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Home Explore TH RIP FEBRUARY 2016


Published by kcrane6, 2016-02-04 20:30:43

Description: TH RIP FEB WEB 2016


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26CELEBRATING February 2016 No. 276 YEARS Queenscliff and Point Lonsdale Your Community VoiceHow lucky are we?...This fabulous photo ofFelix McDonald floating inPoint Lonsdale rock poolswas snapped by his 13 yearbrother Oscar. We think itencapsulates how lucky weare to live here - a stunningenvironment and speciallifestyle!OUR STINGRAY COUTAS ONUNWELCOME VOTE ON A ROLL p42GUEST p5 HOLD p7 The Rip, February 2016 Page 1David McDonald Buildersbuilding with excellence Complete Building Service Award Winning Designs Coastal Living at its Crows Nest Place, Queenscli 3225.p: 0418 599620 e: [email protected]

The Rip, February 2016 Page 2

The Rip, February 2016 Page 3

O’D O W D design + construction BARWON HEADS imagine Open 7 Days innovate create 3/53 Hitchcock Ave - 5254 2277 email:[email protected] BUILDER OF THE YEAR instagram:@mossgrottobyalex Regional Victoria 2012 POINT LONSDALE POST OFFICE & NEWS magazines & newspapers ink cartridges art supplies toys, gifts & books all your stationary needs holiday essentials POSTAGE SERVICE open 7 days APFVOOABRILORAXEBENLSTE 99 Point Lonsdale Road 5258 1159 Franchises Now AvailableDon’t Miss the Boat! For MORE than just Mowing! SECURE YOUR AD SPACE FOR Gardening, Mulching, Rubbish Removal Gardening, Mulching THE MARCH EDITION OF THE RIP GuHtteeLdraJsgoneCbdTlsserBcaiFmaoorrpedmMidynOi,RngCEIg,ntoh,EsraRnpuxjproiudasertenarm-ttcoeoePwn/iWrnWugM!onoorirFFFnkrrrwkaaannngAAAcccciNNNvvvhhhnaaaooooiiisssiiiwwwllleeegaaavsssbbbllleeeer Gardening, Mulching BY THURSDAY PoFolricMeOPRoCElicthheaeCnhcjeukcskteemddowing! FEBRUARY 18 OInHsu&rSedCompliantFor MwOwPOIIIOPnnnRoowHHsssElluuuii.&&jcctrrriSSheemeeeadddCCCCsnmoohhjmmeeuoccswppkktlleeiimnaaddnngott.wneintg! Expert GPraurdneinngin, gH,eMdguelcThriinmgming EMAIL: [email protected] wwOwH.& Expert Pruning, Hedge Trimming or PHONE: 5258 4131 131 ExpIenrstuPrarunncien/gW, HoerkdcgoevTerimjobmsing InsuBroadnyceC/oWrpoorrkacteovweorrjkobs Award-winning qualityInsuBroadnyceC/oWrpoorrkacteovweorrjkobs 131 546Body Corporate work 113311 5544665 2 5 8 1 6 3 4Sustainable designs The Rip, February 2016 Page 4

Unwelcome Room for two!guest shutsbeach A shark sighting on Point Lonsdale's back beach was not going to interrupt front beach fun for Point Lonsdale groms Lucy Naylor and Bea Conroy. The talented duo showcased their skills in a Authorities took the rare step of closing tandem ride at the as part of a junior Boardriders event. Photo Myles ConroyPoint Lonsdale back beach and a local surfcompetition has been postponed for a month, the water. “Life Saving Victoria have a standardafter a large shark was spotted close to shore Mr Cohen said he could not tell what species operating procedure for this which includeslast weekend. closing the beach, alerting the public and doing of shark it was. A shark was spotted in the same a search of the water and requesting a helicopter Local surfer Keith Cohen was among three area the previous day. if there is one available.competitors participating in a heat of the PointLonsdale Boardriders’ Davo Classic when the The Boardriders committee met immediately “It is definitely rare to have a shark sightingshark paid an unwelcome visit. after the incident and opted to postpone the and to close the beach at Point Lonsdale but it Davo until the March long weekend. highlights the importance of swimming at a “Another of the competitors said to me I just patrolled beach between the flags, where thesaw a fin, and I said it’s probably just a dolphin. Surf Club President Matthew Ponsford life guards are on duty,\" he said.We were right out the back, which was about said the beach was closed as a standard200 metres offshore. I thought nothing of it precautionary measure.but about five seconds later I saw the shark,probably about 15 metres away from me,\" MrCohen said. \"There was a fair bit of it out of the water, itwas swimming sideways, so it wasn’t coming atme, but it was between six and eight foot longso it was bigger than me. Mr Cohen admitted to some anxiousmoments paddling into shore not knowingwhere the shark was. “I ended up catching a wave and was ableto surf in and let the others know. There wereabout 30 or 40 people on the shore who wereable to view it because it swam right into theshallows,” he said. Club members sounded the shark alarm. Thesurf life saving club closed the beach while theWestpac rescue chopper conducted a sweep ofIT’S TIME FOR A queenscliff BACK TODENIM UPDATE! SCHOOLNEW LONDON Valentine’s Day SPECIAL 42 Hesse Street, Queenscliff (03) 5258 2912 Don’t forget to spoil your loved Wreci•tehive•evearycofamcpialilmyeonutawriyll one with a GIFT VOUCHER We also have gift bags collagen hand treatment. + hand cream & pedi in a box for $25 *Valid mon to fri until Feb 14. Experience the difference... TREATMENT 2.•dMerEmaNloUgica all cleanstart facials •cosmeceutical peels •organic facials •pedicures & manicures •shellac application MASSAGE •deep tissue •relax •hot stone •remedial *healthifund rebates available 5258 4233 Level 1, Queenscliff Harbour wwww.queensclifffdayspffaH.caorbmo.uaru The Rip, February 2016 Page 5

Borough Bulletin February 2016Mayor’s message Have Your Say on the Draft The proposal for a study of the values of the Rating Strategy wetlands on and adjacent to the BellarineIt has been a bumper start to the year Peninsula is consistent with the strategicwith a huge influx of visitors and holiday Council is seeking your feedback on the draft directions contained in the 2013–2017 Councilmakers making the most of the very warm Rating Strategy. This is particularly important Plan. This is a joint initiative of the Geelongstart to 2016. We have welcomed a lot this year due to the impact of State Government Environment Council Inc. and the Queenscliffeof new campers and caravan travellers, imposed rate capping and how this alters the Environment Forum Inc. Please drop into find outwho had holiday plans impacted by way that Council rates are proposed to be further information and share your feedback.the bushfires along the Great Ocean calculated. The draft Rating Strategy has beenRoad. There was also fantastic local prepared on the basis that Council does not Loo Review for the Boroughparticipation and day trippers attendance intend to prepare a submission to the Essentialat the recent Sand Sculpture Contest and Services Commission to seek a variation to the Council is inviting local residents, businessesthe Rip View Swim Classic. 2016/17 rate cap of 2.5%. and community organisations to have their say to improve the quality of public toilet provisionThis month it is also my pleasure to In introducing the rate capping legislation the across the Borough of Queenscliffe. The provisionofficially welcome Peter Russell onto State Government has recognised that waste and management of appropriately located, safeCouncil. I look forward to working with collection costs are escalating at more than and clean public toilets is an important localPeter alongside my fellow Council CPI. The State Government legislation provides service that enhances the experience of residentscolleagues to get on with delivering for capacity for Councils to recover these costs. and visitors who enjoy the many attractions andthe projects and community initiatives These costs are currently unknown as Council facilities throughout the Borough.detailed in the Council Plan. Peter’s first is tendering for the provision of its wasteofficial Council Meeting is on collection service. Gilbert Consulting has prepared a draft StrategyWednesday 24 February. report and an executive summary for consideration Council is proposing to introduce a General by the community and by Council. The draft PublicFinally there are a number of important Waste charge to recover the costs of collection Toilet Strategy 2015–2025 was the subject of acommunity engagement activities and disposal of kerbside general waste from Council Report in November 2015 and is now ontaking place this month. Your feedback those who have access to the service only. public exhibition until 29 February 2016.and input is highly valued so please take Council will reduce the amount of general ratesthe time to contribute your ideas. Public it intends to raise to exclude the cost of general The Strategy proposes a total of thirty threesubmissions in relation to the draft waste collection. This will appear as a separate (33) actions to be undertaken over the nextRating Strategy and the draft charge on the rates notice. ten years that will improve the performancePublic Toilet Strategy are welcomed. and management of Council’s public toilets. Council is not intending to introduce a fixed Submissions are welcomed and will be receivedPlease feel free to contact me or one of my municipal charge. until 4pm on Thursday 29 February. Copies offellow Councillors if you require assistance the documents are available for inspection ator wish to share your thoughts with us. Council is proposing to double the Council the Municipal Offices, 50 Learmonth Street, pension rebate from $20 to $40. Queenscliff between 9:00am and 4:00pm.Cr Helene CameronMayor – Borough of Queenscliffe The draft Rating Strategy is available for Kerbside Hard Waste inspection at the Council offices and on Council’s CollectionNext Council Meeting website from 21 January to 17 February 2016. Interested community members are encouraged Your free Kerbside Hard Waste CollectionCouncil next meets on Wednesday to make a submission on any proposal contained will be held on Saturday, 19 March 2016. Hard24 February at 7pm. All welcome. in the draft Strategy by 4pm on Wednesday rubbish waste collection is great way for 17 February. A public meeting is proposed to people to de-clutter their house or possessions,For more information be held at the Queenscliff Town Hall to hear appliances and furniture that are no longer in submissions from members of the public at working order or of any use to the owner.Contact Cr Helene Cameron, Mayor, 7:00pm on Thursday, 18 February 03 5258 1377 or 0448 887 728. A hard waste collection is a convenient way to Pop Up in the Park dispose of items too large for regular household waste disposal, or for items with specific Council is holding a pop up community drop disposal requirements, such as mattresses and in session in Field Park on Thursday 4 February whitegoods. This service ensures that certain from 12pm to 2:00pm. The pop up is to seek items, such as refrigerators and televisions, are community feedback regarding a request to be disposed of correctly to ensure minimal for Council to ask the Victorian Environment impact on the local environment. Assessment Council to undertake a study of the values of the wetlands on and adjacent Hard waste items (other than whitegoods) to the Bellarine Peninsula with a view to the must not exceed 32kg in weight, 1.2m in possible establishment of a Wetland Nature length or 0.6m in width/depth. Visit Conservation Reserve. for more information on items that will be collected. 50 Learmonth Street (PO Box 93) Queenscliff VIC 3225 | Phone: 03 5258 1377 | Fax: 03 5258 3315 The Rip, February 2016 Page 6

Stingray feeding decision New Councillordelayed looks to steady the ship Plans for a stingray feeding attraction at Anti-stingray feedingQueenscliff’s Fisherman’s Wharf have been signs have been Queenscliffe residents have avoided adelayed, after it was revealed the application posted in front yards costly municipal by-election, with localskipped a mandatory stage of the planning on Fisherman's businessman Peter Russell putting his hand upapproval process. Flat and elsewhere to fill the Councillor vacancy left by the sudden across the borough resignation of Deputy Mayor Greg Jones. Environment Minister Lisa Neville hasintervened to halt Queenscliffe Council may not get through the process of coastal Mr Russell was the only remaining candidatedeliberations of the project after being informed management,” Ms Neville said. from the 2012 general elections eligible to takeby her department it had not been granted on the role. Having previously declined theCoastal Management Consent. Harbour Manager Sean Blackwood said position, he conceded the cost to ratepayers of a community consultations would commence fresh poll – just nine months out from the next The applicant, Queenscliff Harbour Pty Ltd this month (February). general local government elections - forced a(QHPL), has been told it must first undertake change of heart.extensive community consultation and provide “Queenscliff Harbour is committed toa detailed environmental assessment of the listening to the community and will stage a “The VEC spoke to me and basically if I didn’tproposal and a three-year stingray feeding consultation process that will allow a number accept it the Council would be required to golicense issued to QHPL by Fisheries Victoria of opportunities for the community to provide to a by-election and the general cost of that iswill remain inactive until Coastal Management comment about the project. between $80,000 and $90,000 and I thought thatconsent is given, Ms Neville said. was a bit tough on the community,” Mr Russell “The Fishermans Wharf rejuvenation said. “I spoke to my family and it’s just for eight “There’s a massive gap here and Council project will be an exciting development for months, so we all thought I can do it and soshouldn’t have been considering this and the Queenscliff. It will see the redevelopment of the that’s it and here I am.”fisheries license is in a sense irrelevant. We’ve unsafe and dilapidated wharf and involve thesent them (QHPL) back to the drawing board if transformation of the tired old slipway into a Mr Russell boasts considerable localyou like, to go back to the community. modern eco-tourism facility,” he said.  government experience. He previously served for 10 years as a councilor and Mayor on “We have told them we are not issuing “The consultation will involve experts the Moorabool Shire. He said he hopes hisCoastal Management Consent unless and until on a range of topics including planning, background enables him to settle quickly intothere is significant community consultation cultural heritage, traffic management, coastal the new role but is not looking to force dramaticand engagement and I want to see some way management and animal welfare.” change.forward that people can feel confident about asin, is there a compromise or is there a different The previous state government committed “The other Councillors have done all of theproposal. $1.8m for the project, which includes repairing hard yards, they’ve set their budget, they’ve Fisherman’s Wharf, filling in the Cayzer slipway set their plans, it’s not for me to come in within “The key priority is we have to fix this wharf. and building a stingray feeding auditorium and only [eight] months… to try to overturn all theIf they want the stingrays as part of it they need outdoor cinema. things they’ve done. I will just purely act as ato go through a proper process and it may or MEANWHILE upwards of 1500 people have Councillor and do my best to look after issues opposed the development via two separate as they arise before me and let the process work petitions. More than 1,000 have signed its way through. a petition circulated in local outlets over summer. A further 455 people have voiced \"Hopefully my prior experience will help me their opposition via the website to catch up quick,” he said. The fifth councillor’s position initially became vacant in October, following the resignation of Graham Christie for health reasons. After a modified count back process Mr Russell was offered the job ahead of Mr Jones but declined. Mr Jones spent just six weeks in the role. He quit after learning he had an “indirect interest” and was therefore ineligible to vote on a contentious planning application for a stingray feeding attraction at Queenscliff Harbour. \"We need more Councillors!\"- Local Government Minister told. Page 10. CLARK HOMES▬ builders with experience ▬ ○Green Smart Builders ○ Quality Customised Homes○ Architectural Designed Homes ○Complete Building Service ○Building & Planning Permits ○ Renovations & Extensions ○ Multi Dwelling developments PH: 5258 4640 - 0418 366938 [email protected] 2062 Bellarine Highway, Marcus Hill Registered Building Practitioner Housing Industry Association Member The Rip, February 2016 Page 7

Congratulations! Together we’ve composted274,960kgs of green waste through our newkerbside bin service.Our efforts to use this new service have reduced the weight ofmaterial sent to landfill by 17% compared to the same time last year.You’re doing a great job using this new service with only a smallamount of contamination found in our green waste bins.Contamination is items that cannot be composted. Some of thecontamination we have found in green waste bins includes;• Plastic bags • Plastic bottles and food containers• Used dog poo bags • Plant labels and black plant pots• Food scrapsThese items should NOT be placed in your green waste bin.Trucks with high levels of contamination may be sent to landfill andincurring additional disposal fees.Visit for more informationon how to correctly use your green waste bin service. 50 Learmonth Street (PO Box 93) Queenscliff VIC 3225 | Phone: 03 5258 1377 | Fax: 03: 5258 3315 DRYSDALE FLOORING CENTRES Queenscliff Village News FREE Give your 72 Hesse Street, Queenscliff 3225 home a Phone: 5258 1828 Fax: 5258 5128Measure & Quote Email: [email protected] fresh LOCALLY new look... Need Ink? Need Toner? OWNED CARPET You know what to do.... Installation TIMBER Service BAMBOO SAVE, SAVE, SAVE! VINYL LAMINATE e.g. HP 61 Twin Pack– save $7.57, our price $96.55 (O ceworks $104.12) Neil Petrie e.g. Canon CL-526 Plus Pack – save $6.50, Proprietor our price $126.50 (O ceworks $133.00) 5253 1855 If you are buying your ink from anywhere else, 61-63 Murradoc Rd you are paying too much! Drysdale, 3222 The Rip, February 2016 Page 8

Summer is here... Kev’s Window, Door and Glazing Service• DOG GROOMING 7 Days a week throughout Summer OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: • Flea, Worming and Mosquito treatments ● glass repairs • Quality dog food and treats • Great range of high quality toys ● glazing & mirrors ● sliding door rollers • Designer collars and leads for all weather conditions ● tracks & locks• DOG GROOMING 7 Days a week throughout Summer ● pet doors in glass ● shower screen repairs • Flea, Worming and Mosquito treatments ● repairs to security doors, y doors and yscreens ● sash cord replacement • Quality dog food and treats ● windows re-puttied ● window winders • Great range of high quality toys Kevin Smith• Designer collars and leads for all weather conditions Mobile: 0418 519078 Call 5258 5441 for grooming appointments ooCuuaSrrllhrr5eeo2ttpaa5iiO8ll ssn5hhl4ioon4p1pe faaaotttrw11g00wrHoHwooo.lmbbasspinooegnntteaSSrpttirrepee.oceeiottn,,mtQQm.uuaeeueneetnsnsscclliiffff Quali ed Glazier * No job too small * FREE quotesVisit Servicing Queenscli , Point Lonsdale & the Bellarine Peninsula Shop Online at • 5258 5441 • 5258 5441   Servicing Geelon gandClassic Fireplaces & Barbecues has your Weber barbecue requirements covered with afull range of portable, trolley or built-in barbecues in natural and bottled gas options. theBellarine since1975.  Call in today and see our great range of barbecues, smokers and accessories.  99 West Fyans Street, Newtown  (Just 500 metres from Simonds Stadium)  Telephone 5222 1688  Mon – Fri 9 am to 5 pm. Sat 9 am – 3 pm       The Rip, February 2016 Page 9

Boundarydiscussionresumes Only a groundswell of local support will Cr Salter. \"We needachieve boundary change to grow the Borough “They live here, they have their being more councillors\"of Queenscliffe, according to Local GovernmentMinister Natalie Hutchins. here and we think they should be part of A former Borough of Queenscliffe Councillor this community, they should vote in this has implored the state government to restore The Minister was in town last month to community, they should have a voice in this our councillor numbers to seven.“resume the discussion” on whether the community.”existing Fellows Road boundary should be John Burgess, who served as a councillor forextended to take in houses on the western side However several west Point Lonsdale 12 years, said the recent resignations of Grahamof Point Lonsdale, currently within the City of residents voiced opposition to change. Christie and Greg Jones have highlighted theGreater Geelong (CoGG). need for greater respresentation. “I have never heard of a groundswell from More than 100 residents attended the meeting people on [the west] side to become part \"We've had a fiasco here with a recentlyat the Point Lonsdale Primary School, despite a of the Borough of Queenscliffe. I think the appointed Councillor, he's in the job for aboutsearing temperature of around 40 degrees. groundswell is solely on your side,” said one. six weeks then walks in and resigns on the spot. That leaves us with four councillors. “I’m here today to hear why there is so much “I think it is also incredibly undemocracticcommunity interest, what are the reasons that borough is looking to take over people on \"Conflicts of interest... holidays, sick leave -behind this, what are the needs and how that side…it is just a rate grab,” he continued. five councillors simply does not work,\" he toldit would benefit the local community,” Ms Local Government Minister Natalie Hutchins atHutchins said. A 2012 plebiscite on boundary change in was a recent community meeting. narrowly defeated. Queenscliffe CEO Lenny “I know people are frustrated and they feel Jenner said the council had no plans for a fresh The number of Queenscliffe Councillors wasthis has been an ongoing issue for a long time, vote. reduced from seven to five in 2008. A review ofbut there would need to be with the current the current arrangement is not due for anotherresidents that live here a consultation period Ms Hutchins visit was part of a statewide four yearsby which people are asked for their opinion campaign for local government reform. Shebeyond this meeting. implored residents to participate in a current The Minister said she would welcome local review of the sector. Residents are encouraged submissions on the issue: \"Bear in mind there “If I am satisfied as a Minister that there to have their say via the Your Council, Your is a cost to having Councilors and that cost is ais a groundswell - which I feel that today’s Community website. financial cost that is a burden on the council inturnout in such intense weather is a fantastic terms of governance arrangements and a wholedemonstration that people are really passionate Pictured: Local Government Minister Natalieabout this issue - and people are willing to put Hutchins and Queenscliffe CEO Lenny range of other things.\"forward submissions and that we actually give Jenner address the community on boundaryother people that couldn’t make it today a say, change. Inset: John Burgess pleads for morethen certainly there is room under the [Local councillorsGovernment] Act for me to make a decisionaround this boundary.” Residents who supported change - includingformer mayors Chris Player and Val Lawrence,Councillors Susan Salter and Sue WastervalPoint Lonsdale Civic Association President FayAgterhuis - cited economic growth, certaintyin planning, the need for the borough to beable control its own green wedge and a desirefor local children to be able to live within themunicipality they were raised. “Many of the young people of our communityare actually building west of Queenscliffe…and those are children and grandchildren ofpeople who have lived here a long time,” saidHOME ABOUT US FEATURED PROJECTS MEDIA TESTIMONIALS CONTACT US ABOUT US FEATURED PROJECTS MEDIA TESTIMONIALS CONTACT US CLIENT LOGINHEYWARD CONSTRUCTIONS P/LHOME Nick Heyward • All aspects of Building & Construction • Architectural New Homes & Additions Ph: 0412 121906 Email: [email protected]“We find it exciting to take a building from the plans to the sky” The Rip, February 2016 Page 10

Holiday Property Management Bookings Table Linen Queenscliff & Pt Lonsdale HomewaresAre you looking for a LampsProperty Manager for Leather Travel Bags your holiday house? HedgrenBeach Breaks Bellarine offers a Baggalinifresh professional andpersonalised approach to CitrineFrench Cutleryholiday property management.Our aim is to unlock the earning 30 Hesse Street Queenscliff • 52585378 • Open 10am • 5pm- [email protected] of your home orinvestment. televisionTalk to us today about ourcompetitive rates and range of • Installation of TV antennas/mast headservices... Cheryl & Philip amplifiers/boosters/TV points/cabling 0424 172 050 • Set up and tuning of TV’s/DVD’s/audio [email protected] equipment/digital recorders etc • All TV reception problems diagnosed & fixed using the latest test equipment • All areas of Bellarine Peninsula & Geelong Keith Dorman: M: 0411 490 430 T: 03 5258 2068 E [email protected] Blinds & Shutters plantation shutters e-screensblinds | curtains | shutters | awnings Superior Quality roller blinds dual rollersPh 5254 1338 OuFtr3set0ean%indsintaOgllsaFetirFovnice panel glide LOWEST PRICE timber venetians GUMAaRyAoNnTlyEE aluminium venetians curtainsCall today for your free measure & quote padded pelmets swags & tails fabric framing upholstery outdoor awnings motorisatione: [email protected] LBMUIICMHILADBELERS SPECIALIDSETSSIGINNE&COC-OCNOSNTSRIUDECRTIAOTNE W: WWW.MICHAELLIMBBUILDERS.COM.AU E: [email protected] M: 0410650019 The Rip, February 2016 Page 11

Locals receive Australia Day honours More than 50 years of working to protect has made numerous cups of tea to help withPictured: Above, Joan Kenwood said she Queenscliffe’s environment and preserve its asylum seeker and refugee support events,was receives the borough's Citizen of the heritage have earned Point Lonsdale’s Joan being a strong supporter of heritage values andyear award. Below, Young Citizen of the Year Kenwood the borough’s Citizen of the Year a member of many political and environmentalrecipient Liam Petrie Albutt with his grandfather award. communities in the Borough. Joan is a trueGil Albutt and sister Hannah. Right, Jocelyn community leader, her passion for causesGrant and Margaret Stowers accept an award No one at the Australia Day celebration will and a better world continues to this day, shefrom Australia Day Ambassador Russel Rees. have been surprised to witness Mrs Kenwood provides an inspirational beacon for others in untie an apron from around her waist and step the community. from behind the tea stand she was volunteering at to receive the honour. Point Lonsdale Surf Life Saving Club Vice President Liam Petrie-Albutt has been The former President of the Queenscliff named Young Queenscliffe Citizen of the Community Association (QCA) said the prize Year, continuing a strong family tradition of was a team effort – and thanked all of those volunteerism. who have shared her causes. Liam has been instrumental in a number “I am very humbled and appreciative of of initiatives including the development and this recognition but any of the things I have implementation of the Nippers in School achieved couldn’t be done without the people program. He also helped coordinate the annual around me. These are the people who share my Rip View Swim Classic, and is a key adviser to ideals of preserving the borough’s environment, the Rotary Club ‘s Lighting of the Christmas heritage and community spirit,” she said at the Tree committee. Australia Day award ceremony. ■ The Community Service of the Year “I would like to thank my colleagues at Award was presented to Queenscliffe Rotary the Community Association for supporting me during the years of my presidency at the The organisation, which last year celebrated QCA. Nothing could be achieved without their 10 years, ws instrumental in a number of support.” events over the past 12 months including the Queenscliffe Bricks Lego exhibition, Vanuatu Mayor Helene Cameron described as a Cyclone Appeal, a drug awareness forumand worthy recipient of the award and a the lighting of the Christmas tree. “prized and valued citizen of this ■ Community Environment Project of the community.” Year: Bellarine Catchment Network – Point Lonsdale Primary School Coast Care Caring “Her contributions have been outstanding, for our Bays day with a strong commitment to community issues, charitable concerns, heritage The inaugural Point Lonsdale Primary School values, environmental issues, social justice, Coast Care Day was organised by Grade 3 and humanitarian causes and refugee issues.” 4 students. It featured games and activities that focused on the impact of litter on our waterways For the past 18 years Joan has been president and bays, protection of Hooded Plovers and the of the Queenscliff Community Association, she importance of our Moonah Woodlands. ■ The Community Event of the Year: Queenscliffe Historical Museum 1915 WW1 ANZAC 100th Commemoration ‘Weaving the Threads of Remembrance’ The Queenscliffe Historical Museum Research Group initiated a WW1 project to commemorate the life of WW1 Nurse Violet Duddy.Keeping it in the family Gil Albutt says he couldn't be prouder of 2008, recently deceased grandmother Nan wasgrandson Liam's achievements and with good our Citizen of the Year in 2014 and Mr Albuttreason. himself received the honour in 1993. The dynamic Point Lonsdale Surf Life Saving \"Liam is a terrific young man and heClub Vice President became the fourth member thoroughly deserves this,\" said Mr Albutt.of the family to receive an Australia Day \"They’re all vital people who do things, createHonour, when he was awarded Queenscliff's things and make things happen, which is reallyYoung Citizen of the Year. wonderful for me and those around them.\" Liam's sister Hannah won the same award in The Rip, February 2016 Page 12

New garbage charge not our fault - Council The Borough of Queenscliffe denies the Cr Merriman said while the overall waste previous year’s hike was 4.5%.introduction of a new household garbage fee collection costs to the borough are yet tois designed to offset a loss of budget income, be determined, the new charge would vary The new-look rates notice will include:likely with the introduction of rate capping between properties, depending on the level of •The general rate, capped at 2.5%across Victoria. rates paid. • A new General Waste Charge (varies between properties) The Council has proposed the new General “To do it any other way would mean the • The state government fire levy, set toWaste Charge, which will see households lower income people would be paying more rise by 5%pay separately for their garbage collection rates and that would be grossly unfair,” Crand disposal, depending on the value of their Merriman said. Written submissions can be made until 17property. February 2016 and will be considered by “We are applying the fairest method we can Council at a public meeting at the Queenscliff Until now the cost has been incorporated into under the Act. If the Minister things we are Town Hall at 4.00pm on Thursday, 18the general rates. wrong she will tell us.” February 2016. Bob Merriman, Councillor responsible for the The Borough has bemoaned the likely impact Have your say onfinances portfolio, said the Council was being of the rates cap on its revenue stream, however our loosforced to isolate the charge for the first time, it says it will not seek an exemption from theunder a state government directive. Essential Service Commission. Council is inviting local residents, businesses and community organisations to have their say “If the state government didn’t change the Speaking in Point Lonsdale last month Local to improve the quality of public toilet provisionrules, we would still be where we are. Government Minister Andrea Hutchins said across the Borough of Queenscliffe. the rate cap was designed to make Councils “We didn’t want to change what we were more accountable for their charges. The draft plan proposes 33 actions to bedoing but the government says we have to. undertaken over the next ten years that willThere are seven councils out of 79 in this “We’ve heard loud and clear from Councillors improve the performance and management ofposition, that have to now break up our total [and] many CEOs from the 79 councils across Council’s public toilets.rate to identify waste,” he said. the state about their concerns about linking rate hikes to CPI, but we’ve also heard from a lot of The draft plan is available for inspection When combined with rates, the new charge community groups and a lot of residents who on the Borough’s website. Comments can bemeans properties can expect an overall hike have not been happy at the rate rates have been submitted by 4pm Monday 29 municipal charges of more than the state increasing,” she said.government’s enforced 2.5% cap. “We want to make sure that there is buy- The across the board increase in municipal in from the community, that there is a realcharges is likely to be in the order of 3.75%, Cr utilisation of budget assets across councilsMerriman said. before those rate increase go too high and above CPI.” A five per cent rise in the fire levy willonly add to householder woes. The financial Queenscliffe rates increased by 3.8% lastpressure for pensioners will be eased with a $40 year - one of the lowest rises in the state. Therate discount.Come in and check out your new-look IGA..more fresh - more products - more smilesand the same great customer service we are renowned for. Certified organic & fresh daily at Point Lonsdale IGA ● market fresh fruit & vegetables ● butcher quality meat ● full delicatessen ● antipasto & cheeses ● artisan breads ● liquor, including local wines ● extended gluten free range Point LonsdalePoint Lonsdale Road, Point Lonsdale - 5258 4911 OPEN 7 DAYS - 8am to 8pm The Rip, February 2016 Page 13

C E L E B R AT I N G 21 yearsAlso Also lOo&cceBaantaeoGrdnwroaovtehtnO&eHBcBeeaaerawdlnloasnGrHirneoaevdes located atCould this be your dream home? From the heart and the sould of the Bellarine, our team delivers a time-honoured tradition of initmate localknowledge combined with the strength of a broad network9 GILL ROAD POINT LONSDALEAuction Saturday 12th March at 11.0R0TaEmDGA R BELLARIN E TEAMStunnPPieentteegrr mCMooorlddloneyerrn h00o4411m47e5585c28lo22s8095e to suIAralfnebxFreBieaonycdlhe and G00o4421lf42C51l85u41b98.5114 Peter Amezdroz 0418 500 308 Prue Street 0400 030 729This bVeialmutaifuJollhynpsroensen0t4e3d8l0u0x5ur4y6m2 odernPfaetmerilyLihnodmemeasnitu0a4te1d8 i5n2a5 6q0u9iet no thJororduganh Qrouaindnoffers04e0x0ce2l5le2n2t3a3ccommodation and spaciousliving. Layout includes: Entrance hall, study, large main bedroom (walk-in-robe & ensuite), separate living room (gas log fire), separatedining room,Wophen pyolaunmkiatckheetnhe(wdaelcki-sino-npatontbrye)reopprenseinngtetdo bAylfrReTscEodgaarer,ay,ofuamarielycrhoooomsi,nhgoVmicetothrieaa’, three further bedrooms (built-in-robesW),efalomoiklyfobrawtharrodotmo w(soerkpianrgatweitthoiyleot)u,osnetphaerastuecclaeusnsfdurlym. Faerkaetutirnegs:oLf ayondusr cparoppedergtyaardnednbsr,idnugcintegdyhoeuatthineg & cooling, polished timberflooring, doublbeersetmporitceegfoarraygoeur(ipnrtoeprnearltya.cLcisetsnso),wsttaoteshoofwthceasaeryt oauprppliaronpceerst.yInamspoencgtiostnViisctsourriae’ RT EDGA R BELLARIN E TEAMPeter Cordner 0414 582 289 Ian Friend 0414 58 1811 Peter Amezdroz 0418 500 308Peter Molloy 0417 558 205 Alex Boyle 0422 154 954 Prue Street 0400 030 729Vilma Johnson 0438 005 462 Peter Lindeman 0418 525 609 Jordan Quinn 0400 252 233 When you make the decision to be represented by RT Edgar, you are choosing Victoria’s best.We look forward to working with you on the successful marketing of your property and bringing you the SOLD SOLD SOLDbest price for your property. List now to showcase your property amongst Victoria’s finest.7 Diggorra Court, Point Lonsdale 10 Cowry Way, Point Lonsdale 14 Norman Crescent, Point Lonsdale Contact: Peter Cordner - 0414 582289 Prue Street - 0400 030729 Felix Hakins - 0400 03500061 Point Lonsdale Road, Point Lonsdale • 5258 1811 • The Rip, February 2016 Page 14

Safety fears prompt Dog Positive signs for Joanna MonahanBeach overhaul Queenscliff’s Joanna Monahan is showing Joanna Monahan is making strong progress in The Borough of Queenscliffe has defended incredible signs of progress, some six weeks her recovery according to husband Gregrecent works at the popular dog beach, claiming after a freak cycling accident almost claimedthey were required because of several near her life. She’s coming alongmisses between cars and pedestrians. 100 miles an hour at The highly respected lawyer has regained the moment The new design, incorporating a bitumen as much as 75 percent of her memory and is – Greg Monahanpedestrian and bike path, has been heavily walking with assistance, according to husbandcriticised by regular users - some complaining Greg, who has maintained an almost constant department.the reduction in car parking spaces will force bedside vigil. In recent months she had established hervehicles out onto the road and could result indogs escaping into Bellarine Highway traffic. “This has only happened over the last few own legal practice at Queenscliff harbor, after days, she’s coming along 100 miles an hour at many years as a senior lawyer with Harwood “It’s a clear case of over-kill,” said one the moment. She’s even walking short distances Andrews.resident who contacted The Rip. “I’m not and shuffling around with a bit of help.aware of there having been any concerns withthe original layout and now there just aren’t “Everything is improving,” he said.enough spaces to accommodate dog owners “At this stage we don’t know how muchduring busy times.” longer she’s going to be here but everything is going in the right direction very fast. The beach is regularly listed as one of the best “Three days ago she still couldn’t speak atin the state for dog owners to access. all and now she’s got a massive amount of her memory back and she’s speaking well. We’ve A Borough spokesperson conceded Council just got to get her body right now.”had fielded a number of enquiries about the Mrs Monahan was thrown over the handlebarschanges, including the some 16 signs erected of her bike after a small piece of metal waswithin the precinct. flicked up from the road and into her bike’s forks during an early morning, group training “Council is definitely taking on board the ride at Bellbrae on December’s feedback in terms of the signage She was flown by air ambulance to the Alfredthat is down there and officers are currently Hospital in a critical condition with severe headundertaking an audit of existing signage to injuries and remained in a coma in intensivedetermine what we can remove,” she said. care for more than three weeks. She has since been moved to Caulfield “In terms of regular users beyond the Hospital for intensive period [the works] are definitely about The incident sent shockwaves through localproviding a very clearly-defined disabled sporting and legal fraternities. Mr Monahanaccess… and also a safe shared use space for is president of the Queenscliff football club,everyone. his wife had been at the helm of the netball “We’ve had some very, very lucky escapes,”she said. All our summer clothing is SERIOUSLY discounted... 1 0labten 4-6 Hesse Street Queenscliff 5258 1149 The Rip, February 2016 Page 15

Local Wills and Estates Lawyer Sarah Cohen Harwood Andrews Wills & Estates We can assist you with: › Wills and succession planning › Powers of attorney › Probate › Administration of deceased estates › Disputed estates › Home visits are available 03 5225 5225 New in store... Robert Gordon Australia Pot of Gold mugs and exclusive to Hermit Crab Homewares, Robert Gordon Wren kitchen jug and Wren mug made in Victoria; Bonnie and Neil crockery and linen made in Melbourne; Stanley Rogers copper cutlery box sets; Cuisinart appliances and induction cookware; Global and Mundial knife block sets; all your favourite gadgets and utensils.something for everyone this summerHabitat, Serroni and ECD outdoor dining ware ▪ Robert Gordon Australia ▪ OPEN 7 DAYS FREE GIFT WRAPPINGSomething for everyone!▪ basic white platters and salad bowls ▪ drinking glass and stemware ▪ BRIDAL & GIFT REGISTRY StanlSeyhRoogpers2c,utl6er7y ▪-T6a9la bPakoewinaret ▪LJoosnepshdJoaseleph R▪ Loe Cardeuset ▪ your favourite gadgets, utensils and much more... The Rip, February 2016 Page 16 JANUARY TRADING H5O2U5R8S:4O8P8EN8 7 DAYS, 8AM - 8PM Free home delivery across Bellarine Shop 2, 67-69 Point Lonsdale Road, Point Lonsdale 5258 4888

Watermark clothing & lifestyle Summer sale on now 53 Point Lonsdale Road - 5258 1008Firepit & Foraged Seaside Lunch Sunday 6th March As part of the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival, Kiltynane Wines is proud to host our ‘Firepit & Foraged, Seaside Alfresco Lunch’ • Explore the edible garden or forage for indigenous plants. • Learn about the role of biodynamics and sustainability on the farm/vineyard with Wine Director Kate Kirkhope and permaculture gardener Ben Shaw. • Enjoy a two-course banquet style lunch with matching wines as you take in the stunning views across Swan Bay. KILTYNANE WINES at Basils Farm Nye Road Swan Bay. Cafe Bookings: 5258 4280 (February Open Thur - Sun 10am-5pm) To book > go to (Click on ‘Go Regional’ and we are on page 3) The Rip, February 2016 Page 17

, manipulate QQuueeeennssclciflfifNf eNigehigbhoburohuorohdood House interesting TermHoOusneea-t FtheebBrueaarcyh to March 2016of fun in the Term 2, April to June 2013450x450mm)e end of the3PhT●ooANnbREeiTn:WY5DE2rXT5iHvP8eLI3O,SP3RTO6AE7•TBREIOomMNxaS3il0: ,[email protected]•mhttp://home.vicnet.necvM●hatoerL.nyacE.dukaHAy/aORs~sUNfsqrSooTnmEmOheGFoCeTAbuuRLreuLsOsaEeCdrR/yaHYy1Ess-tTt,hh1tet0p.g3:/a0/alalermtraytthoisonucoslooensg.eaCdlloefsortyr:.cb$l1lao5sgspsewpso. ta.cnodms.cahuo/ol holiday timesANY age and ANY Ability... a chance to spend some time with others, using a varietyof art materials in a non-judgmental environment of support and encouragement. ● PLAY THE UKULELE!These sessions are NOT about producing beautiful works of art. They are about Mondays, 5.00 to 6.00pm. Cost: $10 per session, BYO ukulele.encouraging, inviting and facilitating each individual to express themselves in their ● HAND DJEMBE DRUMMING COURSEown particular way. Wednesdays, February 3 to March 23 - 8.45 to 9.45am. Cost: $128 for 8 weeks. Tutor:Wednesdays, 10am to 12noon from February 10th. Cost: $5 per session David Robertson.Facilitator: Chris Gould ● SPANISH FOR BEGINNERS - NEW TIME!● WORDS & PICTURES Thursday 6-7.30pm, February 11 to March 24. Cost $105 for 7 weeks. TextbooksWeekly creative writing and visual art activities. Explore different mediums and available online for $48.creative exercises to take you on that voyage of creative discovery. Painting, ● FRENCH AND ITALIANpoetry, drawing, romance fiction, collage, the murder mystery... Tutor Steve Classes run on Tuesday from February 9 to March 22. Cost: $140 for 7 sessions.Parkhill. Wednesday February 17th to March 23rd, 10am to 12noon. 6 weeks. New 6 week classes for Beginners from February 16 to March 22nd. Cost $120.Cost: $95 ● ITALIAN CONVERSATION GROUP bellarine● BASKET WEAVING Fridays 12 to 1pm.Stitched and Coiled Sister Basket: Monday February 15th, 10am to 12.30pm, HEALTH & WELLBEINGCost: $35. Tutor: Caroline Hawkins● CREATIVE HAND-MADE BOOKS ● ZUMBA GOLDCreate your own personalised books using two different Japanese stab-binding Tuesday and Thursday mornings, 9.30am to 10.30am at the Senior Citizensdesigns. The possibilities are endless. Examples will be on display at the House. Centre Tuesday evenings, 6.00 to 7.00pm at the Neighbourhood HouseSaturday 19th March 10am – 12.30pm, cost $25 includes all materials. Tutor: Cost: $10 per session.Chris Gould. ● EVENING YOGA WITH BRUCE● NEW: SUPER BRAIN TRAIN Mondays, 7.30 to 9pm at Queenscliff Primary School, $10/week.Learn small and achievable changes in our daily routine to improve Mood &Memory and avoid Dementia. And it’s fun! You will learn the 8 pillars for Quee● MORNING YOGA WITH SHANEAlzheimer's prevention including • How to lead a Brain-healthy lifestyle • How toreduce Brain Fog and • How improve your Brain Functions Cost: $10 per session, Thursdays, 7.00am to 8.00am,Fridays and Saturdays,Saturday March 5th, 10am to 12.30pm, Cost: $40, $35 concession 7.45am to 8.45am..Tutor: Maggie Flanagan, Wellness and Fitness Coach TECHNOLOGY Please let u● INTERMEDIATE iPAD COURSELearn how to: share photos easily, use the different cameras effectively, find the ● INTRODUCTION TO APPLE MAC JobOSecrvti ohidden screens, let Siri do all the work for you, manage your storage and createfavourite folders in Safari. Monday nights, 7.30 to 9.30pm, Cost: $60 for 3 weeks: Mondays 10am to noon - February 8 to March 21. Cost: $100February 22nd, 29th and March 7th. Tutor: Paul Jones. ● COMPUTER/MOBILE PHONE HELP● ARE YOU THINKING OF INSTALLING SOLAR PANELS?Then come along to this information session where you will learn about all Thursday mornings, February 11 and March 3. Bookings required for 30 min timeslots.aspects of setting up a solar system for your home.Tuesday February 23rd, 2pm to 4pm OR Thursday March 10th, 7pm to 9pm Cost $25 or $10 for Health care card holdersCost: $20. BYO energy bill and block plan showing shade trees. ● TABLETS COURSE REGULAR CLASSES Thursdays February 18 and 25. 9.30 to 11.30am. Cost: $50. (Not iPad or Windows) ednesday after ● ANDROID SMART PHONE COURSE Thursdays, March 10 and 17. - 9.30 to 11.30am. Cost: $50. (Not iPhone) ● INTRODUCTION TO IPAD Mondays 1.30 to 3.30pm, February 8 to March 21. Cost: $85.● FOUNDATIONS STUDIES IN ART DRAWING Our interest groups:Starts Thursday 4th or Friday February 5th, 9.30am to 12.30, Cost: $100 for 8weeks • Mahjong, Thursdays, 1.00pm • Meditation, Saturdays, 9 to 9.30am● PAINTING ‘EN PLEIN AIR’ • Men’s Shed, Thursdays 9.30amMonday February 8th, 15th and 22nd, 9.30am to 12.30pm Cost: $90. • Bicycle work, Tuesdays & Thursdays 9.30am●INTRODUCTION TO OIL PAINTING • Mixed Craft, Mondays, 1.00pmMonday February 29th, March 7th and 21st, 9.30am to 12.30pm Cost: $90. • Scrabble, Sundays 2 to 4pm●LIFE DRAWING GROUP • Tides of Welcome Choir, Thursdays, 7.30pmSaturdays, 1.00 to 3.15pm, February 6th to March 19th. • Patchwork, 2nd Monday, 1.00pm • Photo Group, 3rd Monday, 7.30pm ● HOUSE GALLERY • Writing Group Tuesdays, fortnightly from February 2 at 1.45pm February: Pauline Treloar Visitors are welcome Mondays to Fridays 9.30am to 4pm.Phone to Phone or email for a more detailed Program to be sent to you.3 Tobin Drive, PO Box 30 Queenscliff 3225. Phone: 5258 3367. Email: [email protected] www. The Rip, February 2016 Page 18

Police station re-opens David Wilkinson Builders Queenscliff police station has re-opened for “We committed to re-opening the station at business four days a week, delivering on a pre- election commitment to return officers to the Drysdale, Portarlington and Queenscliff and town. this is delivering on that,” said Bellarine MP The station, which has been un-manned for over a year, is now open for customer enquiries Lisa Neville. Monday through to Friday between 8.30am and 3.30pm. “In addition I’ve also put in place a DIGBY MORAN Community Safety Group with representatives LANDSCAPES from communities across the Bellarine. (Assoc. Dip Hort, Burnely) “There was a real lack of understanding Specialising in low-maintenance, low-water gardens from the previous government of the important New Homes Renovations Extensions role that police stations and the police officers Design & Construction Quality Paving played in these communities. Phone: 0438 258324 Retaining Walls “Having those police there is not just about Email: [email protected] Turf responding to crime as it happens but beinge memories advertiIsrermigeanttioVn3 Landscape Plans for Council available to try and work with communities approval Qualified Tree Arborist to try to prevent crime in the first place. They ANNANDALE really make a big difference in the community’s 0412 520 438 or sense of safety,” she said. 5258 1547 Queenscliff was deemed a “non-operational PLUMBING email: [email protected] station and officers were shifted to Ocean Grove and Geelong under the previous government. For all your plumbing, gasfitting The return of an officer to Queenscliff is on and roofing needs top of a recently announced increase in patrols in Queenscliff and Point Lonsdale. bm general V3 The Borough of Queenscliffe said it was “delighted” with the news. “It’s fantastic news residents and it’s fantastic news for visitors. We have spent a long 12 months advocating for their return and we are 0408 037686 thrilled that the needs of our community have been heard,” a spokesperson said. 5258 5354 Lic. 40157enscbliffee lNleaigrhbionuerhomod Heomories for life's significant occasions Philip Christian Richard Grimmettus funeral and mortuary service bbeellllaarriinnee mmeemmoorrfor life's signSiftiecavnet noccFasliyonnsnoberrwteeocdodrDdiningesg,cyneoaummr imnbgesem, roceri2lees0bra1ant0diosntsories ffuonr elirfael'sPasnaigdinnmiftioceratrnut-aDorycecsacesoriovrnicasetor t: 5255 5500 wrwfeueecndodedrdrdiiannilnggsags,n,yndnoaaumm0mro45iminrn21tgeg15ussma5,,1roccy25erei66lsleeee62sbrb97vrara1inactdteiioosntnsosriest: 5255 5500rnoons, 4pm - to 5.30pm October c15nthr.- NGovreumbbebr 2R6tho. aCodstand Sinclair Street, Ocean Grove recording youfrrmeeemqouroietes sand stories tp:en5sc2ion5rn.e5Grru5dbi5sbc0Roo0uandtsand Sinclai The Rip, February 2016 Page 19

THE RULES AND FORMATS HAVE CHANGED FOR POWERS OF ATTORNEY Think ahead and be proactive! If you or a loved one became mentally or physically incapable, e.g. by an accident, a stroke or dementia, who would you want to manage your affairs and look after your money? A trustee company or at total stranger appointed under the Guardianship and Administration Act or a family member and a person of your own choosing? The solution is simple – have an Enduring and a Medical Power of Attorney drawn by a professional. ITS QUICK, IT’S SIMPLE AND IT WORKS! BRUCE ARTHUR & ASSOCIATES - LAWYERS Deceased estates + conveyancing + Wills + Powers of Attorney Servicing the Bellarine and Melbourne 94311070 • 52584847 • 0402133455QUEENSCLIFF JUNCTION MOTORS ! Custom Stainless Steel Fabrication ! QUEENSCLIFF • Supply and Installation of Marine Accessories • Boat Trailer Servicing and Repairs Auto Service Centre • General Engineering • Workshop or On-Site Service MECHANICAL REPAIRS LOG BOOK SERVICING Calvin Baker - 0412 502 093 ENGINE TUNING Email:[email protected] RWC INSPECTION SERVICE 1/28 Everist Road, Ocean Grove Tyres and Batteries Local Free Pickup and Delivery Home maintenance ALL WORK GUARANTEED Grant Rogers Commercial Towing Point Lonsdale Vehicle Transport Ph. 0438 261 954 A.H. (03) 5258 1056 5258 1841 Mobile 0418 524 752 56 Bellarine Hwy Queenscliff Chartered Accountants LBW Chartered Accountantswww.lbwaccountants For Advice on Succession Planning Estate Taxation Small Business Individual Taxation Setup & Administration of Self Managed Super Funds Other General Advice Contact Richard Bull our local representative 5258 3297 (AH) or Geelong 5221 6111 (BH) The Rip, February 2016 Page 20

businessVUE GRAND GOES UNDER THEHAMMER Queenscliff’s iconic Vue Grand Hotel will gounder the auctioneer’s hammer next month. The grand establishment, dating back to1881, is expected to fetch upwards of $3 million. It compromises 32 bedrooms, conferencerooms, a grand dining room, rooftop bar and amanager’s residence. It also comes with a yet-to-be activatedplanning permit for a modern three-storeyextension at the rear of the establishment. Theredevelopment proposal, recently re-approvedby Council, allows for a day spa, conferencefacilities and additional accommodation. The hotel’s freehold will be auctioned onWednesday March 9. Michelle and Graham Cull have resumed fish sales straight off the boat Back in businessCHANGE IS IN THE AIR Some six years after sales of fresh fish, Ninety percent of the straight from the boat in Queenscliff Harbour fish are coming off our The Borough's business community is set to ended, the Cull family is back in business. own boats,.welcome some fresh faces, with three prominenteateries changing hands over the holiday break. Commercial fisherman Graham Cull and – Graham Cull wife Michelle have resumed selling fish Tracey Clark has farewelled customers at within hours of it being caught. And the initial fresher!Point Lonsdale's Cafe Amore after two years at response to MiShells Seafood suggests locals “We want to be a cheap as we can, wethe helm. couldn’t be happier. might not be able to compete with all of the . Queenscliff's Gusto is set to re-open next “Ninety percent of the fish are coming off supermarket prices but our fish is guaranteedmonth as the Shelter Shed, with new owners our own boats,” said Graham. “We’ve got the fresh,” said Michelle.and the historic guest house Athelstane has Coovara, which is a trawler, and that catches allalso changed hands. The landmark Hobson of our flathead, flake and other fish, then we’ve “It has to be fresh because we can’t keep itStreet establishment boasts a 10-room hotel, got the scallops and squid coming straight off too long. Every Friday we’ll be bringing the2-bedroom cottage and 86-seat restaurant the Rachel Marie. fish straight in off our boats and selling it every Saturday and Sunday. “FERRY RECEIVES EXPORT “We’ve also got a little prawn trawler downBOOST in Lakes Entrance and that’s bringing in prawns MiShells will be open on Saturday and and crabs and a few other bits and pieces as Sundays from 8 am until 3pm, unless sold out. Peninsula Searoad Transport has secured a well.”grant of close to $50,000 as part of a FederalGovernment initiative aimed at improving In others words, the fish doesn’t get muchexport markets. Shop development rejected The Queenscliff-based ferry operator isamong more than 20 businesses across the Queenscliffe Councillors have unanimously In opposing the development Cr BobGeelong region to benefit under the Export rejected a plan for a shop and three-storey Merriman conceded it was a rare occurrenceMarket Development Grants (EMDG) program. townhouse development on the Point Lonsdale for councillors to oppose a planning officer’s retail strip, claiming the proposal was not in recommendation.  “The EMDG program encourages small and keeping with its neighbourhood.medium enterprises to develop export markets by “This is a very interesting [application] in soproviding incentive to increase their international The ruling is at odds with the Borough’s own far as ...the recommendation from our officers ismarketing and promotion activities in order to help planning officer, who recommended the works one that we have not supported and in my eightstimulate overseas sales,” said Corangamite MP be approved subject to changes. years here it is only the second time we haveSarah Henderson. done that,” he said. The proposal was for two separate three “Seven business in the Corangamite electorate storey buildings incorporating a shop and fourand 15 businesses in the Corio electorate dwellings, fronting Point Lonsdale Road andreceived grants in the latest round of funding.  Simpson Street.Overall 2,900 recipients from around Australiareceived over $130 million in grant payments.” The building currently houses the Phipps surf shop. “The Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) theGovernment has secured with our major Asian It attracted six objections based ontrading partners – Korea, Japan and China – overlooking, overshadowing, bulk, reductionhave opened up a world of unprecedented in car parking and neighbourhood characteropportunity for Australian businesses – large concerns.and small – to expand their trade horizonsabroad,” Ms Henderson said. The Point Lonsdale Civic Association (PLCA) unsuccessfully sought to have the application removed from last month’s Council agenda, claiming it breached as many as eight local planning guidelines. The Rip, February 2016 Page 21

New market a winner letters Development cannot be untrammelled. There are many alternative visions for the future of As a life-long visitor to Point Lonsdale and The Council CEO’s response to this Queenscliff. One of mine is for the Borough asa sometime-member of the Boardriders Club, suggestion at the time was that the Council a whole, but especially Queenscliff itself, to seeI would like to congratulate the Council and “does not have any longer term plans for growth in its permanent resident population,the Club on the success of the Boardriders’ parking within the Lonsdale area”. with a growing number of those in theclub house.  Through a bit of imagination and workforce (on the Peninsula, in Geelong, anda lot of hard work, the club has transformed the To me this seems inadequate, especially especially those who can work electronicallyunsightly liability that was the old engine shed when experience during this summer period from home) seeing the benefits of the generallyinto a real community asset.  One only has to has confirmed the need. quiet, peaceful and historically informedgo down to the artisan market that has been ambience offered.running on Saturdays to see the new life that has Perhaps the Council should embark onbeen breathed into this historic precinct under a future parking development plan before Our councillors face the electorate next year.the Point Lonsdale Lighthouse.  I wandered options are no longer available? I hope that they will be thoughtful about theiraround from store to store, browsing a range of Garry Titheridge, Point Lonsdale. decision-making over the next 12 months. Toreally interesting products that were obviously those who do not see themselves standing formade with passion. Not a mass-produced \"What were they thinking?\" re-election - I hope that you do not see this asscented candle in sight! The club house was the opportunity to push through proposals thatopen, with great live music provided by locals, This letter is no criticism of any individual will be unpopular with the majority, to whomthe bar doing a steady trade, and people of all but more of a comment on council procedural you will not have to give account in futureages enjoying the summer evening air. matters. elections. Those who hope to be re-elected - I hope that you will recognise the preciousness The Boardriders Club, and especially their I wish to question council’s decision- of the Borough, and work towards encouragingmanagement committee led by Ross Bird, making processes over the recent immediate harmony between the various groups withdeserve everyone’s  gratitude for their work in appointment of a newly elected councillor to interests here, so that each will be considerateestablishing this community asset. the position of Deputy Mayor. of others when making proposals. Because ifDaniel McKinnon not, then I suspect - indeed know - that there It seems surprising and inappropriate that are others who will seek election who may haveUnderage gatherings are a someone inexperienced in council matters a better chance to capture the hearts and mindsproblem should be given the the possibility of an extra of the electorate. vote should the mayor be absent. I have read Doug Grant, Queenscliff I take the liberty of expressing concern about Mayor Cameron’s explanation in “The Rip”the traditional gathering on New Years Eve but still believe that an experienced councillor How did stingray applicationup at the Gun Emplacement on the beach such as Councillor Susan Salter should have theaccess track, at the end of Winterley Road. position of Deputy Mayor. get this far?Unfortunately this creates extensive underagedrinking, desecrating the Facility with aerosol I hope the council will take these The purpose of the Coastal Managementpaint, building a fire for light and warmth, considerations into account in future Act 1995 is to provide a co-ordinated approachwhich by sheer luck has not broken out into the appointments. to approvals for the use and development ofsurrounding ti-tree each summer. Dianne Jones, Point Lonsdale. coastal Crown land. It applies to any coastal crown land within 200 metres of the high water For many years now, with help, on New Spare a thought for the mark, including the sea-bed of coastal watersYears Day we gather up and transport down to residents in Victoria.road level, at least 1/2 a ute load of bottles andaluminium cans. An equal amount is broken or Recent editions of The Rip contained The objectives of this Act are to plan forthrown deep into the surrounding bush, which many articles and letters which highlight the and manage the use of Victoria’s coastalmakes it very hard to access. tension prevalent in the Borough regarding resources on a sustainable basis for recreation, development.  conservation and tourism in appropriate It’s also sad to see the vandalism of this areas while protecting and maintaining areasFacility, built 75 years ago, when all the There is a clear distinction between the of environmental significance on the coastformwork and concrete making materials were preferences of permanent residents, business including its ecological, cultural and landscapephysically carried up the steep sand dune by owners and holiday home owners. Most of the features.young men similar in age to those desecrating rhetoric in recent times regarding Queenscliff’sthe area each New Years Eve. future has come from the business owners, who, Coastal Crown land cannot be developedG Provan.  Point Lonsdale. if they live in the Borough at all, often live in unless the written consent of the Minister has Point Lonsdale, and yet propose development first been obtained.Parking chaos needs a for Queenscliff to the detriment of Queenscliffsolution residents. The “business-friendly” members of It thus seems surprising that a planning Council, I believe, are Point Lonsdale rather than application to build a stingray feeding Recent developments and improvements Queenscliff residents, generally not impacted amphitheatre within the historic Locke-Cayzeralong the Point Lonsdale foreshore are negatively by pro-tourism developments in the Slipway was lodged with the Borough ofcommendable, but the stress on parking Queenscliff township. Queenscliffe, and was accepted by the Planningfacilities during busy periods makes access Department, without such an approval evident.difficult. A few years ago, I raised an option The proposed Stingray attraction is anwith the council to extend parking, to provide obvious and major case in point. Whatever The application to the Minister is assessedfor shop, beach and foreshore visitors during the merits from a tourist-attraction perspective against any relevant documents such as thepeak times (and I think these have been significantly local Coastal Management Plan, the Native over-stated), this proposal clearly has issues vegetation framework, the Regional catchment There is ample room to provide angle in regard to wildlife environment protection, strategy and Siting and Design Guidelines forparking on the East side of Point Lonsdale road and more aptly, for environmental and Structures on the Victorian Coast.between the bowling club and the lighthouse amenity protection for the many residents ofentrance with some clearing of tee-tree on the Fisherman’s Flat. The applicant needs to provide a summaryroad reserve. of information regarding any assessments/ What saddens me is that there rarely seems to studies that have been undertaken to support Extension of this parking would also be be an attitude of the various groups associated the proposal, such as flora and fauna survey,possible with selective additional clearing. with the Borough to work things out together, contamination assessment, coastal hazardThis area is within 100 yards or so of the beach, with a neighbourly concern for each others’ vulnerability assessment, drainage etc.).dining and shopping area, and would provide welfare. I wonder how those in favour of therelief during peak times. Stingray development could ever imagine that And, importantly, the application must show their proposal is fair to the residents nearby - what level of community consultation has been especially permanent residents who enjoy the undertaken and what the community’s views current peacefulness of their surroundings; are on the proposed use/development. how they could ever imagine that it is fair to them to develop an activity that would surely seriously diminish the value of their properties? The Rip, February 2016 Page 22

Publishing an article in a local paper about letters What a disgraceful messa State government funding commitmenttowards ‘rejuvenation of the Fisherman’s Performing stingrays not so Following yet another expensive consultationWharf Precinct’ does not constitute community process some time ago regarding the futureconsultation, nor does the mail-out of finalised popular of the Point Lonsdale Lighthouse Reserve,plans for a planning permit with a 2-week our council gave ratepayers three options todeadline for submissions. At the time of going to press the printed consider for the future of the site. petition to the Premier Mr. Daniel Andrews In general community consultation occurs at regarding the Harbour’s Stingray stadium and The majority of people voted for nothe beginning of the process, unless one hopes cinema screen as part of the Fisherman’s Wharf development on the site and for it to bethat the whole application will fly under the re-development now totals over 1000 signatures maintained in a natural state with someradar and not be noticed. against this imposition. In addition, there are landscaping improvements. close to 500 online petitioners on the   change. The community looks forward to a proper org online petition.  The council obviously took this to mean doconsultative process where views and ideas are nothing, and that is exactly what they haveput forward with the aim to have development The Queenscliff Community Association done. Nothing!that is appropriate within a heritage area and would take this opportunity to thank therespects the amenity of residents in it. many local residents, businesses, visitors   and The abandoned TocH buildings haveCarmen Bell the wider community who have taken part been trashed. They are in a state of completeResident, Fisherman’s Flat to highlight the widespread community disrepair, covered with graffiti, and surrounded disapproval and distinct unease over the by dilapidated temporary fencing (at whatCommunity needs to have stingray feeding stadium that forms a cost?). significant part of the re-development. its say This disgraceful mess is on show for the It would be timely to also point out the thousands of summer visitors to Point Lonsdale.To The Editor issue remains alive and that the community The removal of the buildings and a clean up As a community based association of Point must remain actively involved in the proposed of the area would require considerable funds. community consultation processes. The council obviously does not at present haveLonsdale residents, both permanent and non- these funds.permanent, Point Lonsdale Civic Association The planning permit at council is presently(PLCA) has watched with some dismay the ‹on hold› and has not been refused by council. How long will we wait for this eyesore to beevents of the last few weeks in particular the given funding priority?coming and goings of Borough councillors and We also encourage the community toplanning issues such as the proposed harbour continue to attend council meetings and gain Keith and Margaret Smith, Point Lonsdale.“stingray “development. an insight into decision-making processes. SHARE YOUR VIEWS: Our Borough is a great place in which to An opportunity still exists to add yourlive, to work, holiday and visit but the recent signature both to the online petition We love to hear what our readers havemedia coverage has only served to highlight the and the printed petitions. to say and encourage your letters. Viewsnegative. expressed are not necessarily those of the Again the QCA thanks the many in the editor. Preference will be given to letters Yes, the current weeks have most certainly community who have taken a stand. carrying the author’s name and address.highlighted short comings in planning QCA President and Executive Email: [email protected] and the pressures of public officewhen scrutiny appears relentless and the Give credit to those who classifiedsquestions keep on coming. care Coastal Cleaning - Specialising in domestic We are an educated community and care and holiday rental cleans. Phone Katie ondeeply about our environment and history and Further to former Councillor Greg Jones’s 0419825900do not simply jump on a bandwagon because recent resignation and subsequent commentswe have nothing better to do or want to gain in the press I would like to point out that public noticessome notoriety for our organisations. It is one many of “Queenscliffe’s fringe dwellers andof our roles as community organisations to ask tree huggers ” have played an important role Can you sparequestions because only then can we advocate in recent community campaigns such as: an hour or twofrom a position of knowledge, rather than preserving the former high school site, savinghearsay, and reference our arguments with the Borough from three amalgamation attempts to assist?authority. by political parties of both persuasions, successfully preventing a proposed beachfront Red Cross is again urgently seeking We really believe that the community road, stopping numerous attempts to construct assistance with theirdeserves a strong and active council that will four-storey buildings along our preciousconcentrate on the important issues such as the coastline and fighting a lone hand in preserving Annual Door Knock Appeal.possibility of a combined 3225 community and a our heritage buildings. broad reaching and inclusive Tourism Strategy You could help by giving the time it takes tothat might encourage more people to enjoy the These very same people are also actively door knock your street,lifestyle that our attractive environment offers involved in fighting to keep our lighthouseand in doing so support the local economy. reserves from being over-developed, preserving (if it is a large street part of ).Long may it stay that way. Queenscliff’s Avenue of Honour, enhancing our The time to collect is over the long weekend Bellarine wetlands and actively discouraging in March the 12th, 13th and 14th of March. We encourage all residents of the 3225 area the construction of a stingray feeding stadium Your help would be very much appreciatedto become involved in local issues and not be at historic Fisherman’s Wharf. One can onlyput off by the current rhetoric. Make the time hope that Queenscliffe Councillors will this and assist Red Cross in continuing theirto seek out information, participate in the time refrain from catapulting the newly elected good work support those in need.conversations, and contribute to consultations, Councillor into the Deputy Mayoral role at hismake your voices heard and in doing so build first meeting as was the case with Mr Jones. Please ring Val Lawrence ona stronger and more active community for all. This unwise decision, which very quickly 52581616 or 0432281563. failed, caused considerable angst and distrust. PLCA are committed to ongoing positive and The unfortunate turn of events now needs to beconstructive participation in community and corrected by returning to a more stable Councillocal government issues. structure. David Kenwood Want to stay informed? Membership ofPLCA is a way for you to be informed on localissues.PLCA management committee Fay Agterhuis, President The Rip, February 2016 Page 23

FEBRUARY DIARY4 The Queenscliff Bowling Club launches 8 CHINESE NEW Marketsits Community Bowls program tonight with YEAR - It's the year of Point Lonsdale Primary School Market,great weekly prizes up for grabs including a the Monkey - get ready Second Sunday of the month. 9am-2pmgrand prize of $500. 6pm. Cost $15 per person for some fun! Bowen Road, Point Lonsdale.includes a light meal. 5258 1773 10 ASH Queenscliff Community Market. Last■ Pop Up in the Park - Council is holding a Sunday of the month from September to May.pop up community drop in session in Field WEDNESDAY 9am-2pm at Lower Princes Park. .Park between 12pm to 2:00pm. The pop upis to seek community feedback regarding the 13 Salt Contemporary Gallery plays host Ocean Grove Craft Market – First Sundaypossible establishment of a Wetland Nature of the month from October to May. KingstonConservation Reserve. This is a joint initiative to its All About Colour - Summer Show + Art Park Ocean Grove. Over 70 stalls.of the Geelong Environment Council Inc. and Parade today. Leading indigenous art curatorsthe Queenscliffe Environment Forum Drop Susan McCulloch and Emily McCulloch-Childs Drysdale Market – Third Sunday of theinto find out further information and share your will showcase more than 80 paintings from five month, October to May. 9.30am to regions. 2.30pm. Bookings essential. Drysdale Recreational Reserve5 The Geelong Street 14 VALENTINE'S DAY Buy Bellarine Produce Barn – Every Saturday & Sunday 9am - 3pm. TuckerberryRodders will rumble into 21 The Festival of Hill Farm. Becks Rd for their annual Rod Run. Pack a Harvest and Sea is onchair and a blanket to watch again at the Queenscliff MECHANICAL REPAIRSall the colour in Hesse Street Uniting Church - anfrom dusk. opportunity to celebrate Pt Lonsdale/Queenscliff the foods we grow and eat. Automotive Centre■ SIGN UP DAY for junior Bring along some produce,and senior football and jams or cakes to add to the (Steve Higgins)netball. 4-6pm at the display and auction fromMonahan Centre (and Friday 10am. Full Car ServicingFebruary 12) All Mechanical Repairs 26 The hugely popular Faulty Towers Fully Qualified Mechanic6 PANCAKE DAY - Enjoy a sweet treat at show and dinner returns to Queenscliff's Vue Air Conditioningthe Queenscliff Uniting Church from 6pm Grand Hotel. The evening involves a three- Repairs & Services course meal plus live show. $130. Bookings Pick Up Service Available■ Chris Bolton will perform at Point Lonsdale's 52581544Grow Cafe as part of the Grow Series. The (Local area only)classically-trained guitarist will perform songs 28 Former international cricketer Mervfrom the three albums he has released with 46 Bellarine Highway,his band Seagull. Tickets $50 includes a Hughes will be guest speaker at a lunch for Queensclifftwo-course dinner. Bookings essential - 0413 the Queenscliff Cricket Club today. Tickets598348. are $70 per person and include a 3-course PHONE: 5258 4668 meal. For purchase details phone Julian 0418 524 861■ The Out of Darkness Exhibition is on at Melican on 0408 568175 or email the club at:the Queenscliff Uniting Church. The event [email protected] paintings, graphics, photographyand scultpure - all designed to raise awarenessof the plight of refugees. Entry Free. continuesuntil Sunday February 14New Homes Ian Warren Builder Pty LtdExtensionsRenovations Point Lonsdale 5258 2758 Decks 0418 525452 [email protected] Registration no DB - U2446 HIA no 516372 The Rip, February 2016 Page 24

Lighthouse reserve decision close A progress report on the next “This THANK YOU!stage of the Point Lonsdale disgracefulLighthouse Reserve could be mess is on Organisers of the Point Lonsdale Lighthousemade available as early as next show for the Reserve Engine Shed Artisan Market wouldmonth, according to Borough thousands like to thank the following for their supportCEO Lenny Jenner. of summer visitors to Point of our initiative: Council officers are in Lonsdale.”negotiation with the state * The Pt Lonsdale and wider community forgovernment on how best to MEANWHILE organisers of the Engine Shed supporting local talent and enjoying our wonderfulprogress the community’s Artisan Market, held on the reserve throughpreferred outcome for the site – January, have hailed its success. community lighthouse landscape works. The event , run over five Saturday evenings, * The Boardriders for supporting this community The Borough is seeking $1.1 market and showcasing our talented musical youth.million in government funding to Top: The Engine Shed Artisan Market has beenaction the works. hailed a huge success. Inset, a vandalised Toc * The maritime museum volunteers for giving up H cabin their weekends to show hundreds of visitors “Council officers are currently through our iconic discussion with the stategovernment in relation to funding It has been an absolute joy to see this well lovedfor that preferred option that the space being celebrated by families and friendscommunity identified in relationto the reserve,” Mr Jenner said. Louise Rowe, market coordinator “Those negotiations are attracted hundreds of visitors.progressing and I can’t say anything more at “I was really heartened by the level ofthis point. support and encouragement I received from “I am happy to provide a simple report the local  community  and local businesses, itback to Council on progress in relation to was fantastic,” said market coordinator Louisethose negotiations in March, if I can’t make an Rowe.announcement by then,” he said. “The feedback from the stallholders was very Residents have been frustrated by the lack positive, all wanting to return next year. Iof action on the site and ongoing destruction was pleasantly surprised how well the spaceof existing buildings. “The abandoned TocH worked. It was well suited to the scale of thebuildings have been trashed. They are in a state market.” of complete disrepair, covered with graffiti,and surrounded by dilapidated temporaryfencing,” wrote residents Keith and MargaretSmith in a letter to the editor.HODDER’SGAS, PLUMBINGAND AIR CONDITIONINGSERVICE OVER 20 Gas Maintenance Plumbing Maintenance Airconditioning MaintenanceServicing Queenscliff, Point Lonsdale and the Bellarine PeninsuDlraain CleaningSERVICING QUEENSCLIFF, POINT LONSDALE ANDAfter Hours Breakdown Service Available Hydronic and Central HeatingMASSIVE 2T0H%E BEDLILSACROINUENPETNFINOSRUPLAENSIONERSOVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN: Gas Maintenance Gas and Electric Hot SPRING SPECICAALRSBON MONAFTER HOURS BREAKDOWN SERVICE AVAILABLEPlumbing MaintenanceMORE THAN 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN:Airconditioning MaintenanceDrain Cleaning Gas Appliance, Plumbing & Service & Co Test gas heatersM(NonoAljyoSb$S6to5oIVsmEall) Elect. Lic No. D3714Hydronic and Central Heating AirconditioninSegrvicMe Aa/Ci’nS toreenvaaponractivee coolPerIBs oLnIClyNo. 48218.Gas and Electric Hot Water Services Drain Cleaning(PCMNIBoAAjLoRSIbCBStNoOoIoV.sN4mE8a2Ml1l2)8O.0ENl%ecOt. XLDicIINDSoEC. DOT37UE1A4NSNTTIDNFOGNROOPNWHEENyPVSdERIOrHRoONYonVEStRiIEcDWSR&IVNaItCGCeEerPnSRterOarFvl iEHcSeeSsaItEOinmNgCAaaiLll:[email protected]/BREAKDOWN AND SPOUT CLEANING SERVICES,“SPECIALS APPLY FOR AUGUST” Majella O’Connor OptometristCARBON MONOXIDE TESTING ON EVERY JOB “Love Your Glasses!”Servicing Queenscliff, Point Lonsdale and the Bellarine Peninsula Real people, Real service, Real vision solutionsCARBONAMftOerNhOouXrsIDbEreaTkEdSowTnINsGervOicNe aEvVaiElaRblYe SERVICE 2 Park Lane, 99 Presidents Ave,MASSIVE 20%- NODIJSOCBOTUOONTSMFAOLRL -PENSIONERS OCEAN GROVE Craig on 0419 383392(No job too small)Call PIB LIC No. 48218. Elect. Lic. No. D3714 Ph: 5255 5655 for an appointment Cordaidgeorn@04b19ig3p83o3n9d2 .comRefrigeEratmionalicPieIlBn:sLecICdjeNhtaoio.ls4:d8R2Hd1L8e.NErole.@cLt0. 9bL8ic5i.g8N0opa.nDod3nR71Td4A.Nco.oAmU33138 The Rip, February 2016 Page 25

The Rip DirectoryEMERGENCY David McDonald 5258 3883 DENTISTBorough of Queenscliffe 5258 1377 Ian Warren 0418 525 452 Queenscliff Dental 5258 2388Coast Guard 5258 2222Point Lonsdale S.L.S.C. 5258 4123 Ocean Grove Building Service 0417891122State Emergency Service 132 500 Phil Vallance [email protected] 0417139636 DOG GROOMING/WALKING Michael Limb Builders 0410 650019. O’Dowd Builders 5258 1634 La Petterie 5258 5441ACCOMMODATION Paul Riley 0408 520 981 EDUCATIONBells By The Beach pet friendly Ray Threadwell 0418 525 095 Point Lonsdale Primary School Queenscliff Kindergarten holiday house 0403221737 BUILDING DESIGNERS Queenscliff Primary School 5258 1501 5258 1342Beach Breaks Bellarine 0424 172050 Pty Ltd 0413 202300 5258 1696Number 35 Bed & Breakfast 5258 1798Lonsdale Views 5258 2990 BUILDING SERVICES/MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIANSQueenscliff & Costal Holiday Steve's Handyman Service 0497 331788 Col Ferrier 52581553, 0448813156Bookings 5258 3763 Home Maintenance 0431 488706Queenscliff & Pt Lonsdale Acomm Paul Farmer John Gleeson Demolition 0419 347708 LMAC Electrical Services 0438 52581640/0407866568 Geoff Whittakers 0422 370145 Peter Coyte 0414 520 248Holidays on The Bellarine 5255 1222 Tomcat Truck & Bobcat Hire 0411 231678 I & S Ransom Electrical 0418 336 670Ruby’s Queenscliff 0407879096 Mini Bobcat Hire 0418 147 174 Warren Jankowski Electrical 0404 163609Roseneath Villa B&B 5258 3394 Patrick McCarthy Maintenance 0408 075 330 ENGINEERINGACCOUNTING/FINANCIAL Coastal Property Maintenance 0404 088 500 Laker Engineering 0418 521 199Brian Dalton Accountant 0414 804 152 Seagull Home Maintenance 0438 261 954James Rush Accounting 5258 5100 Home Works 0422 370 145 FENCINGLBW Accounting 5221 6111 DCM Services 0439 355115 Basic Fencing 0413 580 990 Point Lonsdale Fencing 0408 581 439 Dave's Handyman & JMD Fencing 5257 3776AGED CARE/RESIDENTIALL Carpentry Services 0423 874854Arcare 5220 4800 CABINET MAKERSPinnacle Living 5251 5577 Jake Masterman 0417168537 FITNESS - SPORT INSTRUCTORSANTENNAS - AUDIO The Yoga Bud 0431 110085Pt Lonsdale Television 0411490430/52582068 CARPENTRY Julie Golightly Tennis Coach 5258 4104Kendall Antennas Steve's Carpentry Service 0497 331788 Kerry Pettigrove Fitness 5258 1670 0418 147 174& Communications 0404019781 Carpenter Fully licensed FUNERALSARCHITECTS/PERMITS/INSPECTIONS CIVIL CELEBRANTS Bellarine Memories 5255 5500 Kings Australia Funerals 5222 3688Thomas Andrews Designs 0423 298 666 Sally Cordner 52583325/0417522851 Tuckers Funeral Service 5221 4788Tony Baenziger Architect 0412 823 488 Jen Lawrie-Smith CMC 0419 121003Binder-Peart Design Pty Ltd 0437 463125 Val Lawrence Marr. Celebrant 5258 1616 GARDENERS/MOWING 0413 202300 COMMUNITY GROUPS Bellarine Black Diamond Garden Service Jim's Building Inspections 131546 Rotary Club 5258 4723. Mel's Gardening Lions Club 5258 4648 DCM Services Stuart Miller Permits/Design 0412841434 Masonic Centre Queenscliff 0427 567 518 Lawn Order 0429 990 850 Neighbourhood House 5258 3367 Mia Cooke Gardens 04005 68629ART - GALLERIES 5258 3988 Probus Q’cliff/Pt Lonsdale 5258 4308 (Ken Adam 0408 357 116) 0439 355115 5258 3645 Point Lonsdale Civic Assoc. 0439 009306 Jim’s Mowing 0488 885 296Salt Contemporary Art Queenscliffe Community Assoc. 5258 3381 0417 506 611 Queenscliffe Historical Museum 5258 2511Seaview Gallery Queenscliff Library 5258 2017 131 546 Queenscliff Music Festival 5258 4816AUTO 52581841 Queenscliff Reconciliation Mob 5258 1722 GARDEN/LANDSCAPING 0412 520 438 5258 4668 Red Cross 5258 1616 0407 605 460Queenscliff Junction Motors Senior Citizens 5258 2108 Digby Moran Landscaping 0411 571 482Steve Higgins Auto Elec. 0434 648510 Swan Bay Environment Assoc. 5258 2559 Elite House & Garden Co. 0419 890 082Lonsdale Car Cleaning Swan Bay Ladies Probus 5258 1871 Nathan Hovey Landscaping & Detailing Rip View Landscapes BLINDS, CURTAINS & SHUTTERSBarwon Blinds & Shutters 52541338BOAT REPAIRS/MARINE 52581305, COMPUTER SERVICES/REPAIRS GLASS/GLAZIER 0418519078Queenscliff Marine Services Kev's Window, Door & Glazing 0412 460 987 Laurie’s Computers 0418 302178 HAIRDRESSERS/SALONSBRICKLAYERS Lighthouse Computers 0403557311 Donna's Mobile Hairdressing 0408 565733 Sophie Johnston 5258 2261 DJ’s Computer Help 0466 564 921 Ivy Creations Hair on Harbour 5258 4764 Seagalls and Buoys 5258 4854Chris Pennant's Brick Laying 0417 543 628 Fahim Shah Computers 0488776176 Take Two Design in Hair 5258 3451GJB Professional Bricklaying Contractors - Brick & OG Technology and i-device screenBlockwork inc. repairs - Gary 0418 522928 replacements – 0457 363 261BSC Bricklaying 0438 839129 Computer Solutions 0406 264191BUILDERS 52584640 CONCRETING 0488 088 258 HEATING - COOLING 5222 1688 0419 392 537 0403 722649 0418 336 670Clark Homes 0438 258 324 Breisch Concrete Floors Classic Fireplaces & Barbecues Craig Fenby (polished)David Wilkinson Ross Fewtrell I & S Ransom Heating/Cooling The Rip, February 2016 Page 26

Advertise your business in the Rip Trade Directopry for just $70 for 12 months - FREE with any 12 month advert listing Phone 5258 4131 or email [email protected] CLEANING - IRONING Plaster - Bryant 0405 252103 Queenscliff Visitor Info centre 5258 4843 Patrick McCarthy 0408 075330 Queenscliff Sorrento Ferry 5258 3244Bizzy Barker 0414 583 708 / 5258 3708 Service Home & Garden Maintenance and POST OFFICEDomestic Cleaning 0412 107 558 Pt Lonsdale Post Office VET - ANIMAL HEALTHHOTELS - RESTAURANTS - CATERING 5258 1159 Bellarine Animal Hospital 5258 4862Benitos Meals & Catering 5258 1131 PRINTING - GRAPHIC DESIGN WINDOW CLEANINGSaltbush 5258 4829 Press Here Printing 5255 2663 Peter Macmillan 5258 4248/0415 493302Lix Ice Creamery and Juice Bar 5258 4564 REAL ESTATE Sparkle Pete’s Domestic and CommercialMint Catering 0400 611 966 Window Cleaning Services 0439 995 624PikNik 5258 5155 Brian Capp – Property Advocate 0418 500 483 Wayne’s Windows & ExteriorQ Seafood Provedore 5258 1333 Fletchers 5258 2833 House Care 0408 059 616Let's Torque Food 0423 844806 Kerleys 5258 4100LEADLIGHT WINDOWS - REPAIRS Campbell Potts Real Estate 5258 1579 WATER PRESSURE CLEANING Rob Hendrey FAPI CPV Gary's Gerni Service 0405630076Carl Davies Leadlights 5258 3193 Independent Property Valuer 0418 314 760LEGAL - SOLICITORS Jeanette Ernst Licensed/Conveyancing WATER PUMPS & IRRIGATION 0407726260 Just Water Solutions 5258 5193 Peter Boyle /Lawyer 5258 1084, 0402 282190 RT Edgar 5258 1811 0438763462Bruce Arthur/Lawyer 52584847, 0402 133455 RETAIL - BUSINESS OUTLETS WEB DEVELOPMENTMcManus Lawyers 93184188 Kylie Crane 0466 545539MEDICAL - HEALTH - MASSAGE Citrine Essentials 5258 5378 Farmfoods 52584744Dr Haydyn Cohen Foodworks - Queenscliff 5258 1857Osteopath 5258 0888/0431716218 IGA - Pt Lonsdale 5258 4911Holistic Osteopathy 5258 2174 Lonsdale Tomato Farm 5258 2665Point Lonsdale Medical Group 5258 0888 Labten 5258 1149 OPEN THE DOOR TOGreg Sly Optometrist 5256 1295 Point Lonsdale Newsagency 5258 1159 MORE THANMicroprism Optics 5258 2061 Queenscliff Village News 5258 1828 JUST A VALUATIONOcean Eyes Optometry 5255 5655 Watermark 5258 1008 Independent valuationsPardeys Pharmacy 5258 1817 Hermit Crab Homewares 5258 4888 Highly experienced teamPoint Lonsdale Physiotherapy 5258 4633 Wildpurl 5258 5349 Personalised service Pre-purchase & Pre-saleAstarya Massage Therapist 5258 4863 Saltbush 5258 4829 Family LawKim Christian (doTERRA IPC) - ROOFING Estate & Probate Mortgage ValuationsAromatouch 5258 2061 Joshua Withers We value homes.Petrina Tierney Massage Therapist 0429 380 317 J.R Chapman Roofing 0417 357 769 Not just houses. 0421962111PAINTERS HENDREY CONSULTING SIGN WRITINGSteven Flynn 52555667/0411 126291 QUEENSCLIFFE 03 5358 1112 All Signs Signwriting MELBOURNE 03 9242 0116Colourman Painting/ James Long 0417 345 110 HENDREY.COM.AU0407 415541 - [email protected] SPORTING CLUBSD&B Scarff 0417 389627 Lonsdale Golf Club Point Lonsdale S.L.S.C. Daryl Nicol 0408 596 241 Point Lonsdale Bowls Club 5258 1523 Q’Cliff Football/Netball Club 5258 1257Trevor Pigdon 0418 524 228 Q”Cliff/Lonsdale Yacht Club 5258 1150 Queenscliff Croquet Club 5258 4588Ricky Moore 0438 717 552 Queenscliff Sporting Club 0409 562 976 Point Lonsdale Tennis Club 5258 1773PLUMBERS Queenscliff Bowling Club 5258 4588 5258 3272Annandale Plumbing 0408 037 686 5258 1773Bellarine Peninsula Plumbing 1300 665 931Geoff Ray 5258 4989/0418 373 026Point Lonsdale Plumbing 0427 544258Golightly & Sons Plumbing 0418 524 268Grant Priddle 0455 363603 STORAGE - BOATS - CARAVANSAJM Plumbing Service 0418386916Mark Riley Plumbing 0418 100 689 Bodea Shed & boat storage 0490 081066PLASTERING - RENDERING TRAVEL - TOURISM - FERRY 5258 1579 . [email protected] The Rip, February 2016 Page 27

\"Dream\" boatmarks end ofan era A very special piece of Queenscliff maritime and according to Darren has barely been out much it would cost to make another one,” saidheritage is set to turn heads when it takes to of use since. Looking for all the world likethe water as part of next month’s Wooden Boat a gentleman’s speedboat (Riviera), more at Darren.Festival of Geelong. home in Italy than the heavy swells of the rip, it features furniture grade timbers – mahogany, Gil, now well into his eighties, is among among The stylish Reveur is possibly the last of Fijian kauri and English marine ply.upwards of 200 vessels of all shapes and sizes Point Lonsa small band of revered original Queenscliffdesigned by renowned local boat builder Gil “I designed it with Darren and for DarrenAlbutt. and it was certainly a bit of an adventure,” said boat builders. He commenced his trade under Gil. “We built it to look like a Riviera if you like, Peter Locke in 1948 and almost a decade l4at3erKirk What makes its entry into the event extra but the bottom of it is designed like the fishing launched Gilcraft boats, in a garage behind t4he3 Kirspecial is the fact that the unique timber boats I used to build, so it’s a very good sea HOLIDAY HIGH LIFE IN THE HEAVue Grand Hotel. Several of his original designsspeedboat was designed for and built by Gil’s boat. It’s a particular shape because we had in 43 Kirson Darren under the highly regarded Gilcraft mind that he would be around the rip area and HOLIDare still in use up and down the coast. PictTuhreisdretonpo:vDataerdrecnhaarnadctheirshfoamtheerinGtihl eAlhbeuattrt TofhHOisOldreLLnoIDno Point LoneDmarbrRereanncAoevlabatutetthtdeabtylawlouocnrakclhpornoefmthRieuevmveebusurs.ielBdl eeinlroDhwais,viPdMoicnRbDteeiTRoHTsnhaehnyinicsooOsaourhrvvelerLdanneagto,IoeatsDvvdteha,ea “It’s been a very emotional journey, “In my last years of boat building the last twoconceded Darren. “Reveur is French for dream. boats were the 50 foot Mitani, a schooner built Loncsodsaylweinbtaecrkevyeanrdings,andcleveropeningofroomcisossyvyoiwuariFngtraeetreMy wife named it, and that’s what it has been. to sail around the world. That was something The focal point of the home is a spacious kFitrcTeRhheneencofnovhcawateldidpt that I had never built before, and Darren’s boat HOLIDAY HIGH LIFE IN THE HEdFasuercatkhs.teTurhdTfrehieoaiestoruberrenteodosvr,soagttooaemrdseacsyhnaoadnuradsrclcitameasrrmshli,noabmerotheacetien,anctthatinrreaaghlv,bearTtaFaeanouchrvtFdatcTdFaahoereasueohsuoetnrrrcasmercahftosyktfldkhshOsfa.woe.oetoeteTmuTuarirlccmhrnrchdddgaflfrtryeailoleiefoeLoaecpaetecrle “I was really young when dad closed the was a completely different exercise again.” gardensbusiness and I never thought I’d get a chanceto build a boat with him.” The Mitani incidentally was awarded a RenovatedbylocalpremiumbuilderDavidhMocliDdoanyaltdr Concourse d’Elegance trophy in the prestigious The pair poured over numerous plans before Antigua Grand Schooner Regatta. The Reveur is cosywinterevenings,andcleveropeningofroomsviaFarriving at the perfect design for the vessel. similarly eye-catching. The focal point of the home is a spacious kitchen w “Once Darren decided he would like me to “We’ve been approached a couple of timesdesign him a boat he would come in after work by people asking where it was made and how deck. Three bedrooms and a smart central bathroomof a night and we would look at the computerand there was all these sorts of boats from all 134 Eggleston Street, Ocean Grove Further features, gas and slim line heating, reverse cover the world so I had a notebook and I jotteddown things and finally we got one we likedthe aspect of it,” said Gil. “After that we went into looking at all of thedifferent propulsion exercises. It was a realdesign exercise for me but then Darren settledin to build it and he did a marvellous job. “He built it in his garage in his backyard, ona trolley that he would roll out to work on itand roll back in again.” The sleek vessel was launched in 2012 as a studio or to store your cars, boat, caravan and a LAKERENGINEERING (Home visits available) · Steel Fabricator · Turning and Fitting PH: 5255-2806 · Machining · Stainless Steel HOLID&·ASA·YtWleHueemIGlldSiHinaniLlgueIFmsEPINoiTnHt4UE4UL49P9HP9oMFMFFEnllAlAiiisnn Tel (03) 5258 1777This renovated character home in the heart oAfAbUOebbalPrdcrihlilMilLealsoniaAttnopn 0418 521 199 pAabrardilliisaen. tThp cRoesnyowviantteedrbevyeloncinalgpsr,eamndiucmlevbeurioldpeernDinagviodfMrocoDuamlcosbplneeosveanvvinervaeqeaalclisredshael.u.idedDswFDees,oiro.tntwewTohcdo The Rip, February 2016 Page 2D8ownsta

43 Kirk Road, Point Lonsdale HOLIDAY HIGH LIFE IN THE HEART OF OLD LONSD 7 Silver Ridge Road $750 000 8 Beacon BoulevardThis renovat$e7d1c9ha0r0a0cter1h2omBeetihnuthneehSetarerteotf Old Lonsda$le1is3a9n5e0a0sy0walk to front and POINT LONSDALE POINT LONSDALE is your gateway to a greaQt lUifeEsEtNylSeCinLvIeFFstment. RenovatedbylocalpremiumbuilderDavidMcDonald,thehomefeaturespolishedhardwo cosywinterevenings,andcleveropeningofroomsviaFrenchdoorstonorthandsouthfacing The focal point of the home is a spacious kitchen with open plan dining and living ar deck. Three bedrooms and a smart central bathroom complete the accommodation.sdale For SaleFurther features, gas and slim line heating, reverse cycle air conditioning, private front as a studio or to store your cars, boat, caravan and all the usual holiday trappings.k Road, Point Lonsdalerk Road, Point Lonsdale F$8oF39or,0rS0S0aalleeDAnorDsAvkdRaYAaRtTleeHoYdiIsOaGcadHhHnFa,eILraOaGIsFcyLtEHwePDarINlohkLoitLTonImHOFftreEoELNniHontSIaEntNnhADsdedRbAhTTaaecLHlOakeErbFtEeoOafcHLhODeElsd,LgAOLoolNRfncSsoTdDuarAOsleeLaEiFnsdaOsnheoLpaDssyanwLdaOlk tNo fSroDntAanLdEback $InF8$o38s39rp9,,S000ea00lc0et ISna$8tIsnu39rsp,d0p0ae0yec1cstt Mar 3.00 – 3.30pmEnAsRdTalOeF OLD LONSDALE IFnosrpSeacCClteoonnttaaccttdoDedLodeaphecparatete,ecarleeobodetnoboeththowolAtewdoubgeuvybapeevrynirpiconreaaedenrhladmeYlteototesoohyntoodyantodbrtrscuosdcucpiorti,ioridhti,plsnshanisaooHorooamygvfrfsgtnftalegalgooolopelaputaacrtaatresnecsnmhratmIshlraresoor,oe,gesaegotGaetcacoea.iasosfermretnmrsty,nnlpyneneeecheshnaouadodHhfgdaairddailrtontaonuuauucnactothnhrohomdmsdtmilsrtmlralnellseotlolohiuieLcnrilciefaefvaievmsmmbmibeepeaatoeedrearodIssusauirshirereressmFtmnsatssltrlaioiroaiiciyy,lh,lsynneiaianhddtipnpyanEbanlblcanneepe1Peheerrwseseimooootttfdtnntrprpihighn4OnodhhaaanInaDDcrcamaameeiitgteNednvva,eelnni,a,aclccaasiPIueeknnphhsccggpvviisdttmNoossilaeaattiieieioooshhmtnitnntrddTrrpuusrranammmoaaffiTaoaggoeMMssroroivrrgliliHvvnoodt,,teensfbdbdkkauLaccurrbooproonniieetaDanDngloOtttEadmhmflfttttavvcticteuis.o.oaOnhhhBsOahntehehvassennnNin.rrrrHietlveslvffoioaoreodssdaldadnracninfideaepdaooalSlnonaLudLdEacagknFmFwmcwwhcooD,ale,n.lrcirdyltlytldA.neinneeihechtctacottcctriAnsnThhshlheloengobedrevRdaiociaceehmDhmehsooLoahaahdagaantoduoTuplpEalidcpidperieurmearysmsdeneroklseolucudieciencdonssvOeoseoooaotgabterlkfaerfeaelnrpienlpeuesoekesndshn,FdhlttdaltaacaabaahorroiihooietrietndtntdsturecknlueanlMieaOiiecgio,drohoesddrioagsdshaeenynvanhydricaeraaicsncsLtainyitciwyecng-pwhsngphelitroirDonttDgno,taagoeaaordrimhromngglna,tlgdnl,alskikoipoewpsdpomcspsodmaeathLrethpwsrnoeponsnilnooemioavaeifovOdianisadfdancudfdaailcurygrtiatohkglllttaophsolyteinlaNhsehitvnahstuvdnati.tu$cliff.irogrtffiaornorautodngpraSdrona,lo5nocgsawcsngeswnn.eitnn.t,iD4nespaanodtahhdaoatdgro9ogaaparnoeabeeAdeebgnddhnnadiaaraaesoadn0resdicLudrscuckvhcopkr0loekkcsrlekgeEaonpsesebooesa0bamuaorihateaeridodsrnlededsrmota,paeniga,hregnigachanpcaeliannhgdagilaehigrrrQ5glttsnrefdthoeoetrhtdhoiestdaeoactsstfeor,pEUcscnoe,eeniegstgnoeaigodilsaaheErondlistaaaeoilklptsnyliaklnEpgnfnculaialtfrfguunuillcrggpNeauiuidctespgeosnnsetno,grscfetuahr,eSaowuaha.gapineirepnanChresonrralsohseri,$hg9e65S$0a80t3u90r,d0a0y01P10OBCSOSCsutuSCCOSIaSIyanNau3CSSOCaMemietlomauemaAcvusTctoeaPmPperupenecpPdrpoPopLrpbenbdat3orotObetetyp5abet.statleR50tyl2t51cslsalNoPet50llc22s1itotdsP85cPs05tiSl–tM1ot8n14lt0ogt80DtMs5003a14tPtt7s0re50.a414Atm39o370r0s50009.3L40R00t70pe.90E400t40o9m90s14–n40383a14–034t050835.339d45145.4033114p90133m8p3038m459509315351330$93101980 0003 1 3plus a huge garage, ideal as a studio or to store your cars, boat, caravan and all the usualdr,athpephoinmgesfe.aturespolishedhardwood oors,highceilings,anopen replacefor 3 13 ContactFrenchdoorstonorthandsouthfacingdecksidealtosoakupthesunorentertain. Campbell Potts 0418 513 309with open plan dining and living areas leading to a large private north facing Sue Potts 0400 049 435 O ce 5258 1579m complete the accommodation. $1 125 000 46 Santa Monica Boulevardcycle air conditioning, private front and rear gardens plus a huge garage idealall the usual holida2y3trAapSpyinmgso. nds Street $1 600 000+ 14 Silver Ridge Road 3 PO1INT LON3SDALE $748 000 QUEENSCLIFF POINT LONSDALE 3/42 Norman Crescent $520 000 15 King Street 49 Flin$d66e9 r00s0 Street,Lot 2/69 Flinders StQreeut eens$c46l5i 000isnnnddddeeearrrlssseSSSttrrteereeePettO,,tI,NQT LuOQQNeuuSeDeenAeeLsnnEcsslccillfiif POINT LONSDALE QUFEoENrSSCaLIFlFe UPMARKET LIVIF$N8FoF$3oG69or9r,90r,S0BS0S0a00YaalelleTeHE BEACH loovoekrilnogo$ka6$icn6I9rn9go99ss,P0s,p0o00oie0npct0etNneppaeraknlananddtoPopiincttuLroensqsduaeleS,wthains BayMAAARRKRETTKOLEIVFTINOLGLIBVDYITNLHOGENBBESAYDCAHTLHEE BEACH InspectA brilliant position, is a and nestled unique opp beaches to the rearw w w. c a m p b e l l p o t t s . c o m . a u CamCICnpoosbnSnputeteaaeclclctPPttoottttss 00441080 504139 433095AnweowTohcdpoanhphnsnRnotoetoioiihtsdpshssocsrsthKeteinoriaoashpatptionioriniroElrdoredeoeesuaesomnanaTtoiao,ar,orsdirthlwsleowoohooithioLovtvuiooniiofnarggeiegerkseIkeonnhnrhriVreitrlalnnhooonnqhiqhegtgoaoIttuouounNe,kaykqaanamamirirocslcnnlltieuiotdreaGreytggrooyoyisnatiiossPPwsspkkhsspioonlBioioskttioooaaiigccrtnneYppihhlnloyeettnakeeiecerrrsNNdnneevegnnTkthueeddasioppooipp,eHdortaiiaamppenenedfcrrueeaeakkrcEaaahnnnnolhltiasassyrnsshnannaaeoBnnotbtnndidfreoetonmseaddEduwwttdattsocoPhwPhArrocnmcioooepeponpoooiodiCpiinnndncdcgmaaodttdittwiebnHunudiLcirLdtwitrironanionkieneeuooingnsgcstnslcnqhsaqsoaksadkaduauaetntonpnaneasbneonedldldriededsSeeSdsl,lu,wlpowytpoat,cteihruhhtahtruaoceoiainnopinnsivaeshvagglgiBiitBdrinlsdeesephaoeadedeapysarysrcssoiswo,iuacuioaaoeniomgennamnnmtimarlidioimdlkqunmqtnisksunniluanrtnaf(uoge(egceeeeggcrcsupaosufoaotsdstolslaplsabltpea,peqltpuahedltnpoedoceonagoulraegilydrinoysnrntrsoettpuedptuaournonprrlenreesadeSnit)tetie)tshtsynwehepoywweienenastidnmttirostrtoheasteeaaheassrdtnstnpn.deneehthedhccdTtpcecopouoeBdeuoodhrnalpurrnearwaudatenatidtesnyddcesaeyymdoreeemeaosieuysrdopnuandwfprrwooro.bnolodinbrtoiiooarrwthoveawdhmrnnrynmiunym.nuolssnialssvpiagogvpwieeognifnencfngaicsonigaiaiotafclevaofclevlpabeevenperbaenurtardurrtlthtrbolwttboouawtooiouafywsnofyUplcsmeotoapvovreesaeltltedsraihes.viisredDesoeoil.stfnswfwTa.dehnonorissedoitmdoraniomriesunataocdwuholionagrteherenqbhtueoBSedamaICCSyrlnrtatSCSCaioeatutoaumAausytiooemrnrupiddpsmPrkpbnidaontabeioepyattstalyegtylc1csaloPwlchs11eatotPcsietsritrMotntt0eettntMsha4tdtaMsr0aTmo,b30riamph.n30u00er.0e4e04i0aal3901nn–4tis8n.14R–s30ti835n.n330bt5i15.0epo33re1p–0wo,33dmptb03h3Fmrc90o.ee3oe9so0ndbmapdirrnmuiewtinaisoigertnhyravae2nincnd0eds1dulpo6ibtrueoynvPagaindaewdegreswoeliolam2amlkpm9spina(ogcriuoanlsbtaeeltdoe

artsexhibitions Fest line-up continues to grow■ Lush colour and a variety of textures feature in Salt Contemporary’s By Katy Andrewsexhibition of Aboriginal art this month. All About Colour - SummerShow + Art Parade includes works selected by leading indigenous Launching Saturday 7art curators Susan McCulloch OAM and Emily McCulloch Childs. May and with events on eachMore than 80 paintings from five regions will be on show. They include weekend during May, thismulti-hued paintings of women’s ceremonies by Utopia artists Emily year’s Queenscliffe LiteraryPwerle, Barbara Weir, Charmaine Pwerle; jewel-like landscapes and bush Festival will host a raft ofmedicine stories by Ampilatwatja artists of the Eastern desert; glowing highly acclaimed and risingworks by Western desert artists from Yuendumu and Papunya; brilliant star authors, showcasingnew canvases by leading artists of the APY Lands and wonderful Australian fiction and non-painterly sweeps of colour by Martumili artists of the Pilbara. All will fiction, and special eventsbe shown in a lively and informative Art Parade in which the paintings combining literature andare paraded by a team of assistants as Susan McCulloch provides expert music and literature andcommentary on the works and their meanings, the artists and regional food.styles. The Art Parade opening is on Saturday February 13 at 2.30 pm,followed by drinks The festival will open with keynote addresses■ Seaview Gallery presents Carole Foster’s new by renowned authors Donexhibition Flavours of the Mediterranean. Carole’s Watson and Robert Drewe, in conversation with Michael Williams,travels around the Mediterranean are shared with us director of the Wheeler this exciting show. She captures her experiencesand adventures with scenes of villages and lakes A full program will be released in early March featuring a strongin the fabulous colours and hues of this region. A line-up of writers including; Leah Kaminsky, Adam Ford, Annabeautiful exhibition not to be missed. You can meet Goldsworthy, Gregory Day, Mark Dapin, Kara Rosenlund, RichardCarole at the gallery for drinks on Sunday 7th Allen, Dale Campisi, Christine Manfield, Dee Nolan, Gideon Haigh andFebruary from 2 -4 pm. Also this month at Seaview Garry Disher.stunning new sculpture from Jenny Whiteside andScott Selkirk. Jenny works in stone and her sculptures The theme of the 2016 festival is ‘Journeys’, enabling discussions ofare predominantly figurative, full of passion, actual journeys, character journeys, and authors’ journeys.extremely tactile and unique and generally a little Also included will be a dedicated, free, school festival day for primaryquirky. school and kindergarten children in the Borough of Queenscliffe, featuring children’s authors and illustrators including Danny Katz,■ Last year four sisters – Margaret Block from Violet Town, Barbara Mitch Vane, Michael Wagner, Adrian Beck, Chrissie Perry and AliceToogood from Ballarat, Lynette Weeks from Ocean Grove and Jo Malham Zaslavsky.from Donald, decided they would like to exhibit their art work together.This was something they had wanted to do for some time. They determined To receive updates on program details, follow the Queenscliffeto hold four combined exhibitions in 2016, one in each of our home towns Literary Festival Facebook page or refer to the website www.or home districts. They have called their exhibitions Four Sisters. These Ticket sales will be available in Aprilfour exhibitions will be unique events that will showcase their diversegenres and media and will highlight their four very individual different Buskers sign up for competitionapproaches to art. The shows will include pastel drawings, ink, textilessculpture, and other assorted media, and will showcase a fascinating Applications have started to come in for next month’s Bellarinerange of techniques. Tussock Upstairs Gallery is hosting Four Sisters aspart of itscurrent exhibition. It runs until February 14. Busking Competition.■ The Out of the Darkness Exhibition The March 13 event, part of the Point Lonsdale Bowls Club’sreturns to Queenscliff this month aftera year travelling throughout regional Crackerjack Fair festivities, is open to performers aged 14 and over.Victoria. The show, presented byfour artists from Queenscliff Rural “If you are aged 14 and over,Australians for Refugees, combinespaintings, fibres, graphics, photography, you can sing or play a musicalsculpture and text, to give voice to thosemen, women and children who have fled instrument then we want topersecution and sought our protection.It exposes, examines and challenges hear from you,” said publicityAustralia’s response to their plight,according to Cathie Bond, one of the officer Steve Tomming.four artists involved.“Art has the power to open minds, touch “Major cash prizes are beinghearts and challenge beliefs,” she said.“Its return to Queenscliff provides an awarded to the winner andopportunity for re-engagement and new information on an issue that isfundamental to who we are as a society.” runner-up.”Out of Darkness is on at the Queenscliff Uniting Church Hall fromSaturday February 6th to Sunday February 14. Last year’s fair attracted more than 1400 people. Entries close on February 21. Applications can be downloaded from the Point Lonsdale Bowls Club website: www. au. Pictured Drysdale’s Abigail Grace - Runner-Up 2015 The Rip, February 2016 Page 30

Uniting Church Events Seaview Gallery queenscliff messy church! all aboard .. FLAVOURS Hot Rods, Trains, BonSguonsda&yBFoeabts7 .f.roEmnjo1y0ianmg-lioshcal wheels and sails; OF THE MEDITERRANEAN Traveling through life together; With love, care and God Art, Stories, Songs for All Ages CAROLE FOSTER Picnic Brunch - Muffins and Chipolatas SOLO EXHIBITION 6-29 FEBRUARY pancake day “flipping for a good cause” Open 10.30 - 5.00 daily Wednesday Feb 10 @ 6pm 86 Hesse St Queenscli 3225 - 5258 3645 $15 donAaltliofunnfdosr raalli-syeodu-gcoatno-weaatrdpaUnncitainkegsCa(sreavporuorgyraamnds sweet) [email protected] email: [email protected] that support people living in crisis. Service of Ashes follows at 7.30pm festival of harvest & sea Together we cSeulenbdraayteFtehbe 2g1o@od1t0hainmgs of the earth & give thanks for the food that we eat and share Please bring produce, jams, cakes, wine etc to add to our display & auction car boot sale Saturday Feb 13 from 9.30am To book a site, call Jan 5258 2854 Community groups FREE. Individuals $10 Kirk’s Place, cnr Winterley & Kirk Road, Point Lonsdale Kirk’s Place vintage op shop Furniture, Clothes, Books, Records & Lovely Things Drop by for Saturday Morning Mindfulness 10.30am to 11.30am a moment for wisdom words & gentle music regular groups at uniting queenscliffMovie Club 4th Tuesday (Feb 23rd) @ 2pm Book Group 1st Friday (Feb 5th) @ 12pm Knitting Group 2nd Tuesday (Feb 9th) @1pm & 4th Thursday (Feb 25th) @ 1pm Singing For Fun weekly during school terms Monday @ 10.30am Everyone very welcome - for details contact Jan 5258 2854 Uniting Church, cnr Hesse & Stokes Street Queenscliff'The December Collection 15' SaSlatltSCCeopotennminttvbeeiteemmsr yPpopurootoogrrararamyryArAt rtOTp ehnei n January &g drinks Saturday FDeecebmrbuear 1r9yth 3pm-5pm E xEh ixbhi tiibo nitidoant e sDecember 14th - January 3rd 2016 ALL ABOUT COLOUR January 25 - February 14 2016 Summer Show + Art ParadeOpening drinks Saturday January 30 - 3-5pm An exhibition of vibrant Aboriginal art from around AustraliaFeaturing ‘Four Sisters’ Featuring a uniqueoAfrmtSPouarneratdSheeapnw1i5t50hE,wi2nxoh.f3oribk0rmsipt.imoant:ivOceopnceocnmluindmgeedsn:ritOnakcrsyt with the a 6 Jenny Laidlaw Presented by McCullochS&unMSceCputll1o5c,h11am - 1pm $60pp (materials and morning tea inc.) Limited pJo MalhamArtists Robyn MackBaayrbara Toogood bookings essential.Priscilla Fenton Pip Matthews High Tea and Live Jazz in the Lounge @ Salt Lynette Weeks Margaret Block Sun Sep 8, 2-4pm, a special afternoon guaranJJeonsAhnyMlsLcoaCidrfilmeawamtoun ring newTDoewmniosWerekRllsosgberys $55pp, bookings by Sept 4 Michael Ryan 33-35 hesse street queenscliff Anita Barrett Sun Sep 15, 20.305p2m58: 3O9p8e8ning drinks with the artist Patsy Bush Jane Kempe Exwhwibwit.isoanlt-caortn.ccolmud.aeus: Oct 6 Robyn Mackay Sun Sept 15, 11am - 1pmTussock Upstairs Gallery $60pp (materials and morning tea inc.) Limited places, 8899 PPooiinntt LLoonnssddaallee RRooaadd PPooiinntt LLoonnssddaallee 33222255 1111..0000aamm -- 55..0000ppmm FFrriiddaayy ttoo MMoonnddaayy SunbdoaoykFinegbsruesasryen1t3ia,l.2.30pm OOtthheerrttiimmeess bbyy aappppooiinnttmmeenntt::Pphone 04014818339922448855 High T(eRaSaVnPdeLsivseenJatizazl ibnythFeeLboruunagrye @10S)alt email: [email protected] Sun Sep 8, 2-4pm, a special afternoon guaranteed Exh$i5b5itpipo,nbdoaotkeinsg-sFbeybSrueaprty412-28 0w3/Sw333wa3-w5w3l-t2.5w3./Cs5S5h.ao8saelntah3-slttales9et.rC-em8sta.8scopsreottonr.mercstaeoe.tratrymmeu.qAeup.reattoeuqnruascreylie.fAfnrstcliff - 5258 3988 The Rip, February 2016 Page 31

Locals urged to support wetland plan Merv Hughes The Borough of Queenscliffe will measure local support for an is set to ambitious plan to establish a single regional wetlands reserve, at a bowl over community information session this month. audiences at a February 28 Councillors have indicated general support for the proposal to merge sportsman's 19 wetlands into a single Bellarine Wetlands Nature Conservation lunch. Reserve.Merv the swerve is coming our way Chief Executive Officer Lenny Jenner will write to the Environment Lisa Neville to request the Victorian Environment Assessment Council Get ready for some boundary illness. Over the six Tests, Merv undertake a comprehensive study of the proposal.aerobics people! Merve \"The took 31 wickets from almost 300Swerve\" Hughes is coming to overs, helping Australia to a 4-1 “I feel very strongly about this project,” said Cr Sue Wasterval, a longtown. victory over England. time advocate for the local environment. The legendary Australian fast He was also a useful lower- “These wetlands are an invaluable part of the character and naturalbowler will be guest speaker at a order batsman, scoring two half- beauty of the area. They are also a component of the natural eco-systemQueenscliff Cricket Club lunch on centuries in tests, and over 1000 of the peninsula and are absolutely essential to the survival of manySunday February 28. runs in all. thousands of migratory and resident wading and shore birds. During his international career Aside of his sporting prowess “At this time of high population growth and uncertainty it is a crucialMerv played in 53 Test matches, Merv is is fondly remembered for time for the future of the wetlands and is essential for the very significanttaking 212 wickets. He played 33 engagaing spectators in \"Merv habitat values… are detected and enhanced.\"One Day Internationals, taking 38 aerobics\" and for his trademarkwickets. He took a hat trick in a handlebar moustache. The plan would also boost tourism and educational opportunities forTest against the West Indies at the the region, she said.WACA in 1988–89, and went on to Tickets for the luncheon are $70take 8-87. In 1993, and include a 3-course lunch plus The wetlands are home to upwards of 45 threatened species, including a drink on arrival. the Orange Bellied Parrot. Merv saved his greatest seriesperformance for the 1993 Ashes For purchase details phone The plan, put forward by the Geelong Environment Council has wontour, when bowling partner Craig Julian Melican on 0408 the support of the Geelong Region Alliance (G21), which has submittedMcDermott was ruled out through 568175 or email the club at: it as a potential priority environmental project. It would encompass [email protected] wetlands stretching from Queenscliff to Balliang Sanctuary. The City of Greater Geelong is yet to consider the proposal. The hastily-organised forum, iniated by Cr Bob Merriman, will ensure locals understand and support the initiative. “I feel very confident that by having a good public forum on this very question that we will get the support that we need from our community to understand the importance of this,” said Cr Merriman. The pop-up forum will be held in Field Park, Hesse Street on Thursday February 4 between 12 and 2pm. great coffee - great food & now fully licensed Trading hours Thursday to Monday from 8.00 am. (Closed Tuesday and Wednesday) Located in Princes Park Queenscli - near the playground 0458 585 252 The Rip, February 2016 Page 32

Club puts dune revellers on notice The Point Lonsdale Surf Life Saving Club togethers have occurred in the Point Lonsdale “Any member who supports / encourages /(PLSLSC) has urged parents to discourage sand dunes. Unfortunately this results in promotes these events is bringing themselvestheir children from attending parties in back rubbish being left there (to be cleared up by into disrepute both within the Club and thebeach sand dunes, after another large holiday others), fires and the use of illegal fireworks, community,” he continued.gathering last night prompted complaints excessive noise, under age drinking, damageof underage drinking, illegal fireworks and to vegetation and assaults. Social media “We will not tolerate the good name ofproperty damage. and camera phones can only compound the the Club being damaged by any members problem,” Mr. Ponsford said. supporting / encouraging / promotion such Police and fire brigade personnel were functions and disciplinary action will be takenforced to attend the controversial White “The Club does not condone, encourage or as required.\"Night celebration on Wednesday January 6th support these activities in any way shape orfollowing reports from concerned residents. form. CFA officers called out to the event expressed concern at the use of illegal fireworks. As many as 150 youth congregated in dunes “The risk of fire is significant (just look atat the end of Fellows Road, after the event was the current fires in the area) and Victoria Police “With the amount of media coverage latelypublicised on social media. treat arson now with a zero tolerance approach. about the dangers we are still being called out It would be a real shame to have a criminal to these sorts of incidents. Is it going to take a Surf club president Matthew Ponsford issued record hanging over you or the knowledge that major fire/accident before anyone takes thesea statement warning young members of the your actions have led to the death or injury to reports seriously,” the Queenscliff Fire Brigaderisks involved with attending the gatherings. someone or property/environmental damage. posted on its Facebook page. “For many years unofficial parties and get-Firefighters put Christmas lunchon hold Dale Scarff was on his way to his mother-in- one to fight as you would save one house andlaw’s house fro Christmas lunch when he got on either side other houses where burning, butthe call up to attend the blaze in the Otway you did not have enough water or time to saveNational Park. them all,” he said. His Christmas lunch ended up being a roll at Days earlier local volunteers were sent toabout 11.30pm that night. Scotsburn, near Ballarat, where another dozen homes were lost. The Queenscliff Fire Brigade Captain wasamong a small band of volunteers from our “Thankfully it’s been quiet for local responselocal brigade to help out with the devastating teams so far and I hope it stays that way,” saidbushfire, that claimed more than 116 homes in Cpt. Scarff.Wye River and Separation Creek. “We have been told its going to be a long “Our ultralight [vehicle] went on and off all season this year and I’m very proud of allweek to those fires,” Cpt. Scarff said. “Two the members, some very young, with thecrew would go down in it, come back and the commitment they have shown to the brigadenext day another crew would take it. and the community so far.” “The Wye River fire was a particularly bad\"Say aaagh!\" - back to school = dental check up Back to school generally means it is also time check up for children in their familiar school Jardine Homesfor a family dental health check and Bellarine environment.\"Community Health is urging locals to make Custom-built homes and Renovationsbetter use of its Dental Outreach Program. The program includes a six month follow up screening at the school and if required, Will Gordon The service is available to all schools and pre- the dental staff can provide a referral to theschools on the Bellarine. Bellarine Community Health Dental Clinic 0414 354 079 based at Point Lonsdale. [email protected] More than 1300 students participated in at numerous schools A free dental education The Rip, February 2016 Page 33and pre-schools last year., session targeted at grades Prepaccording to BCH spokesperson – 2 is also available.Laureen deale. \"It’s a fun, interactive way for \"Dental decay is the most children to learn about howprevalent childhood disease in tooth decay happens, correctAustralia and one that can be brushing technique and whatprevented with early dental to expect if they have go tochecks and good oral health the dentist. This session canhabits,\" she said. be held on the same day as the dental screening program or Under the Program visiting separately,\" Ms Deale said.oral health therapists providestudents with a dental check For more information thenup, advice on brushing and contact BCH Dental Serviceshygiene and a free toothbrush Coordinator Fiona Provan onand toothpaste. 5258 0891 or via email fiona. [email protected] \"It’s a quick, stress free

PREMIUM QUALITYSQUEEZED DAILY Lisa Neville MP 100% Member for Bellarine FRESH For assistance on any issueNOTHING ADDED please ring my “The Pure Juice” Electorate Office on 5248 3462 • Butcher • Provedore • Liquor • Greengrocer • OPEN 7 DAYS [email protected] 5258 4744 63 Hesse Street Funded from Parliament’s Electorate Office and Communication Budget General Plumbing Hot Water Water Saving Concepts Blocked Drains Roofing Repairs Gas Work - Safety Checks Now incorporating Flush Toilet Systems Your Local Tradesman Servicing the Bellarine 0418 100 689 No. 36195 The Rip, February 2016 Page 34

Watching The Weather New Year’s resolutions...By Marc McNaught, where there’s a will there’s a way.Meteorologist By Sarah Cohen It’s the beginning of another year, and time is already flying. TheAn insect's guide to weather forecasting start of 2016 was all about enjoying holidays, eating loads of scrump- tious foods, spending time at the beach and catching up with friends and When my youngest son was little he came in to the kitchen one day - family. Thinking back to New Year’s Eve, you probably made a couple“Dad, there’s a moth in my room.” I grabbed a glass and a piece of card of New Year’s resolutions, to eat healthier, exercise more, stop smoking,to catch it and set it free.  save money, help others. You may have told your friends or kept it to yourself, but with the first month of the year finished, perhaps some of It was an Emperor moth and wasn’t very hard to fine due to the fact it those resolutions are starting to slip away.was huge. I mean really huge. You could have put a saddle on this thing ‘Be less stressed’ be a common resolution, but how can you achieve it?and my son could have flown it around the house. My son looked at the The saying is true, where there’s a will there’s a way, and one wat is bymoth then at the glass. “I think we need a bigger glass dad.”  planning for the future. So if you are still looking to make that perfect 2016 resolution now is the time... resolve to protect your families future, With the moth now secured in a large jam jar on the kitchen table resolve to make a will or review your will, so you can start 2016 withI informed my son that the moth didn’t really want to be inside and peace of mind.probably flew through an open door or window to take shelter from If you have never made a will before, the first thing to realise is thatthe previous nights' rain.  wills are not just for the older generation or for wealthy people. A will is something everyone needs. Insects are great forecasters of the weather. Spiders for example are A will is a legal document that names the people (called beneficiaries)very sensitive to changes in humidity, which means they are great who you want to receive your assets and belongings when you die. As-forecasters of rain. If you see a spider scuttling along the ground or sets and belongings can include but are not limited to your home, land,a wall then it usually means rain is on the way because the spider is car, money in bank accounts, insurance policies, shares, jewellery, paint-trying  to find shelter. Moths and flies also seem sensitive to onset of ings, furniture and household goods.rain as well, with their numbers increasing about the house just before Having a will ensures that your assets no matter the size, are distrib-it rains. Crickets too have a weather trick up their sleeve. By listening to uted in accordance with your wishes. If you die without a will, the lawthe number of clicks a cricket makes with its legs you can tell what the sets out how your assets, and most cherished possessions will be distrib-current temperature is. The faster the clicks, the higher the temperature. uted. This means, the most cherished people in your life, your family members, friends or your favourite charities may miss out or receive an I opened the window and set the  Emperor  moth free. It had only insufficient share.taken a few flaps of freedom when a bird swooped down and grabbed If you already have a will that’s a great start, but it’s time to review it!the moth in its beak then flew off.  Many people make a will and then never look at it again. A will should be reviewed every two to five years or upon a change in your circumstances. There was a short period of silence, which was broken by my son It is important that your will is appropriate for your current situation.informing me - “I don’t think he really did want to be outside dad”. Life changing events such as marriage, separation, divorce, births andHe wandered back to his room seemingly unfazed. About five minutes deaths in the family, major illness, retirement and a change in financiallater he ran in to the kitchen again - “ Dad there’s a spider in my room”. circumstances often require a review of your will.Seems like sometimes it never rains but it pours. A will is probably one of the most important legal documents a person will ever have. Take it seriously and don’t put off doing it. Make this your New Year’s resolution and succeed in protecting your loved ones and get- ting your affairs in order. Sarah Cohen is a local lawyer who works in the Harwood Andrews Wills and Estates department. Sarah can guide you through the process of making a will and ensure that you have a valid will that caters for your current circumstances. Contact Sarah on 5226 8574. ADVERTORIAL The RIP Your Community - Your Voice - celebrating 25 years - The Rip is a FREE, locally-owned and produced community magazine. It is published monthly and funded by advertising. Rip FRoruadmveortiusinrgSanudbesdictorriiapl etniqounirieFso- rm p: 5258 4131 e: [email protected] 51 Mercer Street Queenscli , 3225 TO SUBSCRIBE... Simply return this subscription form with a cheque or money or $30 toorder for $30 mRadipeRpuamyaobulre to Rip Rumour to: 51 Mercer Street, Queenscliff 3225 Name: ......................................................................... Address: ..................................................................... ................................................................................... Phone: ........................................................................ 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• Designers of New Homes and Additions • Building & Planning Permits • Energy Ratings • Building Assessments • 3D Visualizations and Walkthrough Imagery • Building Inspections • Specializing in Energy Efficiency and Heritage Overlay Design.A. Shop 3, 83 Point Lonsdale Rd, P. 0412 841 434 INNOVATIVE & SOLAR EFFICIENT ARCHITECTUREPoint Lonsdale, 3225 E. [email protected]“You can count on my experience… when experience counts the most.” Neil Laws FREI FAPI CEA (REIV) – Branch Manager, Queenscliff Licensed Estate Agent - Accredited Auctioneer - Sworn Valuer Buying or selling a home is a major event in anyone’s life so it makes sense to Queenscliff use the most experienced professional in the field at such an important time. Neil 74 Hesse Street is the most experienced real estate practitioner permanently located within the Borough of Queenscliffe. 5258 4567 He has built an outstanding reputation over more than twenty years in the local Kerleys offices also area for his professionalism and singular concern for his vendor’s interests, his at Point Lonsdale honesty and integrity and his depth of knowledge in all things real estate. and Ocean Grove He is a Fellow of the Real Estate Institute of Australia and the Australian Property Institute, Past President and Director of the Real Estate Institute of Victoria and an REIV Accredited Auctioneer and Sworn Valuer. If you are in the market to buy or sell or require valuation or consultancy advice regarding the local market or real estate generally then give Neil a call on 0419 583 633 or email him at [email protected] The Rip, February 2016 Page 36

Queenscliff's storybook couta boat Defiance and his crew were happy to dress up in pink for inaugural Pink Lady RegattaBoats get pretty in pink Cottage staff members get in character at the burrito stand. Photo courtesy Lachlan Baulch. Queenscliffe's sailing fratenity enjoyed it.has put on a show in support Mrs Golland said the regatta \"Muchas Gracias!\"of Breast cancer awareness and and afternoon festivities at theresearch. Swan Bay yacht club, including A flotilla of boats dressed up auctions and a demonstration Cottage says thanksin pink for the state's first ever paddle by the Dragon BoatPink Lady Regatta on Saturday ladies team were among many Cottage By The Sea has celebrated its biggest-ever annual fair.January 16. highlights. Hundreds of people poured through the gates for the January 16 event,'The Queenscliff Lonsdale Yacht It is too early to say whether the raising more than $72,000 for the 125-year old children’s charity.Club (QLYC) is extremely happy regatta will be a regular fixture on Among them was Master Chef identity Matt Preston, who took time outwith the event,\" said Commodore the local sailing calendar, she said. to sign copies of the Cottage’s new recipe book.Jill Golland. \"The organisations are yet to “The Fair offered something for everyone,” said Manager Tony\"We contributed $4127 to discuss the events future, but if it Featherstone. “There were many stalls and a variety of goods to interestBreast Cancer Network Australia does become an annual event, it’s everyone including plants, cakes, jams, fruit and vegetables, books, craft,(BCNA). Feedback has been likely that the hosting of it will toys, new clothing and the ever popular White Elephant stall.amazing and the ladies and be rotated around to other yachtyear's trendsstead when approaching interior design this year.families who participated in the clubs, but time will tell.\" “A huge thanks to all who supported or attended this wonderful day.”The term \"Scandinavian design\" originates fromShining aadesignshowthattravelledtheUSandCanadasailing experience thoroughly In February, the Stockholm Furniture and Light WITH SUE ANTHONY FROM LIVINGETC THE CLASS Fair was held. It is the world’s largest meeting IS BEING Three trends were highlighted at the recent Stockholmunder that name from 1954 to 1957. place for Scandinavian furniture and lighting. Furniture and Light Fair that should hold you in good GREEN MA Promoting the Scandinavian way of living, it I'd like to share with you the thoughts of stead when approaching interior design this year. BLUE, GREEexhibited various works by Nordic designers. designer and trend expert Jan Rundgren who was The term \"Scandinavian design\" originates from COLOURS A They favoured beautiful, simple, clean designs exhibiting. Here are just three of his key interior trends for 2014-2015: pure classics, natural In February, the Stockholm Furniture and Lightwith soft edges and curves, inspired by nature elements, and aquamarine. COLOUR Mand the northern climate. a design show that travelled the US and Canada Fair was held. It is the world’s largest meeting THE IMPERSONAL STYLE SO under that name from 1954 to 1957. place for Scandinavian furniture and lighting. WITH WHITE Unusually, being in the other hemisphere, thisstyle also relates to the casual, coastal style of light on thisPREVALENT IN RECENT YEARS IS Promoting the Scandinavian way of living, it I'd like to share with you the thoughts ofAustralian homes. year's trendsFINALLY ON ITS WAY OUT. exhibited various works by Nordic designers. designer and trend expert Jan Rundgren who was Certainly, this mid-century style has always hada loyal, enthusiastic following, but we are seeing They favoured beautiful, simpleh,ocwleamnadneys?igWnshat size? Wexhhaibtisthinagp.eH?eTreheasree jaurset tthheree of his key intOeruior rfriends at Sparkk have just inta more general trend to Scandanavian style at the awsaAatnulmyiotdUCslheyotentrasrhraauelotl,elassifegauoitnnnneaeorltnlyedhhlr,yetlgoua,thrhembatseesiilearsestnaisrnmstnte.cogidncilditidmfcnh-ocutealteolrhtocvneeSawet.cussoiau,nrtnyiahgndlse,,stabrpcynohuilreaa5rmfqeteoevs0mudhwltraiaaFFeaabetbiaxnoosslscyypaetslruhasaitr3hdnolartiyerwny0eagnclcfelsgrtaoueesareeuyeorrsssIe,arsmchuefestgittnhhotiaetaaogiaflhftslnnaodleloag.sorsMouoefkoklakieaxrc,mdradhu.liuipsxevmmnietttdrhhldbeaeeeenlmaolPmtdrsshfeiRosazyenunfefTEomtaopdsFsu,HVr.,,irIaS52anAEvNsnin50ttoeLo1doAbtfI4ohEatdayM-Lhre,q2Nd5femsLu0Po5i4TxY1asrE5osa5macqmnR:IbuOampuNeysSreuaNhioin4OrnriRreeeo5eN,I..nEcTlsACaSsELsiWcNSs,TATnYaYYtLuEOfhraEaAobUlWmRuSTleeSOo. hjuuIassSvrteawncaguietsihnoigfoSnthosiibbnoesrhtioucrunesghaaniosdnIIswharamoment. moment. front of the other, larger at the back naturally, on their at side. Please don’t sit them on their point, like a diamond! Mix up patterns, geometrics and organics, your scatter cushions should relate to your artwork and WITH SUE ANTHONY FROM LIVINGETC oor rugs to get the most impact. Select hard wearing upholstery fabric so you can enjoy using your scatters. Personalise them with Three trends were highlighted at the recent Stockholmcontrast piping. I prefer concealed zips. The latest pattern to have its moment in the spotlight is “Shibori”. Furniture and Light Fair that should hold you in goodShibori is a Japanese dyeing technique (that dates back to the eighth century!) that involves folding, stead when approaching interior design this year.twisting or bunching cloth and binding it, then dyeing it in indigo.coastal living... sortedTheterm\"Scandinaviandesign\"originatesfrom a design show that travelled the US and Canada under that name from 1954 to 1957. Promoting the Scandinavian way of living, it In February, the Stockholm Furniture and Light Cnr High St & M Fair was held. It is the world’s largest meeting place for Scandinavian furniture and lighting. I'd like to share with you the thoughts of exhibited various works by Nordic designers. designer and trend expert Jan Rundgren who was They favoured beautiful, simple, clean designs exhibiting. Here are just three of his key interior with soft edges and curves, inspired by nature trends for 2014-2015: pure classics, natural Cnr High St & Mt P and the northern climate. elements, and aquamarine. Unusually, being LinivitnhgeEtoc tFhebe2r0h15eHmPi.sinpdhde1re, this THE IMPERSONAL STYLE SO style also relates to the casual, coastal style of Australian homes. |PCnRrEHVigAh SLtE&NMTt PlIeNasaRntERCd,EBNelmT oYntE3A21R6S I SP 03 5241 2664 FINALLY ON ITS WAY OUT. Certainly, this mid-century style has always had| +Cnr High St & Mt Pleasant Rd, Belmont 32a16loyal, ePn0th3u5s2ia4s1tic2f6o6ll4owing, but we are seeing a more general trend to Scandanavian style at theCnr High Street & Mt Pleasant Rd, moment. Cnr High Street & Mt Pleasant Rd, Belmont 3216 P 03 5245 731717/02/2015 9:37:11 AMBelmont 3216 P 03 5241 2664 Living Etc Feb 2015 HP.indd 1 Lighting Etc Feb 17/02/2015 9:37:11 AM Lighting Etc Feb 2015 HP.indd 1 The Rip, February 2016 Page 37

sportAbove from left to right: Swimmers line up for the inaugural 3.8km swim, Masterchef judge Matt Preston is official starter, 3.8km winner GlennWilson, all smiles on the podium, Naantali Marshall crosses the line Pictured Left: Open and junior winner Robbe Dillissen with Lachlan May and Alexander Neerhut. Inset: 3.8km swim female winner Leah Dodd with Auntie Margaret Bench. Above: Fastest woman on the day and junior female champion Annabelle McPhail withDanielle Smithson and Fernanda Lopez GarzaNew kid on the block rules Rip View Classic Teenage talent Robbe Dillissen is our new “It was a pretty strong current and pretty Whitefield (15:27) and Madison Crook (17:31)King of the Rip, after securing double victories big waves, the afternoon swim was a little bit finished second and the Rip View Swim Classic. harder than in the morning,” Dillissen said. “I won the juniors last year so it’s great to win the Meanwhile distance swimmer Glenn Wilson The Altona North student, 16, crossed the open this time around.” has etched his name in history by taking out thefinish of the 1.4km blue ribbon event on Sunday Rip View’s first ever 3.8km race.January 3 in an impressive time of 14:18 – more Point Lonsdale lifesaver Annabelle McPhailthan 30 seconds ahead of Lachlan May and was fastest female on the day, winning the Leah Dodd stormed home to win theAlexander Neerhut. junior girls event in a time of 15:12. women’s section of the event. An hour a half earlier Dillisen posted the Naantali Marshall added to her long list of More than 1500 swimmers lined up for thefastest swim of the day (14:05), when he took Rip View podium appearances after winning 26th annual swim, a major fundraiser for theout the junior section of the event. the women’s open event in a time of 15:23. Zoe Point Lonsdale Surf Life Saving Club. More pics at make a finals charge Coutas score points bonusBOWLS – Queenscliff has FOOTBALL – Queenscliff has secured two bonus points, heading into the 2016 season,bowled itself into premiership under the Bellarine League’s new equalisation system.contention in the state’s The majority of clubs playing in AFLPremier Bowls league, after a Barwon’s three competitions – GFL, GDFL and Bellarine – have been issued with 40 pointscommanding win over ladder each. However the Coutas, Modewarre and Drysdale have each been given 42.leaders Victoria last weekend. Portarlington and Newcomb have beenPlaying at home the Coutas allocated 45 points.dished out a bowling lesson The new system has been introduced as a means of evening up the competition andwith wins across all rinks preventing clubs spending excessive and unfair amounts on top talent.and a commanding 43 shot Players will each be given a number rankingvictory. based on their level of experience.The result moves the side Clubs are unable to breach their number allocation in any game.into second position, with justfive games to round out the Raymond Butler sends down a bowl in Queenscliff's commanding winhome and away season. over ladder leaders Victoria last weekndQueenscliff face Webbcona athome this week. Sebastopol 123, Ocean Grove 121, Lara 107, City The ladder at the end of round 13 is: Victoria Oval 95, Torquay 94, Webbcona 94, Avenue 16.153, Queenscliff 139, City of Geelong 138, The Rip, February 2016 Page 38

Massage Therapist Rejuvena ng yoga Petrina Blair-Tierney QUEENSCLIFF YOGAsuitable for beginnersRemedial/Sports/Relaxation/TMJ and experienceRdejuvenating yoga pracsuiotanberles for beginners and Ph: 0429 380 317 experienced practitioners Ct. Neuromuscular Therapy Queenscliff SMponoarhtasnCCleunbtre- Hesse Street Queenscliff Dip.Ther.Mass/B.Ed. (Phys Ed) Queenscliff Sports Club Fridays 9 - 10:15am Health Fund Rebates Available HeCssoenSttraecett:QRuoeebnyscnlifMf etcalfe 0407 535 592 POINT LONSDALE Contact:FRRriedogabiyyssntra9Mtaieomtnc-ael1sfe0s:re01on45tb0aia7myl 5n3h5m59@2 optusneBt.YcoOmm.aaut [email protected] BYO matBACK PAIN?WE CAN HELP!CHIROPRATICBELLARINE PH: 52552200 14 Tuckfield St Ocean Grove in Health and WellbeingEExxcceelllleennccee iinn HHeeaalltthh aanndd WWeellllbbeeiinngg Barb Vallance NRBCaaolaRtrRbiabroosHeBVbbhuPaCaCaHHtrllcllalbHauauahpititonVrircpcneegcahhsealPiPilonnnallnasnaspopocpnepn New range of summer shoesHelpful advice always available. Free delivery and pick-up in Pt Lonsdale & Q’Cliff daily.S•S• PPSSHEEppeCoCoarrdtItIssaAAcIILnLhnjejuuIIsrNrNSiS•ieeTTssPPESEEEpRRCCoEErItISSsAATTILLnSSju::IINrNieTTsEERREESSTTSS:: NOW IN STORESenior’s Card Welcome• HNeacdka&chBeasc•k PSHapienoardtsacInhjeusries 52 Hesse Street Queenscliff PH: 5258 1817 Helpful advice always available. Free delivery and pick-up in Pt Lonsdale & Q’Cliff daily. Pe52aHceesseoSftrMeSeetinnQiodure’eswnCsiactrlhdiffWyePolcHuom:re5m25e8d1ic8a1t7ion.... Webster-PakHelpful advice always available. Free delivery and pick-up in Pt Lonsdale & Q’Cliff daily.• NDeryckN&eeBdalicn•kg PHNaienacdka&chBeasck Pain Senior’s Card Welcome• DRreymNeedeiadlliMn•gassNDaergycekN&eeBdalicnkg Painll SimpleT, HcoUnRvSehnDoi1eAmn2Yet-2FawnPEedMBeRdkleUyliAveRrYed4to yourPPPPOO•••HHDD•YAYRJAJIIoorSrAeSADttiihnmhnTTII•rtRrtOOReiRit&t&idiYFCYcCYTcT•iMMaICCH•HL•LNTlPuPuPPPoPoPMIIEsNEsEnHnNONO••••SScHcHaddRREEuuYsYYIDiIiDtltlYCsACYADRJACiaAJRCDiaSSooaIIorrorSrnAHreSnHAePgSPLtItSyiSishs0nmhO0enmTOTOIYIIYttrNtrrCtOrNORieRaTieLaLt&t&eiidiiOLdO•GYc•nHYTncTeiisMsAMaGaG1C1dCCHEC•H•ll00uSluY•YoPoiPRMLML1nE1sEsnnS••SSIgcPIcAaaBdBdRNRNHHEuuYsYseiOeiPtltAlAsICsAICSCiaACialloCoCllYaDaNarNarllnHnHPgPigiAArSrSIDnD•snsieieAO•OnnYYtLtiLirTrcTeRcTeaLaLCHHPaPaiRiEOHO•H•nnLElElIIwsYwMsLGLGPPRIRCCNyyAAi•EAYiAY,l,lLLTaITaPDPPPCB••ItIEtEoYoYNeINHeHAOiASiS•ns•nsAAICILCWDtLDtCCSSN•NL•LIlIlPoEMEitoEtiAADnDunFuFInTnTNLALdiIdLsIisIITcTTcTTTdAdiSiToHoIHPNIaaPNaaTAASHllElNElINEEeIENeNALLEPPRROSSOSVV•G•AARiAiASiSBWiBWllccTEaTAaPPOOCC3t3EtEPOYOYWWe2e2LLSYS2P2P•s•EsEAA55EDEDNNSSSS••NNII••SEStEt!!FuFFuFTETEUUdIdIIISwSwTTTNTNiiwowoNwwNNE. StomWbaefSebetdhltbCeaiesctkastaSedeltanlatri-oWnryi5panen,d2atefepkoceHtttaaroaiel,scpaecstktshsaanoh.eucpdsIlheStesaastsshdrrfpeeteNaotiecthoyastwuaapnQolottadf-uunuyruteseorteiipaeemmunldlsepCfrtcothloloesierfunuf psmPepHroav:rtat5Ftf2iiooe5rln8daR1PBe8aes1relk7lra,vrHieneesse5258 4633CLINIC 0 ethaesywteoemk.aTnhaisgemmakeeHdseiclipatSfteiuonlnaio.drv’sicCeaardlwWaeyslcaovmaielable 101 Bellarine Hwy, Point LonsdaCLINIC 0 101 Bellarine Hwy, Point Lonsd101 Bellarine Hwy, Point Lonsdale Vic 3225 It is securely sealed so the medication is protected and there is no chance of spilling or mixing The Rip, February 2016 Page 39

DeGois makes welcome return FOOTBALL - Queenscliff's 2016 premiership hopes have been further bolstered with the signing of double premiership player and former league leading goal kicker Dan De Gois. The spearhead returns to the Coutas after a season with Eastlake Football Club. He joins fellow returning players Daniel Gibbs, Jayden Durran and Ash McDonald. Anne Devenish Dip. Rm Massage Dip. Reflexology Dip. Counselling WorkSafe Acc. ATMS 3931Leading international coach Rumesh Ratnayake with Queenscliff U/13 cricketers Astarya Massage & Natural TherapiesCricket tips from the sub continent Remedial/Relaxation MassageCRICKET - Upwards of 40 junior crickets have 1982 to 1993. The right arm fast-medium bowler Pregnancy Massagebeen given an Australia Day lesson they will was known for his ability to swing a new ball Hot Stone Massagenever forget. and generate pace and bounce. Lymphatic Drainage Reflexology Former Sri Lankan cricketer and national At present he is the bowling coach for the Bowenteam coach Rumesh Ratnayake spent the day Oman national cricket team. Reikiin Queenscliff imparting his considerable Ear Candlingknowledge of the sport. Senior Queenscliff coach Kel Grant, who organised the visit, said it provided invaluable Health Fund Rebates Available Ratnayake is considered a legend of the sport advice and experience to young playersin his home country. He played 23 Tests and wanting to improve their skills and knowledge Natural therapies in a Relaxed Caring Confidential Environment70 One Day Internationals with Sr Lanka from of the game. Ph: 5258 4863 Mob: 0414 860 669 Queenscliff Cricket Club is proud to presentA lazy Sunday afternoon with Merv Hughes $70ph ENERGY FOR LIFESunday 28th February 2016 @ 12pm Stay fit this Summer! Queenscliff Community Sports Club Personal Trainer with close to 20 years experience.Welcome drink on arrival & 3 Course Lunch One on One training • Group training Circuit Classes • Boxing Classes • Boot-camps (Tables of 10 available, Drinks at Bar Prices) Gym memberships availableTickets from: * Farm Foods Queenscliff * Pt Lonsdale Newsagency Kerry Pettigrove * [email protected] 5258 1670 0414 581670 Or call Julian on: 0408 568 175 The Rip, February 2016 Page 40

sportNetballers hit the track Queenscliff's new netball coach aims to bringthe senior teams together into a single squad We've had about five new girls turn up for pre-from which to choose talent. season already. Jenna Cunningham replaces Jamie Ryan in \"Given that I'm coaching A and B grade thisthe role. season I think it would be nice to try and bring the club a bit closer together within the grades After five years of playing, coaching younger and that's what I'm hoping to do.,\" she said.teams and mentoring at the club she feels shehas enough knowledge of the players to build \"I don't want it just to be my squad but fromthe best possible teams this coming season. A through to D grade so that we are all in in together.\" The key will be fitness and teamwork, shetold players at a recent pre-season drill.  Senior trials and sign up for girls aged 15 and over will be held on Saturday February \"Numbers look great and we've managed to 13 feom 9am-12pm and Thursday February 18retain players, including our A-grade players, from 6 to people like Tess [Upton} who is a VNL playerwill be back. We have a new girl coming to pre- Pictured: Tarryn and Amy during a pre-season who looks to be a top grade player. season workGirls rule! Challenging surf conditions on Point Pictured: senior female lifeguards SherrynLonsdale’s notorious back beach were no Ross, Daniella Kirchlinde, Sue Dorman andmatch for the all-female team of lifeguards Julia MacLeod on Pink Patrol day. Inset.participating in the town’s inaugural Pink Bellarine MP Lisa Neville gets pink zincedPatrol day. community safety role, life saving skills also Upwards of 30 volunteers from the provided women with an edge in the workforce.Point Lonsdale and Surf Life Saving Clubsparticipated in the initiative, aimed at thanking “A lot of girls don’t realize the benefits ofand showcasing the skills of the women who having surf life saving behind you in yoursafeguard our beaches. career…The plan is to have more events like this to say: girls, there are leadership roles for Hot conditions, large numbers of beach goers, you and there are people in the club that arehuge waves and strong currents combined to willing to support you,” she said.keep the volunteers on their toes during theJanuary 10 event. “This shows that woman have got a seriousand significant role to play in keeping ourbeaches safe and secure right across Victoria,”said Bellarine MP Lisa Neville. “I think the job they do is probably under-appreciated and under-known and we want tokeep women, keep girls engaged and involvedin surf life saving so showing and celebratingtheir role through this day and having all femalepatrols from Point Lonsdale and Ocean Groveis a great way of starting that discussions.” Point Lonsdale Surf Life Saving Club CaptainJo Burch said apart from playing a pivotal The Rip, February 2016 Page 41

The Rip, February 2016 Page 42

0404 163 609 [email protected] 'LVMW&SPXSR 7IEKYPP Domestic CommercialPPRREESESSX+SRVESR[LE7EIAWWLSMSEERWA SEPoint Lonsdale - Saturday February 6 - Supported by Milo Gaffney IndustrialChrisChBrisoBltooltnon((SSeeaaggulul)ltlo) ptCoehrfrpoisremBrofalottoGrnmrborwianSgtesGshsirsioounnwsiqiunSePetoasiknsetioLononnfossldkai,nlbeluPeos,ianntd Lsoonnicsdale Registered Electrical Contractor 23229 SaatduvrednatyurFeetboruthaeryn6ext instalment of the hugely successfulSuppAPooScritnleaatsdLstbiuocynarslMdldyiaaltolreyaGicnaFoefnfedncebegyrurtiutsaearririsetys, G6row Sessions. Specializing in songs from Kitchens, Wardrobes, Vanities, Chris will be playing Wall & Entertainment Units,SHthuiespbCltiplhvueroeissrpe,teBeaarnlofdbodlutrobsmmnoyasnbnihcMrceineaigshdlsaovhseahnGvriseteulauerbneafeifsqteneoundeethdywteeaisktnhceerxhiobtinsedfboalakns,d Seagull.“NaervrLineeossrnttaLsinlidmsgCat…eelehnnstcrtcooeiasnfllllctaeherBderstohhtsuiueslfgtfrm”oeielubysnsysGicubIrnco“rpcaiwernemsSgssasefsussMtlsehPairoiogfsunianlszutbi.nnleeinqadnudoefOdtcraievkainnegs on folk,melodiesb, rloubeusst, rahyntdhmssoanndiceaardnevset nhetaurrtefelttovotchaels.”nextwBCahonrnrApikesdlalcseewyloraaiinnlssMliLggesnbiidwosclesooarwntjinlGotlaisytgeihanlsdrtmfrehfcafandrioisoeenlmeomeybnn.pdatctAnehtghoodteurietenfiSttichoanecterrnihaegiens,geehttMr,uttfaCihlibnllsbo.hyauue’rlsiimegssrtlteieseweivnlnhiyseldletnbehsGh-eryeauemrsMacoerec-lwoolebdldosiSeulsosrefncauaesnlldsMPiuoosinicnst.breathtaking lyrical sensitivity are a sight to behold.NotaHstiso“labivreAerempsceitsrlisnafoegsrdm…s! aiscntecaelllsalyrhsattvruaeffib”nebeeyndIdngepsurecirstisbaerdist, Chris will be Furniture,TLBIIOMChMmhOKIieTsaeEKaEglmTorIaDNtSdufzpresiGieS$nellitcaeESsl5ev,“y0AaEaoar,inToScnmsdIIbaSNNgeaulOEsCGssdNc.stL”teeoTUrwarhInfnDAuyistgEltLhhNbs:Smel0heAfvs4nrieso1daTr3nmWLobdi5sfaOted9tenh-ar8nCidrvencO3iane4StUlsglh8eeRtdrSaeEgeDuaIlNllb.NuEmRs he has Flat Pack Assembly and Installation and much more. 0417 168 537 The Rip, February 2016 Page 43

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