NU130Installation and UseIntroductionThis manual includes information for theinstallation, operation and maintenance of theNU130 residential ice machine.The NU130 was developed to offer fans ofScotsman’s Nugget Ice form the ability to have thatice in a smaller unit. Previously Nugget Ice wasonly available in commercial establishments, whereit developed a strong following because of thechewable nature of the ice. This machine makesauthentic Nugget ice, using the same process asthe larger commercial machines. Table of ContentsProduct Description: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2Cabinet Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3Location Recommendations: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4Familiarization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5Door Swing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6Plumbing - Pump Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7Plumbing: Gravity Drain Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8Electrical and Start Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11How to remove scale from the ice making system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 12Outdoor Use Notice:Keep from freezing. Severe damage will occur to the unit if left in or operated in temperatures beyondthe limits listed in this manual. That damage is NOT covered by warranty.Keep dry. Do not locate in low lying areas where puddles will accumulate.Provide Shade: Heat gain from the sun will reduce the unit's ability to make and store ice, andultraviolet radiation from the sun can potentially damage the unit's plastic components.Water Supply: Avoid a long run of hose or tubing exposed to the sun. Plastic water supply tubingshould be rated for potable water and include UV protection. Copper tubing is recommended.Back Flow Prevention: The unit includes back flow prevention, no additional check valve is required.Drainage: Do Not drain into swimming pool or onto grounds. July 2011 Page 1
NU130Installation and UseProduct Description:This ice machine is designed to be used indoors, in Water Qualitya controlled environment or outdoors within certainlimits. The water to the machine must be potable, or fit for human consumption. Beyond that, water suppliesThe NU130 is made up of two major systems: the vary in the degree of mineral content. As this iceice making system and the ice storage system. The machine makes ice, all the water that flows into theice making system is a continuous flow type ice machine is changed into ice. That includes anymachine, it makes ice when the ice level becomes minerals that might be in the water. However,low and stops when it is full. during ice making some minerals will stick to the ice making components. The higher the mineralThe ice storage system is an insulated chest with a content, the more mineral build up will occur. Waterdrain at the bottom for melting ice. It is not filters are a partial help, as they will remove therefrigerated, insuring that the bin contains fresh ice. suspended solids, but water treatment is needed for the dissolved solids, which are part of the waterInstallation Information and cannot be filtered out.Dimensions: RO WaterThe cabinet is fourteen and seven eighths inches This machine can be supplied with Reversewide by thirty three and three eighths to thirty four Osmosis water, but the water conductivity must beand three eighths inches high. no less than 10 microSiemens/cm. A reverse osmosis system should include post treatment orUtility and Operational Requirements blending to satisfy the R.O. water’s potential aggressiveness. • The NU130 must be connected to a potable water supply. Deionized water is not recommended and could damage the machine. • The water supply must have a conductivity of at least 10 microSiemens/cm. Because water softeners exchange one mineral for another, softened water may not improve water • Minimum water pressure: 20 psi conditions when used with ice machines • Maximum water pressure: 80 psi • Minimum water temperature: 40 degrees F. Electrical power • Maximum water temperature: 90 degrees F.It is designed to operate in wide range of air The unit must be on its own 115 volt, 60 Hz, 15temperatures: amp circuit. It is equipped with a power cord and can be plugged into a nearby outlet. Extension • Minimum air temperature: 50 degrees F. cords are not allowed by most codes. Follow all • Maximum air temperature: 100 degrees F. applicable codes.Although the machine will function within the listed Warranty Informationranges, it works best at water temperaturesbetween 50 and 60 and air temperatures between Warranty information is supplied separately from60 and 80. this manual. Refer to it for coverage. In general, the warranty covers defects in materials orNote: Ice making capacity goes down as the workmanship and does not cover corrections ofenvironmental temperatures go up, and will be installation errors or maintenance.severely reduced at temperatures over 90oF.Operating a unit outside of the limits can causeproblems that are not covered by the warranty and,if extreme, cause damage to the unit. July 2011 Page 2
NU130Installation and UseCabinet Dimensions 3 7/8\" FLOOR DRAIN ACCESS HOLE 20 3/4\" 1/4\" O.D.COPPER 2 3/4\" 1 5/8\" WATER INLET - HANDLE COMPRESSION 3/4\" 22 3/8\" FITTING PROVIDED 5 1/8\" 14 7/8\" 33 3/8\" MIN. 34 3/8\" MAX. 29 1/2\" 2 1/2\" 3 7/8\" 115V 7 1/2\" 1\" LEG ADJUSTMENT 3 1/4\" AIR OUT AIR INPOWER 11 5/8\" (4) PLACES LEFT SIDE SVC. CORD DRAIN ACCESS - FLEXIBLE TUBING ACCESS PANEL 3/8\" I.D.PUMP MODEL (INCLUDED) 5/8\" I.D.GRAVITY MODEL (NOT INCLUDED)Scotsman Ice Systems are designed and manufactured with the highest regard for safety andperformance. They meet or exceed the standards of agencies like ETL.Scotsman assumes no liability or responsibility of any kind for products manufactured by Scotsman thathave been altered in any way, including the use of any parts and/or other components not specificallyapproved by Scotsman.Scotsman reserves the right to make design changes and/or improvements at any time. Specificationsand designs are subject to change without notice. July 2011 Page 3
NU130 Drain Conversion: A gravity drain model can beInstallation and Use converted to a drain pump model by installing a drain pump kit. The drain pump kit consists of aLocation Recommendations: drain pump, wiring harness and associated tubing. The part number is A39462-021.The machine can be built into a cabinet. It is an aircooled refrigeration system and so air flows in andout of it through the grill at the bottom front. Thegrill must not be blocked by any covering door orother obstruction. Installation Notes Built In Situations: If a finished floor is to be installed in the area after the ice machine has been built in, shims the expected thickness of the floor should be installed under the unit to keep the machine level with the planned floor level. Note: The water connection is at the back and adds a few inches to the cabinet depth. Minimum clearance is 0 in. at the top, 2 in. at the rear and 1/8 in. at each side. Installations on a slab: Use a pump model and pump the water to the point of drainage. Pump models will pump 1 story (10 feet) high. Installations over a crawl space or basement: Either gravity drain or pump model units may be used, if there is not enough room behind the machine for a drain/waste receptacle, the drain will have to be below the floor.Warm Air Out Air Intake Note: When installed in a corner, the door swing may be limited due to handle contact with the wallThere are two models, one is a gravity drain type or cabinet face.and it must have a building drain connection belowthe level of the drain tube at the back of the All models require a water supply. Water suppliescabinet; the other is a pump drain model which can vary in the degree of mineral content. High mineralforce drain water up a maximum of 10 feet, content water will require more frequentallowing it to be located where a gravity drain isn’t maintenance. Water filtration may improve theavailable. taste of the ice as well as cut down on some of the mineral build up.Kickplate Extension: In some situations the leglevelers will be extended enough to become visible.A kit to extend the kickplate over the legs is KKPF.Cabinet Stability: In some free standinginstallations it may be prudent to add a bracket thatsecures the back of the cabinet to a wall. That kitnumber is KATB. July 2011 Page 4
NU130Installation and UseFamiliarizationThe control panel is visible when the door isopened. It has three indicator lights and twoswitches. Ice Check Time to Clean Making Water Clean Reset Control PanelThe model and serial number plate is located on Ice Check Time to Cleanthe bottom of the control panel box. The Ice Level Making Water Clean ResetSensor is also visible from that angle, as is the IceChute. Serial PlateThe Scoop Holder is located on the right side of the Ice Levelice storage bin. The normal ice level is about level Controlwith the scoop holder. Sensor Serial Number Plate Scoop Holder July 2011 Page 5
NU130 6. Remove original bottom hinge. Both hinges areInstallation and Use off.lDoor SwingThe door can be attached to open with hinges onthe left or right. Retain all screws for re-use.To change:1. Remove top hinge pin from hinge. 7. Remove hinge pin from bottom hinge. 8. Attach top hinge to lower cabinet bracket using original screws. 9. Install a hinge pin in bottom hinge on unit.2. Tilt top of door away from cabinet and lift door 10. Remove two plugs or screws from upperoff bottom hinge. cabinet bracket. 11. Attach original bottom hinge to upper cabinet bracket using the original screws. 12. Place the door on bottom hinge, tip up to slide under top hinge. 13. Insert hinge pin into top hinge and door. 14. Tighten hinge pin. 15. Replace screws or plugs into holes left by hinges. 16. Check action and swing of door.3. Remove two screws and top hinge. 17. Return kickplate and front service panel to their original positions and attach to the cabinet4. Remove plugs or screws from lower cabinet using the original screws. bracket.5. Move door hole plugs to opposite side. July 2011 Page 6
NU130 Water SupplyInstallation and UsePlumbing - Pump ModelDrainsThere are two types of ice machine models, one The recommended water supply tubing is ¼ inchthat drains by gravity and one that has an internal OD copper. Stainless steel flex or reinforced PCVdrain pump. tube may also be used. Install an easily accessible shut-off valve between the supply and the unit. ThisDrain Pump Model drain installation shut-off valve should not be installed behind the unit.1. Locate the coil of 3/8” ID plastic drain tubingsecured to the back of the unit. The water connection is at the back of the cabinet. Connect using a compression fitting, one is2. Route the plastic drain tube from the back of the supplied tied to the water inlet tube. When built in:unit to the drain connection point. Coil enough tubing behind the machine so it can be pushed into the cavity without kinking the tubing.The drain connection point can be as high as 10feet above the ice machine. The drain pumpincludes a check valve to prevent re-pumpingwater in the drain hose.IMPORTANT NOTE: Often an air gap is requiredby local codes between the ice maker drain tubeand the drain receptacle. Connect Water Supply Here Pump Drain Discharge Tubing July 2011 Page 7
NU130 clamp. Leave the other end of the tube lying on theInstallation and Use floor of the base pan until the unit is positioned over the floor drain.Plumbing: Gravity Drain Model 6. Route the drain tube. Either a) Insert the drainCaution: Restrictions in the drain system to the tube through the base pan into the floor drain or b)machine will cause water to back up into the ice Route the drain tube through the hole in the lowerstorage bin and melt the ice. Gravity drain tubing back panel and connect to barbed elbow andmust be vented, have no kinks and slope to the secure with a clamp.building drain. Air gaps are typically required bylocal code. 7. Reinstall the upper back panel.1. Place the ice machine in front of the installation Water Supplyopening. Adjust leveling legs to the approximateheight.2. Remove the upper back panel if needed foraccess to the drain fitting.Note: If you are connecting a gravity drain model The recommended water supply tubing is ¼ inchand the drain opening has been located in the floor OD copper. Stainless steel flex or reinforced PCVunder the base pan according to the pre install tube may also be used. Install an easily accessiblespecifications, follow steps 3 through 5 to drain the shut-off valve between the supply and the unit. Thisunit through the base. If not, proceed to step 6b. shut-off valve should not be installed behind the3. Remove the clamp and barbed elbow and takeoff the plastic cover in the base pan below the drainhose.4. Connect a straight 5/8” barbed connector to thedrain hose, securing with the clamp removed instep 3.5. Cut an 8” piece of 5/8” ID X 7/8” OD tygon (clearplastic) tubing. Slide one end of the tube onto theoutlet of the barbed connector and secure with a Drain Tubing ConnectInside Cabinet Water Supply Here unit. The water connection is at the back of the cabinet. Connect using a compression fitting, one is supplied tied to the water inlet tube. When built in: Coil enough tubing behind the machine so it can be pushed into the cavity without kinking the tubing. July 2011 Page 8
NU130Installation and UseElectrical and Start UpThe ice machine is supplied with a power cord. Do Installation check list:not remove the grounding pin from the cord’s plug.Do not use extension cords. Follow all codes. 1. Has the unit been connected to the proper water supply?Connect the machine to its own 115 volt, 15 ampcircuit. 2. Has the water supply been checked for leaks?1. If the electrical outlet for the ice maker is behind 3. Has the unit been connected to a drain?the unit, plug in the unit. 4. Has the drain been tested for flow and leaks?2. Position the unit in the installation opening. 5. Has the unit been connected to the proper3. Turn on the water supply. Make sure that the ice electrical supply?maker is plugged in and the power is on. 6. Has the unit been leveled?4. Slide unit into installation opening, paying carefulattention to water supply and drain connections. Do 7. Have all packing materials been removed fromnot kink! the machine?5. Pour a couple of quarts of water into the ice 8. Has the door covering been installed?storage bin; on drain pump equipped machines thedrain pump should start and water should pump Initial Start Upout. Check for leaks. 1. Turn on the water supply and check for leaks.6. Replace the service access panel. 2. Switch on the electrical power.7. Level the unit as needed. 3. Push and release the On/Off switch to start the machine. The Ice Making light next to the On/Off switch will glow Green. Warm air will flow out of the left front grill. It will take about 10 minutes for the ice machine to begin dropping nugget ice into the storage bin. It is normal for that ice to melt and ice will continue to melt, but at a slower rate. It will take about 6 - 7 hours to fill up the ice storage bin. The bin holds about 20 lb of ice when full. Ice level control The ice level control for the NU130 is an ultrasonic sensor, located above the ice storage area. It is automatic and there is no adjustment to make. When ice melts or is used, and the ice level drops below a preset distance the control turns the ice making system back on. It makes ice until the preset level is reached. Placing your hand in the unit to remove ice does not affect the ice level. July 2011 Page 9
NU130Installation and UseUseNo special instructions are needed for use. Just Noise:take as much ice as you need, the machine willreplace it. A scoop is provided, and it can be stored The ice machine is designed for quiet operation,in the machine using the loop of tubing on the right but will make some noise during the ice makingside as a holder. cycle.The machine can be shut off anytime by just Ice Makingpushing and releasing the On/Off button. During ice making, nugget ice will drop into the binWhat shouldn’t be done? at an irregular rate; sometimes there will be little ice falling while at other times a group of nuggets willNever keep anything in the ice storage bin that is fall. Some water drops may also come out with thenot ice. Objects like wine or beer bottles are not ice. Both conditions are normal.only unsanitary, but the labels can slip off and plugup the drain.Never allow the machine to operate without regularcleaning. The machine will last longer if it is keptclean. Regular cleaning should happen at leastonce per year, and preferably twice. Some waterconditions will dictate even more frequent cleaningof the ice making section, and some carpets orpets will dictate more frequent cleaning of thecondenser.Note: The Time to Clean light will switch ON after 6months of use. It will remain ON until the icemaking system is cleaned using the process onpage 14.Glows Green when Glows Yellow whenunit is switched On it's time to clean the machineOn/Off Control Button Glows Red when there is no water Clean Button supplied to the machine The machine will NOT make ice when this light is on. It will restart and the light will go out when the water supply is restored. Control Panel July 2011 Page 10
NU130Installation and UseMaintenanceScotsman strongly recommends regular 4. Return the kickplate and front service panel tomaintenance of this ice machine. During normal their original positions. Fasten them to the cabinetoperation mineral scale that is in the water supply using the original screws.will gradually build up on the ice making surfaces.That build up can cause excessive loading of the Winterizingice making system, which can cause premature 1. Clean the ice making system per the instructionsfailure. Regular removal of the mineral scale will in the Maintenance section.lengthen the product’s life. 2. Open the door and push and release the On/Off switch to turn the machine off.Suggested maintenance schedule: every 6 months.Type of maintenance: Scale removal, water sealcheck, water reservoir check, bin drain check, aircooled condenser cleaning and storage binsanitation.Condenser cleaning 3. Turn off the water supply.The condenser is like the radiator on a car, it has 4. Remove the back wall of the ice storage bin.fins and tubes that can become clogged with dirtand lint. To clean: 5. Remove drain plug and drain the water reservoir, return plug to its original position.1. Remove the kickplate and front service panel. 6. Drain pump models should have about 1/2 gallon of RV antifreeze (propylene glycol) poured into the ice storage bin drain. Note: Automotive antifreeze must NOT be used. 7. Switch off and unplug the machine.2. Locate the condenser surface.3. Vacuum the surface, removing all dust and lint.Caution: Do not dent the fins. July 2011 Page 11
NU130 Float ValveInstallation and Use On/Off LeverHow to remove scale from the ice making system.Cleaning this machine involves adding a solution ofscale remover and water to the ice machine andcontinuing to add it as it makes ice. The scaleremover must be diluted to the correct ratio. Asquirt bottle will make adding the scale removermuch easier when the unit is built in. If not built in,remove the top panel for reservoir access.Recommended tools: Rubber gloves, squirt bottle Reservoir Cover& scale remover. Pre-Mixed 16 oz squirt bottle of Release Tabscale remover is part number 19-0664-01.1. Scoop out and discard all of the ice.2. Press and release the On/Off button. 5. Push tab on front edge of reservoir cover and remove the cover. Note: Adjacent wires are low voltage and are not hazardous. Ice Check Time to CleanMaking Water Clean Reset3. Open door and locate screws at upper back wall Push In Tab to Release Coverof bin. Remove the two screws. Ice Check Time to CleanMaking Water Clean Reset Screws Lift Reservoir Cover to Remove4. Remove the back wall of the bin by lowering itdown past the scoop holder, feel free to rotate thescoop holder loop down to make more room. July 2011 Page 12
NU130 8. Obtain pre-mixed Scotsman Clear 1 ScaleInstallation and Use remover solution (with squirt bottle) or mix a solution of Clear 1 with water: 2.5 ounces of Clear6. Locate blue float valve on/off lever. Move lever 1 with 1 quart (32 oz) of warm water.up about half way to shut water off. Ice machine scale remover contains acids. Acids can cause burns.7. Locate drain plug and pull the drain plug out to If concentrated cleanerdrain the reservoir and evaporator. When draining comes in contact withis complete, return the plug to its original position. skin, flush with water. If swallowed, do NOT Ice Check Time to Clean induce vomiting. GiveMaking Water Clean Reset large amounts of water or milk. Call Physician immediately. Keep out of the reach of children. Note: Take care not to spill any scale remover on any nearby surface. Immediately wipe any spill with baking soda and water. 9. Fill the 16 oz squirt bottle with the diluted scale remover. 10. Fill the reservoir with the scale remover solution using squirt bottle or other container. That will be about 8 ounces or half a squirt bottle.Drain Plug Ice Check Time to Clean Making Water Clean Reset Ice Check Time to Clean Making Water Clean ResetDrain Plug Fill Reservoir Using Squirt Bottle July 2011 Page 13
NU130 13a: Optional - move float lever up to Off, addInstallation and Use locally approved sanitizer* to water system, then repeat step 13. Move the float lever down to On.11. Press and HOLD both the Clean-Reset andOn/Off buttons for 5 seconds. The Time to Cleanlight will blink on and off. Press 14. Return the reservoir cover to its original Both position. Ice Check Time to Clean 15. Return the upper back wall of the bin to itsMaking Water Clean Reset original position and secure it with the original screws. Push in at bottom to snap it into place. 16. Pour a gallon of lukewarm (95oF. – 115oF.) water into the bin to flush out the drain and melt all ice that was made during the cleaning process. Be sure all ice is melted.12. The auger motor alone will be operating for 10 17. Clean the bin liner of mineral scale by usingminutes, after that the compressor will start and in any left over scale remover solution to scrub theabout 5-8 minutes the machine will start to make scale off of the liner. If none is left over, mix aice. The Time to Clean light will now glow steady solution of 2.5 ounces of Clear 1 Scale Removeruntil the clean cycle is complete. and 1 quart of water. 18. Rinse the liner with hot water.Caution: Keep fingers away from moving parts. 19. Sanitize the ice chute, ice sweep, breaker and12a. After ice making starts, continuously add scale bin interior using a locally approved saniziter.*remover solution to the reservoir to keep it about 20. Push and release the On/Off button to restarthalf full. ice making.12b. When all 16 oz of the solution is used, move The ice scoop should be washed regularly, wash itthe float valve lever down to the On position. just like any other food container. * A potential sanitizer may be made by mixing 1 ounce of liquid household bleach to 2 gallons of lukewarm (95oF. – 115oF) water. Other Maintenance While cleaning the system with scale remover, check for water leaks at the bottom of the evaporator. If any are found, call for service. Note: It is normal for some lime scale to form on the gear reducer cover. Wipe up any loose scale.After 40 minutes the ice machine and all the control Check the top bearing.panel lights will shut off. The top bearing is non-metallic and requires no13. Pull the drain plug again to drain the system, lubrication. However, it should be checked for wearthen replace it. occasionally. The top panel must be removed to access the bearing. July 2011 Page 14
NU130ServiceNU130 serviceThis section contains information for the serviceand repair of the NU130 ice machine. Service Table of ContentsNU130 service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1Components: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2Evaporator and Auger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4Water System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6Performance and Technical Specs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7Electrical Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8Service Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9Service Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10Component Diagnostics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11Ice Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 12Removal and Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 13NU130 Gearbox Access & Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14Water Seal Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 16Evaporator Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 18Drain Pump (if equipped) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 19Compressor replacement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 20Bin and Cabinet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 21 July 2011 Page 1
NU130ServiceComponents:• Refrigeration system, including air cooled During ice making the refrigeration system takescondenser, compressor, capillary tube and heat from the evaporator. The evaporator is aevaporator. vertical refrigerated stainless steel tube containing• Control system, including ice level sensor, water and a slowly rotating auger. When the waterwater sensor, auger motor sensor, controller, gets to the freezing point, ice begins to form. Thatcontrol pad and transformer. ice is very soft and is pushed up the evaporator• Auger drive system, including auger motor, tube by the auger. As ice is made more warm water enters at the bottom. The soft, mushy ice isgear reducer and auger. forced up to the top of the evaporator’s tube where• Auger support system, including top bearing it is forced through nine tapered holes. As the ice is and water seal. pushed through the holes excess water is squeezed out. The ice comes out of the holes• Water system, including the float and shaped as a rod of ice. The rods of ice are broken reservoir. off by being pushed against the tapered flange above the holes, forming the irregular lengths of• Storage system, including ice storage bin, drain and door.The NU130 is a continuous flow ice machine. nugget ice. The ice sweep, rotating with the auger,When the control system senses that the storage moves the ice to the ice chute where it falls bybin’s ice level is low, it turns on the compressor, fan gravity into the storage bin.motor and auger drive motor. Compressor Suction Line / Heat Evaporator Exchange AssemblyAir Cooled Liquid LineCondenser Capillary Tube Auger Drive System Refrigeration System Schematic July 2011 Page 2
NU130 BearingService FoamEvaporator and Auger Insulation Ice Outlet Heat Exchange Auger Tube CoilRotating Half Water Inletof Water Seal Stationary Half of Water Seal Cut Away View July 2011 Page 3
NU130ServiceControl SystemThe control system operates the machine. The The control pad has two switches and three lights.controller operates on 12 volts AC, supplied by the The left switch button is On/Off. The right switchtransformer. It uses an ultrasonic ice sensor to button is Clean/Reset. The left Ice Making light is ameasure ice level. The ultrasonic system transmits status light, it is ON when the machine has beensound waves into the ice storage bin and measures switched to an ice making mode. The center light isthe return time, when the return time is longer than a Water light, it will be ON when the controller hasthe preset time for bin full, the controller switches sensed that there is no water available. It will gothe ice machine to an ice making mode. During ice out when the water supply has been restored. Themaking the compressor, fan motor and auger motor right light is a Time to Clean indicator light. It isare operating. switched ON by the controller after six months of power connect time. It will go out after the machineThe control system has two safeties: It will not has been cleaned following the process in theoperate the machine without water and it will not Maintenance section.operate the machine if the auger motor is drawingtoo much current or if it isn’t drawing any current.The water sensor is checking the conductivity ofthe water in the water reservoir. If there is no waterin the reservoir the conductivity will be zero and thecontroller will either not start ice making or will stopmaking ice.The current or amp draw of the auger motor iscontinually monitored by the controller during icemaking. If the current is too high, indicating anoverload, the controller will stop ice making. If thecurrent is zero, indicating an auger motor failure,the controller will also stop ice making.Glows Green when Glows Yellow whenunit is switched On it's time to clean the machineOn/Off Control Button Glows Red when there is no water Clean Button supplied to the machine The machine will NOT make ice when this light is on. It will restart and the light will go out when the water supply is restored. Control Panel July 2011 Page 4
NU130ServiceWater SystemThe auger is driven at about 11 RPM by the gear slightly and water will flow into the reservoirreducer. The gear reducer is a sealed component through the partially open float valve. It will flow inand does not require lubrication, as it contains a continually as ice is made.charge of grease. The auger motor drives a set ofgears that all together reduce the motor speed to Water quality. Nearly all water supplies containthe 11 RPM output speed and correspondingly some impurities or minerals. When ice is madeincreasing the torque. The output shaft of the gear those minerals can remain behind in the icereducer is hollow to accept the square end of the machine and coat its surfaces with a hard, stoneauger. like substance known as scale. This scale must occasionally be removed by scale remover. ScaleThe auger is one of the key components in this remover is a food grade acid that will dissolve theproduct. It is a precision machined part cut from scale so it can be washed away. Note: it issolid stainless steel bar stock. It fits the inside of important to ALWAYS dilute the scale removerthe evaporator tube very closely and is aligned by when using it on this machine. Never use undilutedthe gear reducer at the bottom and a self scale remover.lubricating bearing at the top. Some water treatment devices make very cleanAs ice is made and forced up the evaporator, the water, Reverse Osmosis is one of those and thisauger is being pushed down. That thrust is machine may be used with RO water as long assupported by the bearings in the gear reducer. the conductivity is greater than 10Those bearings also provide alignment for the microsiemens/cm. Use of de-ionized water is notbottom of the auger, keeping it centered in the recommended and will void the warranty.evaporator tube. The top bearing provides augeralignment at the top. Water LevelWater is kept from leaking out the bottom of the Water Sensorevaporator by the water seal. The water seal is thetype of seal called a face seal, with the outside Float Valvediameter of a stationary half pressed against and Reservoirthe inside of the evaporator tube and arotating half attached to the bottom ofthe auger. The sealing action takesplace where the faces of the twohalves rub together.Water is the raw ingredient of Hose toice and it enters this machine Evaporatorthrough the compression fitting in Inletthe back. That leads to the floatvalve and reservoir. When the float is Evaporatornot supported by water, the float arm Inletis down and the attached float valveis open. As water enters the reservoir, it Hose to drainalso flows into the reservoir’s outlettubing which leads to theevaporator water inlet, filling theevaporator. The float rises asthe water level is increased untilit has lifted high enough to forcethe water valve to close, stoppingthe flow of water. When the machineis making ice, the water level will drop July 2011 Page 5
NU130ServiceStorageThe ice storage system is made up of a plasticlined ice storage bin, covered by an insulated toppanel and an insulated swing open door withgasket. The ice storage bin is foamed in place, sothe side panels are not removable. Ice Check Time to CleanMaking Water Clean Reset July 2011 Page 6
NU130 Light Blink InformationServicePerformance and Technical SpecsOverall: • Refrigerant: 4.5 oz R-134a • All blink once and repeat every 2 seconds: • Compressor: Hermetic, 1390 BTUH Auger motor overload • Condenser: Forced draft • Fan blade: 3 blade, 6 inch • All blink twice and repeat every 2 seconds: • Evaporator: Stainless steel tube, copper coil Auger motor low current jacketed • All blink once and repeat every 10 seconds, • Metering device: Cap tube controller failure. • Auger drive: output speed 11 RPM • Water valve: Float in reservoir • Water light blinks red: water supply failure • Drain pump: Magnetic drive, controlled by Controller Reset: pressure switch • Bin control: Ultrasonic • Cycle power off and onElectrical Components: Diagnostic Codes: No diagnostic codes are kept • Compressor - 2.8 - 3.1 amps Time to Clean indicator light standard interval to • Fan motor switch light on is 6 months, it can be changed to • Auger motor, amp draw .4 - .5 amp once per year or disabled. • Drain pump motor • Drain pump switch To Adjust: • Controller • Transformer 1. From Off, press and hold the On/Off and Clean • Water sensor Reset Buttons for 5 seconds. • Ice level sensor • Membrane switch assembly 2. Press and Hold the Clean Reset Button for 5 seconds, then press On/Off. Then press On/off again to cycle thru the settings:Control Timers Ice Making Water Time to Clean• Power interruption, time to restart after power 6 months On Off Off restored: 2 minutes• Auger motor overload, time to restart: 4 1 year Off On Offminutes Disabled Off Off On• Auger motor overload, restart window: 60 seconds Light will automatically go out after a few seconds• Auger motor low current, time to restart: 20 of inactivity. Press Time To Clean to lock in the new setting. minutes• Auger motor low current, restart window: 60 seconds Quick reset of time to clean light: Press and hold• Clean cycle time: 50 minutes total. the Clean Reset button for 3 seconds.Note: During the auger motor restart window times,there is no visible indication that the unit is in arestart mode. July 2011 Page 7
NU130ServiceElectrical SequenceUpon power being supplied, all the lights will blink the water it is in contact with. If there is no wateronce and the control system will immediately check present, there will be no electrical continuity andfor water in the reservoir. If there is water no further the control system will stop the machine and causeaction will occur until the On/Off button is pushed. the Check Water light to blink Red, alerting the user of a lack of water. When water has returned toPushing the On/Off button starts the machine. The the reservoir, the unit will automatically restart.Ice Making light will switch on. The auger motor,compressor and fan will begin to operate. Those Power interruptions: If the power to the machinethree components will continue to operate until the failed during normal operation, the machine willIce Level Control detects that ice has built up to the automatically restart after a two minute delay. If thepre-set level. At that point the control system will unit had shut down because of a safety, then thebegin a shut down process by shutting off the unit remains in the shut down state.compressor and fan motor. Auger motor overload: If the auger motor currentAfter sixty seconds the auger motor will shut off. exceeds the preset limit for a certain time, theThe purpose of this is to remove any ice from the controller will shut the compressor and auger motorevaporator so the auger motor can restart with off. The controller will keep the compressor andminimal load. auger motor off for four minutes, then restart them. The controller records each overload as a strike. ItThe machine will restart after the ice level has will erase the strike(s) if the current draw in thefallen one inch or more. sixty seconds following the restart is below the preset limit. If within the sixty seconds after theOther Control Functions: restart the current again exceeds the limit, the controller again shuts the machine down and aTo Shut Off: Push and release the On/Off button. If second strike is recorded and four minutes later athe machine was off because the bin was full, the second restart occurs. If the current is againunit will be switched to Off immediately. If the unit excessive the third time, the unit will stop restartingwas making ice, the compressor and fan motor will and the lights will flash on and off every twoshut off immediately, and the auger motor shut off sixty seconds. To shut the unit off immediatelywhile making ice, push and HOLD the On/Off Auger motor low current: If the controller sensesbutton until it shuts off. the auger motor is not drawing any or minimal current, it will shut the compressor and auger motorTo Clean: See Maintenance section for step by down for twenty minutes before attempting astep process. Pushing the Clean button while the restart. The twenty minutes are intended as timeIce Making light is On does not start the clean for the auger motor to cool off if it has shut down oncycle, it is only active from Off. Pushing the Clean its internal overload. The controller records that asbutton from Unit Off starts the clean cycle: a strike. If in the next sixty seconds the auger motor begins to draw current the strike is erased• Time to Clean light flashes and normal operation resumes. If the current is still• Auger motor operates for twenty minutes low, a second strike is recorded and the unit will• Auger motor and compressor operate for wait another twenty minutes before attempting a twenty additional minutes third restart. If the third restart is normal, the strikes are erased and normal operation is continued. If• Unit shuts off, Time to Clean reminder light the unit fails again, the unit will stop restarting and switches Off. the lights will flash twice on and off every twoSafety Shut Downs: seconds.Lack of water. It is critical that the unit not operate Controller Failure: If all lights are flashing oncewithout a full charge of water. The water sensor in every 10 seconds the controller has identified anthe reservoir is used to check continuity through internal failure and must be replaced. July 2011 Page 8
NU130ServiceService DiagnosisProblem Likely Cause Probable SolutionNo ice No power Unit switched off Plug unit into power supply No water, water diagnostic light is on Push and release on/off button Compressor on, fan on, auger motor not Restore water supply, check sensor. If operating RO water is too pure, unit cannot operate. Compressor on, fan on, auger motor cutting off on over amp safety Check float valve for restriction Compressor on, auger on, fan blade not Check float valve shut off lever position turning Auger motor on, fan on, compressor not Check auger motor for voltage, if none, drawing power replace controller. If there is voltage, Auger motor on, fan on, compressor check auger motor windings, if open, cutting off on overload replace auger motor. Compressor on, fan on, auger motor on, ice sweep not turning Check evaporator for ice. Thaw out and retry. Check top bearing and condition of Unit off on auger motor open safety auger. Replace if worn. Operate unit for a short time with auger Unit plugged in but no power out of machine, water shut off and water sensor bypassed. If auger motor still overloads, replace gear reducer. Check fan blade for ease of rotation, remove any blockage and retry. Check fan motor, replace if not turning freely or motor windings open. Check compressor start relay, check compressor windings. Check compressor. See component diagnostics. Check ice sweep. If tight to auger, auger is not turning. Gears stripped, replace gear reducer. Check connections to auger motor, if voltage to motor and it does not operate, replace motor. If pump model check for water back up or open safety switch. Check transformer, replace if not supplying 12 volts AC to controller. Check switch membrane. See component diagnostics. If transformer and membrane are good, replace controller. July 2011 Page 9
NU130ServiceService DiagnosisProblem Likely Cause Probable SolutionNo ice, continued Ice level sensor failure With power on and Ice Making light on, check connector, if secure jump the twoNot keeping up, makes Auger motor on but compressor and fan middle pins at J2 (bin stat) on theice but less than normal motor are off. controller together. Unit should start. If it does, replace the sensor, if not, replaceMakes ice but also an Ice making light on, nothing operating. the controller.unusual noise Dirty condenserWater Leak Air flow blocked Restart unit. Check for power toWater flows continuously Gravity drain restricted compressor and/or fan motor. If none, replace controller. Pump drain slow Ice Making light blinking. Condition is Scale on evaporator and auger temporary, unit has been switched off. Torn door gasket, door does not close tightly May be in a restart window. See page 7. Panels vibrating Fan blade rubbing Vacuum condenser fins Scale on evaporator and auger Check for vent blockage Drain pump cuts in and out. Tubes rubbing Check drain, clear of restriction. Ensure Unit in very cold conditions it has a proper air vent. Drain tube off or cracked Water inlet connection loose Check for proper pump switch operation Float valve not shutting off and drainage Clean with scale remover. See Maintenance section. Check gasket and door fit. Check panels, adjust fit, tighten screws Check fan blade for foreign object. Remove same. Check alignment. Clean with scale remover. See Maintenance section. Check valve failure, replace. Check for tube contact to panel or another tube. Do not operate unit below limits Check/repair drain tube Check/tighten connection Check float, if stuck free it. If leaking by when full, replace the valve. July 2011 Page 10
NU130 Pump Switch - Pump model onlyServiceComponent DiagnosticsMembrane SwitchUnplug and check connector pins (left side is pin The pump switch activates the pump based on1), read about 10 ohms when activating the button, pressure to it from water inside the drain hose toand OL when not pressing the button: Pin 2-3 the pump inlet. It is normally open. When pressureOn/Off Switch; 4-3 Clean Reset Switch increases the switch closes, turning on the pump motor until the pressure falls.Compressor The safety switch (the red one) is normally closed and operates at a higher activation pressure thanCheck temperature of compressor, if very hot, add the pump switch. It stops operation of the machineaccess valves to refrigeration system and check if it opens.system pressures. If very low, add very smallamount of R-134a. If pressure does not improve, Ice Level Sensorcapillary tube may be restricted. If pressuresimprove find and correct refrigerant leak. To operate, the unit must have:If compressor temperature is normal and • Power to the controllercompressor is drawing high amps, check start • Water sensedrelay. • Call for iceIf relay is good and compressor is not overheating With power on and Ice Making light on, checkbut drawing high amps, replace compressor. sensor connector, if secure and the unit not operating, remove connector and jump the two middle pins at J9 on the controller together. Unit should start. If it does, replace the sensor, if not, replace the controller. Auger Comp July 2011 Page 11
NU130ServiceIce CapacityThe rate of ice making is relatively fixed, it depends Noiseupon the heat load and the ambient temperaturethe machine is operating in. As either increase the Normal ice making produces very little noise; thereamount of ice made will decrease. will be sound from the compressor, fan and auger drive motor. If there is a drain pump it will cycleThe machine will work to keep the ice bin full. A full occasionally too. If the machine is making anbin of ice is when the ice level is even with the top unusual noise that might be a sign that it needs toof the front of the bin. When the ice level drops an be cleaned of mineral build up.inch or more the machine will restart.A capacity check will provide some idea of howmuch ice is being made.1. Operate the machine for 10 minutes until it isstabilized.2. Catch the ice as it is made for 15 minutes.3. Weigh the ice and any melted water.4. Multiply the weight from step 3 by 96 to get 24hour capacity.5. Compare to the chart below:90oF. Air, 70oF water 59 lb / 24 hours70oF. Air, 50oF. water 87 lb /24 hoursNote: Mineral scale build up inside the evaporatorwill reduce the ice making rate, as will any lint ordirt on the air cooled condenser or fan blade. All icemaking capacities listed by Scotsman are for clean,new machines.The ice storage bin is not refrigerated; it is aninsulated ice chest, so there is meltage. Arestricted drain or poorly operating drain pump willallow water to puddle in the bin, increasing the icemelt rate. A stopped up drain will cause the bin tofill with water.Refrigerant charge.The charge is very small. Any leak will immediatelyresult in a loss of ice making capacity andcontinued leaking will result in no ice being made.The system is sealed, access must be by clamp onvalves, which must be removed after the repair iscompleted. July 2011 Page 12
NU130 Evaporator constructionServiceRemoval and ReplacementComponent AccessThe machine is designed to be cleaned while built The evaporator is made up of a stainless steelin. See the Maintenance section for more tube, wrapped with a coil of copper and theninformation. heavily insulated. There is no refrigerant path to the water inside of the evaporator. The inside of theMost components require the machine to be tube is polished and rifled with12 vertical groovesremoved from a built-in situation: that help guide the ice straight up the tube.• Fan motor – side service panel It is normal for mineral scale from the water to form• Controller – top panel on the inside of the evaporator tube. That scale• Auger motor – top panel, back panel must be removed by use of ice machine scale• Ice sensor – top panel remover using the process described in• Drain pump – side service panel Maintenance. Heavy scale build up will require the• Top bearing – top panel process to be repeated. The inside of the• Gear reducer – top panel, back panel evaporator tube may be sanded vertically to• Ice sweep – top panel remove tough build up. Do NOT hone or clean with• Water seal – top panel, back panel, bin back a wire brush on a drill, as horizontal marks on the inside of the evaporator will restrict the flow of ice. panel A damaged evaporator must be replaced.• Water reservoir or float - top panelEvaporator / Auger / Water Seal / Gear Reducer The auger can also have scale build up which mustService be removed. It works best when it is clean and shiny. Note that a wet auger will appear clean butThe auger, top bearing, water seal and gear when dry the scale will be visible. Dry off the augerreducer can be replaced without disturbing the (use your heat gun) to determine if it’s clean. If therefrigeration charge. If the evaporator must be machine has been operated with worn bearings,replaced, then the refrigeration system must be the auger may have rubbed the evaporator wall. Ifaccessed so the charge can be recovered. the spiral edges or flights of the auger are damaged, the auger must be replaced. The ice breaker at the top of the evaporator contains the pressed-in bearing. This bearing must not be greased. If worn, the breaker with bearing can be replaced. The gear reducer is a sealed unit. The only service part available for it is the drive motor and drive motor capacitor. Lubricants and Sealants Food grade lubricant is useful in repair of this model. Scotsman part number 19-0569-01. Food grade sealant is needed in repair of this model. Scotsman part number 19-0529-01. July 2011 Page 13
NU130 10. Lift and remove ice chuteServiceNU130 Gearbox Access & Removal1. Shut off water supply2. Remove drain plug inside bin compartment3. Disconnect power supply or unplug unit Hazard of Electrical Shock. Disconnect Electrical Power Before Servicing.4. Uninstall unit and pull out as needed for top 11. Remove 4 screws securing float reservoir & and back access. set aside5. Remove top panel 12. Remove gray water tube from evaporator inlet6. Remove back panel 13. Disconnect power connection to auger motor7. Remove ice chute/bin wall by unscrewing 2 thumb screws and lifting it out 14. Remove 4 bolts securing breaker head to freezer by using ¼” allen wrench (socket typeChute - best method) Ice Sweep8. Remove 2 orange wires from water level sensor (on top of float tank)9. Rotate ice sweep counter-clockwise and remove ice sweep July 2011 Page 14
NU130 20. Carefully lift and rest gearbox & bracketService against back of compartment lip15. Remove breaker & set aside16. Pull auger from freezer by lifting straight up (be careful as auger has sharp edges!)Note: If auger does not lift freely, see AugerRemoval Procedure. 21. Remove four 5/32” allen head screws holding adapter to evaporator17. Inspect auger flights for signs of wear18. Inspect evaporator barrel for signs of radial scoring19. Remove 4 screws securing gearbox bracket to compartment base 22. Remove evaporator from gearbox ** tools needed-1/4” & 5/32” allen wrench (T handle or socket type suggested), Phillips screwdriver - 12 inch or longer recommended. Replace gear reducer and install a new water seal. July 2011 Page 15
NU130 7 Lubricate or moisten the outer edge of the newService seal and push it into the bottom of the evaporator tube until flush with the bottom ofWater Seal Replacement the tube. Be sure it is in as straight as possible.1 Go through the prior steps to remove the gear reducer.2 Remove rotating half of water seal from bottom of auger. Note: Do NOT touch the inner ring of the water seal with fingers or sealant. Wipe off with rubbing alcohol if they were touched. Rotating Half of Water Seal3 Clean auger of any sealant at water seal mounting position. Stationary Half of Water Seal, Remove Old and Install New Apply Sealant 8 Position the gear reducer under the evaporator. Here4 Add a small bead of food grade silicone sealant 9 Push the gear reducer and adapter flange up into the bottom of the evaporator until theto the shoulder of the auger where the water mounting holes line up. This forces theseal will go. stationary half of the water seal to the correctNote: Do NOT touch the mating surfaces of the location.water seal with fingers or sealant. 10 Screw in the four allen head screws into the5 Lubricate / moisten (lightly - use food grade side of the bottom of evaporator tube.lube) only the rubber part of the new water seal 11 Remount the gear reducer and evaporatorand slide it onto the auger, rubber side against assembly into the ice machine. Secure thethe auger shoulder. Force it onto the sealant as mounting pan with the original screws.far as it will go.6 Remove the stationary half of the old water 12 Carefully lower the auger with the other half of seal from the bottom of the evaporator. the water seal attached into the evaporator tube. Rotate auger until it slips into place. July 2011 Page 16
NU130 6 Remove 4 allen head screws holding breakerService to evaporator.13 Slide breaker onto auger shaft. Secure with the original four allen head bolts.14 Reverse the balance of the steps to complete 7 Lift breaker off and replace with a new part. putting the machine back together. Note: Be sure auger shaft is smooth and unGear Reducer Replacement damaged. A dark finish at the bearing area is normal. Replace auger if damaged.1 The gear reducer contains no internal serviceable parts. Replace as a unit. Auger Replacement2 Follow all steps to remove gear reducer from Auger replacement requires a new water seal. evaporator. Follow all steps to replace the water seal except substitute a new auger.3 Remove bolts holding gear reducer to mounting plate. Auger Removal Procedure4 Separate gear reducer from mounting plate If the auger does not lift freely, it may be stuck in and attach a new gear reducer. the gear reducer. To release it: 1 Remove ice sweep. 2 Remove 4 allen head bolts holding breaker to evaporator.Do not 3 Place 4 hex nuts (5/8 size) as spacers betweenovertighten the breaker and the top of the evaporator. Spacer Flat WasherNote: Do NOT overtighten bolts securing gear Shimreducer to mounting plate. Tighten only until thewasher contacts the blue grommet. 4 Place a large flat washer or suitable hex nut (as a spacer) over the top of the breaker.Ice Breaker Replacement 5 Thread a 5/16 - 18 x 1 inch bolt into the top of1 Disconnect power supply or unplug unit the auger thru the washer and/or hex nut and screw the bolt into the auger. As it tightens2 Uninstall unit and pull out as needed for top against the nut it should lift and loosen the access. auger. Once the auger has moved it should lift out easily.3 Remove top panel4 Rotate ice sweep counter-clockwise and remove ice sweep5 Remove ice chute July 2011 Page 17
NU130ServiceEvaporator Replacement1 Go through all steps to remove the gear 3 Disconnect electrical power.reducer. Remove control box cover 4 Unplug all wires.2 Add temporary refrigeration system access Remove screws holding controller to box.valves to the discharge and suction sides of the 5 Remove controller.refrigeration system . Before touching replacement controller, touch a metal surface of the cabinet to discharge any 6 static electricity.3 Recover the refrigerant. 74 Un-sweat the suction line and cap tubeconnections from the evaporator. 85 Remove original dryer.6 Attach permanent access valves to system. 9 Place new controller in control box, connect all wires previously removed.7 Attach dry nitrogen to system and purge at about 1 lb pressure while brazing all 10 Reverse remaining steps to reassemble. connections, including access valves, dryer and evaporator. Ice level sensor8 Remove nitrogen source, evacuate system to 1 Pull out to get access to top panel. 300 microns or less. 2 Remove top panel. 3 Disconnect electrical power.9 Weigh in the nameplate charge. 4 Remove control box cover 5 Unplug wire at J9.Water Reservoir1 Pull unit out to get access to top and back panel.2 Shut water supply off. Ice Level Sensor3 Pull drain plug and drain all water. Return plug to its original position.4 Loosen nut at water valve inlet and separate inlet tube from reservoir valve.5 Pull outlet hose off reservoir tank.6 Remove screws holding reservoir to unit and lift off.7 Reverse steps to reassemble. 6 Remove 5 screws and lift sensor from controlController box.1 Pull out to get access to top panel.2 Remove top panel. 7 Replace with new part. 8 Reverse remaining steps to reassemble. July 2011 Page 18
NU130 Fan Blade or MotorServiceDrain Pump (if equipped)1 Shut off water supply2 Remove all ice and/or any standing water. 1 If equipped with drain pump follow all steps to remove pump.3 Disconnect power or unplug unit 2 Unplug fan motor connection.4 Uninstall and pull unit out to get access to left side service panel. 3 Remove four screws holding fan motor brackets to shroud. 4 Pull fan blade and motor from unit.5 Remove five screws and the service panel. 5 If not equipped with a drain pump:6 Disconnect electrical plug to pump motor7 Disconnect drain hose from pump inlet 6 Shut off water supply8 Disconnect discharge hose from pump9 Remove two 3/8 inch nuts holding pump to 7 Remove all ice and/or any standing water. base, lift pump up and out. 8 Disconnect power or unplug unit10 Reverse steps to reassemble. 9 Uninstall and pull unit out to get access to left side service panel. 10 Remove five screws and the service panel. 11 Unplug fan motor connection. 12 Remove four screws holding fan motor brackets to shroud. 13 Pull fan blade and motor from unit. 11 Service blade or motor and reverse to reassemble. July 2011 Page 19
NU130 Note: Placing it over the leg leveler and next to theService strut works the best.Compressor replacement. 13 Add temporary refrigeration system accessNote: If built in the unit will need to be pulled out. valves to the discharge and suction sides of the refrigeration system.1 Shut off water supply 14 Recover the refrigerant.2 Disconnect power supply or unplug unit3 Uninstall unit and pull out as needed for side and back access.4 Remove all panels and door: 15 Remove the four hair pins securing compressor to chassis.• Back panel including drain and power supply 16 Disconnect wires, overload and and relay from panels. compressor.• Side service panel 17 Push back suction line insulation.• Kickplate• Top panel5 Go through all steps to remove drain pump 18 Unsweat the discharge and suction and/or fan motor. connections at the compressor.6 Remove drain hose from unit. 19 Remove the compressor from the unit.7 Obtain or make an 11\" prop from 3/4\" PVC or 20 Remove dryer from unit. similar. 21 Attach permanent schrader access valves to8 Remove 2 screws (at back) holding base to unit. side panels 22 Attach dry nitrogen supply to access valves,9 Remove screws holding strut to base purge at about 1 lb pressure during brazing.10 Remove screw holding left side panel to base 23 Install new dryer.11 Loosen BUT DO NOT REMOVE 24 Install new compressor. Install at least 3 of the two screws at front holding side hair pins to secure the compressor. The fourth panels to base is optional.12 Lift back of unit up and support 25 Make all braze connections needed to seal with the 11\" prop. system. Strut 26 Remove nitrogen supply. Evacuate system to at least 300 microns. 27 Weigh in nameplate charge. 28 Reconnect all wires, components and panels removed to access compressor. 29 Reinstall unit. Operate unit and test.Prop Step10 July 2011 Page 20
NU130ServiceBin and CabinetThe bin and cabinet can be separated from the 17 Lift bin and cabinet off chassis.base. Either the ice making evaporator system Auger Motor or Motor Capacitormust be lifted out and securely suspended or the 1 Remove the unit from its installed position.refrigeration system opened and the connections tothe evaporator unbrazed.1 Remove the unit from its installed position. 2 Disconnect water supply.2 Disconnect water supply. 3 Disconnect / unplug unit from power supply.3 Disconnect / unplug unit from power supply. 4 Empty bin of ice and water.4 Drain evaporator. 5 Remove top panel.5 Empty bin of ice and water. 6 Remove both bolts holding motor to gear6 Disconnect drain hose from bottom of bin. reducer.1 Remove top, back and side service panels. 7 Lift motor winding and capacitor up and out of machine.7 Remove door. 8 Cut wires and separate winding from capacitor.8 Remove kickplate. Change either and reconnect motor to capacitor.9 Remove front service panel Note: Be SURE wires are connected per the label on the motor: Black to Black to Capacitor and Red10 Remove screw holding service panel bracket. to Capacitor. If connected incorrectly, motor will turn the wrong way. Output shaft or auger MUST11 Remove two screws holding baffle at right side turn CCW (counterclockwise) looking from above of condenser. or the unit will be damaged during ice making.12 Unplug wires from compressor and fan motor. 9 Pull rotor from gear reducer (if changing motor) Be sure wires from control box to base are free and disconnected. 10 Insert new rotor (if changing motor).13 Remove four screws holding each corner of the 11 Reinstall winding and capacitor assembly. chassis to the base. Secure with the original screws.14 Remove two screws holding left rear strut to 12 Return all panels to their original positions. base. 13 Reconnect water and power. 14 Reinstall unit.15 Remove one screw holding left side panel to base.16 Either go thru the process to remove gear reducer and evaporator from unit or recover refrigerant and disconnect at evaporator.Note: If leaving evaporator & gear reducer in unit,have a helper support them while the cabinet isremoved. July 2011 Page 21
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