e-Convocation Programe Book End of Education Is Character
CONGRATULATIONS to all the graduates of Class 2020. Vimal Rao Chairman of e-Convocation A remarkable achievement and a sincere gratitude to your Parents, Gurus and all those who were part of the journey in supporting you with this success. Of course, without the love and grace of ‘SWAMI’ all this would not have been possible. In rejoicing this moment, we are also reminded of how the world is facing one of the most challenging times of its era and the battle is still on-going. But our collective prayers have given continuing hope for the pandemic to ease. This is also a time to reflect how the changes have affected. May Swami keep everyone protected from fearful illness, strengthen our spirit to be kind and respect one another and renew our commitment to be a better person. Having said that, let me share my perspective of this e-Convocation and what motivated me to lead both these Convocations this year via Sathya Sai Academy for Human Values Bhd. The very first instance was the love and reverence towards our fellow students. They have taken upon a great Sadhana from their early age up to this point which commands great passion, persistence, determination, and love in being part of this journey to achieve greater heights not just in their academics and sports but also inculcating human values in their day-to-day life. So why e-Convocation? The pandemic has made us stronger by allowing us to go inwards than outwards. As you are aware, this is the second convocation within a span of 9 months organized virtually. We felt the plea of the graduates as they may be missing their physical convocation during these tough times, but Swami as always has HIS ways to honour and bestow the efforts of every single child of HIS by going virtual with an impactful program in HIS presence. This is the ‘FAITH’, that ONE should have like Hanuman depicting his faith to Rama when Sita presented the pearl of neckless to Hanuman. Yes, it comes with great challenge, as none have any experience. It requires a lot of determination and of course it comes with trial and error. Picking up something that is unknown is possible as it’s a matter of time before we learn and execute but this required the right character and passion as well as commitment which the organizing committee is blessed with. A remarkable bunch of young aspirants were inspired by the 17th e-Convo and the Young Adults, together merged their brilliant idea and dedication which has resulted in the success of this event. We are not here merely for name or fame but for self-transformation and love for Swami. This is a pure offering from all of us. This reminds me of a true story narrated by Swami’s student. There was a student who performed so badly in his mathematics, so the teacher asked to try to at least pass the exam by securing 45 marks. It was a practice for Swami to personally give out the report cards to the students. As it was the turn of the particular student, Swami asked him, \"So what do you want from me?”. He said, “Please help me to pass the Math paper, Swami”. Swami in return said,\" Is that all you wish from me? \" This boy was so determined and said,\" Yes Swami, that is all that matters to me now\". Swami touched his heart and said see for yourself what have you gotten. To his surprise, he got 54 marks instead. As he thanked Swami in tears… Swami said, this is not my doing but was purely your effort, just that you did not believe in yourself. Hence, ONE’s faith in Swami and self is what each one of the graduates should cultivate in achieving their goals and purpose in life. Being a dharmic son or daughter is fundamental for one’s success in life which is why this e-Convocation is designed and developed for us to go inwards and appreciate all the gifts that has been bestowed upon us. Graduates will embark into a new foray in their next chapter which requires lots of courage, discipline, and hard work. Nothing comes easy but when efforts are invested, you will see the results one day and patience, is something we need to cultivate too. With these words, I, on behalf of the organizing committee would like to THANK Swami, leaders of the Sathya Sai International Organisation of Malaysia (SSIOM) and the Sathya Sai Academy for Human Values Bhd for entrusting us to present this historical project of the 18th National SSE/SSEHV e-Convocation for the Class of 2020. Jai Sai Ram and God Bless.
Program Flow 3:30pm Participants Dial-In 3:55pm Count down 4:00pm Session Briefing (Official Start of Event) 4:05pm National Anthem of Malaysia 4:10pm Opening Remarks by President of SSIOM 4:15pm Speech by CEO of Sathya Sai Academy for Human Values Bhd. 4:20pm Academy Presentation by Prof. Dr. Suresh Govind 4:25pm Musical Performance by SSIOM Young Adults & Teen Youths 4:35pm Exemplary GURU Award 4:45pm 18th Convocation Ceremony (Part 1) 5:30pm 18th Convocation Ceremony (Part 2) 5:35pm Valedictorian Announcement & Oath Taking Ceremony 5.40pm Best Project Video 5.50pm National Teen Youth Video Compilation 5.55pm National Young Adult Video Compilation 6.00pm End of Ceremony
My loving pranams at the lotus feet of our beloved Guru and God, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. V. Sugumaran President of SSIOM In His benedictory address at the Convocation of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning on 22nd of November 1994, Swami said “The basic aim of education is to make man of character and virtue. Many people think that knowledge is power. It is not so. In fact, character is power. Education should confer humility. Education without humility, action without discrimination, scholarship without wisdom, words without truth, friendship without gratitude, music without melody, politics without morality and integrity, can never shine in society. One's personality blossoms only when one has humility along with knowledge”. Education should make us realise that our life as human is very sacred and valuable. Swami has said many times that we are forgetting this uniqueness of human life and its purpose. We have forgotten human values, especially to apply it into our everyday living. Let me relate a story told by Swami. Socrates, a Greek philosopher was at a bazaar, and he saw a hunter carrying a dead rabbit in his hand. A meat eater enquired from the hunter the price for the dead rabbit and bought it from him. Socrates thought, even a dead rabbit has a value but not a dead body of a human being. At that time, it was raining heavily while a dead body of a rich man was carried to the cremation ground. Those who carried the body asked the shopkeeper to allow them to wait a while at the veranda with the dead body till the rain subsides, but the shop keeper refused. They had to continue their journey with dead body in the heavy rain. Then came a man who was going to a temple nearby for his prayers. He asked the same shopkeeper if he could leave his sandals at the veranda of the shop. The shopkeeper suggested that it’s better to leave it inside the shop. Socrates thought, even the sandals are of higher value than a dead body of a human being and yet wondered why we give so much importance to our body. He realized that there is some Divine Power in the body which governed it and resolved to find the truth about this Divine Power. Similarly, while alive, we need to do the same and that, is the whole purpose of our education. Once the life force leaves us, the body is of no value. Swami explained the necessity in giving importance to the body is it’s the temple of God. Always think that God is present in this temple, your body, and whatever you do, do it as an offering to Him. It is only when we develop such sacred feelings, life becomes sanctified. Swami asks us to transform from body-attachment into attachment to the Self (Atma), which is the real sadhana. With these thoughts, on behalf of the Sathya Sai International Organisation of Malaysia (SSIOM), we take this opportunity to thank all the SSE teachers who had selflessly and tirelessly taught the children with full dedication, who would be graduating after completing 11 years of the SSE classes successfully. These teachers are indeed blessed. We thank all the Sai centres and the leadership for facilitating the SSE classes. Our thanks also go to the Education Coordinators at Centre, State and National who have worked out the programmes, activities, and lesson plans. Thank you to the Sathya Sai Academy and its members, the Vice President of Education and her team, for playing their role with love and dedication throughout the years for these children. Finally, on behalf of SSIOM we would like to congratulate all the children who would be the 2020 graduates. SSIOM shall continue with its effort to make SSE as a life-long school of learning where the process of educare continues in the youth and adult wings, as envisioned by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. It’s our hope that the graduates will continue to serve the organisation in whichever way they deem suitable. Their lives would become sanctified with the grace of Swami. Our prayers and wish for the 2020 graduates that they always remember Swami and His teachings with Gratitude. Swami is your guide and your true friend in life. May you all be successful in your life and exhibit Swami’s teachings in your thoughts, words and deeds, realising that Character is Power.
Humble pranams to the lotus feet of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba Prof. Ts. Dr. Murali Raman CEO of Sathya Sai Academy for Human Values Sairam to everyone. President SSIOM Bro.V. Sugumaran, Vice President Education, Sis. Dr. Meenakshii, the 2020 Convocation Organizing Team, respected elders, graduating students, parents, brothers and sisters, a very good evening to all of you. We are pleased to become part of another batch of students graduating from our academy thanks to the sheer dedication, commitment, and efforts by our gurus. Yet again, we did not succumb to the challenges due to the pandemic. Close to eighteen months in various forms of lockdowns and movement control order, SSIOM remains relevant and every robust in our pursuit of upholding human values. The secular education system both in Malaysia at Internationally, continues to produce graduates who have mastered (and some with perfect scores and CGPAs) various subjects, ranging from science, history, politics, and commerce. Nevertheless, the world continues to witness significant decline in human values. Natural and made-made disasters can be inherently linked back to lack of basic human values such as truth, right-conduct, peace, love and non-violence. Is the secular education system doing enough to nurture and shape a future generation that is set to lead the world in a sustainable manner? Are our students equipped with competencies that prepare them to live balanced lifestyles that focus on both material and spiritual aspects? These questions are surely debatable. The Sathya Sai Academy for Human Values Bhd is doing everything possible and within its capacity to ensure that we produce ‘holistic’ individuals—with reference to individuals who can navigate themselves in the ocean of life using their intellect to distinguish between right and wrong and thus become exemplary citizens. Our public programs such as the Parent care, DARTS, LOTUS, Rise for VIP, and ROSE, have transformed many in Malaysia and abroad. The Academy is also playing a vital part to equip the teachers of the Sathya Sai School with value-based education, to ensure these teachers in turn, ignite and inspire our children to live with values. Under the leadership of Sis Geetha and Sis Doreen, our ROSE program is now reaching out to the greater Chinese community in Malaysia. We are also witnessing rapid modernization though digital platforms and automation. While society is increasingly subject to digital transformation, the subject of inner transformation is within the vision of the Academy. We will continue to play a pivotal role in this regard. On behalf of the Academy, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all Gurus, volunteers, Centre Leaders for playing a vital role in guiding our graduates today who are the product of our Sai Spiritual Education (SSE) and Sathya Sai Education in Human Values (SSEHV)) curriculum. To our class of 2020, Congratulations to all of you. You are now empowered to make a positive impact on the lives of others. Remember, this ceremony is not the end of your journey in pursuit of human excellence. In fact, this is the beginning of your role as value warriors. Share your love, wisdom, and kindness with others out there. Many are longing for the guidance to walk on the right path. Play a role in assisting others to transform themselves, albeit remembering that transforming others begins with transforming oneself. Lastly, thank you Swami, for blessing this graduation ceremony. JAI SAI RAM.
Sai Spiritual EDUCATION (SSE)
GLOBAL OVERVIEW OF SATHYA SAI EDUCATION Bal Vikas/Sai Spiritual Education (SSE) The year was 1969 when, inspired by the In the very early 1970s a Bal Vikas programme was teachings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba and under begun in the United Kingdom. In 1977, Sathya Sai his guidance, a programme was established devotees in the United States of America started a in India to teach children of Sathya Sai Bal Vikas Programme, modeled along the lines of devotees about the country’s ancient the one in India, and published an international scriptures through story-telling, enacting Bal Vikas Newsletter, The Om Publication. plays with morality themes, and through singing of devotional songs. The responsibility for implementing the programme, which was named as “Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vihar”, was assigned to the Ladies Wing of the Sathya Sai Seva Organisation. A national conference was organised in 1971 for volunteers who had been trained as teachers and administrators of the programme. At the conference, the name “Bal Vikas” was chosen in order to better clarify the objectives of the programme. Bal Vikas is a Sanskrit term which means “blossoming of the child”. Accordingly, rules, regulations, and a course syllabus were developed in order to enhance the blossoming of “truth, beauty, and goodness in the child”. By 1975 the number of trained Bal Vikas teachers in India had grown to 3,500, and the number of students to over 50,000. The programme was soon to be introduced to countries outside of India. Early in the development of Bal Vikas, Sri Sathya Sai Baba emphasized,“The Bal Vikas course is designed to impart the values of Sanathana Dharma (perennial, virtuous conduct). Wherever Sathya (Truth), Dharma (Right Conduct), Shanti (Peace) and Prema (Love) are emphasized, in whatever religion or language, by whichever teacher it may be, there we have Sanathana Dharma. It is imperative that the Guru (teacher) teaches this course with full faith and confidence.”
In 1980, Sri Sathya Sai Baba introduced his ‘Ceiling on Desires Programme’ at the Third World Conference of Sri Sathya Sai Organisations held at Prasanthi Nilayam (Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh). He said children must be taught not to waste food, water, time, energy, or money. Sri Sathya Sai Baba explained that to do so is a form of violence against nature. Further, the only remedy to curb violence in the world is for individuals to minimise their desires. This implied that the Ceiling on Desires Programme should be adopted not only by children, but adults as well. The Bal Vikas Programme began to spread rapidly to other countries around the world, and in 1981, a conference for overseas teachers was held at Prasanthi Nilayam. It was here, during this conference, the concept of education in human values was introduced and Sri Sathya Sai Baba called for the development of objective assessment techniques. Subsequently, added emphasis was placed on the further development of Bal Vikas teacher training and curriculum. In 1983 the 15th Anniversary of Bal Vikas Celebration was held in Prasanthi Nilayam. This was attended by well over 20,000 children and teachers. In 1995 at the Sixth World Conference of Sri Sathya Sai Organisations, in order to emphasize the universality of the Bal Vikas Programme, it was decided to change the name to Sai Spiritual Education (SSE) in countries outside of India. Sathya Sai Education in Human Values (SSEHV) Bal Vikas or Sai Spiritual Education (SSE) classes are designed for children whose parents are devotees of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. These classes are conducted at local Sai Centres by devotees who have been trained by the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation. The core content relates to the five universal human values of Truth, Right Action, Peace, Love, and Nonviolence. Sri Sathya Sai Baba has long held that these human values are valid and necessary for the education and schooling of all the children of the world.
In the early 1980s, a modification of the Bal Vikas programme was developed for children whose parents were not devotees of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. It was given the name Sathya Sai Education in Human Values (SSEHV). SSEHV does not teach about Sri Sathya Sai Baba or any specific spiritual or religious figure. Rather, SSEHV is a secular programme (in the sense that it is equally respectful of all faiths and religions), which promotes character development, and seeks to instill in the students a respect and reverence for nature and for the rights of others. The SSEHV teacher is expected to earnestly practice the human values in her or his own life. The teacher, as an exemplar, encourages students to grow in self confidence and strive to realise their full potential as human beings. As SSEHV continued to grow, it became necessary to increase the number of persons qualified to train SSEHV teachers. Accordingly, a “training of trainers” conference was held at Prasanthi Nilayam in 1984, attended by participants from 10 states in India. In 1985, Sri Sathya Sai National Board of Education was established, and it conducted the first SSEHV workshop, attended by principals and headmasters from 300 schools in 16 states of India. By 1989, 35,000 primary school teachers had been trained and SSEHV had been extended to 3,000 schools in India, with most state governments formally adopting SSEHV for their school systems. Throughout the 1980s, Sri Sathya Sai Baba continued to elaborate on his concept of ideal education for children. Addressing students in May 1985 he said, “The process of education involves the process of self- control and self-denial. No person is free to live as his impulses prod him…. Wealth, scholarship, power, and prestige are all despicable if they are not directed towards moral ends.” In the same year, Sri Sathya Sai Baba started encouraging the integration of human values in all aspects of the school curriculum and in extra- curricular activities through SSEHV. In 1981, the United Kingdom was one of the first countries outside of India to start an SSEHV programme. The concepts of SSEHV were implemented in London at Spencer Park School in the Borough of Wandsworth, South London, and the “Education in Human Values Society” was formed. This group was charged with the responsibility of raising awareness of members of the local Sri Sathya Sai Organisation about SSEHV, and training teachers for the Inner London Education
Authority. In 1983, an Education in Human Values Foundation was established in the United States of America. The Foundation developed the first official SSEHV Curriculum and incorporated a lesson plan model. The curriculum was printed and published by the Sri Sathya Sai Books and Publications Trust as \"Lesson Plans for Human Values\", International Edition. In 1987, the European Sathya Sai Educare (ESSE) Institute was established in Denmark and training of teachers throughout Europe began. SSEHV conferences, symposia, and workshops were organised in many countries throughout the 1980s: London, UK (1981, 1983, 1985); Port Dickson, Malaysia; Jakarta, Indonesia (1984); Mexico City, Mexico (1984); Los Angeles, USA (1985); Lagos, Nigeria (1986); Ibadan, Nigeria (1987); Ndola, Zambia (1988); Harare, Zimbabwe (1989); El Salvador (1986); Accra, Ghana (1986 and 1987); Glasgow, Scotland (1987); and Bangkok, Thailand (1986 and 1987). Concurrently, SSEHV programmes were started in community settings and in a number of public and private schools in India, as well as in the UK, the USA, Malaysia, Australia, Africa, New Zealand, Latin America, Thailand, and Japan. In most instances, these SSEHV programmes catered to students who were considered poorly motivated to put forth their best effort in school. The consistent impression of on-site observers was that implementing an SSEHV programme in these schools and community settings resulted in students developing more positive attitudes about themselves and the learning experience. For example, in the UK, the highly positive anecdotal reports and enthusiastic praise from parents, school officials, and community agency personnel, attracted the favourable notice of professional teachers and the Department of Education. In Thailand, the government signed a memorandum of understanding with the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation to provide SSEHV training at all 36 of the country’s Teacher Training Colleges, and several thousand Thai teachers participated in weekend workshops. Sathya Sai Schools and Colleges in India and other countries The first educational institution to be established under the direct guidance of Sri Sathya Sai Baba was, for good reasons, not a school but a college for women. Sri Sathya Sai Arts and Science College for Women started functioning in Anantapur (a town in Andhra Pradesh, 60 miles from Prasanthi Nilayam) on 22 July 1968 and was later moved to its own premises to be inaugurated by the then President of India, Sri V. V. Giri, on 8 July 1971. The purpose of establishing this institution was expressed by Sri Sathya Baba in his inaugural speech (1968) in the following words: \"This is a divine and blessed land whose tradition is based on spirituality. This college has to be an example. Motherhood aspect is very important. The influence of good or bad, which a mother exerts on her children is far-reaching. Good mothers are needed to rebuild India again.\"
This was soon followed by Sri Sathya Sai Arts and Science College for Men at Brindavan, Whitefield (near Bangalore in the state of Karnataka), established in June 1969 (for more details the reader may refer to Historical Development of Sri Sathya Sai University in Chapter 5). In the early 1970s, the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation began establishing Sathya Sai Primary Schools and Sathya Sai Secondary Schools in India. These schools were based on Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s philosophy of education, which places emphasis not only on educational achievements, but on character development and the importance of leading a moral life. The philosophy also stresses the importance of encouraging young persons to become aware of their divine inner nature. The schools attracted the positive notice of educationists and policy makers in India. This inspired devotees involved with SSE and SSEHV programmes outside of India to begin similar schools in their respective countries. By the early 1990s Sathya Sai Schools were established in Zambia, Thailand, and Nepal. Similar schools were soon started in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, Fiji, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Paraguay, the Philippines, South Africa, Sri Lanka,Taiwan, the United Kingdom, and Venezuela. Currently, there are over 60 Sathya Sai Schools in India and 41 Sathya Sai Schools in 26 countries outside India. The Sri Sathya Sai Organisation is careful to ensure that these schools operate within the jurisdiction and educational norms of the country where they are located. The local educational authority must be satisfied that the school meets all appropriate requirements, including approving the aims and objectives, the site and structural adequacy of the buildings, syllabus, teacher preparation, proper classroom size, physical resources, staff salaries, and the capacity to meet maintenance and sustainability needs.
The main purpose for establishing Sathya Sai Schools is to provide quality education permeated with human values to children who would otherwise not receive it. To this end, the schools are often located in disadvantaged areas. Funding comes primarily from donations and, in a few cases, from government grants when such grants are consistent with national educational policies and those of the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation.The Schools strive to provide free education. In some cases a small fee is charged for consumables. Institutes of Sathya Sai Education As the number of Sathya Sai Schools and SSEHV classes increased in India and around the world, there was need for more standardisation and quality assurance with respect to teacher training and certification.This led to establishing the Institutes of Sathya Sai Education (ISSEs). The first Institute was opened in Denmark in 1987. Since that time it has been conducting seminars for teachers, office bearers, and members of the Sri Sathya Sai Organisations throughout continental Europe, as well as in Russia and countries that were part of the former Soviet Union. In recognition of the growing demands of parents that their children be provided a values-based education, an Institute was established in the late 1990s at the Dharmakshetra in Mumbai, India. Earlier the Institute staff worked in collaboration with staff from several official agencies, such as the Navodaya Vidyalayas, Western Railway, the Delhi and the Pune Municipal Corporations, and the government of the state of Maharashtra, in order to promote a curriculum for human excellence in their schools. Similar Institutes were established in Thailand, Zambia, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, Latin America, and Canada.
The network of Institutes of Sathya Sai Education has now expanded to over 20 countries. Their stated purpose is “to propagate the ideals of Sathya Sai Education in primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities.” In their respective geographical regions, the Institutes provide standardised training of teachers and teacher-trainers.They also offer Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses, assist in establishing Sathya Sai Schools, and support the adoption of existing schools. Adapted from Global Overview of Sathya Sai Education http://www.sathyasai.org LLiivLviiinvn-iUggnSnigwnaittfiGhoytyohraidsSGGDiaoosiiddvBRiaiienssbaaieSlt-deiyzruavctiaicoteinon
Timeline of SSE/SSEHV Establishment in Malaysia 1975 Bhajan learning sessions 1978 were introduced to children 1981 of Sai devotees. Informal balvikas sessions were initiated by individual gurus in Segamat, Melaka and Johor Bahru. The first overseas balvikas teachers’ Train the Trainers course in Puttaparthi, India, was attended by 14 Malaysian devotees/Gurus.
1982 The first formal Teachers’ Training 1984 Programme held in Malaysia was 1985 1998 conducted by Mrs. Indra Shah, Mrs. Sarala Shah and their team from India. Malaysia organised a Far Eastern Symposium on Human Values, with speakers from Malaysia (late Brother Jagadeva), Thailand (Dr Artong Jung Sai) and India (Indra Shah/Indulashah). 17 Malaysian children (mostly from Johor Bahru) sat for the All India Balvikas Group 3 examinations 1st Balvikas Yatra to Puttaparthi.
2001 1st National EDUCARE 2003 Conference was held in 2004 2004 Kuala Lumpur. Sathya Sai Parentcare was formally launched and it became a pet project. Educare Academy was started up and it was formally set up at Sri Hartamas. After that, there were structures in the programmes held by the Sathya Sai International Organisation of Malaysia. The Educare Academy was followed by the SHAKTI program for Mahlia and SSE WING expanded with ROSE, SS PARENTCARE, SAI MASTERS. The first Graduation ceremony was held at the Securities Commission Hall. It was a grand ceremony attended by students, gurus, and parents
2005 The Education in Human 2008 Values (EHV) was introduced. The EHV modules are based on the RUKUNEGARA. Teen youth programme was brought in to the wing and it was a group 4 system so the whole process of graduation was different. We had viva and an exam. We called invigilators from outside. 10th anniversary, robes were introduced. The vision for the academy continues to run for the past 15 years and is gaining strength and expansion. With Swami's grace, the ACADEMY hopes to become an INSTITUTE. excerpts from live program telecasted by SSIOM in conjunction with GURU POORNIMA Titled: SAI FAMILY (SSE History & Impact in Malaysia) - Guest Speakers: Sis Saras & Sis Tara.
exemplary guruS Award
Pushpavallie P SS3, Selangor More commonly known as Puspa Aunty, Madam Pushpavallie is destined to serve people who need her the most. Also known as Teacher Pushpa, she started to serve at SSBC SS3 in the year 1999 after serving 30 years in the teaching profession. The journey in Swami’s path started when she had a beautiful dream where Swami appeared in her dream. Days later, she received a postcard with the same Swami’s photo on it from her student. Photo as shown here. Aunty Puspa visited Puttaparthi in the year 2000. Swami’s aesthetic appearance made Aunty Pushpa tear profusely and that was how she knew her deep feeling connection with Bhagawan Sathya Sai Baba. Aunty Puspa has dedicated most of her time teaching and taking part in the voluntary activities run by SSBC SS3. She has carried out a great number of wonderful activities for the Balvikas children. She has also conducted Tamil classes for the children in SS3 Centre before Balvikas classes starts. She has always involved in outreach SSEHV classes in Tamil schools and seva activities organized by SSBC SS3. Currently, she is helping in SSEHV Kipark, Puchong. Other notable contributions by Aunty Puspa are as the following: Involved in ROSE programme and teaching pre-schoolers. Teaching in Sai School Puchong for many years. Teaching in Pure Life Society, Puchong. Teaching in Sai Ananda, Batu Caves. Teaching in My Skill, Klang
Ravindram K. Othenan SS3, Selangor Born on 23rd May, in the year 1951 in Kanoor, Kerala, India. Bro Ravi was brought to Malaya in February 1952 by his parents and lived in Merlimau Estate, Malacca. He did his primary education at Merlimau Estate Tamil School and continued his secondary education at Jasin English School in 1964. After completing his secondary education, he then pursued Automobile Engineering in a private institute in Kuala Lumpur. After completing his higher studies, he became a self-taught full time tuition teacher by teaching some children in the estate. In 1979, he moved to SS3, Petaling Jaya with his family. There, he started home tuition for primary and secondary school students; teaching BM, Maths & Science. In 1996, he enrolled his two children for Balvikas classes conducted by Sathya Sai Baba Centre of SS3. He became part of the centre's family soon after. In the year 1997, he became a Service Coordinator under the guidance of Bro Muthu. Bro Muthu made sure he attended every conference that was conducted in Sai especially Service conference in Puttaparthi. As a Service Coordinator, he was involved in all the service activities that was carried out by Sathya Sai Baba Centre of SS3 such as KKB Leprosarium visitations, Community Adoption Program, hospital visitations, tree planting, Sai Garden at Pure Life Society and Orang Asli Village visitations at Lipis, Pahang
Bro Ravi became a Balvikas Guru in the year 2002, understudied with Bro Sugu back then. He attended Gurus' Training that was conducted in 2001 and 2006 at Port Dickson by Sathya Sai central council of Malaysia. He also attended the Education Conference at Puttaparthi. Moreover, as a Group 3 Balvikas Guru, Bro Ravi was part of lesson plan development with Prof. Dr. Suma. Besides that, he was involved in the National Bhajagovindam Workshop held at Sekolah Rendah Sathya Sai. Other than that, Bro Ravi conducted special BM tuition classes for UPSR children at Sekolah Rendah Sathya Sai in 2015. Since Bro Ravi is an expert in BM, he also taught BM at the Sg Way Chinese School under the ROSE Program and gave free tuition for the underprivileged children in Neigel Garden, Batang Berjuntai (now known as Bestari Jaya). In the year 2008, Bro Ravi became Assistant Chairman at Sathya Sai Baba Centre of SS3 overlooking and assisting in planning centre activities and agenda. In the year 2013, Bro Ravi was elected as Sathya Sai Baba Centre of SS3's Chairman for 2 terms. He coordinated and assisted in planning, organizing and undertaking all centre activities working hand in hand with the Gurus, Youths, Children, Committee Members and other centre members. In 2018, Bro Ravi became one of the Centre's Advisors and continued his duty as a Balvikas Guru till today. Other notable contributions by Bro KO Ravi are as the following: Pioneer participant in Sai Parent Care Initiated first Sai Parent Care program for Sathya Sai Baba Center of SS3 Involved in Tree Planting for Baba’s 85 Birthday at Sg. Panjang Forest Reserve in Batang Berjuntai Initiated Tamil Class for Balvikas children at Sathya Sai Baba Centre of SS3 Initiated One Point Therapy at Sathya Sai Baba Centre of SS3 Organised tuition classes at Seaport Tamil School Daily morning pooja at Sathya Sai Baba Centre of SS3 Involved in recycling, building and garden maintenance Involved in feeding the homeless in KL project in collaboration with Kechara Kitchen
Sunthari Perumal Muar, johor Aunty Sunthari Perumal, fondly called as Aunty Perumal, aged 68, hails from Muar and started her journey as a Sai devotee in her early twenties. She is a very humble guru from Sathya Sai Baba Centre of Muar. She embraces the teachings of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and imparts her knowledge to all the young hearts and teenagers. She loves children a lot and she even more loves teaching them human values. In the late 1970s, without fail, she conducts Balvikas classes in her house every Saturday. Her loving husband, Uncle Perumal, takes charge of bringing the children who don’t have any means of transport to attend Balvikas classes He picks up the children from their respective homes to class and back home. Aunty Sunthari teaches her students value-based stories, stotras, mantras, shlokas, bhajans, thevarams, Mahabharata & Ramayana. At the end of the classes, she makes it a point to serve all the children with delicious prasad. Aunty Sunthari is also an ardent reader who keeps abreast of all the latest information that broadens her knowledge which she incorporates in her teachings.
She takes the responsibility for organizing role plays, dramas, divine singing, thevaram, hymn and mantras chanting and many other valuable EHV programs in the centre. The EHV children love to take part and give their best in whatever she organizes. She is a versatile and dedicated educator who has also participated actively in various centre Seva activities. She sings bhajans regularly at the centre too. Apart from being a devoted EHV teacher, she is also a loving mother and a dedicated daughter who took care of her aged parents till their passing. She also parted her knowledge to her children who followed her footsteps and started teaching EHV classes as well. She’s inspirational and passionate. Till now, most of her ex-Balvikas and EHV students still visit her whenever they are back in Muar. She’s truly a committed and dedicated teacher besides being a self-motivated, disciplined and well-respected individual, thus we strongly feel that she deserves the Exemplary Guru Award. We pray to Bhagavan to shower His grace abundantly upon her always.
Dr. Ponnusamy Prasanna Latha Palani Velu Ipoh Garden, Perak Sis. Dr. Latha was born in India and migrated to Malaysia. She is the wife of the Late Dr. Palani, former Perak TY Coordinator. She is a practising medical doctor who obtained her MBBS from Madras University. Despite her hectic schedule in their private practice, Sis. Dr. Latha has immense love and passion for SSE classes. She has served more than twenty-five years as an SSE Guru in SSBC Ipoh Garden. She conducts value-based classes, bhajans, slokas, storytelling, quiz games and prayer assignments. Sis. Dr. Latha behaves and acts as per Swami’s universal values and thus sets an exemplary role for the students. She has nourished and nurtured the students with Swami’s teachings and Sai love and care She has also served as the Perak State Education Coordinator from 1995 till 1997. During her tenure, she organised the Inter- District EHV Sadhana Camp. She was actively involved in SSEHV Outreach at Batu Gajah from 2000 till 2006. Despite her age, she is still serving as Assistant Guru at SSBC Ipoh Garden to date.
Syamala Devi A/P Gopala Krishnan Kulim, Kedah Sis Syamala Devi started her journey with Swami after her marriage to Bro Venugopalan Nair. Together both of them started teaching Balvikas in the year 1995. She started by teaching Group 1. After a few years, she moved on to teaching Group 2 and 3 once more teachers joined the classes in SSBC Kulim. Throughout her 26 years of teaching, she has prepared students for various competitions like story-telling, public speaking and drama for centre and state-level competitions. Every year, the teachers guide and prepare the students for dances, sketches and group singing for special events like Krishna Jayanthi, Easwaramma Day and Swami’s Jayanthi Sis Syamala has played a very important role in the centre and state-level Sathya Sai Education for Kedah. She actively organized annual sports carnival at both centre and state levels. Besides that, she also made sure the SSE children were involved in centre activities like weekly & special bhajans, centre cleaning, seva projects and so forth
She and a few more teachers from SSBC Kulim joined the Gurus training program by the National Education Wing and Sathya Sai Academy for Human Values Bhd. and successfully graduated in Prashanti Nilayam in the year 2019. Since then, she has been actively conducting classes and encouraging parents to bring their children to join the SSE classes She is also the pioneer who started the ROSE program in Kulim. She started her journey by teaching at SJK(T) Paya Besar in 2017. Two years later, a couple more teachers joined her in a different school. Sister Syamala took the role of State Mahila Coordinator early this year. She was been very active in learning Gita Samarpanam and Kodi Archana programs
Since the pandemic, she and the other teachers had to switch to online classes. Despite her initial struggles to learn the digital tools, she managed to conduct online classes for the SSE students of SSBC Kulim every Friday morning. Besides that, she also volunteers to teach the ROSE online program every Saturday night. She is a very dedicated teacher as well as a loving mother to three children and a devoted daughter-in-law to her mother-in-law Despite her busy involvement in Sai activities, she always prioritizes caring for her mother-in-law and her parents. She is definitely a role model to all women out there especially within the Sai Organisation. She embodies the Shakthi to balance everything in life.
Nageswary Ramulu Sri Muda, Selangor Sis Nages has been a dedicated Balvikas Guru since 1998. Being one of the gems of SSBC Sri Muda, she has diligently served Swami's mission and vision with devotion and dedication She has touched many generations of students with her warm, enthusiastic and caring nature. She always starts her class with engaging ice-breaking activities, captivating story-telling and concludes the session with fun group activities. She is the Go-to-Guru whom students trust with their problems and concerns or even to share a funny encounter. She showers so much Sai love and care beyond the classroom. In her special way, Sis Nages has imparted Swami’s core values, teachings and more importantly raised the consciousness of every child by practising kindness and unconditional love. This speaks multitudes about her amazing character.
Sis Nages has attended various Other contributions by Sis Nages include being Balvikas training, enabling her to be an the centre's Mahila's Coordinator back in 2015. excellent asset to the centre. The lesson Throughout her tenure, she has organised a plans that she has crafted for Group 2 multitude of programs that empowered Mahilas are tailored to student's needs and in SSBC Sri Muda. Currently, she serves as the capabilities, giving them great insight centre's Spiritual Coordinator. Under this into moral values and general position, she has organised an array of events knowledge. such as Navarathri Pooja, Guru Poornima, Padhuka Pooja, HOPE prayers Sis Nages aspires to teach and inspire her students to her the best of her abilities because she believes that every small step makes a huge difference. We pray that Swami continues to shower his grace upon you Sister for many more years of leading through love and inspiration!
GrAduateS class of 2020
Abhishanker A/L Sellayan I joined SSE classes when I was four and there was so much that I’ve learned from it. I have not only learnt mantras but also how to love and treat everyone with respect. My group 3 and 4 classes were much deeper and I’ve somewhat understood what life is. In group 4 I learnt how to surrender my problems and leave them to Swami. Moving forward, I can contribute to the SSIO by joining most of their service activities because I love to help other people. I will also join my center’s young adult group to see how I can always be involved in the center's activities and be of help. Jai sai ram. First and foremost, SSE program benefited Anbarassan Arumugam me in many ways. I learned moral values and discipline through the SSE program. Moreover, I learned how to respect elders and how to talk politely to them. I was also able to learn leadership and patience. SSE program thought me many good things by telling stories and myths like Mahabharata and Ramayana. Lastly, I am very grateful and I will contribute to my SSE center by taking part in social activities conducted by them. Moreover, I will go to the center when I'm free. Sai Ram
Daksheshkaran Thinakaran The SSEHV programme has molded me into a much more responsible, understanding, and courageous person than I was before attending this programme. I used to be a very easy to trigger person and never had the mental strength to go through tough hurdles and challenges in my daily life. However, with the help of my SSE teachers, today I am able to say that I have achieved so many of my goals and targets in life due to the support and love that they have showered upon me. Listening to Swami's discourses and going through his teachings has shaped me into who I am today. Although no one is perfect, this SSE has really brought out the other side of me. I wish to serve people through the SSIO and bring joy and happiness to as many people as I can. My journey in SSE has taught me that nothing gives more pleasure than serving people, and that is what I wish to do. I will be able to bring new ideas on how and where we could carry out service as well as spreading the teachings of Swami through the SSIO. Balvikas has taught me to be a better human. Balvikas Darshananand Mohana Kumar also taught me to be an ideal human being. An ideal human being will never look down on people just because of their skin color or race. An ideal human being helps someone when they need it without that person asking. An ideal human being will do what's right and what is only right no matter the situation. An ideal human being will do whatever it takes to always be kind, compassionate, loving, caring, always looking out for the needy. An ideal human being will always do community services such as donating to the poor. Donating doesn't only mean giving money. It can also be in the form of clothes or food. To be frank, I have not reached that level just yet. However, Balvikas has put me on that track, and will always strive to be that ideal person.
Dhurvasa A/L This programme has helped me realize my purpose of Magadave Ramesh giving back to Mother Earth via tree planting. The year 2020 brought a lot of destruction to wildlife and I felt helpless for not being able to do anything. Planting trees as part of my seva project helped me alleviate those dreaded feelings. It taught me that we don't have to sit around helplessly and watch the world burn. By planting trees, you're essentially creating a nurturing living green space for humans and animals alike. Seva isn't just limited to human beings, getting down there to right the wrongs of humans against nature certainly qualifies as well. I would love to contribute by helping out in programmes targeted at serving the needs of mother nature and the community at large. The SSE programme has played a significant part in Ekaaksh a/l Gnanapragasam molding my character and has helped me face difficult situations in a better manner. I'm truly grateful to Swami, Gurus as well as my parents for guiding me throughout my years as an SSE student. The values that I have learnt have taught me how to make the correct choice. I can feel the diversity after coming for SSE classes. I personally know that SSBC SEREMBAN SELATAN has guided me towards the positive path by differentiating between the real world and how and whom to make friends with. I would continue to contribute to the SSIOM/SSBC SEREMBAN Selatan center after my graduation and I will consistently be dependable to SSIOM who will show me the beneficial things. Jai Sai Ram
Gan Enk JenD After my graduation, I will help to serve the people that need our help. For example, by serving food, drinks, and essential needs. SSE/SSEHV programme has benefited me with a lot of information.. I got to learn a lot of new things and gained many ideas from the programme such as how to help people and be kind to everyone even when they don't treat you well. We should always be positive and do good to help everyone. I learned a lot on how to be a positive person and not to think too negatively. When people ask you for help just help if it is possible. Here are all the things that I have learned to always be positive. Try to help all children that don't have parents. Make them feel happy and get a lot of people to care for them. The SSE/SSEHV program has taught me many valuable lessons such as the five human values, bhajans, mantras, and many more. The way I can contribute to the SSSIO after my graduation is I will be teaching the students of SSBC Ampang mantra classes Ganesh Rao A/L Nookku Raju
Ggiritharan Ganesankumar SSE program has molded me into a person with high moral values which has made me shine brightly in society. SSE classes have groomed me well to participate confidently in public speaking and stage performance. I am also able to organize activities well with a lot of confidence. Thank you to all the gurus who have given me immense knowledge while bringing out the best in me. They gave me lots of opportunities. I will continue my service to the center and participate in SAI activities. Swami has guided and protected me all the time. Finally, thank you to my parents who introduced SAI in my life. Thank you Jai Sai Ram TThe SSE programme has been a life-changing experience for Harishvardhan me as I’ve grown closer to Swami and admired His teachings. It has benefited me spiritually, mentally, and physically. Throughout these past few years, my perspective towards certain things have changed for the better. I developed skills that have been useful in an everyday life situation, such as communication, social, leadership, and critical thinking skills. Apart from that, I feel grateful and happy being able to participate in seva activities as I become more conscious of the state of our society amidst the difficult times. In addition, Swami’s teachings and values have been applicable to real-life scenarios. For instance, I realized that in order to obtain the best outcome, I need to think rationally first and not jump in headfirst of any situation. As a group 4 student previously, I was able to resonate with most of the lessons as I could relate them to the daily challenges I encountered as a teen. By graduating, I believe that I would be able to give back to the SSIO by participating and leading service activities in the future as a young adult. I could also join the center’s committee team and contribute wherever I can by providing new ideas and thoughts in discussions to improve the flow of activities carried out in the center. All in all, being part of the Sai family has allowed me to become a better person
Kapil Govind Kanagasabai 2008. My first few SSE classes. I was 5 years old and did not speak to anyone. Instead, I would repeatedly turn around to check if my mother was still sitting behind me. This boy was very shy. But he isn’t anymore, and a huge reason for this is the SSE program. Through the constant sharing of thoughts and numerous storytelling and public speaking competitions, confidence has been instilled in me. For this, I am eternally grateful Of course, through the program, I have also learned about the importance of values. I have learned how to empathize love, and fulfill my duties with extreme patience and care. I strongly believe that this has given me the foundation I need to succeed in life. My awe of Swami and his abilities has grown tremendously because of SSE classes. I now know that Swami will always have my back. Following my graduation, I want to contribute to the SSIO by participating in seva activities, as well as contributing to the bhajan department wherever I am in the world. I would also love to teach SSE classes myself. I promise to do my best in everything I do for my Sai family. I have been a part of the Sai family since I was 11 years Kavisshnu Nadarajah old, and I am beyond grateful to have ever been involved in it. For me, the SSE programme has felt like a second set of parents, always there to guide and nurture me. The syllabus and teaching methods are exemplary and have helped me develop myself as a teen and I'm sure, is something I will be constantly referring to as an adult. The Gurus especially, are an incredible group of thoughtful and empathetic people, always ready to help you on your path. As a result of their guidance, I have become a much more aware and calm person. After my graduation, I look forward to taking part in Sai activities, both as a participant or a facilitator. I'm especially eager to mix around with other Sai young adults where we can forge friendships and join each other on our spiritual journeys.
Keevan Raj A/L Nanda Kumar The SSE programme has benefited me in many ways. Attending balvikas has developed me to be a better person by applying human values to my daily life. Apart from that, balvikas have also given me the opportunity to participate in many activities and have good interactions with Gurus, peers, and friends. I am able to gain communication skills in order to build up my confidence level when interacting with new people. Besides that, I have gained more knowledge on learning new Vedas, mantras, bhajans that are being taught by Gurus in balvikas. Being a part of the SSE programme has been a wonderful experience for me and as a Sai student, I would help my juniors to overcome their fears and help them grow My journey towards our Divine Lord began through my Keseegan A/L Sugumaran classes with SSE. I learnt the various mantras, was able to sing bhajans, had opportunities in taking part in the various Sathya Sai Educare activities. I also slowly grew to understand and cultivate patience, faith, empathy towards everyone in general. It was much easier when I was much younger and accepted the final verdicts given by elders, however as I grew into my teens, I had my own opinions and felt deprived of not being able to voice out what I felt. I realized that going into my teens in SSE, helped me in many ways to cope with the stress and anxiety I felt in my adolescence. I was blessed to have known my teen youth teacher who could relate and understand me and guided me toward having confidence and adjusting myself to the challenges of being a youth. I truly believe that my SSE journey has made me stronger to face the many tests of life and drove me towards Sadhanas that gave me happiness internally and externally when I feel really sad, and developed a strong faith that Swami is my true friend till the end of time.
Kishenaendra a/l Devindran My name is Kishenaendra and I started going for SSE classes unofficially at the age of 4 yrs old and officially started at age of 5. SSE classes have made an impact in my life and have changed me to be a better person as I used to be a quite playful and disrespectful young kid. But after going for SSE classes, I have seen many improvements in my life as I am now more disciplined and respectful towards older people and I have learnt many lessons and values from Sai classes such as learning the importance of respecting our parents, managing our time properly, being taught to serve and help others who need help. I have also been able to have the opportunity to meet and make a bunch of new friends throughout my journey in SSE. As a student of SAI, I would continue to play my part to help others and serve others who need help as that is the core lesson that I have learnt from SSE. Thank you, and Sai Ram. I have attended the SSE classes for the past 14 years and Kishore Duraimurugan those were the best years of my life. SSE has made a huge impact on me a lot and changed my life in many ways. Moreover, SSE classes have made me see the world from a totally different perspective apart from the other teenagers of my age. For instance, I have become more responsible and determined in everything I do and I can manage to control my anger issues through silent meditation. The 5 principles of Sai which are Sathya, Dharma, Shanti, Prema, and Ahimsa have guided me throughout my life and I have become more aware that there is only 1 religion that always exists, love. Love has the capability to mold a stone into a sculpture. I believe that you can achieve anything in the world with pure love and compassion. JAI SAI RAM
The SSEHV programme has benefited me a lot. I learnt to look at every situation in my life from a different dimension. I started believing that swami has got my back and everything happens for a reason. Besides, SSEHV helped me to enhance my leadership skills and deepens my understanding of life. I would like to pass all my knowledge and experiences to the upcoming generation. Kugan Raj A/L Kandhavel The SSE has benefited me in many ways. Through all Livuendra J A/L Asohan the teachings taught by the anna’s and akka’s, I have improved in many aspects of my life. Following Swami’s teachings guided me to do the right things in my life. I started being more compassionate in whatever I do. I also started appreciating the small things I have with me. I realized that if we are grateful for whatever we have, no one can destroy our happiness and peace. If given a chance, I would like to inspire the future generation just like how the anna’s and akka’s inspired me to do amazing things in life.
Lookesh Kathirmathy Looking back at the 12 years that I've spent in my SSE classes, I've realized how much I've changed as a person. My views have broadened and my faith in Swami has strengthened. I've turned into a much better person overall. I've made so many connections and learned a lot from my seniors, peers, and elders. After graduating, I'd love to put my knowledge and effort into contributing towards the Youth wing activities, specifically the Pranams magazine. I'm also going to make a commitment to attend and actively participate in the weekly center bhajans. I potentially see myself coming back as a teacher to teach the younger generation and impart the knowledge I've gained that can benefit them in the long run, the same way it has benefited me. My journey as an SSE student taught me to break Maheyshvar A/L free from the walls of my psychological drama and Vijaya Raghavan prepared me to live life as it is. One of my core takeaways was the philosophy of needing less. By constructing a ceiling on my desires, I learned to consume less, and thus was able to save money, energy, and the most valuable asset we have as human beings, which is time. Being content with little makes our existence less complicated and less stressful. By applying this concept, I am able to tap into a constant state of joy no matter where I am or what I am doing. As a token of gratitude to Swami, I would like to contribute to the SSSIO by sharing all that I've learnt to the future generation, either as a Balvikas teacher or as a humble devotee.
Omesh Dayal I have been going for SSE classes since I was 6 years old. I have gained a lot of value throughout these wonderful years as an SSE student. The classes have helped mold me into a better human being. I have learned many valuable lessons such as discipline, respect, responsibility, and many more. In the past few years, I have become a more disciplined person. I tend to use my time wisely when I need to finish up a project at a given time. Furthermore, I have learnt to respect elders and friends. SSE classes have taught me to say my please and thank you's from a young age and because of that, it has been easy for me to implement more values in my life. After my graduation, I would be happy to help out in and around the center with seva activities. I will be happy to do anything for the center as long as it's within my capabilities. The SSE/SSEHV classes have given me the Raamkishore Sai knowledge and wisdom to discriminate between Chandra Mohan what is right and wrong. The programme has taught me to control my emotions and to not let them control me. Last but not least, it has shown me who I truly am. I am truth, I am peace, and I am the very embodiment of love! I hope to follow in Swami's footsteps and implement His teachings to better myself, and spread nothing but love.
Raavin Supramani SSE program has made me more selfless. It has increased my self-confidence and my self-esteem. I also learnt how to be kind to everything and everyone. Not only humans deserve kindness but animals and plants too. I started loving doing sevas as I can help others and make myself and them feel contented and happy. By attending SSE classes, I have learnt self-discipline and time management skills because I was able to allocate my time between Seva and school. Besides that, SSE classes helped me to manage my emotions and also handle tough situations around me. Things that I can contribute to SSIO after my graduation are that I vow to involve myself in more Seva activities and also encourage my friends and family around me to do the same. Swami has said 'Hands that serve are holier than lips that pray\". I will share the miracles of Swami's presence in my life. The challenges I faced by far in my life were easy, only because of Him by my side. My daily sadhanas cheered me up and I was able to tune my focus into positivity. I am now able to remain calm amidst any chaos. I pray the changes SSE has contributed to me will be seen as a role model to my siblings and future Sai generations around me. Thank you for this opportunity dearest Swami. The SSE programme has definitely molded me into a better Rahul A/L Gopinathan human being with better conduct of myself. Attending SSE Nambiar has made me understand 'who am I' and my purpose. SSE has taught me the 5 important values that I shall forever keep in mind. SSE has helped me boost my confidence and helped me come out from my shell. I've also made a lot of friends from balvikas and also share a good relationship with my gurus. I would hope that I can be a part of any Sai activities held after I graduate as I strongly believe it's for a good cause!
Saileindra a/l Selvaratnam SSSIO has stood as the spiritual safety net of my life for the past 11 years and has never failed to provide me with avenues to solve every crisis in that time. I have found confidants in my gurus who tirelessly helped me each step of the way. As I had witnessed many friends reach dark places in their spiritual and mental experience of life during their teens, I found that not only did I remain resilient under those same pressures, but I was able to help uplift them from their difficulty as well. I hope to give back to the organization by one day imparting this wisdom unto future disciples of Swami, and I know that this organization will persist in serving all humanity far into the future Throughout my years in the SSEHV programme, I have Shyamdarshan Santosh learnt how to practice Swami’s teachings in my daily life. Additionally, the programme has increased my spiritual knowledge in all aspects of life. My confidence and interpersonal skills have improved through my participation in activities like drama, storytelling competitions, and many more. I developed a stronger bond with Swami through this programme and my faith in Him has increased immensely. I also found valuable friendships, some of which have lasted for over a decade. I intend to continue to teach in the SSEHV programme and participate in other service activities. I have learnt how to live a life of love and aspire to become an instrument of Swami
Thivyan Nair A/L Kullan SSEHV class was a great blessing from swami. SSEHV classes have been the best thing that ever happened to me. SSEHV classes have benefited me in various ways. I learned how to be a great human being with all swami's teaching and guidance alone. SSEHV classes also taught me the purpose of life. I even learned the smallest thing like how I should be with my family and friends. A lot of values had been planted in me through SSEHV classes. The gurus are also very dedicated. Most importantly, SSEHV classes have taught me what selfless service is. SSEHV classes don't just teach but we as Sai students practice what they preach. We have done a lot of activities throughout the SSEHV classes. I would like to contribute to the SSSIO after my graduation by becoming a young adult to serve the SSSIO. I believe that is my seva to carry out selfless service like those sisters and brothers who had graduated. I would like to be a part of the SSSIO to serve many. I couldn't imagine an organization other than SSSIO to serve the best and I'm eagerly excited to serve as many as I can. Jai Sai Ram The SSE/SSEHV programme has positively pushed me to Trinaath A/L realize that I live not only for myself but for others as well. Athinarayanarao The ability to execute selfless service is the greatest trait a person could possess in my opinion and this programme has continuously proved it to me in multiple scenarios and ways. Post-service satisfaction is truly the greatest feeling even though pre-service nerves could get in the way. This showed me that the fruit is all that matters, and efforts put in for a noble deed would never go to waste. Besides this, I have also acquired decent leadership skills that are extremely crucial and beneficial to me as I am not an extrovert by nature. I look forward to contributing to the SSSIO by participating in its service activities and assisting and supporting the programmes at multiple levels
Unnikrishnan A/P SSE has benefited me in many ways, for example, I used not to Ravindranathan take pathamnamaskaram from my parents, and eventually, after joining SSE, I started to take pathamnamaskaram from my parents daily. Furthermore, from SSE, I got inspired a lot to serve the poor people, animals and other things from the quote stated by Swami himself which are HELP EVER HURT NEVER and LOVE ALL SERVE ALL. I used to be a Sai boy who was scared to talk or give a speech in front of people until SSE gave me the confidence to speak in front of many people. While speaking in front of everyone I used to get very scared until I saw one of Swami's powerful quotes which was WHY FEAR WHEN I AM HERE. Since then, I have become a braver Sai child. Last but not least, we all should know that Swami is with us all the time and we should follow and practice all of his teachings. JAI SAI RAM. As a Sai student, I believe I cannot go anywhere far from good. Swami Uvaraajah A/L Saravanan will guide and I will always give the best. During my time carrying out all the service activities, I have learned to think more deeply about what I do and to examine my own personal values, and see how far they might be comparable to the issues I have been studying at home, school, and in life. I have also learned that I constantly need to think about what I am doing and how far this agrees or conflicts with my basic values and the values of social work. Through this internship program, I gained many experiences and feel really good to have helped people and animals around me. Swami always says, help ever and hurt never. I relied on His quote throughout the service activities. Also, I remembered, Swami says, hands that serve are holier than lips that pray. These were the messages that kept me going from the start until the end. I became more aware of what I can do for everyone during this birth, becoming someone useful to society and feeling content in fulfilling the purpose of me being a Balvikas student. Swami’s teachings have taught me that I should not fear taking up leads or leading life to betterment. I was not born with a silver spoon or a high achiever but being able to lead programs or projects, although small, made me learn that we should always look at the brighter side and be optimistic about each step. Swami will do the rest when we give our best. I also learned to be humble, spend time listening to people’s pain, show empathy not simply sympathy, and be respectful in seeking help. I must also share that I learned some digital skills, by recording, and editing the videos as well as how to accept critical viewpoints of peers, Gurus, and family members. Moreover, I became more critical in my steps and never gave up.
Varmen A/L Siva Kumar By attending the SSE classes, it has helped me in my growth towards spiritual and personal life. Moreover, I have learnt to not only become more confident in myself to think out of the box in any situation. I have also learnt to carry out prayer sessions and several important values to apply in my life. In addition, I am able to teach my siblings to carry out prayer sessions at home. SSE also taught me to respect my parents because parents are the most important people in our lives, having their blessings is one of the many important things to have a wonderful life. Furthermore, SSE classes have equipped me well enough to face a world that has thrown me an abundance of challenges and also helped me to recognize the divinity that is inherent in me. I would love to contribute to SSE by conducting and joining social activities such as blood donation and visiting the old folks home to help underprivileged people. Firstly, I began attending classes when I was 7 years old, I Vasent A/L Sanmugaveloo found it interesting and getting to know Swami was fun. Then I started going to class and I would get upset if I didn't. I felt by the age of 10 I had a bond with Swami. Then I would attend classes as usual until the pandemic hit and I was sad because I enjoyed being in the presence of Swami, even if he was everywhere nothing beats being in his place of worship. I feel that me graduating now and soon to become a Young Adult is like an upgrade for the better. This journey through my life was the best thing I did and thanks to my parents for getting me involved with the presence of Swami. I am forever grateful to my parents, my SSE teachers, friends, and our beloved Swamy himself because without the help of them I wouldn't be who I am now.
Venketeshwaran a/l Balvikas helped to cope with stress by generating peace, Bala Murali purpose, and forgiveness. It makes me look within my true nature that is self rather than my mental identity. Apart from that, I am able to reduce my carnal mind that is outward bound through my senses. By attending Sai Spiritual Education I am able to make my mind calm and find peace within my inner self. Balvikas taught me meditation that allows me to bring my thoughts into a better focus manner and feel my inner self happy. The true nature of inner me is love, mercy, kindness, humility, unselfishness, which caused me to realize who I am. The service I will offer for the world is to share what is the true nature of human beings. Besides that, I will offer health for the needy to enhance a spiritual path and some financial needs if needed. Sai Ram, I offer my Humble Pranams to the divine lotus Vetri Vel Vimalan feet of our beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Attending SSE classes has been the best days of my childhood till today. There are lots of ways that SSE classes have benefited me from my daily life to school life. One thing is all I know by learning and gaining so much knowledge I have now become a better person in life. Upon graduating, ways I could contribute to the SSSIO is by participating in sevas, or even teach children the knowledge that has been taught to me by amazing and wonderful teachers that now I can pass down to the children. Not only that, I would love to join and participate in activities hosted by the Sai Community. After all, I've always loved participating in Sai Community events. It has been a wonderful journey and will continue to be a wonderful journey with the Sai family. Thank You. Jai Sai Ram.
Visaghan Shanta Mohan The SSE/ SSEHV has helped me to have a wider understanding of the five human values which are Sathya (Truth), Dharma (Righteousness), Shanthi (Peace), Prema (Love) and Ahimsa (Non-Violence) which are the very basis of what I deem as good qualities for a noble human being. Just like the process of banking, the process is similar to our Universal Banker, Swami. With Him, each of us born on this Earth is required to open an account. There is no option here. The introducer is the mother who teaches first to the child the concept of God, prayer, etc. With God, every thought, word and deed of ours is deposited in our account. Swami says the returns from our deposit depend on our actions - good or bad. Hence, with the Universal Banker, the Karma Theory comes in with the concepts of cause and effect, action and reaction. The reaction to a thought, word or deed depends on what we have deposited. If it is good, we get good results. If it is bad, we accrue bad consequences with interest. This will certainly pave the pathway for any global citizen to serve mankind and in the process carry forward HIS teachings, “MY life is MY message” to the future by participating in service activities and continue to practice selfless seva. ewVdihru-atcutSaweatmotehiarsdykattpehSheswaeriehBssdiaoliubgneacn.-.aTothifoisnthise
Amanda Foo Yi Ern Over the years, SSE classes have taught me valuable human values that have impacted the way I handle challenging situations. The classes have provided me with a great opportunity to make friends, meet new people, and allowed me to take part in many other service activities. Some of the service activities that I have attended were extremely eye-opening to me. SSE classes have not only built my confidence but also allowed me to strengthen my relationship with Sai and the Sai community. In the future, I would like to contribute to the SSSIO by continuing to serve those in need, be it locally or abroad. I am excited to experience the next part of my everlasting journey with Sai. Sai Ram! As a student of EHV, I learned many things that contributed to Cecilia Maryann Denisha who I am now. Just like the moon, we all have phases, without a doubt. I rediscovered myself because of EHV. I learned to see the world in more colors than just black and white. Life became colorful for me. I gained the certainty to be myself and to live another day. I learned to dream all over again. I was once a person who lacked the certainty to voice out as I was an antisocial introvert who enjoyed being alone. I learnt that even if society was unfair at times, it can also be fair too. It is okay to fall and climb up again. Life has a merit-demerit system. It's all up to us, yet it is also up to the universe. I enjoyed myself the most when I was around kids younger than me. I want to be a teacher, a guide, and a good helper to those who might be seeing life like how I once used to see it. I want to be in the community to help and educate kids and show them that the world is a lot more than their insecurities. I want to teach them that their insecurities are their weaknesses but also their biggest strengths for we are stars that just shine differently.
Daneshwary A/P The SSE/SSEHV Programme has benefited me in many A.Puvaneswaran ways especially for my being SELFLESS. I think selflessness is one of the most beautiful virtues. It teaches me to experience true happiness, and by following the values of loving without conditions, talking without bad intentions, giving without any reasons, and caring for people without any expectations, I become a better person. By practicing selflessness, I want to help others to become more selfless too. I could contribute to the SSSIO after my graduation by volunteering to be a balvikas teacher, volunteering in Sai activities, and organizing awareness events. SSE classes have benefited me in many ways, one of Dhakshayni Jegatheeswaran them being my interest in doing service. If not for being a student of SSE, I would not have got the chance to take part in service activities. Throughout my journey in the Sai Movement, I've also learned and experienced the different values in others. One point that I always remind myself till today is to be kind and treat others with respect despite their age, gender, race, and so on. One way I could contribute is by teaching and assisting in classes held for underprivileged children. I’m on the way to get involved in the R.O.S.E. Programme (Reaching Out to Students with English)