design and create a gateway mapped by intensity.

GET INSPIRED! Here’s some ways you can enhance the intermittently serves to help people keep gateways in your community: their bearing, and also feel located and secure. Design a mural that directs people 1. Gather to make surface treatments at key to local facilities and businesses. In areas intersections in your neighborhood. Surface where traditional wayfinding signage is treatments, such as striping and pavement confusing or non-existent, murals used for markings, are a critical component to making wayfinding is an easy-to-do, aesthetically walking and biking safer and can be used to stimulating, and cost-effective way to direct let visitors know they are approaching a new visitors and locals to prominent destinations. district, neighborhood, or community. While 4. Create sculptural art to be placed at many surface treatments are governed by prominent gateways. established standards (such as pavement markings within bike lanes), other project types provide room to use surface treatments more creatively. Examples can include artistic crosswalks, painted intersections, or street murals below people’s feet in bike corrals, curb extensions, and pedestrian plazas. Colorful surface treatments can help define a space, be used as signage and wayfinding, enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of a gateway, and provide a level of branding for the community. 2. Take action to design banners or canopy installations that highlight prominent corridors. Banners are a great way to showcase upcoming events and help designate a brand for the neighborhood or district that visitors are entering or exiting. Canopy installations can be eye catching and speak loudly on the intended character and unique aspects of the street or district it hangs over. 3. Be creative with how you design directional street signage. A good signage system can perform multiple functions. On the most basic level, it provides effective information and direction for people to find their way around a building, complex, park, or other public space. Directional signage posted 30 PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

31 Art installation signifying street importance Art installation signifying Artistic street importance crosswalk Sculpture at entrance to community Gateway made up of Mural used for Mural used for string lights wayfinding wayfinding Signage and Downtown banners wayfinding on light poles PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY DRAFT

MENU ITEM #2: STREET ACTIVATION WITH FURNITURE, LANDSCAPING, & EVENTS Streets are our most fundamental shared Activating a street requires public space, but they are also one of the most things for people to do overlooked. We have taken for granted the idea that streets are primarily meant for cars, street activation, as it provides a place for parking, and the transporting of goods. The people to sit, linger, and interact with each good news is that it doesn’t have to stay this other and their environment. Landscaping is way! Car-centric streets throughout southeast aesthetically pleasing, can buffer pedestrians Forsyth can be reimagined into safer, thriving, from traffic, and brings environmental benefits, livable environments for people, not just cars. which is often shown to have a calming effect on users and reduces vehicle speeds along busy Streets as Places thoroughfares. Attendees were asked to choose three images for each strategy that they felt For streets to truly function as public places, they would most effectively enhance the community have to do more than just allow people to safely identity in terms of landscaping and street walk or bike through them. When streets are furniture in southeast Forsyth. The images they great places, they encourage people to linger, voted as most appropriate are shown on the socialize, and to truly experience the unique facing page. culture and character of a particular street. Every community has assets and talent that can be showcased on its streets, whether that’s through art, performances, street amenities, or special events. Not only do these activities create more vibrant and social streets, but they also help to make a place feel unique and unlike anywhere else—giving it a feeling of “authenticity,” which is a crucial ingredient for placemaking. Public Input During the southeast Forsyth County Listening Sessions led by TSW in 2018, residents were introduced to two placemaking strategies that could be utilized to improve street activation in the future: landscaping and street furniture. Street furniture is an important element for 32 PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

INTENSITY SCALE 33 More Expensive Creative street lighting Interactive garden Landscaped wall Temporary Permanent Branded trash Metal finish receptacles artistically designed bench seating Colorful planters Chair bombing out of recycled materials Cheaper These two images were the top voted images for landscaping and street furniture at the southeast Forsyth County Listening Session Public Meeting. These two images represent how community members feel will enhance the community identity in southeast Forsyth County the most. PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

GET INSPIRED! Here’s some ways you can activate one of that close down streets from cars to allow your streets with tactical experiments: people to explore neighborhoods by foot or by bike), Atlanta Peachtree Road Race or 1. Make your own street a place. Think about any other type of recreational event, or local ways you can personally improve the block festival. where you live or work. Small measures, like 4. Organize a Play Streets event. Similar to planting a tree or flowers, putting out a Little Open Streets, Play Streets temporarily cuts- Free Library in your front yard, or organizing off vehicular access to a street to create a block party are great ways to start. a public playground. Streets are generally ones located adjacent to schools or in 2. Connect with and create groups like Trees neighborhoods where open space is scarce Atlanta, Georgia Arborist Association, and are often led by neighborhood leaders Georgia Conservancy, Georgia Forest Watch, and block association advocates. Keep Atlanta Beautiful (provides solutions 5. Consider low-cost and quick streetscape for recycling, litter, graffiti, and public spaces improvements. There are many relatively low- that are depressed, inactive, or unused), or cost, quick ways to transform your streets, Living Walls (non-profit of local artists that from layering in public art or benches, create intentional thought-provoking public building street seats or parklets to lighting art aimed to inspire social change and displays. activate public spaces). 6. Host a PARK(ing) Day. This type of event is also very popular all over. The idea is to 3. Organize an Open Streets event. This type of replace, either temporarily or permanently, activation has been increasingly popular all on-street parking spaces with public spaces. over. The idea is to temporarily close down Parking spaces can be programmed in a a street to replace cars with people for a number of ways, the possibilities are endless. special event of some sort, allowing people to At its core, PARK(ing) Day encourages take advantage of the right-of-way. Generally collaboration amongst local citizens to non-profits and advocates would work create thoughtful, but temporary, additions with the County to lead the effort. A great to the public realm. example of an Open Streets type of event 7. Collaborate with local artists or community was conducted on the Innerbelt Freeway in groups to create street furniture sometimes Akron, Ohio in 2016 (image shown on the referred to as “chair bombing” that reflects facing page), called “Dine in the Street.” At neighborhood or block identity. Chair the time, the freeway was slated to be closed bombing is the act of reusing salvageable due to a lack of use. With this in mind, a local materials to create public seating. Options artist organized a 500-person dinner party are endless, but some examples may include on the freeway during a temporary closure. bench seating that is made up of repurposed Residents from 22 neighborhoods gathered shipping pallets. for dinner at one enormous table while they discussed their visions for transforming the freeway. Some local examples of Open Street events include Atlanta Streets Alive (an event held in different neighborhoods 34 PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

An Open 35 Street Event PARK(ing) Day Event Example of a Chair Bombing A Play Streets Little Free Library project example Event Open Streets Dine in the Event Street Event PARK(ing) Day Event PARK(ing) Day Event PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

MENU ITEM #3: ART TO TOUCH MURALS & INSTALLATIONS Why is public art an important component provide a space for people to be creative and to placemaking? express their desires and the unique aspects of their neighborhood culture. Placed in the public realm, public art is free Wherever possible, look to partner with local and accessible for all people to experience on artists and arts organizations. Partnering with their own terms. Public art can be temporary existing organizations or public institutions (such or permanent, large-scale or small-scale, as schools, libraries, or museums) can be helpful abstract or realistic. It can stand alone or be in connecting with groups of artists or young a well-integrated and functional element of a people who want to get involved in creating art building or plaza. Public artists have the unique for the public space. Such partnerships then opportunity to express current issues, create an support long-term stewardship—people will identity for the community, recognize a moment feel more ownership of and excitement about a in history, and inspire actions in the future. Public public space if they helped shape and design it. art, murals, and art/crafts events can provide a huge boost to the aesthetics of a community and HOW YOU CAN Map out places of possibility GET STARTED! Map the places in southeast Forsyth that could benefit from a creative intervention. Art can Create your action team (“A-Team”) transform deteriorated spaces or neighborhoods, Identify artists, makers, and creative sites targeted for new development, areas slated entrepreneurs in and around southeast Forsyth for public or private capital projects, parks, County. Assemble an Action Team selected for plazas, gateways, alleyways, empty parking lots, their diverse professional backgrounds and etc. their interest in improving public places through Find or create community events art. These could include professionals in design, Map out events that define parts of southeast architecture, performing arts, landscape Forsyth and work with your chamber of designers, curators, filmmakers, etc. It could also commerce, local businesses, non-profit include any type or level of artist, educators and organizations, and other community organizers. students, and, of course, interested neighbors Events could include concerts, art and artisan and friends. fairs, farmers markets, cultural gatherings, historical celebrations, and seasoned events 36 PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY like pumpkin carving, holiday lighting, and holiday artisan fairs.

INTENSITY SCALE 37 More Expensive Artistic Tile layout in place of concrete sidewalk Public Sculpture Temporary Permanent Painted Wall utility box Mural Cheaper Public Input Public art was discussed during the southeast Forsyth County Listening Sessions. The public chose one image out of three provided that they felt would best enhance the community identity of southeast Forsyth in terms of public art. The options included an image of a street mural, a painted utility box, and public sculptures. Public mural in Griffin, GA that highlights the local history, while also activating an otherwise blank wall. This image was voted most appropriate to best enhance the community identity of southeast Forsyth in terms of public art. PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

GET INSPIRED! Here’s some ways you can use the arts to city no longer stands in the way and now has create placemaking in your community: a City Repair liaison that helps coordinate the permitting, street closures, and oversee 1. Start a Yarn Bombing event or other guerrilla the designs to aid in the success of each art activity. Yarn Bombing is a type of street project. art that displays knitted or crocheted yarn 4. Connect with and create groups that paint that is used to cover objects such as street murals and art installations such as Living furniture or trees in public spaces. The Walls (a non-profit in Atlanta that fill empty idea is to reclaim or personalize sterile or walls with murals). cold public spaces with these temporary 5. Find local artists willing to offer outdoor art installations, which bring color and an art classes or organize an outdoor painting improved sense of security. competition. The Olmsted Plein Air Invitational event held yearly in different 2. Brainstorm ideas for interactive community areas throughout Georgia is an example of a art installations. Interactive multi-media art painting competition where artists compete installations can offer visitors and residents with other artists from across the globe in a in southeast Forsyth added educational live painting session held outdoors. and engagement opportunities within their 6. Connect with bike enthusiasts to make surroundings. These installations encourage, informal bike parking. The lack of bike even urge the viewer to participate, rather facilities in many suburbs is inspiring than just admire. The image on the facing activists, including progressive businesses page is an example of an envelope exchange and property owners, to take it upon (people create an envelope with a hidden themselves to install various types of message and take another with them). The temporary and semi-permanent bike parking options are endless. solutions. Groups like DoTank have built bike racks and tested them out on things 3. Organize a group to create new or repair like lamp posts with the intent of providing existing intersections and crosswalks. bike parking that not only is functional, but Brightly colored intersections communicate artistically attractive for the community or to drivers that they are entering a place neighborhood. of neighborhood importance. Repaired 7. Transform seas of asphalt into outdoor, intersections encourage neighbors to on-the-ground murals. With some interact more frequently and give them a coordination between citizens, local artists, nearby place to care about outside their business owners, and County officials, homes. Intersection repair is a great example events aimed to upgrade surface parking of how tactical experiment initiatives often lots with on-the-ground murals can be a move from unsanctioned (temporary) to great way to bring people together through sanctioned (permanent). For example, public art. Portland’s Bureau of Transportation did not initially allow intersection repairs, however, communities continued to transform and implement these projects anyway. Now, the 38 PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

39 Wall mural Interactive community Corridor art art installation installation Artistic Wall mural with Example of crosswalk wayfinding Yarn Bombing Outdoor game for public use Informal bike Artistic On-the-ground parking crosswalk mural event Art installation in park PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

MENU ITEM #4: CREATE WAYS TO MEANDER & REFLECT WITH PARKS & TRAILS Introduction • Fowler Park offers a recreation center, sports fields, playgrounds, and a skate park. The Trust for Public Land believes that everyone in America’s cities should live within a ten- • Others include Windermere Park, minute walk of a great park. However, great Chattahoochee Pointe, Old Atlanta Park, parks don’t just happen. To succeed, they Haw Creek Park, Joint Venture Park at must reflect the communities they serve by Daves Creek, and the Chattahoochee River integrating placemaking initiatives that infuses National River Recreation Area (CRNRA). local planning efforts, arts, and culture. How can these existing southeast Forsyth Today, parks often lack the right combination of County parks and trails become an important physical amenities and activities that make the part of the community? How can we expand on park a magnet and an important place within a these and offer more parks and greenspaces particular community. Described in his book, “A for the southeast Forsyth community to enjoy? Sense of Place, A Sense of Time,” J.B. Jackson How do we get people to leave the comfort of describes the loss of community in America and their homes and enjoy the outdoors with their its impact on parks. As people spend more and neighbors? more time indoors, they also share less time According to Project for Public Spaces, a good and fewer activities with their fellow residents park provides a range of things to do and see; is and neighbors resulting in the loss of a sense of easy to get to and connected to the surrounding community. community; is safe, clean, and attractive; and is a place to meet other people. When a park Park & Trails in Forsyth County provides a space for people to run, sit, and talk, get warm if it’s cold outside, play a game, gather Forsyth County offers residents and visitors for an event, and/or get something to eat or many parks and trails, some of which are drink, its chances of becoming a central meeting located in or around the southeast Forsyth area, spot are increased simply because there are including: numerous things to do, attracting many different people. • Caney Creek Preserve offers wooded open spaces with picnic facilities and a playground, dog park, and a 1.5 mile nature trail • Sharon Springs Park offers recreational opportunities, from baseball fields to tennis courts and picnic facilities. 40 PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

CASE STUDY: 116TH STREET 41 POCKET PARK - FISHERS, INDIANA “There is a small stretch of my town that has so much potential... The only drawback? There isn’t a public space to gather.” - Angie Six (local Fishers, Indiana blogger) This pocket park is located along a four- as to where the first park might be, and lane busy highway in Fishers, Indiana. took suggestions for areas within the Currently located nearby it are seas of community that could use one. The idea concrete surface parking lots, and a rail was to provide the community a green line is located to the west. However, the lot space in an area that lacked such spaces, is located adjacent to destinations in the that was inexpensive to build, and fairly community including an ice cream shop, simple to plan and execute. The installation a weekend farmer’s market, several nice lasted approximately two months and did boutiques, and restaurants. not require costly playground equipment Before this lot transformed into a pocket or fancy features. park, an eyesore of a building was The pocket park now offers the community demolished and the lot was cleaned up. a ping pong table, a message board, Pavers and landscaping improvements bike racks, colorful artwork on display, a came first. An announcement on the historical plaque that commemorates the town’s Facebook page announced they Nickel Plate District (the district the pocket were developing the community’s first park is located in), flower beds, a shade pocket park. They asked for guesses canopy structure, and seating. PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

GET INSPIRED! Here’s some ways you can start bringing 3. Initiate a park mobile project. The purpose in more parks, trails, and greenspaces to of these installations is to add more your community: neighborhood green space and to activate streets with public seating. Park mobile 1. Organize Guerrilla Gardening. This is an projects are exactly what it sounds like: a excellent tactic for noticeably improving temporary park or greenspace, often with a neighborhood. The idea is meant to some seating brought into an area with little introduce more greenery and gardening greenspace by vehicle. Examples include into a neighborhood and are often led by an open shipping container or some type neighborhood advocates. Typically, vacant of renovated metal container painted and or underutilized sites are chosen to raise refinished with added trees, shrubs, and awareness of social and environmental flowers. Park mobile projects are often set issues including sustainable food in parking spaces, either on the street or in systems, urban stormwater management, a lot. neighborhood aesthetics, and the power of short-term, collaborative local action. 4. Start a community garden with your neighbors. The idea of a community garden 2. Create parklets in underutilized areas of is not a new one, but it is a great way to pavement. The purpose of this is to reclaim provide an additional green space. Not underutilized asphalt as public space without everyone has access to a plot of land for large capital expenditure. A typical parklet gardening, but most communities, even consists of a platform that sits flush with fully developed ones, have plots of land the sidewalk. In most cases, they include sitting empty, underutilized, or neglected. seating and various amounts of greenery These spaces, which are often eyesores that and, occasionally, include bicycle parking detract from the overall aesthetic and value and tables to serve as outdoor dining areas of a community, could be put to much better for nearby restaurants or cafes. The cost of use as community gardens. constructing a parklet is typically covered by an individual business or several businesses 5. Start growing a farm wall. The idea is to that recognize its ability to attract customers. use blank walls as a canvas for growing Privately sponsored or not, parklets are part food, creating conversation, and activating of the public realm (space around, between overlooked spaces. With support from and within buildings that are publicly community members, local farmers, business accessible, including streets, squares, parks owners, and grassroots organizations or and open spaces) and completely open to non-profits, farm walls can be installed and the public at large. A great example of a maintained fairly easily and cheaply. parklet is one that was created in Fishers, Indiana (explained in further detail on page 41). 42 PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

43 Public Examples of Guerrilla Painted Farm Wall Gardening Dog Park Example of a parklet or parkmobile project Example of a parklet Park under Example of Guerrilla overpass Gardening Community Gardening PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

MENU ITEM #5: BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER THROUGH PUBLIC SPACES, ALLEYWAYS, & EVENTS Bringing People Together Build A Better Block The classic saying, “home is where the heart The Better Block foundation is an open-source is,” can’t be more true when it comes to place- resource for communities that wish to revitalize making. This idea of “home” extends far beyond a block or public space. Better Block encour- your property line. Home is not confined to the ages people to build coalitions or grassroots four walls surrounding you, but rather it’s your community activists, nonprofit groups, busi- street, your block, neighborhood, village and nesses, artists, and do-it-yourselfers to address your county as a whole. And just like a house the safety, accessibility, attractions, and diverse requires inhabitants to be a home, your public amenities of spaces. They will help community spaces need people in order to flourish. members realize their potential to make change In order to bring people together in public in their neighborhoods, and show local govern- spaces, you must begin with passionate locals ments how those changes could work. coming together with a common vision for their According to the foundation, there are four areas community’s identity. When citizens work col- of importance to address when developing a laboratively, it can turn a neighborhood full of “Better Block” or public space: strangers into a thriving community. It’s a ripple 1. Safety: If the public space feels unsafe, then effect, with the success of one neighborhood spilling over into others, providing examples that space will be unsuccessful. of models for others to follow. The first step 2. Shared Access: Is it easy for people to in this process is for neighbors to get to know one another and notice where neighborhood access and enjoy the space? Do pedestrians improvements can be made. have a clear access point? Do bicyclists feel Placemaking from the ground up to create suc- welcome? Are there wayfinding signs that cessful public spaces starts in your living room, direct people into and out of the area? Are on your street, and in your neighborhood. Get to there amenities available that keep people know your neighbors, as well as the needs of the in the space? community. 3. Stay Power: How can we encourage people to visit the area, have them linger, and invite 44 PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY their friends? Are there enough food options or places to sit? Are there maps, games, or other amenities? Is the identity of the area prominent? 4. Dog Owners: Lastly, the Better Block project believes you have to create amenities for everyone from dogs to babies, from 10-year- olds to 80-year-olds.

CASE STUDY: PARSONS ALLEY 45 Like many Atlanta suburbs, Duluth is 4. Parsons Alley is located at the end of experiencing rapid growth. The city Duluth’s great Town Green. The design recognized a need to establish Duluth and location of the plaza allows for a as a place with its own identity, and not natural community gathering space just another suburb of Atlanta. Since and showcase for public art. Parsons Alley was completed in 2017, it has become the main gathering point and 5. Included in the development were two destination for not only Duluth residents, adaptive reuse buildings. The main but those living across Atlanta. There is goal was to use construction materials a steady stream of visitors who shop and that were reminiscent, and spoke dine, as well as attend many crowded city the same visual language, as those events such as the Food Truck Fridays. historical buildings. There are eight elements that help this center work. 6. The city now allows open containers 1. Storefronts were designed with in the plaza space, which encourages pedestrians to walk from place to fiberglass frames that are reminiscent place without rushing to finish a drink. of traditional commercial storefronts, giving the downtown an aged look 7. Much of the detailing of the brickwork, rather than a typical suburban roofs, and cornices was inspired by commercial development. traditional retail buildings that you 2. Large glass panes were incorporated might find in a historic commercial in the building design and were placed district. This helps further reference at eye level. This gives pedestrians a the history of the site, weaves the new greater visual sense of what each shop buildings in with the old, and makes the and restaurant has to offer. pedestrian experience more enjoyable. 3. The parking was pushed to the perimeter of the site which allowed 8. Variety of form, color, and material more emphasis on the pedestrians keeps pedestrians at Parsons Alley using the space rather than the engaged. Each building within the vehicles. This also allows for greater project maintains its own charm, while walkability throughout the space. being connected by the public space. PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

GET INSPIRED! Here’s some ways you can start bringing overnight. While the jurisdiction funds the people together in your community: design and the construction, partners from the local business or advocacy community 1. Organize local performances and events. are usually asked to operate, maintain, and Think creatively about the types of events manage the new plazas. With this approach, you can bring to your community and where the jurisdiction and public are able to test those events might occur. An event that has out the performance of the new, temporary become more and more popular throughout plaza without wasting a lot of resources. If the U.S., called “Porchfest,” is what is being successful, the plazas can then transition referred to as the “ultimate grassroots into a more permanent design. neighborhood music festival.” This event 4. Organize a movie night or theatrical helps connect neighbors and is now a yearly performance in your neighborhood. event held in the Oakhurst neighborhood 5. Open a pop-up cafe or bring food trucks to of Atlanta. Private, residential porches all your community. Pop-up cafes are a great over Oakhurst become stages for the day, solution to introducing more public spaces to and everyone meanders from yard to yard, an area in short supply, and are becoming a listening, hanging out, and connecting with valued addition to the public realm. Typically, friends and family while watching live and pop-up cafes are generated by a combination local music performances, often played by of local jurisdiction departments, local the homeowners themselves. restaurants, and local designers. Food trucks are a great way to provide low cost 2. Use musical instruments to activate public food to any area in the community, help spaces. Musical instruments can be placed incubate small businesses, and, like pop- on streets, in public parks, markets, open ups, help activate underutilized sites. They plazas, etc. for the general public to engage not only stimulate entrepreneurial activity, with, activate and take ownership of their they also serve a critical role in the activation urban environment, and to share their love of the public realm. They can tell visitors the of music and the visual arts. Instruments cultural background of the community by the like “street pianos” are becoming extremely types of food being sold. popular across the U.S. and are often 6. Become an event coordinator or help decorated by local artists and community organize an event committee. Suburbs like groups. Alpharetta have made it a priority to put an event staff or committee in place to jump- 3. Reclaim underutilized asphalt as public start, organize, and find funding as well as space with a Pavements to Plazas project. volunteers for placemaking events. The Pavements to Plaza programs typically 7. Activate an alleyway with arts and crafts or start by using temporary inexpensive turn it into a pedestrian only outdoor seating materials to re-assign excessive motor space. This can also be done in alleyways vehicle spaces for the use of pedestrians between residences, not just in commercial and bicyclists. Because these efforts do areas. not require a large amount of funding, public spaces are able to appear almost 46 PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

Pop-Up 47 Shop Street Outdoor Piano Neighborhood Example of Music Event Pavements to Plazas Example of a Porchfest mobile vendor Event Example of Music event held Movie in alleyway activation between houses the Park PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

SMHEIESCNTUUORRIETYEYMOU#R6: HISTORIC MARKERS & CELEBRATIONS History is a perfect example of an ever-present plaques, hosting historic celebrations, or asset that can enhance an area’s sense of place. reaching out to schools to teach about different History is relative, and can reach as far back as aspects of their local history. Protection may Native American sites sprinkled throughout the be accomplished through easements, local county, or to areas that are only a few decades historic districts, building legislation, or outright old. History is inherently unique and must be purchase of a historic resource. Once a resource documented and preserved to tap into its place is protected for future generations, engaged making potential. This is no small task, but it is citizens can determine the best way to celebrate easily started by small, dedicated groups. this history—and these efforts fit nicely with First, note that this is not intended to be a efforts to continue to raise awareness. comprehensive guide to historic preservation, Also, remember that history is constantly but as an inspiration point for citizens to get unfolding and that documentation of recent engaged with history in their area. There are history can be a community-building force. Some numerous resources, some listed below, that possible ideas for documenting recent history have far more in-depth knowledge and expertise include interviewing older neighbors and former about how to preserve history. residents, photo drives to collect photographs That being said, there are several resources in and videos of recently changed areas, and Forsyth County that can serve as starting points celebrations of some of the more recent for those interested in protecting history in the immigrants to the area. In every case, celebration county, depending on the level of knowledge and and documentation are key. Celebration is a way engagement. First, the county’s Comprehensive to make history fun and relevant and it raises Plan lists significant cultural resources, which awareness, while documentation is necessary may be a good starting point for those that are to pass information to generations down the fresh to the preservation scene. Additionally, line. there are several organizations that deal with local history and can be contacted for further information including the Historical Society of Forsyth County and the Forsyth County Heritage Association. Once historical resources have been identified, engaged residents must both raise awareness and seek protection of these resources. These goals can be accomplished in different ways. Awareness may be accomplished by erecting 48 PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

CASE STUDY: GEORGIA DAY 49 PARADE - SAVANNAH, GA Georgia Day is an official holiday in which the state recognizes its colonial founding that occured on February 12, 1733. The Georgia Historical Society hosts the Georgia Day Parade every February in Savannah as a way to celebrate the State’s history and to generate interest around Georgia’s history. At the parade, students, residents, and artists dress up in historical costumes and travel among the city’s famous squares to commemorate the founding of the colony. It is a public event that draws crowds and stimulates thinking about the shared history of the city and the state. Parades do not need to be grandiose or expensive, and involving schools and artists can frequently engage a lot of enthusiasm without excessive expense. PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

GET INSPIRED! Here’s some ways you can work to temporary and mobile, traveling to different preserve your history: areas of the county to celebrate shared history. 1. Put together a historical celebration or 5. Put together a walking tour to highlight parade to commemorate a particular time aspects of the county’s history. This can be or event that is meaningful to the county, or several sites if they are close enough, or your area of it. Reach out to local and state a more in-depth look at a single property. historic groups to find a significant day in Providing historically inspired props or your community and really get creative about re-enactments may help to bring the history ways to celebrate! Engage schools, artists, alive, especially for children. and others to make it as visual as possible. 6. Tap into the interest in genealogy. There are several groups in Forsyth County that 2. Host a photo drive, where you collaborate research genealogy—the Bell Research with members of a church, school, or other Center, the Forsyth County Heritage organizations to find old photos of the county Association, as well as the Forsyth County that have special meaning. These can be Public Library system. Organize a day where especially interesting to see how areas have residents can collectively share and learn changed in recent years. People will likely more about their genealogy—there may be want to keep originals, so be sure to ask for some historic themes that pop up and give copies or be ready to make them yourself. clues about the past! Make sure you document the photos with as much detail as possible, and pass them on to local historic groups for safe-keeping. 3. Erect a plaque that commemorates a particular site or event in the history of the county. This does not have to be a permanent sign and could be a ‘test’ for a more permanent fixture. Even a temporary plaque could serve as a reminder to people in the community. Remember that there are likely several different perspectives of an event, so endeavor to capture as much of the story as possible. 4. Invite artists to create artwork that celebrates some aspect of the history of your place. Art can bring alive any number of different themes, from the abstract to the more concrete. These art pieces can be permanent and fixed, or they can be 50 PLACEMAKING IN SE FORSYTH COUNTY

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