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Promotional Products Catalog

Published by Unitex Direct, 2017-08-18 16:08:11

Description: Executive Products Catalog


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Executive Products is the world leader in the manufacturing &marketing of integrated event solutions that support security,anti-counterfeit, medical, recreational, and special eventwristbands.We carry a wide assortment of wrist identification and accesscontrol solutions designed for the leisure and entertainmentmarkets. Executive Products can be found in more than 125countries world-wide and are available in a variety ofmaterials, customized patterns, and highly visible colors thatsupport emerging technologies like RFID, GPS, Cashless,and full color variable data. Designed for virtually any situation& environment, Executive Products can be used for single &multi-day purposes including glow under black light solutionsfor night time related events, wet or dry environments, andthe rugged outdoors.• World’s largest wristband inventory• No back orders!• Unbeatable flat pricing• Stock & Custom orders available within 48 hours• International shipping to 110 countries• Generous credit/financing terms available for committed dealers and resellers. *For those who qualifyCONTACT US: Executive Products 509 Commissioners Rd. W Suite 47 London Ontario, Canada N6J 1Y5Toll Free: 1.877.433.4445Direct: 1.519.686.6609Email: [email protected] us online for the latest products and information! www.exproducts.com1

Table of ContentsWELCOME TO EXECUTIVE PRODUCTS PageTable Of Contents 2LEGACY BANDS 3-4 5Tyvek® 6Tyvek® ¾” Patterns 7-8Tyvek® 1” Patterns 9-10Plastic / Soft ComfortVinylSPECIALTY & PREMIUM PRODUCTSScratch N’ Win 11-12Lenticular 13-14Revtek / Genesis 15Cloth / Silicone 16GPS 17-18Thermal Bands 19Tickets 20Photographic 21-22SOLUTIONS 23 24RFID 25-26Cashless 27-28Variable DataCustom Printing 2

Tyvek®Tyvek® Wristbands Are The Perfect SolutionFor A Variety Of Applications Such As:• Ticketing • Coat Check• Guest ID • On-Site Rentals• Drinking Age Verification • Access Restrictions• Child ID • Ride Admittance• VIP Access • Advertising/Sponsor/MarketingKey Features:• Inexpensive & Versatile• Waterproof• Repels Bacteria• Hypoallergenic• Virtually impossible to transfer to a non-paying guest.Tyvek® Event Wristbands Also OfferSeveral Key Security Features:Tamper-Evident ClosuresOur Tyvek® wristbands use a patented adhesive closure with a specially designed die-cut, this typeof closure is designed to shred if removal is attempted. This security feature is designed to preventtampering or transfer.Serial NumberingAll of our Tyvek® wristbands feature serial numbering printed on the band for quick and easy tracking.Executive Products also offers custom numbering options for those looking to enhance their bands further.High VisibilityOur Tyvek® wristbands come in an variety of vibrant colors with options to print custom UV imprintsthat are black light responsive, allowing security staff a quick and easy method of identifying counterfeitwristbands.Variable Data, Barcodes And Numbering OptionsVariable data printing is a form of digital printing, including on demand printing, in which elementssuch as text, graphics and images may be changed from one printed wristband to the next. Thismethod of printing uses information from a database or external file. Find out more on Page: 27-28.3

Tyvek® Event WristbandsTyvek® wristbands are made from a very strong material made with flashspun high-density polyethylenefibers. It is very difficult to tear but can easily be cut with a knife or scissors. Tyvek® is a registeredtrademark of DuPont. All of our Tyvek® bands are stretch and tear resistant, anti-bacterial, ideal for bothwet and dry environments, and are available in a variety of vibrant colors. Tyvek® wristbands havebeen designed with a patented adhesive as well as die-cut closure to deter tampering. ¾” Glow Under Black Light Colors:¾” Glow Under Black Light Wristband(¾” x 10”)(1.9cm x 25.4cm)IMPRINT AREA:(½” x 7.8”) (1.2cm x 19.8cm) ¾” Solid Color Wristband 1” Solid Color Wristband (¾” x 10”)(1.9cm x 25.4cm) (1” x 10”)(2.5cm x 25.4cm) IMPRINT AREA: IMPRINT AREA: (½” x 7.8”) (1.2cm x 19.8cm) (¾” x 7.8”) (1.9cm x 19.8cm) 1” Pinfeed Wristband 1” Litter Free Wristband (1” x 10”)(2.5cm x 25.4cm) (1” x 10”)(2.5cm x 25.4cm) IMPRINT AREA: IMPRINT AREA: (¾” x 7.8”) (1.9cm x 19.8cm) (¾” x 7.8”) (1.9cm x 19.8cm)Tyvek® Available Colors: The wax tab remains attached to the band when applying, reducing environmental impact. 1” Detachable Stub Wristband (1” x 10”)(2.5cm x 25.4cm) IMPRINT AREA: (¾” x 7.8”) (1.9cm x 19.8cm) STUB: (¾” x .6”) (1.9cm x 1.5cm) Stubsareperfecttouseforcoatchecks, merchandise redemption, drink coupons,ortoadvertiseyoursponsors.Did you know?These wristbands come with sequential numbering and can be completelycustomized to feature your logos, event details, and sponsor’sinformation! Find out more in our All About Custom Wristbands Sectionon pages 29-30. Or visit us online at to learnabout our combo packs!*Wristband images are not shown in actual size. 4* Color options may vary depending on band style.

Tyvek® ¾” Patterns Tyvek® ¾” patterned bands come in 20+ amazing full color prints. They feature images ranging from holidays, water parks, VIP and carnivals. Our patterned bands can also be customized to include key features to your event or venue. Water Park *Multicolor Holidays *Multicolor Candy Canes Combo Halloween New Years Date October Fest *Full Color St. Pattys Images *Multicolor Bubble Gum Carnival Happy Face Multicolored Party Time Streamers Winning Hand Patterns *Available in a variety of colors. Checker Flames Stars Sun Face Zig Zag Identification *Available in different colors.Drinking Age Verified Pit Pass Checker Under Age VIP VIP Crown *Multi-color For a full list of patterns available, please visit our website at www.exproducts.com5

1” Patterns Not sure how you should customize your wristbands? Choose from 1 of the 15 full color 1” Tyvek® patterned bands we currently have. Our bands feature images for Amusement, Safari, and Night Clubs. Checker - BlueAmusement Park Camouflage *Multicolor Checker Concert *Multicolor Confetti *Multicolor * MulticolorDrinking Age Verified Drink Responsibly Happy Face Hypnotic *Multicolor Nightclub *Multicolor *Full ColorPaint Splatter Patriotic Flag * Multicolor Puzzle *Multicolor Raceway *Multicolor Safari *Multicolor *MulticolorAll of our patterned bands can be customized to include your logo, text, or event details!*Wristband images are not shown in actual size. 6*Colors may vary from catalog

Plastic Plastic Wristbands Executive Products manufactures plastic wristbands that are perfect for just about any event. They’re made with material that is stretch & tear resistant, waterproof and durable; making them a great choice for multi-day events.Key Features:• Durable• Waterproof• Stretch, and tear resistant• Permanent one time locking closure prevents tampering and transfer. Plastic Sparkle Wristband - Yellow. Create a lasting impression on your guests with bands that are absolutely eye catching! Excellent for New Year’s Eve parties, galas or corporate fundraisers. Red Plastic SPARKLE Wristbands IMPRINT AREA: (.525” x 3.9”) (1.33cm x 9.9cm) ¾” x 10” (1.9cm x 25.4cm) Available Colors: Purple Yellow Orange Gold Aqua *Note- We suggest using white or silver imprint on red, Silver Pink Green Blue Red blue, and purple Sparkle bands for better visibility. TIP *Get the most from your Sparkle and Techno bands by customizing them with your logo and company information. Light Blue Plastic TECHNO Wristbands IMPRINT AREA: (.525” x 3.9”) (1.33cm x 9.9cm) ¾” x 10” (1.9cm x 25.4cm) Available Colors: Red Purple Gold Blue Green *Note- We suggest using white or silver imprint on black, blue, Black Pink Silver Orange Light and purple Techno bands for Blue better visibility.7

Soft Comfort Wristbands Soft Comfort Available Colors: Neon LimeWant the same great quality and reliability astraditional plastic, but looking for a band that feelsa little more lightweight? Soft Comfort is the solution!Made with a bi-laminate material which is stronglike traditional plastic yet soft to the touch. Soft comfortis the ideal choice for events and venues looking tooffer guests with a band that is truly unique. IMPRINT AREA:(.525” x 3.9”) (1.33cm x 9.9cm)Soft Comfort Straight Wristbands*Solid or with White Block for full color graphics Soft Comfort¾” x 10” (1.9cm x 25.4cm) Wide Face WristbandsFULL COLOR IMPRINT AREA:(0.668” x 3.9”) (1.69cm x 9.9cm) *Solid or with White Block 1” x 10” (2.5cm x 25.4cm) IMPRINT AREA: (.8” x 2.623”) (2cm x 6.6cm) FULL COLOR IMPRINT AREA: (1” x 2.623”) (2.54cm x 6.6cm) IMPRINT AREA: Plastic Available Colors: (.525” x 3.9”) (1.33cm x 9.9cm)Plastic Straight Wave Wristbands¾” x 10” (1.9cm x 25.4cm) Neon LimePlastic Wide Face Wristbands1” x 10” (2.5cm x 25.4cm)IMPRINT AREA:(.8” x 2.6”) (2cm x 6.6cm)Plastic Detachable Stub Wristbands Available Colors:*Also available in Soft Comfort Neon Lime1” x 10” (2.5cm x 25.4cm) IMPRINT AREA: (.4” x 4.45”) (1cm x 11.3cm) STUB: (.4” x 2.25”) (1cm x 5.7cm)Did you know?Soft comfort wristbands can be customized in Full Color andare often requested by theme parks to offer as fast passbands because of their comfortable lightweight feel.*Wristband images are not shown in actual size. 8* Color options may vary depending on band style.

VinylVinyl WristbandsLooking for a band that will hold up during the most rugged events? Our Vinyl bands come in 6 differentstyles and are made to last! Crafted from tri-laminate recycled material they are waterproof, stretchand tear resistant and durable enough for repeat use. We recommend our vinyl bands for 1-5 dayevents. They come with a snap closure that is virtually impossible to tamper with. Once the snap hasbeen broken it cannot be reused. Executive Products also offers full customizing on our vinyl bands. Getcreative with your logo, event details, serial numbering, sponsor information and more!Key Features:• Designed for extended wear• Adjustable for most wrist sizes• Quick to apply; wraps around wrist, easy to adjust, and snaps firmly closed• Serial numbering can be added• Secure snap closure prevents tampering and transfer IMPRINT AREA: Edge Glow & MyGlo™ Available Colors: (.525” x 3.9”) (1.3cm x 9.9cm) Neon Lime Edge Glow Wristbands ¾” x 10” (1.9cm x 25.4cm) *These bands come in a variety of different styles, please call for more details. MyGlo™ Wide Face Wristbands Transparent Colors! Also available in Straight Wave and 1 Stub 1” x 10” (1.9cm x 25.4cm) FULL COLOR IMPRINT AREA: (1” x 2.623”) (2.54cm x 6.6cm) SAFE TEXT AREA: (.8” x 2.5”) (2cm x 6.6cm)9

IMPRINT AREA: (.525” x 3.9”) (1.3cm x 9.9cm) Straight Wave Wristbands ¾” x 10” (1.9cm x 25.4cm) IMPRINT AREA: (.8” x 2.6”) (2cm x 6.6cm) Wide Face Wristbands 1” x 10” (2.5cm x 25.4cm) IMPRINT AREA: (.4” x 4”) (1cm x 10.16cm)Detachable Stub Wristbands½” x 11¾” (1.3cm x 29.8cm)Detachable 3- Stub Wristbands Detachable 5- Stub Detachable 10- Stub Wristbands Wristbands½” x 11¾” (1.3cm x 29.8cm)IMPRINT AREA: ½” x 11¾” (1.3cm x 29.8cm) ½” x 11¾” (1.3cm x 29.8cm)(.5” x 3.6”) (1.2cm x 9.1cm) IMPRINT AREA: IMPRINT AREA:STUBS: (.4” x 1”) (1cm x 2.5cm) (.5” x 3.6”) (1.2cm x 9.1cm) (.5” x 3.6”) (1.2cm x 9.1cm) STUBS: (.4” x .5”) (1cm x 1.2cm) STUBS: (.4” x .5”) (1cm x 1.2cm)Available Vinyl Colors:Neon Lime Did you know? Using a detachable stub wristband can increase your revenue and profits by having your sponsors or vendors pay to advertise offers on the stub which are redeemable at your event or venue. You can actually help to offset the cost of your wristbands, while generating additional revenues.*Wristband images are not shown in actual size. 10* Color options may vary depending on band style.

Scratch N’ WinScratch N’ Win WristbandsScratch N’ Win is the perfect way to connect with your audience. It allows you to capture customer data,increase sales, and more importantly drive traffic at your event, by getting your patrons involved. Incentivizemarketing is the way to go when it comes to having customers take meaningful action towards exploringnew products and sharing brand messaging with friends.Scratch N’ Win wristbands can be customized with your Completelymessage, logos, graphics, text and winning messages CUSTOMIZABLE! Key Features: • Cost-effective, simple to set up and use • High rate of return and interaction by recipients • High level of redemption as people love the chance to “win big” • Collect customer information easily for future promotions by having customers fill in their information to claim prizes • Drive customers to your website or social media by synchronizing promotion with online offers, specials, or events Sequential numbering add Create excitement by offering Brand your wristbands additional security to your special offers and promotions with your company logo wristbands. Easily keep to your customers that can be and information track of what bands have used during or after your event been claimed11

Scratch N’ Win Wristbands Are AvailableTo Be Printed On: 1” & ¾” Tyvek® (1” x 10”)(2.5cm x 25.4cm) FULL COLOR IMPRINT AREA: (1” x 7.8”) (2.5cm x 19.8cm) SAFE TEXT AREA: (¾” x 7.8”) (1.9cm x 19.8cm) Soft Comfort 1” Wide Face, White Block wristband (1” x 10”)(2.5cm x 25.4cm) FULL COLOR IMPRINT AREA: (1” x 2.623”) (2.54cm x 6.6cm) SAFE TEXT AREA: (.8” x 2.623”) (2cm x 6.6cm) 0.7” 1” 1”2.5” x 0.375” 1.375” x 0.25”Lottery Style Scratch N’ WinAllows for free prizes, product marketing, and bounce back campaigns. Ideal for sponsorshippromotions and advertisements.Add Variable DataKeep them excited with the use of variable data. You can add a different prize or code pins toeach Scratch N’ Win Wristband for various outcomes for your guests! Did you know? Scratch N’ Win wristbands were designed to help industry professionals offer a special incentive to patrons at their events and venues. You can customize your Scratch N’ Win bands to feature as many prize options or winner quantities as you’d like.*Wristband images are not shown in actual size. 12

Lenticular Allows viewers to observe 3D effects such as, depth or motion in a printed image as their viewing angle changes.3D Lenticular WristbandsApplying lenticular technology to wristbands literally gives sponsors a new way of getting their messageinto the hands of consumers. Imagine having the ability to advertise, to amaze and involve consumerswith never before seen 3D effects. This product can help you deliver high-impact, versatile andimaginative campaigns.Key Features: Image Changes with a flick of the• Custom animated graphic design and 3D effects• Full color front and underside printing wrist!• Completely customizable• Single use or reusable snaps available• Custom shapes availableStraight Band(1” x 9¾”)(12.1cm x 24.76cm)SAFE TEXT AREA:(¾” x 5”) (1.9cm x 12.7cm)Long Band (1” x 2”)(2.54cm x 5.08cm) STUB SAFE TEXT AREA:(1” x 11”)(12.1cm x 27.94cm)SAFE TEXT AREA: (¾” x 1¾”) (1.9cm x 4.4cm)(¾” x 6”) (1.9cm x 15.24cm)Slim Band(½” x 9¾”)(12.1cm x 24.76cm)SAFE TEXT AREA:(¼” x 5”) (1.27cm x 12.7cm)Straight Band With Detachable Stub(1” x 9¾”)(12.1cm x 24.76cm)SAFE TEXT AREA:(¾” x 5”) (1.9cm x 12.7cm)13

Lanyard Inserts (2.5” x 3.75”)(6.4cm x 9.5cm) (3.5” x 4.5”)(8.9cm x 11.4cm) (4.5” x 5.5”)(11.4cm x 13.97cm) We can print your real photo inserts with name, barcode and other variable data. FINALLY you can have a secure lanyard where the face must match the name and lanyard. No more fake or unwanted guests!Uses for Lenticular Wristbands: Shelf Danglers• Creating collectibles, (4.75” x 8”)(12.1cm x 20.3cm)• Introducing new products,• Increasing brand recognition,• Generating higher revenues and higher levels of securityAll potential realities with this product!Business Cards Post Cards(2” x 3.5”)(5.1cm x 8.9cm) (3.5” x 5”)(8.8cm x 12.7cm) (4” x 6”)(10.16cm x 15.24cm)Custom shapes available! Did you know? Lenticular wristbands are great for product launches, fundraisers, carnivals or any event or venue wanting to leave an lasting impression on your guests!*Wristband & product images are not shown in actual size. 14

Revtek Revtek Wristbands If you are looking for a completely custom wristband, that you can design right from the ground up to feature your logo, barcodes, QR codes, numbering, or variable data; Our Revtek is the perfect band for you! These bands are comfortable to wear and beautiful to display as they showcase full color images and are produced with a protective coating to provide a stronger more durable band. 1” Revtek Full Color Wristband Did you know? (1” x 10”)(2.5cm x 25.4cm) Many of our customers choose Revtek for concerts, FULL COLOR IMPRINT AREA: fundraisers, special events and marathon races, (1” x 7.8”) (2.5cm x 19.8cm) as the ability to print full color showcases logos SAFE TEXT AREA: perfectly and the large imprint area plenty of (¾” x 7.8”) (1.9cm x 19.8cm) room for event information and sponsors.Genesis Biodegradable Genesis Wristbands Our Biodegradable Genesis wristbands are the best choice for events and venues looking to provide a greener solution. These bands can be recycled and/or composted and also feature our litter free tabs helping to reduce the carbon footprint your event leaves behind. 1” Genesis Litter Free Genesis Litter Free & Snapped Available Colors: *Not suitable for wet environments Neon Lime (1” x 10”)(2.5cm x 25.4cm) IMPRINT AREA: (¾” x 7.8”) (1.9cm x 19.8cm) Genesis Straight Wave - Snap *Snaps are not biodegradable ¾” x 10” (1.9cm x 25.4cm) IMPRINT AREA: (.525” x 3.9”) (1.33cm x 9.9cm)15

Cloth Cloth/Woven Bands STAFF At Executive Products we offer truly unique eye-catching cloth wristbands PICK that are durable and fully customizable! With our woven wristbands you’ll get precise color weaving that shows off every detail of your custom art work, so go ahead and get creative and include your logo, text, sponsors, and advertisers. Cloth bands are available in any PMS color. Create not just a wristband, but a souvenir your guests will want to keep on long after they have left your event. The locking closure allows for bands to fit securely to the wrist making it difficult to transfer. Cloth wristbands are used for a variety of different venues and events and most commonly seen around festivals because they are comfortable to wear and hold up well under rough elements. Available in Virtually any color! Visit us online to view the full PMS color chart Did you know? If you are looking to get the most out of your woven bands try adding RFID technology and pairing with our state-of-the art APP.Full color fabric sublimation bandsSilicone Silicone Wristbands Silicone wristbands are designed to make a statement. These little bands make the perfect collectable for fundraisers, charity events, school campaigns, or sporting events. Our silicone bands can be embossed, debossed, or printed on to give you the look you want and are available in any color. Available in 16 a variety of colors!*Wristband images are not shown in actual size.* Color options may vary depending on band style.

GPS KidSport™ GPS Track location and traffic data for each band and phone. Resorts gain a deeper understanding of where parents and kids spend time and money. Detailed reporting = detailed intelligence.How do you create raving fans of your event/resort/venue? You create a 5 star experience that hasguests planning their next visit before they leave. KidSport™ GPS helps you do just that! It givesparents peace of mind, knowing they can keep track of their greatest asset…their children! But KidSport™GPS’ value doesn’t stop there! KidSport™ GPS will not only help you get them back to the resort, itwill also help you better market your products and services while they are there. Because KidSport™GPS is much more than a kid’s tracking device. It’s a comprehensive marketing solution that increasessales and drives traffic to your business.GPS bands are the newest addition to the Executive Products line. They are geared specifically towardschildren and the peace of mind it brings knowing they are safe! With features like: Geo-Fencing, Breadcrumbing, SOS button, Removal Alert notification and Safety Latching.You can market products, services and events through the mobile APP.(drive traffic/increase sales of add-on products and services).• World’s Most Accurate GPS Module NEW• Latest Technology Cell Chipset• Custom Antennas for Peak Performance FEATURE• Lithium Polymer Battery for All-Day Use PRODUCT• RFID for Purchases & Room Access• And it’s Waterproof!GPS Sports Band Kids Can Customize!ADD SOME CHARMSKids can add decorative charms, frompeace signs to footballs, that snap intothe holes on the sides of KidSport™ GPS.WATERPROOFLet them splash and swim. KidSport™ GPS functionsnormally even after being submerged in waterfor up to 30 minutes, up to a depth of 1 meter. SAFETY LATCH Taking the band off is easy for parents; it’s NOT easy for somebody who shouldn’t be removing the band. REMOVAL ALERT When the band is taken off, or even cut in two, you’ll receive an alert letting you know17

CareF GPS Watch VOICE & TEXT Two way voice communication and SMS text alerts are operated just like a phone. Call the band from any phone. Make calls from the band to a specified list of numbers.ALL SPORTS BANDS & CAREF BANDS FEATURE:FAMILY APP. SOS BUTTONLocate all your children on the CareF App. at When pressed, the SOS Button sends a locationthe same time. Supports both iOS and Androidon your smartphone, tablet or computer. beacon to the App., and calls a list of phone numbers. If the number does not answer, itBREAD CRUMBING automatically calls the next.See where they have been. CareF recordslocation history every 5 minutes. See where GEO-FENCE BOUNDARIESyour kids have been over the last 3 hours. Set up a child safety zone. Draw a boundary on the App., and CareF will send an alert to your phone, tablet and PC if that boundary is crossed.Computer And Mobile APP. Setup: PRECISE GPS TRACKING Using assisted GPS and cell1. Launch APP. 2. Add Kids 3. Set Boundary triangulation, CareF tracks location within 3 meters in just seconds, even under poor signal conditions.4. Track Kids 5. Text Alert 6. Special Deals*Wristband images are not shown in actual size. 18

Thermal BandsThermal Bands Are Great For:• Portable And Retail Applications Stock Thermal Rolls And Printer• Hospital Admission Lets You Customize Your Bands• Healthcare Patient Id Tracking• Hospital Nursery When You Want!• Event Crowd Control• Amusement Parks/Theme Parks• Restricted Area AccessCustomize Your Own Thermal BandsOur Thermal wristbands are durable and easy to use. Made from a direct thermal synthetic,anti-tear material and features unique adhesive or snapped closures.Features: IDEAL for WET & DRY• Adhesive or snapped closure Environments!• High Quality• Stretch and tear resistant• Fully customizableEverything You Need To Print CustomBands From Home Or At The Office!• No Ink!!!• Ability to print on-demand• Enabling you to custom print without committing to large stock quantities• 300 dpi resolution• Clear printing of linear and 2D barcodes Easy To Use Application Makes Creating Wristbands A Snap!Available Thermal Band Colors:19

Tickets Custom Tickets Add the WOW factor to your event with customized tickets! Executive Products offers high quality, professional custom ticket printing for all types of events, venues, and industries. All of our event tickets include advanced fraud prevention and are guaranteed anti- counterfeit to ensure secureTickets Are The Perfect Way To Remember Special Events!Weddings, Stag & Does, Concerts, Parties, Fundraisers & Charities, Sporting& Other Special Events.Features Available:• Holograms• Barcodes• QR Codes• Variable DataStock TicketsShop at Executive Products for your 2” x 5.5” one or two stub stock tickets to print at your facility!Choose from any of the 7 colors and we will ship within the same day!Custom TicketsOne Stub Ticket 2” X 5.5” (5cm x 13.9cm)1 stub tickets are perfect for a variety of events and venues, 1 stub tickets offer a removable stubwhich can be used for admission voucher, coupon, or feature a bounce back offer. *Black ink onlyTwo Stub Ticket 2” x 5.5” (5cm x 13.9cm)Our 2 stub tickets allows for more options when designing your custom ticket. One stub can feature acoupon or special offer for your patron while the other can have a barcode, admission voucher orbounce back offer. *Black ink onlyCustom Roll Tickets PERFECT FOR STAG & DOES!2” X 1” (5cm x 2.5cm)You will no longer need the old “admit one” roll tickets at your event.Customize the roll of tickets with a special message to fit your event needs.*Black ink onlyAvailable colors: Did you know? People generally keep their tickets long after the event has finished. Having a well-designed unique ticket not only gets people excited for your event but also keeps you remembered for when you hold another. Try adding variable data to your tickets to provide a truly one of a kind VIP experience.*Ticket & Thermal Band images are not shown in actual size. 20

PhotographicIf a picture is worth a thousand words, than a photographic wristband is truly priceless! Leave a lastingimpression on your patrons with these state-of-the-art wristbands. Print full color without loosing thequality of the image. These bands are perfect for concerts, fairs, festivals, fundraisers etc. They makeamazing souvenirs and are sure to get your patrons talking!Photographic wristbands make the perfect choice when you are looking to match premium style withanti-counterfeit security features. Our industry leading print capabilities enable you to design a wristbandwith sharp, full color custom graphics which are tailor made for high end special events, such asconcerts, fundraisers, and product launches, to name just a few.Special features which can be included on the photographic wristbands are outlined below. Takeadvantage of the various capabilities of this product to assist you with data capture, brand developmentand much more.Features: Clear, sparkle finish makes graphics• Available in Single Use or Reusable Snaps STAND OUT!• Custom Numbering• Custom Band Shapes and Sizes• Underside Printing Available• Ultra-Security Labels• QR CodesPhotographic Straight Wristbands9½” x 1” (24cm x 2.5cm)SAFE TEXT AREA:(¾” x 5”) (1.9cm x 12.7cm)Photographic Wristbands SAFE TEXT AREA:With Detachable Stub (¾” x 5”) (1.9cm x 12.7cm) STUB:9½” x 1” (24cm x 2.5cm) (1¾” x ¾”) (4.4cm x 1.9cm)Stub: 2” x 1” (5cm x 2.5cm)21

Photographic wristbands offer beautiful full color custom graphics for your special events and VIP L-Shape Photographic Wristbands 1” x 9¼” (2.5cm x 23.5cm) SAFE TEXT AREA: (¾” x 5”) (1.9cm x 12.7cm) NEW FEATURE PRODUCT Available with numerous security features including our exclusive Ultra-Security labels, variable data, and barcoding.*Wristband images are not shown in actual size. 22

RFIDRFID (Radio Frequency Identification)RFID Wristbands is a newer Technology that allows information and data to beexchanged from a wristband to a reader device.Benefits Of Using RFID Wristbands:• Entrance verification security & crowd control Want to make queue times• Open doors & lockers quicker and be more secure?• Build loyalty programs Our available scanner is the answer!• Improves promotions• Link to websites and social media with ease• Manage different purchasing packages simultaneously• Ultra-secure• TrackingUsing RFID and Barcoded Wristbands you can create a more secure, faster, experience for your guests.RFID Chip Bands Barcoded BandsRFID TYPES: Can use two types of barcodes:Passive Tags - Linear (bar code)- Have no internal power source - Two-dimensional (QR code)- They derive their electrical power from the externalsignal transmitted by the reader Benefits:- Smaller, less expensive, longer lasting Single-useRead/Write Tags Extra Security Customized numbering, or variable data- Tag data can be changed over time Waterproof- Part or all of the data section can be lockedBenefits:- Compliant to ISO/IEC 14443-3- Unique serial number (UID)- 13.56 MHz- Up to 1K memory storageRFID is available on the following bands:• Adhesive Wristbands• Cloth - Woven/SublimationThe RFID Wristband is constructed of water-resistant, non-stretch polyester with a patented closure.Custom printing is available to help maximize your brand and promote your facility to customers.23

CashlessExecutive Products offers Cashless barcoded wristbands that when paired with our App. becomea cost effective alternative to traditional RFID technology. Since Cashless bands are designedfor individual use and cannot be reused on future guests, it prevents the chances of it being stolen.Choosing an adhesive barcoded cashless band could end up saving companies a lot of money.Barcoded bands are used to streamline daily operations for both guests and businesses. Guestscan easily purchase food, beverages, and merchandise, while staff are able to reduce queuing times,improve transaction speeds, and reduce ticket fraud. These bands provide outstanding benefits forboth the guest and the businesses who use them.How Do Barcoded Cashless Bands Work?It’s simple! These bands are tied into your POS systems and guests preload their bands with theircredit cards, (no credit information is stored on the wristbands themselves) creating the perfect cashmanagement solution.Key Features: • Designed for individual use and cannot be reused • There is no possibility of duplicate numbers • Extensively Customizable • Barcode number does not match the number • Reduce Queuing Times • Ultra Security written on the wristband • Improve Transaction Speeds • No credit information is stored on the wristbands • 100% Scan Rate • Reduce Ticket Fraud • Protective Coating To Produce A Stronger, More Durable BandAvailable Wristbands:• Tyvek® Solid White, Full Color, & Revtek Bands• Soft Comfort Wide Face With White Block BandsDid you know?There is a 20% Average increase in concertgoer spending whencashless technology is used. Source: WillCall33% Amount of concessions revenue generated through lollapalooza’scashless system in 2014. Source: Front Gate2x more spent by RFID equipped Mysteryland concertgoers than atcomparable events. Source: SPX 24

Variable DataWhat is Variable Data?Variable data printing is a form of digital printing, including on demand printing, in which elementssuch as text, graphics and images may be changed from one printed wristband to the next.Variable data printing is best used for direct marketing, customer relationshipmanagement, advertising and most importantly; Event security. This is complex customization and we can do it!QR CodesQR codes can be scanned and read by modern camera-equipped smart phones via software APP.installed on the device or with other applications such as Lynkee Reader or i-nigma Reader.*QR codes can only be printed in black ink and featured on a white background.**Due to size constraints, QR codes cannot be printed on Slim, Techno or Sparkle wristbandsMost smartphone cameras can read QR codes best on:1” and ¾” Tyvek® Solid white band with black imprint or in full color.1” Soft Comfort or Plastic wide faced band with White BlockData Matrix 2D Barcodes• We offer data Matrix 2D barcodes in both square and rectangle patterns, in sizes relative to the amount of data encoded.• Error correction codes inserted into the data Matrix 2D barcode ensure that even if partially damaged the code can still be scanned and read.• Data Matrix symbols can store up to 2335 alphanumeric characters.*Barcodes can only be printed in black ink and featured on a white background.**Due to size constraints, Barcodes can only be printed on 1” and wide faced bands.25

Serial Numbering Static and sequential numbering First part of the numbering remains static whileWe offer several custom numbering options: the second part is sequentially numbered, increments of 1, alphanumericStandard, Sequential NumberingIncrements of 1, numeric only, maximum 8 digits.Random Numbers Matching Sequential NumberingA range of random, unique numbers assigned to A matching number appearing on both the band andeach band, numbers do not follow any set sequence. detachable stub, numeric only, maximum 6 digits.Available in either numeric and alphanumericHuman Readable and Non-Human Readable BarcodesWe can imprint virtually any kind of barcode onto our wristbands.*Barcodes can only be printed black ink on white block or solid bands**Due to size constraints, Barcodes cannot be printed on Slim, Techno or Sparkle wristbandsExample of Human Readable barcode with numbers Example Nonhuman Readable barcode without numbersWe Offer All The Commonly Used Barcodes Such As:• Code 128• Code 39• UPC A with supplemental UPC-E• EAN• Interleaved 2 of 5Visit us online for more details on thetypes of barcodes we offer! Simply useyour smart phone to scan the QRcode on the right!*Wristband images are not shown in actual size. 26

Custom PrintingHow Can Custom Wristbands Help My Business?Executive Products can be custom printed with logos, graphics, event information, access areasand sponsor advertisements.Visit us online at for more details.Take your wristband beyond crowd control and guest identification with a custom wristband!Custom wristbands become wearable promotional tools that deliver personalized marketingmessages about your business, events and promotions to a mass-targeted audience.Design ServicesAt Executive Products our goal is to make sure your bands look amazing, and you get what you want.That is why we offer free professional design services. Our designers would be more than happy tohelp you choose and design a wristband that is perfect for your event.How Can A Custom Wristband Help My Business?Increase Event Security - Custom print your wristbands with unique and event specific informationto easily identify counterfeit wristbands.Cashless Purchases and Redemptions - Barcode wristbands can be integrated with your POSsystems to allow guests to make cashless purchases, redeem prizes or rewards points, and trackrentals. (I.e. lockers, towels, equipment, etc...)Increased Marketing Exposure - Customize your wristbands with your brand, event promotions,social network links, and QR code to boost your marketing message and reach.Sponsor Advertising - Your event sponsors can also purchase advertising space on your customevent wristbands.Promote A Cause - Raise awareness, increase community participation, and generate funds for acause through custom messages, graphics and links to your fundraising website.Try Using These Options To Customize Your Bands:• Logo, graphics and text• Events name(s) and dates• QR codes *Can only be printed in black ink on white block or solid bands• Barcodes or pin codes *Can only be printed in black ink on white block or solid bands• Contest and discount codes• Scratch N’ Win promotions (Find out more on Page: 11-12)• Advertising space for sponsors or promotions27

Types Of Custom Printing For Wristbands:Black ink prints UV printing Spot color printing Full color Variable data Foil printing 3-D Lenticular printingDigital printing printing (serial Find out more on numbers) Page: 13-14Custom Retail Wristband PackagesRetail Wristband Packaging (Including private label)• No minimums on private label and custom packaged retail wristband products.• Enhance your brand, promote your own message, event info and campaigns.• Customize each retail package with a different logo.• Same day, custom digital Variable Data and full color printing is available• Upload your artwork & we print• Continuous Web Form printing allows for higher security and audit controls over digitally printed sheetsFreedom to Customize!Choose between 1” or 3/4” Tyvek wristbands(Available in 17 amazing colors! + 7 3/4” glow Under black Light Bands!)Pick from our selection of patterns or add your own text / graphicsPackages are available in a variety quantities.The choice is yours! 28

Did You Know.... Custom Wristbands are Essential to Event Coordination Are you looking to get the word out about your next big event? Looking to trackthe admission at this years hottest festival and keep track of under age attendees? Or maybe you want to promote a new product. Whatever the reason is that brought you to Executive Products, we have the solution! Boost Your Company Brand And Image - Wristbands are little billboards on every patron, helping you to advertise, sell, and promote long after they have left your event/venue. Deter Counterfeit Wristbands - Custom wristbands are harder to forge then traditional stock Tyvek bands. At Executive Products you can add logos, graphics,text, and UV printing to help deter counterfeit wristbands from entering your events.Generate Revenue - Offer advertising opportunities on your wristbands to corporatecompanies looking to promote their brand, In most cases you can cover the cost and generate additional income! Wristbands are inexpensive, durable and comfortable. They can promote anymessage that you choose and help you keep control of the people attending your event. So don’t miss out on the opportunity to make your next event a success! The World’s Largest Inventory of Wristbands Over 1000 combinations available! Executive Products 509 Commissioners Rd W Suite 47 London Ontario, Canada N6J 1Y5 Toll Free: 1.877.433.4445 UnifIontremrnatiSonoal:u1t.5i1o9n.68s6.660G9 uaranteed! 8226 EG-moaldil: isealeSst@r8ee0xe0ptr.,o6dW8u2cat.s1l.lc6eo0md6Lake, MI 48390 Visit us at for a full range of products

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