DPS BALCO STUDENTS SANG & DANCED THEIR WAY TO GLORY(Inter-House Group Dance & Song Competitions)“Great dancers and singers are not greatbecause of their technique; they are greatbecause of their passion”.With the aim of honing the dancing skills of the students,an Inter-House Group Song and Group DanceCompetition for classes VI to VIII was organized on 5thDecember, 2014 in the school‟s ceremonial stage. Thecultural programme began by lighting the sacred lampand invoking the blessings of the Lord Almighty by theinvited guests, panel of judges and respected PrincipalSir.The Group Song Competition commenced with thesoothing song from the contestant of Chenab House titled„Pyara Bharat Desh, Mera Pyara Bharat Desh,commemorating their adored nation. The students ofGanges House sang „Chalna Sikha Diya, Badhana SikhaDiya‟ in a chorus. The participants of Ravi Housepresented a Mangal Geet titled „Aaj Kirno Ki Sunahari‟,pouring the liquid music through their voice quenchingthe thirst of audiences‟ soul. An old adage goes, „Life is asong and love is the music, portraying the same SutlejHouse in an exquisite way sung, „Bhartiya Jai VijayKare‟ elevating every one‟s heart. The students literallygave their heart and soul in the entire performancemaking us all feel and reflect.Immediately after the Group Song Competition, theGroup Dance Competition started with the exuberantperformance of Chenab House in the theme of Lohri,lighting the bonfire and taking parikrama with sacredofferings. A traditional dance in Bhangra style wasperformed by the fervent participants praying: \"Letpurity come, dirt depart, dirt be uprooted and its rootscast in the fire.\" Next to it was the performance by theparticipants of Ganges House depicting the occasion ofthe Diwali signifying the victory of good over evil;enlightening our hearts with confident steps, rhythm,expression simple truth, a new reason and hope. Anabsolutely awesome stage performance depicting danceas the hidden language of soul was presented by thestudents of Ravi House. They danced to the rhythm andbeats of West Bengal dance form captivating the studentsand the audience with their vitality, life force and energy.At the last Sutlej House students presented a dance formworshipping the great and auspicious Hindu deity„Mahadeva‟. 1
The judges for the competition were Mr. B.S. Bhati, Ms.Poorva Tiwari, and Mr. Ram Khilawan Yadav, alldistinguished in their respective fields, and had the mostdifficult task to do since the competition was extremely closeand therefore difficult to judge. Ms Poorva on her expertcomments said, Music is defined in Natyamanorama as “It isthree in one- Gitam, Nrutyam, Vadyam-Trayam SangeethamMuchyate!” She reiterated that all the participants didcreatively display their grace, vigour, elegance andcongratulated all the students to shine like diamonds in theirfuture endeavours.Mr. Kailash Pawar, Principal, Delhi Public School, BalcoNagar announced the result for the competition:Inter-House Group Song Inter-House Group Dance Competition:Competition:Che.nab House I Ganges House IGanges House II Ravi House IIRavi House III Sutlej House IIIHe further added that there could not be a better idea than theunfurling of the morning for such youthful tiny children insuch a delightful and pleasurable way. He complimented eachone especially the members of Department of Music, Danceand Arts for putting in such a beautiful melodiousextravaganza. He thanked the esteemed judges for sparingtheir precious time so early in the morning and gracing theoccasion with their presence. At the end of this colourful andspectacular programme, the cultural Secretary Miss KritikaSharma, class XI-A proposed a vote of thanks. The eventaccomplished by singing of the National Anthem by all thestudents and invited dignitaries in harmony. 2
DPS BALCO SHOWED अदब से हम झकु े नववर्ष के आगे खड़े हंैITS CLASS IN ‘YOUTH हमारे होंठों ऩर उम्मीद के नग़मे ऩड़े हंै अंधरे े में ऩड़े रहने का फ़न हम तोड़ दंेगे FESTIVAL’ हमारे हौसले हालात के क़द से बड़े हैं….Budding musicians and dancersfrom DPS Balco GauravBaghel,Kshitj Ingle and RikeshNaimbiarshowcased their talent in therecently held „Youth Festival‟ atDistrict Level organized by Sports& Youth Development Departmentat Government Girls HigherSecondary School, Korba.GouravBaghel proved himself inplaying Guitar and bagged firstposition while Kshitj Ingle stoodthird in playing Tabla.RikeshNaimbiar also showed hisdancing skills and was selected forthe State Level Competition. Theyby performing fanatically broughtlaurels to the school and gotaccolades from Principal& Staff ofDPS Balco. The music teacher ofschool Pt. MordwajVaishnav wasalso appreciated for his supportand guidance to the buddingtalents.The winners will be participating inthe State Level Competition to beheld on 17-18th December, 2014 atDurg District. 6
DPS BALCO EXCELLED ININTERzz SCHOOL CONTESTSBalco, 22nd December, 2014Inter School Competitionswere organized in DDM PublicSchool, Korba by KorbaRamkrishna VivekanandaSewa Samiti on the occasion ofNational Youth Day.Competitions like colouringthe picture, quiz, speech,debate and extempore wereorganized. DPS Balcostudents enthusiasticallyparticipated in all abovementioned events and broughtlaurels to their school. MahiMishra of class V-A got firstposition and Pragyna Murthyof class V-A bagged secondprize in „lesson presentation‟.Pranjal Tripathi and MohitMalghani of class VIII-Asecured 1st & 3rd positionsrespectively in debate. RahulMahto of class X-A got firstposition in extempore andMahikshit Pandey of class XIScience achieved consolationprize in speech. Yogant Sahuof class VIII-A gave anoutstanding performance inspeech competition andsecured 1st position. It wasgolden day for the students ofDPS Balco. They added onemore feather of success in 7their crown…
DPS Balco in its third year after its inceptionin 2012 celebrated three Annual Functions ina row to ensure the maximum number ofparticipations i.e. 930 out of 1024 enrollednames in the school record. These immenselysuccessful shows titled - „The journey of Indiafrom Vedic Period to the enlightenedModern Time‟ were witnessed by more than2500 spectators which include the eminentfigures from Balco & the entire Korba region.Following are the reports – DPS BALCO CELEBRATED ITS 3RD ANNUAL FUNCTION WITH GREAT POMP AND SHOW …The prestigious Delhi Public School Balcocelebrated its Annual Function (VI-XII) onTuesday, 13th January, 2015. The function wasinaugurated by the Chief Guest Shri AmreshMishra, I.P.S., Superintendent of Police, Korbaandthe Guest of Honour Shri Deepak Prasad,Vice President (Metal Business), Balco in thepresence of the distinguished guests ShriB.K.Sriwastwa AVP Community Relation &the Member SMC DPS Balco, Shri Vinod Nair,Head (Town Administration) & Member SMCDPS Balco, Dr. S.C. Pant, CMO, BalcoHospital, Mrs. RinaSriwastwa, Head (IT),Balco, Mrs. MeenaMantri, President BalcoMahila Mandal, Mr. Satish Sharma, Principal,DPS, NTPC Korba, Mr. Sanjay Gupta,Principal, DDM Public School, Korba, Mr. A KSingh, Principal St. Xavier‟s School, Korba,Press Representatives and Parents.The grand event opened with Lamp lighting bythe Chief Guest Shri Amresh Mishra and theguest of honour Deepak Prasad followed bySaraswatiVandana and the melodious welcomesongs sung by school choir group. Thebeginning of the auspicious occasion wasmarked by the heavenly invocation chanted byPiyush Dubey, Sanskrit teacher in the schoolfollowed by the Annual Report. Mr. KailashPawar, the Principal of the school in his report,highlighted the achievements of the school andgoals set for the future. He, in his address onceagain thanked Mrs. Bhawani Nair, the FirstLady of Balco for her announcement ofbuilding a well facilitated auditorium andstrengthening of the infrastructure of the school. 8
The Chief Guest Shri Amresh Mishra in his addressto the audience said that in this modern era of 21stCentury students need to learn not only from thebooks of their syllabus but they should be ready toacquire knowledge from the practical world.„Today‟s students need to be versatile‟ quotesShri Deepak Prasad in his short but valuable speechemphasized on the importance of functions of thiskind where pupils get opportunity to identify theirhidden talent and to groom their personality whichultimately proves essential while facing the highlycompetitive world in the student‟s life.The programme „Ancient India to Modern India‟was an amalgamation of various hues and studentsspread the colours of unity, development, peace andhappiness. The participants performed according totheir allotted houses viz. Chenab, Ganga, Ravi andSutlej. Throughout the journey started from VedicIndia to Modern India, the students resplendent invarious costumes enraptured the audience with theirmessage driven dance, drama, pantomime andsongs. In between the cultural events theperseverance and meticulous endeavours of thediligent students was once again recognized by aprize distribution ceremony in the presence of thedistinguished guests.The beautiful rendition of the songs and dances inall the four houses that include the diversificationsof various cultures commencing from Vedic,Mughal, British and the modern period of ourcountry mesmerized the knowledgeable guestspresent on the grand occasion. Fusion dances addedcolour to the festive event and the synchronizeddance movements to the foot tapping musicenthralled the audience. The Vasant Utsav,Classical Kathak, Traditional Bhangra, theChhattisgarhi Folk-Karma, the Mughalian - DiwaneKhas reflected the diverse hues of India.Avinash Rochvani, the Head Boy, Vandana Pandey,the Head Girl, Nitya Vishwakarma, Taruna,Swagata, Roma, Sumedha and Suman were amongthe talented comperes of the three hours exemplaryshow. Jittendriya Sahu, House Master gave thethanks giving speech in the end. 9
DPS BALCO TINY TOTS SHOWCASED TALENT IN ANNUAL FUNCTION (NURSERY-II)A scintillating show „Wonder World of Dance & Rhythm‟was organized by blooming children of classes Nursery-II,DPS Balco on 17th January 2015 in the impressive schoolquadrangle. The programne began with „Lighting of theLamp‟ followed by an enchanting prayer song dedicated toGoddess Saraswati and welcome song presented by theschool choir group.Welcoming the august gathering on the occasion, thePrincipal Mr. Kailash Pawar stressed the school‟s missionto endow with education par excellence to its students.Complimenting the students on the wonderful display oftheir talent, the chief guest, Mr. Awadhesh Trivedi,A.R.M., South East Central Railway, Korba accentuatedupon the need for the school and the community to worktogether to shape the young children into responsible andupright citizens of the country. The guest of honour, Mr.Avinash Chand Rai, COO, Balco on the grand occasion,said „Parents should learn the art of parenting; a school forparenting will be very useful in this era‟. The occasion wasalso graced by the benign presence of Mr. Prahlad Rawat,AGM (Finance), Balco and Member, SMC, DPS Balco,Principal, Mr. P.N. Mishra, Mr. Ashish Ranjan, Mr.Prabhakar Chauhan, Mr. Vijay Bajpai, & Mr. S.K. Shukla,Sub Inspector, Railway Protection Force, Korba.An invocation dance in praise of Lord Ganesha was thenext magnificent show followed by a stunning display ofclassical dance presented by vibrant class I & II students.Various group dances presented by more than hundredstudents from Nursery to class II on melodious songs viz.Awara Bhavare, Apna Har-din received great appreciationsfrom the resplendent audience. Solo Dance on „Naina LageNa‟ followed by group dances „Dil Hai Chhota Sa‟, „Pom-Pom dance‟, „Fan Dance‟, & „Cap Dance‟ were the otherheart throbbing performances by the rejuvenating kids. ADance Drama by class I & II participants disseminating themessage of religious harmony reiterated the spirit ofsecularism that our country upholds. The tiny-tots took theaudience on a nostalgic flight back to their school days asthey spiritedly realized some of the all time popular songsexclusively written for kids on the stage. The grand showtook everyone on a mystical journey into the world of fairytales. The programme ended with an enthralling PunjabiDance presented by the students of the classes I & II.The grand function was well anchored by two childprodigies -Suman Sharma & Roshni Singh Thakur,however, Mrs. Sandhya Murthy gave the vote thanks toconclude the scintillating show. 15
DPS Balco Blooming Kids (III-V) Celebrated Annual Day - A Spectacular Extravaganza….The Chief Guest of the ceremonial show Mr. C. K. Ajgalley,Additional District & Sessions Judge (FTC Court), Korba in hisinspiring speech appreciated the principal and staff for their untiringefforts in shaping the students of this region by creating opportunitiesso that they compete with the rest of the world. „Annual Functiondisplays the true picture of versatile development of any school;bookish education is the base for the kids but the cultural activities arethe beautiful sweet-scented flowers of their life‟ said Mr. Ajgalley. TheGuest of Honour of the occasion Mr. B.K.Sriwastwa, AVP(Community Relations), Balco & Member SMC, DPS Balco in hisaddress mentioned about the milestones achieved by the school in thisshort duration of only three years. He congratulated the Principal, staffand the children for the indefatigable spirit they have shown to outshinein this highly competitive world. The occasion was also graced by thebenign presence of Col. D.S. Bhati, G.M. (Administration), Balco, Mrs.Rina Sriwastwa, Head (IT), Balco, Mr. Vinod G. Nair, Head(Township) & Member, SMC, DPS, Balco, Mr. Shailendra PratapSingh, Deputy Commandant, CISF, NTPC, Korba, Mr. Ashish Ranjan,Mr. Sunil Dixit, Mrs. & Mr. NageshRao, Prinicipal, Jain Public School,Korba, Mrs. Bhati and Mrs. Nair.„The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, / But I have promises to keep,/ Andmiles to go before I sleep, / And miles to go before I sleep.‟ These are thelines written by the famous American Poet Robert Frost, mentioned in hisspeech by Mr. Kailash Pawar, Principal Delhi Public Balco on theoccasion of their third consecutive Annual Function, this time organizedfor the blossoming buds of classes III to V. The meticulous efforts of thestudents, teachers & parents turned into a fascinating evening show wheremore than 200 budding talents from the upper primary wing made theevent a momentous one for over six hundred spectators gathered on theoccasion.A dazzling show organized by the thriving kids of classes III-V, DPSBalco on 18th January 2014 in the striking school quadrangle. Theprogramne began with „Lighting of the Lamp‟ followed by an enchantingprayer song dedicated to Goddess Saraswati and welcome song presentedby the school choir group.The young students in sparkling attires on one side presented the danceswith classical touch and on the other side here had been remarkableperformances of folk dances of Asam, Odisa, Chhattisgarh and otherstates. The cultural fiesta reached to its zenith when the progeniesmesmerized the audience by presenting the dance drama „MahisasurMardini‟ followed by the outstanding „Ramp Show‟. A Play-let„Tenalirama‟ filled the cosmos with burst of laughter. Everyone in thecrowd could not stop oneself from giving accolades to the charmingperformances of the escalating actors. „The grand show took everyone ona mystical journey into the world of fairy tales. The programme endedwith an alluring „orchestra‟ where the young instrumentalists tried theirfingers on drums, tablas & string instruments marvelously. They in factmesmerized the distinguished guests with their immense talent andimpending energy. The three hours colourful programme indeed is thetrue representation of the diaspora in and around the world our youngpupils come across in their life.The grand function was well anchored by two child prodigies –AnkitYadav & Preksha Sharma, however, Mrs. Nandita Chakrobortygave the vote thanks to conclude the scintillating show. 24
Book fair – The Great Indian BazaarORGANIZED BY DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL BALCO“Books are mirrors: you only see in themwhat you already have inside you” – CarlosRuiz Zafn. Delhi Public School Balcoorganized a ‘Book Fair’ for its children,teachers and parents for the thirdconsecutive year successfully. There hasbeen the latest and best collection of booksfrom around the world published by‘Scholastic’ Publication(www.scholastic.co.in). The books of theauthors like Dan Smith, ChetanBhagat,Denise Renaldo, Ruskin Bond, PercyJackson along with all time greats - WilliamShakespeare, Charles Dickens, EmilieDickinson and many more were the centreof attraction for each age group visitors inthe Book Fair. The prime motto fororganizing the exciting book fair is thesame as the Nobel Prize winner MalalaYousafzai once said – ‘One book, one pen,one child and one teacher can change theworld.’ Shri kailashPawar, the Principal ofthe school and an exemplary book lovershowed his elation over the deep interestand enthusiasm showed by the studentsand teachers of the school in visiting andbuying the books of their choice from thecollection of thousand books. 28
WORKSHOP: THE DPS COUNSELORS4 days workshop on counselors was heldin HRD Dwarka DPS Delhi. It wasconducted from 20 Jan 2015 to 23 Jan2015. Counselors from all parts of Indiaattended this workshop. It mainly dealtwith psyche of students. Counselors weretrained how to deal with students ofdifferent age groups. Highly acclaimedresource persons like Geet Oberoi, RakshitTandon, and Dr. Ravindran gave theirpresentations. They spoke about inclusiveeducation, internet and cyber crime andthe real role of counselor in guidingstudents towards right path. The faculty ofa Delhi DPS 2 gave excellent presentationon clinical psychology and how to preparereferral forms. Workshop was conductedby Vinita Kher. Workshop ended withblessings of Dr. Khandelwal and Dr.Grover. 30
Delhi Public School, Balcocelebrated Republic Day with pride & fervorDelhi Public School, Balconagar celebratedIndia‟s 66th Republic Day. The studentstook pride in glorifying and celebrating thespirit of unity. To mark the importance ofthis day, a grand celebration was held in theschool, and many activities were planned inthe school premises. The school echoed withpatriotic fervour as the children drew scenesof Republic Day celebrations, sang patrioticsongs and danced on patriotic rhythms.Delhi Public School celebrated Republic Dayin the school premises by hoisting tri-coloured flag. The song saying “Jai JanBharat” sung by the school choir addedgrace to the occasion. A huge number ofsmall students presented a foot taping dancenumber on a fusion of various patrioticsongs performing different formations. Also,some girls of the senior section performed adance routine showing the rivalry amongthe young Indians and terrorism. Speechesin Hindi and English were given by studentsbringing out the true passion of patriotism.The guiding light of DPS Balco, Mr.KailashPawar, the principal, encouraged thestudents and addressed the gathering withhis kind and motivating words. Sweets weredistributed among all the children. Theschool campus reverberated with patrioticfervour and enthusiasm.NityaVishwakarmaClass - IX 31
PTM A Report by Deepak Puraina 4th Parents Teacher Meet- A report The four rounds of Weekly Test had culminated successfully and then it was time to evaluate/ review the performance of the students for the session 2014-15. Hence in order to give the first hand information about the students and to advise strategies for a better performance, in all important, fast approaching SA- II/2ndterminal examination, DPS Balco organized the fourth Parents Teacher Meet on 31st January, 2015. The parents actively participated and showed great interest in knowing the performance of their wards and the weak areas where they have to improve. The teacher on the other hand advised the parents how the performance could be improved. The parents were full of appreciation and praised whole heartedly the „Three‟ Annual Functions held in the month of January, to give due representation to every child. They also were full of praise for the „Book fair‟ organized by the school. The Parents however requested that as the exams were near a good revision should be provided to the students.33
A State Level Award Winning Article on William Shakespeare: Globe Theatre in London lokZsifj Lo;a vius izfr lR;fu’B jgasA Shakespeare‟s Birthplace *loksZifj % LOk;a vius izfr lR;fu’B jgsaA* ;g iafDr egku ukVddkj ftUgsa *fdax vkQ IysjkbZV~l* vFkkZr *ukV~; dFkkvksa ds jktk* Hkh dgk tkrk gS] “ksDlfi;j dh nh gqbZ gSA “ksDlfi;j usvius ukV~;ksa eas euq’; dh izo`fRr;ks]a pfj=] fopkj/kkjkvksa vkSj /kkj.kkvksa dks egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk nhA bliafDr ds ek/;e ls Hkh os euq’; dh lp rFkk >wB cksyus dh vknr ds ckjs eas gh dgrs gq, ;g Li’Vdjrs gSa fd geas lcls igys vius vki ls lp dgus dk lkeF;Z j[kuk pkfg,A lPpkbZ dk egRo lp ls c<d+ j u dkbs Z iwtk gS vkSj u gh dksbZ /keZ@lR; ekxZ ij pyus okyk O;fDr viuslkFk&lkFk vius iwoZtksa vkSj Hkkoh ih<+h dk Hkh dY;k.k djrk gSA lR;oknh euq’; fuMj] lkglh]“kkUr fpRr vkSj lHkh ls izse djus okyk gksrk gSA lkjh eqlhcrksa dk lkeuk djus ds fy, eu’q ; dhlPpkbZ mlds fy, <ky lkfcr gksrh gSA tSlk fd dgk x;k gS & *lR;eos t;rs* lnk gh lR; dh fot; gksrh gSA Jh jke us jko.k dk o/k djds vlR; ij lR; vkSjva/kdkj ij jkS”kuh dh thr dks fl) fd;kA egkHkkjr eas dkSjoksa dh fo”kky lsuk ij ikaMoksa dh thrbl ckr dk cM+k dkj.k gSA ikaMoksa dh thr vkSj Jh d`’.k dk mudk lkFk nus s ds ihNs dsoy vkSjdsoy ,d gh dkj.k Fkk vkSj og Fkh ikaMoksa dh lR;fu’BrkA lR; dh rkdr ds lkeus dksbZ rkdrugha fVdrhA Tkks /keZ dh vkSj lR; dh j{kk djrs gSa] /keZ mudh j{kk djrk gSA lR; dh efgek gj /keZiqjk.k eas xkbZ xbZ gSA jktk cyh us lR; dks Åij j[kdj vius izk.kksa dks Hkh U;kSNkoj djuk ilanfd;kA lR;oknh gjh”kpanz us dsoy blfy, czkã.k dks viuk jkT; ns fn;k D;ksfa d mUgksaus ,slklius eas fd;k FkkA Jh d`’.k us viuh lR;okfnrk ds gh ne ij vfHkeU;q ds iq=] tks dh v”oLFkkekds czãkL= ls xHkZ esa gh ej x;k Fkk] ifjf{kr dks iqu% thfor dj fn;kA bls lR; dh gh efgek udgsa rks D;k dgsa \ Lo;a ls lR;fu’B jgus ds izHkko %& ge ;fn lnk lp cksysa rks og gekjh vknr cu tkrh gSA ;gh vknr vxj lnk gh dsfy, gks tk,a] ge vius eu eas D;k lksprs gSa] dkbs Z ugha tkurk flok; gekjsA ;fn ge vius eu dksLoPN dj yas rks gekjk eu fueZYk gks tk,xkA ;fn ge vius vki eas Hkh ge”s kk lp dgas rks gelnkpkjh vkSj pfj=oku cu tk,axsA geas dksbZ xqejkg ugha dj ik,xkA dgk Hkh x;k gS fd ;fn vki /ku [kksrs gSa rks dqN ugha [kksrs] LokLFk [kksrs gaS rks dqN [kksrsgaS vkSj ;fn pfj= [kksrs gSa rks lc dqN [kks nrs s gSaA pfj=oku euq’; gh mRre izd`fr dk euq’; gksldrk gSAtSlk dh jghe th us dgk gS& *tks jghe mRRke izd`fr] dk dfj ldr dqlax A Paknu fo’k O;kir ugha] fyiVs jgr Hkqtax AAvFkkZr~ mRre idz `fr okys O;fDr dk dqlaxfr dqN ugha fcxkM+ ldrhA tSls panu ij ukxksa ds fyiVsjgus ds ckn Hkh og fo’k /kkj.k ugha djrk cfYd@vfirq ukxksa dks “khryrk iznku djrk gS oSls gh,sls euq’; tgka Hkh tk,a] viuh [kq”kcw ls lkjk okrkoj.k lqxaf/kr dj nsrs gSaA cqjkbZ;ksa dks HkhvPNkbZ;ksa eas cny nrs s gaSA ,sls gh yksx vkxs c<+rs gSa vkSj lQyrk ikz Ir djrs gSaA vr% lQyrkrd dh ;k=k ds fy, Lo;a ls lR; dguk igyk dne gS dnkfpr blh otg ls loksZifj vkSj vfrvfuok;Z gSA Lo;a ls lR; dgus ds ykHk %& tks O;fDr Lo;a ls lR; dgsxk] og nwljksa ls >wB dSls dg ldrk gS Hkyk\ lR;oknheuq’; ij lHkh fo”okl djrs gSaA vxj ge bZekunkj vkSj lp ds jkgh gSa rks geas lc eku vkSjlEeku naxs s A nq”eu Hkh dqN dgus ls igys lkS ckj lkspsxkA rks yhft,] vk/kh ijs”kkfu;ak rks ;wa gh[kReA lR;okfnrk vkRefo”okl dks c<k+ nrs h gSA vkSj D;ksa u gks] tc fdlh dk Hkh [kkSQ ugha rksiFk ij vxlz j gksus esa dSls :dkoV \ vkRefo”okl ls ladYi “kfDr tkxzr gksrh gAS ladYi “kfDrds lkFk eu’q ; u rks fgEer gkjrk gS vkSj u gkj Lohdkj djrk gSA D;kfsa d gkjrk rks flQZ ogh gSftlus dksf”k”k djuk NkMs + fn;kA dgk Hkh x;k gS fd *dksf”k”k djus okyksa dh dHkh gkj ugha gksrh*A d`frdk “kekZ 11oha *v* 34 lkaLÑfrd lfpo] Mhih,l ckydksvxys vad eas tkjh ----
OUT OF THE BOX…. 35 HUMAN BRAINBrain-based learning theory is based on current researchabout the structure and function of the brain. Brain-basedteaching is all about understanding the principles of brainresearch and using strategies in a purposeful way based onthese principles. What we know about how the brain workshas a significant impact on curriculum, instruction andassessment. For example, we know that learning activitiesthat are complex, interactive experiences; that engagestudents actively in solving real problems; and that aremeaningful and challenging are highly effective. Manyauthors have taken some of the latest scientific medicalfindings related to the brain and applied them to learning.The following is a brief summary of brain-compatiblefundamentals for teachers Memory and learning are closely tied to emotions; permanent learning almost always has an emotional component. Oxygen, water, sleep, certain foods, and movement affect students‟ brains and their learning. The brain remembers information more readily when it is meaningful and can be linked to prior knowledge or experience. The human brain is not designed for long periods of attentiveness without mental and physical breaks. It takes time and repetition for new knowledge and skills to become permanent in long-term memory. Opportune periods for learning vary through a person‟s lifespan. There are prime developmental and learning time periods for different types of learning. Opportune time periods for learning vary throughout a student‟s day, and within a teacher‟s‟ lesson. Enrichment practices can heighten learning for all students. Examples include problem solving, music and physical environment. Formative assessment and prompt, specific, and meaningful feedback can enhance the learning process. The human brain is a social brain. Students learn effectively through collaborating with others, both adults and peers. PRESENTED BY PRIYANKA VISHWAKARMA
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