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Home Explore Compensation Plan Quick Start-HongKong EN

Compensation Plan Quick Start-HongKong EN

Published by kimi, 2016-10-14 03:41:11

Description: Compensation Plan Quick Start-HongKong EN


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GETTING STARTEDThe WorldVenturesTM Compensation Plan is designed to reward Representatives for sellingWorldVentures membership products and building teams of other Representatives who dothe same. This booklet will give you a brief introduction to our Compensation Plan. To gain afull understanding of the levels of compensation and rank achievement, review the details inyour back office so you know when and how you’ll be paid. FIRST, WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU SET UP YOUR PAYMENT PORTAL. Without it, WorldVentures cannot compensate you for your sales. It’s quick and easy. 1 Create an account at Log in with your username and password. 2 Username: WorldVentures ID Password: Your password is the same one used to access your WorldVentures back office. 3 Verify and complete your information. 4 Check your email for a message from i-payout confirming your account. 5 Your card should arrive in 7-10 business days.

UNDERSTANDINGYOUR ORGANISATIONSThere are two organisational structures within our Compensation Plan: lineage and binary. Thepeople you introduce to the product or opportunity will fall into one or both of these organisations.LINEAGE BINARYYour lineage organisation consists of This organisation is built in twos and consiststhe Representatives and customers of Representatives. Customers-only areadded through a direct line of not included in the binary. The structuresponsorship. It’s made up of people you has a left and right side, and you may only bepersonally introduced and those they related to one Representative on each side.personally introduced. Customers are not included in a binary structure; however their purchases of product may be used for qualification purposes with the binary. LEFT RIGHTSALES CREDITSRepresentatives accumulate Sales Credits based on the initial product purchase eachcustomer makes.1 These credits accumulate throughout the pay period as new sales arecompleted and payment is confirmed.MAKE ONE CUSTOMER SALE: DIRECT COMMISSIONYou will receive a Direct Commission each time one of your new customersmakes a first-time DreamTrips Platinum purchase.DREAMTRIPS™ PRODUCT DIRECT COMMISSIONPlatinum Membership US$501 Sales Credits may be adjusted based on actual purchase price paid by customer. Please refer to the Products andCommissions Chart in your back office for details of the products, pricing, Sales Credits, commissions and volume foreach category of commission and bonus.

MONTHLY & WEEKLYSALES BONUSES MAKE THREE CUSTOMER SALES: PERSONAL SALES BONUSES When you personally sponsor three new customers within a rolling 28-day period or less, you will earn a Personal Sales Bonus of US$100. You will be rewarded at an even higher level when you sponsor more than one set of three new customers within the same rolling 28-day period. Commission Payout Rates vary by the type of membership level sold. Refer to the Products and Commission chart in your back office for more details. You will earn a bonus every time three new customers purchase a WorldVentures membership product. There is no limit to the number of bonuses you can earn per month or per week. Even better, every customer purchase counts towards bonus-earning potential for four weeks. GET FOUR CUSTOMERS: WINGS PROGRAMME When you sponsor four new customers, you will earn your “wings.” Your monthly fees will be waived as long as you maintain four active customers! WINGS & WHEELS LIFESTYLE BONUS* MAKE FIVE CUSTOMER SALES (Tier 1) Each calendar month that you personally sponsor five active DreamTrips Members and generate at least US$2,999 in Lineage Sales Volume, you will receive a Wings & Wheels Bonus of US$300. MAKE SIX CUSTOMER SALES (Tier 2) When you maintain six active DreamTrips Members and generate at least US$4,999 in Lineage Sales Volume in a calendar month, you will receive a bonus of 8 percent of your Lineage Sales Volume, up to US$900 a month. You can accomplish this by helping as few as four people in your organisation qualify for their wings.

WEEKLY CYCLE BONUSESYou will accumulate Sales Credits when initial product sales are generated within your binaryorganisation. One “cycle” is generated each time three Sales Credits on the left and right sidesof your binary organisation match. Each weekly cycle pays bonuses up to US$100. For everysixth cycle you earn, you will receive 100 TravelDollars in place of the US$100 Cycle Bonus.TravelDollars can be used to cover some or all of your travel expenses.LEFT RIGHT += CYCLE BONUSx3 CREDITS x3 CREDITSDOUBLE CYCLE BONUSFor your first eight weeks as a WorldVentures Representative, you will automatically earnup to a maximum of three Double Cycle Bonuses of US$200 and 200 TravelDollars. Afteryour first eight weeks, if you earn three or more cycles in a single pay period, your first threebonuses will double to US$200 and 200 TravelDollars.*No more than $1,667 from a single line of lineage. Can earn qualifying volume with monthly fees and new memberships with initialfee. Personal Sales to Customers refers to sale of DreamTrips Membership products only. The lineage sales volume requirement is$2,999 for Tier 1. The lineage sales volume requirement is $4,999 for Tier 2. All requisites must be met before you can earn a bonusper month. See detailed compensation plan for full details. Restrictions and limitations apply. For more information on WorldVenturesWings and Wheels programme please see the detailed Compensation Plan at

UNDERSTANDINGTHE PROMOTIONAL LEVELSTo increase your earning potential with WorldVentures, you’ll needto advance through the promotional levels, or ranks. Get to knowthe first three, so you can move up faster!ER This is the entry-level rank. You have enrolled and paid your Representative Business System (RBS) fee butENROLLED have not made a customer sale. This means that you REP are not an Active Representative, yet. You are eligible to earn Direct Commissions and Personal Sales Bonuses, although you cannot accumulate Sales Credits. You have made 1-3 customer sales at this rank, ARalthough you have not met any other requirements ACTIVE for advancement. You are eligible to earn Direct REP Commissions and Personal Sales Bonuses and to accumulate Sales Credits. Until you become a Qualified Representative, Sales Volume will expire after one month from the date and time of sale.QR As a Qualified Representative, you have made four product sales and your customers are active.QUALIFIED Therefore, you no longer have to pay your monthly REP RBS fees. You are eligible to earn Direct Commissions, the Wings & Wheels Lifestyle Bonus, Personal Sales Bonuses, Weekly Cycle Bonuses and TravelDollars. You must keep four active customers to maintain this rank.

For complete informationon compensation, ranksand more, visit the DetailedCompensation Plan and theProducts and CommissionsChart in the back office underSupport > Documents. TAKE A CLOSER LOOK We hope this overview has been helpful in understanding the WorldVentures Compensation Plan. If you have questions, please contact your sponsor and the two of you can review the guide together. We also encourage you to visit your back office for comprehensive information on monthly residual commission, rank promotion and more. You are embarking on an exciting journey and opportunities abound to define your future. This is just the beginning. As you grow with us, you will be on the path to setting and achieving goals, hitting higher ranks, boosting your earning potential and building your business. Thank you for joining us. We look forward to a bright future together.

““WorldVentures has had a positive impact on my life and family. We have lives with better quality. We have achievement and we have ”confidence.” -Julia W WorldVentures, DreamTrips, and all associated logos and designs are trademarks of WorldVentures Holdings, LLC. © 2016 WorldVentures Holdings, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use is a violation of applicable laws. WorldVentures Marketing (Hong Kong) Limited, 36/F Tower Two, Times Square, 1 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.This is an illustration of the WorldVentures Compensation Plan and how it works and not a representation of what you will or mayearn. There are no guarantees regarding income. The success or failure of each individual Representative, like any other business,depends on individual skill and personal efforts. Representatives earn income based on sales of WorldVentures products. See theCompensation Plan at for full details.WVT1600363-04

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