CD200 Service Manual Table of ContentsInstallationElectricalPlumbingKitsFinal ChecklistStart UpOperationElectrical SequenceComponent DescriptionService DiagnosisRemoval and Replacement
CD200 FOR THE INSTALLERLOCATION After Placing Ice Machine on Dispenser, Level TheSelect a location that allows the ice machine thatwill be placed on top of the dispenser access for Assembled Cabinets.service and adequate air flow. Check the manualof the ice machine for air flow requirements.The CD200B dispenser is designed to be usedwith a variety of Scotsman cube ice machines.They include: •Bin thermostat models: CME250, CME500 and CME656. •Electronic models: CME256, CME506 and CME656.Follow the detailed installation instructions in thetext of the ice machine’s manual. Note: Some icemachines are equipped with a bin thermostat andbracket. Do NOT install the ice machine’s binthermostat BRACKET.CD200s mfg. beginning May 1997 have an internalthermostat to control the CME256, CME506 orCME656. Follow the Control System installationinstructions packaged with the CD200 to connectthe CME256, CME506 or CME656 control systemto the CD200.Cabinet Connection Hardware is From Ice Machine’s Hardware Package. May 1997 Page 4
CD200 Cabinet Assembly BIN CONTROL Bin Thermostat Models: A bin thermostat bracket is built into the top of the CD200. After the ice machine has been placed on the top of the CD200, route the bin thermostat capillary tube from the control box of the ice machine, thru the routing hole at the back of the ice machine’s water reservoir, and into the tubular bracket in the top of the CD200. Check to be sure that the bin thermostat’s capillary tube is IN the bracket and that it stops at the end of the tube. Electronic Models: CD200s mfg. beginning May 1997 have an internal thermostat with wiring harness. The wiring harness must be routed from the CD200 to the CME256, CME506 or CME656. Follow instructions supplied separately on the CD200. The Baffle and Thermostat bracket were discontinued beginning with May 1997 production. Note: Prior CD200s without the removable bin thermostat plate must be retrofitted with kit, KBTCD200. Electronic Cuber Model Shown May 1997 Page 5
CD200 Electrical ConnectionsDISPENSER FOLLOW ALL LOCAL, STATE and NATIONAL CODES.Connect the electrical power to the junction box atthe rear of the dispenser cabinet. ICE MACHINESee the dispenser’s nameplate (located on the Connect the electrical power to the junction box atback) for the electrical voltage, minimum circuit the back of the ice machine. Follow the directionsampacity and maximum fuse size. The unit in the ice machine’s manual.requires a solid chassis to earth ground wire. Seethe wiring diagram.The dispenser should be connected to a separatecircuit. Voltage variation must not exceed tenpercent above or below the nameplate voltage atany time.Separate Circuits Ice Machine Powerfor Dispenser and Connection Ice Machine Electrical Connections, Electronic Model Shown Dispenser Power Connection January 1996 Page 6
CD200 PlumbingDISPENSER ICE MACHINEThe only plumbing connection required for the Follow the detailed plumbing installationCD200 is the base drain, it is a 3/4\" FPT instructions in the service or product manualconnection located at the bottom back of the packed with the specific ice machine.cabinet. CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE CODESBe certain to route this drain separately from anyother, and to vent the drain tube. Vented Drain Connection January 1996 Page 7
CD200 Final Check ListDispenser1. Is the ice machine properly installed?2. Is the unit level?3. Has the water been connected to the icemachine?4. Has the electrical power been provided to theice machine and dispenser?5. Have the drain lines been run?6. Fill out the warranty registration and mail it. Water? Ice Machine Power? Drains? January 1996 Page 9
CD200 Start UpAlways check the installation before beginning a Vend Switchstart up. Do not start up a machine until it hasbeen properly installed. Hopper Sink1. Start up the ice machine, following the directionsgiven in the manual packed with the ice machine.2. Allow the ice machine to make several batchesof ice, so the dispensing mechanism can be tested.3. Locate the sink key, and remove the sinkassembly by pulling the bottom away from thedispenser, then pulling the sink down.4. Check that the ON-OFF switch is in the ONposition.5. Return the sink assembly to its normal, lockedposition.6. Push the vend switch in (units without coin orkey mechanisms) to start the dispensing cycle. Icewill fill the hopper and the rotating wheel inside thedispenser will stop.7. Push the hopper down to release the ice.8. Repeat step 6, but this time push the hopperdown during the dispensing process, the processshould stop. Release the hopper and dispensingshould continue. If not, remove the sink and checkthe action of the safety switch at the top of the sinkassembly.9. Pour water in the sink area to check for properdrainage.10. Give the sink key to the owner/user and informthem about the operation and maintenance of themachine. ON-OFF Switch January 1996 Page 10
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