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Published by EzoBord, 2022-05-16 17:14:27



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EZOBORD OFFICE MADE EASY We’re making EzoBord even easier with our quick select product guide featuring our most popular products and colors. These acoustical performance-based office products enhance the design environment of your hybrid office experience, support privacy focus spaces, or integrate separation into work modules. EzoBord has the right complement of solutions that combine aesthetics, acoustics, and design for the next generation of workspaces. Shapes, Sizes, Colors, and Spaces Featured are EzoBord, products offering a wide range of applications for your working office environment. From Kayra to Kulma Screens, Bench to Desk Screens, and Work Zone Dividers to our standalone Pyramid and unique Hoody solutions. EzoBord provides both style and functionality to meet your changing office needs. Multiple colors are offered to match the décor of any workspace including six popular colors that are available on all products. Configurable and easy to assemble, choose the shapes, patterns, colors, and sizes that make your space work better. Easy Know what you need? EzoBord has provided an easy-to-use program of high design products that complement any workspace. Please contact us to find out more and how we can assist you with any project customization. You can refer to our regional locations listed on the back cover or simply go to



COLOR SPLASH DESERT SAND BRICK RED CHARCOAL GRAY DS10 BR34 CG06 SILVER GRAY MOSS GREEN ROYAL BLUE SG04 MG10 RB08 Select from our standard catalogue of six base colors. Looking for more colors? Our color library is both broad and deep. Simply scan the associated QR code to explore the many options we have to satisfy your discerning palette of choice. SEE EXTENDED 3 COLOR RANGE HERE EzoBord 1/2” (12mm) Total colors available Colors may change subject to availability. Refer to website for details or contact your local sales representative.

PYRAMID Scan for more info on Pyramid is a free standing, wipeable, dry erase, mobile whiteboard with the 4 added feature of a handy power/USB source. Pyramid also features acoustic panels for added sound deadening and mitigation in open plan office spaces.

CODE P Y R - X X - X X - X X - X X X X ( j) PRODUCT DEPTH HEIGHT THICKNESS COLOR (i) (h) (d) (w) Whiteboard: (i) 45” (1149mm) (j) 40” (1027mm) POWER MODULE WHITEBOARD CODE P Y R - P W R CODE P Y R - W B R CODE DEPTH HEIGHT WIDTH THICKNESS PYR-24-69-12-XXXX (d) (h) (w) 1/2” (12mm) 24” (609mm) 69” (1743mm) 47” (1193mm) All dimensions indicated are nominal COLOR CODE DESERT SAND BRICK RED CHARCOAL GRAY SILVER GRAY MOSS GREEN ROYAL BLUE DS10 BR34 MG10 RB08 CG06 SG04 Please add color code on all orders: example PYR-24-69-PW-WB-12-DS10 5 Custom sizes available on request. Design charges may apply. Colors may change and are subject to availability. Refer to website for details or contact your local sales representative.

OBI MOBILE OFFICE DIVIDER Suggested Configurations Scan for more info on OBI Mobile Office Divider is the perfect way to instantly transform any space into places where people meet collaborate, share and learn. Ruggedly built, totally 6 mobile and ‘nestable’, OBI Mobile Office Divider features EzoBord acoustical surface materials and are available in a variety of visually interesting patterns. OBI Mobile Office Divider is also available with magnetic rewriteable surface options and shelf and file storage options making them perfect for multi task/ meeting environments.

CODE O B 2 - X X X - X X - X X - X X X - X X X X X - X X X X PRODUCT STYLE WIDTH HEIGHT PATTERN COLOR COLOR (BASE LAYER*) (SURFACE LAYER*) WHITEBOARD SHELF CODE O B 2 - S H F - 4 7 - 0 8 - 1 2 - X X X X (h) TRIM AND BASE COLOR: WHITE WHITEBOARD FILE HOLDER CODE O B 2 - F I L - 1 5 - 1 4 - 1 2 - X X X X OPTIONAL PATTERNS STYLE (d) (w) EZO: Plain both sides PLW: Plain one side, whiteboard other side bamboo slotted staggered lattice pixelated circles code bam code slt code stg code lit code pxc CODE WIDTH HEIGHT DEPTH (w) (h) (d) OB2-EZO-48-60-XXXX-XXXX OB2-PLW-48-60-XXXX 48” (1219mm) 60” (1524mm) 21.5” (546mm) OB2-EZO-48-72-XXXX-XXXX OB2-PLW-48-72-XXXX 48” (1219mm) 60” (1524mm) 21.5” (546mm) 48” (1219mm) 72” (1828mm) 21.5” (546mm) 48” (1219mm) 72” (1828mm) 21.5” (546mm) All dimensions indicated are nominal COLOR CODE (BASE LAYER) SAPPHIRE DANUBE IRIS CAMEL COPPER MAHOGANY 1-439 1-6G4 1-698 1-884 1-K23 1-064 COLOR CODE (SURFACE LAYER) DESERT SAND BRICK RED CHARCOAL GRAY SILVER GRAY MOSS GREEN ROYAL BLUE DS10 BR34 MG10 RB08 CG06 SG04 Please add color code on all orders: example OB2-EZO-48-60-1-439-CG06 7 For additional color combination options, refer to EzoFelt Grade 1 / Grade 2 and EzoBord 1/2”(12mm) Colors may change subject to availability. Refer to website for details or contact your local sales representative.

HOODY Scan for more info on Instantly transform your open plan office space into individually separated, quiet workspaces with EzoBord’s modular Hooded Desk divider system 8 nicknamed “Hoody”. The “Hoody” installs in seconds without the use of any tools and fits onto any new or existing desking/benching system. Compatible with virtually any manufacturer including all major office furniture brands.

CODE (BACK SCREEN) HDS-BSX-XX-XX-XX-XXXX BACK PRODUCT SIZE CODE WIDTH HEIGHT THICKNESS COLOR SCREEN (BST) RETURN SCREEN (FRS) (h) (h) (h) (w) (w) (w) hoody tall 48” hoody grande 60” hoody venti 72” code bst code bsg code bsv Desk not included Standard cable mangement/monitor arm cut-out: 11” (280mm) w x 3” (75mm) h CODE (BACK SCREEN) WIDTH (w) HEIGHT (h) THICKNESS HDS-BST-48-45-12-XXXX 48” (1219mm) 45” (1143mm) 1/2” (12mm) HDS-BSG-60-45-12-XXXX 60” (1524mm) 45” (1143mm) 1/2” (12mm) HDS-BSV-72-45-12-XXXX 72” (1828mm) 45” (1143mm) 1/2” (12mm) CODE (RETURN SCREEN) H D S - R S X - X X - X X - X X - X X X X All dimensions indicated are nominal (d) PRODUCT STYLE DEPTH HEIGHT THICKNESS COLOR (d) (d) (h) (h) (h) return screen extended full height return screen code rss return screen code rse code rsf CODE DEPTH HEIGHT THICKESS RETURN SCREEN (d) (h) 1/2” (12mm) HDS-RSS-24-24-12-XXXX 24” (609mm) 24” (609mm) HDS-RSS-24-30-12-XXXX HDS-RSE-24-24-12-XXXX 30” (762mm) 24” (609mm) 1/2” (12mm) HDS-RSE-30-24-12-XXXX HDS-RSF-24-47-12-XXXX 24” (609mm) 24” (609mm) 1/2” (12mm) HDS-RSF-30-47-12-XXXX 30” (762mm) 24” (609mm) 1/2” (12mm) COLOR CODE 24” (609mm) 47” (1193mm) 1/2” (12mm) 30” (762mm) 47” (1193mm) 1/2” (12mm) All dimensions indicated are nominal DESERT SAND BRICK RED CHARCOAL GRAY SILVER GRAY MOSS GREEN ROYAL BLUE DS10 BR34 MG10 RB08 CG06 SG04 Please add color code on all orders: example Return Screen HDS-RSF-24-47-12-SG04 Back Screen HDS-BST-48-45-12-RB08 Custom sizes available on request. Design charges may apply. Colors may change subject to availability. Refer to website for details or contact your local sales representative. 9

HOODY DESKTOP COVE Scan for more info on Inspired by the classic Hoody Desk Screen system, Hoody Desktop Cove creates a unique personal space including super convenient ‘built in’ 10 corner shelves to hold your Bluetooth speakers or other items you wish to have in your personal workspace. Hoody Desktop Cove is tailor-made to fit any height adjustable or fixed height desk sold by virtually any office furniture brand.

CODE HDC-DTX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XXXX PRODUCT STYLE DEPTH WIDTH HEIGHT THICKNESS COLOR STYLE cove tall 48” code dtt (h) (d) (w) cove grande 60” Standard cable mangement/monitor arm cut-out: 11” (280mm) w x 3” (75mm) h code dtg cove venti 72” code dtv CODE DEPTH WIDTH HEIGHT THICKNESS HDC-DTT-24-48-40-12-XXXX (d) (w) (h) HDC-DTG-30-60-40-12-XXXX 1/2” (12mm) HDC-DTV-30-72-40-12-XXXX 24” (609mm) 48” (1219mm) 40” (1040mm) 1/2” (12mm) 1/2” (12mm) COLOR CODE 30” (762mm) 60” (1524mm) 40” (1040mm) 30” (762mm) 72” (1828mm) 40” (1040mm) DESERT SAND BRICK RED CHARCOAL GRAY SILVER GRAY MOSS GREEN ROYAL BLUE DS10 BR34 MG10 RB08 CG06 SG04 Please add color code on all orders: example HDC-DTT-24-48-40-12-CG06 11 Custom sizes and slots available on request. Design charges may apply. Colors may change subject to availability. Refer to website for details or contact your local sales representative.

b a a.Bench Screen System b.Pyramid c.Hoody 12

c 13

BENCH SCREEN SYSTEM Scan for more info on Absorb sound, improve speech intelligibility, and ensure privacy in offices with multiple workstations using EzoBord’s Bench Screen System. More than 14 just an office desk divider, it adds color and style with an acoustic solution that fits any manufacturer’s furniture system. Configurations are available to accommodate any back-to-back workstation system and can be infinitely linked together. +

CODE B S S - X X - X X - X X - X X - X X X X PRODUCT DESK DESK THICKNESS COLOR DEPTH WIDTH RETURN STYLE (r) (w) (w) (w) (r) (r) (h) (h) (h) (d) (d) (d) Standard cable mangement/monitor arm cut-out: 11” (280mm) w x 3” (75mm) h Return Style: Desktop Return (DR) Return Style: Medium Return (MR) Return Style: Full Return (FR) (r): 31in (796mm) (r): 42in (1076mm) (r): 53in (1343mm) (h):23in (585mm) (h):47in (1194mm) (h):47in (1194mm) Configurations: 2 Station Configurations: 2 Station Configurations: 2 Station 4 Station 4 Station 4 Station 6 Station 6 Station 6 Station CODE DESK DEPTH DESK WIDTH RETURN STYLE THICKNESS (d) (w) BSS-48-48-XX-12-XXXX DR-MR-FR 1/2” (12mm) BSS-60-48-XX-12-XXXX 48” (1219mm) 48” (1219mm) BSS-48-60-XX-12-XXXX 60” (1524mm) 48” (1219mm) DR-MR-FR 1/2” (12mm) BSS-60-60-XX-12-XXXX 48” (1219mm) 60” (1524mm) BSS-48-72-XX-12-XXXX 60” (1524mm) 60” (1524mm) DR-MR-FR 1/2” (12mm) BSS-60-72-XX-12-XXXX 48” (1524mm) 72” (1828mm) 60” (1524mm) 72” (1828mm) DR-MR-FR 1/2” (12mm) DR-MR-FR 1/2” (12mm) DR-MR-FR 1/2” (12mm) All dimensions indicated are nominal COLOR CODE DESERT SAND BRICK RED CHARCOAL GRAY SILVER GRAY MOSS GREEN ROYAL BLUE DS10 BR34 MG10 RB08 CG06 SG04 Please add color code on all orders: example BSS-48-48-FR-12-MG10 15 Custom sizes and cable management slots available on request. Design charges may apply. Colors may change subject to availability. Refer to website for details or contact your local sales representative.

MODESTY SCREEN Scan for more info on EzoBord Modesty Screens are a great way to absorb sound, add privacy, color, and style in any open plan workspace. It enhances speech 16 intelligibility making every office space a better place to work. This product is a welcome addition to any open plan office and is totally customizable for size, shape, hole pattern, and color. It is also available in single or double layer to accommodate any budget or design. EzoBord Desk Screens are a great eco-friendly alternative to fabric-covered desk screens.

CODE M S C - X X X - X X - X X - X X - X X X X PRODUCT STYLE WIDTH HEIGHT THICKNESS COLOR STYLE RECTANGLE (REC) ELIPTICAL (ELP) (w) (w) (h) (h) MSCR-REC-60-48-12-SG04 Custom Shapes Also Available HARDWARE (Sold Separately) PJ-15/17 CODE DESK WIDTH DESK HEIGHT THICKNESS (d) (h) MSC-ELP-48-48-12-XXXX 1/2” (12mm) MSC-ELP-60-48-12-XXXX 48” (1219mm) 48” (1219mm) 1/2” (12mm) MSC-ELP-72-48-12-XXXX 60” (1524mm) 48” (1219mm) 1/2” (12mm) 72” (1828mm) 48” (1219mm) MSC-REC-48-48-12-XXXX MSC-REC-60-48-12-XXXX 48” (1219mm) 48” (1219mm) 1/2” (12mm) MSC-REC-72-48-12-XXXX 60” (1524mm) 48” (1219mm) 1/2” (12mm) 72” (1828mm) 48” (1219mm) 1/2” (12mm) COLOR CODE All dimensions indicated are nominal DESERT SAND BRICK RED CHARCOAL GRAY SILVER GRAY MOSS GREEN ROYAL BLUE DS10 BR34 MG10 RB08 CG06 SG04 Please add color code on all orders: example MSC-ELP-48-48-12-CG06 17 Custom sizes and patterns available on request. Design charges may apply. Colors may change subject to availability. Refer to website for details or contact your local sales representative.

b a.Pyramid b.Return Desk Screens 18

a 19

DESK SCREEN SYSTEM Scan for more info on EzoBord Desk Screens are a great way to absorb sound, add privacy, color, and style in any open plan workspace. It enhances speech intelligibility 20 making every office space a better place to work. This product is a welcome addition to any open plan office and is totally customizable for size, shape, hole pattern, and color. It is also available in single or double layer to accommodate any budget or design. EzoBord Desk Screens are a great eco-friendly alternative to fabric-covered desk screens.

CODE D S C - X X X - X X - X X - X X - X X X X PRODUCT STYLE WIDTH HEIGHT THICKNESS COLOR (w) HARDWARE STYLE (Sold Separately) CIRCULAR (CIR) (h) PJ-101 (w) ELIPTICAL (ELP) (h) PJ-3 (w) RECTANGLE (REC) (h) Custom Shapes Also Available PJ-4 CODE DESK WIDTH DESK HEIGHT THICKNESS DSC-CIR-48-XX-12-XXXX (d) (h) DSC-CIR-60-XX-12-XXXX 1/2” (12mm) DSC-CIR-72-XX-12-XXXX 48” (1219mm) 15” (400mm) or 24” (609mm) 1/2” (12mm) DSC-ELP-48-XX-12-XXXX 60” (1524mm) 15” (400mm) or 24” (609mm) 1/2” (12mm) DSC-ELP-60-XX-12-XXXX 72” (1828mm) 15” (400mm) or 24” (609mm) DSC-ELP-72-XX-12-XXXX DSC-REC-48-XX-12-XXXX 48” (1219mm) 15” (400mm) or 24” (609mm) 1/2” (12mm) DSC-REC-60-XX-12-XXXX 60” (1524mm) 15” (400mm) or 24” (609mm) 1/2” (12mm) DSC-REC-72-XX-12-XXXX 72” (1828mm) 15” (400mm) or 24” (609mm) 1/2” (12mm) COLOR CODE 48” (1219mm) 15” (400mm) or 24” (609mm) 1/2” (12mm) 60” (1524mm) 15” (400mm) or 24” (609mm) 1/2” (12mm) 72” (1828mm) 15” (400mm) or 24” (609mm) 1/2” (12mm) All dimensions indicated are nominal DESERT SAND BRICK RED CHARCOAL GRAY SILVER GRAY MOSS GREEN ROYAL BLUE DS10 BR34 MG10 RB08 CG06 SG04 Please add color code on all orders: example DSC-REC-48-48-12-CG06 21 Custom sizes and patterns available on request. Design charges may apply. Colors may change subject to availability. Refer to website for details or contact your local sales representative.

DESK RETURN SCREEN Scan for more info on Desk Return Screens are a simple and effective way to ensure privacy and deaden sound between bench style desks and workstations. Available in a 22 range of both colors and high performance acoustic properties.

CODE R T S - X X - X X - X X - X X X X HARDWARE PRODUCT DEPTH HEIGHT THICKNESS COLOR (Sold Separately) (w) (h) PJ-101 PJ-3 PJ-4 RTS-20-16-12-MG10 RTS-24-16-12-SG04 RTS-30-16-12-RB08 CODE DEPTH HEIGHT THICKNESS (d) (d) RTS-20-XX-12-XXXX 1/2” (12mm) RTS-24-XX-12-XXXX 20” (508mm) 16” (400mm) or 24” (609mm) 1/2” (12mm) RTS-30-XX-12-XXXX 24” (609mm) 16” (400mm) or 24” (609mm) 1/2” (12mm) 30” (762mm) 16” (400mm) or 24” (609mm) All dimensions indicated are nominal COLOR CODE DESERT SAND BRICK RED CHARCOAL GRAY SILVER GRAY MOSS GREEN ROYAL BLUE DS10 BR34 MG10 RB08 CG06 SG04 Please add color code on all orders: example RTS-20-16-12-SG04 23 Custom sizes and shapes available on request. Design charges may apply. Colors may change subject to availability. Refer to website for details or contact your local sales representative.

a b 24

a.Work Zone Dividers Modular b.Desk Screen System 25

WORK ZONE DIVIDER MODULAR Scan for more info on Work Zone Dividers Modular have key distinguishing features for the design illuminati. It can be comprised of one, two or three modules allowing you to 26 create a truly spectacular parameter division. Still porous to allow light, but boldly applied for design intent. This product can be mounted in sections at different heights for added effect, something that the standard single piece Work Zone Dividers cannot accomplish.

CODE W Z M - X X X - X X X - X X X X - X X - X X X X PRODUCT PATTERN WIDTH LENGTH THICKNESS COLOR TIER A PATTERNS TIER B PATTERNS BAMBOO CHEVRON CUBE DECO AZTEC DOKUMA KESIK LAZER PIXELATED ORMAN LATTICE CODE BAM CODE CHE CODE CUB CODE DEC CODE AZ CODE DOK CODE KES CODE LAZ CIRCLES CODE ORM CODE LAT CODE PXC FLATLINE GALAXY LEAF JACK PIXELATED SCALES PHOTON HOURGLASS HIVE TURBINE HONEYCOMB CODE FLA CODE GLX CODE LEA CODE JAC SQUARES CODE SCA CODE PHO CODE HOU CODE HIE CODE TUR CODE HOU CODE PXS LAVA FOCUS NOTES PLUS BOOMERANG CODE LAV CODE FOC CODE NOP CODE BOO SONAR HATCH CODE SON CODE HAT 1 Module 2 Modules 3 Modules HARDWARE 47.5in 47.5in 47.5in (Sold Separately) [1206.50mm] [1206.50mm] [1206.50mm] 47.5in CVD [1206.50mm] 95.0in [2413.00mm] 142.5in [3619.50mm] CBG-C CF6-01 CODE WIDTH LENGTH THICKNESS 47.5” (1206mm) 47.5” (1206mm) or 95” (2413mm) or 142.5” (3619mm) 1/2” (12mm) WZM-XXX-47.5-XXXX-12-XXXX 47.5” (1206mm) 47.5” (1206mm) or 95” (2413mm) or 142.5” (3619mm) WZM-XXX-47.7-XXXX-12-XXXX 1/2” (12mm) COLOR CODE All dimensions indicated are nominal DESERT SAND BRICK RED CHARCOAL GRAY SILVER GRAY MOSS GREEN ROYAL BLUE DS10 BR34 MG10 RB08 CG06 SG04 Please add color code on all orders: example WZM-JAC-47.5-47.5-12-MG10 27 Custom sizes and patterns available on request. Design charges may apply. Colors may change subject to availability. Refer to website for details or contact your local sales representative.

KULMA SCREEN Single Height Variable Height Scan for more info on Kulma Screens absorb sound, divide space and ensure complete privacy at your workspace. Available in a range of styles and colors to suit any office interior. 28

CODE K L S - X X X - X X - X X - X X - X X - X X - X X X X PRODUCT SHAPE DEPTH WIDTH COLOR CODE HEIGHT HEIGHT THICKNESS 12 Kulma Screen Kulma Screen Single Height (SH) Variable Height (VH) (h1) (h1) (d) (h2) (w) (d) (w) KLS-SH-40-40-73-73-12-RB08 CODE DEPTH WIDTH HEIGHT 1 HEIGHT 1 THICKNESS (d) (w) (h1) (h2) KLS-SH-40-40-73-73-12-XXXX 1/2”(12mm) KLS-VH-40-40-73-53-12-XXXX 40” (1016mm) 73” (1854mm) 73” (1854mm) 73” (1855mm) 1/2”(12mm) 40” (1016mm) 73” (1854mm) 73” (1854mm) 53” (1854mm) All dimensions indicated are nominal COLOR CODE DESERT SAND BRICK RED CHARCOAL GRAY SILVER GRAY MOSS GREEN ROYAL BLUE DS10 BR34 MG10 RB08 CG06 SG04 Please add color code on all orders: example KLS-SH-40-40-73-73-12-RB08 29 Custom sizes available on request. Design charges may apply. Colors may change subject to availability. Refer to website for details or contact your local sales representative.

KAYRA SCREEN Kayra Screen C-Shape, Picture Reflects 2 Units C-Shape S-Shape Scan for more info on Kayra Screen is a simple but elegant way to divide and soundproof open plan spaces. Available in a range of finishes and in a full curve or wave shape, 30 they work in any interior space. Multiple Kayra Screens can infinitely connect together to make a wide variety of shapes and sizes that create custom acoustical meeting spaces!

CODE K A Y - X X X - X X - X X - X X - X X - X X X X PRODUCT SHAPE DEPTH WIDTH HEIGHT COLOR CODE THICKNESS “C” Shape (CCC) “S” Shape (SSS) (h) (h) (w) (w) R42\" R21\" (d) [1076mm] (d) [543mm] 3\" R21\" [64mm] [543mm] 3\" [64mm] CODE DEPTH WIDTH HEIGHT THICKNESS (d) (w) (h) KAY-CCC-23-77-53-12-XXXX 1/2” (12mm) KAY-SSS-25-81-53-12-XXXX 23” (584mm) 77” (1955mm) 53” (1346mm) 1/2” (12mm) KAY-CCC-23-77-73-12-XXXX 25” (609mm) 81” (2057mm) 53” (1346mm) 1/2” (12mm) KAY-SSS-25-81-73-12-XXXX 1/2” (12mm) 23” (584mm) 77” (1955mm) 73” (1850mm) 25” (609mm) 81” (2057mm) 73” (1850mm) All dimensions indicated are nominal COLOR CODE DESERT SAND BRICK RED CHARCOAL GRAY SILVER GRAY MOSS GREEN ROYAL BLUE DS10 BR34 MG10 RB08 CG06 SG04 Please add color code on all orders: example KAY-CCC-23-77-53-12-DS10 31 Custom sizes and shapes available on request. Design charges may apply. Colors may change subject to availability. Refer to website for details or contact your local sales representative.

HARDWARE DESK AND MODESTY SCREEN BRACKETS PJ101 PJ3 PJ4 PJ 15/17 Compatible with material Compatible with Compatible with material Compatible with material 1/2” (12mm) or 11/16” (18mm) material 1/2” (12mm), 1/2” (12mm)or 11/16” (18mm) 1/2” (12mm) and 11/16” thick. Surface thickness or 11/16” (18mm) thick. Surface thickness (18mm) limited to 1” (25mm) - thick. limited to 1” (25mm) - 1 1/4” (70mm) 1 1/4” (70mm) WORK ZONE DIVIDER CLAMPS AND SUSPENSION KIT CBG-C CVD CF6-01 Compatible with Upper and Lower Clamp intended to connect Ceiling fitting to be used with Suspension Housing. Intended two 3/8” (9mm) or 1/2” (12mm) mechanical fastener. for use with 3/8” (9mm”) and material. Specify placement on Includes 13’-1 1/2” (4000mm) of 1/2” (12mm) material. Specify material. cable. Brass Locator accepts placement on material for use with #8 Screws, not included. larger thicknesses. 32

a a.Work Zone Divider Modular, with custom radius corner detail 33

UNITED STATES Ayrsonics Mid West LLC Ayrsonics Southwest LLC Ayrsonics New England LLC 170 Prairie Lake Rd 1700 1st Street 32 Hampshire Rd East Dundee, IL 60118 San Fernando, CA 91340 Salem, NH 03079 1-800-517-0686 213-833-9700 603-824-9338 ext. 3001 [email protected] [email protected] 603-327-4349 [email protected] CANADA Ayrsonics Inc - Ontario Ayrsonics Inc - Alberta EzoBord Corporate Office 825 Trillium Drive #9112 – 52nd St. S.E. 6845 Rexwood Road, Kitchener, Ontario N2R 1J9 Calgary, Alberta T2C 5A9 Unit 7 Mississauga, 1-844-441-1122 1-844-441-1122 ON L4V 1S5 Canada [email protected] [email protected] +1 416 665 3571 [email protected] CENTRAL & LATIN AMERICA EzoBord Costa Rica SRL EzoBord - LATAM 100 Sur 25 Oeste Recope Buenos Aires, Argentina Bodega #18 Ochomogo, Cartago +54 911 2545 8124 +506 8842 4613 [email protected] [email protected] UNITED KINGDOM IRELAND EzoBord UK Ltd EzoBord Ireland Unit 20 Westwood Business Park Unit 523, Greenogue Business Park Margate, Kent. CT9 4JJ Rathcoole, Co. Dublin D24 RY89 +44 1843 264027 +353 (0)1 443 3599 [email protected] [email protected] FOLLOW US 05/22 34

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