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Home Explore 006Introduction to computer

006Introduction to computer

Published by meowmeowkung2002, 2022-04-24 05:14:47

Description: 006Introduction to computer


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Introduction to computer Mr.Nattapol Srisombut 6411135006

A personal computer (PC) A personal computer (PC) is a computer that can perform all of its input, processing, outputs and storage activities by itself and is intended to be use by one person at a time.

A personal computer Laptops Laptops also called a notebookcomputer is a thin , lightweight mobile computer with a screen in its lid and a keyboard in its base.

A personal computer Tablets A tablet is a thin lighter-weight mobile computer that has a touch screen. Tablet run on batteries or a power supply or both; however, batteries in a tablet typically last longer than those in labtops.

A personal computer Desktop computer A desktop computer is a personal computer designed to be in a stationary location, where all of its components fit on or under a desk or table.

A personal computer All –in-Ones All- in- one does not contain a tower and instead users the same case to house the display and the processing circuitry. Some desktops and all-in-ones have displays that support touch.

A personal computer Severs computer A server is a computer dedicated to providing one or more services to other computers or devices on a network.

A personal computer Mobile A mobile device is a computing device small enough to hold in your hand. Because of their reduced size, the screens on mobile devices are small.

A personal computer Smartphone A smart phone is an internet-capable phone that usually also includes a calendar, an address book, a calculator, a notepad, games and serval other apps.

A personal computer Digital camera A digital camera is a device that allows you to take photos and store the photographed images digital. A digital camera also can communicate wirelessly with other devices and include apps similar to those on a smartphone.

A personal computer Wearable devices A werable device is a small , mobile computing consumer device designed to be worn.

A person computer E-book Reader An e-book reader is a mobile device that is used primarily for reading e-books. An e-book is an electronic version of printed book, readable on computers and other digital devices.

A personal computer Game devices A game console is a mobile computing device designed for single-player or multiplayer video games.

Data and information A keyboard contains keys you press to enter data and instructions into a computer or mobile device


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