City of Rochester Hills January – June 2021 ENFORCEMENT NEWSLETTER BEFORE AND AFTER PERSPECTIVE #1 #2 #3 ENFORCEMENT – BLIGHT ENFORCEMENT – BLIGHT ENFORCEMENT - BLIGHT (FIRE) 2018 - 2021 Violation of blight on the Ordinance complaint, Fire destroyed house in April of 2018 and roadway prior to pick up. correction cleared in 3 days!!! insurance company tried to save the…. Correction made in 3 days!!! Continued on page 3. SPECIAL EVENTS: FIREWORKS Temporary Outdoor Display and Sales of Goods See page 3… 1
City of Rochester Hills January – June 2021 ENFORCEMENTS The owner finally ended the business BLIGHT activity but let the property become This address is on Grant street. The owner of the unsightly and with property brought his tree trimming business and moved no maintenance. into the neighborhood. Several tickets later the owner finally For 15 years at least we wrote many tickets and sold the property appeared in court multiple times getting orders to and the NEW eliminate the activity. During that time the owner OWNER quickly threatened two ordinance officers and the assistant city brought the property attorney with harm and threw nails in driveways on the into compliance. day of court. He even spent seven days in jail for contempt of court. AFTER BBEEFFOORREE To the left you can see the before images from the unsightly property. To the right you will see the updated/after pictures 2
City of Rochester Hills January – June 2021 TEMPORARY OUTDOOR DISPLAY AND SALES OF GOODS The City of Rochester Hill ordinance allows temporary sale and display of goods in the parking lots of businesses in the B-1, B-2, and B-3 districts under a Special Event Permit. The ordinance allows the owner of businesses in these districts to sell the items normally sold in the store to be sold in a “tent sale” in the parking lot associated with the business building. Parking lots are not allowed be leased to private outside vendors for sales of items not sold in the primary business building. This ordinance does not pertain to roadside stands and Christmas tree sales. ENFORCEMENTS FIRE/BLIGHT Fire destroyed house in April of 2018 and insurance company tried to save the decking however it could not be salvaged so demolition happened with an open hole inspection in November of 2020. Final inspection has not yet been completed. during “Our goal is to beautify Rochester Hills and keep it a beautiful place to live, work and. raise a family” 3
City of Rochester Hills January – June 2021 SIGN UPDATE One sign can be placed on your private property and one sign can be placed off premises on private property. Please do not place signs on public property or on telephone poles, as this is not allowed. Also signs are not to be placed between the sidewalk and the road (public right of way). ENFORCEMENTS PROPERTY MAINTENANCE COMPLAINTS 2218 Highsplint AAFFTTEERR BBEEFFOORREE Neighborhood association made several complaints about the outside maintenance. The city spoke with the new owners and created a plan to have the work done over a period of 6 months. The repairs were done after finding the right contractor for the job. BBEEFFOORREE 3186 Courtfield Dr AFTER City received numerous complaints about the property maintenance. The home had numerous area rotted wood and paint flaking off creating an eyesore. The city was able to get the homeowner to make the necessary repairs over several months and transform the blight into a brand new home. ENFORCEMENTS PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 328 Prospect The city received numerous calls of blight regarding the wood siding. There were numerous holes and rot under front window casings. After 12 months, and several bids from contractors the whole house was resided, new windows & roof were installed. 4
City of Rochester Hills January – June 2021 FOOD TRUCK UPDATE Ordinance and Fire are putting together a mobile food preparation vehicle proposal to present the City attorney Bob Lob Law and to City Council for approval. ENFORCEMENTS (EXTREME WEEDS & GRASS) 1594 RUBY AVE Neighbors have complained for years about the property that belonged to an elderly woman. There was lots of overgrowth along the fence and side yard. It was obvious the handicapped woman was not able to properly take care of it, and we were able to reach out to a local church group (St. John Lutheran) and partner with a team of volunteers to take care of the Blight/Property Maintenance issues. BBEEFFOORREE AFTER ENFORCEMENTS TREE REMOVAL 3444 Harrison Ave The neighbors were concerned with a rotten tree in the front yard and dropping large branches on the adjacent neighbors driveway & vehicle. After several requests the property owner agreed and eventually had the tree removed. 5
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