• To view the details of a Document, click the Document Name in the List View. This will open the record in Detail View.• To view an attachment, click the attachment link on the List View or Detail View of the Document. To update a document, you can create a Document Revision.• To edit the Document details, click Edit icon within the List View or click the edit button on the Detail View, make the necessary changes, and click Save.• For a detailed guide on importing and exporting Documents, see the Importing Records and Exporting Records sections of this user manual.• To track all changes to audited fields, in the Document record, you can click the View Change Log button on the Document’s Detail View or Edit View.Targets 100 USER MANUAL
Typically Targets are used as the recipients of a Marketing Campaign, your organization knows verylittle about these individuals and they may be re-used for new Campaigns or deleted without any impactto the business. Your organization will spend little resources on Targets and will usually be contacteden masse. Targets can be acquired from purchased email lists or gathered from trade shows yourorganization has been present. The Targets module in ZGI CRM is used to store and manageinformation about these individuals.Targets ActionsYou can access the Targets actions from the Targets module menu drop down or via the Sidebar. TheTargets actions are as follows: • Create Target – A new form is opened in Edit View to allow you to create a new Target record. • View Targets – Redirects you to the List View for the Targets module. This allows you to search and list Target records. • Import Targets – Redirects you will be taken to the Import Wizard for the Targets module. For more information, see Importing Records.When importing Targets, at the final step of the Wizard you will be given an option to add all importedTargets to a Target List of your choice.To view the full list of fields available when creating a Target, See Targets Field List.Managing Targets • To sort records on the Targets List View, click any column title which is sortable. This will sort the column either ascending or descending. • To search for a Target, see the Search section of this user manual. • To update some or all the Targets on the List View, use the Mass Update panel as described in the Mass Updating Records section of this user manual.USER MANUAL 101
• To duplicate a Target, you can click the Duplicate button on the Detail View and then save the duplicate record.• To delete one or multiple Targets, you can select multiple records from the List View and click delete. You can also delete a Target from the Detail View by clicking the Delete button. For a more detailed guide on deleting records, see the Deleting Records section of this user manual.• To view the details of a Target, click the Target Name in the List View. This will open the record in Detail View.• To edit the Target details, click Edit icon within the List View or click the edit button on the Detail View, make the necessary changes, and click Save.• For a detailed guide on importing and exporting Targets, see the Importing Records and Exporting Records sections of this user manual.• To track all changes to audited fields, in the Target record, you can click the View Change Log button on the Target’s Detail View or Edit View.Target Lists 102 USER MANUAL
Target ListsThe Target Lists module in ZGI CRM is used to separate Targets into groups, these can be groups ofindividuals that should be excluded from a particular Campaign, test groups or a list of Targets groupedby certain criteria, and for example area or market an organization works in.Target Lists ActionsYou can access the Target Lists actions from the Target Lists module menu drop down or via theSidebar. The Target Lists actions are as follows: • Create Target List – A new form is opened in Edit View to allow you to create a new Target List record. • View Target Lists – Redirects you to the List View for the Target Lists module. This allows you to search and list Target List records.To view the full list of fields available when creating a Target List, See Target Lists Field List.Managing Target Lists• To sort records on the Target List List View, click any column title which is sortable. This will sort the column either ascending or descending.• To search for a Target List, see the Search section of this user manual.• To update some or all the Target Lists on the List View, use the Mass Update panel as described in the Mass Updating Records section of this user manual.• To duplicate a Target List, you can click the Duplicate button on the Detail View and then save the duplicate record.• To delete one or multiple Target Lists, you can select multiple records from the List View and click delete. You can also delete a Target List from the Detail View by clicking the Delete button. For a more detailed guide on deleting records, see the Deleting Records section of this user manual.• To view the details of a Target List, click the Target List Name in the List View. This will open the record in Detail View.USER MANUAL 103
• To edit the Target List details, click Edit icon within the List View or click the edit button on the Detail View, make the necessary changes, and click Save.• For a detailed guide on importing and exporting Target Lists, see the Importing Records and Exporting Records sections of this user manual.• To track all changes to audited fields, in the Target List, you can click the View Change Log button on the Target List’s Detail View or Edit View.Campaigns 104Table of Contents USER MANUAL
• Overview • Create a Campaign o Campaign Header o Target Lists o Templates o Tracker URLs o Marketing o Send Email and Summary • Campaign Status and Response Tracking • Campaign ROI Tracking • Web To Person FormOverviewThe Campaigns module in ZGI CRM can be a very powerful marketing and advertising tool for yourorganization allowing you to create and track both email and non-email based (e.g. telesales or radio)marketing campaigns to prospective or existing customers.With the tracking tools built into the Campaign module you can monitor the response you receive fromyour campaign in real time, allowing you to view the Return On Investment (ROI) and many otheruseful metrics. This in turn helps you to plan your strategic marketing and advertising activitieseffectively by visualizing which campaigns work and which do not. • To view the full list of fields available when creating a Campaign, see Campaign Fields List.You will need to configure your outbound and bounce handling mail accounts in order to send anemail-based campaign. See Email Settings for information on how to do this.Campaign mail is sent using a scheduled job. You will need to ensure your scheduler is configured todo this.Create a Campaign 105 USER MANUAL
From the Campaigns module, select Create Campaign from the sidebar or the module dropdownmenu to start the Campaign Wizard.Select the campaign you wish to create: Newsletter, Email, Survey (ZGI CRM 7.10 onwards)or Non-email based Campaign. Non-email based campaigns allow you to keep a record of anycampaigns that are run outwith ZGI CRM (e.g. a telesales or radio based campaign).Note that for a Survey campaign you will first need to create the survey to attach to the campaign.Campaign HeaderThe first page of the Campaign Wizard is the Campaign Header page.USER MANUAL 106
Enter a name for the campaign here and set the status (Planning, Active, Inactive, and Complete).Add an optional description.The campaign will be assigned to the currently logged on user by default. Change this here if required.Survey Campaign (ZGI CRM 7.10 onwards)For a Survey campaign, you will also need to relate the campaign to an existing survey.See Surveys for information on creating a survey.Non-Email Based Campaign 107For a Non-Email Based campaign, you can optionally select the type of campaign. USER MANUAL
Campaign BudgetScroll down to complete optional budget details for the campaign. These figures are used in ROIcalculations.For non-email based campaigns, this section is on the next page.Click NEXT at the top of the screen to continue.Target ListsThe next step is to specify your Target List(s). Any existing target lists will be listed for you to selectunder Add Existing Target List.Click on the target list name to add it to the campaign. Target lists added to the campaign will appearin the right-hand panel.USER MANUAL 108
To remove a target list, click remCreate Target ListIf you have not yet created a target list or wish to use a new list, you can create an empty one here andpopulate it after you have completed the rest of your campaign setup. See Target Lists for moreinformation on the types of lists and how to use them.USER MANUAL 109
Enter a name for the new list and select the type from the list. Note that you will need to have at leastone 'default' type target list attached to the campaign.Click CREATETemplatesThe template is the message that will be sent out to your target list. You can select or edit an existingemail template or create a new one here. See the Email Templates section of the user manual for moreinformation.The template editor used for creating and editing email templates can be selected in the user profileemail settings. The default setting (Mozaik) is shown in the following screen shots.USER MANUAL 110
• Select an existing template – You can select from a drop down list of existing Email Templates • Create a brand new template – Create a new email template from scratch. • Copy an existing template – Allows you select an existing template and use this as a base to make amendmentsThe email template editor at the foot of the page shows how your template will look. Drag and dropdifferent layout components from the left-hand pane into the right-hand display panel where they canbe edited.USER MANUAL 111
Clicking on a component will show the edit menu. This provides you with a multitude of additionaloptions which allows you to customise the layout and appearance of your template. Font type can beselected, formatted, colours changed, text alignment chosen, images and even videos can be inserted.Insert HTML by clicking Tools > Source CodeEmail VariablesTracker URLsTracker URLs can be used to insert a link to your organisation’s website or direct link to a new productthat you have launched, for example. A unique id is added to the link for each recipient whichallows ZGI CRM to track click-thrus. The information gathered can be viewed on the campaign statuspage.USER MANUAL 112
To add your own tracker URL link, click CREATE TRACKERSpecify the text to display as the link, and the URL.Click CREATE TRACKERAdd your tracker(s) to the template in the same way as for a variable. Click inside the template in thedesired location, then select the tracker in the drop down and click INSERT TRACKEROpt Out Tracker URLsAn Opt Out link allows the recipient to opt out of future marketing emails, and a default opt out linkwill be added to the template automatically. You can replace this default with your own Opt Out linktext by adding a custom Opt Out Tracker.Click CREATE TRACKERUSER MANUAL 113
Specify the text you require for your opt out link.Check the Opt-Out Link box. Note that you cannot edit the TrackerURL itself, only the link text.Add your tracker to the template in the same way as for a variable. Click inside the template in thedesired location, then select the tracker in the drop down and click INSERT TRACKEROnce your email template is complete, click SAVE.Click NEXT at the top of the page to continue.MarketingThe Marketing section of the Campaign Wizard is where you need to specify the email settings for thecampaign, and set a schedule for emails to be sent out.USER MANUAL 114
Enter a name for the this run of the campaign. This allows you to resend theMarketing campaign at a later date to a different target list, or with a modified template. TheEmail Name campaign will store separate status details for each marketing record, and these can be selected on the campaign status page.BounceHandling Select the account set up to handle bounced campaign mail.AccountUSER MANUAL 115
Outgoing This will default to the system outbound mail account. If you have other outboundEmail mail aAccountSchedule DateThe campaign emails will be queued for sending at the specified time and will be& Time sent when the Run Nightly Mass Email Campaigns scheduled job is next run.Once details have been completed, click NEXT at the top of the screen to continue.Send Email and SummaryThe Summary page includes a checklist which indicates whether or not each section of the CampaignWizard has been completed satisfactorily.If a section is complete then this is shown with green tick icon.Incomplete sections are shown with a red cross. These will need to be resolved before thecampaign can be sent.USER MANUAL 116
In the example above the Choose Targets section has not been completed correctly as indicated by thered cross icon. This would be resolved by specifying a 'default' type target list with at least one entry.Click on any incomplete entry in the list to navigate to the relevant section.Once you have ensured all sections are complete you have three options: • Send Mail at Scheduled Time – Once you are sure all sections of the campaign are set correctly and your campaign status is set to Active, click to send the campaign emails. Email will be queued at the scheduled time, and will send to recipients when the Run Nightly Mass Email Campaigns scheduled job is next run. • Send Marketing Email as Test – If you have specified a 'test' type target list, this will send the campaign to the addresses on the test list only. By doing this you can view the campaign as a recipient and double check that it appears as it should do before sending out to real recipients. Test entries (views, click-thrus etc) generated can be removed later from the campaign status page. • View Details – Shows the Detail View of the campaign you have just created.Campaign Status and Response TrackingFrom the campaign’s Detail view click VIEW STATUSOR, from List view, click the status iconThe campaign status page gives an overview of the campaign details as well as a graphicalrepresentation of your campaign response. This includes the number of messages sent, bouncedmessages, number of views, opt-outs and click-thrus.USER MANUAL 117
Detailed information can be viewed in the subpanels below the graph, where responses are detailed onan individual record level. Here you can see who has viewed your email or clicked on a link, or howthey have responded to a survey, for example.If the campaign includes a Web To Person form you will be able to see the details of any leads whichhave been created via the webform in the Leads Created subpanel.USER MANUAL 118
These records can be added to a new target list by clicking Add to Target List This allows you tocreate new, more focused campaigns based on who has responded.Delete Test EntriesClick DELETE TEST ENTRIES to remove any entries on the campaign status page that have beengenerated during testing with a 'test' type target list.Campaign ROI TrackingThe built-in campaign ROI tracking can be viewed from the campaign’s detail or status view byclicking VIEW ROIThis page gives a graphical representation of your campaign’s Return on Investment, allowing you toeasily visualise how money spent on the campaign has translated into potential business.Add or edit budget details for the campaign by clicking Launch Wizard and then navigating to theCampaign Header tab.USER MANUAL 119
Web To Person FormThe Create Person Form feature allows you to create a web-based form which will createa Lead, Contact or Target record in ZGI CRM from the information submitted on the web form.These records can be assigned to a particular user and are linked to a campaign so responses can betracked.You will need to relate your Web-to-Person Form to an existing campaign. See the Create aCampaign section for instructions on how to do this. A non-email based type campaign is suitable forthisClick Create Person Form on the sidebar, or select Create Person Form fromthe Campaigns dropdown menu to open the wizard.Create Person Form WizardSelect the type of record you wish to create from the web form information: Lead, Contact or Target,from the dropdown at the top. The list of available fields will update automatically following yourselection. Use the scroll bar to see the complete list of available fields.USER MANUAL 120
Drag and drop the fields you wish to include on the form into the empty form columns. You have theoption of a one or two column layout. You must include any required fields (these are indicated withan asterisk* and are highlighted in the list).Click ADD ALL FIELDS to add all available fields to the form. Clicking RESET ALL FIELDS willremove all fields from the layout columns.Once the required fields have been added, click NEXT to continue.USER MANUAL 121
Create Person Form – Additional InformationConfigure the web form’s appearance by adding a header or footer and changing the label for theform’s submit button if desired.Redirect URL: Specify a custom link to display once the form has been submitted.Related Campaign: You must relate the form to an existing campaign. Click SELECT to select thecampaign from the popup.Once complete, click GENERATE FORMCreate Person Form – EditorThe final step of the Create Person Form Wizard allows you to format the web form you have setupusing the editor. Font type can be selected, colours changed, text alignment chosen and images can beinserted. View and edit the HTML directly by clicking the HTML link on the toolbar.USER MANUAL 122
Once you are happy with the appearance of your web form click SAVE WEB FORMSave FormTo save the web form you have just generated either: • Click on the Web to Person Form link to download the web form into your download folder OR • Copy and paste the HTML into an existing web page. Note the line to include in the <head> section of the web page.USER MANUAL 123
Please note that the web form will not be stored anywhere else in ZGI CRM. To ensure the form issaved please carry out one of the two steps above.USER MANUAL 124
SurveysTable of Contents • Overview • Create Survey o Add Questions o Further Options • View Survey • Edit Survey • Survey Responses • Survey Reports • Survey CampaignOverviewThe Surveys module allows you to create a web-based survey with a variety of question-type options.The responses received are stored in ZGI CRM and can be viewed on a per-respondent basis or as adetailed summary report using charts where appropriate.Surveys can be sent as part of a Campaign.Create SurveyTo create a new survey, select Create Survey from the sidebar or the dropdown menu inthe Surveys module. 125 USER MANUAL
Name: Enter the title of the survey to be displayed to users.Status: • Draft: Survey in preparation, not yet ready to publish and seek responses. • Public: Once ready, setting the survey status to Public will generate a URL link for the survey. The survey can be viewed and completed and any responses submitted will be recorded. Note that once responses have been received, the survey questions cannot be edited. • Closed: A Closed survey will not accept any further responses. Users navigating to the survey link will see a message informing them that the survey is now closed.Description: Note that this description is internal only - it will not be displayed to users as part of thesurvey.Add QuestionsClick NEW QUESTION to add a question to the survey.Enter the question text and select the question type from the dropdown list.USER MANUAL 126
The available question types are as follows:Text A standard text inputTextbox A larger text input areaCheckbox Displays a single checkbox alongside the question.Radio Specify a number of answer options to choose from, with radio buttons. Only one answer can be selected. Specify a number of answer options to choose from, in a dropdown list. Only oneDropdown answer can be selected.MultiselectSimilar to a dropdown list, but one or more answers can be selected. For each option specified, the user will be able to answer \"Satisfied\", \"NeitherMatrix Satisfied nor Dissatisfied\" or \"Dissatisfied\". These responses can be also be customised -see below.DateTime A Date/Time picker will be displayed for the user to select a date.Date A Date/Time picker will be displayed for the user to select a date and time.Scale A 1-10 scale will be displayed. Users can select one number on the scale in response to the question.Rating A five-star rating widget will be displayed. Users can select 0 to 5 stars in response to the question.USER MANUAL 127
Radio Button Question ExampleClick ADD OPTION to add answer options to the question.Remove unwanted options by clicking xOptions for Dropdown, Multiselect and Matrix type questions are added in the same way.Click NEW QUESTION to add more questions in the same way.Deleting and Reordering Questions Questions can be reordered (moved up or down) or deleted using the Actions buttons to the right of the questions.Further OptionsSubmit: Edit the text for the survey’s Submit button here, if desired.USER MANUAL 128
Customise the responses for Matrix type questions by editing the default matrix response text here:Click SAVE to save the survey.The Detail View for the draft survey will be displayed. This overview shows all the survey questionsand question types included in the survey.Note that the URL field is blank - this field will display the CRM-generated URL link for the surveyonce the survey status has been set to Public.View SurveyOnce completed, you can view the survey as it will be shown to participants. Select Edit fromthe Actions menu and then set the survey status to Public.USER MANUAL 129
Click SAVEThe Detail View for the survey will be displayed, now showing the URL for the survey.Click on the URL to view the survey in your browser.As an example, the following screenshot shows the Demo Survey:USER MANUAL 130
Responses can be submitted by clicking SubmitUsers will be redirected to a thank you page and the responses will be recorded. Responses can beviewed in the Survey Responses subpanel or the Survey Report.Once responses have been received, survey questions cannot be edited.USER MANUAL 131
The logo displayed above the survey is the current logo set for your ZGI CRM instance, which can beset in System Settings on the Admin panelEdit SurveyFrom List view, click the pencil icon beside the survey name to open the survey in Edit mode.From Detail view, select Edit from the Actions menu.Questions can only be edited in Draft surveys or in Public surveys which have not yet receivedresponses.Survey ResponsesThe Survey Responses subpanel shows the individual responses received from each respondent. Thesubpanel can be found in Detail View for the survey. The Survey Responses subpanel can also beaccessed from the Campaign Status page for a campaign.Click on a respondent’s name to view their responses.USER MANUAL 132
Survey ReportsThe survey responses can also be viewed as a Survey Report, showing a summary of all the responsesby question. Charts are used where appropriate to display the data.Individual responses cannot be viewed from the Survey Report. If you wish to view a particularrespondent’s answers, these can be viewed from the survey’s Survey Responses subpanel, as shownabove.Select View Survey Reports from the Actions menu.USER MANUAL 133
The Survey Report will open showing a summary of all the responses for each question.As an example, the Survey Report for the Demo Survey above might contain the following summaryfor question 2:Survey CampaignThe following section will provide details on Survey specific campaign settings only, please seethe Campaigns documentation for more detailed instructions on setting up a campaign.Surveys can be sent out as part of a campaign which will track and record the survey responses receivedfrom each recipient.From the Campaigns module, select Create Campaign from the sidebar. Select Survey to launch theSurvey Campaign Wizard.USER MANUAL 134
Campaign HeaderThe survey is attached to the campaign on the Campaign Header tab.Click SELECT to select the survey from the popup.Survey Email TemplateCreate or edit an existing template for the survey. Survey variables are available from the dropdownlist.You will need to include the Surveys URL variable $surveys_survey_url_display in your template. Thiswill include a unique link to the survey so that individual responses can be tracked.USER MANUAL 135
Click SAVE to retain your template settings.Campaign StatusOn the Campaign Status page, the Survey Responses subpanel can be expanded to view surveyresponses from individual respondents. Click on a respondent’s name to view the responses.USER MANUAL 136
CasesIn ZGI CRM Cases are used to record interactions with Customers when they ask for help or advice,for example in a Sales or Support function. A Case can be created, updated when a User is working onit, assigned to a colleague and closed when resolved. At each stage of the Case the User can track andupdate the incoming and outgoing conversation thread so a clear record of what has occurred isregistered in the CRM. Cases can be related to individual records such as Accounts, Contacts and Bugs.Cases ActionsYou can access the Cases actions from the Cases module menu drop down or via the Sidebar. TheCases actions are as follows: • Create Case – A new form is opened in Edit View to allow you to create a new Account record. • View Cases – Redirects you to the List View for the Cases module. This allows you to search and list Case records. • Import Cases – Redirects you will be taken to the Import Wizard for the Cases module. For more information, see Importing Records.To view the full list of fields available when creating a Case, See Cases Field List.Advanced functionality for Cases can be found in the Cases section of this User manual.Managing Cases• To sort records on the Cases List View, click any column title which is sortable. This will sort the column either ascending or descending.• To search for a Case, see the Search section of this user manual.• To update some or all the Cases on the List View, use the Mass Update panel as described in the Mass Updating Records section of this user manual.USER MANUAL 137
• To duplicate a Case, you can click the Duplicate button on the Detail View and then save the duplicate record.• To merge duplicate Cases, select the records from the Cases List View, click the Merge link in the Actions drop-down list, and progress through the merge process. For more information on Merging Duplicates, see the Merging Records section of this user manual.• To delete one or multiple Cases, you can select multiple records from the List View and click delete. You can also delete a Case from the Detail View by clicking the Delete button. For a more detailed guide on deleting records, see the Deleting Records section of this user manual.• To view the details of a Cases, click the Case Subject in the List View. This will open the record in Detail View.• To edit the Case details, click Edit icon within the List View or click the edit button on the Detail View, make the necessary changes, and click Save.• For a detailed guide on importing and exporting Cases, see the Importing Records and Exporting Records sections of this user manual.• To track all changes to audited fields, in the Case record, you can click the View Change Log button on the Case’s Detail View or Edit View.Projects 138 USER MANUAL
ProjectsIn ZGI CRM the Projects module allows the User to arrange their organization’s projects by trackinga number of Tasks and allocating resources. Once set up, a project can be visualized in the form of aGantt chart or using the project grid.Projects ActionsYou can access the Projects actions from the Projects module menu drop down or via the Sidebar onceyou have clicked to view the module. The Projects actions are as follows: • Create Project – A new form is opened in Edit View to allow you to create a new Project record. • View Project – Redirects you to the List View for the Projects module. This allows you to search and list Project records. • View Project Tasks – Allows you to list Project Tasks, which are related to a parent Project. • Import Project – Redirects you to the Import Wizard for the Projects module. For more information, see Importing Records.To view the full list of fields available when creating a Project, See Projects Field List.Creating ProjectsIn the Projects module, you can create, manage, and duplicate Projects and Project Tasks.You can define multiple Project Tasks for each Project. When you create a Project Task, you mustassociate it with a Project. You can associate a Project with multiple activities, Accounts,Opportunities, and Cases. You can also create Projects and Project Tasks from an Email’s detail page. 1. In the Actions bar, click Create Project. 2. On the Projects page, enter information for the following fields: a. Name. Enter a name for the Project.USER MANUAL 139
b. Status. From the drop-down list, select the Project status such as Draft, In Review, or Published. c. Start Date. Click the Calendar icon and select the Project start date. d. End Date. Click the Calendar icon and select the Project end date. e. Assigned to. Enter the name of you who has ownership of the Project. By default, it is assigned to you. f. Priority. From the drop-down list, select the importance of the Project such as Low, Medium, or High. g. Description. Enter a brief description of the Project. 3. Click Save to create the Project; click Cancel to exit the page without creating the Project.When you save the Project, the Project’s detail page displays on the page.From this page, you can relate the Project to records such as Contacts and Opportunities.Creating Project Tasks 1. In the Project Tasks sub-panel, click Create. 2. On the Project Tasks page, enter information for the following fields: a. Name. Enter a name for the task. b. Task ID. Enter a numerical value as the task identification number. c. Start Date. Click the Calendar icon and select the date when the task is due to begin. d. Finish Date. Click the Calendar icon and select a date when the task is due to be completed; enter the start time in the adjoining field. e. Percentage Complete. Enter a numerical value to indicate what percentage of the task has been completed. f. Priority. From the drop-down list, select a priority level that reflects the importance of completing this task. g. Milestone. Check this box if the completion on this task is considered a milestone for project completion. h. Project Name. Click Select and choose the project associated with the task. i. Description. Enter a brief description of the task.USER MANUAL 140
3. Click Save to create the task; click Cancel to return to the project detail page without creating the task.Managing Projects and Project Tasks • To sort the List View on the Projects and Project Tasks list view, click any column title which is sortable. This will sort the column either ascending or descending. • To search for a Project or Project task, see the Search section of this user manual. • To update some or all the Projects or Project Tasks on the List View, use the Mass Update panel as described in the Mass Updating Records section of this user manual. • To duplicate a Project, you can click the Duplicate button on the Detail View and then save the duplicate record. • To delete one or multiple Projects, you can select multiple records from the List View and click delete. You can also delete a Project from the Detail View by clicking the Delete button. For a more detailed guide on deleting records, see the Deleting Records section of this user manual. • To view the details of a Project or Project Task, click the Project or Project Task Name in the List View. This will open the record in Detail View. • To edit the Project or Project Task details, click Edit icon within the List View or click the edit button on the Detail View, make the necessary changes, and click Save. • For a detailed guide on importing and exporting Projects and Project Tasks, see the Importing Records and Exporting Records sections of this user manual. • To track all changes to audited fields, in the Project or Project Task record, you can click the View Change Log button on the Project’s or Project Task’s Detail View or Edit View.Advanced Modules 141 USER MANUAL
Table of Contents • Sales • Workflow • Cases with Portal • Events • Reports • RescheduleSales 142 USER MANUAL
The first 'Suite' of advanced modules is AOS (Advanced Open Sales). The various modules that arepart of the AOS suite of modules allow you to manage the Post-Opportunity Sales processes such asQuoting, Invoicing and recurring Contracting. This functionality is made available to you through thefollowing modules: • Product Categories • Products • PDF Templates • Quotations • Invoices • ContractsAOS SettingsSystem Administrator users can alter the settings for AOS using the AOS Settings page under theAdvanced OpenSales panel within the Admin Panel.You can customise the following settings within the AOS Settings: • Renewal Reminder Period – This defines how many days before the Contract End Date that a reminder call should be created. • Initial Invoice Number – Allows users to set the initial invoice number. For example 20001. • Initial Quote Number – Allows users to set the initial quote number. For example 456.USER MANUAL 143
• Enable Line Items Groups – If selected then users will be able to bundle line items into groups. If this is not selected then you will not be able to use the AOS Group functionality. This setting should be selected before using AOS – It is difficult to migrate from/to groups once Quotes/Invoices have been created.• Add Tax to Line Total – If this is selected then the Tax will be added into the Line Total on Line Items. If this is not the selected the Line Total will not include Tax.Once configured, click Save to apply your AOS Settings.Products ModuleYou can create Product records using the Products module. Creating products allows users to selectproduct lines when preparing Quotes using AOS. The products module allows users to specify theProducts Name, Part Number, Category and Type. Additional fields for Products can be added usingStudio.USER MANUAL 144
The module also allows users to define a Cost and Price for the product. Price is the selling price whichwill be used in the quoting process. A related Contact can be associated to the product. This is the pointof contact with the supplier concerning this product. If you have an Image of the product then this canbe uploaded within the products record. A URL to the products page on your website can also bespecified.Products Categories ModuleThe Product Categories module allows Users to structure Products into a hierarchical categorystructure. To create a Product Category record, navigate to the Product Categories module and clickthe 'Create Product Categories' button in the action bar.USER MANUAL 145
The Parent Category field is a relationship field to another Product Categories record. If you checkthe 'Is Parent Category'field then this signifies that the category is the highest level. Once selectedyou will not be able to select a Parent Category using the relate field.PDF TemplatesCreating TemplatesAOS allows users to generate PDF documents and merge data from ZGI CRM modules. You musthowever create a PDF template first.This module provides a WYSIWYG interface to create dynamic PDF templates. You must select aType. This is the module you are building the PDF Template for. By default the modules you can selectare: Quotes Invoices Accounts Contacts LeadsSystem Administrator users can extend this list by editing the 'pdf_template_type_dom' using the dropdown editor functionality. Please note that the drop down 'Item Name' must be the name of the moduledirectory.USER MANUAL 146
To insert fields into the Body of the template users will first select a module. This will be the either thesame module as the Type or a related module to the Type module. This is selected using the first dropdown on the Insert Fields row.This will populate the second drop down with all the fields found within that module. Once you haveselected the field you wish to insert, the text field will populate with the field variable name.Click Insert to place this field into the Body of the template. If the Active check box is selected thenusers will be able to generate PDFs from this template. If it is not selected you will not.Loading SamplesUSER MANUAL 147
AOS comes with seven pre-defined PDF templates to help you create your own. These can be loadedby selecting the appropriate template from the Load Sample drop down list.Line ItemsWhen using a sample to create a template for Quotes or Invoices the Line Items are formatted withina table. You can change the fields found in this table as well as add or remove columns. Please notethat if you are creating the template from scratch you must format the Line Items section as a table.MarginsAt the bottom of the PDF Template Edit View, you can specify the margin width for the PDF output.USER MANUAL 148
Header and FooterWithin the PDF Templates Edit View, you can also define a Header and a Footer for your templates.These can be completed using the Header and Footer text areas found below the Body text area.Generate LetterYou can generate PDF documents for Accounts, Contacts and Leads using the GenerateLetter functionality.Clicking the Generate Letter button found on these modules Detail View will prompt a pop-up askingto select a template.USER MANUAL 149
Read the Text Version
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