EVERYTHINGFROM BADGESTO BOOTS.ALL OF ITGUARANTEED. Quality Uniform & Equipment Solutions. Guaranteed. 1
I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Unitex Direct is well equipped to provide your organization with uniforms and accessories that meet your quality, cost and delivery requirements. We have been in business for 25 years, and 92 percent of our business is with private security guard and event service companies and 5% with Police, Fire and EMS. Customization, embroidery and alterations to uniforms, pick/pack and shipping are done from our Michigan warehouse, per your shipping specifications. Your account and orders will be handled by four individuals with a combined average seniority of 18 years with our company. This is a total of 70 man-years of experience to make your uniform program run smoothly and effortlessly. We guarantee your satisfaction. Since one of the most prevalent issues facing uniform decision- makers is poor quality, I established the UNITEX DIRECT GUARANTEE. If any product purchased from us does not meet your standards, we’ll replace it. Our percent on-time delivery has consistently been in the 98th percentile for all orders. We can offer your company a secure, custom, private online ordering system; organizing your products in your Uniform WebStore to be flexible to meet your operating needs. We effortlessly support your new startups and other job site transitions so you can open new business needs without uniform delivery delays. If we fall short of any of your requirements, we hope to have a conversation and see if we can clarify or resolve the concern. Thank you for considering our company to serve as your uniform provider. 24
II. COMPANY HISTORY & KEY CORPORATE PERSONNELCompany HistoryUnitex Direct was created in 1992. Within a very brief period of time we established ourselves as one ofthe fastest growing new uniform company startups. In the spring of 1994, we moved into our first rentalspace of 4,000 square feet in which we housed all of our operations, customer service, warehouse andour alterations department. In 1999, we increased the square footage of the company by 5,000 squarefeet to 9,000 square feet. In the fall of 2007 we purchased our own 19,000 square foot building andrenovated it completely. We quadrupled the size of our alterations facility (to 2,000 square feet) to moreefficiently handle the volume of orders as well as large startups that are processed through our company.Our company has grown from its inception and now has 17 full-time (and some part-time) employees tomanage the workflow efficiently. We service more than 275 Customers and ship to more than 500locations across the USA and Canada.Key Corporate Personnel Dan Mendelson, President, 25 years Nancy Clanton, General Manager, 20 years Trish Stewart, Customer Services, 15 years Margo Krukowski, Head Seamstress, 16 years 3 5
III. DESCRIPTION OF ONLINE ORDERING SYSTEM The Unitex Direct online ordering system is complete, secure and customized for your company’s private use. Each employee authorized to purchase uniforms is assigned a Username and Password which is connected to their facility. We can organize your products in the website to be flexible to meet your operating needs. You can choose your category names and products specific to your way of doing business. Our system allows this flexibility. In addition, we can organize your uniform products by department. For example, if you have multiple departments within your venue that have unique uniform products or a specific look, we can organize them so that your employees are able to easily locate and order products specific to that department. Products can be cross listed in multiple ways in multiple categories for best access and ease of ordering. We also have a Supervisor Module which is available in the system. We can set a dollar value limit on each order and if the order exceeds that dollar value a Supervisor-Facility Manager must approve the order. There is complete control over the entire order by the Supervisor, allowing them to either Accept, Modify or Deny the complete order. Even if the order has 20 or more line items in it, the Supervisor can modify each line item quantity up or down. If the order goes to the Supervisor for approval, we do not see the order until it is approved by him or her. Each Facility Manager determines the level of authority given to their employee responsible for ordering. A valued employee with many years of experience can have a high dollar limit before the supervisor module comes into play. A new employee responsible for uniform ordering can have a low dollar limit and the supervisor would see these orders at the smaller dollar level. The limit is set at the employee level and so multiple employees in a facility with uniform responsibility can have different dollar levels for their seniority and experience at the company. Another feature on the system is your ability to review and approve various shipping rates. You can select UPS or FEDEX Ground or an Air option. We can also use your UPS or FEDEX account number to bill your freight directly against your account if you prefer. 46
IV. PRODUCT OVERVIEWOur distribution facility and HQ is located in Michigan. We count on the resources of more than 125vendors in this industry to provide us with all of the apparel, equipment and accessories that ourcustomers need. Innovation in the uniform industry is a constant and the list of products and ourvendors is constantly growing. Here is a list of our top 46 products.Badges Maternity UniformsBallistic Armor Metal InsigniaBaseball Caps Military CapsBDU’s - Battle DressUniform Name BadgesBelts - Leather and Nylon NeckwearBig & Tall Clothing Nylon GoodsBike Patrol Uniforms OuterwearBlazers Pepper SprayBoots and Shoes, Military Police EquipmentCareer Apparel Police UniformsCasual Apparel Polo ShirtsCoveralls & Jumpsuits Prison AccessoriesEMS/EMT Uniforms Promotional ProductsFingerprint ID Equipment RainwearFlame Resistant Apparel Safety ProductsFlashlights Security UniformsFlight Suits SocksGloves SweatersHats Thermal ApparelHi-Viz Safety Apparel Traffic Control ItemsHolsters T-ShirtsIndustrial Uniforms Turtlenecks & DickeysLeather Goods Wicking ApparelIn order to stay in touch with vendors and products we are active members of the NationalAssociation of Uniform Manufacturers and Distributors and attend their annual conference. Wealso subscribe to various print and electronic journals related to the industry to keep us in touchwith new apparel and technology developments. We have been in partnership with many of oursuppliers since our inception in 1992. 5 7
V. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1. Can your company track internal monthly budget allocations for specific operations? Yes, we can track and report on your monthly budget allocations. Where requested we currently provide monthly, quarterly and annual dollar volume and line item reports organized by facility for our major customers. The purchasing activity of each facility is regulated in its own line account so that purchases and returns are aggregated to that location only. Facility managers can then get vital access to their dollars spent. We can also educate your facility managers on the necessary uniform distribution curve needed for a new start up if you don’t know uniform sizes until very close to the event. Our distribution curve data covers almost ten years of sales history in our current database. 2. Can you drop ship to site location offices? What is your policy concerning shipping costs? We drop ship on a daily basis to our customers’ locations. Where needed we can even ship to an employee’s home if access to the office on a crucial delivery day is not available. Our customer service team works very closely with UPS and FEDEX to watch over your deliveries with online tracking systems and effective communications. In some instances, we have been able to change the delivery address of a package(s) in mid-stream. (For example, a package with a 2 - 5 day delivery schedule can be rerouted at any time after departure up to the day before delivery if an address is incorrect or has been updated for best and final delivery). Shipping costs are an add-on cost to the uniform purchase. We scrutinize all of your orders so that they arrive on time with the lowest possible freight expense. Knowing our speed of production, the established number of days it takes for a package to reach a specific destination and what your anticipated delivery requirements are we will organize your orders to achieve your delivery needs. For large startups where the uniform deliveries might exceed 200 pounds of shipping weight we work with UPS to give you the lowest possible freight delivery service. For even larger orders that may exceed 400 or 500 pounds we can use a common carrier to deliver your uniforms at even lower freight costs. We do not consider freight costs to be part of our operating margin but simply cover these costs and pass them on to you at the lowest possible level. 3. Will we have an assigned key contact person? Yes, you will have an assigned Account Manager as a single point of contact on all services. 4. Do you require customers to sign a contract / service agreement? We can work with your team to come to an agreement on a service document 68
VI. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS - continued5. Do you offer additional products such as safety vests and footwear? What other additional products can your company provide? We are a full-service uniform, apparel and equipment company. In our warehouse, we will stock, where feasible, 100% of your required products to help you maintain your company’s operations on an on-going basis. In the last 12 months we shipped more than 250,000 pieces representing more than 5,000 different inventory items – products and sizes. At the current time we have more than 130,000 pieces representing 4600 different products and sizes.6. Do you apply extra fees for orders that require the following? Oversized Pieces Oversized pricing varies by the product. Some oversized products have no extra fees. Trouser Hemming Our standard hemming charge is $3.00 per pair of pants. Affixing of Badges and Patches We will affix up to TWO emblems per garment at no additional cost. Extra emblems, more than two per garment, require additional charges. 7 9
7. What qualities differentiate your company from other uniform suppliers? Our mission statement is to, at all times, act in the best interest of our valued customer. We understand that our company only exists because of the loyalty of our customers. Our role as your supplier is to provide you with products that promote the best image possible to your customers. We succeed at this by providing quality products to you on a timely basis. This includes making sure products are available, that your customization needs are met, whether it be the sewing of emblems, embroidery, heat seals or silk screening. We provide custom alterations to make sure the uniforms fit your staff well by adjusting shirt sleeves and body lengths, shirt tapering, maternity alterations, etc. We can pack by person for a new startup or at any time requested. The pack by person feature can save your company countless hours of frustration and effort in trying to suit up more than 20 employees at one time for a rapid turn start up. Rather than turn your office into a mini- warehouse where you spread out all of the delivered shirts, pants, jackets, hats, name tags, ties, etc. in order to organize, secure and arrange for delivery to your job site – we will do it all for you before it leaves our warehouse We then ship direct to the site where the facility manager organizes the disbursement of uniforms. A second document that helps to explain our service and how we differentiate ourselves is our “Methods of Operation.” In our Methods of Operation, we believe that communication is critical to our success as your uniform partner and your success at your facility. We believe that our communication efforts and assistance are as crucial as the uniforms themselves. Communications exists at multiple places in the supply chain solution. The most critical piece occurs at the moment we receive an order from a customer. Every order is responded to via email within 4 hours of receipt. We respond with the following in mind. Do we have it in stock? Is it the item the customer really wants? (we confirm from our history of sales to this facility or this job site) Do we have the right color and size? Will it fit right? Will the entire order be delivered on time? How can we efficiently ship this to them and keep their operating costs low 810
VII. Unitex Direct Collateral Materials a. Mission Statement b. Method of Operations c. Articles from the NASCO Magazine, “Security Executive” i. TOUCHDOWMN:isDsevieolonp ASUtnaifotremmPreognratm That Will Score with Your Officers and with Your Clients ii. Putting Your Best Face Forward: The Psychology of Uniforms for Security We will taFkiremrsePsrpoovnessiYboiluitAyrfeoWr thhaet YcuoustWomeaerr.’s complete uniform requirements. To give fast, accurate and courteous service. To always give the best possible prices and delivery. To correct any errors rapidly and efficiently. To, at all times, act in the best interest of our valued customers. 9 10 11
Methods of Operation We manufacture our own security uniform shirts, pants and outerwear to industry standards to provide you with high quality and low cost products. We will maintain a perpetual inventory of all uniforms, across a complete size scale, required to outfit our customer’s needs on an immediate basis. We will diligently search out all specially requested items. We search and work with hundreds of vendors across the USA to deliver you the highest quality, lowest cost and best delivery on in-stock uniform, career apparel or accessories to meet the needs of your company and clients. We have the resources and experience to create a unique uniform program of customized products. We will work with the customer’s purchasing department to develop an efficient purchase order system. We will be in constant communication to determine if we have fully satisfied our customer’s requests. In the event an order is not shipping complete, we will maintain a maximum four hour response time following your order to advise shipment. We will provide quarterly or annual management reports, as requested, showing dollar volume purchased by branch as well as line items and quantities purchased. If we miss a scheduled delivery date, we will express ship the items to meet your schedule and absorb all shipping charges. We guarantee the quality for all items sold. If not satisfied you may return the product for a full refund or replacement, no questions asked. 1112
Solving Uniform Problems Dan Mendelson President When I established Unitex Direct in 1992, I didn’t know how prevalent certain problems were for uniform buyers. Since then, I now focus my company’s efforts on solving those problems. While we have anything a security company, event services or public safety department needs in the way of apparel, equipment and accessories, I pride myself in delivering a level of service that I believe our clients should expect from their uniform company. Just over the last year, companies using competitors have come to us and we’ve solved their problems including: lack of on-time delivery, incorrect items/quantities shipped and poor quality and lack of communication. The Unitex Direct Guarantee Since one of the most prevalent issues facing uniform decision-makers is poor quality, I established the UNITEX DIRECT GUARANTEE. If anything a client buys from us doesn’t meet their standards, we’ll replace it. And that’s a promise from me personally. As President, my hands and eyes are involved in every step of our operation. If there’s a problem, our customers get solutions fast. We offer a wide array of professional uniform components, including: trousers, shirts, jackets, outerwear, blazers, ties, shoes, boots & hats. In addition to manufacturing our own security officer uniforms, our stock also includes these quality brands: 5.11 Tactical, Elbeco, Port Authority, Edwards, Boston Leather & many others. I’m committed to supporting the industries that we serve, both through time and resources, including ASIS International -- I serve as the membership chair of the ASIS Security Services Council. I also am involved in the ASIS NYC and Detroit Chapters. We are a Corporate Member of NCS4. We also contribute to funds for fallen police officers & their families. If you’re having any issues with your uniform program, I’d be happy to have a con- versation. Please contact me at [email protected]. Or you can speak with me by calling 800-682-1606 x 236.24
Contact Dan Mendelson: 800-682-1606 x226 or [email protected] Visit us at www.unitexdirect.com or 8226 Goldie Street Walled Lake, MI 48390 Quality Uniform & Equipment Solutions. Guaranteed. Celebrating over 20 years!26
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