CELEBRATING July 2018 No. 304 30YEARS Queenscliff and Point Lonsdale Your Community VoiceNow you see 'em, Now you don't!Local Lester Hunt was perfectly positioned to © Lester Huntcapture the moment a rogue wave swampedPoint Lonsdale pier, almost washing one maninto the ocean. Details P8 David McDonald Builders David McDonald Builders sets the standard in prestige homes. Specialising in unique design andrenovations of outstanding scale and style. Building with Excellence The Rip July 2018 Page 1www.davidmcdonaldbuilders.com.au • p: 0418 599620 • e: [email protected]
The Rip July 2018 Page 2
Avenue replacement trees shortlisted A shortlist of tree species has beenprepared with a view to eventually replacing community consultation process. Trees Avenue of HonourQueenscliff’s historic Avenue of Honour and identified were chosen based on their shape, vision:sculptures could be created from the remains of size, foliage, shade and longevity. Only onerecently removed heritage pines s a reminder group member favoured a flowering tree. The Queenscliff Avenue ofof their place in history. Honour is a living tribute to No decision was reached on a preferred the servicemen associated The measures are contained in the final replanting strategy. with the Borough ofreport of the 10-member community reference Queenscliffe who sacrificedgroup, formed a year ago to determine the Among the group’s final resolutions is a plan their lives during World Warfuture of the Monterey Cypress pines, planted to create sculptures for Volunteer Park, from One. These trees are nowin tribute to fallen soldiers. timber left over from recently removed pines approaching 100 years of at the new Point Lonsdale Road entrance of the age and a plan for their While it stopped short of recommending the Bellarine Community Health Centre. ongoing management andremaining trees be removed, the group finalised eventual replacement isa vision for the Avenue. It also formalised a Queenscliffe Council will seek BCH approval required.definition of the memorial as including the 77 for the proposal.trees stretching between Swanston Street and to be finalised.the Murray Road Lights. A further community engagement plan is yet This month marks the 100th anniversary of “It is not a simple task to define the exact the first Avenue plantings.number of trees that could be in the Avenue Upwards of 100 of the pines were plantedof Honour as many have been lost and notreplaced over the decades gone by,” the group between 1918 and 1956 to honour localconcluded. soldiers. It is one of just a few memorials of its kind in the state. “While the Reference Group agrees tothe extent of the Avenue of Honour, it also In a community survey some four yearsrecognises the other avenues of Monterey ago, almost 97% per cent of more than 500Cypresses which will be included in the final respondents supported the Avenue beingtree management plan.” retained and protected, however Homewood has cautioned some of the trees are unlikely to The report recommends a series of actions, last beyond the next 50 years.including mulching and possible removal ofcompeting vegetation, to increase the longevityof the existing pines. A shortlist of alternative species has beenforwarded to consultant arborist groupHomewood, ahead of a yet-to-be-formalised Something Something to accompany different your mealFresh quality ingredients Quality pre-made meals Point Lonsdale OPEN UNTIL 9PM THROUGH JANUARY Supermarket shopping made easy...Point Lonsdale Village P: 5258 4911 Open 7 days: 8am - 9pm Follow us on instagram: @pointlonsdaleiga The Rip July 2018 Page 3
O’D O W Ddesign + construction imagine CREATIVE PLANTING RETAINING WALLS AUTOMATED GATES innovate DECKING OUTDOOR STRUCTURES GARDEN LIGHTING create PAVING TURF MAINTENANCEBUILDER OF THE YEARRegional Victoria 2012 Automotive Service Centre LAKERENGINEERING ○MECHANICAL REPAIRS · Steel Fabricator ○LOG BOOK SERVICING · Turning and Fitting ○ENGINE TUNING · Machining ○TYRES & BATTERIES · Stainless Steel ○LOCAL FREE PICK UP & DELIVERY & Aluminium All work guaranteed · Welding · Steel Sales 5258 1841 Tel (03) 5258 1777 56 Bellarine Highway, Queenscliff 0418 521 199 Franchises Now Available For MORE than just Mowing! Gardening, Mulching, Rubbish Removal Gardening, MulchingAward-winning quality GuHtteeLdraJsgoneCbdTlsserBcaiFmaoorrpedmMidynOi,RngCEIg,ntoh,EsraRnpuxjporiudaserteanrm-ttcoeoePwn/iWrnWugM!onoorirFFFnkrrrwkaaannngAAAcccciNNNvvvhhhnaaaooooiiisssiiiwwwllleeegaaavsssbbbllleeeer Gardening, MulchingSustainable designs PoFolricMeOPRoCElicthheaeCnhcjeukcskteemddowing! IOnHsu&rSedCompliantFor MwOwIOIPIOPnnnRoowHHsssElluuuii.&&jcctrrriSSheemeeeadddCCCCsnmoohhjmmeeuoccswppkktlleeiimnaaddnngott.wneintg! Expert GPraurdneinngin, gH,eMdguelcThriinmgming5258 1634 wwOwH.&jiSmCsmomowplinangt.net Expert Pruning, Hedge Trimmingwww.odowd.com.au 131 546www.jimsmowing.net ExpIenrstuPrarunncien/gW, HoerkdcgoevTerimjobmsing InsuBroadnyceC/oWrpoorrkacteovweorrjkobs InsuBroadnyceC/oWrpoorrkacteovweorrjkobs 111333111 555444666Body Corporatework www.jimsmowing.net The Rip July 2018 Page 4
The Rip July 2018 Page 5
Boomerang bags are coming help mark out and cut materials, pin, iron,Members of the Point Lonsdale Walking Group Boomerang Bags are part of a growing stamp and sew.enjoy a well-earned cuppa movement to rid the borough of plastic bags “The bags will be given away to friends, family, colleagues, local retailers, baglessPoint Lonsdale Walkers raise A community initiative to tackle plastic strangers and so on, as a plastic bag alternativemoney for Cancer. pollution has arrived in Queenscliff. that can be used and reused, or passed on to others,” Mrs Rodwell said.By Jim Thyer Boomerang Bags encourages locals to donate unwanted material and to transform it, via The program coincides with Queenscliff The Point Lonsdale Walking Group was sewing bees at the Neighbourhood House, into IGA’s decision to scrap single use plasticestablished by the Point Lonsdale Health reusable shopping bags. bags from this month and ‘Plastic Free July’Centre 29 years ago to encourage people to – an initiative of the newly-created Transitionwalk and talk together to help their fitness and The program, already running in other Towns group.health. During this time over 100 people have communities, is among three local projectsbeen involved. to share in $6,800 under the Queenscliffe “The circulation of reusable bags within Community Environment Association (CEA) the BOQ creates an opportunity to spread an Recently, for the Australia’s Biggest Morning grants program. important social and environmental messageTea, we met at the Point Lonsdale Guest House about sustainable solutions, and fosteringfor a breakfast with 15 people attending, eight “Boomerang Bags is a grassroots, community conscious habits that extend well beyond theof whom are still regular walkers. We raised driven movement aimed at shifting societies plastic bag,” said Mrs Rodwell.$140. Over many years the walkers have throw-away mentality to a more sustainablegathered together for this event and raised a revolution of re-purposing and re-use,” said The St Aloysius Primary secured fundingtotal of $5988. project spokesperson Jane Rodwell. under the CEA program to host a ‘Kid’s Teaching Kids’ conference in September. Anyone interested in joining our weekly “We are looking for volunteers from all The one-day event will bring students fromwalk is most welcome. We meet on Thursday walks of life to get together to help make re- across Geelong to Queenscliff to teach eachMornings at 9.15, starting in the foyer of the usable bags. We need to enlist people who can other about sustainability initiatives andCoorabin Building at the Point Lonsdale Health environmental issues.Centre. The Swan Bay Environment Association For more information contact Jim, 5258 3213. also gained funding to extend its Gardens for Wildlife program, providing residents with advice on improving the ecological value of their garden. To donate fabric or participate in Boomerang Bag-making workshops email: qnhouse@ fastmail.com or phone 5258 3367. All ages are welcome and no experience required. Ian Warren Builder Pty LtdNew Homes Point LonsdaleExtensions 5258 2758Renovations 0418 525452 Decks [email protected] Registration no DB - U2446 HIA no 516372 CLARK HOMES▬ builders with experience ▬ ○Green Smart Builders ○ Quality Customised Homes○ Architectural Designed Homes ○Complete Building Service ○Building & Planning Permits ○ Renovations & Extensions ○ Multi Dwelling developments PH: 5258 4640 - 0418 366938 [email protected] 2062 Bellarine Highway, Marcus Hill www.clarkhomes.com.au Registered Building Practitioner Housing Industry Association Member The Rip July 2018 Page 6
Beach box trial for QueenscliffBrighton-style bathing boxes could between the piers at a cost of $11,895,be trialled on Queenscliff front beach resulting in 229 tonnes of seaweed being removed from the beach andas early as this Summer, as part of a subsequently recycled into farming compost, he said.package of initiatives aimed at luring “We were very fortunate to findtourists back to the once premier some contractors who could do this for us, not only just removing seaweed,stretch of coast. but also giving us environmental, sustainable work for the seaweed.The Council will prepare a concept “This group that we requested toplan to investigate the costs and take away the seaweed turned it into commercial grade compost material,implications of having the boxes where our local farmers, in particular the wineries, on the Bellarine benefit,”located in an area of beach between he said.the Pilot and main piers. “I do note, a lot of places put their seaweed straight into landfill at aCouncillors have also voted to cost of $140 a tonne but for us, it only cost us $40 a tonne and that seaweed is reused again,continue beach-cleaning activities recycled back into the earth. “Seaweed is a constant moving beast butand will consider extending Princess what we tried to do was groom the sand from the high dune down to the high water mark,Park closer to the front beach. to keep that [area] clean for user tot use the beach…we had great success with that and ourEnvironmental Sustainability beaches became a lot more popular and usable because of that.Portfolio holder, Councillor Tony “But its about getting the balance right between nature and human intervention andFrancis, said the initiatives were I think what we achieved over summer was a great outcome for local residents, visitorsaimed at restoring the attractiveness of the We once had the best and all those who use the beach, as well as beach in town, which preserving what we have.”beach for both locals and visitors. brought thousands of visitors and people to“We have a number of actions and we will come to stay here. – Cr Tony Franciskeep moving forward in improving our beach into the future, because we are a seaside town.and our coastal areas. We’re going to increase “We’re a coastal town and our number oneour attention to foreshore management,” Cr asset is our beach.” Cr Francis said the seaweed removalFrancis said. program, trialled last summer, was generally“These are all ideas for how we can make our well received and was delivering good outcomes for the environment.beach more liveable and more user friendly. We Four separate sweeps were undertakenonce had the best beach in town, which broughtthousands of visitors and people to come tostay here.\"Over the years we’ve lost that but I canassure the community that we’re bringing itback because this council is facilitating ourliveability for our residents and making this aneconomic driver to ensure that we sustain well Classic has the X FactorPhone: 5222 1688 ӏ www.classicfireplaces.com.au ӏ 99 West Fyans Street, NewtownOpen Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm, Saturday 9am - 1pm The Rip July 2018 Page 7
Swamped! A local photographer says he “came as close inch-high piece of timber that The incident also prompted a safety warningto death as he’s ever been”, after being smashed edges the pier decking and one of from Parks Victoria.by a rogue wave on Point Lonsdale pier. the fishermen who grabbed my backpack as I was about to go “While the structure itself is stable, it is Peter James was taking footage of the giant under the first railing,” Mr James definitely not safe for members of the publicswell, during stormy conditions last month, wrote in a Facebook post. to be fishing or standing on the end of Pointwhen the wave washed over the pier, forcing His camera continued to roll, capturing the Lonsdale Pier during conditions where therehim to the ground and his $7,000 camera from ordeal on video. are large waves crashing over the pier,” saidhis hands. It left Mr James with sore ribs; “but I’m alive Parks Victoria Chief Ranger David Ritman. so that’s all that matters.” Four fishermen, also on the pier at the time, Point Lonsdale's Lester Hunt, was looking “Unexpected large waves can wash people offrushed to his aid. on from the Point Lonsdale lighthouse lookout the pier in seconds and without warning. When and managed to photograph the dramatic there’s an obvious danger it’s important for “There was two things that stopped me from moment. people use common sense to stay out of danger.going straight into the ocean; the small four His stunning images went viral on The Rip Facebook page, with more almost 2,000 hits “Not only were the anglers putting their and more than a thousand shares. Many own lives at risk, they also risked the lives of criticised those on the pier for putting lives at rescuers and emergency services personnel risk. who would need to respond if the unthinkable happened and they were washed off the pier,” Mr Rittman said. Photos courtesy: Lester Hunt Low Light Festival Special Mention this ad and Helpful advice always available. Frqeueedeenlisvcerliyffand pick-up inwPetwLiolnl stdaaklee$&20Qo’fCfliff daily.For all your your one hour hotNew range of summer shoes stone massage...Winter medications....Senior’s Card Welcome NOW IN STORE52 Hesse Street Queenscliff PH: 5258 1817Simple, convenientpful advice always available. Free delivery and pick-up in Pt Lonsdale & Q’Cliff daily. WBientwerawrmiththoisurPe52aHceesseoSftrMeSeetinnQiodure’eswnCsiactrlhdiffWyePolcHuom:re5m25e8d1ic8a1t7ion....Helpful advice always available. Free delivery and pick-up in Pt Lonsdale & Q’Cliff daily. Helpful advice always available. Free delivery and pick-up in Pt Lonsdale & Q’Cliff daily.Helpful advice always available. Free delivery and pick-up in Pt Lonsdale & Q’Cliff daimWlye. dication pack. It sets out all the new raWngeebosfter-PakSenior’s Card WelcomeSimhpale5g2t,sHcl,eoosssvencSevtraeesehrtnvQ&oiueeemensnset,claiwffnePdHed:k5ley2l5iv8 e18r1e7d to youtrablets and capsules that need to be taken at each particular time of the daWmeedbisctaetri-opnaspkaliiscpka. psItasfeeetasrnsodutsiamllpthlee the week. easy to manage medication. TREATMENT MENU:tablets and capsules that need to mIist einsdosicecahctuai•ormnnesc•iclhyeiredsolesdloapreecfmrramosaalplptaoeepbigdllcrliicciatnasaestgioiocdolnenotaha•r•nnemstdsatkaniitxrnnhtiinnnfeagegrceei&adllsmiMn•agAkc•SeouSisppAmlGaseEpkcp:ienluicrtaeictjauiolvnepne•aeptlsieo•dnic•ourrigpealsnh&iacimrfaraceniadilcusuc•rteiosn things up.otbh-efeSptthwatreookeevdecniadkyk.ai,nTitsfghoetirasspecemohaacafphckaWeedrtsaicoeyiutfbolmafrsitntiemdrei-npmaekdipcailltiodnismpaennasgeermkeintst - • deep tissue • relax • hot stone • remedialeasy to manage meHdeilcpafutiloand. vice always availableIt is securely sealed soStehneior’s Card Welcome *health fund rebates availablemedication is protected and there 5258 4233 - Level 1, Queenscliff Harbouris no chance of spilling or mixing Free delivery and pick up iwnwwP.oquineetnLscolifnfdsadysapale.coamn.adu Queenscliff dailythings up. The Rip July 2018 Page 8
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$$883399,,000000 HOLIDALLOONNSSDDAALLEE 43 Kirk Road,IInnssppeecctt Point LonsdFaolreSale This renovate is your gatewk Road, Point Lonsdaleooffrroonnttaannddbbaacckkbbeeaacchheess,,ggoollffccoouurrsseeaannddsshhooppssaanndd SSaattuurrddaayy11ssttMMaarr33..0000––33..3300ppmm $839,000CCoonnttaaccttheeddhhaarrddwwoooodd oooorrss,,hhiigghhcceeiilliinnggss,,aannooppeenn rreeppllaacceeffoorr RenovatedbyAY HIGH LIFE IN THEFHoErASRalTeOF OLD LONSDALE HOLIDAY HIGH LIFE IN THE HEARICnTosOnptFeacOcttLD LONSDALEmwenysnoiovoadovldddoauydauctaclttaltetihheativohtvialiffioffiopnraarnraonaoncrgcggen.cin.inrmtnatateegrgaraaeirdeundtnahaemdesldoscicfrmlbkerlkeeeesussaaeiaatiiddrydldridenilgeigneenaaatagrligrhltnrDtdodteovtaeoseoeshvnonosaeiasatdsaamklpklMaprauultrelrucpgupognsDetsfettha.hoaOp$epnehrlh8srdsaiuui3vuuvlgLadn9ganote,,ote0oetenrhg0rgesneena0adnonrhoraatratoreltgetgehmrhretetiafseaifaiidaidfnacneecne.i.aiananetlglguarseyswpoallkisthoedfrohnartdawnodobdacokobresa,hcihgehsc,egiolinlOCSfCOSguacuasoemem,cuacPpePpnerobosboteTitRetesp5th5sleasl2eyl2innPson5P5doou8ro80ve0tsrrt14atn1e4htgs5t0so50pea707v0lpdt9aa9e0s0bctw4ee40ay09adn94fl4oy14d14ccr83th83ao5a55l5par11ar3ge3cmrt33ee00airu9t9hmloifmbeusetiylidnleetrihnDevaehvseitdamMrteconDft.oOnldalLdo,tnhsedhSaoalemtuiserdfaeanayet1uasrsteysMwpaoarllki3s.th0oe0dfr–oh3na.rt3da0wnpodmobdacokobresa,hcihgehsc,egiolinlfgcso,uanrsoepaennd cosywinterev shops andThe focal po replacefordeck. Three b43InsKpierckt Road, Point Lonsdalebvineentdiornofgotsmh,aesnhadoncmdleaevesirsmoaparsetpncaiencngiotoruafsrlobkoiatmcthhSsreavotnioauFmwrdreiatcnhyocm1ohspdpteolMenotaerpsrltt3ahon.0en0odaric–ntch3iona.m3gn0dmapsnmooddualtihtvifionancg.inagredaesclkesaiddeinagltotosoaakla3u3rpgethpersidTcuvoheansectoyek1rfw1.oenTinconhatrtrelteehrpreteoafbvaiinnece3.intd3niorgnofgotsmh,aesnhadoncmdleaevesirsmoaparsetpncaiencngiotoruafsrlobkoiatmcthhsrevonioaFmwreitcnhocmCSohupadpemeolenPoptoerpbstletttahoslnlenPodao0rictnt4cthiso0nam0gn0dma4sn0o9o4ddu14alt83ihtv5i5fiona1ncg3.ina3gr0ed9aesclkesaiddeinagltotosoaaklaurpgethpersiuvantoerennotrethrtafainc.inaFgsurathsteurdfeioatou43 Kirk Road,ures, gas and slim line heating, reverse cycle air conditioning, private front and rear gardens plus a huFugrethgearafegaetuidreas,l gas and slim line heating, reverse cycleOair ccoend5it2i5o8ni1n5g7,9private front and rear gardens plus a huge garage idealnt LonsdFaolreSale Contact PoFionr tSaLleonsdaler to store your cars, boat, caravan and all the usual holiday trappings.HE HEARInTsOpFecOtLHD OLOLNISDDAAYLEHIGH LIFE IN THHE44O3H3LKKEIiiArrDkkRARRTooYOaaddHF,,IOGLHPPDooLiiLnnIOFtt ELLNooSInnNDssddATaaLHlleeE4343KKirirkkFR$R8ooFo39oraa,0rddS0S0,,aaPlleeoiPnotiCSnLuatemoLPpnoobtsentsldlsPdao0tal4tes0le0 as a studio or to store your cars, boat, caravan and all the usual holiday trappings. 3 13 0418 513 309 F$8oF39or,0rS0S0aallee049 435MPOFMnGLMRFKLnnnFKEEooHOnncsHoHHiFFHHHIIlodKrlIAliiDAittt.iDaLAAiEEiEEEnHnirEkrcDLnEEssEnneAnRiLLRALkPQPmQQAkDttoTIABIBBDnRRddrHHHdKdNsNooYodKYRooALLQQusERuuREEmRLLpREtTTdEEEEnnenooeeaaiioAHAALHLTTIeeeouuoSYTnnAAAITbVKTrnnsssrL.CCCaHHrOOIeeeeFeIalltOOaasasRRRtIddtGdGLessLsoeerCFFCIIIFHHHNeennnlEEOEddnnnudHTTdTdEeINILSaaLaSHloooNeHwoooVFFnnVGnsSssssslaHa,He,TollolOO,tOrrrtFnnnpsIspppISccceeeIlLlLrSrNItNstBESSSPOOcEcneentttGFFFllleeeeweorDNI,IOLiaaaiildaaaYlAADFGFGecccsioiseeOOOtccclllLLAEEIHRtttdReeedLTatetttttAwBBiLLLPVPTDDTsTH,I,ILDana4H4UlYDDYDNNtoo.LeHElOEI,LlOct.e93eTTPOiiNQLLLLLELTTQCIFocnnBFIFnHHOOOLEHHOOOoFMouEmttLsOFGKOoEENNNruaEAnEpeENLLQ4UH4QINNHLSL.SSlSBAtBCniDeeeHHoaoaiDarDmDDD93SBuEPOuEHcSSnnIsEecuERElnnAktAAAAAeDNeeMLtdAsLYADDLFKnssAdKCYLLCLOecOepARdRIdRaEEElHAAAsHilDEnnNTeTNTRiTirLaHalcnobRsTsSLLAkeSHlOEHlrOTlceceDIdKDYEEaiseGFlFLlRfEAEiiAEOefdOHIOSoHLlTLVrHEBLl,LEIFtasGIpDLDLrNEEdFICISneOHIVLoLooAFGA,sOtOrenIpLLrENtSNCtNReetBIaPDatFSGcSI,cHlTesYFCItNDeEDontoot.BLAPsAOrTI,incpTYOLNnLoStHeEHEaFaocTitNTclEnte4UEHtFCIFICHOmn4UHLQwn4UHwotS9ooBoEsP9HsPO9EoPOrnrpwnLwLpDQuEMFSM.BMLStHU44U4FLewtwFEHenDoaawaAawIaIlc9A39eluAEPOPclDAH4DcAilicwwliEtnestnnMe.MACntA.RRLAteFAKeFucLcL3AROdwwIdKdsYdKYlClAAHiDaaeRnEOiirRETdEenn..eReRaLHmAkHHmKccnTTKTrsdKrdKYarIINaaIlORssGiGDLpsELEpsceeeHlmEmOroITITScSHeHbrrSbVFVlAkSIasTstGtFiLlpLpIIeeDLLrYrNitdNIIOSSHebbeVVRrIIllOL,FGFGttlelAeIIeeeH44UHLLrFFCCCFIIIprICFFICICIpFNNEEoILnnnnnnnCFI3eeettBIBloooloooVoooooonDFGGoLo93,I,IssslsssslDIPOoeeYaYrrroNNrrrtnnnpnnnHHU444pGEpppppppwsttEI,ttBBSSSSSSMrPtttttt9n33dTTeeeeeeePOOopoLttNLI,,FKLTTQaaaaaawaaaYHaaaYNoscccsHccccHSMtHtHtOIOLLccccccelllFlllKK,ltttAtttt.eee.ieeeDTTaiGtwtatttE44tttIIETuciclEAnEcriiDDCFILsHsHIC3FNiQQnrrNc93HlnRoonn.BAkBt1RteCIF..eAAkkHHIcoEEotnccoCIFoESBFKuEuEdKoFmsmYYdKnSoYLQQseaEERRosooBBrolArAiRDEnHreneoesniEpprpACYADHHmErnoouEnuEe.mnm.TCpkCSHeErSeStnatAeaPoRteRAAIISdTeaae3FCIetasaHAeIsGGHaAaLprnRncanusaTa.Tu.aTCCNaeLcIcddeleoocIcaacaSostRoHHdceGbcsV3lsLLmctCFIsHrHltOEHlnneO,,tnuutlt1rTatcsecnadIteoipeoItELLirTNSHsssFdlnFlVSSlfOerEpIIEtnlipiecceFFG,H,flttaOSeaOtFIlletprEEcbSCIFIFCLiarC3ICIFFiaNectHBlBLnncEPPLnnOt1oIFCIFCceeuII,lILooeeoottYnnDNNeooFIICFCDooootooFGssnnooLEtsstEeHPoosseorroolrrT,iinntrrDnn3ssnTTLEppppplLnnorrAsAHnnppOSStHHEOBSSSSttttneePPPtteeittSSL.eettaaaaEeenI,aacEENccCaaOAaaaaNYRaaNaaooLLccccQllsocccctottBcceecc3llSHHccttNoollSttlleeHttRTLdQtttt1utEeemTDtteeiDttEEttTnnSoAneTussAAAHaDAnOss.HCeeaRRLddtALslOHEenEuTTdEeEFLaa00nLQsaEFllOOBsc44eeHloOce3FFluE01OilEinOOA08LeLALLsDCeDDD05RdH41nLLTLaLOO93sOOlONNce43SSNNFl30DDiS59AASOLLDDEELADA4UwLL9PLEwEOMFwNlAiSn.Rct tHHUUsOO.PPcoLLMMIImDDAA.AARRaYYuKKEEHHTTIIGG2LLIHIHVVIILLNNIIFFG1GEE BBIINNYY TTTTHHHHEEEE HHBBEEEEAAAACCRRHHTT OOFF OOLLDD LLOONNSSDDAALLEE 22w w w11. c a m p b e l l p o t tHUs O.PcoLMImD.ARaYuKEHTIGLIHVILNIFGE BINY TTHHEE HBEEAACRHT OmNNdddewodnaDuunwepauggpavnggdhnheuFFnDaMMebdMMebecnmhssdyoaosewwghrrerneercorrrveenssrrhoesnisosddrsheegemcdllipeatmhnpccillagotlarmenieascgdtreavrooio,nytiasvrssilmodtrvvmcnigidvvmNldsnNgtoptaooroipastmoornneaaidnen,,ftt,,noidentt,,tolreonoedonnoiseaeaitsieupvctetiuuefienmr.nmyaeaarrtabbyuo,TtikkobblsatelThidpkkeeear,eiaoliahterioryl.dneonsatomhaaoylainiaacctdoenstlccoaneiaotrdliilaetoerrnnaldtrrnhaodkidreveooedTatnertddtooeTRtF4FaTbghoTarrtdtRTTFabgFhauooeautpatookfiiacopknnmivwernwtpyadTeedrnoqkiboiianlnirbtoliiaatnLboiiaaspcmkaeepdpswmarTeedsnweaaasmaeaakaDDfnnoakaDDhhapfatqnnwoteonhlaoianlonnaubUwau4aADaiccepeottdtgUbwADaua4apreapapett,ragnuhsene,ttnlmnteHimpMFeoHs,lemmcaMbyrcneslhmrudetmcarrureffhhctorwffahhplheotirepcrrosceerrvreiwasreefiooauseleivvialiem)vvtocchdaoittaspnccHseottbasdoHsanpviditmetpvonnomohnoitpssn3uooipegbrtH4TU4AUiblnacpocTlatdcaFeeatnAHUT4Uibletacp,tcTldcFeetaehhRnttn,sea,suoohRtaesndfdlootnoesdnwnotsw4A4THUUibwlcpnnaTlcdcFonasnlud4THAU4vUbilcpnaTlcdcFaehRtiaaOOtaRhhrnseapoaaOOaeearaohhnsebpawerkot(robwwnkdrpoioehupeeiirraoohghpeeiihharesnaoeiayhoaesananoroeiaoconoerbgndoaocaonnhryhtalhhwaauase9ualhylhs9ua(ievraa.reiaraedeyoosoheeaoobeaeaoossepnoeohgphassseurcnnobthtpnhsuntneaobstvsddnnrvpkeaasleenOOFCS$ISF3SCI3S$CCwrrvyhkeaeeDwstnDiepgdsftnnepsEincnniysviorrtiseEcnbnnasywvigrrtiorcbannaawpediersmedmeaccvdacdnvrrDbaasnayticgnids9rroDbbksnayrrtin3gtd9iraoboeh,rrraratrirfoenlcraanvionnluaoncmrnnveeeePsmnaaOteegnsll9UceePlsdmaaOt3regivvellurnc9ielirdEsha3sdtvvdncrnidcternEgsranndntutatcennnsermetlcsoaPsOoewhhdmlcmsoPlahOoewmceauaudofaihsdrqu86befamytsaqt,tenooetlytntvsevooar,oaaepaotisoohseflrosseaddailiohutssveddanytndkvseckcityaetdeikeckclaagnstroartsaefwuollaarsrrtooafwlddaKtonl,ordddtkoclncl,deioeakcca,aitghnstcloernwcoooewha,intdrwrcaaeo.liutolrhosohhwrsoh.lnndhaypfouaoiihsnndupdaahkfeiiorwsuutdshsernittorwsuasttllrieeitOalaseohldooeehaOaydftss9ohhldlau3napofhstdeeeeeh.lswtruorhsmmpntee.swrwouawrelepbgowMahieoilpidMhohbilaanoaikt.ohooklaaelnvoaaSnv.noorkeaapeveFaSvrittlfeMieFllhll-tptlfMohhirlls-se.lsuoektccsaer.cgvugreutbktpseeuurvtieBtlpeenpoovnvantLiinBtlisintiaLaoh.snrlidedmirecwh.sspTrietdmpTliciendtFppuKmlLannFiLLtteitlinLvemoriuaLLyddrinteTecrrurccidduptTis9sFe9driKarcsuFidbrioKcarueppaurcibiaadtndnueaoillrrocioHooaaetndniopsromHnDnroiddwoatesrrtsisDnslriodwriaoeslteiadcvelwiadrno,adclaovereeFFwdnienlbaooDeFFoePPrnmmtaboroDcyidderrrrihhltammatiocsywwrshgpPhttb,beswwplrgPccoinsrioaheorroogccrnnrtmeohesoseoieirhheppnsaidoswshgendnddoswseegteoenoaodbtnneisehdnoontineeeseaasshuilroontanesaipwlIohrdiasd,idw,mIgooditsodaogetnastrppoohunnittn,,onntoIreriftdlll,,oeerIeoifdoelllndcnoadddiehcmmonoydirntnrgirrveovdprnrolt0fri0lvektuedhuuloe.ffrilorrArrEl.rarrooofAnsrraErtnsageevoapnsrratiottleeyyvaiwseri.dortrllyyeDAwatre.dalenDfAoaattellnaiastooanotlltoosistttooaaobintetorlStanoeeeoiDlalabbeealheeeaDlmhvaimetnrgpatvimtenotnaptltaatifllatdieonnfvfowofeanneegswvtwodoTeiiidrieowobodTaigiiidtooooosiLtatoossileaiuwaoLtdaobawdoiswpTwtdilctdrbwiSSaa0Ta0editiggosiEhhtgepoapeosEdhhctoeprpeahakoepmroacaoccen,ecttarylrogaccMmncdlpdyMaaesrsittrppldaattrpttreFseuntto,o,owacpercctttaeFysennaroco,adooerccomabtrsnwdndolmacwatriiwrtdinvlnnPpeerlnhnwivnlaPrerpeatnhneer..phcertdgwii.hdeetirwe,erlhnonipilothnobAmcniop.ydiRbAmios.ennnttdrtoRrefnnennctorssyyhnbenvossnonrRnrboveose0nnhhA0tnothh,okRnoeuhhAtlgthh,oomoo55ndlogdeotochdollranwhordoenstvecnaAollpwttokmgvolAteemktqcgt,oboereet,tsochwloodrworhtssoaawoondueorulcooiaseuyoncooiaeeydogsosstbaactwooolgnoeyemutblltrolciempuovisciidfyvhaidoeebeptsiaayhehgdaeeebboedpe,faAdptbdoakevddpaAsiptkiaysvddobhpsrtineyshhiri,monealuooiisspe,.lotgasuiusrm,pooescllsairmccpouoci22ecc,suiodgboc,nsdmlithookrclndmttthorrrweea11lnreitntarscweeBicnaabainrsdoKeBipcdadtaainonduKtecctddtapnlwterYthhcrotnteuarlhYcmodKhhabosundeoammlcemcodKoabdtBS$IICFCCnemmeteioYagprRetoilcllYvmapoC$BSnluea.mtthC.rieatrnCnimiuaoorvonnlie.ecnuOOOS3SS3SCS$C3CS$$iootaoino.tuneniirtgosPPaeetunisiraooeaoeusonsaoaaaaoonhhsnoaDrhaaaoei3nahpyonhhsdnoorhlkDi55taenhkpyoatonrsogffontaaktnnadaarcclfeonotrradyaaolmdRrsopsstlyehaasocdopnetttahecontllntoteinedomsbtrRdeloisnLdbRgaettLynnara,tnnandtoletrppitrmnonmrotschidrmguimysceeaooui.fnelaooimdsnnicaroafcitdaisencwsaronuuteteimntwRouuritgEanmnoRarcitauauuarEoaUrettncc12oou866trdoemcUov6eppieettEoemceoavinllppicriEultirevplidOOSSC3FC3$CIFS$CSIllitaaar888rdcprreoyopstcdtcetrreeehdteruoositetrekesstter,uieeiyidBeorer,iiiddraoehidhetoiiirddnrhecppkeiht,eailds)heuppt,ealoimhndtsnyeshhsromntsaoyenthaysu.cato00ontooinieeocteH.o.ssnnsddinmoiueeutaeHoetassnnoFumrosuarotoaloohneuvoHHattogosdumnieeHHnonnruso)arrOtumesronthohuoarrhhatsonmmhOyoaeahhsuuaanvgnmmharye68ootvhfgtttorSSF$3SI3CISCCC$OOhnfsserksfattaafgfnassgado99shefaeea3gMMdtrhoahooideeeidthhvonfaemmmareiindfadmataaLinteeitaelTeillLsageeraaplaTgeaarneligtpeilaT9iotooolisToognrtrossftterolhtegoosaes113fo.taaU44uytoiowswepondllfnuotnmitwtlptcdllifnnnottauttuuutttgTuoopapom9ugTe,ap3pepuuaaanoieeolinrgra,apu86mmeaeeioslrraprpafetnuuunr,saprnpoAaaretruua,htnacacloyuhsrirfccaniwntacsrtdiduhaasfoccAaiairtdidautpc.Sachraoiiauteepcd.ohocccreriionrsreedtosrtr99nuur9yrntnosnerfnicnsnutieefoiecri,ssssltlnnsahrfynvnnhesrucefIsmlrhoohveImhnartlrhgfmcchfaartn55ttlmImai9qm00s9shrhloofomhsnImbssrhanwsih9luohl3srshussraweeiaalmqPPPnoeesnqarmmeusosoooqwdeeoaaasoroorourwhoasemgrnaunoslsed9soaaoehods,lrrrrdestdoafoieoolhmPP,ainnrptoseleetsie9loolsdrrebppporihr,eatiopegstt,doiah,mtgnniosaaeeearrluusegnlosrGoataagidnabseoetippfoGgionlneoalttngeeossGlndolnatettcGLl,,g,asteapppcLllngpoa,b,icrsLlPapcc,urcosaLtpcn9cp9ugeieptnnaogot77escoltlPcelagoPvnsfityhcric00wlt.sdddaddvcanerrtyhiogcap.ovadslyvcetctig00vdalu00Uyvec0dtloauopeienooopoosnaimorinPPuouooosytnloneoiiarooeffpuosnapoeeaanirroffdhusuinaeeaamrshrrrarrketmsatroaonoanuueobitppdatmrbbshntberoatmrcenny,lsgsllhOnotbppnnteqnny,isgllOonobppaeqeaicgnnybbbrglooidesei,,yig,lhrdiddseictppisehnnooi,gstedanoe,rgiedenkf99dnSSaadd0aaeeaea0neyntaedneeoanefeanefk0enw0vLcaemafekIhtnsscqlmrtdtoekiiIhheo33ooeetnssrvlfrtbLlihkIennclrtlahShkdeIoanrmatattaa00aheaSaa0taoasuhaSaaamooaluma0naScubodonttHnneasnaSbbumeedoiHtd00nneianosnahdbde0tttognHneeeanrovahdeeagdknHterhhhemeannF.rpehhcahittpraecebeottmftfagyyaamueFebardfnfgaaubeVpeiteeward0rn0ddaabbVidimaitrddcaollVi55dSa0iaawr0grwullwVilinttbgreeeherptlceoleinttgsiorprebttoengrttoleaattnenroiseltderonaallotve..unaldaessdnrruttuaadaatttdonuuSllneaanuuyyyPSennenanatrinhoruaalnanacoeenreaashsoog,lhoac00ob0napcaasleecsso.inpceil44ddcowcnaa.tn555p,an00oi.wseotlttaintoel,dtcatyyllasathhhwpndcr22aulh,hhnrn0ood0rhrsctn,gtraooinenihuenoobg55hih11r0hsqnntbnehreooneadhy00iqh,hmbtminrqebciht0ccdmhsqsssbmtatlyFadhscnsdmtsatorduFtiilllcnsdmsleedcstgiilrtemttlssleecrisoagtmldeetaardnttlgrraalltdmudSbptiilgn.noradrearSbetaboaorahebsoonPPoIadettleoIodsardrdnnIolitcmlleewa99htnnnIntretd55lslulemea00ennaottlllsrersllliccanheaerottocc22yyt222odsssherlastleoddtlrwrtllhelthuhtogel11egohlhutohiehuu111oehdoghiohuuuueichedcceeL44ouurspeiod,ceeLaraeLoei,rsennctrctclrLllegrgsetnnacurioirolNllcesagassircorrNticesoootaNss,itatieefaNokcaasr,fiyaattteai21eooefrkcaiiedkfftyaEtwco0aevneattyefkqifiieSswepevPPaevcrqiiS88ccre0viyceeycsmadtcsoepymyP55ma,msabpnlommiihccmea,bnondPPPobeilmniissdts.bedas3nmiempootn.adal.aeincnss.mepr00mcaaT.tyadehcihenmec555aasaueootlneattuootuii11aehealuleuuthi44loiasss,ealenntlenri,i––eaielhalerlnrleirdddielerrrfoleingddortaedttttrroeenrMMrattr21ooeciecraoonrg1oelttwuIsscooibcddiiclliewuIcssuNnIpd88tcddiclodclesnInFdsnpnycllalassnFpnFtsbOaoeaplu,allbstlopFnaattsbOarilapuonulttbaasrrsriid11lotnu44otthlrrusreriittachPuraihdttaP00hdrsewwuts121oooadbooreeueisiuoeettaioatticarieutloaoirrete88n888ms0oyrrnFteiadGd33ossrnsoracrcFtFidtGdsGmoosnbernReoeocnnhrs0FaetkmGmoeseatppeaonnkttaodmeyyretsspasaMMnokuhhyybdlttrsehwgseuutulessbdlepttptrgegiaesutlghppgslwge,aahylalbmie,poaaiei55laD00et000iioioebho33rroatilkooooaaarrhlmorra11co44iiehccnirrahuuiieicciarwbyssuereeiottaymayoseeyeooiiwyyPa,yeymloeyh,,oyllohd,ooPiatliniohovassanlilnnnloyinipoannssnalnnnpoyulottttdannoneu55nailahdMMMeanethiidrnnaemaafarirhnnaeadreghotitt,ate77eddesstoronittnatd00paeirnorenrrptiiilpiidfdctspspiipioiyynEcsts55pppksa55po400nsyyaEanEsnspbayannnnlEab..nbaaaanhlsoftlv4ribicctlsr111goPavpa444dccPrtPpaidswwawtrnPstmiswwstnsuneuaatistttdhounioatiodoauhmmygntomnyoannnmynmensynLnnpppetooeu333deeLkfpppdehhteoide,hkdelskaadhhhsaalieskd1os99rdyyisseBapyepribpaasaeioiphielgheg33esihni77cvrgghindrarcve00crnwtraonrserrpedawsiitesetmsiiteoindtvmo11Doacoaon00DycsssonloBepgaoorBpnooonenlB.rhBpnoooondcioiirocthoiinaontaactATTiliibaccpocTTlddc555FFUetaanfioPm000BtuioPrdfsnitosBtngnPakdpfitsetmntRRnaaagnnemkpiy0tannnnttaia00rra.ttpripydpsrwr0rwprmpmr..99weeaiepwoepeiitgghloodhtaiieoeiitgghiloonedhnteunisioossmns33ditnsggiaoorhstoaaaaodhoadeeaheoaaaaBhoca44arsaimohBi00wairusaidnineenipagetg,onIssnen,eIenh33ga00tg,hInll,InnnavoUvkaD,DetDscmeengDcerDtdlcllD00cegrrcsoreyodtcngtocerrnnnrnooaiacoocmmnnaga777mmlaelsreeowlea/srl000erweuaetatrrrrarnUacapaekaappmpY,a/an,YeaepecitmpYcilcnnnYofoec..eidooair,inrggtdcidutirdiN99lersNgghtedteNt00emNhehcawwhheahhedtssamkkhuuhrwwidstllnnhihaal44,,wv0te,vitllaennhiie00eighaa,,vevlleeankoyclleen0tneai44yoeeoongdndeeioresgdueeeeigotheeitnfnu00,te,artfaansaeslnak,a,acca,apaoveecl,cenaannscce,lhaoiecoailffhsaakkpffssaahdhseokkvers999d33aiiksnCdedeyccpiigerwgdryohopiurretpuvv3ieeglissiiteatummeegcs333uooiitatr99kaucko00neensci,NsNddpppeneeeyn11si,nhhsppeedenttyt44ncchyyhamglksregpgr––cacpp6ierbgrgirbvppvsrissrlnppiirecsiocvvsrissr44ni000nrcc5tbNddpNt1btNehddwdpmmtNootfvtmmtepcetrhmvnnspsenshelsennawilsoistlsstwdaaortogkloterduevmvgnnooesesmvevilaarse00saiiaseeeerrislaaaaegawhfnwtanotgeccreanwnnoaaniooaaa3uke88apataaaaethoTiTvea33ikpietiihhtgpoTiepTsaeiikaihfhperenpuaeieeol...nirihipho11otttotthhhsoshhtihih44otutthhhuhsottuh––0uurmiseommnthlslniprrs0tn33tthlnusnatiehrrtndtnven1ueisdanteeuLetT444rddTeadpperdonLsseTre000drTadpprddaulooaerurebaautatBtruddpaosrtpQiiptassrar0arutQupeeittssrireio99yys0kttpi55nlennoeiaooppsaspaepitnlonnna000iaoopmnssOO3S3C$aSpaermeinrmoodramnonmb88maoarnlodaa33afirfasiifbofsh55iiiadnnooaams7niaoupaion..maotupnmmipaoudaioabdouamg,mprkktpnoodoon5grcaagmp,luaooolgos,e,ldhdeeslfHnoes33b,fMHmeelsdeMniHnsUbbnMHmtsdeiMnsnbtnnsa33trnLoooorra999aotodivrvvoaoorrloooiraaovvvv000rlrpvo4vrrgpcgotvob,iiga,oitloia,t,ii4laditoiltuliiathholdad55iaiHaoeeadHMHmavnataaMHedac11svbOcmaviasmauavmOcmm444dmo6dpmrddmowppotcrdprrddssoo4eroobprrndt,55offneeatlnlad,tvo,nrnaetllv..h4euud,hnnrn,remeooennusawwueagrrooeuru00ero,leiseueidfildteuaiesalwepdifddroicffdbahddLuieekrrcddbeffbiddaorokkrcedb33eioairaaoakieudodoikhihaavmae1llutumkdvkmictat..ttuk.ccuugvp33.o.cuupdvo33r.rddipirrmribpeeoadrementbipeotehoar,paqmenren11ereot,otipkaqmtoeoohronnkknqeondn111kr9dodrreqnc9ndkeu444torricppdevvo9iEu–––mideiEeeeEiasntttgsiiEseddanfafdgilrssseenaabt00skaddffeDwnhdadabkukkaeaggDcDtnnrhud1kaaer.lkearggDtnuleeaco1crholSklnaccoaluhlhlSstttctolnyph1anshrtuttltstEu,twaanhrcltnndeEEtluwaacsnnaoonrdmEstlhhluut33snooinrmmlhhllflameMtiirillfforrti33aetettirptttftitTTUbottatbmteodtePianaiyauo.evaimmaepuiaipevarioevsciiPitiaasipunsvsciccosiectas888tkssnsppstc9nyts333ksuraguueyrrcNeecurdiggNeenuiiiihnsmLgiwnnuiioishnsLiLg.on.tnooQsiiaa.o.stnavoQQoaiaa.iiuv,eQroegvaasnieeewvasOndsnhhaatssohrhnaaOOccsanhhbnssoDhaaahPnaanntth00Odadan333ahDkeonnanitthtenagoeiehgsnePivvdahe(nehonDivvadlhrre(l8hnnnoa33haaennaotpiaatorretaoo8thooalneigsogn4eesommndnaeuiatsa.nosTdntBnlnl(adseta.nrtsBoonenm4Bl(dehhnnntnenaBmoloo,hasiansrfehlls555ooignnncodftgehhiinrnctedttftnetiifefn..icesaaicfggr99o..iblaercrrocidrbereretvnoHescrbrrniereitoHiysvtrobHdcnesit0tlinagihstroHdn555evcsvcdtlasges00tlrsainrvcdsveslosffoioro...sfvtyffffonraonoiiehrsorffroonddiiconyeooaneddrrrrrttooeanuaaaifeiihrrrroieEaueessdnoosi6ecnsdottavo.ryoldstsaapoottprdadssa.olATlcibaTpcbdlFcraUduoaledlairlun333slrsdaaslndavRdmordsdinndcdmoOoradanoosehnnhhsrriuhrasaaacsdeOna3nrriirudOhnrSoaavcdelnipdfStonuei99ohf3dnseuniusunoEffdddsuhueuEueciddsoEoatwuuuevvhneaEgawpuem0adowapoemane111einnsdoowmaSootenaraaynrattremaSo5tonascalSvroeeiootncoalSiotostgtl5isottgwlclrri.noontopisonidw.nnoo.ngegynndaasemtnagndaaemwaLlhaaedwLdlsdLecneodtoliign000s-oebLedtpEtotldawseobdtohnEotdllanasdeEccltohaohidsutdEocclwpinfnnaoggnowpsfnakwpggniiinnnn.r.kFwpbOgtbnoenpnwd.FarbteaemhrFeweetbltaretPwmbyFrictPwmtboliiceenwwcwhfimh5Pl0soewwcowhetlh333Penspndchbv9eenvvAee5o55tnshblrnoiAodrvrAovrtlrfrmAeinortlpffoDnwnrreii,proDcailr,nosefncannlnnu..aDae,necann1olooinaonn..ierrr,eeamencwleaetwmccoeroos1ecsTediiddrepppcehyiilayttodreitshodeaybdragoodeoellatsatyapottoelltCnoatyoa,luepoadtlootiddtedcaaepanvttloedtA.aepgtdceneA.anpemsBenAagpsedsinnneegnAodiseennnrooirdppaaesaanncennrnepliearaidooisoeaapd22dooiocnifnohridfrrnedhoagnneiecleshm1eeclnddshnMertstnledcgsotaaahtstilpaarrucgsntcoow.eoraapsttecpooc.ioog.srottttlsndddwociu333oc.i.seettlonddfprrc.omalprCoinrnirgeelprCi.iniodsoaic.kClSodnommmtoCie3wssnoiboggialtsnasnlonanaTda,aeonhha3gnrosnTadhterohhltrsgnnoyiorltndeehhenolcLndPnehhdeeadcnleeedaocglreaddaaneleow,cLegaangglee55obdlngglEaotaobLmAaolsembbAddokkaatwecsosdnaaamrrlteiedaeeamrrttdoccReasaoidtddaRoaaidaiiabdoooggRcii000nybdkoooooRcdieholcaadkyrtftnanF.ddcaadcctnooteaoicncBwpnierdmdacntFsBFtttridwdhaoctebetwwagwtPilwBhpeimwocnBhsmihiwoDngwwtyPmtihohDgreichwwdnheeflhresimprhotcieedmlambb21fsorhoaoeobbnscauHoutudosnuHporrralssswaoHrrroohe88HaunsaoahHapunrtdaaktdlaloddhikmatdaauu,ddehiaagklininesgkehcyeeacLnnlin,no.eancye.cavLelaanncibb,mcnnnrne999htieoannLnr3reoddhtraoeea0Lcrdtdogtddhoiiiududg3hvvuwotroyuopadin1iwotLyynTuhtupvkTuueptooylrtatupwlriisvupeotwlriTseeeetnaaTekttppholelraadittllipsodlgrriciswdp.bpcoperrt.yppnioeLadsaarsanyMepiiponiLndntiaapaeponrtltniieypepploertieiauyeopoouen,kcninnenaienuurekcioeenipnumiriromueeooebimueennrslneraryssrTnaouhirmyssclouimacnio11ssdaceddu4shgonseddddsoeeoodutnocttuiegeemennnroLaainnhpitoetcokaenrrurmsooBptitnt0oktulmsssnqLcioesaalisssooeeicoddeegat0isvrsddsoaeresgailsnselsrruilnuprpelcccteetikuenngipcEarsfdscctknagIcanutssupaueiadillnlmpeuedtnionnocleDntavescsreenaiirsaleenirnccnsnTaselhedoccnhnsiceonnhoenrdtanunhloslhaesqrhnhnttvoOslnesqoEeh55voOr0aeEeidclsroleasiloseerqsLhoehaaOsoadaeqrrovihogOoraoedttres)rogcfieodttgsPn)oonggoaooosootbnroaaoernamresnoarntrgaskkncasatuogbaekknlaobmualseftsdsareddfetdrrtcsoarr9taeoctsarrtyyllvaeddaelaausoigllvdda9kkeecetganltkkasdctinncttohauasegoocviudtfharuage,vritdfaauafooeraddaaudetucefyUpnteagnpolueern77pefpnalliacerdpddiiaec0trtieedboipre.Vrntslenieewrgfpypr.nlthwBeepy,udtitweeeeumdttneaeDtaenetsishioooeroneisretieiooaromtveieeenp)knttnaoehibohp)asknkatnaweibbegsssdrraoslnccln.illondcdrenondateassiruhadcsatsssbohasnd.nnacensbsbboh,inran.aeaebboFo,rnaedarhtnueopFhccdsdchlnlawoetchelltlddyoasteFelttaomdstoaFeeniagtfad99lannatilnlseieadldhrtaaatdLdachaaltldarlecaluaaa3nircrfaaaanlerdwnothfeLtpvbedhwastreeiioopbddlaadhrhdwitl,ebaadoe,hw,rrrrtootuwooeiiwrtoerorrrtrrioeiirvyiedtw0eittdahuyiowoeinadhasawioawou,,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nlfisi0aidtyl.hrraheyTmormdhaATbplcdFaiUlacaaTcugit.mpanAbplcUlaccgl.bnRnastmedf.etsrirLLaunitreinerdrhciddmaTdtcermoinisn9irlkdnacr9ti0luedbnseayucesrfadeeataanninor0aopDsrttnrdii5dwaeidrlsanocod4vtatdwnnynleyeFFoonyliotoeo.Dboaoasrte0tknssscshmmlhhuryi5snaorwwgsP.ormeanneenlrocceoypeanho.ardensadohaduponsodsnlgpdoSfnnccuSvtesareeslvirwooaaCinnasnwgllltroaaiti$oddstlgtta2eoyltn1byylbre4dt,,f1mo.ideA–grvffllrvfngenocuiosnlognrdtsu2gveoriiraeuf1aarearc.aalnereaar1rrlnaounesrteeiyeveerlaeiesltcrdohswweryysdl.edemwsaterlaigPgoptollnswsthoaooeemwotStaaamgTicTadFaoaali.ees5aletyaeuUaiai8veRaetnrtp3turstraPllrraiiltdcdcfaoennvdwsekdtwc5ndeTeesddocedgpiivlioeptutoste1stsLalyoolssowl3dslswbTdttisheertdosd$paehhtro,idnepid2aosnnsdnoftcccdyousdepasgraw8TrrtsnrltturattawlleFp5aseonlooi,enearob,ccnin2ohdmlgtara.nnwhitrslhshcciuwldiwlhPhoeidNp8pnhffc.eraiph0aiotwn5ebekeerbavhk.oetpetobeumiowsladhlwsnelotpnn.owror,trepne0.tssnotepbtvponaotwnveolthhiMot,3hhlgifirliotnTno2eottdeciwtolliooruvtguouyeeeacthaerto1Mwddooo..obuudsa1ihr4iisoaheioyor1gcsanpiieicenbgaondetetnadtotleucmsnDilcvoDiiyhrheirddba1ieph4nieeaereaaaegoanptacsnnveddopotsiearroyohb0Arhnirlssegallsopi,rsioonnfsaedrmoeopsstioncctnsho,disiorncmtidaeoihst5srg0looontn3mnweeorn,aaisBecsiaaneeiiadarrrr9oeetaytetanetrwhhs5ala0afmcoabldtesommha1ethaanmailcoenprtpconlenm.versitveilr.kdoelvai.renauoreeooe.nBnsrairtoBsrtBtni,tileseau7wfcslooofsoui0aansootolnrdsnohhrohhhntoypfthmacrtnktehsntoasdugglevool7dyaatdpevtt0dcntersnoianoone3fwcdiaibfewewpuTkefLdwTkaiwurraitoGsnmttlosrmsavcnarynur9ienhuoonbiaapn9ornsdarncn.veveiewuunlm5nnim.3dgtoaeitra.orcadr.paeaUpuemoceopu9uaoeppippdibnllrrdtwpdctrtvnodyw0rs3toehe0ttuihr,rAweBbsidioerptiiddiahtiteiaeh,epplmgbsduk0nmto.saeetynhnoantuoannnlooaeneninteesipsueoarortatg.oTusogtnsennesootouunelwytoetouyrrororaaerhosrmmysnguov4sh.f0ous9krodifssasngiaetdobihdnauaeitnenfaataavrci4rtaeinr0rLyh0nialeeahletagastsssiarEleusdstaeohrudigtfvorp0.,oa9oos.,tumriwootpdindnmfotlltaiYnhugheiusg9gapo0nhisp0anole,iarrlaegngrsfrprpreauutea,orgtoaducaglohsdeticc9dirttvl4ala0psmatcupotmhe,tdiidedoreearwnytattansntinefitclboei4FliiFdoesnnuitdfnorseiomreeaegorhrshoragatamnlmmsNoshhlaywwrnssoafearulsetasntqateeosoowooodeurcditafe01slatatsnoe4heeo,n–oonivloorrreeetoeh0i,oiooangrns1t1saaesoch4lneuoniga–uollncniuilnttoneairaetcocraglefimea1samoncsorepueotarchergloageolcilviolyractah.rr8cveoirglv3dvectyidtaaou,ieidtieocdnsosnnfhmioivoiienoory8osffnuainnaatsee3krrtdomraetsae3ahttngenbas0mruiteahstguotyt,rrnllnnboeqppirogeanyT0de,iasni3,vfippanngoeonrghe5heinferadneeaeatnnefcrahmaeraltenksssateita-u-el5h5lrnektaaegoed.tthaF3$$OCSCISIFSCSCaaorgaupaS$FO3$3IFICSSSCOCCtfocotafftndnuftoennoasah5olnvddgnree.aahahh3rpeciaeo,ralof,pefregaduearotbvniaoraathddcdaethtucdi3igllhnngrrdifrnnncrlepttiooguuaa1nla68uuaaettrleeod68vlraaoansaatlfaahufdunaeannulpeprw1meunannherrahcalanhs0aaloiltcsoorw.penooowwrutsbuiaeoouaaaetoesvaahttln0hhnrdettoolhoo9,eobhoon3nhog9oeeet3noeemmq3teeoeehbmmnnphceocimvqregbdyhmsaasecntdsdltrmliilceesl3tarrbgcttduurtamfoauulraprsegbdStiassossbcuaceloviydllavycncucc9tnn9elpl99erslahaeeourigottasoainotloodnwnuehtatlfoeoaidanPPrmhuhrihPPeurrdtaoognuuarribebeerrrd,gord3yrrigeppescnnireppllliigeusaoenneeecslmnneaisaene,irena,kf,aaaarfya,te,3ppreefkvweappqSniietevlidnddntmnccddmfhrl00sftktaprmle0eh0kmttbneoooamiirdaoobenam.odtamoepac.eebdoemandace0ebbahatbbfahooruduryaeloetlia,ernlecnnietrwlil0df.tgaddoetrroiitrdrieSSaa0a0riSS0aag0ioocgewruessediclddrteboconttdnsttclFnlloasFpbpluttarustttaasoiaunouirrtsatnna9hnunisureeacaweeh.ceetnteeoruiooieette.utirttryyacet9oyyodren0s0oa00ithodsdrr5ocmeat55oorinomnnasenaqoayytnbqssluubhedbtrmotpghuuldgleaipssgfsaaclssbaallca,aoymllirlortaaoitgdgraawgdrrool,shboabiaiirccoueiorhynllyyalll2oyy,22lenh,silo11ioa11noinsslnoyltlfccnanntcclhdyuhneieauheaogATcUlribTSCBFIICF$CepaFdilcoiao.nn$FCCCSIBIrsaheo,BCS$dRoe$BSCntadttrrnilS3CO$SS3S$SOCS$COcS3SOO3$S$C$CS3OCSSdiicisPPiicmppsPPoyysnpsnayanse5gbaaafkn5e4alk55blsccevvccccPssaaeasftPsssiwwtsllnlltsmnuadnnamnnbamynamdnynndeae.atppeake.meclkmhhdecadisogotseauuuaapyts1oou868uaauaupiett6$OCSS12oou686ttihe6hshutthulg3SC$FFC$OSO3ISCCISiaaa88urlrcvyrSC$3SOFOF$3CISISCCiaaa888eeaorryeeewseyonseaeyaeiieamaooaooaaonnlcpnop00ocoocoo00nhocopsnFiolvFrattltiattnnuatoisrtnnnoBrttiruaaufdstt68ooogauautttkp3C3CSF$ISSI$CCFSOOi86aootnattttnSSF$ISCCSI33$CCOOnnttaa933ttaaMMit99eeer3MMpyrmmmreeepiwrmmmbwietiraheeitiolgghdouaoens8s9nooeivsoooo9roossdmeooahareaass13haaaeo44aes113sas44Bmgannrtimttsatuuuttinnuloottipmtguuuttnr9ui3aperoongaauumeee9aga3p86mmetnuauaeencg68mmanAaaamAaaDciDceAghrordeAacrrrooccctconoccd9nuu99aai99uu9smmsooslssssaeowryssssyrrayea,saloccm5ttmie900cc9rrpnpoo55ttein90099iroa3ooieeaa9tiPPPno3rdmmeeaatdrPPPnggnmmtytaeee,3ima9hwwherrrrd9PPmrrrrnnrl9whPPlrrepppnnehtdll9nnrreipppvaavne,,eeerrauueneeeerrlluugippoydFFdaacTTlncacciipblTATUippnkeessidcpnreegdssRR,,,nsppeea,,e,nsppe,,btPltcc,t,fnap9Pacc9,as7p,a9a9PlcnlP77ca,loPc00tdddieuddoPcrr00atpldddddshrr0pe0fasf0ssa00s0a0ekktp000oohppsemooPPdpoooydeiiemPPrryoooypreieprrkrrekusppdebbeogdippaidoobbfeersooaucnneeskunnsecebbbss9nhhhhieuunsw,,bbb,ihriere,,,hypplpphhrsa,eppeaeec,eecgrgr9sieSSddaa00nisppierr99SSvddvaa0i0isrss0p0hccl0o0.ttoo33oobvttorNNpo33ddoonSSwhonttSttaaa0mmo00Pmrttaa00a0pe0sttts0nnbbeeotntti00wtbbyyeeo0ttttoi00eedb0tttooobteereemvvvyttpeseseeviptttplyyaahyynpwseel00gssnnrbeppeewg0o0b55SS0paawa0aer55.rreeaSaii0aabw0eeeeviattthbcceeeetnnopiaopaattknhhonpsettp,ieivse..ahsstt..haaltttahossottttllshheiaatttsyyyahlliuuiyyyaareeieaagm0Tee00sseeg00tdoon044ieethlsaa555n0044itnnaaatrrh555u00ttae0Dttdctyyllttyydeeec22tyyll0dardu0r22ppeltc0r0aoara55utu110an55a11000nd000ccptssssdkkt0ccicssirsssorrrallleeearillltsscaaesodssaillpdaaelplniannooooollnaepeinpoibaaampamaotomPPnDhhloeoteaPPaaaetaw99hfirhfet55w99h00etss55llllliicc00dhlllffccll22acc222ssvhocca22uuou222imssuaeollisanwwerrr11llpdandp11111amgragl,111oo,cc44dlihlcco44rehleelsn..ebMmgtaeM0dnsboats,naacneasirtt12ooooroosroott0so21oottfosavv0PPtttvrkfvns88ccvPPrvv0ee88cceottee0ddgeeote55dl,iiel55ticclataiPPPi.ccdaeessiPPPu3dnssell3atiapa00ulii00vm555vceimie555lnimmettlii11eeprrottird11pa44TTolessshddro44lsssic––cg––renti,ernrttt,vliliduuMMrttttef12oonceMMtt12nnootttce1llttotuN88slyeNueeii88terneaacieones3dletfccttd30andluevettnn11bddnnff44ilhddbk11tnce445likDalrrteoott.d00roiettrr0011oooaauedksae112oootturaettkttcsttnn88onc888o0uuv88rn33888t0am33hhapa0ltresdf0ttirggipmMMttpbeophseMMaeeiissttoeehesapqssotttnemsrlohoomtnhk55dd00l000qn3355k00re000ttorraads33aac11daa44in1144veiHTUAciTlbdapFcaltncUttiiattdtPiRdasgePeoosredePtadaPutkDaahaaffndoakDeltettttggwn55LlttttfMMMwt552kTMMMlaateordsnhlrtteloveeh77sissto77tt00ssrrt1htr.lrrn00anorrwnaaaaa55ptdma55n40055pa55oo4sm00lrhh..laaaoomot4l..aa111ll4444feefllae111hths444upfpitmaiittttmntttttoiattteaumieeaeoumuieepaevg33$BCSpppv33,eeiciv.tsiald,oes99nctlrvsarao99ssMwb$SCOSoysbcru33oaeoou77ip33iwgP77ee00wreTnrrinu00ddgdhiiyrrisnnsbtvors11.ottt00vosss11aafo00.5sssvvoaoAhlnsevsiaegvnsiappaa555Oa000nrieshhrhnss555aha000Oacnhnvnaaaamain0ttaaaaam0Pi00edOepom00rr0aarhepi..99b0rmhvvs(n..99eeepebnate,eenntnnen33sooaaaote33we44oa00no44hueies00eyetueone33s00t.n33da00e(rantttneabat00kes00tbbuadnkoreoctintoo8roeeeottw777gonrcttn777da000eenooucfiinrrr000eroleOS$CS3af88pprrrooio..ecpprbo..etthegerr..crtbr99seyir9900ootsuteww00naisedoeaiftl44go0tndurv00eo44c0tnwsslra00krridvb0tk44oalff0tduu44stdeffniiii0hrli00v.oonrdbbi00arasrorryaaiheseueeeMsioovvedsaoiyy999hD33akttounskd999s33aksavdsaeerltKsiu3rellslruadasmmd3ls333lrr8n99mmi.s333te$S3OSCtii9900dsmo00trp11tdans,nnn44e11nna3sMn44L––nmnoridiurre––meaacinolnrimoTldn44000ni44uf000fi1isthnodn1utsgturiseuddennnrruieaisuaawvseeeiprddanicdwtros00eeatoecemsasd00aao13sntSa4allermonoa3csD88ledS33388ittgra33oguetwitltgnl...mpn113...tnaut44elo11.nnooom8orm44––0eeihde––0gnomsags033aedaaoos0w33rLl1e444aOi1dhaness444000tALn000oltbdtddttoatseiyytca70eitiadh0tlnotccut9nntt99d0oi55pnEwa99Ii0o55ggnodda000kopwa000ronn.sF88be3388ywaan33mFfs55btwP,n55im..ltncca..ohtonlnwtr5twwaPy0v9ehciesssahrec3.33tneAnabt33Paiomnnn33inrroo99933ateodcct999lnl000erireD4a000crpom4birc,rnbta4Ptlrnt4et559eocnnpnne,55..odnl11aonvlemc11oiieev444rdru444droocprr4iie554tthaor55oeadyw,,e..4spwdrTe..4dcre,litooyatl00aahhpooosnie00te,ebtnoloelscdtdinntoasso9e33rp.aac73et33paPealaeln0spddsuddmRe33rnooi3333odnnn0oos33rad0erripredoodeop11oeer11nPioho111t9ldwggi1119u444edppperue444ehlc9hhspp–––e9–––roffartcetlgttpsttb00aawo4pc00oo,wt2eeVbotac1oslRo1ieootcaddaattno1o.Sbller1Srhnlioli,erp1ggin.Att33digr,ntt33tonsbotf33tosswa933oosiaeda0d6annonoaTooddehommrhse0emmraLsendouond888hlutppthpp3o888o333ippto,333eedrdcaaolbdooaega0eovncettaaounilcggyohhdbrrmowbFetw0sbAng0ets00mrbo333m00ai333wtdahPrrecP,sshd8ffdtaamaho33id8y33at8ib8p4oooicsimmco0ynmmr4npmmdr7hhn4aarrcad5rtnaa0aac4rntlebnaaee555iKBdrssddhc555i,wtlPwlerrttutewYncegahBlo99mcein99em.OSSC$DhgalshreItrih555o,,lmee00tol555thyyr00aoa...eibbseeooeo...neooteloo0ggororuonna4aeheeap5ae0aaluapoktytpadaaphDeddylicct333annts3332eo,krgsioee0adoCtcecoiaye53L1ncca3n9903liatv99yhce3rnnaanh0LtoasrdoddcrddgAslc111awtui111otiosso5sstnnnauc5oiso8arolc5etwupRlup5iaitmllsni.immErrsnra.erottftpPnniaableoidgiir000yycnro9i000peot5sro0tiylmpdnlnaaeo,nhennnhhpl2do2nrsevirtaonnihdyelledun1ckineeeeitessnnuc1row5aoceetn5333mureeu4333eR5Hsrhhuear5ralooykstseummoomaaea,tasasdc1dddoaooehd1,ngo3oBo1o1ehddipppe1ntmofepppasehaPanerttcp8otkr0musilngadssctee5dacegttoeleTstBerPlddginaaBslsipeiiutgrrhEeccktTnaitcmft0gacoupeuer5tdinoelooncnnealir1manorpe3COS$Sni4lssehn,olrnuuaccc–u333ccuuogua333annnheltavcuhiothnvikrdahcMrmmmseskcc31ommmav39oqeto33hesoa8sitteriosLaeteiqafooLoirsoaat)tnhhsoonnoamo1Ino4ahlErranasrqnultwbagkkotwnPhrmOats0mmobwautddruo6tsnsaptoicsselse000iaa000mmrtrerrlllgrrrse8y8ghdlla,vogdpo3iidkkabtaepe0staheogotvgydifouaMGyenreaneeiulliaslni,eaeeucfeLpaueunrloperooeeiaec5e0md0trll3ireceentp.nluhpdsylsv1e4ywo9esoaeeuiihdLeoterm0ntkttn999te3999eees3ioidsooooron3eccan3iiisirpki)tnPaeaAsaomluiroaedrntlkffnnaatdtbnn51udeeagMvvegassydghscisbrbn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rTenaaanplriihdctoopoeywpindLlpaaparnelnipetrteiyeoaeaeuhckiieninurdotpromueereenorrltarysbsghoumofchecfasesvucdadddssaonne.dnauolnloieeetnoberptt5okumsanniplcssoieteoleekgpesssrlenaelautpcchktanhgcr0tssaurtrpu5edirebunletcfoanaseeaiselccnvecaovneuerhorennsleisqthnovOEeentcaoouypseaoslpqrheoOaeroaoietter)rasaoontoaoauarnnrsrtgakktonfbrobiadalbarsoestlasegcarrteitdcusllvdaeprudgtekkiycteasahuunaegcvdfaeneraausoneeaurafepnaarrelfpsiiacrdnuerieerupnn.ntplyfldidwaeeundtaecentfnefteisi,hooortetirp)kintntaesaglimdrauinandauetebeayssoadchsn0esrbsn.arrabbo,rnereFfdnrhvccdsltetltioodslFtewtfadn0anacl0wolf.tdhttaad,iatraarltircranaatnefdwtpaebephrelbaeaddnt,hb,ooworrrrteiirofeiofyiwehdooisaliseoangolinetecdeaSgoiuarbfateis,wetit.rth,teetnStlntiddttdoe.rurteotaboddnsntossboddstnlairruouaset,edcirfkinsl0ologisouBaaueawf,arnanaMgipwiiloonn.elhonwuptaaOwid0foiilee0nyaeyarcte-agpOgvddgoriwoaibt,tosaa,,oooaataodiroiochraintneeoagussedrudibautiietaggaogiesuodtlsharribhhlhuooferasatbrhytrhmaaogtArlUbrapclcamen.audrisynnnriveswseettfhrnhlaoa,ccyaodrdlco0miacteay,nafdlrorgefdraailharynniedirycgsy0ndaesophs0nnla,ntcoLseitaaenldisnsrynaptiihLtvtcaiwepdsycuhhernovoaggc-tepowhoatttsnkggOeapa-pcgllehoicicoyoesneabtroaagioioBrrrcdspeoiDpnonStnioepevBrhttDdgerwpio,npeaianttssstlooDgudeeeoodtaeaaeddmorrtskiobmnewpohhlarewdooornvnrrmngodlvnrlwaeahkggeldan,ttirlgraddaadelnai,deraalobskksyerleipnrthssedopacauwrswskecyoipisloeoeaeewrpsuswarmdompompeccaoedsshnepssoowtvaideleamsihsfrailo,,wveoslanteouhdiutlLdobadrcaieektphclourtowiaLinnlsasroinoolaepmlaldeeoonpddnonnositeieiealmaelonaonggdioenadnnemionodmyovavadaao.debinnsfkurraidrlisonavlOmaidntawidhaeallniiilOssmLeaammdhreduforgdidaailmncoelkeueiddUfnbadpooktcumdiaillqecurnudkfewslsedgyfppdprmr.tesdqgraisttbptdhntvkriiatu,lohskkillgillohatstpnpatahiupposhiodsmuyletnnnirsqeteadrpllplaaiNpdusnhehanestaihart,tneivrtyNnnlae,had.drnsatgaeff(cuuwvoDdsnoaeghttiih.eegrutaa(useahoocchsgelloroneofeoihmrlfeei.rroesaggtrsolsrtcotgofrfeiaeapUoinrtooncdirsuuuatosccbeudurcepdnggppiriuaonannnontsooSdrsounieeiafora,lonsoa,nhtaesoSrocntasgwsspadrhtsutvhaaloowcscswnnoenfgarpnblesstovdipaiparlplnw.n.awescp(eeirblsotehttBshpomgltnn.eetar,,efDieiadneepw.iotngsqiolepteaeeuDsptruslanoauutogrdnaachhhudotdrfevfhditpdnralosotaaosnrotdapeerwtdfwkTgttidonoyrosrrceosabobcogaaoppmgnaa.reirranuonanntuaaogonboeldeurraribeenesAaod.yduaeihddergeclyotebuodpgAonrdandntditndwahhaoocysshtnoninaoarteeldninpaaatrrssahteiapwacoalressoohtnipmaonctdeaosnedngetrupnerepseeiiidoevcgelspdnLuutnlldtpuwtorsysoacrnbrhrcuurcsnrorrLnstlvvkalgsohgspoconroppiklnn.raae,irsdoltinytoekoiugsnrrksieeehueenscli The Rip July 2018 Page 10
AY HIGH LIFE IN THE HEART OF OLD LONSDALE ed character home in the heart of Old Lonsdale is an easy walk to front and back beaches, golf course and shops andway to a great lifestyle investment.sail tobylocalpremiumbuilderDavidMcDonald,thehomefeaturespolishedhardwood oors,highceilings,anopen replacefor venings,andcleveropeningofroomsviaFrenchdoorstonorthandsouthfacingdecksidealtosoakupthesunorentertain.oint of the home is a spacious kitchen with open plan dining and living areas leading to a large private north facing bedrooms and a smart central bathroom complete the accommodation.skating @ Sorrentoures, gas and slim line heating, reverse cycle air conditioning, private front and rear gardens plus a huge garage idealor to store your cars, boat, caravan and all the usual holiday trappings. 22 June - 15 JulySDALE Skating at Sorrento is a pop-up ice skating rink located on the Sorrento Foreshore, next to the ferry terminal.OenLntaEiFhgndsdeabOsnhaeoLcpakDssyabnweLdaaOlkchtNoefsSr,oDgntoAalfnLdcoEbuarcske and shops and Cross the Bay this school holidays with Searoad Ferries.LekEbaetaclhifees,sgtoylflceouirnsevaensdtsmhopesnant.dSkating at Sorrento is a pop-up Ice Skating Rink located on the the stunning and iconic Sorrento front beach foreshore.whpkobooeoernsma,ochhiergdeehsfp,cegeloiaoallifcntocgeuosfurr,oaersnsres,ohpapneidnogshrlheiospphclsaceeaendfidolrihnagrdsw,aonoodpen replaceforSo cross the Bay this school holidays for a great days outing.srualuvkcoilkaonensuratiosdedg,phreineiandggtlntohhotectroseeetociahrlaitsnkklaafguurasispgnn,cetaih.idnpneoorsgeipruveanaentoelnrretnetnoopetreltasrhrcttoaefaaifnocia.nirnkg. upthesunorentertain.gu.lksrgepseamaieaddlraerigngaaengalartroatrdtdoasecsognaiaensekllapnuiernilpgudteatgsrheaapedaralshiluvuibnanngtodaergtegnhlnaoirtvrtraetohgoirtneafoaigindcam.ienaagllrcaeoramgseplelepatdreiinvthgaete north facingdnrucesaorhtroncgapaadrnsdriaestdnni,osdbprnleouisnaaagtrh,,ucggpaearrgiaravrdvaagateeenindfaersanol pdntlauallsntdhaerheuausrguael garage idealreplaceforentertain.north facinggarage ideal , golf course and shops and ceilings,anopen replacefor soakupthesunorentertain.o a large private north facingnends pelurs sa hSugtergeareagte,ideal onaSitthnywedtosaassnnhedcoBudprueasnyyeoasuanwrdnoitwhdnmnsapegencsiiatclleepnadtrtboianfy to the sandRKET LIVING BY THE BEACHrethseenstaenddcdounnteems wpoitrharmyaligvninigcoevnetrbtawyoosition, looking across open parklandaunnrpreeesdin)ttese)yewepowinntsaimtroitrtheeeahsrdttpn.eeethcchTtpeopuoeeohrnalrerawatdatideyddcsamdoreeeieuydropndfrroo.bonolrbiooarwvoermnnyniu.nulossisvpgowieonfcfgaionaaoflevafvpabeeraburrurltthowlooutoofuwssmoeleisveolfsf.ered in to picturesque Swan Bay and nestled into the sand dunes with magni cent baynnutnvaoilaistogshcgtssnradeocoreaeepartetlriesblfaesornbf,oa,borgvsaarasgartnnirtttaiobtheorlbcehonrcrrnerseaproaeeeroeaoaooartgkbodwbmakhenorfmeeafedan.asynbw.efsoUtichaUctr,d,hp,yhwlrcvpumleosintuisttnogoeaanhoantcpameaipclhrghiisrhsrwsc.irsltonathooharhlersqrhldrosoboodlloiulnuoouif-genefnkgaehanoaemdhatoiepruotknrluuraruipteasorfet,tgtesf,eatosyoteaariroaiirirmPsnkSotioewwticdniathehtnceerNeBennnaedtsyropau.iplFientueeara,nnssantneodwtPhcoeoinnddtiniLtioniongnsadanandlde,lpothruoinsvgiidseearsouiomnmimqsua(egcuaolspaltpoeoglyrtpurnreei)tsywentitothesdtehcceuornaedteydmoeudproboroawrnnyulssivpoienfcgaiaoflavpbeaurrlttowouofsoreodr oiuntdoor entertaining area, main bedroom with ensuite and walk in robe and separate powder room.omimagmni acecnutlbaatye bedrooms with built in robes are serviced by a well appointed central bathroom. Upstairs also features aesngnyiuunmnlssiiivpooctieenaefrcngtatit,ahofbtlavhapbfeyaauerrlcttowbiounofesgacbha.lcFounrtyhwerhfiecahtuloreosksintcoluSdwealnocBkayupangdarwagoeu,ldpoplrioshveiddehaasrduwpeorobdplaocoersf,osrtobnreeabkfeanstc,hlutonpchs or dinner after throughout, airmgyrhoise.naf.,ocgaaailFralsoflndaouvpbiednafurrernlttoafewouturuofslarlefytsealrandscaped and paved gardens.s throughout, airso features adinner afterc a moughout, air p b e l l p ot t s .co m . a u THURS - SUN I 10AM-4PMled into the sand dunes with magni cent baypportunity to secure your own special part ofately presented contemporary living over twos log re) with the added bonus of a fabulousbe and separate powder room.ted central bathroom. Upstairs also features aperb place for breakfast, lunch or dinner after The Rip July 2018 Page 11
Lathamstowe steals the show A stunning replica of Queenscliff mansion Kale Frost won the People’s Choice AwardLathamstowe was a show-stopper at for his build “World’s Finest” – a huge multilast month’s annual Queenscliffe Bricks dimensional mosaic, which looked likeexhibition. Superman from one angle and Batman from another. More than 2000 LEGO enthusiasts pouredthrough the doors of Point Lonsdale’s A master class by LEGO guru TravisCommunity Hall for the two-day event, Matheson, which revealed the secrets ofraising upwards of $10,000 for local, national “brickbending,” was another highlight of theand international projects in the process. show. “This year we had over 50 exhibitors “In 20 minutes the young LEGO initiatesorganised by the Melbourne Lego User managed to build a huge circle out of LEGOGroup with exhibits ranging from artworks that fit 40 adults and children inside,” saidand trains to pirates and princesses Mrs Pecar.and everything in between,” said eventspokerperson Karen Pecar. “We can’t wait to see what will be at Queenscliffe Bricks 2019 –pencil in June 8 & “Residents of Geelong and the Bellarine 9 in your diaries now.”might have recognised Lathamstowe,however, the carnivorous man-eating plant Pictured: a replica of Lathamstowe was ain the garden might have been a surprise, or higlight of the recent Queenscliffe Bricksthe Geelong CFA and Ambulance stations, exhibition.also amongst the exhibits.”“You can count on my experience… when experience counts the most.” Neil Laws FREI FAPI CEA (REIV) – Branch Manager, Queenscliff Licensed Estate Agent - Accredited Auctioneer - Sworn ValuerBuying or selling a home is a major event in anyone’s life so it makes sense to Queenscliuse the most experienced professional in the field at such an important time. Neil 64 Hesse Streetis the most experienced real estate practitioner permanently located within theBorough of Queenscliffe. 5258 4567He has built an outstanding reputation over more than twenty years in the local Kerleys offices alsoarea for his professionalism and singular concern for his vendor’s interests, his at Point Lonsdalehonesty and integrity and his depth of knowledge in all things real estate. and Ocean GroveHe is a Fellow of the Real Estate Institute of Australia and the Australian Property www.kerleys.com.auInstitute, Past President and Director of the Real Estate Institute of Victoria andan REIV Accredited Auctioneer and Sworn Valuer.If you are in the market to buy or sell or require valuation or consultancy adviceregarding the local market or real estate generally then give Neil a call on 0419583 633 or email him at [email protected] to refuse single-useplastiCchsodousreintgo Jruelfyuse single-useTake thpelachsatillcesngdeuarnindgmJaukelya differenceVisit wwTwa.kqeuetehnescclhiffael.lveicn.ggoev.aaundtomfinadkoeuat mdiofrfeerenceProudly supVpiosrittedwbwy twhe.Bqouroeuegnh osfcQliuffeeen.vscilcif.fgeov.au to find out moreProudly supported by the Borough of Queenscliffe 50 Learmonth Street (PO Box 93) Queenscliff VIC 3225 | Phone: 03 5258 1377 | Fax: 03 5258 3315 www.queenscliffe.vic.gov.au 50 Learmonth Street (PO Box 93) Queenscliff VIC 3225 | Phone: 03 5258 1377 | Fax: 03 5258 3 www.queenscliffe.vic.gov.au The Rip July 2018 Page 12
Point Lons pharmacy july.pdf 1 23/06/2018 9:37 am &!\"#$%&'\"$()*'+ ! !,*-.*/0NDSS Agent- For all of Your &DiabeticDLOOGCAGTREOD OINMPINOGINSTALOLONNSDNAOLWEand Insulin NeedQpasVeidsiraetcriocmiamnsended by dermatologists and QV is Australia’s No.1 skincare brand in pharmacy* State of Art grooming salon C Products for the whole family* Check out our new website and MooGM oo BONUS! book online Y* Gift vouchers available* Large array of dog and cat KeepFCMYoor uarllSocfriYpotsuor DniFaibleeitnicour Store collars and harnesses MY* Heaps of health products, and InsuPlirnofNeesCYseiodnsal Service and Advice toys and beds CMYTake advantage of our FREE pick upand drop o service to assist our 55 PoinKt LonsdaleNDRSdS, APgoeinntt L- oFonrsadllaolef your diabetic andmany Queenscli clients. Ph: 52Nin5as8tuiol1in11n6eedsPlease request when makingyour booking. Keep Your Scripts on FileMinoooGuoroStore Professional Service andPKAreoedfpevsiycsoieounr aslcsrieprtvsicoenanlde in our store advice59 Point Lonsdale Road, Point Lo5n5sdaPleoint Lonsdale Rd, P5o5inPtoLionnt sLdoansledale Road - Point Lonsdale5258 5441 - [email protected] - www.lapetterie.com.au Ph: 5258 1116 Ph: 5258 11163315 The Rip July 2018 Page 13
Queenscliff Village News Holiday Property Management Bookings Queenscliff & Pt Lonsdale 72 Hesse Street, Queenscliff 3225 Phone: 5258 1828 Fax: 5258 5128 Are you looking for a Email: [email protected] Property Manager for your holiday house? Need a printer? Beach Breaks Bellarine offers a GREAT DEALS ON CANON INKJETS fresh professional and personalised approach to! holiday property management. Our aim is to unlock the earning e.g. Canon MG3660 (wireless!) $85.00 potential of your home or Canon 640/641 Pack - save $6.77 investment. Talk to us today about our our price $52.95 (O ceworks $59.72) competitive rates and range of services... Cheryl & PhilipIf you are buying ink from anywhere else you are paying too much! 0424 172 050 [email protected] www.beachbreaksbellarine.com.ausally cordner Accidently put your iphone through the wash? Cracked your Samsung tablet?marriage celebrant Or is your Smartwatch not holding enough charge to get you through the day?For your special day... GOOD NEWS... WE CAN FIX IT! I am very committed to providing you Accredited Mobile Phone Technician specialising in Tablets, Smartphones and Smartwatches. with a quality service in order to make BMPREmergency Repairs - Priority Service - Point Lonsdale-based your wedding day a memorable and ellarine specialising in: obile screen replacements, unforgettable occasion. hone I am looking forward to sharing your ideas epairs batteries, antenna, and thoughts about your special day and cameras, data & software ensuring that your ceremony ...When no phone is no option! recovery and more... is creative and unique. [email protected] - 0429 123756 - bellarinempr.com p: 0417 522851 e: [email protected] BORDEAUX TIMBOONVS BELLARINE WHISKY EXPERIENCESaturday 7th July Friday 13th July 5428 1717 5428 1717 The Rip July 2018 Page 14
51 Point Lonsdale Rd Point Lonsdale 5258 5115File photo by Graham Flett. WINE ST ORE AND BARThey're back! Bumper whale seasonon the cards Boutique wines & Craft beers Amateur whale watchers are being encouraged to help track the casual eating, fresh coastal, seasonal andmovements of the mammals in out of the bay over coming weeks, as part of foraged ingredients; sophisticated share platesthe Two Bays Whale Project and la. rger dishes. Whale watching season is well and truly underway and experts aretipping increased local action with several sightings already, including a Mid-season wine dinnerspod of Humpbacks off Queenscliff last month. Email or join our mailing list for news; events Launched in 2015, and run in conjunction with the Dolphin Research details, wine specials and ordersInstitute, the project aims to provide a more accurate understanding of e: [email protected] and movements. shop online w;wwwnoblerotwine.com.au “The 2017 whale season broke all previous records, with a total of 218validated sightings of four whale species between May 15th and December5th,” said the project’s co-founder and curator David Donnelly. “In total, the estimated number of individual whales was 458, which is awhopping 296 more than whales than the 2016 season. “Whether this is a case of more whales, more people looking or acombination of both is yet to be determined but one thing’s for sure, whalesnever fail to attract the attention of the public,” Mr Donnelly said. Having been hunted to the brink of extinction, sightings of Humpbackwhales have steadily grown in recent years, with eastern Australian numbersexpected to reach around 33,000 this year. Southern Right whales are still classed as threatened, with between just250 and 400 individuals and no noticeable population increase. “Understanding whale numbers and movements is critical to theirmanagement and protection but it is a huge challenge, taking decades ofpiecing together snippets of data, Mr Donnelly said. “This is where the TwoBays Whale Project has been making a difference.” Penalties apply for deliberately approaching a whale closer than 200mfor vessels; 300m for jet skis; 500m height for aircraft and drones For project details, log onto www.dolphinresearch.org.au The Rip July 2018 Page 15
The Rip DirectoryEMERGENCY David McDonald 0418599620 DENTISTBorough of Queenscliffe 5258 1377 Ian Warren 0418 525 452 Queenscliff Dental 5258 2388Coast Guard 5258 2222Point Lonsdale S.L.S.C. 5258 4123 Ocean Grove Building Service 0417891122State Emergency Service 132 500 Phil Vallance [email protected] 0417139636 DOG GROOMING/WALKING Michael Limb Builders 0410 650019. La Petterie 5258 5441 O’Dowd Builders 5258 1634ACCOMMODATION Paul Riley 0408 520 981 EDUCATIONBeach Breaks Bellarine 0424 172050 Ray Threadwell 0418 525 095 Point Lonsdale Primary School 5258 1501 Queenscliff Kindergarten 5258 1342Number 35 Bed & Breakfast 5258 1798 BUILDING DESIGNERS Queenscliff Primary School 5258 1696Lonsdale Views 5258 2990 binder.peart.design Pty Ltd Queenscliff & Costal Holiday 0413 202300Bookings 5258 3763 BUILDING SERVICES/MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIANSQueenscliff & Pt Lonsdale Acomm Paul Farmer Col Ferrier 52581553, 0448813156www.qpla.com.au 52581640/0407866568 Steve's Handyman Service 0497 331788 LMAC Electrical Services 0438 545500Holidays on The Bellarine 5255 1222 Home Maintenance 0431 488706 Peter Coyte 0414 520 248Ruby’s Queenscliff 0407879096 John Gleeson Demolition 0419 347708 I & S Ransom Electrical 0418 336 670Roseneath Villa B&B 5258 3394 Tomcat Truck & Bobcat Hire 0411 231678 Warren Jankowski Electrical 0404 163609ACCOUNTING/FINANCIAL Mini Bobcat Hire 0418 147 174Brian Dalton Accountant Patrick McCarthy Maintenance 0408 075 330 ENGINEERINGJames Rush Accounting LBW Accounting 0414 804 152 Coastal Property Maintenance 0404 088 500 Laker Engineering 0418 521 199 5258 5100 5221 6111 Seagull Home Maintenance 0438 261 954 Home Works 0422 370 145 FENCINGAIRCONDITIONING DCM Services 0439 355115 Point Lonsdale Fencing 0408 581 439 5257 3776I & S Ransom Heating/Cooling Dave's Handyman & JMD Fencing 0418 336 670 Carpentry Services 0423 874854ANTENNAS - AUDIO CABINET MAKERS FITNESS - SPORT INSTRUCTORSPt Lonsdale Television 0411490430/52582068 Jake Masterman 0417168537 Bellarine Pilates 0418 519655Kendall Antennas The Yoga Bud 0431 110085& Communications 0404019781 CARPENTRY Julie Golightly Tennis Coach 5258 4104 Steve's Carpentry Service 0497 331788 Kerry Pettigrove Fitness 5258 1670 0418 147 174ARCHITECTS/PERMITS/INSPECTIONS Carpenter Fully licensed FUNERALSThomas Andrews Designs 0423 298 666 CIVIL CELEBRANTS Bellarine Memories 5255 5500 Kings Australia Funerals 5222 3688J3 Design & Warren Hobbs Architects Tuckers Funeral Service 5221 4788 0417 543 786 Sue Warner Civil Celebrant 0488 053099Tony Baenziger Architect 0412 823 488 Sally Cordner 52583325/0417522851Binder-Peart Design Pty Ltd 0437 463125 Val Lawrence Marr. Celebrant 5258 1616 GARDENERS/MOWING 0413 202300 Jen Lawrie-Smith CMC 0419 121003 Bellarine Black Diamond Garden Service Jim's Building Inspections 131546 COMMUNITY GROUPS Mel's Gardening 0429 990 850 DCM Services 04005 68629Stuart Miller Permits/Design 0412841434 Rotary Club Lawn Order 0439 355115 Lions Club Ken Adam 0488 885 296ART - GALLERIES Masonic Centre Queenscliff 5258 4723. Jim’s Mowing 0408 357116 Neighbourhood House 5258 4648 Andrew Stephenson Mowing 131 546Salt Contemporary Art 5258 3988 Probus Q’cliff/Pt Lonsdale 0400 553939 0403863360 5258 3645 Probus Queenscliffe - mixed 5258 3367Seaview Gallery Point Lonsdale Civic Assoc. 5258 4308 4202 0942. Queenscliffe Community Assoc. 5258 4428Queenscliff Gallery Queenscliffe Historical Museum 0400 083719 Queenscliff Library 5258 3381& Workshop Queenscliff Music Festival 5258 2511 Queenscliff Reconciliation Mob 5258 2017AUTO 52581841 Red Cross 5258 4816 GARDEN/LANDSCAPING 0455 971 515 5258 4668 Senior Citizens 5258 1722 0412 520 438Queenscliff Junction Motors Swan Bay Environment Assoc. 5258 1616 Coastal Elements Landscaping 0411 571 482 Swan Bay Ladies Probus 5255 2856 Digby Moran Landscaping 0419 890 082Steve Higgins Auto Elec. 5258 2559 Nathan Hovey Landscaping 5258 1871 Rip View Landscapes BLINDS, CURTAINS & SHUTTERS GLASS/GLAZIERBarwon Blinds & Shutters 52541338 Kev's Window, Door & Glazing BOAT REPAIRS/MARINE 0418519078Queenscliff Marine Services 52581305, GRAPHIC & WEB DESIGN0412 460 987 COMPUTER SERVICES/REPAIRS Ben Pell - Studio Paradiso Design 0406 636201BRICKLAYERS Discount IT 0439 024870 HAIRDRESSERS/SALONSChris Pennant's Brick Laying 0417 543 628 Laurie’s Computers 0418 302178 Donna's Mobile Hairdressing 0408 565733 Sophie Johnston 5258 2261GJB Professional Bricklaying Contractors - Brick & DJ’s Computer Help 0466 564 921 Ivy Creations Hair on Harbour 5258 4764 Seagalls and Buoys 5258 4854Blockwork inc. repairs - Gary 0418 522928 OG Technology and i-device screen Take Two Design in Hair 5258 3451BSC Bricklaying 0438 839129 replacements – 0457 363 261BUILDERS Computer Solutions 0406 264191Clark Homes 52584640 CONCRETING 0488 088 258 HEATING 5222 1688Craig Fenby 0419 392 537 0403 722649 0418 336 670David Wilkinson 0438 258 324 Breisch Concrete Floors Classic Fireplaces & Barbecues (polished) Ross Fewtrell I & S Ransom Heating/Cooling The Rip July 2018 Page 16
HOME CLEANING - IRONING POST OFFICE TRAVEL - TOURISM - FERRYBizzy Barker 0414 583 708 / 5258 3708 Pt Lonsdale Post Office 5258 1159 Queenscliff Visitor Info centre 5258 4843Ladybirds Cleaning & Maintenance 0434 838 833 Queenscliff Sorrento Ferry Service 5258 3244Home & Garden Maintenance and PRINTING - GRAPHIC DESIGNDomestic Cleaning 0412 107 558 Press Here Printing 5255 2663 VET - ANIMAL HEALTHHOTELS - RESTAURANTS - CATERING REAL ESTATE Bellarine Animal Hospital 5258 4862Benitos Meals & Catering 5258 1131 Whitford Property 5254 2444 WINDOW CLEANINGSaltbush 5258 4829 Bellarine Property 5255 3100 Peter Macmillan 5258 4248/0415 493302Lix Ice Creamery and Juice Bar 5258 4564 Brian Capp – Property Advocate 0418 500 483 Wayne’s Windows & ExteriorMint Catering 0400 611 966 Fletchers 5258 2833 House Care 0408 059 616PikNik 5258 5155 Kerleys 5258 4100Let's Torque Food 0423 844806 Campbell Potts Real Estate 5258 1579 WATER PRESSURE CLEANINGLEGAL - SOLICITORS Rob Hendrey FAPI CPV Gary's Gerni Service 0405630076Peter Boyle /Lawyer 5258 1084, 0402 282190 Independent Property Valuer 0418 314 760 WATER PUMPS & IRRIGATIONBruce Arthur/Lawyer 52584847, 0402 133455 Jeanette Ernst Licensed/ConveyancingMcManus Lawyers 93184188 0407726260 Just Water Solutions 5258 5193 RT Edgar 5258 1811 0438763462MEDICAL - HEALTH - MASSAGE RETAIL - BUSINESS OUTLETS Advertise your business in the Rip Trade Directopry for just $70 for 12 months -Day Spa Queenscliff 5258 4233 Basil's Farm 5258 4280 FREE with any 12 month advert listing Phone 5258 4131 or emailSally Low Feldenkrais/Physiotherapy 0405170090 Farmfoods 52584744 [email protected] Lonsdale Medical Group 5258 0888 Queenscliff Grocer 5258 1857Greg Sly Optometrist 5256 1295 IGA - Pt Lonsdale 5258 4911Ocean Eyes Optometry 5255 5655 Lonsdale Tomato Farm 5258 2665Pardeys Pharmacy 5258 1817 Labten 5258 1149 OPEN THE DOOR TOPoint Lonsdale Pharmacy 5258 1116 Point Lonsdale Newsagency 5258 1159 MORE THANPoint Lonsdale Physiotherapy 5258 4633 Queenscliff Village News 5258 1828 JUST A VALUATIONPetrina Tierney Massage Therapist 0429 380 317 Watermark 5258 1008MEDICAL - HEALTH - MASSAGE Saltbush 5258 4829Bellarine Mobile Phone Repairs 0429 123756 ROOFINGPAINTERS J.R Chapman Roofing 0421962111Steven Flynn 52555667/0411 126291 SECURITY DOORS/FLYSCREENS Independent valuationsD&B Scarff 0417 389627 Highly experienced teamDaryl Nicol 0408 596 241 Screens Direct 0419 507 484Trevor Pigdon 0418 524 228 Personalised serviceRicky Moore 0438 717 552 SIGN WRITING 0417 345 110 Pre-purchase & Pre-sale All Signs Signwriting Family LawPLUMBERS SPORTING CLUBS Estate & Probate Mortgage ValuationsAnnandale Plumbing 0408 037 686 Lonsdale Golf Club 5258 1523 Point Lonsdale S.L.S.C. 5258 1257 We value homes.Bellarine Peninsula Plumbing 0458521352 Point Lonsdale Bowls Club 5258 1150 Not just houses. Q’Cliff Football/Netball Club 5258 4588Geoff Ray 5258 4989/0418 373 026 Q”Cliff/Lonsdale Yacht Club 0409 562 976 Queenscliff Croquet Club 5258 1773Golightly & Sons Plumbing 0418 524 268 Queenscliff Sporting Club 5258 4588 Point Lonsdale Tennis Club 5258 3272Grant Priddle 0455 363603 Queenscliff Bowling Club 5258 1773 Queenscliff Golf Club 5258 4344AJM Plumbing Service 0418386916Mark Riley Plumbing 0418 100 689PICTURE FRAMING 0439 563355 HENDREY CONSULTINGOn the Point Picture Framing QUEENSCLIFFE 03 5258 1112 MELBOURNE 03 9242 0116PLASTERING - RENDERING STORAGE - BOATS - CARAVANS [email protected] - Bryant 0405 252103 Bodea Shed & boat storage 0490 081066 HENDREY.COM.AUPatrick McCarthy 0408 075330 5258 1579 . [email protected] The Rip July 2018 Page 17
Locals ditch their Tree plantings to begin Council performancee-waste on the slide More than 100 new trees will be planted Residents have shed almost 10,000 kilograms of across our municipality over the next year, The Borough of Queenscliffe has taken a hitold, broken and wanted electric goods as part of under the newly announced tree planting in the most recent Community Satisfactionour municipality’s most recent e-waste drive. strategy. Survey, with falls across key performance areas. A drop-off point, at Queenscliff’s Ocean View Borough of Queenscliffe general manager for In particular, the measure for Council’scar park, collected 5,741 kilograms of televisions planning and infrastructure Phil Josipovic said ‘Overall Performance’ dropped four points toand computer monitors, 484 kilograms of hard the program, developed in consultation with just 62 out of a possible 100.driver, laptops and keyboards and 1,681 kilograms Council’s contracted horticulturalist, wouldof printers. commence soon. It was given a score of just 53 in the category of ‘Making Community Decisions’ – a drop of Household appliances, power tools and old “The program for the current year can be five points on last year and placing it below themobile phones were also a popular throw out. summarised as three precincts identified for state average of 54. It also failed in the ‘Overall planting that will result in a total of 113 street Council Direction’ category, with just 49 points The collection is almost 18 per cent higher than trees proposed to be planted. – seven down on last year’s score and threelast year’s e-waste drive and takes to almost 56,500 below the state average.kilograms, the amount of e-waste collected since The precincts identified are the Queenscliffthe program’s inception six years ago. Township, with about 35 trees, Queenscliff The Borough’s customer service team scored West – around Murray Road and Ward Road 74 points – amongst the highest results in the \"E-waste is growing up to three times faster that area – with about 37 trees, Point Lonsdale state.than general municipal waste in Australia,” Central, the Lawrence Road area, with about 31said Mayor Susan Salter. trees, and the replacement of trees lost last year, The views of 400 residents were collected about 10 trees,” Mr Josipovic said. as part of the annual survey, which aims to “Our annual e-waste drop-off day is a provide a report card across key performanceproactive community event that helps to Mayor's copy cat claim indicators. Sixty-eight of the state’s 79 councilsmaintain our pristine coasts and waterways, participated.and contributes to the environmental health of Queenscliffe Mayor Susan Salter has accusedthe nation.” the Brisbane City Council of plagiarising our CEO Lenny Jenner said the sliding results municipal Annual Report. were symptomatic of a statewide trend. Recycle group ToxFree will recover andwhere possible transform the collected The Borough’s 2017-18 annual report “The survey concludes that the Borough ofmaterials. was recently awarded a Gold Medal at the Queenscliffe continues to perform very strongly Australasian Reporting Awards, having also despite a general downturn trend acrossNew enviro alliance been recognised the year before. the sector. Results in Overall Performance,formed Advocacy and Lobbying and Customer Service “The report that the Borough of Queenscliffe are significantly higher than the average rates Queenscliffe is among a number of won a gold award for last year, the City of of the Small Rural Councils grouping and themunicipalities and key bodies to sign up to Brisbane plagiarised the way the photos were state wide grouping,” Mr Jenner said.a new Corangamite Cathment Partnership set out and everything.,” Cr Salter said. “It’sAgreement. The non-binding agreement always nice to see that your work is appreciated “Overall performance ratings have slightlyis designed to deliver healthier and more declined after a brief upward spike last yearproductive land, biodiversity and eco-systems, by the large councils of Australia.” and Customer Service is one of Council’sa better understanding of impacts, improved highest performance ratings.”liveability and better value on investments. Planning showdown looms In particular, it will ensure bettermanagement approaches to threatened species, Opponents of a multi-storey property Among key concerns of objectors are thenative vegetation regulations, weeds and pest redevelopment in one of Point Lonsdale’s most height and scale of the property. Opponentscontrol and fire, flood and water management. exclusive streets believe, if approved, it will set argue it is not in keeping with either CoGG or a dangerous and “unwelcome” precedent for Borough of Queenscliffe Structure Plans, will “It’s just a formal expression of how we the township. over-shadow neighbouring properties andwanted to work together across the catchment negatively impact the back beach landscape.area by a number of partners. What is does A planning application, lodged with the Citydo to a certain extent is clarify primary roles of Greater Geelong (CoGG), seeks approval to “The proposed dwelling’s close proximity,and responsibilities,” said Borough xxx Phil transform the existing home at 5 Rhondella and it’s sheer bulk, will have a lasting andJosipovic. Court into a three storey dwelling, with a roof- permanent impact in regards to pristine beach, top viewing deck. sensitive coastal reserves and important habitat The agreement will allow the Borough to for flora and fauna,” one submission said.raise, as a regional priority, the listing of Lakers The development has drawn 15 objections, despite the applicant’s assertion it “will fit in The property was sold in March for $1.75Cutting as a Ramsar-listed wetland, he said. well with the new neighbourhood character that is emerging in this coastal neighbourhood.” million.Hugo takes thereigns of advisory David Wilkinsongroup Builders Local businessman Hugo T Armstrong is New Homes Renovations Extensions 0404 163 609the new Chair of the Queenscliffe EconomicDevelopment Advisory Committee. Phone: 0438 258324 [email protected] Email: [email protected] The Blues Train founder was elected to the Domesticposition un-opposed. Former chair, Searoad CommercialFerries CEO Matt McDonald, takes on the roleof deputy. Industrial The committee – formerly the Tourism and Registered Electrical Contractor 23229Economic Development Committee (TDAC) – isthe borough’s key advisory body on economicdevelopment. The Rip July 2018 Page 18
New groyne designs to be unveiled Designs for new groynes will be unveiled tothe community at two upcoming Open House sand monitoring and groyne redesign works Designs for newsessions, in a significant step forward in halting earlier this year after an initial an initial DELWP Point Lonsdalesand erosion at Point Lonsdale front beach. study conceded the beach was in decline but front beach groynes the cause was unclear. will be unveiled The Department of Environment, Land, Water at communityand Planning says the interactive presentations Bellarine MP Lisa Neville said community workshops nextwill give an update on progress of the Point involvement would provide a better month.Lonsdale Groyne Design Options Study, glean understanding of sand fluctuations and otherthe community’s preferred options and take the erosion influencers. “I am working for the Point Lonsdalenext step towards establishing a formal sand community and will ensure that we put in placemonitoring group. “If you walk, swim, or just enjoy the front the right management for the front beach.” beach your local knowledge is valuable.” “The study findings will be presented and ■ The workshops will be held at Pointwill include suitable groyne design options to “We want to support the community’s interest Lonsdale Bowls Club on Tuesday 7 Augustretain sand at the Point Lonsdale front beach,” in citizen science and these workshops are the from 3-7pm and Saturday 11 August fromsaid DELWP Community and Partnerships starting point to establishing a community sand 1-4pm. To register interest in the sessions,Officer Tracey Pennington. monitoring program,” she said. please call Community Program Officer Tracey “Another major component of the open house Pennington on 03 5220 2021will be to support local citizen science. We willpresent various tools and methods available tomonitor sand movement at the Point LonsdaleFront Beach and provide guidance on thenext steps to formalise a Point Lonsdale SandMonitoring Program and Community Group,”she said. The open house sessions will be held onthe evening of Tuesday August 7th and theafternoon of Saturday August 11th at the PointLonsdale Bowls Club. The Department will alsoprovide an opportunity for online feedback forthose unable to attend. The move is a boost for locals who have beenfighting for more than two years for action toprevent the popular beach from being washedaway. The state government announced funding for LBW Chartered Accountants For Advice on Succession Planning Estate Taxation Small Business Individual Taxation Setup & Administration of Self Managed Super Funds Other General Advicewww.lbwaccountants.com.au Contact Richard Bull - our local representative 5258 3297 (AH) or Geelong 5221 6111 (BH) The Rip July 2018 Page 19
Jardine Homes letters We'll never know - will we? Peninsula. The local library is part of a networkCustom-built homes and Renovations of libraries called Geelong Regional Libraries Will Gordon Dear Editor, and covers five municipal districts. The local W I am mystified and disappointed that our Surf Life Saving Club is getting money from the 0414 354 079 State Government to assist with building. w [email protected] Councillors - those people elected by us to www.jardinehomes.com.au reflect our views - have opted to re-appoint As a taxpayer (and a resident in the west) I E Lenny Jenner to the lucrative CEO\"s position contribute to all of these facilities even thoseMECHANICAL REPAIRS for a third consecutive term, without, as others in BoQ and those people that live in BoQ also p have suggested, \"testing the waters.\" contribute to facilities elsewhere in Victoria and Pt Lonsdale/Queenscliff Australia. I don’t “own” any of them. M Automotive Centre From my perspective, Mr Jenner has delivered (Steve Higgins) very little for our community, instead he has The main claim is that theBorough has w Full Car Servicing overseen an unprecedented period of secretive heritage. This may also need some examination. All Mechanical Repairs decision-making leading to commuity angst. The fishing port is no more, the harbour is becoming a parking bay for the rich, the fort isn’t Fully Qualified Mechanic What projects has he delivered in his first 10 a fort, many of the heritage houses are fronts for Air Conditioning years that warrant such a generous extention? modern expensive dwellings, the proportion of locals is decreasing in part because the kids Repairs & Services I can only think of the Point Lonsdale can’t afford the price of a house, the shops serve Pick Up Service Available Foreshore redevelopment as a positive outcome some locals but the visitors more, the steamers - and only because of the restraint of those on from Melbourne don’t come any more and if (Local area only) the community reference group. they did they couldn’t get to the pier because 46 Bellarine Highway, of the silting, the beaches known to people last The Point Lonsdale Lighthouse Reserve is century, especially the early part, have moved Queenscliff a complete and un-resolved schmozzle, the many metres east, the high school has gone, PHONE: 5258 4668 Recreation Reserve redevelopment is running the caravan parks are moving and there is very well over budget and plans for cabins to pollute little land to build on. 0418 524 861 our parks and foreshore - without proper consultation - have caused enormous unrest. The Point seems to be attractive to take-over because of the people (ie money) it will attract. What did our councillors have to lose from (Do you really want that silly roundabout in opening the CEO's position up to the wider BoQ?) The Point is a modern soul-less suburb market? If there wasn't a better candidate out and its allegiance will be more towards Ocean there, Mr Jenner could have been re-appointed. Grove, where there is a secondary school and a But what if there was? Unfortunately we will much larger shopping centre. never know! Name and address supplied Perhaps we could change BoQ postcode to 3226! One 3225 needs more If the change is to be investigated I would like investigation a proper cost-benefit analysis for incorporation of the west side of Fellows Rd into BoQ, the Dear editor, in response to the Point Lonsdale incorporation of BoQ into CoGG and doing Civic Association column published in the June nothing. edition (“One 3225), why Australia Post should decide municipal boundaries escapes me? The finances of the Borough should be Is there any municipality in Victoria or even objectively compared to those of the City of Australia whose boundaries are determined by Greater Geelong and the services provided or a postcode? not provided should be compared in a way that all understand and then presented to ratepayers If the City of Greater Geelong (Geelong 3220) on both sides of Fellows Road. was confined to one postcode what would Adrian Tabor, Point Lonsdale happen to 3212, 3214, 3215, 3216, 3218, 3219, some of 3221, 3222, 3223, 3224, and 3226? Why would the residents of Swan Bay (3225) Council must come clean want to be part of BoQ? Leave postcodes to Australia Post as its other on stormwater plan relevancies decrease. I also attended the meeting in January 2016 Dear Editor, which Mr Muscat attended and I was not as Concern has been expressed to Bellarine convinced by the Minister. Many there were MP Lisa Neville by a number of residents, also not supportive. I went so far as to suggest regarding the stormwater management plan to the local member that the Minister was less for the Queenscliff Recreation Reserve sports than objective in her view on amalgamation. precinct. “Geelong based 3225 residents use the CEO Lenny Jenner has stated that no facilities that the BoQ supports, but pay their stormwater will be discharged to the existing rates to the CoGG” is true but needs some stormwater network or to any other outfall! examination. So the question is, why then has a conduit It is also true that people to the east of Fellows and connection point already been installed (as confirmed by Council engineers) that would Road use the facilities that CoGG supply and allow for future overflow to be linked to the CoGG doesn’t complain! Crows Nest stormwater system and from there to the existing beach outfall? Students are not accepted into primary schools based on their local council and Names and addresses supplied. although there is no secondary school in the Borough there are secondary students in the area who go to a school in CoGG. SHARE YOUR VIEWS: State and Federal subsidies are used for the What love to hear what you have to say and encourage your letters. Views expressed teachers, beach restoration, harbour works, are not necessarily those of the Editor and heritage sites, roads, sewers, electricity, water, preference is given to letters that carry an gas and sometimes the NBN. The local Health Centre is being upgraded with State and Federal money and is called the Bellarine Community author's name and address. Health, which has five sites over the Bellarine [email protected] - 5258 4131 The Rip July 2018 Page 20
borough only 392 live here. The rest 881 or Council is creating retail and food service bookends to Queenscliff that may have POINT LONSDALE almost 70% come from outside the borough. the outcome of reducing visitor spendingPoint Lonsdale Civic Ains(tsIhfoeCBcoouirnaocutigl,ihoaesnmclpoIlsoneyetcod.tahfeewlarmgeosrte employer significantly. The new and enlarged ferry locals we terminal and harbour area at one end and theCIVIC ASSOCIATIONRepresenting Point Lonsdale Recsoiudledntfsixsoinucrep1r9ob1l0em at almost zero cost!) sports precinct with its kiosks, Monahan Centre The facts are fascinating and what they say and Bowls club at the other. is that the people who live here mostly work in The Civic Associations are not anti-business. management roles or senior positions (66% are We are trying to save the borough for residents\"Jobs, jobs, jobs..\"WwpwEMlwwcmateawwosib..alepphl1spdh2oalcBclqpsooeCpjI:socioiellkapaopmr01ccfnfusarrrOeltorsbofeetiuooo:T1T32“TI1aatrhveevcesecuesftpkQea...6Jyiuvg..nenthhhiestrhienQdoootanenirlhbTmtiriddcheoeynTo(enrrbOiidrekecwy:eeueitsphaoggsyoaiygh(lpdfsighseconnBnefseoenh..@oalnluhm!sweaoaaeCosfteuagdoucffar,jeLoBuhruuoohtnvtw)tnaeegorarobleruthlrodseuasaOabkoasnisoadnemuwlssehttaneasteepecssliaunto’otQnef”n.arGsoelias.cnidrapg.kt)obias“fec-cgime.yi1fc-roojtsrahlrssifhfeafnof.at2dlepoewttjreircocaalposgaufbbhi7uotaetsiroeahorcvttsiolsansh3stitenmmhonouamornaaareotoosoay(atsfluyindssiwgrsBuehdblseunlcf?np!ecmyucra:uOrdaeMsenwrledeowetbmya.lrrtumreobeukQ/ltokelnsheufoonorepwu3binafilbdta)edrnrdltuadb0lesiccdaketaSgemksrioaorltsinbrnouLr.e”eslienecnhuatkneod,uaene.anmwnaetat’reGtosfnsrnirteaeTerntasw-sdisehetayrhmdoCsbtrshUkoegAFeaaeovniubaeotuuimweostoatcp)oawsiiEiarorpiessnuscNlrnrnnlkliCweodii2tpdooheSgmblnbng6hdlr.PymeyiNoeaeuaoT8ceae.snenCpon8desxraigLc%ry.snwmclest%wadsUsktasorlSydCBobtrepuor.toouaamoah.mdehkpPoAAfNresuwssicJdo1e(ossrbeennme“Etltean9omor.aLoidwihDsdafwlrtjtuAwoaunplnaoioitttaaIafsenNnghonlhhhGbttlbtoorrriKutole’’idlnhbgoa”eeeeeeesssr-fl..-OEaEsPriRNTtoyteiitkoohwScfTeobplSipspoetw1denntohhhoihaEnln3IttffvfiTnalreeuhssohoorrflaieem8oBATO.IoCtvfasvetuleesobseamfORrkecsiQoinvprkhieuiwrceLtergun,knfbkperEMr.bneeesilaCrmhsetsuttooo,Adoss2tdoteihBgoiglT,ehnihti/aneooinntnarrpfeBmeaam3rlnOeoyscuk0hehywroeLeEueusntmerosrtcsmar9oneeeaoifentscuiseeec1vdnl?dusfri21ehFrosvtltatetsseaConte.gMioiicscaae2btgneah6shcnnsomisnnam.oohiwh(sunw0uslOhrattlileanteaenstitmCy6dognoEieafmi6i-ovsia,antdlNaBssfllwthoPnidoddihwprrepnln’ltohnnsE7nimOosfpsuurdeitrFbeedednthetdgbir.nadiee.nmQhToratimenonoeIIa3iretaCatgoiteaarnorcpsfeendRotrienhstnztfedtstcaIoiitiere0fhgwevtlttshiooglneteenihaeehaNiMntronhraciyyetwirrefn.pyuserttiebianaktisnioepwsulreavtnmlmGfdahd.rlECs.cmSwod.lusoyoaaftearichat8Tonaf.froEmfntbDcrtgtrinarriat0rooeiiloihhyteoheOduogenete0(hstmpmlnGbieaabrmmaloangohmpsitilssunlotsiorpvoeonyastiarthe3toreeoytsesatctarlekessllgrnsetheliidroaunarfba.leociooesnsraeiadeiattrnbishoIttrfsuonroeeebncybtrtssrgidiforsklcvesoCnawcsecyorttwehisyooimstitasevshasndrutaesvo.aGoomfpfbBeeseecrirsfospSlesrturawts)ioeraaoeeOhymrkwoonBtnormacevnmopyaoeirfmwcQsbOtmbdclolanodcorsloeso,lasutesbauencfi)odreQisiuneHnpni.anunseocttyrmnrarftgytPhgenankTngerrseelvaitlsacafrnaiiooietttiesahnainennodeaihhcrofacsmtrtittdralistiddnniggkkooooeeeeeeesssritll,. and visitors alike. Transparency remains aJoin PLCA tertiary qualified) outside the borough. major issue but there appears to be individuals that know only one way and they have been influencing the structure of Queenscliff for many years with no help for business. We need to scrutinise everything that is put up by Council and the CEO and question its purpose. The PLCA will continue to do that. Finally, are we anti-progress? No! We want better public transport links, we want our shops and service businesses profitable so they fill the retail precincts and owners bring their families to live in the BOQ. We want a good mix of businesses that can serve the community and we want business to understand how a seasonal seaside village works so they don’t lose faith in their business model or can redesign the model to make it work better. Council must assist business, not compete with them. It should assist businesses connect with state government support for small business. Council should also provide a clear understanding of what the BOQ is, who lives here and when. It should be up front with investors as to what to expect so that they can discuss this with their accountants and advisers. So unless Council sees something in the census 2016 numbers that means there is going to be a barista lead recovery let’s make sure the millions of dollars we are spending are for the right reasons not just some political/personal rhetoric. Robert Minty President PLCAWill you accept the challenge?GREEN SPEAK possum returns at day break. Photo courtesy Glen Ryan – Barwon Coast It is also a good idea to provide them withby Brooke Connor you there. alternative habitat in your garden. Find a There is so much happening in the Borough My phone has been running hot with people sheltered position on your property to erectasking what to do with possums in their roofs. a possum box. If you are keen to build one in relation to sustainable living, it makes meLike us, as the weather starts to cool, possums yourself, a quick google search will bring up proud to be a part of it.start looking for warmer places to spend their the plans, or they can be purchased online.time and our houses provide an ideal habitat Place the box at least four metres from the The Rip July 2018 Page 21for them. ground to protect the possum from domestic pets and foxes. A lot of people don’t realise it is illegal totrap possums and release them away from their We are very fortunate to have such beautifulproperties. Possums are highly territorial so wildlife living so close to us and with a fewrelocating them to somewhere else will only concessions, we can all live in harmony.result in the released animal being attacked andkilled by possums already in the area. Other news, Beach Patrol 322Bellarine collected 23 kilograms of rubbish from the This is inhumane and very stressful for the Queenscliff Boat Ramp this month. The nextanimal. It will also mean that you have opened clean-up will be held on Sunday, 22 July atnew territory for another possum to move into, 10am at the Swan Bay Boat Ramp at the end ofwhich they do very quickly. Therefore, trap and Swan Bay Road, off the Portarlington Road.release is not the solution. An update on Transition Streets – BOQ, the So, what can you do to live in harmony with next meeting will be held on Saturday 28 Julypossums? The first thing to do it work out at the Neighbourhood House at 10am. Ourwhere they are getting into your roof. Look for local meteorologist, Mark McNaught, will begaps and signs of scratching, then wait until the presenting on the impacts of climate changepossum leaves the roof, usually at dusk. Timber in the Borough. There will also be an updateor chicken mesh is ideal to block off the access on the items discussed at our last meeting andpoints, which needs to be done before the some future planning worked through. Please bring a plate to share, I look forward to seeing
July Diary1 GARY DISHER - Under the Cold Bright 8 SHOKOOFEH AZAR - is an Iranian refugee, ex-Lights - Hear award winning crime writer GarryDisher, author of the ‘Wyatt’ thrillers and the Christmas Island detainee,‘Peninsula Crimes’ series, discuss his latestrelease, ‘Under the Cold Bright Lights’. whose book has beenVenue: Queenscliff Library Time: 2:00 -3:30pm Cost: Free Contact: 03 5258 2017 shortlisted for the Stella Prize5 REIDEL SENSORY WORKSHOP Did for women writers. You canyou know that the shape and size of your glass meet the highly acclaimedaffects the aroma, flavour, and overall profileof wine? This workshop will give you a glimpse and award winning Iranianinto Reidels 260-year history of design,invention and demonstrate the important role journalist and author andyour wine glass plays in wine enjoyment. Wineloves will walk away from this one-off tasting learn about the backgroundwith an enlightened perspective on the sensoryexperience of wine, plus a set of four beautiful to her latest novel ‘TheRiedel Veritas glasses valued at $240.On conclusion of the workshop, a 2 course Enlightenment of thedinner will be served.Venue: Shelter Shed Time: 6.30pm Greengage Tree’. 15 Venue: Queenscliff UnitingCost: $175.00 Contact: 5258 3604 Church Time: 2.00pm Cost: TBA Contact:6 LITERARY TRIVIA NIGHT - Enjoy a 12 HOLIDAY FUN HIGH TEA AND TALK WITH EMMA HACK - Join the world-fabulous evening of literary trivia and raise acclaimed body artist in a High Tea, as she launches herfunds for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. FOR KIDS - CARDBOARD newest works and exhibition at Seaview Gallery. Contact:Prizes include books donated by Penguin 5258 3645Books and HarperCollins Books and bookshop CASTLES - Discover thevouchers from The Bookshop at Queenscliff. architectural wondersLight meals and drinks at bar prices available. of medieval castles andVenue: Shelter Shed Time: 7- 9.00pm build your very own ■ TEENY TINY STEVIES - Sisters Byll & BethCost: $10.00 Contact: 5258 4496 from recycled materials. All ages. Venue: Stephen, well known as The Little Stevies, Queenscliff Library Time: 10:30 - 11:30am have become a word-of-mouth sensation.7 DIES IRAE - Be part of this exclusive Cost: Free Contact: 5258 2017 Bring along your little ones for a dose ofAustralian premier screening of the short film 13 ALL OUR EXES LIVE IN TEXASby visual artist Gabríela Friðriksdóttir. the film inspired and educating music. Time: 2-4pmcomprises of concrete and abstract momentsconveying joy, grief, death and resurrection. - QMF PRESENTS All our Exes Live in Cost: $45.00 Contact: 5258 3645.The soundscape is based on a reversedmusical rendering of Dies Irae, as performed Texas and the Little Stevies as part of the 22 ST KILDA FILM FESTIVALby brothers of the Abbey of Notre Dame.Venue: New Hall Point Lonsdale Time: 10am LowLight Festival 2018. Under 18s must be VICTORIAN TOUR - Highlights of Australia's– 3pm (film time 14 mins) Cost: FREE oldest film festival will be screened today, accompanied by a ticketed Parent/Guardian/ when the St Kilda Film Festival tour arrives■ FRASER A GORMAN - is a rare performer, in Queenscliff. Venue: Queenscliff Unitingartfully combining the sensitivity, romance and Responsible Adult Venue: Queenscliff Church Time: 3.30pm Tickets: $20 includesintrospection of a classic songwriter with the Town Hall Time: 8.00pm Cost: $30.00joy of performing in front of an audience. You Contact: https://www.trybooking.com/book/can hear him perform as part of the Low Light event?eid=368738&Festival. Venue: Town Hall Time: 8.00pmCost: $50.00 Contact: 5258 4816 ■ WHISKY APPRECIATION NIGHT - Let refreshments. Wine bar available Timboon Distillery guide you through a tasting of whiskies. Chefs from the Brewhouse & the 25 WAKING NED DEVINE - HACK - The Distillery will collaborate on a matched dinner. Venue: Queenscliff Brewhouse Time: 6.30 - Queenscliff/Point Lonsdale Oxfam Group is hosting its annual Film Night with a screening 9.00pm Cost: $80pp Contact: 5258 1717. of the classic Waking Ned Devine - a comedy about a Irishman who's lottery numbers finally 14 BASTILLE DINNER AND come up. It's a comedy that will make you feel like a winner. Venue: Queenscliff Uniting PERFORMANCE - Ooh la la! Celebrate Church Time:17.30pm Cost: $20 includes the anniversary of the turning point in the supper. Bar open Contact: 0409 875548. French Revolution in 1789 at 360Q with an all-inclusive French-themed three-course THE DEADLINE FOR AUGUST EDITION dinner including matched wines, beers and a SUBMISSIONS IS FRIDAY JULY 20 live performance by ensemble Belle Musette. [email protected] Venue: 360Q. Time: 6pm Tickets: $120 Contact: 5257 4200.HOME MAINTENANCE Including • BATHROOMS • KITCHENS Grant Rogers - Point Lonsdale PH: 0438 261954 The Rip July 2018 Page 22
Borough Bulletin July 2018Cr Salter, Mayor, Borough of Queenscliffe 2018 Queen’s Birthday in which students from local and Geelong- Honours List based schools will teach each other aboutLow Light shines brightly sustainability initiatives and environmental All the Councillors were thrilled to learn that issues such as waste management, litter,Council has been absolutely thrilled with the Neville Barwick was recognised with a Medal water conservation and coastal vegetation.way audiences have embraced our first ever of the Order of Australia (OAM) in the 2018Low Light Festival, particularly considering Queen’s Birthday Honours List. The Swan Bay Environment Association willthe Festival’s aim of bringing more visitors use their CEA grant funding to extend theto the Borough in what is typically a quieter Neville’s OAM acknowledges his services to successful Gardens for Wildlife program,time of year for us. our community and to Australia-East Timor which provides residents with advice on relations, for his work with the Queenscliffe improving the ecological value of theirLow Light continues until Sunday 15 July, Maritime Museum and the Point Lonsdale garden. This phase of the project willso there is still time to jump on board and Queenscliff Probus clubs and his target private properties adjacent to threeand enjoy the delightful, delicious, achievements as Founder and Chair of the public sites where weeding and plantingdiverse events on offer. Head over to Australia East Timor Embassy Foundation. of indigenous species has taken place. Thewww.lowlightqueenscliff.com.au today, project aims to ensure work at these publicand come celebrate the wonder of winter in Councillors offer our heartiest congratulations sites is not compromised by the spread ofPoint Lonsdale and Queenscliff with us! to Neville, on behalf of the community, for weeds from nearby gardens. this well-deserved award.Go Plastic Free in July Council is so pleased to support our local 2018 Community Environment organisations in the delivery of these importantCouncil is delighted to be supporting the Alliance grants recipients projects, which will support everyone in ourPlastic Free July Challenge again this year. community to make change and deliver long Council is delighted to announce the term benefits for the wider Borough.The one-month Challenge encourages recipients of our 2018 Communitypeople to “choose to refuse” single-use Environment Alliance (CEA) grants program. E-waste collection updateplastics such as plastic bags, straws and Through the program we will provide $6,800takeaway coffee cups, and complements of grant funding to the Queenscliffe and We received a total of 9,758 kilograms ofmany of our other waste reduction District Neighbourhood House, St Aloysius e-waste items at Council’s drop-off dayinitiatives, such as the toothbrush recycling Catholic Primary School and the Swan Bay this year, an increase of almost 18 per centprogram that we offer in partnership with Environment Association to enhance and compared to last year’s event.the Queenscliff Kindergarten and the improve environmental sustainability inQueenscliffe and District Neighbourhood our local community. The e-waste received this year was made up of:House, and our Community EnvironmentAlliance grants program. The Queenscliffe and District Neighbourhood • 5,741 kilograms of televisions and House’s ‘Boomerang Bags’ project aims computer monitorsPlastic Free July is a wonderful program to reduce the use of plastic bags in thethat helps people make a commitment they community by providing reusable fabric bags • 484 kilograms of hard drives, laptops andcan achieve. There are multiple levels of through local businesses. Members of the keyboardsparticipation available within the Plastic Free community will be invited to support theJuly Challenge to make it easy for people to project by donating fabric and participating in • 1,681 kilograms of printerssign up and make a difference. sewing and stencilling workshops. • 70 kilograms of electrical cords/keyboards • 1,782 kilograms of household appliancesTo find our more, or to register for the St Aloysius Catholic Primary School appliedChallenge, visit the Plastic Free July website to the CEA grants program to fund their such as radios, telephones and power toolsat www.plasticfreejuly.org. contribution to the ‘Kids Teaching Kids Local Council has collected a total of 56,429 kilograms Conference 2018’, a one-day conference to of e-waste since introducing the drop-off event be held in Queenscliff in September 2018 in 2012. Congratulations to everyone who participated. It was great to see so many of you Next Council Meeting in the queue at the drop-off event. The next Ordinary Meeting of Council For more information will be held on Thursday 26 July commencing at 7:00pm. All welcome. Visit www.queenscliffe.vic.gov.au or contact the Borough of Queenscliffe on 5258 1377. 50 Learmonth Street (PO Box 93) Queenscliff VIC 3225 | Phone: 03 5258 1377 | Fax: 03 5258 3315 www.queenscliffe.vic.gov.au The Rip July 2018 Page 23
Gas Fitting & RoofingNOW ACCEPTING EFTPOS & MAJOR CREDIT CARDS For all your Plumbing needsMob: 0408 037 686 E: [email protected] Lic. 40157 360Q's Barry Iddles is preparing the final details for this month's Battle of the Bay Let the battle begin! Specializing in Richmond has the premiership cup, Australia The battle day wines are already locked inKitchens, Wardrobes, Vanities, is holding on to the Ashes… but who will be and Barry is now in the process of deciding the crowned winner of the inaugural Battle of the all-important menu. Wall & Entertainment Units, Bay? Furniture, “They will be very smart, plated meals and Chefs from both sides of Port Phillip are fine- not the grazing-style offerings we do sometimes Flat Pack Assembly and tuning their kitchen skills in readiness for this with events at 360Q,” he says. Installation and much more. month’s inaugural showdown on July 20, to determine which side of the bay – Bellarine or Baie and Ocean Eight will supply wines to 0417 168 537 Mornington – boasts the best food and wine. accompany the five course menu, including sparkling, pinot gris, shiraz and Rose. The idea is the brainchild of 360Q restaurant owner Barry Iddles, It comes from his own Guests will have a little ‘scorecard’ on their experiences of working in Sorrento and tables on the night and the winning team will Queenscliff and his mutual admiration for be declared at the end of the evening. vineyards on both peninsulas. Queenscliffe Community General PlumbingIndigenous Plant Nursery Hot Water Water Saving Concepts Local plants available for purchase Blocked Drains - Propogated by local volunteers - Roofing Repairs Gas Work - Safety Just $1 each ChecksPlants grown include Red Correas, Now incorporatingWhite Correas, Running Postman, Flush Toilet SystemsGrasses, Sedges, Grass Trees, Clematis,Moonahs, Wattles, Banksias, Bulbine Your Local Tradesman Servicing the BellarineLilies and many more.Many of these plants are 0418 100 689bird-attracting. www.flush.com.auOpen:Wednesdays - 9am to 12pm, The Rip July 2018 Page 24Third Sunday of each month - 10am to 12 pm,Last Friday of each month - 9am to 12pm The Queenscli e Community Indigenous Plant Nurseryis a joint project of the Swan Bay Environment Association and the Borough of Queenscli e 79 Nelson Road, Queenscli - 5258 1716 Lic No. 36195
artsFilm fest back in town Artists to honour Gurrumul Australia’s oldest publicly-owned film A 16-piece orchestra and guest to what can be achieved through music whenfestival, the St Kilda Film Festival, is once again vocalists will deliver a world premiere two cultures genuinely work together”.It isheaded Queenscliff’s way, as part of a three- experience, when they take to the the first performance to be announced for thismonth regional tour. stage at November’s Queenscliff Music year’s fest. Further line-up announcements are Festival to perform live the last album expected soon. The event include a selection of films aimed of Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu. Info: www.qmf.net.au at giving film buffs from around the statethe opportunity to view some of Australia’s Djarimirri (Child of the Rainbow,celebrated filmmaking talent. made Gurrumul Australia’s highest selling indigenous artist of all time, Highlights from Australia’s Top 100 Short Unfortunately he died just weeks afterFilm Competition will screen at each destination completing the album last year.including 2018 award winners Lost PropertyOffice (Best Short Film / Best Animation), The festival hosted Gurrmul in 2008,Partners (Best Comedy) and The Intentions the year he truly came to the attentionof F. Scott Fitzgerald (Best Achievement in of the nation, and again in 2012.Sound Post Production / Best Achievement inScreenplay). This time around, Djarimirri will be performed in full by the Australian The Festival is an Academy Awards National Academy of Music, withqualifying event, with the winners of this year’s Artistic Director Michael Hohnen,Best Short Film and Best Documentary eligible conducted by Erkki Veltheim, andfor consideration in OSCARS Award categories. featuring a yet to be announced array of very special guest vocalists “We’re incredibly pleased to be taking some and performers including Sarahof this year’s best Australian short films on the Blasko.“Djarimirri Live is an incrediblyroad for the wider Victorian community to important performance opportunity, not onlysee. The films in this year’s Festival represent as a dedication to my late friend Gurrumul butthe best of the Australian film industry and also as a gift to the wider Australian audience,”we’re proud to be able to screen them across says Skinnyfish Label Manager & Friend Markthe State,” said City of Port Phillip Mayor Grose. “The coming together of two classicalBernadette Voss. traditions (Yolngu and western) is testament The festival will arrive in Queenscliff on July22, for screenings at the Queenscliff UnitingChurch between 3.30 and 5.30pm.Drinking Straw Midden by Graeme Peebles mezzotint 44 x 60cm edition of 30 From Velvety Depths81 Hesse Street Queenscliff | closed Tue | [email protected]|03 4202 0942 Graeme Peebles’ Survey Exhibition Exhibition dates: Jun 21 – Aug 12 Opening Jun 24, 3pm Graeme in the gallery: Jul 8th, 3pm For forty years Graeme Peebles has drawn out imagery from the velvety depths of mezzotint – a technique that is mastered by only a handful of Australian artists. From Velvety Depths presents recent works alongside a selection of important earlier pieces, which traverse themes that have long pervaded Graeme’s practice. SUPPORTED BY Principal Sponsors Corporate Sponsors Queenscliff Low Light festival event qgw.com.au The Rip July 2018 Page 25
artsCloudy connections ‘These Clouds are Forgetting’ is an exhibition It's Mona - but not as we know her!by local artists Helen Martin, that has been twoyears in the making. Dressed up for a night on the town, as a what she might look and dress like if she was cheerleader and for a day at the beach... even still around today. The solo show will be held in Helen’s studio Leonardo would have been proud of the modernspace, in the St George’s Church Town Hall in makeover given to his famous muse, Mona These fabulous pieces were among the manyQueenscliff. Lisa, by St Aloysius Primary School students. creative highlights of an art show, hosted by the school last month as part of Queenscliff's It explores the clouded memories of our The children were tasked with re-envisagingancestors, as represented in the wintery inaugural Low Light Festival.landscape around Mt Remarkable in SouthAustralia where her ancestors lived in the mid1800s. The exhibition runs from 14 -15 and 21-22July. It is open12.00am-4.30pm daily. Openingdrinks will be 3.00 to 4.30 pm on Saturday 14July.UnUintiitninggCChurrcchhEEvvenetnsts Seaview Gallery queenscliff Th5epmSoSCHuuhinlandrrdiWsisoaTiouyitWchsfk8SiGleliJvsiteluee$ooln2ymrng5t.,ue.i(nLspiPniiacvCcicrelftuhoudaHonnefoacfstotnehrrdJreettafFhrLz8eeezOpsnwhmwWnmhiWLtoWehIliGnelesStHdsfoia)lnTem3!nFJiltyea,Msntoivvaiel s TiSckeweatitishnTiccdTelouiacemdkceieocKs1ts0siHinceao$esim4nat&s0sr-tyaCA5ardWphtnfaumuirlndltlitkFe~enTrrCii$teMt52hina0aeJgpaaKCllsniinaedo-tnsaSsisnn(a5udtite-eni1oBrsvn57uassyJlE.tfeaoeBaxnrrarhssKra)eialbaevtaiotilniao.b lne. Paul Margocsy & Phillip Adams NAIDOC Film Night “LFuascirioGuasmsceo”n7epsm. Wednesday 11 July EXHIBITION - JULY 7-27The personal anSd upromfemssieonral jAourrnety oWf aomrankwshoh, aot tphestop of his game, \"Fasc1in1CaaIMtonimnKomcglisu-dSewaad1suiniede2cp$daes.sp13rrmos5l0TcyhropuhtodAvimfluntoiarudn1gtrrrr7ug0seCfeTcu-ladt.o11s.oomnh.l28tflemo$aaa-ryJ2galIh1mslena5e-co2taadoniuls&(dngrripnmgsy&oeCaeeioa&tarofiFnnymbnllsor1mooimdi8eru.uur3s1ssoymter0s9erA&aTLapiaotuuJlisomrtwnseas@eca)tsaunrar-aaBltnn9i64t(nclldoaitpepJaiywtotoa-mmnyiooskF.vn”nfie-eo-noTd(.erubTegoadnetshyybdneiaedcwaaAlseologtsgicnoreceeukanrrnlsestttuh/iaiAoaromelndpua)) lntsd our Ridge & Dam - Phillip AdamsThe SLuitptleerbStseovnieTgwesJer-iinmt.si.nyopignTaH&TgirniostcpykocewerfkSrftoitittnh$ertem2evgn5aiLeSne(sOcisoneWp1cl1oemluLacadm8IiGakepelsSHlmyJasTiftmuWouFprireepdathsdea'emtyr1i)v1up0a4sreJltJ--asusenlcyeh' oaoctl in blues White Peacock - Paul Margocsy Snowy Owl - Paul Margocsy age-group TFicilkmetsN$ig16htfsor7k.i3d0spamndSaudnu3lts1.DNeoccahnadrgTeufeosr b1a6bJieasn contemporary - traditional - glass - jewellery S‘aBuislaargneis’ i-zzSletoarvyatielallbilnegafTtehrewaatrrdes 86 Hesse St Queenscli 3225 - 5258 3645 St Kilda Film FesbtiyvaJl aVnic‘tYoarirann’TWouors3it.z30kpym Sunday 22 July [email protected] - email: [email protected] A TsweleocptieornfoorfmAuasntcraelsia:’5spTmopS1u0n0 2S1hoJratnFi&lm8sp, mcoFmriin2g6toJaynou! The Rip July 2018 Page 26 Showcasing somTieckoeftth$2e5m(inocsltuidnensovreaftriveeshamnednintss)piring short films Ticket $H2o0tfirnCocmllu.u.tbdthheeeSsnwfireaniftnerioesgnst’hCsinmaleeffraenedtnsSinctaghytfiligenlmy7tepmprsvmaayklWi.jnaWgezdzitnae2le4BnJta.ar navailableQueenscliffB/PoOooxiknfiant mgLsoTMnEiscsodksveaeitlene$tNi4Oa0ilxg. fiThanatmcbl7ul.Ge3ds0eropsoumf3p6Wc-p8oreueodrsrnseeiennsdmtdsivae“iyadWlu2. aa5lkJtiuinclgkyeNtsed Devine” DonaBtoionk o$n1l5in,einact lwudwewsusnuitpinpgeqru. eWeninseclBiffa.orrga.vaauilableInfo JaCno5m25e8e2a8r5l4y UfonriticnogmChmuurcnhi,tycnmr Heeasl s@e &6pSmtok(ebsySdtroeneat Qtiouene)nscliff Info and bookings online at www unitingqueenscliff.org.au or contact Jan 5258 2854 email [email protected] Uniting Church, cnr Hesse & Stokes Street Queenscliff
arts• Custom Framing of Artworks, Prints, Posters, Memorabilia, Photographs, 3D Objects, Textiles• Canvas stretching and framing• Photos printed to canvas and stretched• Conservation framing• Framing repairs239 Point Lonsdale RoadPoint Lonsdale0439 563 355 Capturing our sense of place The Bookshop German-born, Melbourne-based counter-narrative to expected Katrin Koenning is an artist with a representations of Queenscliff's at Queenscliff particular interest in the emotional seaside identity, allowing the and physical connection to place place to unfold as it may, quietly,30 Hesse St Queenscliff | 03 5258 4496 and our surroundings. marked by the melancholy one may encounter when one stands www.thebookshopatqueenscliff.com She regularly exhibits nationally by the ocean for long,” says Salt's and internationally, and her work Fiona Beaumont-Kelly. has been shown at renowned festivals Katrin will be at Salt Contemporary for the exhibition’s In a new exhibition at official opening on Saturday July Salt Contemporary, she was 14, with live music by Matt Davis. commissioned by Queenscliff's Tickets are $10 and are available at Low Light Festival to create new trybooking.com work, documenting the region. “The images seek to offer a Queenscliffe Lighthouse Theatre GroupA presentsFDTIENRN EWritten By:-Andrew BovellDirected by:- RDebbie Fraser Painting “Big Enough to Keep” by Kate Smith - on display at the Seaview Gallery, Queenscliff June 29, 30 & July 5, 6, 7 2018 360QQ Restaurant, 2 Wharf Street, Queenscliff Booking - www.qltg.org.au or www.trybooking.com The Rip July 2018 Page 27
lorem ipsum dolor issue, date Noble Rot – Noble changes The latest changes at Point Lonsdale’s Noble Rot Wine Store and Bar are indeed very noble… Noble Rot owner Jordan Berry and two selected from the Noble Rot daily Italian meal) with dishes inspired by customers alike are thrilled to welcome pourings are still on offer. Patrons can tradition paired with Italian wines. chef Will Moyle to the team. order a bottle to enjoy inhouse, and, as On the wine front, Noble Rot’s Will has worked at many well-known the bar is also a fully licensed wine comprehensive wine list (awarded one venues on the Bellarine and in Melbourne store, it can be taken home. (should glass by Gourmet Traveller Wine List of – Donovans, Kelp, Terindah Estate, there be some left!!) the year in 2017) continues to feature Geelong Supper Club and is a former co- Looking for a lunchtime venue to predominantly boutique local owner of Neighbour in Geelong. Will is escape the chill? Noble Rot is the Victorian, National and European keen to bring his energy, creativity and perfect cosy venue, opening at 11 am wines. The wine list is carefully dedication in developing and serving the on Friday, Saturday and Sunday with curated by the knowledgeable Jordan ever-changing menus to be savoured at special and delicious warming fare on who is always more than happy to the bespoke Noble Rot tables. the menu. discuss it, his focus and wines in Dishes are framed around fresh, local, The three mid-season wine dinners general with patrons. All very noble! coastal, seasonal and foraged ingredients. held to date have been extremely Noble Rot Wine Store and Bar 51 Point All flavours are respected and prepared popular with the next dinner planned Lonsdale Rd; Point Lonsdale. Ph: with an innovative approach and the for Sunday July 22. Will and Emily 52585115; offerings are beautifully and mouth Ditcham from Cakesmiths Geelong plan E: noblerotwine.com.au; website online wateringly presented. to get together and draw on their store www.noblerotwine.com.au Small serves, share plates and a shared cheffing backgrounds to present sophisticated taste to match a glass or un bellissimo pasto Italiano (a beautiful ADVERTORIAL Christmas in JulyHigh Tea on HIgh Seas the Sunday 29th JULY $65 per Person 2 The Rip July 2018 Page 28
All aspects of Design and Construction with a sustainable outlook - Des-igDne&sigCnon&stCruocntsiotrnuction - D-eDckeinckging - Pav-inPgaving - Fe- aFteuaretuFreenFceinngcing - Reta- iRneintgaiWnianlgls Walls - Tu-rfTurfDavid Cordner E [email protected] www.coastalelements.com.auP 0455 971 515POINT LONSDALE & Ph: 0417 543 786 Warren HobbsCommunity Market New Homes / Townhouses Architect Rennovations One of the Bellarine’s biggest and Heritage & Planning most popular monthly markets www.j3design.com.au Commercial fruit & veg [email protected] Energy efficient arts & crafts Small or large projects plants home made produce 2/33 Learmonth St. jewellery Queenscliff 3225 clothing 30 Victory Way and lots more... Highton 3216 2nd Sunday of every Month 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Point Lonsdale Primary School, Bowen Road, Point Lonsdale Contact: 0417 037 970 Your ultimate Hotondo Homes is giving you the opportunity to make the ‘ultimate decision’ with a choice of upgrade packages worth over $10,000*. Richard Barton: 0433 220 998 Nick Ford: 0407 731 512 Display Homes: 52-54 Unity Dr, Armstrong Creek, Mount Duneed decision *Terms and conditions apply. The Rip July 2018 Page 29
Excellence in Health and WellbeingEExxcceelllleennccee iinn HHeeaalltthh aanndd WWeellllbbee Barb Vallance EExxcceelllleennRoBbaHrbutVcahlilnansocen RobCHluatircehiPnlsaopnp Claire Plapp Excellence in Health and Wellbeing Barb Vallance RoBbaHrbutVcahlilnansocen RobCHluatircehiPnlsaopnp Claire PlappBEEF $20tes Studio NOW OS•••SPPPESHNSHEEpepeNBCoaCocar!dkrdRtItIsaasAA&WcEcIILhnLhnBAejejEuauIIssrcNrN•SiL•SikTeeTTsCsPPPUSESHEaEOEpipRReRnCoCoaMEENrrdtItISSssaEAALTTcIIELnLhnSSjejYuu::IIsrNrNiieeTTssEERREESSTTSS::ETIVUTEERSYDAUY P *PSOTTENAKIG&HT ll llOTHERAMOVANEINLLIAUNBEOLBPETOIOOKNISNCCGlliSinnNLiLiTcTTecTTeTddOHIHPNIaaPNaaAAHHWllElElIEeIENeNwwLLPPRRASSVV•y•yAAiAiVASiBSiB,l,lccTaTaAPPOPOPCC3t3EtIEPoYPPoYPWWLe2e2LLOO•••••iSHiSHA22•ns•nEsEAADD55BYDtAYDFDNJAtNDRJNSSISSIooru•SrL•AreSLLAerPItItyiyi•nh•SoEcnhStmnoETCtTEIIcrkhFNtruFFNtOuFORniRTEnieTtE!•t&t&liUe&Uiey•ioddCIYdcisCYIBTcsITI•SIewSew•nTniMTTONMsT•dNBadrnCNdiCHdi•HL•ePaLwlowiPoauPiluPPSlNPaoaaPlsoiPaicMIoInEcsnEstnMHwnNwuONTO••••••ShTtSgkcHgcHNaaNdtEdlRRauruoEYuY.YsIhGDiPIiDnrltulvtlYCACYsSAHDNRJACianAOSJDNRCiaaioeoeIlaUPIlorrolcriISernAHeeerSmniHAerPPnPgntSOtlSyirSyiysphs0incamh0tncmeTgAOTeOIYaIYlthtT-rkoNtdrkrNtOranOTR-ieRaieLaLPpt-Ha&tt&re&Pie&idtiHiOdO•Yhc•nMYTnccTyeeEheiiysMsMahYGBaGyB1yC1dCCHsdC•HR•solesl&0i0ualuaYlYoo•PotiiPMiALsMLo1hnE1scnEtscnCnh•te•SSIgckPIgckhaaBdeBdRNrRNHHLueuaYsYrYseiPeiPatrltpIAlAsIsAICCiaaACialNlpaoaCioCl•lasapNarNairOilnsiHntHIPCignPgniAsArStCrSDD•snsietNieO•LOnnYYStLtAL•irTFrTeIcLeaaLCaLNLlHHPleIPailiOlHO•HNy•nanuIEPElIICrwsrwsCLGELeGPRRCICKAayLyAAPAYiiAYBll,dA,lLLpLlTTaaPwPPOPa•T•pIIMEtEtoYeoYNprENHeOHliiSilcSY•n•ns-S-AKkAICICODtPDtCPC-SI•N•NL•hLITlhIlNPoEioEyPtiAAyDHnDhnFsuFGnsTnTOyiioLEiIdLsIisIoIsSTcTTcTTtDTddtihRiohHoIHPNIaaPeNaaAIteAAAhArlrlElVaElINEeeIENeaNPTLpLrPpAPRRaSOSiRYVVi•s•AsApIiAitASYiBSLtiBWlilccsTaTaPAPOtOCC3t3EtEYBOYWWe2e2LLSLS22P•s•EsEAA5E5DEDNNSSSS!••NII••SEStEt!FuFFuFTETEUUdIdIIISwSwTTTNTNiiwowoNwwNNE. C• LKaItNe WIChitfo0rd - Os1te0o1paBthellarine Hwy, Point Lonsda101 Bellarine Hwy, Point Lonsdale Vic 3225 5258 4633CLINIC 0 101 Bellarine Hwy, Point Lonsdwww.ptlonsdalephysio.com.au LONSDALE GOLF CLUB 101 Bellarine Hwy, Point Lonsdale Vic 3225 17/11/2017 9:34 pmwww.ptlonsdalephysio.com.au69 Fellows Rd Point Lonsdale Phone 5258 1955 Untitled-6 1 17/11/2017 9:34 pmE: [email protected] W: lonsdalegc.com.au connect with us*POT CAN BE REPLACED WITH HOUSE WINE $20 LUNCH THE WORLD’S LEADING BRAND IN GOLF SIMULATION IS AVAILABLE TO PLAY IN POINT LONSDALE*Pot & Parma Night Tuesday to Sunday on Thursdays Kids courses and Junior Clubs available to hire DINNER OTHER MENU OPTIONS Junior Golf AVAILABLE Friday and Saturday nights $15 for 1 Hour of X-Golf Under 16 - Terms and conditions apply.COURSE & CLUBHOUSE OPEN TO NON-MEMBERS FAMILY FRIENDLY | INDOOR/OUTDOOR DINING Located at Lonsdale Golf Club - 69 Fellows Rd, Point Lonsdale 5258 1955 www.xgolf.com.au [email protected] BEER GARDEN | PLAYGROUND The Rip July 2018 Page 30
eeiinngg sportGirls reuinte to mark special winnce in Health and WellbeingIn 1978 netball dresses laced up at the frontnce in Health and Wellbeingand were a little more \"potato-sackish\" than the current styles. The pool of players from which Queenscliff could draw upon was a lot smaller than today’s talent offering and the likelihood of our small club winning an A-Grade premiership was, well, pretty slim. Nevertheless, that’s just what happened and this month, past players, supporters and the wider community is invited to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the unlikely win. The team, coached by Barb Moloney went in to Queenscliff's 1978 Premiership team is the clash against Leopold as slight underdogs, reuniting this month to celebrate the 40th but came away four goal winners. During the anniversary of their victory season the two sides met three times, for a drawN and a win each. “They had a huge number of players from Geelong comps that flooded into their club,”ESS recalls Doreen Bramwell, the team’s centre said. ages and anyone else who wants to come. I want player. “Many of them had played at a very While Sue doesn’t remember much about supporters, coaches, committee, I’m trying to get in touch with as many people as I can. elite level and we were just home-grown Coutas the game, she does remember the party at the Bowling Club afterwards. “I hope all the girls are coming, we’re working girls, with the exception of Coral Hammond on it.” The Saturday August 4 reunion will commence who came to us from Geelong. at 1pm and include a gathering at the netball Pictured from L to R: Leanne Baillieu (Neville), courts to watch our current A-Graders in action Coral Hammond, Doreen Bramwell, Sue Orvis “Our coach was a calm and a clever influence and a President’s luncheon, followed by a (Briggs), Jenny Oakley (Shapter), Bev Young celebration. (Barrett), Gail Renzenbrink (Main), Robyn on us all. Very fair but always expected the best Birrell (Hewitt), Margaret Giddings (Sullivan) “I don’t want it to be just a ladies day or just and Coach Barb Moloney. from us all,” Doreen said. for that group I’ve girls,” said Sue, who is also organising the event. “I want it to be for It was the last time, and possibly the only everyone, I want it to be netball through the time, the club tasted A-Grade glory, according to fellow team member Sue Orvis. “I believe it’s the only one we’ve won, but I could be wrong. There might have been one before but I haven’t heard of one since,” she Netball courts back on track Construction of Queenscliff’s new netball facilities is back on track, with the State Pictured from left, Cr Bob Merriman, Meagan Canaway, Grace Butler, Laura Mellican, Bellarine Government stepping in to help fund game day change rooms. MP Lisa Neville, Mayor Susan Salter, Scarlett Melican and Tori Peart at last month's new funding The additional $200,000 comes on top of announcement the $3.15 million already pledged by the government for stage two of the recreation “This is going to be a great facility, not just about this project, it’s supportive of planned reserve redevelopment. for you but also for the players coming through improvements and it’s fantastic to see their The Queenscliffe Council will contribute a further $400,000 towards the cost of the as well. vision is coming to fruition.” netball change rooms, which will also include a kitchenette and toilet. “I can’t wait to be back here and shooting The tender for construction of the netball The grant will come as welcome relief to some goals,” she said. change rooms has been awarded to BDH the Council, which recently revealed costs for the redevelopment project had blown out by Mayor Susan Salter said she was grateful the Constructions. $650,000. money had been made available. Once completed, the redevelopment will also After several delays, work is progressing on the redevelopment, however the courts are now “This funding will enable us to gorge ahead include four new cricket nets, a gymnasium not expected to be finished before the end of the current season. together to highlight the importance of creating and new car parking facilities. Initial funding for the redevelopment an environment that supports health, wellbeing, Plans for the gym are currently being was announced in the lead up to the 2014 state election and netballers were originally inclusion and participation in sport,” she said. finalised. Council will complete that element of promised the courts would be ready for this season. ‘The community are very passionate the project as an owner builder. Ms Neville conceded they had been “very patient” and had been forced to put up with “shoddy conditions.“ “We’re close now… hopefully [this] means were all on track and it’s all going to be done by September and I will be here to open it and I appreciate your patience along the way,” she said. The Rip July 2018 Page 31
The Rip July 2018 Page 32
Surfing... It’s a year round thingWinter stock now in store...Rip Curl, Quiksilver, Billabong, Rusty, Havaianas, Vans, Bonds, Emu and much more...4-6 Hesse Street Queenscli - 5258 1149 - www.labten.com.au MAKE FITNESS YOUR GOAL IN 2018! MaSsesrvaicgingethTe Bheellarrianepist ENERGY FOR LIFE RRusetmy’sedRPieaeptlar/SiirnpsaaoBnrdtlsaH/iRr-oeTmliaeexrMnateaiyoinnte/TnaMceJKerry Pettigrove P0h4: 014823933080183187 Ct. NeAunrodmyuRscuuslasr eTlhlerapyPersonal Trainer with more than 20 years experienceOne on One training • Group training Home RDepiapir.Ts her.Mass/B.Ed. (Phys Ed)Circuit Classes • Boxing Classes • Boot-camps LawSneaMsoonwainlHgmaeaniandltetgnhaardnFecueninngd [email protected] memberships available Pressure ClPeaOninIgNT LONSDALE5258 1670 - 0414 581670 Rubbish runs Kev’s Window, Door and Glazing Service OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: ● glass repairs ● glazing & mirrors ● sliding door rollers ● tracks & locks ● pet doors in glass ● shower screen repairs ● repairs to security doors, y doors and yscreens ● sash cord replacement ● windows re-puttied ● window winders Kevin Smith Mobile: 0418 519078 www.bwdgs.com.au Quali ed Glazier * No job too small * FREE quotes Servicing Queenscli , Point Lonsdale & the Bellarine Peninsula The Rip July 2018 Page 33
Ratepayers to Name change quashed Community keptcough up $7 million in the dark over A proposal to name the seat of Corangamite camping plan The Borough of Queenscliffe will reap $7.17 after a Queenscliff swimming teacher hasmillion in rates and charges and is anticipating been rejected by the Australian Electoral Queenscliffe Council’s is withholdinga $1.287 million underlying deficit after rolling Commission. details about its recent Camping Masterplanout an $11,104 million capital works program. consultation process, prompting claims it However the electorate’s boundaries will might be trying to hide the level of anger in the Councillors last week formally approved the be changed, making it harder for incumbent community.2018/19 budget. While the general rate increase Liberal MP Sarah Henderson to retain the seatwill be just 2.25 per cent, in line with the state in the next federal election. A month after the process finished, andgovernment’s rate cap, households can expect despite advising it would discuss the findingsto fork out more than $300 in recycling and The new-look electorate will lose townships at its June meeting, Council is refusing towaste fees. stretching from Gellibrand through Colac disclose how many submissions were received to Shelford, but will gain Drysdale, Clifton or community sentiment surveys completed. Owners of vacant residential land will be Springs and St Leonards.slugged an additional 25 per cent charge, while “Council has received a significant level ofpensioners can expect a $70 rebate, to help offset Ms Henderson was among those most feedback in response from the communitycost increases attached to the introduction of a opposed to a name change, fearing she would in relation to the Caravan Parks Masterplannew $170.60 fixed kerbside garbage collection be ridiculed as the Member for Cox. [and] officers are now intensively involvedcharge. in analysing the feedback that will form the While welcoming the AEC’s decision to basis of a formal report to Council in coming Council borrowings during this year will retain the name, Ms Henderson criticized the months,” said Community Engagement andincrease by $450,000 to cover the costs of boundary change. Customer Service Executive Officer Jessicarelocating five cabins from the Recreation Chappell.Reserve to the Golightly Caravan Park \"I am extremely pleased that the indigenous($210,000), address flooding concerns in name of our federation seat will be maintained, “It is therefore not appropriate to releaseSimpson and King Streets ($190,000) and boat reflecting the importance of our history and details of the community consultation until thisramp amenity improvements ($50,000). indigenous heritage. report is provided to the Council.” DIGBY MORAN “My first mission is to develop a The plan, which includes options to build as comprehensive plan for the entire Bellarine many as 58 cabins in the Recreation Reserve LANDSCAPES Peninsula to tackle the unacceptable and Royal, Victoria and Golightly caravan (Assoc. Dip Hort, Burnely) level of growth, coupled with inadequate parks, is thought to have attracted hundreds of infrastructure, which has compromised some responses. Specialising in low-maintenance, parts of the Bellarine. low-water gardens “It’s disappointing for the community that “I am incredibly disappointed to have lost Council have not given any public comment Design & Construction large parts of the electorate including Colac and re the number of submission received,” said Quality Paving district, parts of the Golden Plains and a large Golightly Caravan Park Association President Retaining Walls slice of Geelong including Belmont, Highton, Grant Wiltshire. “Our understanding is that Turf Wandana Heights and parts of Grovedale,” Ms Council received approximately 430 written Irrigation Henderson said. submissions objecting to the masterplan and in addition over 100 surveys were completed and Landscape Plans for Council A name change would have honoured approximately 150 people attended the drop in approval former Queenscliff resident May Cox, who was sessions – all overwhelmingly against the plan. instrumental in thousands of young Victorians Qualified Tree Arborist learning to swim under the VicSwim program. “When councils ask for community input, they should be completely transparent with 0412 520 438 or the volumes and themes of submissions 5258 1547 and importantly, listen and act to what the community is saying,” Mr Wiltshire said. email: [email protected] RULES AND FORMATS HAVE CHANGED FOR POWERS OF ATTORNEY Think ahead and be proactive! 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