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Home Explore Service Manual - CME855A, CME1000A

Service Manual - CME855A, CME1000A

Published by Scotsman®LATAM, 2016-07-23 12:09:30

Description: Service Manual - CME855A, CME1000A


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CME855A & CME1000AINTRODUCTIONThis manual is intended as a reference for theinstallation of a Scotsman ice maker modelsCME855 and the CME1000. TABLE OF CONTENTSSPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2UTILITY CONNECTION LOCATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3FOR THE INSTALLER: Environmental Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4FOR THE INSTALLER: Machine & Bin Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5STACKING TWO UNITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6FOR THE PLUMBER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 7FOR THE ELECTRICIAN: Electrical Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 8FOR THE INSTALLER: Final Check List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 9INITIAL START UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 10ADJUSTMENT OF THE TIMER & SWITCH ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12REFRIGERATION SYSTEM OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 13WATER SYSTEM OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 14COMPONENT DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 15SERVICE SPECIFICATIONS: CME855A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 17SERVICE SPECIFICATIONS: CME1000A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 18CLEANING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 19SERVICE DIAGNOSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 21REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 23REFRIGERATION SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 25LIQUID CHARGING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 26A Service Parts List and the WiringDiagrams are located in the center of thismanual, printed on yellow paper. October, 1994 Page 1

CME855A & CME1000A Serial Number Plate BehindSPECIFICATIONS Front PanelAlways refer to the nameplate, located on the back Air Inof the cabinet, for the: Air Out •model number, •serial number, •basic electrical requirements, •minimum circuit ampacity, •maximum fuse size, •and refrigerant charge.A serial number plate with the model number,serial number and refrigerant charge is locatedbehind the front panel, near the control box.The unit comes from the factory with the correctrefrigerant charge. The refrigerant chargeinformation is for recharging, should that benecessary.All utility connections are made at the back of theice maker.Before beginning installation, be sure that all of thecomponents necessary for complete assembly ofthe ice system are available, and are the correctcomponents with regard to model, voltage, andfinish.The CME855 or CME1000 will fit Scotsman binBH800 without needing a bin top. Other bins willrequire a bin top.Model Number Dimensions Basic Electrical Refrigerant Min. Max. Refrigerant W\" x D\" x H\" Type Circ. Fuse** Size Charge* AmpsCME855AE-32A 42 x 24 x 27 208-230/60/1 R-404A 15.9 20 36 ouncesCME855AE-6A 42 x 24 x 27 230/50/1 R-404A 36 ouncesCME1000AE-32A 42 x 24 x 27 208-230/60/1 R-404A 19.9 20 42 ouncesCME1000AE-3A 42 x 24 x 27 208-230/60/3 R-404A 13.8 15 42 ouncesCME1000AE-6A 42 x 24 x 27 230/50/1 R-404A 42 ounces* The system charge is in the machine. This number is for recharging purposes only. If the nameplate has adifferent value, go by the nameplate. ** Or HACR type circuit breakers.Minimum Air Temperature Water Temperature VoltageMaximum 500 F. 400 F. -5% 1000 F. 1000 F. +10% December, 1994 Page 2


CME855A & CME1000AFOR THE INSTALLER: Environmental LimitationsInstallation Limitations Water LimitationsThe ice making portion of this ice system is An ice machine is a food manufacturing plant; itdesigned to be installed indoors , in a controlled takes a raw material, water, and turns it into a foodenvironment. product, ice. The purity of the water is very important in obtaining pure ice and in maximizingAir Temp Minimum Maximum product life. These general recommendationsWater Temp 500F. 1000F. should help keep the ice maker clean: 400F. 1000F. 1. Filter the water used to produce ice. Water filtersWater Pressure 20 PSI 80 PSI vary greatly in ability and function. Install one that filters out suspended solids to a dimension of 5Voltage 197 253 microns or smaller. The finer the filter the better, but finer filters will clog sooner than course ones. ItOperating the ice machine outside of the above may be necessary to add a course filter ahead oflimitations, or outdoors, is potentially damaging to the fine filter to prolong filter life.the machine; also it is misuse of the machine,which may void the warranty. 2. Check with a water treatment specialist for a water test, and recommendations regarding filtersScotsman Ice Systems are designed and and treatment.manufactured with the highest regard for safetyand performance. They meet or exceed the Service Limitationsstandards of UL, NSF, and CUL. Some space on the sides, the back and the topScotsman assumes no liability or responsibility of should be allowed for service and utilityany kind for products manufactured by Scotsman connections.that have been altered in any way, including theuse of any part and/or other components notspecifically approved by Scotsman.Scotsman reserves the right to make designchanges and/or improvements at any time.Specifications and design are subject to changewithout notice. December, 1994 Page 4

CME855A & CME1000AFOR THE INSTALLER: Machine & Bin AssemblyStorage Bin:After uncrating the ice storage bin, attach the legsto the bin:1. Use a portion of the carton as a cushion, and tip Fasten Machine Tothe storage bin on its back.2. Screw the legs into the threaded holes in the Binbottom of the bin.3. Turn the leg levelers all the way in to preparethe bin and ice machine for leveling.4. Return the bin to the upright position.Ice Maker:1. Arrange for proper electric, water and drain.See instructions for the plumber and for theelectrician.2. Position the ice storage bin in the selectedINDOOR location.3. Level the bin, in both the front to rear and sideto side directions.4. Inspect the bin top mounting gasket whichshould be flat, with no wrinkles, to provide a goodwater seal when the cuber is installed on top ofthe bin.5. Install the modular cuber on top of the bin using Bincare to be sure a good seal is made between the Thermostattwo cabinets, use of a mechanical lift is Capillary Tuberecommended. Align the holes in the bottom backof the cabinet to mate with the two mounting straps Binon the top rear of the bin. Thermostat6. Use bolts and straps found in the hardware Bracketpackage to secure the ice machine to the icestorage bin. When alignment and leveling arecompleted, tighten the bolts to secure themounting straps.7. Install the bin thermostat bracket. The bracketis shipped in a cardboard container located in frontof the freezing compartment.Mount the bracket to the bottom of the ice machinewith the plastic tube inserted up thru the icemachine base from below. Secure the bracket tothe ice machine base using 3 thumbscrews fromthe hardware package.Uncoil the bin thermostat cap tube and insert it intothe plastic tubing of the bracket to the end of themetal tubing. March 1995 Page 5

CME855A & CME1000ASTACKING TWO UNITSTo stack a 42\" wide CME cuber onto a CME855A,CME1000A, CM855 or CM1000 cuber:A Heavy Duty Leg Kit is Recommended.1. Remove the top panel from the lower unit.2. Add a bead of food grade sealant (such asScotsman part number 19-0529-01) to the topedges of the lower unit’s freezing compartment.3. Lift the top unit onto the bottom machine (amechanical lift is recommended).4. Align the two machine’s cabinets, and using thebolts and straps from the hardware package,fasten the two units together at the back.Note: When placing a new unit on a CM855 orCM1000, the outboard (right side viewed from theback) threaded holes should be used.5. Route the bin thermostat capillary tube from theupper machine into the lower machine and into thebin thermostat bracket, next to the capillary tubefrom the lower machine. FROM HARDWARE PACKAGE FROM HARDWARE PACKAGE STACKING TWO CME 42\" AIR COOLED December, 1994 Page 6

FOR THE PLUMBER CME855A & CME1000AWater Supply Drain Connections:The recommended water supply line is a 3/8-inch Connections: All drains are gravity type and mustO.D. tubing with a minimum operating pressure of have a minimum of 1/4 - inch fall per foot of20 PSIG and a maximum of 80 PSIG. horizontal run. The drains to be installed must conform with the local plumbing codes. Install aA separate water inlet is required for the vertical open vent on the ice machine reservoircondenser water supply. drain. The ideal drain receptacle is a trapped and vented floor drain. The storage bin drain should beConnect to cold water supply line with standard fittings, with shut off valve installed in anaccessible place between the water supply andthe cuber. In some cases a plumber will berequired.CONFORM TO ALL LOCAL CODES PLUMBING CONNECTIONS RESERVOIR DRAIN VENTHAND SHUT OFF VALVEHAND SHUT RESERVOIR DRAINOFF VALVE BIN DRAIN VENT POSITION OF October, 1994 FILTER Page 7 FLOOR DRAIN

CME855A & CME1000AFOR THE ELECTRICIAN: Electrical ConnectionsSee the NAMEPLATE for current requirements to All external wiring should conform to thedetermine wire size to be used for electrical national, state and local electrical codehookup. The cuber requires a solid chassis to requirements. Usually an electrical permit andchassis earth ground wire. See Wiring Diagram. services of a licensed electrician will be required.Be certain the cuber is connected to its ownelectrical circuit and individually fused. Voltagevariation should not exceed ten percent of thenameplate rating, even under starting conditions.Low voltages can cause erratic operation and maybe responsible for serious damage to the icemaker.Electrical connections are made at the rear of theice maker, inside the junction box. FUSES or HACRCIRCUIT BREAKERSELECTRICAL JUNCTION BOX Cuber Electrical Connections January 1997 Page 8

FOR THE INSTALLER: Final Check List CME855A & CME1000A1. Is the ice maker cabinet in a room where Final Check Listambient temperatures are within the minimum andmaximum temperatures specified?2. Is there clearance at the left side of the cabinetand at the back and top for service and utilityconnections?3. Has water supply pressure been checked toinsure a minimum of 20 PSIG and a maximum of80 PSIG operating pressure?4. Is the cabinet level?5. Check that any shipping material has beenremoved from inside the cabinet.6. Have all electrical and piping connections beenmade?7. Are the Master andCompressor switches on OFF?8. Has power been connectedto the ice maker?9. Is the water supply line shut Power?off valve installed?10. Check all refrigerant linesand conduit lines, to guardagainst vibration or rubbingand possible failure.11. Have the bin and cabinetbeen wiped clean andsanitized?12. Has the Customer CabinetEvaluation and Warranty Secure?Registration form been properlyfilled out? Check for correctmodel and serial numbers fromSerial nameplate, then mail thecompleted form to SCOTSMAN.13. Has the owner been giventhe name and telephonenumber of the authorized WaterSCOTSMAN Service Agency Supply?serving him? Filter? Reservoir Bin Drain? Drain? October, 1994 Page 9

CME855A & CME1000A 8. Observe water fill cycle: Water pump operates and water inlet solenoid valve OPENS, incomingINITIAL START UP water flows from the valve through the tubing, the reservoir fills and excess water drains out theIce Maker: reservoir drain. At the end of the harvest cycle, the water inlet solenoid valve will close and the water1. Remove screws and front panel. fill cycle is complete. If the reservoir is not full, advance the shaft of the timer clockwise into a new2. Remove two screws and the control box cover. harvest cycle; this opens the water valve again.3. Remove the evaporator cover. 9. Check that the water cascades down over each cube mold and into the reservoir.4. Locate two toggle switches on the front of thecontrol box. Check that the Master ON/OFF switch 10. When the reservoir is full, move theand the Compressor ON-OFF switch are in the compressor ON-OFF switch, to the ON position.OFF position. 11. Check operation of the freezing cycle: The5. OPEN the water supply line shut off valve. compressor is operating. The ice making process begins; feeling the metal parts of the evaporator6. Inside the control box is the shaft of the timer plate reveals cold temperature, very shortly iceand the switch assembly. Rotate the shaft of the begins to form. Tubing will become frosted at thetimer and switch assembly clockwise to where the top of the evaporator plate. After the first cycle,actuator arm on the microswitch drops off outer freezing time will range between 10 and 17cam into cam slot. See Timer Cam Positions. minutes.7. Move the Master ON/OFF switch to the ON In moderate temperatures, CME855 averageposition. complete cycle time is about 15 minutes, and CME1000 average complete cycle time is about TIMER CAM POSITIONS 12 minutes. ACTUATOR MICROSWITCH 12. Check CUBE SIZECAM & The dimensions of the cubes are fixed by the sizeSHAFT and shape of the molds on the evaporator plate, except that the thickness of the cube MAY need to HARVEST be adjusted at start up. There is only one size of PORTION cube that is correct; adjusting the cube size control to that size of cube will allow the ice maker to produce ice at its most efficient size. The correct size cubes will be fully formed at the edges; will harvest off of the evaporators beginning with individual cubes at the top of the evaporator, then vertical strips for the balance; and will appear similar to the illustration for ‘‘Correct Size Cube’’.FREEZEPORTION December, 1994 Page 10

INITIAL START UP CME855A & CME1000AAdjust for the correct size if needed: CUBES (ACTUAL SIZE)To produce SMALLER sized ice cubes: TOO THICKLocate cube size control knob in the front of thecontrol box. Rotate this knob one eighth of a turn 1 1⁄4\"counter clockwise. Observe size of the ice cubesin the next ice cube harvest and adjust again if CORRECTneeded, until the correct ice cube is achieved. SIZE 1 1⁄4\" CUBETo produce LARGER ice cubes: Note: Optimum performance will be achieved whenLocate cube size control on the front of the control the ice machine is adjusted to produce this size andbox. Rotate the knob one eighth of a turnclockwise. Observe size of ice cubes in the next shape of cube. The typical batch weight at thiscube harvest and adjust again if needed, until setting is between 8.25 and 9 pounds.correct the ice cube size is achieved. TOO13. Check Harvest Time. The machine must THINharvest all cubes before returning to a freeze cycle.Increase the harvest time if there is less than 15seconds of harvest time after the last cube hasfallen into the bin.Decrease the harvest time if there is much morethan 15 seconds of harvest time after the last cubehas fallen into the bin. Note: Harvest time isdependent upon the water and air temperatures atthe ice machine. Do not adjust harvest time tooshort, as this will cause a freeze up.See the next page for detailed harvest timeadjustment instructions.14. Check BIN THERMOSTATWith the ice maker in the harvest cycle, hold iceagainst the metal tube of the bin thermostatbracket. The ice machine will shut off only at theend of the harvest cycle.Remove the ice and within a few minutes the icemachine should restart.15. Replace all panels, the machine is ready forautomatic operation.16. Fill out and mail in the Customer Evaluationand Warranty Registration Form.Explain to the user the specifications, operationand maintenance requirements of the ice machine.Inform the user of the name and telephonenumber of the local service contact.October, 1994 Page 11

CME855A & CME1000AADJUSTMENT OF THE TIMER & SWITCH ASSEMBLYOne complete revolution of the cam on the timer TIMER CAM POSITIONSrepresents eight minutes. If left as factory set, thetimed freeze cycle will be 5 minutes 15 seconds, ACTUATOR MICROSWITCHand the harvest cycle will be 2 minutes 45seconds. Rotating the shaft of the timer cam CAM &Clockwise will put the ice machine into the freeze SHAFTor harvest cycle. WARNINGDisconnect electrical power supply to ice makerwhenever adjustment procedures are performed.To adjust the timer & switch assembly: HARVEST PORTION1. Remove front panel. FREEZE2. Remove control box cover. PORTIONA. To start the HARVEST CYCLE: Slowly rotate TIMER ADJUSTMENTthe shaft of the timer and switch assembly, MICROSWITCHclockwise until the actuator arm on themicroswitch initiates the harvest cycle. An audible SHAFT OFclick can be heard, but in a noisy area, look at CAMthe cam and switch to observe the eventB. To start the FREEZING CYCLE: Slowly rotatethe shaft of the timer and switch assemblyclockwise until the actuator arm on themicroswitch initiates the freezing cycle.C. To adjust the length of the harvest cycle:1. Loosen the adjustment screw on the cam androtate the shaft of the cam to move the cam. Moreof a gap between the high and low portions willyield more harvest time.2. Tighten the set screw.3. Replace the control box cover and front panel.It is important that the length of the harvest cycleallow enough time for all the ice cubes to fall fromthe evaporator. Too short of a time will cause theevaporator to freeze up and stop ejecting ice intothe bin. Too much time wastes ice makingcapacity, energy and water. Adjustment of theharvest cycle may require an adjustment of thecube size control. SET SCREWDecember, 1994 Page 12

CME855A & CME1000AREFRIGERATION SYSTEM OPERATIONCondenser Suction Hot Line Gas Line Hot Gas Valve Compressor Evaporators Drier Thermostatic Expansion Valve Refrigeration System SchematicFREEZE CYCLE HARVEST CYCLEThe compressor forces the refrigerant into the The only change between freeze and harvest isdischarge tube. The refrigerant, now a very hot, that a valve opens a path between the dischargehigh pressure gas flows to the condenser. At the line and the evaporator inlet. This valve is calledcondenser the refrigerant’s heat is transferred to the Hot Gas Valve. It allows hot dischargethe air blowing thru the condenser. The refrigerant refrigerant gas to flow directly from the compressorchanges from a gas to a liquid. to the evaporator inlet, warming the evaporators and causing the ice cubes to release.After the condenser, the now liquid refrigerantflows thru the thermostatic expansion valve. Thethermostatic expansion valve liquid refrigerant thruthe refrigerant distributor and into the threeevaporators.Inside the evaporators, the liquid refrigerant rapidlyexpands, because it has moved from a highpressure zone to one of much lower pressure. Theheat from the water going over the evaporatorskeeps the refrigerant expanding, and therefrigerant absorbs this heat. This causes theevaporators and the water going over them toloose heat.The refrigerant then flows into the suction line andback to the compressor. October, 1994 Page 13

CME855A & CME1000A Water Manifold and DistributorsWATER SYSTEM OPERATION Evaporators WATER SYSTEM SCHEMATICDrain Reservoir Inlet Water Valve Water PumpA fixed charge of water is brought into the reservoirduring the harvest cycle.A water pump, running continuously, forces thewater to the top of the evaporators, where it isdistributed through manifolds, and then cascadesdown the evaporator surface by gravity.As it flows across the refrigerated evaporators,some of the water will be chilled enough to changeform, turn to ice and stay frozen to the evaporator.Most of the water returns to the reservoir, to besucked back into the pump and re-pumped overthe evaporators.Water is forced over the evaporators during thefreeze cycle to be changed into ice, and during theharvest cycle to assist the release of the ice. December, 1994 Page 14

COMPONENT DESCRIPTION CME855A & CME1000ACompressor Contactor Hot Gas Solenoid ValveThe compressor contactor carries the compressor The hot gas solenoid valve opens only during theline current. The compressor contactor coil has harvest cycle. When it opens, it diverts the hotpower whenever the ice machine is making or discharge gases so that they flow directly into theharvesting ice. evaporator plates, by-passing the condenser and thermostatic expansion valve. The hot gases warmCube Size Control the evaporators, releasing the ice cubes from the ice cube molds. The hot gas solenoid valve isThis reverse acting (closes on temperature fall) installed in a branch of the discharge line, andthermostat determines how long the freezing cycle when the timer switches the ice machine into thewill be. The cube size control closes it’s contacts harvest cycle, the energized solenoid coil lifts thewhen the evaporator & suction line cools to the set valve stem within the valve body, allowing the hottemperature. When the cube size control closes, it discharge gas to be diverted to the evaporators.connects power to the timer motor. A variation inheat load (either ambient air or incoming water High Temperature Cut Outtemperature) will affect the efficiency of therefrigeration system, and that will vary the length of This temperature sensor is located next to the hottime it takes the evaporators to cool to the gas valve, on the outlet side.temperature at which the cube size control is set to Cut Out is 140oF., Cut In is 110oF.close, which, in turn, will affect the overall cycletime. See CUBE SIZE ADJUSTMENT BEFORE During normal operation, it does not affect the iceattempting to adjust the control. machine, but it will shut the machine off if the hot gas line overheats. It is an automatic reset.RelayThe multi-function, three pole, double throw, relayplugs into a socket on the printed circuit board inthe control box. When the relay coil has power, themachine is in a freeze cycle, and when power isremoved from the coil, the machine will be in theharvest cycle.The relay also by-passes the bin control during theharvest and freeze cycles, preventing the icemaker from shutting off in the middle of a cycle.The bypass action allows only complete freezeand harvest cycles; the only time that the icemaker can shut off on bin control is as the end ofthe harvest cycle.Timer - Timer & Switch AssemblyThe timer begins to turn when activated by thecube size control. The outer surface, or largediameter lobe of the timer cam, determines thelength of time for finish freezing of the ice cubes,while the inner surface, or small diameter lobe,determines length of the harvest cycle. Thesingle-pole, double throw microswitch on the timercontrols the power to the plug in relay coil, makingit either the freezing or harvest cycle. Themicroswitch is actuated by the cams connected tothe timer motor. The timer cam can be adjusted tovary the defrost time, as required. One completerotation of the cam will take eight minutes.October, 1994 Page 15

CME855A & CME1000A Reservoir The reservoir, located below the evaporators,COMPONENT DESCRIPTION stores the inlet water charge, and collects the water that flows over the evaporator plates. MostElectric Water Inlet Valve ice will be falling into the bin below the center evaporator.The water inlet solenoid valve fills the reservoir High Pressure Cut Outassembly with water. Excess water overflows out This is a manual reset control that shuts down thethe overflow standpipe located at the back of the ice maker, should the discharge pressure everreservoir. This action fills and rinses the reservoir reach 450 PSIG.during each harvest cycle. The flow rate is .75g.p.m. WATER DISTRIBUTIONWater Distribution System SYSTEMThe water distribution system evenly supplieswater to all cells of the evaporator plates. Thewater pump pumps water from the reservoir up thevertical tygon tube to the tee. From there water ischanneled through the water manifold to the waterdistributors, above each evaporator plate, andfrom six holes within each distributor, water flowsto the cells of each side of the evaporator plates.Gravity flow returns the unfrozen excess portion ofwater to the reservoir for recirculation. EVAPORATORWATER PUMP RESERVOIR ELECTRIC WATER VALVE December, 1994 Page 16

CME855A & CME1000ASERVICE SPECIFICATIONS: CME855AWhen servicing a machine, it’s helpful to comparethat unit’s operating characteristics to those of anew, clean, normally operating machine. Whatfollows is that type of information:Numbers = Cabinet Air Temp/Water Temp.Typical Cycle Time 70/50 90/70 14 - 15 minutes 17 - 18 minutesHarvest Time (22⁄3 minute 22⁄3 minutes 2 minutesstandard) 26 PSIG 32-32 PSIGTypical Freeze Cycle Low SidePressure (end of cycle) 195 PSIG 255 PSIGTypical Freeze Cycle Discharge 84 PSIG 107 PSIGPressure (end of cycle) 140 PSIG 180 PSIGTypical Harvest Cycle Low SidePressure (peak)Typical Harvest Cycle DischargePressure (min)Typical Batch Weight • 8.25 - 9 lb.Refrigerant Charge • 36 ounces of R-404A.Hi Pressure Cut Out Point • 450 PSIGHi Temperature Cut Out Point • 140oF.Typical Compressor Amp Draw • at 90/70: 5 min. into freeze: 9.9, in harvest 10.8 • at 70/50: 5 min. into freeze: 8.9, in harvest 8.3Compressor: • CS14K6EWater Inlet Valve Flow Rate: • .75 g.p.m.Cube Size Thermostat: • Cut in adjustable between 0oF. and 24oF.Bin Thermostat: •CI= 38.5oF. to 43.5oF. •CO= 33.5oF. to 38.5oF.Thermostatic Expansion Valve •Not adjustable October, 1994 Page 17

CME855A & CME1000ASERVICE SPECIFICATIONS: CME1000AWhen servicing a machine, it’s helpful to comparethat unit’s operating characteristics to those of anew, clean, normally operating machine. Whatfollows is that type of information:Numbers = Cabinet Air Temp/Water Temp.Typical Cycle Time 70/50 90/70 11 - 12 minutes 13 - 14 minutesHarvest Time (22⁄3 minute 22⁄3 minutes 2 minutesstandard) 25 PSIG 25 PSIGTypical Freeze Cycle Low SidePressure (end of cycle) 190 PSIG 240 PSIGTypical Freeze Cycle Discharge 84 PSIG 94 PSIGPressure (end of cycle) 155 PSIG 190 PSIGTypical Harvest Cycle Low SidePressure (peak)Typical Harvest Cycle DischargePressure (min)Typical Batch Weight • 8.25 - 9 lb.Refrigerant Charge • 42 ounces of R-404A.Hi Pressure Cut Out Point • 450 PSIGHi Temperature Cut Out Point • 140oF.Typical Compressor Amp Draw • 90/70: 5 min. into freeze - 11.5, harvest -13.3 • 70/50: 5 min. into freeze - 10.7, harvest -11.8Compressor: • CS18K6EWater Inlet Valve Flow Rate: • .75 g.p.m.Cube Size Thermostat: • Cut in adjustable between 0oF. and 24oF.Bin Thermostat: •CI= 38.5oF. to 43.5oF. •CO= 33.5oF. to 38.5oF.Thermostatic Expansion Valve •Not adjustable December, 1994 Page 18

CME855A & CME1000ACLEANINGA Scotsman Ice System represents a sizable investment of time and money in any company’s business. Inorder to receive the best return for that investment, it MUST receive periodic maintenance.Maintenance and Cleaning should be scheduled at a minimum of twice per year.CLEANING: ICE MAKER 13. Replace the front panel 14. Check the next batch of cubes to make sure all1. Remove front panel. of the acid taste is gone.2. Switch the Wash/Off/Ice switch to OFF. CAUTION3. Remove the front liner. DO NOT use ice produced from the cleaning solution. Be sure none remains in the bin.4. Remove and discard all ice from the storage bin. 15. Remove and discard all ice from the storage5. Locate the reservoir drain and drain the bin, pour hot water into the storage bin to melt thereservoir. If the reservoir doesn’t drain completely, cubes and also clean out the bin drain.disconnect the pump hose attached to the water 16. The unit is now ready for continued automaticdistributors and place the end of the hose in a operation.bucket. Switch the Wash/Off/Ice switch to Wash,and allow the pump to discharge the rest of thewater. Reattach the hose to the water distributors.6. Mix 8 ounces of Scotsman Ice Machine Cleanerwith 1 gallon of warm (950F. - 1150F.) water andpour into the reservoir until full. Scotsman Ice Machine Cleaner contains acids. These compounds may cause burns. If swallowed, DO NOT induce vomiting. Give large amounts of water or milk. Call Physician immediately. In case of external contact, flush with water. KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN.7. Switch the Wash/Off/Ice switch to ‘‘wash’’. Letthe unit operate for 30 minutes, then switch theunit off.8. Drain the reservoir again (repeat step 5)9. Switch the machine to ‘‘wash’’ and continue toadd fresh water to flush residual cleaner from thesystem. Switch the Wash/Off/Ice switch off.10. Sanitize the ice maker and bin, see ‘‘SanitizeWater System’’.11. Replace the front liner.12. Switch the Wash/Off/Ice switch back on. October, 1994 Page 19

CME855A & CME1000A SANITIZE ICE STORAGE BINCLEANING This procedure is to be done monthlySANITIZE WATER SYSTEM 1. Remove and discard all ice from the bin.1. Remove and discard all ice from the bin. 2. Switch the ice maker off.2. Remove front panel. 2. Prepare 2 gallons of an approved sanitizer solution in accordance with the instructions on the3. Drain the reservoir package, or use the following instructions for use of household bleach, if it meets local codes: Mix a4. Prepare 2 gallons of an approved sanitizer sanitizing solution of 1 ounce of household bleachsolution in accordance with the instructions on the to 2 gallons of water.package, or use the following instructions for useof household bleach, if it meets local codes: 3. Using clean rubber gloves and a clean cloth, wipe all interior surfaces of the ice machine andMix a sanitizing solution of 1 ounce of household ice storage bin with the sanitizing solution.bleach to 2 gallons of water. Immerse any small parts in the sanitizing solution and wash the parts, flushing the solution5. Pour 1 gallon of the sanitizer into the ice maker thoroughly in, over and through all parts andreservoir. surfaces of the parts being cleaned.6. Move the Wash/Off/Switch switch to ‘‘Wash’’, 4. Allow to air dry.and allow the solution to circulate for a MINIMUMof 5 minutes. 5. Switch the ice machine back on.7. Move the Wash/Off/Switch switch to ‘‘Off’’.8. Remove the drain plug and drain the reservoir.9. Using a clean sponge and the remainder of thesanitizer solution, wipe the interior of theevaporator cover and the inside of the storage bin,taking care to wipe all surfaces that are normally incontact with ice.10. Replace the evaporator cover. Replace thefront panel.11. Move the master switch to ON.December, 1994 Page 20

CME855A & CME1000ASERVICE DIAGNOSISSYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE PROBABLE CORRECTIONNo ice, machine does not run 1. No electrical power 1. Restore power 2. Reset breaker or replace fuse, 2. Circuit breaker tripped or fuse check for electrical fault. blown 3. Reset HPC, check fan motor 3. High pressure control open. for proper operation, and condenser coil for dirt. 4. Bin Thermostat holding 4. Check bin thermostat. machine off 5. Hot gas valve leaks thru, 5. High temp. cut out open replace hot gas valve 6. Replace timer 6. Timer switch open 7. Check or replace switch. 8. Replace circuit board. 7. Master switch open 1. Replace contactor 8. Circuit board open 2. Check/replace TXV.No ice, compressor does not run, 1. Open contactor coil 1. Check/replace water pumprest of ice machine does. 2. Check/replace water inlet valve. 1. Check for slow leak thru of 2. Thermostatic Expansion valve water inlet valve. clogged or does not open. 2. Check pressures, if low find/repair leak; weigh in charge.No ice, no water over evaporators 1. Water pump does not pump 3. Defective compressor - replace 1. Check condenser air inlet 2. No water in reservoir temperature. Check water temperature.No ice, everything runs 1. Too much heat load 2. Replace compressor 3. Check head pressure, if very 2. Low on refrigerant high, and no other reason is suspected, replace refrigerantLow ice production 3. Suction pressure too high charge. 1. Too much heat load. 2. Compressor inefficient. 3. Non condensable gasses in refrigeration system. October, 1994 Page 21

CME855A & CME1000ASERVICE DIAGNOSISSYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE PROBABLE CORRECTIONLow ice production 4. High head pressure, a result of 4. Clean water circuit ofNo ice falling in bin, unit frozen up a dirty condenser condenser 5. Hot gas valve leaks thru 5. Replace hot gas valveIce maker stuck in harvest cycle 6. High discharge pressure 6. If possible, reduce condenser water inlet temperature.Ice is mal-formed 1. Cube size control will not close 1. Check temp. of suction line,Water overflows from reservoir cube size control will not close ifinto bin. 2. Timer motor open temp. too high. If temp. low 3. Plug in relay contacts open enough, replace cube size control 4. Not enough time during the 2. Replace timer harvest cycle to drop all ice 3. Replace relay 5. Cube size wrong 4. Adjust timer for more harvest 6. Hot gas valve restricted. time 7. Not enough water to help 5. Adjust cube size harvest. 6. Replace hot gas valve. 8. Head pressure too low 7. Check for restriction of water supply. 1. Relay coil open 8. Check water reg./pressure 2. Timer stuck in harvest cycle control valve. Check for low refrigerant charge. 3. Timer microswitch N.O. 1. Replace relay contacts will not close. 2. Check for power to timer 1. Shortage of water motor, if power replace timer, if no power to timer motor, replace 2. Evaporator water passages relay. restricted. 3. Replace timer. 3. Cube size set wrong 1. Restricted sump drain 1. Check for restriction of water supply. Check for leak. 2. Inlet water valve lets in too 2. Clean ice maker. much water 3. Adjust cube size control 1. Repair drain 2. Replace valve December, 1994 Page 22

CME855A & CME1000AREMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT Inlet Water Solenoid Valve Assembly To remove the inlet water solenoid valve assembly: Disconnect electrical 1. Shut OFF water supply to machine. power before beginning. ELECTRICAL CORD SOLENOIDCube Size Control CONNECTION VALVETo remove the cube size control: INLET FITTING1. Remove front panel. OUTLET2. Remove cover from control box. REMOVAL OF THE INLET WATER VALVE3. Trace capillary tube, from the cube size controlto the refrigerant suction line. 2. Loosen and remove outlet water line from the inlet water solenoid valve assembly.4. Remove the coiled capillary tube bulb from the 3. Remove screws and pull the water solenoidtube well on the suction line. valve out to gain access. 4. Pull electrical cord connection from solenoid coil5. Remove electrical leads from the cube size terminals.control. 4. Remove inlet water fitting from the water solenoid valve. To replace the inlet water valve6. Remove screws and the cube size control. To assembly, reverse the removal procedures.replace the cube size control, reverse the removalprocedure. Be certain to re-insulate the cube sizecontrol bulb.Water Distributor Tubes And Manifold TubesTo remove the water distributor tube and manifoldtube:1. Pull out to unsnap catches and remove the frontpanel.2. Remove the evaporator cover.3. Slide the water distributor tube to the front about1/8-inch along the top of the evaporator plate, untilthe water distributor tube can be unsnapped fromthe flexible notch and lifted upward to the rightside.4. Unsnap and disconnect water distributor tubesfrom the water manifold section. To replace thewater distributor tubes and manifold tubes, reversethe removal procedure.BE SURE the notches in the water manifold tubesproperly engage the alignment keys in the tee. BESURE the water distributor tube is securelyfastened at the notch at both sides of theevaporator plate.Check identical attachment for the left waterdistributor tube and notch; also, that thedistributor/manifold connections at the top centerof each evaporator plate is snug against the top ofthe plate.October, 1994 Page 23

CME855A & CME1000A Hot Gas ValveREMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT 1. Remove the side service panel, and top panel if possible. Disconnect electrical power before beginning. 2. Discharge and recover the refrigerant from theWater Pump system.1. Remove front panel. 3. Remove the electrical connections from the coil2. Remove evaporator cover. of the valve3. Unplug water pump electrical connection.4. Remove thumb screw retaining pump to cross 4. Cut out or unsweat the valve at the tubingbrace. connections, remove the valve from the ice maker.5. Pull pump partially out of reservoir and remove 5. Install the new valve, wrap it in wet cloths ordischarge hose. other efficient heat sink material. ELECTRICAL 6. Sweat the tubing connections to the valve. CONNECTION 7. Connect the electrical wires to the terminals of DISCHARGE the valve coil. HOSE 8. Weigh in the nameplate charge.PUMP 9. Replace all panels removed for service.REMOVAL OF THE WATER PUMP 10. Reconnect electrical power.6. Reverse to reassemble.7. Replace all panels. Thermostatic Expansion Valve8. Reconnect electrical power. 1. Remove the side service panel, and top panel if possible. 2. Discharge and recover the refrigerant from the system. 3. Locate the TXV sensing bulb on the suction line, unwrap the insulation and remove the bulb from the clamp. 4. Cut out or unsweat the old TXV from the tubing connections. 5. Wrap the new TXV body in wet cloths or other efficient heat sink material. 6. Sweat in the new valve. Do not overheat. 7. Re-attach the TXV bulb to the suction line in the same place as the original. Be certain to re-insulate. 8. Install a new HFC type drier. 9. Evacuate to at least 200 microns. 10. Weigh in the nameplate charge. 11. Replace all panels removed for service. 12. Reconnect electrical power, and restart machine. December, 1994 Page 24

CME855A & CME1000AREFRIGERATION SERVICEThis ice machine uses R-404A refrigerant and polyolester oil. Do NOT Pressure-Temperature Chart for HP62use mineral oil in this refrigeration system.•R-404A is a \"Near Azeotrope\" so liquid charging is required: See the VAPOR VAPORnext page. TEMP. PRES. TEMP. PRESS.•When the system is serviced, a special liquid line drier is required. It is (DEG F) (PSIG) DEG F) (PSIG)included with replacement compressors. -20 17 70 146•HP62 is not compatible with mineral oil, so these ice machines use -18 18 72 150 Polyolester oil. Polyolester oil absorbs water very easily. When one of -16 20 74 155 these refrigeration systems is opened for service, it must be re-sealed -14 21 76 161 as soon as possible (15 minutes maximum). -12 23 78 166 -10 24 80 171 •Special leak detection equipment is required to locate small refrigerant -8 26 82 177 -6 28 84 182 leaks. Usually a leak detector capable of detecting a Halongenated -4 29 86 188 refrigerant or HFC-134a will work. Check with the leak detector -2 31 88 194 manufacturer if in doubt. 33 90 200 0 35 92 206Access Valves: To use the access valves: 2 •Remove the cap from the stem, use a 3/16\" allen wrench to checkthat the valve is CLOSED. The remove the core cap. 4 37 94 212•Close the valve and replace the caps when the job is finished. 6 39 96 219The valve must be closed and the caps must be on or the valve 8 41 98 225will leak. 10 43 100 232General Information: 12 46 102 239 14 48 104 246Work on the refrigeration system should only be done when it is certain 16 50 106 253that the system needs repair. 18 53 108 260 20 55 110 268 •Refrain from checking refrigeration pressures without reason.Visual inspection of the water system, observation of the ice 22 58 112 275formation, amp draw, voltage, and other techniques will lead to proper 24 60 114 283diagnosis. 26 63 116 291•If gauges must be used, don’t always check the high side pressure. If 28 66 118 299 30 69 120 307 the condenser is clean and seems to be operating correctly, it most 32 72 122 316 34 75 124 324 likely is. 36 78 126 333 38 81 128 342•If gauges must be used, use very short hoses to minimize refrigerant 40 85 130 351 42 88 132 360 discharged into the air. 44 91 134 370 46 95 136 379•Refrigerant should not be added except as a way to determine the proper operation of the product. If the system was low on refrigerant, there is a leak, and it must be found and repaired.•This system has a critical charge, it must be recharged with thecorrect amount of refrigerant as listed on the nameplate of the ice 48 99 138 389machine, or performance will suffer. 50 102 140 399 •Anytime the refrigeration system has been opened, the dryer should 52 106 142 409 54 110 144 420 be replaced. Note: Only a HFC type dryer can be used. 56 114 146 430 58 118 148 441 •When brazing the tubing connections to components such as the 60 123 150 452 62 127 152 464 TXV, the component must be protected by heat sink material. 64 132 154 475 66 136 156 487Recover, reclaim or recycle refrigerant . The method chosen is up to 68 141 158 499the service company. Any refrigerant placed into a Scotsman ice machinemust meet ARI spec 700-88. Reclaim programs are available throughmost refrigerant wholesalers. October, 1994 Page 25

CME855A & CME1000ALIQUID CHARGINGInstructions for R-404AIn preparation for charging, the low side hoseshould have a sight glass, and/or a restrictordevice (such as a \"Charge Faster\") installed in itfor metering liquid into the low side of the system.1. After a thorough evacuation to at least 200microns, shut off the manifold valves and switchoff the vacuum pump.2. Place a drum of R-404A onto an electronicscale.3. Attach the charging hose to the drum.4. Open the valve on the drum and purge thecharging hose.5. Zero out the scale.6. Shut the low side access valve at the icemachine.7. Open the discharge manifold valve full open.8. Watch the scale, when the correct charge isshown, shut the manifold valve.Note: If all of the charge will not \"go in\" thedischarge side: A. Shut the discharge access valve at the icemachine. B. Switch the machine on. C. Open the low side access valve at the ice Hose Connection Schematic for Liquid Chargingmachine. D. Open the low side manifold valve and observethe sight glass to be certain that only gas isflowing into the system. E. When the proper charge is indicated on the Allenscale, shut off the manifold valve(s). Wrench9. Shut off the valve on the refrigerant drum.10. Re-open the manifold valves until all liquid hasflowed out of the hoses.11. Shut the low side access valve on the ice Torque Stem to Torquemachine. 6-8 ft. lb.. Core Cap to 7-12 ft. lb..12. Remove hoses from ice machine and replace Torque Stem Cap toall caps. 8-12 ft. lb.. Access Valves Note: There are no valve cores in this valve. December, 1994 Page 26