fPoolirot 2013 - 2018
I am still learning12 345 67 6.00 Uhr 9 15 17 KLAUS - GROTH - STRASSE 12 14 16 18 20
Hi„This portfolio containsa selection of works fromstudies as well as collabo-rations in office projects.Some of them are one-to-one projects some of themare produced as groupworks.All projects developedbetween 2013 and 2018.Enjoy.“Ansicht Nachbarbebauung II 12.06.2015 >>
HousingCartography ofSmallness.Urban and architectural snap-shots of minimal living - for astart as a case study in Japan,subsequently in Vienna analy-zed in a first step, understood,visually kept and in a newdesign applied to Vienna.In collaboration withTanja Vucenovic 1
Vienna, 2018 Ein Hauch Japan RAHM Architekten Julia Kanz
HousingTown HouseNiji ArchitectsTokyo, 2014Half of a houseRAHM ArchitectsVienna, 2014Step one consisted ofthe approach with thetopic of smallness inarchitecture. Based onjapanese small houseswe developed first archi-tectural drawings: axo-nemtrics and 3D sections 1
Vienna, 2018 On extensive fieldwork in Vienna referring to houses, vacant lots and curtilage of a building which the characteristics of smallness in inner-city space could reflect, this was followed by bare result of a catalog different categories of smallness, whose architecture is on basic patents were reduced, around these on suitable surfaces apply and scan its weakness and strengthen.
HousingGrätz´lKategorie: HerdeSchlagworte: Cottage, Gemeinschaft, DichteGefunden in: Kieswettergasse, 1100 WienGefunden von: Tanja Vucenovic, Aaron Amar Bhamra#1 70% der Grundstücksfläche soll bebaut werden#2 Eine ausreichende Zugängigkeit der einzelnen #5 Häuser muss gewährleistet sein. Der Zugang der Öffentlichkeit ist nur tagsüber gestattet.#3 Die einzelenen Häuser sind jeweils durch beide Schmalseiten ausreichend zu belichten, sowie durch ein Dachfenster im obersten Geschoss#4 Die Größe des Zwischenraumes muss mindestens h1,50m betragen und ergibt sich zudem durch #3 bdie Positionierung der einzelnen Häusern. Esdürfen maximal drei Häuser zu einer Gruppezusammengeschlossen werden. 1.25#5 Satteldach (eine Winkelseite muss 45° Grad l betragen) #3#6 Grenzen zwischen privaten und gemeinschaftlichen ZWR Freiflächen sind durch folgende Bodenbeläge auszuführen: b 3.0Holz Stein Grün #2 #1 #6Beschreibung: Anwendung:Bei diesem System geht es um die Zwischen- Dimensionen: 7.5-9.0m (h), 5.5-7.0m (l), 2.7-9.0m (b)räume die bei der Anordnung der Bauvolumen Bauplatz: 100m2 - unbegrenztentstehen und mit jenen der Sinn für die Empfohlene bauliche Nutzung (GFZ): 0.7Gemeinschaft neu geweckt werden soll. Diegenerierten Zwischenflächen, die von mind.3 Solitär VerbundVolumen gebildet werden, können sowohl Selbstbau Beauftragungabgegrenzt und für die alleinige Nutzung Temporär Permanentbeansprucht, als auch gemeinsam mit demNachbarn geteilt und genutzt, werden. Ohne Richtlinien/ Bauordnung:Trennungen profitieren beide Eigentümer von Wiener Bauordnungdem erweiterten Freiraum. 1
Vienna, 2018 Third and Fourth Floor Housing Second Floor „Grätz‘lebene“ & Housing Construction Lines First Floor 70% bebaut 30% Courtyards First Floor Volume 100% bebaut
HousingFrom the previous analyzes ofsmallness was now the challengein Vienna to find a suitable basicpiece in the sense of re-compactionof the inner-city area. Our propertyis located in the 5th district ofVienna and has an area of 1,200sqm. For the use of the patent„Grätz'l“ it fits the most. 1
Vienna, 2018 First Floor 1:200
Housing 1
Vienna, 2018 Second Floor / Grätz‘lebene 1:200
Housing 1
Vienna, 2018Artist Fred1:50Gallery, studio und Living space,three storys, floor space ca. 77 sqm
Housing 1
Vienna, 2018
Housing 1
Vienna, 2017Welcome toNordbahnhalle.In the following years Nordbahnhalleturns into a experimental platform forsustainable working in the middle ofthe new Nordbahn - neighborhood.Itsa docking station for creatives whoare specialized in doing cooperativeprojects.
Design Build Studio 2
Vienna, 2017Nordbahnhalle is an ancient CO - MAKINGstorage of the import enter- The biggest hall will beprise IMGRO and is located used as a workshop forat the former station North hobbyist and creativesin the 2nd district of Vienna. CO - WORKINGIn the framework of the de- In section A you can findsign build studio a group of a kitchen with catering, a30 students - under the directi- meeting room and 9 officeon of Peter Fattinger - rebuilt units for the creatives.the different inside spaces ofthe Nordbahnhalle into places Section B accomodate freewith new utilizations like Co- workspaces with a living roomWorking, Co-Making, Exhibiti- atmosphere and huge tableon space and a cafeteria. which invites for dinner. CITY OF VIENNA The information center of the City of Vienna offers a big model of the Nordbahn- hof-Area. BASE / CAFETERIA Point of reference for inter- ested people and neighbors. Registrations for Co-Working and Co-Making take place here, too.
Design Build Studio Co Working A 400 sqm Storage Base / Cafeteria 70 sqm 45 sqm Health and storage City of Vienna 200 sqm 150 sqmCo - Making575 sqm Ehibition II 650 sqm Co-Working B I 290 sqm Studio Studio Magazine 50 sqm TU Wien 160 sqm 2
Vienna, 2017
Design Build StudioThe three usable objects - work-bench, locker and cabinet - whichare placed in the big hall are eachbased on one palette and yellowformwork panels by DOKA.24 fields, marked on the floor andwalls can be used by creativesand hobbyists. They can be ren-ted by the day of for longer terms.Tools and material are availableon-site. 2
Vienna, 2017
Design Build StudioReconstructionNordbahnhalle am 2WasserturmLeystraße / Ecke Taborstraße1020 Vienna / Austriaf Nordbahnhallewww.nordbahnhalle.org
Hamburg, 2016 Do you still dwelling? A young, temporary and flexible as possible habitation demands a rethinking of the previous do- mestic culture. Every human being is different so why should all apartments be similar? Minimal specifications are to enhance a maximum for- ming of individualization by the resident itself - a self -regulati- on in an urbanisticspace. Competition for students „Wohnen 4.0“ in collaboration with Katharina Hentsch. www.vdi.de
Competition 839137 839137 66 Planung Neubau / Erneuerung 6 „Stromaufwärts an Elbe und Bille“ 41 GrundstücksflächeU23 rbRmaeanaxkiimtsioatnleiacAuufssBnietuluticzahutntuginogn4 Reaktion auf AusrichtungR5 eddAeenrpsNaisagscuhnnbga„rabSnetHbraöouhuemnngaufwärtsa6 n BErsicllhelieussnundg DEalcbhfelä“ch/e Hamburg Planung Neubau / Erneuerung „Stromaufwärts an Elbe und Bille“ 1 Grundstücksfläche 3 5 2 maximale Ausnutzung 3 Reaktion auf Belichtung 4 Reaktion auf Ausrichtung 5 Anpassung an Höhen1 der Nachbarbeba2uung 6 Erschliessung Dachfläche . . .. . . . .. . . 22 . ... .... .. .11 33 55 .44 . . . . . .. .1 Pl.ot area . . .. . .2 Maximal capacity . . . . . .. . .. .M3eltRingeaPcottiHoanmbdurug e to il.lumination . . . . ... .... .. .B4illsItdedet al Hbeurkiulndftisn- g orientation . . .l5ändAerddaerpMtiigoranntehneight .6 Improvement roof area . . 3STÄDTEBAULICHER KONTEXT .. . .und Gebäudekonzept
Hamburg, 2016 SportLiving Space Storage Outdoor
Melting Pot Hamburg Competition Billstedt Herkunfts- länder der Migranten Dwellers can build their personalized living boxes STÄDTEBAULICHER KONTEXT itself. Kitchen - and Health und Gebäudekonzept boxes are selective placed in each story. Roof sports and spare time Courtyard Four level which attach the Dense planting as building a multifunctio- a green oasis and nality resting place for everyone. Typical floor plan variable multipliable, Courtyard Two depending on needs Urban Gardening for the and number of dwellers dwellers and neighbor- hood self-supply. Courtyard three Hamburg and its strong reference to water should be relevant theme in the courtyard too.Courtyard OneWorkshop yard technialthrilled people and as anaddition for the joinery Lumeryard 3 used for the first stage of the project. Afterwards it can be converted into storage rooms for the dwellers.
Hamburg, 2016As Mies van der Roheonce said to HugoHäring:Make the shed bigenough and let thepeople in there dowhatever they want.One-story Two-storyliving box living box4 sqm / 3,70 m 4 sqm / 4,70 mStep One Step Two Step ThreeSourcing of material Installation Move-inRent your own area, Transport your final Creating your livingsourcing of material in elements to your area box at your option.the factory store, indi- and start building You can adapt morevidual adaption of the space or reduce somewood in the in-house space if you want to.factory.
CompetitionComposition of therental priceEstimate rental price relating toaverage price in Hamburg - Bills-tedt: € 9 / sqm.Where and how do you want to dwell?An example:Dwelling group 1 sqm / € 32Dwelling unit 1 80 / 828 5Dwelling unit 2 4 / 144Dwelling unit 3 8 / 180 4 10Dwelling unit 4 8 / 180 11Dwelling unit 5 4 / 144 9Dwelling unit 6 8 / 180 8Dwelling unit 7 8 / 180Dwelling unit 8 4 / 144 1 14 12 7Dwelling unit 9 2 4Dwelling unit 10 12 / 216 3 13 8 / 144 1 5 6Main route 32 Health and KitchenKitchen / Bath 16 CommunityCommunity area 116 Living spaceFree living area - 3How to rent?Possibility to rent them for oneperson or split them into differentunits for more than one person.Every dewelling unit is part of amain dwelling group. Each formsa unit of organization.
Hamburg, 2016 Small living box Interior perspective The inner wall element serves as the basic module for the living box: 5 cm core layer, both-sided 5 cm horizontal top layer 2,5 cm per- forated wood acoustic panel Dimensions 100 x 50 x 15, ca. 25 kilo
Studentenwettbewerb 21515 25 70 90 15The smallest living box 34,6 sqm
Vienna, 2016 Kitchen 21. In a two-week workshop we, 30 students, conceived designed and realized - together with guest pro- fesessor Sami Rintala - at the Schlingermarkt in Floridsdorf an architectural intervention: Kitchen 21, an open kitchen for residents and visitors of Floridsdorf which buy their ingredients directly from the market. The Schlingermarkt is a market- place in the 21st district of Vienna, Floridsdorf, which is surrounded by a municipality building from the 1920s, called Schlingerhof.
Design Build Studio 4
Vienna, 2016 Stage Kitchen - Lounge - Stage As one group out of three we designed a pavillion which was used as stage. Our goal was to create a wood construction which isn‘t fixed by screws. So we built up a primary construction using a Zapfensystem which got fixed by wood bolts.
Kitchen Design Build Studio Lounge 4
Vienna, 2016 Primary construction Spruce wood 10 mm bolt 80 x 80 mm
Design Build StudioSecondary constructionSpruce woodScrews40 x 40 mm 4
Vienna, 2016
Design Build Studio 4
Vienna, 2016
Design Build Studio 4
Vienna, 2016 From June 3 to June 25 several events took place at Kitchen21. In cooperation with Gebietsbe- treuung we organized cookery courses, concerts of local artists and cozy gaming days over coffee and cake. In July 2016 the Kitchen21 found a new homebase. It tooked 4 days and 10 students to remove and rebuild it next to the old mews in Krieau / Vienna. An agency for temporary use (NEST) will use the pavillions till 2019. f küche21 www.creau.at Rintala Eggertsson Architects
Design Build Studio 4
Bachelor ThesisLet‘s dancein Milan.Place of planning is the former in-land port Darsena in Milan, whichseperates the lodging of the Navigliand the old town. Uncontrolled ve-getation and stagnant water on thesite formed the former port (status2013).I came up with the idea of revitaliza-tion of the port area to rebuild theformer port character, that shapesthe environment. The theme of there-flooded harbor basin and clubculture, caused through the under-ground space situation, creates aparallel world to everyday life. 5
Milan, 2013