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Home Explore Pre-Ballet Level 4 Manual | All Stars

Pre-Ballet Level 4 Manual | All Stars

Published by amysimkins, 2020-10-30 04:17:19

Description: PreLevel4_Full Manual


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The Geometry of the Dancer’s Circle Why Is It So Hard to Keep Figure #1 Figure #2 the Circle the Same Size? Figure #3 Figure #4 When we dance around a circle, we like to follow the Figure #5 dancer just ahead of us. This works very well if we are going in a straight line. But if we do this on the circle, the circle will continually get smaller and smaller as the dancers move around it. Look at Figure #1. It shows six dancers (the x’s) ready to gallop around the circle. Figure #2 shows them each following the dancer in front of them. Note that they have all cut little slices off the circle. The circle has become smaller. Look at Figure #3 to see where the circle is now! If they continue to do this, the circle gets smaller still, as in Figure #4. Dancers have to be smart enough to keep this from happening. They learn to go a little to the outside, or to the right side, of the dancer just ahead of them on the circle. Look at Figure #5 to see how this works. Try it! It really does make the circle stay nice and big when you travel a little to the right of the person in front of you. GO TO INDEX 81 THEBALLETSOURCE.COM

Stage Directions The areas of the stage are named from the performer’s point of view when facing the audience. C = Center stage R = Stage Right, to the performers’ right L = Stage Left, to the performers’ left U = Upstage, the back of the stage, the side furthest from the audience D = Downstage, the front of the stage, the part nearest the audience UR = Upstage right, the back right corner UL = Upstage left, the back left corner DR = Downstage right, the front right corner DL = Downstage left, the front left corner UR UC UL Students RCL DR DC DL GO TO INDEX Audience or Teacher 82 THEBALLETSOURCE.COM

Music List and Credits for Level 4 Track # and Exercise Work, Composer Track # and Exercise Work, Composer 1. Skipping Polka, Forgeron 33. Echappé Sautés Bagdad, Storer 2. Marching Folk Tune 34. Run and Pose Bohemian Girl, Balfe 3. Pony Trots Folk Tune 35. Point and Gallop Created for the Exercise 4. Feet & Ankles Created for the Exercise 36. Gallop, Change Feet Created for the Exercise 5. Turning Out Finnish Folk Tune 37. Forward Gallops Burgmuller 6. Rocks & Stars Created for the Exercise 38. Side Gallops Dutch Folk Tune 7. Pushing Clouds Away Hawaiian Folk Tune 39. Polka Polka, Russell 8. Head Positions Created for the Exercise 40. Reverence Burgmuller 9. Positions of the Feet Created for the Exercise 41. Enchainement #1 Gopak, Mussorgsky 10. Demi Plié Schubert 42. Enchainement #2 Kirnberger 11. Rises Folk Tune 43. Enchainement #3 Clementi 12. Demi Pointe Walks Delibes 44. Enchainement #4 Bluebeard, Offenbach 13. Battement Tendu Haydn 45. Enchainement #5 Schumann 14. Tendu with Fondu Schubert 46. My Favorite Dance Sonatina, Attwood 15. Retiré English Folk Tune 47. Jack & Jill English Folk Tunes 16. Grand Battement Folk Tune 48. Scarf Dance Schubert 17. Port de Bras Burgmuller 49. Performing Dinosaurs Rachmaninoff 18. Classical Port de Bras Minuet, AM Bach 19. Creative Port de Bras Clementi Alternate Instruments Folk Tune 20. Positions of the Arms A Ball, Berlioz 50. Marching Hawaiian Folk Song 21. Swaying Wild Rose, MacDowell 51. Pushing Clouds MacDowell 22. Arabesque Minuet, Mozart 52. Swaying Folk Tune 23. Kitty Kat Stretch Haydn 53. Flamingo Walks Folk Tune 24. Ballet Walk Pastoral, Reinecke 54. Spring Points Folk Tune 25. Dinosaur Walks Liszt 55. Walking Turns Sonatina, Attwood 26. Flamingo Walks Folk Tune 56. Favorite Dance 27. Spring Points Folk Tune 28. Step, Close, Point Bagatelle, Diabelli Arranged & edited for the choreography, by Terri White & Ruth H. Brinkerhoff. 29. Jump and Spot Created for the Exercise Live piano performance by Terri White. 30. Walking Turns Folk Tune © 2015 The Ballet Soure, all rights reserved. 31. Sauté and Soubresaut Chopin 32. Taking Turns, Sautés Chopin

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