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Home Explore swcomms Hosted Telephony solutions for GP Practices

swcomms Hosted Telephony solutions for GP Practices

Published by ash.khagram, 2019-01-08 10:34:49

Description: swcomms Hosted Telephony solutions for GP Practices

Keywords: GP,hosted telephone,cloud telephone,business hosted telephone


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GENERAL PRACTICE HOSTED TELEPHONE SYSTEMSHOSTED TELEPHONE SYSTEMSFOR GP SURGERIESWe specialise in providing GP surgeries with award-winning communications toolsto meet patients’ needs, to streamline everyday tasks and to find cost savings. 0800 054 6789 • [email protected] •

Our experts have worked with GP surgeriessince our inception in 1983 and latterlywith multi-site doctors’ groups, federations,localities and CCGs.We are pioneering cost-saving solutions in generalpractice with the deployment of hosted telephonesystems that can cope with the push for enhancedpatient access.This does not mean GP surgeries need to incurcapital expenditure – in fact there is a highprobability that practice running costs will bereduced due to free calls, cheaper line rentals andinclusive ongoing support and software updates thattraditional telephone systems simply do not offer.


GENERAL PRACTICE HOSTED TELEPHONE SYSTEMSTHE PAIN POINTSGP surgeries have limited staff to deal with calls Telephone triage or consultations are increasingG P surgeries have limited lines available for but how do healthcare professionals recallinbound/outbound calls key information?G P surgeries deal with a large volume of T he traditional site-based telephone system iscalls, particularly at peak times, such as obsolete and does not meet surgery needsMonday mornings GP surgeries have limited funds to improveSome calls require urgent attention, so telephone technologysystems need to prioritise these calls and ensure GP surgeries must always remain contactable,patients are not left waiting for long periods so patient care is never negatively impactedof time0800 054 6789 • [email protected] •

GENERAL PRACTICE HOSTED TELEPHONE SYSTEMSTHE SOLUTIONOur hosted telephone system, built for FLEXIBLE LINE ACCESS AUTOMATED ATTENDANTthe general practice market, includes: Allows you to control daily call volumes Greets all callers with a welcome message presented to the surgery to match staffing ensuring they do not hear the engaged tone levels, while ensuring lines are always available before being offered options to quickly direct for outbound and triage services. their call, e.g. “Press 1 for emergencies, press 2 for appointments, press 3 to order a repeat prescription.”

“WE HAVE DEALT WITH SWCOMMS FOR NEARLY 20 YEARSAND THE STAFF ARE FANTASTIC! WE HAVE RECENTLYCHANGED TO THE NEW SYSTEM AND THE WHOLETRANSFER WAS SEAMLESS. THE AFTER-SALES SERVICEIS EXCELLENT AND I WOULD WHOLEHEARTEDLYRECOMMEND THE COMPANY AND THE PRODUCT.”SUE HEDLEY, CHUDLEIGH HEALTH CENTRECALL QUEUEING INTEGRATION WITH MEDICAL SYSTEMS WEB MANAGEMENT & REPORTINGQueue patients’ calls at network level before they Increase efficiency by linking directly to medical Control your system and access reportsare delivered to the surgery. Comfort messages systems such as EMIS and SystmOne, allowing from any location.can be played to give reassurance that calls will be patient records to be populated automatically prior LINK SITESanswered soon, informing the patient where they to answering the call or to automate telephone Easily link branches of a GP surgery group and addare in the queue and how long they are likely to triage services. users or sites with the simple addition of internetwait. You can also provide recorded information on SOPHISTICATED STATISTICAL ANALYSIS connections and handsets. Branches can retainopening hours, upcoming flu jab clinics, etc. Reception teams and managers can access their individual identities while benefiting from aCALL RECORDING real-time information on call traffic while seamless call flow between all sites to share staffProtect your staff from an abusive patient or while historical data helps identify the busiest periods resources and to support business continuity.they are giving medical advice on triage calls with for future recording. Recordings also provide an effective DISASTER RECOVERY PLANway of training new staff. Fail over to another number (mobile or another branch) to ensure your surgery can always be contacted. 0800 054 6789 • [email protected] •

GENERAL PRACTICE HOSTED TELEPHONE SYSTEMSINSTALLATIONAND AFTERCAREUnlike other suppliers that simply send Your dedicated project manager handsyou the equipment and expect you to over to your ongoing account managerget on with it, swcomms carefully project who will support and advise you into themanages all their installations. Our future alongside our service desk, team ofsolutions are tested and configured before engineers and customer services agents.deployment and we provide user training. All your telephony costs are contained within one monthly bill including system upgrades and support. “WE REALLY LIKE THE SYSTEM. IT IS SIMPLE TO USE. ALL THE STAFF WERE REALLY HELPFUL WHEN THEY CAME TO INSTALL IT AND THE TRAINERS COULD NOT HAVE BEEN MORE HELPFUL AND VERY PATIENT. WOULD NOT HESITATE TO RECOMMEND SWCOMMS. VERY EFFICIENT.” SARAH HOSKEN, MORRAB SURGERY PENZANCE

“I have found their service to be outstanding.Nothing is too much trouble for them.I would definitely recommend themto my fellow practice managers.”David Clippingdale,Chobham & Westend Medical PracticeWoking 0800 054 6789 • [email protected] •

GENERAL PRACTICE HOSTED TELEPHONE SYSTEMS WHY US? The honest answer would be because we are decent, well-trained, highly certified and truly pleasant people. Our people are our strength and the reason our business has been successful for more than three decades. But we cannot prove that to you until you meet us. Our proof comes from the number of healthcare clients who come back to us for repeat business and from the number who are willing to be subjects of case studies and send us testimonials. We have also been recognised by our industry with awards for our success in delivering cloud-hosted solutions. We are particularly active in the healthcare market with a third of our hosted solution customers being GP surgeries. More than 90% of GP surgeries that have switched to our cloud-hosted telephone system, have reduced expenditure and improved patient access.

GENERAL PRACTICE HOSTED TELEPHONE SYSTEMSWHAT NOW? 0800 054 6789 [email protected] hope that you like what you have read. If our practice hosted telephony solution lookslike a good fit for your GP surgery needs, we would 0800 054 6789 • [email protected] • to hear from you.A member of our healthcare team will listen to your requirementsto make sure we understand your surgery or group before givingyou the benefit of their experience and expertise.For a no-hassle, straight-talking view, call us for free or emailus and we will call you back to discuss the benefits of generalpractice telephony.

OUR Communications HouseACHIEVEMENTS Moor Lane, Sowton Exeter, Devon EX2 7JF General Practice Awards Castle Court Technology Provider of the Year Finalist Castle Street, Portchester P ractice Index Portsmouth PO16 9QD 5* Code of Practice Approved Supplier Comms National Awards 0800 054 6789 Enterprise Reseller of the Year and Best Enterprise h [email protected] Cloud Solution Winner Comms Business Awards Apprenticeship Scheme Winner C RN Sales and Marketing Awards Best Sales Team C omms Dealer Sales and Marketing Awards Reseller Sales Team of the Year

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