Dairy Health Dairy Health UPDATE The latest on profitable health control Vol. 4, No. 1 ■ Spring Updates: Group- rearing, Clostridia Control, More page 4 Get rid of BVD page 10 Improve Dry-Cow Therapy page 12 Tweak Breeding Programs page 14
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Now, link to more info When the fledgling technology-driven dairy industry in cen- tral California 50 years ago found itself lack- ing the tools it needed, Willard Wall stepped in to start Walco Breeding programs on target? p.14 International. Today, Walco is the leading 4 Health updates Inside provider of health • Grouping calves may improve post-weaning performance products, services and • Avoiding Clostridia-related calf disease this information to the • New information on problems with copper in foot baths nation’s technological • More. dairy industry. 8 Too little heifer mileage? issue Dairy Health Update magazine is Tune up these practices to help avoid prematurely wearing out those expensive replacement heifers. one expression of that appreciation for the 10 Three steps to lock out BVD value of technology. New diagnostic and vaccination tools mean it’s no longer necessary Now with this issue, to just live with this nagging disease. Here’s how to eliminate it. DairyHealthUpdate.com 12 Dry Cows: The mastitis weak link further deepens the Dry-cow therapy has been identified as the best point to apply pressure health information against mastitis. How’s it working for you? available to the cus- 14 Breeding programs on target? tomers of Walco. Synchronization and intensive breeding programs not living up to your Look for this icon expectations? Check this list of common contributors to failure. throughout this and future issues ® of Dairy Featured 2 Bovi-Shield FPrespiratory vaccine from Pfizer Health Now get the most complete fetal protection from BVD. Update magazine. It health 4 FlyCracker larvacide from Spherix ® signals the availability Try a new idea in fly control: Kill larvae before they develop. of further information TM pertaining to the news, products 5New-Hoof from Vets Plus stories and featured Kills bacteria that may cause hoof problems, satisfaction guaranteed. products that are avail- 7COPPER HOOF hoof care aid TM able instantly, on line. Cut foot-bath costs nearly 50 percent compared to dry copper sulfate. We know one of the 9 Universal Antidote and Calcium gels most precious Include these proven products in your emergency kit. resources you have is TM your management 11 Prostamate from RXV Veterinary Products time. Making addition- Now you can afford the reproductive advantage in your herd. al information avail- 13 Vision blackleg vaccines from Intervet ® able on line improves You can expect success when you trust Vision vaccines. the efficiency of how 15 Cefa-Dri, Cefa-Lak and Dry-Clox mastitis tubes ® ® ® you devote that time to The Fort Dodge line of tubes is America’s first choice for mastitis control. learning about new health information. © WALCO International Inc., 2002. All rights reserved. Vol. 4, No. 1, Spring 2002. Published four times per year as an informational service for the dairy customers of Questions or com- WALCO International. Dairy Health Update is not designed to render specific veterinary advice, and should not replace the counsel of a qualified veterinary professional famil- ments? Let us know. iar with your dairy’s specific situation. Dairy Health Update will consider materials for publication but shall not be responsible for loss or damage. All material must be accom- panied by a SASE. Dairy Health Update reserves the right to alter any submissions at its discretion for use. Changes of address should be sent to Dairy Health Update, P.O. Box 860274, Shawnee, KS 66286-0274, Phone (913) 441-3970, Fax (913) 441-3971, E-mail [email protected]. www.DairyHealthUpdate.com Spring ■ Dairy Health Update 3
Grouping calves helps performance Avoiding Clostridia in calves Canadian researchers ing–although the Preventing enterotoxemia in young calves caused penned newborn calves researchers noted the by Clostridia is difficult, because the triggers are not either individually or in overall level of cross- fully understood. Check calf crews to ensure they’re same-sex groups of two sucking in the experiment following these suggested preventive practices: and then compared their was very low. • Feed calves at the same time every day. performance and health Pair-housed calves • Make sure milk is fed at 102° to 104.° after eight weeks. spent more time standing • Sterilize feeding equipment correctly; check nip- Although both housing and moving, and less time ples for hole wear that permits over-feeding. methods produced simi- with their heads out of the • Offer IgG supplements and probiotics. lar rates of gain before pen than individually • Ensure calves get a full dose of quality colostrum. weaning at 5 weeks, the housed calves. A normal 7- or 8-way Clostridial vaccination pro- paired calves avoided the These results suggest gram using a toxoid vaccine can offer some protec- post-weaning setback that grouping young calves tion against calf enterotoxemia, although the level of individually-penned permits better socializa- protection is debated. Pregnant cows that haven’t calves experienced. tion, with no disadvan- had a Clostridial previously should be vaccinated at There were no differ- tages in health and weight ences between groups in gains. That allows devel- two months and one month before calving–current cows should be boostered a month before calving. consumption, nor in the opment of more normal Verify colostrum feeding. Antitoxin may also be incidence of scouring. temperament, as well as used to protect high-risk newborns when the dis- There were also no differ- less labor necessary for ease is identified early. ences in the incidence of managing calves, the bullying and cross suck- authors suggest. Link to more information at www.DairyHealthUpdate.com 4 Dairy Health Update ■ Spring www.DairyHealthUpdate.com
Update on avoiding environmental copper buildup REVIEW TUBING If calf-crew workers Concerned about excess DairyHealthUpdate.com.) are nervous about tub- copper in fields, New So far, results have not Foot bath care ing calves, review York’s Miner Agricultural been encouraging. • Change solutions often. these points: Research Institute has The research farm • Don’t over-concentrate solutions • You can identify the experimented with cut- replaced its five-day-per- to permit more traffic between esophagus in relation ting back use of copper week, 60-gallon exit-lane changes–hoof damage can result. to the trachea by sulfate in foot baths. copper sulfate baths with watching mature cows (See Summer 2001, three days weekly every chew the cud–it travels other week of 50 pounds where no footbath is via the esophagus. of copper sulfate and 1000 used–almost 30 percent 0.40 Soil Copper (ppm) • Turning the calf’s 0.35 ■ 1993-95 ml of CIP cleaner. On were affected. Warts are head slightly to its ■ 2001 alternating weeks, it uses causing half of all doc- 0.30 right should reveal the 20 ounces of tetracycline tored lameness cases. 0.25 tube’s outline passing powder for three days. These results suggest, 0.20 down the esophagus. After two cycles of according to the institute, 0.15 hoof trimmings, the farm that despite environmen- If you can’t see it, it’s 0.10 reports a re-appearance of tal problems, copper in the trachea. • If the tube stops 0.05 hoof warts. At the most baths are effective, and sooner than expected, 0.00 recent check reported, 15 better alternatives need to Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 you’re likely in the tra- percent of cows in milk be developed. Based on selected fields only, to which chea, not the rumen. manure was applied during 1999-2001 at an had a heel wart on at least average rate of 3,000 to 7,000 gallons of 7 Link to more information at percent dry matter slurry per acre yearly. one foot. In dry cows– www.DairyHealthUpdate.com If you are using Copper Sulfate, it behooves you to try New-Hoof ™ “ Economical, environmentally friendly replacement for copper sulfate.” • Kills bacteria that may cause Hairy Heel Warts and Foot Rot • Proven to work in adverse weather conditions • Satisfaction guaranteed If you would like a catalog or the name of the dealer closest to you call: 1-800-468-3877 Link to more information at www.vets-plus.com www.DairyHealthUpdate.com Maximizing Your Livestock’s Productivity Compare & Save! www.DairyHealthUpdate.com Spring ■ Dairy Health Update 5
New and available from your Walco representative vibriosis and leptospiro- Get more sis. information When used according immediately to label recommenda- about any of these products at tions, Bovi-Shield FP can www.DairyHealthUpdate.com provide a dairy with an underlying level of pro- tection against both the acute and reproductive losses related to BVD. It Fetal BVD protection regarded as the route by can also play a critical Pfizer’s new Bovi-Shield ® which persistently infect- part in a herd eradication FP modified-live vaccines ed cattle are created. PI program against the BVD are the first and only cattle that don’t die after virus. As BVDV is being BVD vaccines to offer a birth typically remain as eradicated, vaccination labeled claim for protec- hidden reservoirs of BVD with Bovi-Shield FP helps tion of unborn calves reinfection in dairies. assure that the birth of PI In addition to both against infection by BVD. calves is minimized, and BVD Type 1 and Type 2, Cross-placental infec- offer protection if an Bovi-Shield FP also con- tion–in other words, infected animal should be tains a fraction to protect infection while still in the re-introduced. against IBR, BRSV, PI3, womb–is generally AGRIpharm Deliver ® can help replace the losses Heel wart vaccine of electrolytes that can The new Treponema electrolyte supplement contribute to blood acido- Bacterin is now condition- for calves sis and death. Its psyllium ally approved by USDA AGRIpharm’s new and gums also help slow to help protect cattle Deliver with Dialine ® the passage of fluids against lameness related ® Nutritional Supple- through the calf’s gut. to digital dermatitis, or ment for Young Calves Deliver with Dialine is heel warts. provides electrolytes, available in three sizes: Manufactured by dextrose and fluids. 1.63-pound single-feeding ImmTech, Treponema When mixed with packets, plus 2.4-pound Bacterin is a killed bac- water and fed to scour- and 9.7-pound resealable terin against the invasive ing and otherwise pails. Treponema spirochetes, dehydrated calves, it which research shows play a significant role in causing heel warts. For optimal results, Safe and effective novel- stable fly larvae. Yet, ImmTech recommends an mechanism fly larvacide because its ingredients initial vaccination pro- are recognized as non- Now available from toxic and considered safe: gram using three 4-mL Walco, FlyCracker TM lar- • Fly Cracker does not doses, the first in animals vacide kills the larvae of promote insect resistance. older than six months, fol- flies through a novel and • It is entirely safe for lowed by two more, each safe physical process. humans, animals and the spaced three weeks apart. Sprinkled as dry gran- environment. Trials indicate that vac- ules on bedding and • It is exempt from EPA cination of cattle with manure, FlyCracker kills registration. Treponema Bacterin maggots that ingest it • It can be safely used results in a significant through internal dehy- while animals are still in reduction of clinical dis- dration. the building. ease. It is 100 percent effec- • It can be used safely in tive against house and milk rooms. 6 Dairy Health Update ■ Spring www.DairyHealthUpdate.com
High rate of resistance found in silage bacteria West Nile a threat ? Oregon State researchers on antibiotic use in farm dairy cattle, and to chlo- sampled 50 bunkers on 12 animals, the study’s lead ramphenicol, which has University of California at Davis vet- different dairy farms in researcher pointed out been widely unavailable erinarians say that despite introduc- western Oregon–10 of that the organisms also for years. She says that tion of a horse vaccine against the them repeatedly over showed resistance to suggests the resistance new West Nile Virus, it probably poses feed-out. Not surprising, ciprofloxacin, a drug could just as likely be no threat to dairy cattle, particularly they found 42 percent never approved for use in starting off the farm. in the West. Spread by mosquitoes, positive for Salmonella West Nile Virus was first isolated from contamination–60 percent A NEW ASPECT OF DAIRY BIOSECURITY wild birds on the East Coast in 1999, in those repeatedly sam- where it killed eight people. It has Bioterrorism was sus- the incident should pled. The surprising find- since reached the Midwest. pected when someone remind producers to ing was that 100 percent The UC-Davis vets do recommend pro- contaminated bulk tanks secure their operations of the samples classed as ducers control mosquito populations and secretly injected against the human ele- Enterobacteriaceae–the as a normal part of management. cows in several Upstate ment, as well: family that includes not Spray around manure lagoons, and New York dairies in • Light the operation only Salmonella but also poke holes in tires holding down hori- April, spoiling 48,000 well. E. coli–were resistant zontal silage bunker covers. Be on the gallons of milk. • Fence and lock vulner- either to ampicillin, tetra- lookout for dead crows–a sensitive Although New York’s able areas. cycline or streptomycin. indicator that West Nile virus may be Farm Bureau cautioned • Allow access only to Although reports of the circulating in an area. against over-reaction, people you trust. research were quick to link it to supporting a ban 2X Introducing TM 2X Your pallet of copper just arrived Reformulated HOOF COPPER Cut foot-bath costs nearly 50 percent with the power of concentrated ionic copper. Five gallons of new COPPER HOOF 2X Typical cost replace up to one ton of dry copper sulfate per 50 gallon bath in dairy foot-baths. C COOPPPPEERR HHOOOOFF 1 1 ggaalllloonn ssiizzee $8.34 COPPER HOOF 2X saves up to 50 percent C COOPPPPEERR HHOOOOFF $7.18 5 5 ggaalllloonn ssiizzee over dry copper in product cost alone. C COOPPPPEERR HHOOOOFF $5.78 Convenient liquid form and new 3 300 ggaalllloonn ssiizzee C Cooppppeerr ssuullffaattee $11.00 concentrated formulation saves additional labor and storage costs. Unique TRSW-950 carrier maintains the copper in COPPER HOOF 2X as biologically free, active ions. More goes to work fighting hoof problems; less falls out of solution to end up in the lagoon or on your fields. Now save even more with hands-free foot-bath recharging! Combine COPPER HOOF 2X with the industry’s first programmable automatic foot-bath flush, clean, fill and dose system. No labor, no wasted product, no human error. Auto flush Auto fill Auto Charge Ask your Walco rep for details. Or contact us at: COPPER HOOF 2X TM (888) 800-5898 • Fax (831) 636-8517 Link to more information at Working with Nature e-mail: [email protected] www.DairyHealthUpdate.com 1700 Airline Highway • Hollister, CA 95023 © Walco International. MS-SpecSale-A1202/a www.DairyHealthUpdate.com Spring ■ Dairy Health Update 7
■ Hoof care. Michigan sources that couldn’t sup- State research has ply health histories. Less demonstrated that cows than half required health considered lame were 8 tests on incoming cattle. times more likely to be And half didn’t quaran- put on the truck than tine those new heifers their hoof-healthy herd- before introducing them mates. Little wonder: into the string. Not sur- Hoof problems often prisingly, the rate of underlie any number of involuntary culling went more apparent cullable up during expansions. problems, like poor Plus, high rates of BVD breeding and lower pro- vaccination notwith- duction. standing, half of the inter- ■ Nutrition programs. viewed managers said That means starting with BVD was a notable prob- newborn calves for lem, as well as heel warts. heifers you raise, and ■ Comfort. It’s obvious, continuing through the but bears repeating: Cow critical transition rations comfort is not just a pro- for freshening cows. Most ductivity issue. It also health disorders that con- plays a critical role in tribute to culling early are longevity. Poorly built directly or indirectly and poorly maintained Tune up these practices to H eifer prices north related to a feeding stalls don’t encourage help avoid of $2,000 have breakdown. rest. Uncertain footing in everybody look- slick, abrasive or poorly ■ Prevention of metabol- prematurely aging ing for ways to make ic disorders. Continuing maintained alleys con- those expensive heifers them last a little longer. the theme of better nutri- tributes to laminitis, Of course, that starts with tion, milk fever, fatty white line separation and selection for herd life liver, ketosis, displaced heel erosion. Reasons for culling traits. However, since abomasums, acidosis– ■ Mastitis control. PTA for longevity is a clinical and subclinical– Several research studies miniscule 0.09, your and laminitis all take root have concurred that mas- management once during the critical transi- titis and resulting udder you own those tion feeding program. health issues are second replacements greatly Diagnosis should start only to failed reproduc- contributes to how with feeding and bunk tion as the reason for quickly you break them management crews, culling good cows. ■ Reproductive failure ■ Udder/mastitis down. Review these tracking the telltale Renewing and monitor- ■ Low production ■ Lame/injured management practices changes in dry matter ing your front-line in ■ Disease ■ Other ■ Temperament that may be contributing intake and digestion as mastitis control–milk Source: Survey of 2,542 randomly selected to early herd exit: indicated by manure that crews–can pay back in dairies from 20 states. Dairy ‘96, USDA. can signal problems like increased herd life. insufficient effective fiber. ■ Know when to say VALUE OF REDUCED HERD TURNOVER ■ Effective herd-health when. The only thing By modeling DHIA data, Wisconsin Farm programs. The scramble worse than wasting the Management Specialist Bruce Jones estimates that to acquire a steady sup- investment in high-priced dropping cull rates from a typical 33 percent to an ply of replacement heifers heifers by culling too optimal 23 percent annually can increase net returns during high turnover or early is throwing good per cow by up to $103. expansion tempts most money after bad by managers to shortcut culling too late. UC Davis 33% cull rate $ 610.22 biosecurity. Iowa State researchers suggest too interviewed managers many operations still 23% cull rate $ 713 and vets for 18 rapidly base culling entirely on a expanding dairies and list of test-day weights, Based on $1,800 replacement cost, $13 milk and average production of 26,014 pounds. Source: Bruce Jones, University of Wisconsin. found six in 10 bought rather than a deeper eco- replacements from nomic analysis. 8 Dairy Health Update ■ Spring www.DairyHealthUpdate.com
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Step 1: Herd monitoring Absent a history of diag- six- to eight-month-old nosed BVD outbreak, heifers, testing of new- your vet should start with borns before they ingest blood testing to see if the colostrum, or ongoing herd has been exposed. monitoring of a few, Using either paired unvaccinated “sentinel” serum samples over time animals, titer level tests from the same animals, can indicate whether individual testing on a active BVD infection is representative sample of circulating in the herd. Step 2: Test and cull If herd monitoring dis- tested by groups, as selec- covers BVD exposure, tive culling begins. several affordable and Cattle should be age- practical lab tests are grouped to prevent con- available to help your tact between calves and veterinarian identify per- pregnant cows during the sistently infected individ- test-and-cull phase. Those uals for culling. PI ani- that test negative can mals are those infected stay; positives must be it’s no longer necessary M tinue to simply during gestation, which retested in 30 days. any dairies con- New tools mean Negatives at that point serve as a reservoir of hold their own to just live with against BVD, counting constant virus recircula- can also stay, but posi- tives should be culled. tion. this nagging disease. themselves lucky to Testing should begin Purchased replace- escape with the small Here are three steps losses that may occur in with a BVD RNA probe ments, including bulls to detect the virus in the and custom-raised to eliminate it exchange for no signifi- bulk tank. If it’s negative, heifers, should get the from your herd cant wrecks. However, you can consider the milk same round of tests the following three-step string PI-free and keep before introduction into procedure–outlined by them all, focusing only on the herd. Purchasing only Pfizer technical service dry cows and replace- heifers already tested Link to a more veterinarians Dale ments. If the bulk-tank BVD-negative can avoid detailed description of Grotelueschen and Vic test shows positive, then the on-farm quarantine this program Cortese–can eventually all individuals must be and test period. at eradicate the disease from www.DairyHealthUpdate.com commercial dairies. Step 3: Vaccination/biosecurity Ongoing vaccination infected animal is missed PLUS, IMPROVEMENTS IN CALF HEALTH during eradication, using or if BVD is somehow Swedish researchers tracked the effect on newborn the new BVD vaccine that reintroduced into the calf scouring after closing a dairy and eradicating carries a label claim for herd. In low-risk herds BVD. They found a significant decrease in incidence fetal protection, helps that can’t economically and relative risk of diarrhea the first 31 days of life. reduce the number of PI justify heavy culling, Incidence of newborn scours calves born to infected fetal-protective vaccina- 75% PI calves cows remaining. tion can also be specifical- ID'd/culled 60% Then, even after ly targeted toward pre- 45% screening and testing has venting PI carriers. culled out all PI carriers, Finally, follow a biose- 30% Calves seroconverting 15% to BVD BVD vaccination should curity program that con- continue. Vaccination trols the movement of 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 1st quarter 2nd quarter helps limit the economic people, animals and other 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 consequences of disease disease vectors in the Source: Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, June 15, 1999. from BVD exposure if an herd. 10 Dairy Health Update ■ Spring www.DairyHealthUpdate.com
AFFORD THE ADVANTAGE Get all the advantages of improved reproductive efficiency with ProstaMate Sterile Solution. Without busting the budget. • Each mL contains dinoprost tromethamine equivalent to 5 mg dinoprost. • For intramuscular use for estrus synchronization in non-lactating dairy heifers with a corpus luteum. • For intramuscular use for unobserved (silent) estrus in lactating cows with a corpus luteum. Just compare... Lutalyse ® ProstaMate ™ • For intramuscular use for treatment of pyometra (chronic endometritis). IM Administration? Yes Yes Estrus synchronization in Warning: Women of child-bearing age, asthmatics non-lactating dairy cattle? Yes Yes and persons with bronchial and other res- piratory problems should exercise extreme Treats Chronic Endometritis caution when handling this product. in Cattle? Yes Yes Rx: Federal (USA) law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian, Ask your Walco Representative about ANADA # 200-253, Approved by FDA. the Reproductive Advantage your dairy Packaging: 30 mL vial, 25 vials/case 4 cases/shipper. can afford, with ProstaMate from Please refer to product insert for specific dosage information. ® *Lutalyse is a registered trademark of Pharmacia & UpJohn. Link to more information at www.DairyHealthUpdate.com ProstaMate TM Sterile Solution no unequivocal effect of dinoprost on the hematology or respiration), blood chemistry (elevated cholesterol, total Sweating began within 15 minutes after injection and acute disorders of the vascular system, gastrointestinal period is required for labeled uses. clinical chemistry parameters measured. Clinically, a billirubin, LDH, and glucose), and hematology (decreased ceased by 45 to 60 minutes after injection. Rectal tempera- tract, respiratory system, or reproductive tract. Do not Swine: No preslaughter drug withdrawal period is required Brand of dinoprost tromethamine injection slight transitory increase in heart rate was detected. Rectal eosinophils; increased hemoglobin, hematocrit, and ery- ture was decreased during the interval 0.5 until 1.0, 3 to 4, administer by intravenous route. Nonsteroidal anti-inflam- for labeled uses. For intramuscular injection in cattle. temperature was elevated about 1.5° F through the 6th hour throcytes) measurements. The effects in the 100 mg dose, or 5 hours after injection for 0.25 and 1.0 mg, 2.5 and 3.0, matory drugs (i.e., indomethacin) may inhibit Mares: Not for use in horses intended for food. Caution: Federal (USA) law restricts this drug to use by after injection with 250 mg dinoprost, but had returned to and to a lesser extent, the 200 mg dose groups were tran- or 5.0 and 10.0 mg dose groups, respectively. Average prostaglandin synthesis, therefore these drugs should not DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION or on the order of a licensed veterinarian. baseline at 24 hours after injection. No dinoprost associat- sient in nature, lasting for a few minutes to several hours. rectal temperature during the periods of decreased temper- be administered concurrently. Cattle: ProstaMate Sterile Solution is supplied at a concen- Indications: ProstaMate TM Sterile Solution is indicated for ed gross lesions were detected. There was no evidence of Mares did not appear to sustain adverse effects following ature was on the order of 97.5 to 99.6, with the greatest ADVERSE REACTIONS. Cattle: 1. The most frequently tration of 5 mg dinoprost per mL. ProstaMate is luteolytic estrus synchronization, treatment of unobserved (silent) toxicological effects. Thus, dinoprost had a safety factor of termination of the side effects. Mares treated with either decreases observed in the 10 mg dose group. observed side effect is increased rectal temperature at a 5X in cattle at 25 mg (5 mL) administered intramuscularly. As estrus and pyometra (chronic endometritis) in cattle; for at least 10X on injection (25 mg luteolytic dose vs. 250 mg 400 mg or 800 mg exhibited more profound symptoms. WARNINGS: Not for human use. Women of child-bearing or 10X overdose. However, rectal temperature change has with any multidose vial, practice aseptic techniques in abortion of feedlot and other non-lactating cattle; for partu- safe dose), based on studies conducted with cattle. At lute- The excessive hyperstimulation of the gastrointestinal tract age, asthmatics, and persons with bronchial and other res- been transient in all cases observed and has not been detri- withdrawing each dose. Clean and disinfect the vial clo- rition induction in swine; and for controlling the timing of olytic doses, dinoprost had no effect on progeny. If given caused a protracted diarrhea, slight electrolyte imbalance piratory problems should exercise extreme caution when mental to the animal. 2. Limited salivation has been report- sure prior to entry with a sterile needle. estrus cycling mares and clinically anestrous mares that to a pregnant cow, it may cause abortion; the dose required (decreased sodium and potassium), dehydration, gastroin- handling this product. In early stages, women may be ed in some instances. 3. Intravenous administration might Swine: ProstaMate Sterile Solution will induce parturition have a corpus luteum. for abortion varies considerably with the stage of gestation. testinal irritation, and slight liver malfunction (elevated unaware of their pregnancies. Dinoprost tromethamine is increase heart rate. 4. Localized post injection bacterial in swine at 10 mg (2mL) when injected intramuscularly. As Safety and Toxicity Induction of abortion in feedlot cattle at stages of gestation SGOT, SGPT, at 800 mg only). Heart rate was increased readily absorbed through the skin and can cause abortion infections that may become generalized have been report- with any multidose vial, practice aseptic techniques in Laboratory Animals: Dinoprost was non-teratogenic in rats up to 100 days of gestation did not result in dystocia, but pH of the urine was decreased. Other measurements and/or bronchiospasms. Direct contact with the skin ed. In rare instances such infections have terminated fatal- withdrawing each dose. Adequately clean and disinfect the when administered orally at 1.25, 3.2, 10.0 and 20.0 retained placenta or death of heifers in the field studies. evaluated in the study remained within normal limits. No should, therefore, be avoided. Accidental spillage on the ly. See PRECAUTIONS. vial closure prior to entry with a sterile needle. mg/kg/day from day 6th-15th of gestation or when admin- The smallness of the fetus at this early stage of gestation mortality occurred in any of the groups. No apparent dif- skin should be washed off immediately with soap and water Swine: the most frequently observed side effects were ery- Mares: 1. Evaluate the reproductive status of the mare. 2. istered subcutaneously at 0.5 and 1.0 mg/kg/day on gesta- should not lead to complications at abortion. However, ferences were observed between the intramuscular and . Use of this product in excess of the approved dose may thema and pruritus, slight incoordination, nesting behavior, Administer a single intramuscular injection of 1 mg per tion days 6,7 and 8 or 9,10 and 11 or 12, 13 and 14. induction of parturition or abortion with any exogenous subcutaneous routes of administration. Luteolytic doses of result in drug residues. itching, urination, defecation, abdominal muscle spasms, 100 lbs. (45.5 kg) body weight which is usually 1 mL to 2 Dinoprost was non-teratogenic in the rabbit when adminis- compound may precipitate dystocia, fetal death, retained dinoprost tromethamine are on the order of 5 to 10 mg PRECAUTIONS: Cattle: Do not administer to pregnant cat- tail movements,hyperpnea or dyspnea, increased vocaliza- mL ProstaMate Sterile Solution. tered either subcutaneously at doses at doses of 0.5 and placenta and/or metritis, especially at latter stages of gesta- administered on one day, therefore, dinoprost tle unless abortion is desired. Do not administer intra- tion, salivation, and at the 100 mg (10X) dose only, vomi- 3. Observe for signs of estrus by means of daily teasing 1.0 mg/kg/day on gestation days 6-18 or 5.0 mg/kg/day on tion. tromethamine sterile solution was demonstrated to have a venously (I.V.) as this route might potentiate adverse reac- tion. These side effects are transitory, lasting from 10 min- with a stallion, and evaluate follicular changes on the ovary days 8-18 of gestation. A slight and marked embryo lethal Swine: In pigs, evaluation was made of clinical observa- wide margin of safety. Thus, the 100 mg dose gave a safe- tions. Cattle administered a progestogen would be expect- utes to 3 hours, and were not detrimental to the health of by palpation of the ovary per rectum. 4. Some clinically effect was observed in dams given 1.0 and 5.0 mg/kg/day tions, food consumption, clinical pathologic determina- ty margin of 10 to 20X for a single injection or 80 to 160X ed to have a reduced response to ProstaMate Sterile the animal. anestrous mares will not express estrus but will develop a respectively. This was due to the expected luteolytic prop- tions, body weight changes, urinalysis, organ weights, and for the 8 daily injections. Additional studies investigated Solution. Aggressive antibiotic therapy should be Mares: The most frequently observed side effects are follicle which will ovulate. These mares may become preg- erties of the drug. A 14-day continuous intravenous infu- gross and microscopic observations following treatment the effects in the mare of single intramuscular doses of 0, employed at the first sign of infection at the injection site sweating and decreased rectal temperature. However, these nant if inseminated at the appropriate time relative to follic- sion study in rats at 20 mg PGF2a per kg body weight indi- with single doses of 10, 30, 50 and 100 mg dinoprost 0.25, 1.0, 2.5, 3.0, 5.0 and 10.0 mg dinoprost whether localized or diffuse. As with all parenteral prod- have been transient in all cases observed and have not ular rupture. 5. Breed mares in estrus in a manner consis- cated prostaglandins of the F series could induce bone administered intramuscularly. The results indicated no tromethamine. Heart rate, respiration rate, rectal tempera- ucts careful aseptic techniques should be employed to been detrimental to the animal. Other reactions seen have tent with normal management. Dinoprost tromethamine is deposition. However, such bone changes were not treatment related effects from dinoprost treatment that were ture, and sweating were measured at 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, decrease possibility of post injection bacterial infections. been increase in heart rate, increase in respiration rate, administered once as a single intramuscular injection of 1 observed in monkeys similarly administered dinoprost deleterious to the health of the animals or to offspring. 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0 hr. after injection. Swine: Do not administer to sows and/or gilts prior to 3 some abdominal discomfort, locomotor incoordination, mg per 100 lbs (45.5 kg) body weight which is usually 1 tromethamine sterile solution at 15 mg PGF2a per kg body Mares: Dinoprost tromethamine was administered to adult Neither heart rate nor respiration rates were significantly days of normal predicted farrowing, as increased number of and lying down. These effects are usually seen within 15 mL to 2 mL of ProstaMate containing 5 mg dinoprost as weight for 14 days. mares (weighing 320 to 485 kg; 2 to 20 years old), at the altered (P>0.05) when compared to contemporary control stillborn and postnatal mortality may result. minutes of injection and disappear within one hour. Mares the tromethamine salt per milliliter. Cattle: In cattle, evaluation was made of clinical observa- rates of 0, 100, 200, 400, and 800 mg per mare per day for values. Sweating was observed for 0 of 9, 2 of 9, 7 of 9, 9 Mares: ProstaMate Sterile Solution is ineffective when usually continue to eat during the period of expression of HOW SUPPLIED: ProstaMate Sterile Solution is available tions, clinical chemistry, hematology, urinalysis,organ 8 days. Route of administration for each dose group was of 9, and 8 of 9 mares injected with 0.25, 1.0., 2.5, 3.0, 5.0, administered prior to day-5 after ovulation. Pregnancy sta- side effects. One anaphylactic reaction of several hundred in 10 and 30 mL vials. weights and gross plus microscopic measurements follow- both intramuscularly (2 mares) and subcutaneously (2 or 10.0 mg dinoprost tromethamine, respectively. tus should be determined prior to treatment, since mares treated with dinoprost tromethamine sterile solution STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store at controlled room tempera- ing treatment with various doses up to 250 mg dinoprost mares). Changes were detected in all treated groups for Sweating was temporary in all cases and was mild for ProstaMate has been reported to induced abortion and par- was reported but was not confirmed. ture 20° to 25°C (68° to 77°F). administered twice intramuscularly at a 10 day interval or clinical (reduced sensitivity to pain; locomotor incoordina- doses of 3.0 mg or less but was extensive (beads of sweat turition when sufficient doses were administered. Mares IMPORTANT ANADA 200-253, Approved by FDA, Manufactured by doses of 25mg administered daily for 10 days. There was tion; hypergastromotility; sweating; hyperthermia; labored over the entire body and dripping) fort the 10mg dose. should not be treated if they suffer from either acute or sub- Cattle: No milk discard or preslaughter drug withdrawal Phoenix Scientific, Inc., St. Joseph, MO 64503
Monitor results. 2Other recent STILL POTENT research has suggested Michigan State research- that simple comparisons ers tested the effective- of the SCC on quarter ness of mastitis antibiotics composites from the last against 2,778 isolates of test day of the previous suspected mastitic milk lactation and first test day submitted to the state lab of the current lactation from 1994 to 2000. can signal dry-cow treat- Contrary to the conven- ment failures. The data is tional wisdom that organ- easily acquired from typi- isms are becoming drug- cal herd computer resistant, they instead records systems or DHI found drug effectiveness records. was steady–and actually The study suggests improving in some cases. that even if cows are sim- ply grouped into high- Percent of mastitic organisms and low-SCC categories, susceptible to common drugs such infection and cure- S. aureus S. uberis S. dys. rate data can signal not S. ag. E. coli K. pneu. just treatment problems, S. marc. P. aerug. but entire dry-off proce- dures that need investiga- Ampicillin Dry-cow therapy Dry cow mastitis tion. has been identified A management has Manage to prevent Cephalothin been identified as 3infection. Of course, as the best point perhaps the most impor- mastitis tubes aren’t the to apply pressure tant critical control point end-all. But if you’re Ceftiofur against mastitis. to cut herd-wide mastitis. going to use them, there’s But sometimes, practices How’s it working for you? cause as many problems no sense using them Erythro- wrong. Make sure your as they solve. Check dry cow management mycin yours: doesn’t introduce addi- Don’t selectively tional chance for infec- Gentamicin 1treat. National tion. Check that crews: Mastitis Council now rec- • Take care with dry-off Oxacillin ommends that all cows procedure sanitation and receive dry-cow therapy protocol. at dry off. Research out of • Pay attention to dry- Penicillin England confirms that cow environment. picking and choosing • Vaccinate with a com- may end up costing you mercial J-5. Pirlimycin more in new cases than it • Control flies. saves in drug costs. Dry treat heifers. Sulfa- The research, in 4 Today’s heifer- trimetho- January’s Journal of replacement situation– prim Dairy Science found that dairy heifers that are col- Tetra- cows that didn’t get dry- lected from diverse cycline cow antibiotic suffered regions, commingled and 20% 40% 60% 80% triple the infection rate shipped after sale–causes Source: RJ Erskine and others, Journal of with new mastitis by as many as 90 percent to Dairy Science, May 2002. calving time as treated freshen mastitic, accord- cows did. Untreated cows ing to one estimate. a look at adding also experienced more Research that confirms springers to the dry-cow dry-period clinical masti- dry treatment can impact treatment regime. Always tis cases than the treated that infection rate sug- do this only under your ones. gests dairies should take veterinarian’s advice. 12 Dairy Health Update ■ Spring www.DairyHealthUpdate.com
Link to more information at www.DairyHealthUpdate.com
flow out of a syringe in a synchronization program HEAT DETECTION any more than in any Synchronization pro- other application. The grams may make heat No. 1 ingredient to suc- detection more conve- cess when you start a nient and efficient by new program is patience. increasing estrous It takes time, experience activity, but it won’t and good record-keeping practically replace the to establish targets and need for good heat then gauge performance. detection. I Innssuuffffiicciieenntt eemmppllooyyeeee And that heat t trraaiinniinngg//ffoollllooww--tthhrroouugghh. detection is still the Once you’ve set those greatest contributor to program benchmark, reproductive ineffi- monitored records, and ciency in most herds. seen a problem emerge, Recent studies con- the first point to examine firm at least one reason is whether the protocols why: The average were followed by every- duration of an estrus body involved. for cows in milk is Were personnel only around eight to trained fully, both in the nine hours–and can go techniques and the as low as an average Synchronization and E xpectations often underlying purpose for 4.5 hours for individ- intensive breeding fail, it is said, and them? Are they motivat- ual operations. That means if work- they fail most ed–both tangibly and programs not living up to where the most is intangibly–to see the pro- ers are only heat your expectations? promised. Managers who gram through, or are they checking once a day Check this list of common have fought to make a rushed and pulled by for 20 minutes, chances are good timed breeding program other responsibilities in contributors to failure work and failed only the operation? they’re going to miss a because of one missed W large number. Weeaakk ttrraannssiittiioonn mmaannaaggee-- element can relate. Run m meenntt. Poor transition cow The bottom line: down this list of check- management that doesn’t Heat detection activi- points to make sure yours overcome the negative ties still need to be fre- stays on target. energy balance as soon as quent, long, regular, M Miisssseedd ttiimmiinngg. One possible leaves reproduc- done at the same time recent estimate suggests tion programs down the daily, assigned to that as many as 30 per- line built on a foundation somebody who is cent of AI services are of sand. Any reproduc- responsible for making placed at the wrong stage tive program should be sure it’s done, and con- of the estrous cycle. Mis- prefaced with a thorough ducted by somebody timing a second injection condition-scoring effort. who’s trained and in a two- or three-shot T Toooo sshhoorrtt aa vvoolluunnttaarryy attuned to the subtle regimen can waste previ- w waaiittiinngg ppeerriioodd. Debate signs beyond just ous efforts and is a com- hasn’t ended on the most mounting activity. mon cause of failures. cost-effective voluntary Not surprisingly–a waiting period–particu- Virginia Tech survey on larly when BsT enters the to go up to 60 or 70 days. why producers avoid picture–but synch pro- F Faaiilluurree ttoo pprreegg cchheecckk. breeding programs found grams are most successful The quicker you get that confusion over when a high percentage semen back into open scheduling ranked sec- of the herd is cycling. cows, the better chance of Link to a list of different ond only to hormone cost Research has suggested, pregnancy. Monthly preg synchronization as the deal-killer. therefore, that a timed- checks may not be suffi- programs at S Siillvveerr--bbuulllleett ssyynnddrroommee. insemination voluntary cient to quickly identify www.DairyHealthUpdate.com Good management won’t waiting period may need open cows. 14 Dairy Health Update ■ Spring www.DairyHealthUpdate.com
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Your one-stop source for... Ask your Walco representative about these specials Earn rebates on ProstaMate TM Sterile Solution Selection Purchase And you Full brand-name and private-label choices this level receive $1,000 to $4,999 3% Rebate $5,000 to $7,499 5% Rebate Link to more information at $7,500 + 7% Rebate www.DairyHealthUpdate.com Service Earn rebates on Multimin TM Dedicated, state-of-the-art service, shipping Injectable Trace Mineral Purchase And you this level receive 60 bottles of the 100-ml size 3% Rebate 12 bottles of the Link to more information at 500-ml size 5% Rebate www.DairyHealthUpdate.com Innovation Account histories, technologies and info Earn rewards for your purchases • Purchase at least half Questions about your subscription, your dairy-health or receiving duplicate issues? Go to product needs from Walco www.DairyHealthUpdate.com and qualify for bonus points E mail: [email protected] toward free merchandise Phone: (913) 441-3970 Fax: (913) 441-3971 Value Maintenance, troubleshooting, programs Call or visit us, Dairy Health PRSRT STD Dairy Health at your one-stop source UPDATE U S POSTAGE PAID for dairy health selection, service, P.O. Box 860274 SHAWNEE MISSION KS innovation and value: Shawnee, KS 66286-0274 PERMIT NO 178
Dairy Health Dairy Health UPDATE The latest on profitable health control Vol. 5, No. 1 ■ Fall Updates: Ultrasound, Crypto, More page 4 BVD Research Updates page 12 Trace Mineral Nutrition page 14
4-way protection NEW It’s all-out war. On one side, BVD. It causes respiratory disease BVD, the predominant cause of BVD-linked respiratory disease 2 and immunosuppression in young stock, reducing productivity. in calves today. Most modified live 4-way vaccines don’t. Bad for cattle. Bad for business. So a single Sub-Q dose is your best defense against the Fortunately, the good guys have new Arsenal ™ 4.1 from worst BVD threat. Additionally, Arsenal 4.1 provides out- Novartis Animal Vaccines, Inc. on their side. It’s a powerful standing protection against severe respiratory challenges weapon against the threat of Type 1 and Type 2 BVD infections. due to IBR, PI and BRSV. 3 That’s because Arsenal 4.1 protects against NCP biotypes, the New Arsenal 4.1: Out of all 4-ways, it is the one. Ask for viruses that have been found to cause up to 95% of BVD Arsenal 4.1. Contact your veterinarian or animal health 1 outbreaks. What’s more, Arsenal 4.1 contains the 1b subtype of supplier today. www.livestock.novartis.com Dairy Health Dairy Health UPDATE 1 Chase CL. Department of Veterinary Science, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD. .com .com 2 Fulton RW. Bovine viral diarrhoea virus antigenic diversity: impact on disease and vaccination programmes. Biologicals. 2003;31:89-95. © 2003 Novartis Animal Vaccines, Inc. Arsenal is a trademark of Novartis AG. 4502873, AUG03
Just off the press WANT FURTHER UPDATES? Dairy Health This icon you'll Dairy Health UPDATE .com Go to DairyHealthUpdate.com find throughout .com Dairy Health to link to more Dairy Health your issue of Dairy Health UPDATE .com information on .com Update, means you have these current dairy-health immediate access to more research studies: information, by visiting ➚ ❏ Feeding excess phosphorus to DairyHealthUpdate.com lactating cows—at 0.48 percent and clicking on the link. of the TMR—was not found to make any significant improve- ment in their length of estrus, the Latest BVD research number of mounts, or the time spent mounting during estrus. Inside The authors suggest the conven- 4 Health Updates tional wisdom that phosphorus • Ultrasound for hoof care this • Using urine pH to indicate milk fever risk increases intensity of estrus stems • Do high production demands really increase metabolic disease? from early studies on cows not • Cryptosporidium reservoirs in soil provided sufficient phosphorus to • More issue begin with. 10 Health Product News Source: Theriogenology, In Press, 2003. • New internal teat sealant • Broad-protection BVD vaccine ➚ ❏ Based on almost 2,000 blood • New injectable trace-mineral supplement • More samples from 65 California dair- 12 BVD Research News ies, 9.4 percent were calculated New studies on the importance of BVD infection in the womb to later to be positive for Johne's dis- health, the impact BVD plays on reproductive efficiency, and more. ease. Infection was highest in the north; lowest in the central 14 Trace Mineral Nutrition region. The latest research updates on the value of trace mineral supplementation Source: Preventive Veterinary Medicine, to cattle health and reproduction. Aug. 28, 2003. ➚ ❏ Calves were fed milk replacer containing four times the daily Featured 2 New Arsenal from Novartis Animal Vaccines TM ® dose of decoquinate (Deccox ) BVD doesn't stand a chance against a single subQ dose of this four-way. recommended to control coc- health ® cidiosis, and then intentionally 4 Probios gel, Cal-C-Fresh and Keto-Nia-Fresh infected with increasing levels Vets-Plus oral gels will help your fresh cows make a smooth transition. TM TM TM of Cryptosporidium. The decoqui- products 5 Acquire, Lifeline and Gammulin from APC nate did not help control scours No time for sick calves? Boost your colostrum-management program. nor affect the amount of Crypto 6 Bovi-Bond Hoof Block Adhesive from Vettec TM organisms shed into the environ- Block more cows in even less time. No mixing, sets in 30 seconds. ment. ® Source: Journal of the American Veterinary 7 Shac Manure Digester from Walco Medical Association, Sept. 15, 2003. Facilitate the breakdown of manure and solids in lagoons and pits. ® ® ➚ ❏ Feeding calves milk replacer 8 Deliver with Dialine from AgriPharm that uses protein derived from Two types of calf scours require two solutions. Get both in one packet. animal serum instead of whey 11 VIP purchasing loyalty program from Walco protein decreased their death Earn points toward premium rewards with these key product purchases. rate by up to 80 percent and TM days scouring by 30 percent. 13 New Mineral-Max from RXV A previous study showed that An injectable, chelated source of zinc, manganese, selenium and copper. feeding calves challenged with 15 Free Prima Tech Vaccinator from Intervet ® Coronavirus a milk replacer con- Qualifying purchases of Vision vaccines earn a free draw-off vaccinator. taining bovine serum decreased disease signs and improved feed © WALCO International Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Vol. 5, No. 1, Fall 2003. Published four times per year as an informational service for the dairy intake. customers of WALCO International. Dairy Health Update is not designed to render specific veterinary advice, and should not replace the counsel of a qualified Source: Journal of Dairy Science, February veterinary professional familiar with your dairy’s specific situation. Dairy Health Update will consider materials for publication but shall not be responsible for loss 2003; Journal of Dairy Science, May 2002. or damage. Dairy Health Update reserves the right to alter any submissions at its discretion for use. Changes of address should be sent to Dairy Health Update, P.O. Box 860274, Shawnee, KS 66286-0274, Phone (913) 441-3970, Fax (913) 441-3971, E-mail [email protected]. 3 www.DairyHealthUpdate.com Fall ■ Dairy Health Update
Ultrasound to check hoof trimming Super. Natural. Noting that the traditional Ultrasound accuracy Austrian research showed ultrasound to be over methods of checking sole 90 percent accurate in judging sole thickness. thickness after a hoof trim –either testing the give Correlation with actual thickness with your thumb or extrapolating from the claw length–are too sub- jective or too variable, 91 % respectively, University of Vets Plus ™ Tennessee veterinarians 88 % tested the practicality of & Probios ® ultrasound for the task. For Fresh Cow Twenty-four adult Management Holsteins randomly 91 % selected from a 100-cow commercial dairy were Source: The Veterinary Journal, May 1999. Dutch trimmed and then Help maintain necessary energy, vitamin procedure took too long, and mineral levels and manage your fresh checked using a handheld the authors suggest. cows for greater productivity...naturally. Together, 'B-mode' ultrasound unit. Although they didn't Probios Bovine One and Vets Plus Cal-C-Fresh and Keto-Nia The researchers were Fresh Gels will help your fresh cows make a smooth transition. able to successfully image compare their ultrasound readings to actual sole Some things just work together...Naturally. the sole horn, the underly- thickness to assess accu- ing soft tissue, and third racy, the authors noted a phalanx in 81 percent Contact your Vets Plus, Inc. 1999 study that did just Walco representative of the hooves. For the for more information. Animal Health & Nutrition remaining 19 percent, the that. That research found Or visit: www.vets-plus.com 78-72B Probios is a registered trademark of Chr. Hansen. ultrasound had about a 90 Dairy Health reason for failure to get a Dairy Health UPDATE percent correlation with .com .com usable image was in most the actual thickness as cases because the cow col- Do high production demands lapsed in the standing determined by dissection. Source: Journal of the American Veterinary chute, likely because the Medical Association, Aug. 15, 2003. really cause metabolic disease? Danish researchers been shown. Genetically, Urine pH to assess milk fever risk reviewed the previous there does appear to be a findings of 11 epidemi- connection with selection Sensitivity Positive predictive value Urine pH, a common ological and 14 genetic for milk yield. 100 Specificity Negative predictive value tool for gauging the studies from Scandinavia, ■ Displaced abomasum. success of DCAD the United States and No likely correlation. 80 rations for closeup Canada, to try to establish ■ Cystic ovaries. Some 60 cows, can also be a connection between apparent risk with higher 40 used as an accurate high milk yield and sus- yields. test for predicting ceptibility to metabolic ■ Metritis. No likely cor- 20 which cows will be diseases. relation. 0 pH 8.25 pH 8.4 milk-fever cases Using lactational inci- ■ Lameness. No phe- pH cut-off points when done 48 hours dence rates, they found: no typ ical relationship to before calving. A new ■ Dystocia: No significant yield, but there was a study compared the urine pH of 107 Holsteins not being given anionic relationship. genetic correlation. salts to their eventual susceptibility to milk fever. It showed that when ■ Milk fever: Contra- ■ Mastitis was the only pH rose above 8.4, it predicted 70 percent of milk-fever cases with no dictory. Phenotypically, disease showing a clear false positives; lowering the test cut-point to 8.25 predicted all cases, there's not much corre- relationship between milk but also had more false positives. The researchers suggested using the lation; genetically, corre- yield and infection. 8.25 cutoff in the field because, even though its low 'positive predictive lations are contradictory Continued selection for value' would cost you in treating false-positives, that cost would be and range widely. higher milk yields will minor compared to the cost of missing and not treating a true positive. ■ Ketosis. Phenotypically, likely make it worse. Source: The Veterinary Journal, In Press 2003. little to no correlation has Source: Livestock Production Science, October 2003. 4 Dairy Health Update ■ Fall www.DairyHealthUpdate.com
Calf Care To-Do List Set up an ongoing colostrum-management program to ❏ monitor the number of successful passive-transfer calves on the farm. Randomly select 10 to 12 calves between 6 to 12 hours after birth to test their total protein levels in the blood. For colostrum-fed calves, you should target a reading of 5.2 g/dL. Inadequate total protein levels can, fi rst, tell you whether calves are achieving proper immunity and second, “ Treating sick calves help you target improvements to high-risk groups. According to research done by the University of Wisconsin was not on my and published in the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Journal, maternal colostrum can become bacterial soup fed to calves at their most vulnerable stage of life. ‘ to do’ Eighty-two percent of colostrum samples exceeded the indus- try standard of 100,000 cfu/mL and many exceeded 1 million cfu/mL. Many common errors that can lead to this. Colos- trum may sit un-refrigerated for several hours before being list, fed, refrigerated or frozen. Once it reaches refrigeration, it may go into old, unreliable refrigerators, or into fi ve-gallon buckets that don’t allow for suffi cient, quick cooling. If frozen, today.” it may suffer quality reductions during the period between thawing and feeding. Although commercial products have traditionally been ❏ viewed—rightly so—as supplements to natural colos- trum, a true colostrum replacer is now available on the TREATING market. Using a colostrum replacer offers several benefi ts SICK CALVES. that can make it a more cost-effective option than trying to manage pooled natural colostrum: THE LAST THING ✓ Ending the use of pooled colostrum permits you to YOU NEED. APC’s functional break the reinfection cycles of diseases passed from dams to calves, particularly Johne’s, bovine leukosis virus, tuber- protein approach to calf management culosis and bovine viral diarrhea virus, without resorting to expensive and unproven colostrum pasteurization. is the most effective, all-natural calf health ✓ Because IgG (immunoglobulins/globulin protein) level and nutrition program available. is standardized and proven, it takes the risk out of colos- trum management, because you know there is an adequate ACQUIRE, a complete colostrum replacer, amount of IgG to get the calf to successful passive transfer. is the only one with 125 grams of globulin ✓ It offers signifi cant labor effi ciencies: Calves can be fed in less time than it takes to milk for maternal colostrum, protein per 500 gram dose. Not only for instance. a time saver, ACQUIRE provides producers Recognize that even under the best colostrum-manage- with a strategy to reduce disease transfer ❏ ment program, quality can be extremely variable based on levels of stress on the dam. Stress tends to lower the con- of Johne’s, BLV and TB from centration of IgG in colostrum. These groups could include: cow to calf via colostrum. ✓ First calf heifers ✓ Cows effected with clinical and sub-clinical diseases LIFELINE, a colostrum ✓ High-producing dairy cows supplement mixed with If you’re concerned about colostrum quality or if colos- trum tests poorly, it’s a simple matter that can be corrected maternal colostrum, with a colostrum supplement. Remember, serum-derived sup- plements are absorbed by the calf better than supplements will compensate derived from dried colostrum, thus providing more value for for natural colostrum variability the dollar. with 50 grams of globulin Once you get the calves through the critical colostrum- protein and get calves off to a strong start the first ❏ feeding period, consider adding an immune-system sup- port additive to waste milk or milk replacer, either for day of life. GAMMULIN, mixed with milk or milk replacer high-risk calf groups or for all calves. As little as one-quarter ounce per day can help improve the strength of the immune days 2-15, supports a calf’s natural ability to fight off system and help calves fi ght off common early challenges like the nutritional effects of disease. Streamline your calf-care rota, corona and crypto. — By Mike Smith program with APC functional proteins. www.DairyHealthUpdate.com Fall ■ Dairy Health Update 5 2425 SE Oaktree Court • Ankeny, IA 50021 • (515) 289-7600 Fax (515) 289-4360 • [email protected]
Risk factors for harboring Cryptosporidium Recognizing that studies being actively farmed– Likelihood of Cryptosporidium contamination assessing the environmen- where fresh manure was tal contamination with spread. Although they Acidic soils (pH between 3.7 and 6.4) Cryptosporidium have didn't find a connection focused almost between the number of .53 times less likely Neutral soils (pH between 6.5 and 7.5) exclusively on water animals actively infected sources, Cornell research- and the level of Crypto Alkaline soils (pH 7.6 and 9.75) .35 times less likely ers instead tested 782 soil in the soil, they suggest samples from 37 Upstate that finding merely dem- New York dairies. They onstrates the tendency for They showed it was less The Cornell research then matched the organ- Crypto to accumulate in likely to detect Crypto- also tested for the related ism's prevalence against the soil over time. sporidium oocysts in neu- organism Giardia. They management and farm In contrast to those tral soil–that with a pH showed prevalence of factors to identify risks for expected findings, one between 6.5 and 7.5–or Giardia in animals, grass contamination on a dairy. surprising result was the basic soil–that with a pH cover on fields, higher As you might expect, connection between soil between 7.6 and 9.75. This moisture in the soil and they found a high risk of acidity and Crypto preva- finding is in direct opposi- access by cattle all Crypto contamination in lence. tion to past studies, which increased risk for finding areas where manure-han- The researchers found showed that Crypto was that organism in soil. dling and barn- cleaning the risk of environmental unable to survive acidic Source: Journal of Dairy Science, March 2003. equipment was stored, as contamination went down environments. well as in fields that were as soil alkalinity rose. 6 Dairy Health Update ■ Fall www.DairyHealthUpdate.com
Let Walco assist your operation in the management and improve- ment of your livestock waste man- agement system. Walco features products from SHAC Environmental, Inc. that help to facilitate the breakdown of solids in lagoons and concrete pits. SHAC Products are 100% natural and work to establish an ideal environment for naturally occurring microbes to reduce solids into a liquid form that is ideal for row crop or field application. Dairy Health Dairy Health UPDATE .com .com
There are two types of diarrhea - can you see the difference? Secretory diarrhea Osmotic diarrhea is observed in newborn calves (0-5 days old) and is is observed in older calves (1-3 weeks old) and is caused by bacteria like E.coli. The gut cells are caused by viruses and cryptosporidia. The gut cells intact; however, bacteria are adhered to the surface are damaged, and absorption of nutrients, fl uid and of the cells. They produce a toxin, which increases electrolytes is disrupted. Consequently, most of the the secretion of fl uid and electrolytes to the gut undigested feed passes through the small intestine, lumen, with diarrhea as a result. with increased secretion of fl uid and subsequently diarrhea as the result. ® ® ® ® Deliver with Dialine can be used for both types of diarrhea without ® ® knowing the cause. Dialine is unique in its composition; it binds water, bacteria, and toxins in the gut, and leads these elements out with the feces. This binding capacity reduces the period of diarrhea two to three days. Deliver ® With Dialine ® - secures the health of your calves Deliver with Dialine is a Danish product, and is sold in more than 25 countries all over the world. Produced by Pharmalett A/S
There are two types of rehydration solutions - do you know the difference? Hypertonic solution Isotonic solution (e.g., electrolytes mixed with milk) (e.g., Deliver with Dialine® mixed in water) A hypertonic solution can be used in calves with An isotonic solution can be used in both types of secretory diarrhea only. A hypertonic solution is diarrhea, i.e., secretory and osmotic diarrhea. “too strong” in calves with osmotic diarrhea, An isotonic solution is “neutral” and does not because the gut cells are damaged. harm the damaged gut cells. ® ® ® ® Deliver with Dialine can be used for both types of diarrhea without ® ® knowing the cause. Dialine is unique in its composition; it binds water, bacteria, and toxins in the gut, and leads these elements out with the feces. This binding capacity reduces the period of diarrhea two to three days. Deliver ® With Dialine ® - secures the health of your calves Deliver with Dialine is a Danish product, and is sold in more than 25 countries all over the world. Produced by Pharmalett A/S
New products available from your Walco representative New approach to teat sealant: From the inside out ® Pfizer's new Orbeseal teat sealant provides a new, more effective way to protect cows from dry-period mastitis infections. Infused like a mastitis tube following any dry-off therapy, the non-antibiotic paste mim- ics the natural keratin plug, forming a physical Dairy Health barrier between the cow and bacteria. Dairy Health .com UPDATE .com Minnesota research showed quarters infused Persistent BVD protection with an antibiotic followed by Orbeseal at The Breed- Back™ FP dry off were 30 percent less likely to vaccine line is engineered acquire a new dry-period infection com- to provide 90 percent to pared to quarters treated with an antibiotic 99 percent protection alone. Furthermore, Orbeseal-treated quar- ters were 33 percent less likely to be clinically against persistently infect- mastitic before 60 days in milk and showed signifi- ed calves due to BVD Dairy Health Dairy Health Types 1 and 2. A con- UPDATE cantly lower somatic cell counts. trolled study also showed .com .com 90 percent to 99 percent NEW Arsenal™ 4.1 • Even with a single sub- effectiveness in prevent- New Arsenal 4.1 from cutaneous dose, Arsenal ing abortions due to BVD Type 2. In controlled Novartis provides proven 4.1 was able to significant- studies, vaccination with protection against the ly control clinical signs Breed-Back FP prevented BVD that’s most likely to associated with BRSV. shedding of IBR, BVD cause a BVD respiratory • Arsenal 4.1 significantly Types 1 and 2, PI3, and outbreak: NCP 1b. It pro- protected against PI3 in BRSV, compared to con- vides proven protection in challenge trials, demon- trols. Available with five- tough challenge models strated by significant dif- way Lepto, in 10- 20- and against BVD Type 1 and ferences in clinical scores 100-mL bottles. Type 2, IBR, PI3, and and virus shedding. control calves. BRSV. Trials demonstrate: • Arsenal 4.1 demonstrat- • In all of these challenge • Arsenal 4.1 showed sig- ed significant protection trials, Arsenal 4.1 was nificant protection against against IBR as demon- administered both subcu- BVD Type 2. The BVD strated through differ- taneously and intramus- Full brucellosis licensure Type 2 trial used a strong ences in temperature cularly. Both routes were After seven years' use challenge, with a 25 per- responses, clinical scores found to be equally effec- under conditional license cent mortality rate in non- and virus shedding tive. Dairy Health to further state and feder- Dairy Health vaccinated animals. between vaccinated and UPDATE al efforts to eradicate bru- .com .com cellosis, Colorado Serum's Brucella Abortus Vaccine, Injectable minerals are between 1 mL per Strain RB-51 Live Culture, New MineralMax TM 100 pounds and 1 mL has been upgraded to Dairy Health Dairy Health per 200 pounds of weight, full licensure by USDA. UPDATE injectable from RXV .com .com Products is a chelated depending on age. The full licensing con- supplemental source of Suggested use in dairy firms the manufacturer zinc, manganese, seleni- cows is three weeks before has supplied safety, effi- um and copper. Elemental calving and insemination, cacy, and potency studies minerals are provided as and five months in milk. to satisfy USDA. RB-51 is zinc oxide, manganese Calves should be dosed at capable of creating immu- sulfate, sodium selenite 1 day old and weaning; nity in vaccinated animals and copper carbonate. heifers, every three while not inducing anti- Recommended dosages, months, especially five bodies that confuse sero- by subcutaneous injection, weeks before breeding. logical diagnostic tests. 10 Dairy Health Update ■ Fall www.DairyHealthUpdate.com
Dairy VIP Partnership Loyalty Program VENDOR PRODUCTS ANFO Fort Dodge Tubes APC LACO Calva- Gold Ribbon Electrolyte *Lutalyse Gold Ribbon Gel Nich Marketing Cydectin Nuflor Cystorelin *Pfizer Mastitis Tubes Eprinex 5L & 20L Agripharm Cattle Bios *Pfizer Cattle Bios BI Cattle Bios (except Spirovac) Biomycin 200 Prostamate J-Vac Respishield Cattle Bios MasterGuard Cattle Bios Tetradure 300 Neoguard Titanium Cattle Bios Ovacyst Vision Cattle Bios Agripharm Pen G Good Start Allflex ID Tags Mineral Max All in One Multimin BP-1 Oxymycin 200 BP-1 + E Sure Start BP-1 Encapsulator Dairy Health Dairy Health UPDATE .com .com *effective 9/1/03 Visit us online at www.walcointl.com www.DairyHealthUpdate.com Fall ■ Dairy Health Update 11
last five-month window ■ French researchers is really as harmless as collected reproduction traditionally believed, records from over 150,000 University of California inseminations on 122,697 Davis researchers cross- cows in 6,149 herds in sampled 446 newborns western France. At the from two different large same time, they conduct- drylot dairies. They tested ed a series of bulk-tank for BVD infection at birth– tests to categorize each so-called 'Congenital herd's BVD status. Based Infection,' or CI–then fol- on antibody levels and lowed the heifers for 10 how fast levels changed months. They found that between tests, the even though both herds researchers categorized vaccinated for BVD and the herds as to how there had been no recent recently they became BVD clinical signs of BVD, 10 infected, and whether percent of calves were they were recovering. CI–an incidence they Then, by matching up termed surprisingly high. only the records from an More importantly, their AI that occurred during results show the fallacy a known period of risk in the long-accepted belief for BVD infection in that that if a fetus escapes AI's herd, the researchers Just because ovine Viral the PI state or other rare developed a statistically Diarrhea and its a BVD-infected fetus Bcontrol continues birth defects, it will turn powerful picture of BVD's didn't go PI to be a focus of intense out normal and produc- affect on conception and tive. On the contrary, CI early pregnancy. doesn't mean research. Some current calves in the study were They found that you've escaped damage findings include: 2.3 times more likely to although recent BVD ■ When a fetus gets caused by the disease; infected during gestation, either die or have to be infection didn't affect treated for at least three 21-day return to service– plus, BVD's effect it typically results in one days at the calf ranch. that is, cause a repeat AI of three outcomes: on reproduction • Before 40 days of Their calculations predict- before 25 days after a pre- gestation...Abortion. ed that about 57 percent vious AI–it did have a of the disease episodes • Between 40 and 125 experienced by CI calves significant effect on the days...Creation of the per- were attributable to the CI need for a repeat AI after sistently infected state. state. 25 days. Herds classed • After 125 days...No The study's lead recently recovered, steadi- problems. author, Claudia Muñoz- ly infected, or recently Wondering whether infected had a relative risk BVD infection during that Zanzi, now at University of a post-25-day return to of Illinois, suggests their service that was 3 percent, results demonstrate how 11 percent and 12 percent A study that followed newborn heifers, infected in the uterus with BVD, to the calf ranch found those infected before birth–even if they didn't turn PI–were much more likely to die or get sick BVD infection weakens an higher than other herds, later than non-infected calves, particularly if they didn't get full colostral protection. animal's immune system. respectively. She noted the risk of That pattern in such Percent of calves predicted not to be seriously ill nor to die morbidity increased in CI a large, controlled data 100% calves born in summer vs. set strongly demonstrates 80% those born in fall, suggest- BVD may not affect con- ing BVD left those calves ception failures caused by 60% relatively more vulnerable failure to settle or early 40% ■ Not congenitally infected, high colostral titer to typical calf-ranch fac- embryonic death, but it ■ Congenitally infected, high colostral titer tors like heat stress, high has a definite effect on 20% ■ Not congenitally infected, low colostral titer bacterial growth, and con- late-embryonic or fetal ■ Congenitally infected, low colostral titer taminated environments. death. 20 40 60 80 100 Source: American Journal of Veterinary Source: Theriogenology, In Press 2003. Days old Research, March 2003. 12 Dairy Health Update ■ Fall www.DairyHealthUpdate.com
uate student Chris cent–higher than the state Hostetler, notes that averages of 52 percent although we know zinc, and 16.6 percent. copper and manganese When those 615 sup- are among the trace min- plemented cows were erals that have the great- compared to 635 control est impact on reproduc- cows freshening in the tion–because they con- same time period, the centrate heavily in the researchers found: developing fetus–the • No statistically signifi- mechanisms are still cant difference in somatic poorly understood. That's cell counts–although both particularly true when it groups were below an comes to supplementing 180,000 average. above a level that's sim- • A numerical–but not ply making up for dietary statistically different– deficiencies. improvement in the num- One traditional prob- ber of cases of clinical lem, as Canadian veter- mastitis. Supplemented inary researcher Jeffrey cows experienced 22 per- Wichtel editorializes in cent less mastitis during the same journal issue, is the first 30 days of lacta- that most experiments to tion and 13 percent less understand that mecha- during the first 60 days. Field-trial results race elements–par- nism rely on rats, and '...a • Overall pregnancy rate ticularly zinc, man- demonstrate the effect Tganese, selenium cow is not a large rat.' improved from 18 percent More research in live- of trace-mineral and copper–are known stock to understand how to 20 percent in sup- plemented cows. Because supplementation to affect animal health, animals use those trace there was no change in production and reproduc- on reproduction; tion. Some recent research minerals could eventually heat detection rate, study much work remains highlights include: lead us to the ability to author Ken Mitchell points out, the improved target specific minerals at to be done ■ In reviewing more than specific supplementation pregnancy rate must be 250 studies over the past levels to specific points due entirely to improved 50 years, Washington of production, like con- conception rate. State animal scientists ception and gestation, Supplemented cows conclude, unfortunately, Hostetler predicts. showed a statistically sig- there's still a lot left to Source: The Veterinary Journal, September nificant improvement in learn about how trace 2003. conception rates at 70, 80 mineral supplementation and 90 days of lactation. affects reproduction. ■ A field trial conducted Mitchell suggests the The study, led by on a 1,000-cow dairy in molecular biology grad- California's Central $4 investment to 'top off' Valley by Valley cows paid in this trial. Veterinarians Inc. tested First, the tendency for a Field trial results in California showed that injecting additional trace minerals into cows as they greater than 10 percent moved into close-up groups and again six weeks into lactation made a numerical improvement the reproductive effects of in clinical mastitis cases and a statistically significant improvement in conception rates. injecting 100 mg of zinc, reduction in mastitis 100 mg of manganese, cases, at $150 to $250 per 50 mg of copper and case, saves an estimated 25 mg of selenium four $7 per cow in the herd weeks pre-calving and yearly. More importantly, again four weeks pre- the 2 percent pregnancy breeding in otherwise rate increase, at an esti- normally supplemented, mated $35 per cow yearly healthy cows. The herd for every 1 percent averaged a heat detection increase, adds another rate of 57 percent and a $70 per cow per year. Source: Bovine Veterinarian, September pregnancy rate of 18 per- 2003. 14 Dairy Health Update ■ Fall www.DairyHealthUpdate.com
® Vision 2mL Draw-Off Prima Tech Vaccinator Promotion Offer Dates Vision vaccine purchases made between August 1, 2003 – December 31, 2003. Eligible Participants Beef and Dairy Producers Distributors, veterinarians and dealers are not eligible for this promotion. Additionally, all Intervet customers who participate in other Vision promotional offers are not eligible for this promotion. Eligible Products All Vision vaccine products and presentations (mix and match). Offer For every Vision vaccine purchase of $1,000 during the offer period (August 1, 2003 – December 31, 2003), Intervet will provide a Vision 2mL Prima Tech Draw-Off Vaccinator upon proof-of-purchase submission. Submission of multiple invoices to reach $1,000 purchase level will be accepted. Submission Deadline To receive your Vision 2mL Prima Tech Vaccinator, beef and dairy producers must submit proof-of-purchase invoices by January 31, 2004, to: Vision Vaccinator Promotion Intervet Inc. 35500 W. 91st Street De Soto, KS 66018 Producers can submit proof-of-purchase invoices at any point throughout the offer dates to receive Vision Vaccinator. Questions Please contact your Intervet Sales Representative or Intervet Customer Relations at 800-441-8272 with any questions regarding this offer. Dairy Health Dairy Health UPDATE .com .com P.O. Box 318 • 405 State Street • Millsboro, Delaware 19966 • www.intervetusa.com • 800.441.8272 Vision is a registered trademark of Intervet Inc. ©2003 Intervet Inc. • 7/03 O&B Part #69039
Your one-stop source for... Featured this season at your near-by Walco location Ivermax rebates Mineral Max Selection ■ $15 rebate per 5 L rebates Full brand-name and private-label choices ■ $10 rebate per 2.5 L Purchase $250 worth ■ $5 rebate per 1 L or more and receive ■ $5 per every two a 5 percent rebate 250 mL purchased Offer valid on both Expires December 31 100 mL and 500 mL sizes Expires December 31 Service FREE Vision Vaccinator Dedicated, state-of-the-art service, shipping ® For every Vision vaccine purchase of $1,000 between Aug. 1 and Dec. 31, 2003, Intervet will give you a Vision 2 mL Prima Tech Draw-Off Vaccinator upon proof-of-purchase submission. Submission of multiple invoices to reach the $1,000 purchase level will be accepted. Must submit proof-of-purchase invoices by Jan. 31, 2004. See page 15 for details. Distributors, veterinarians and dealers are not eligible for this promotion. All Intervet customers who participate in other Vision promotional offers are not eligible for this promotion. Innovation Account histories, technologies and info Earn rewards Subscription for your purchases Questions? Purchase at least half Questions about your subscription, your dairy-health or receiving duplicate issues? Go to product needs from Walco www.DairyHealthUpdate.com and qualify for bonus points E mail: [email protected] Phone: (913) 441-3970 toward free merchandise. Fax: (913) 441-3971 Value Maintenance, troubleshooting, programs Call or visit us, Dairy Health PRSRT STD Dairy Health at your one-stop source UPDATE U S POSTAGE PAID for dairy health selection, service, P.O. Box 860274 LIBERTY, MO innovation and value: Shawnee, KS 66286-0274 PERMIT NO 13 Your subscriber number: To avoid receiving duplicate issues, please include this subscriber number when returning your update card
Dairy Health Dairy Health UPDATE The latest on profitable health control Vol. 4, No. 4 Spring Updates: Parasite Research page 4 BVD Update page 5 Mastitis Reports page 5
E XP EC T RESU LTS Dr. Don Bliss says, ”Put your dewormer where the worms are.“ ® With Safe-Guard (fenbendazole), the dewormer goes right to where the worms are... the cow’s gut. Costly pour-on dewormers ® can have inconsistent results. Safe-Guard protects your herd and your pocketbook by killing internal parasites where they live. Ask your veterinarian, animal health supplier, feed salesman or Intervet ® representative for Safe-Guard today. Intervet Inc. • P.O. Box 318 ©2002 Intervet Inc. 405 State Street • Millsboro, Delaware 19966 ® Safe-Guard is a registered trademarks of Intervet Inc. Link to more information at 01/02 TCPA www.DairyHealthUpdate.com www.intervetusa.com 800.835.0541
Add a post-breeding synch shot? 3 Health Updates Inside • Post-breeding GnRH for heat stress this issue • Patterns of colostrum intake. A study at two sites–in Mississippi and North Carolina–during July and August confirms earlier stud- 4 Health Updates ies on the positive effect of adding an additional • Worm burdens on pastured dairy cattle • More. injection of GnRH after breeding to heat-stressed cows. 5 Health Updates The researchers first syn- • Update on BVD • Current research from National Mastitis Council. chronized the cycles of 105 Percent pregnant 6 New Products Available from Walco lactating Holsteins using the GnRH at 11 days • Live BVD vaccine for pregnant cows • Handheld ultrasound • More. OvSynch protocol. They 38% GnRH at 5 days then added a third GnRH No add'l GnRH 2 Safe-Guard wormer from Intervet ® injection to one third of 32% Put worm control where you need it: The gut. Featured the cows at 5 days after ® ™ health AI and to another third at 3 Probios products from Vets Plus 11 days after insemination. A natural combination to aid transition. products ™ They found the control cows 19% 4 COPPER HOOF 2X hoof care aid tended to have lower preg- Get nature’s full power of concentrated ionic copper. nancy rates, at 19 percent, 5 Probios products from Vets Plus ™ ® compared to the average of A natural blend of animal-health expertise. 35 percent for the treated ® cows. Although cows treated at day 11 showed a 6 Deliver with Dialine from Walco numerically higher rate, at 38 percent vs. 32 percent for The one simple choice to handle both types of calf scours. ® those treated at five days, the difference wasn't statisti- 7 Bovi-Shield vaccine from Pfizer cally significant. Finally...a proven safe modified-live viral vaccine for pregnant cows. Source: Theriogenology Journal, April 15, 2003. Colostrum intake patterns Three sets of USDA survey data Super. Natural. over the last decade show that US Link to more dairies seem to be taking to heart about this the recommendation that newborn topic at calves get at least a gallon of colos- www.DairyHealthUpdate.com trum when fed by hand. However, it's important to note that about one in five dairies still give calves less than half the recommended amount. Source: USDA National Animal Health Monitoring System. Percentages in chart represent only the proportion of calves on operations feeding colostrum by hand. Vets Plus ™ Percent of calves receiving different amounts of colostrum ® 4 quarts or more 2 to 4 quarts 2 quarts or less & Probios For Fresh Cow Management Help maintain necessary energy, vitamin and mineral levels and manage your fresh cows for greater productivity...naturally. Together, 1992 1996 2002 Probios Bovine One and Vets Plus Cal-C-Fresh and Keto-Nia Fresh Gels will help your fresh cows make a smooth transition. Some things just work together...Naturally. © WALCO International Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Vol. 4, No. 4, Spring 2003. Published four times per year as an informational service for the dairy customers of WALCO International. Dairy Health Update is not designed Contact your Vets Plus, Inc. to render specific veterinary advice, and should not replace the counsel of a qualified veterinary professional Walco representative familiar with your dairy’s specific situation. Dairy Health Update will consider materials for publication but shall for more information. Animal Health & Nutrition not be responsible for loss or damage and reserves the right to alter any submissions at its discretion for use. Or visit: www.vets-plus.com 78-72B Probios is a registered trademark of Chr. Hansen. Changes of address should be sent to Dairy Health Update, P.O. Box 860274, Shawnee, KS 66286-0274, Phone (913) 441-3970, Fax (913) 441-3971, E-mail [email protected]. www.DairyHealthUpdate.com Spring Dairy Health Update 3
Parasite Research Notes MORE EVIDENCE OF REPRODUCTIVE DECLINE The value of fecal egg counts. 37 New York dairies–com- Ohio State researchers carefully screened and edited Dutch work confirms that pared to 17 percent posi- DHI records to create a statistically definitive recordset the commonly used fecal tive for Crypto. Canadian of 44,425 monthly summaries from 1772 herds span- egg count test probably researchers demonstrated ning 1992 to 1998. Subsequent analysis of those cleaned doesn't tell you much that the dewormer fen- records showed that, as many suspect, reproductive about the actual worm bendazole is an effective performance of the typical herd fell during the last burdens on pastures by treatment against scours decade. the end of a summer and gut damage caused Source: Animal Reproduction Science, January 2003. grazing season. The work by Giardia. First service vice First ser Calving interval rval suggests pasture worm Source: Preventive Veterinary Medicine, Calving-to-conception Calving inte conception rate (months) interval (days) conception rate (months) counts may be high May 30, 2003; Veterinary Parasitology, April 155 2000; International Journal for Parasitology, enough by autumn– January 2001. 14.3 50.2% despite what fecals say– Vaccine marginally effective. 150 14.1 48.9% that they may affect cow European researchers 145 13.9 47% milk production and report the highest protec- 140 13.7 46.9% weight gain in heifers. tion so far with a vaccine Source: Veterinary Parasitology, December. 135 1992 1994 1996 1998 13.5 1992 1994 1996 1998 2002. against stomach worms: a Services per conception Days to first service 60 percent reduction in Giardia prevalence and control. fecal egg counts, a signifi- 2.02 95 Giardia, the scours-caus- cant stunting in the size 2.0 94 ing blood parasite similar of worms, and a non- 1.98 93 to Cryptosporidium, was statistically significant 18 1.96 92 found in 4 percent of 782 percent reduction in total 1.94 91 soil samples that Cornell worm counts. 1.92 90 researchers collected from Source: Parasite Immunology, May 2002. 1.9 1992 1994 1996 1998 89 Your pallet of copper just arrived Your pallet of copper just arrived Cut foot-bath costs nearly 50 percent with the power of concentrated ionic copper. Five gallons of new COPPER HOOF 2X Typical cost replace up to one ton of dry per 50 gallon bath copper sulfate in dairy foot-baths. COPPER HOOF $8.34 1 gallon size Covert 5 + Antidote PHM. COPPER HOOF 2X saves up to 50 percent COPPER HOOF $7.18 5 gallon size Another new one from over dry copper in product cost alone. COPPER HOOF $5.78 AgriPharm. We mentioned Convenient liquid form and new 30 gallon size Antidote PHM in the last DHU, concentrated formulation saves Copper sulfate $11.00 but this one has the added MLV. additional labor and storage costs. Same story applies about the detailer. Be Unique TRSW-950 carrier maintains the copper in COPPER HOOF 2X watching for it. as biologically free, active ions. More goes to work fighting hoof prob- lems; less falls out of solution to end up in the lagoon or on your fields. Now save even more with hands- free foot-bath recharging! Combine COPPER HOOF 2X with the industry’s first programmable automatic foot-bath flush, clean, fill and dose system. No labor, no wasted product, no human error. Auto flush Auto fill Auto Charge Ask your Walco rep for details. Or contact us at: C (888) 800-5898 • Fax (831) 636-8517 COPPEROPPER © Walco International. MS-SpecSale-A1202/a HOOF e-mail: [email protected] Link to more information at HOOF TM 1700 Airline Highway • Hollister, CA 95023 www.DairyHealthUpdate.com Dairy Hoof Care Aid Working with Nature
BVD Research Updates THE CHANGING NATURE OF BVD Mechanics of reproductive damage. membrane of a vaccine A recent review of diagnostic samples from 240 BVD Australian researchers bottle with the nasal cases submitted to Washington’s state diagnostic lab compared the ovarian secretions from a PI calf, during the past 20 years demonstrates the emergence of function of BVD-infected drawing vaccine from the fetal infection patterns. vs. uninfected superovu- bottle and then vacci- Shift in the age of BVD infection for surveyed cases lated dairy heifers. They nating uninfected calves 6 months 1 year found that infection with spread BVD to those Fetal 1 week 4 weeks Over 1 year Type I BVD while the calves–even though a new follicles are developing disposable syringe and causes inflammation of needle were used. the ovaries and damage • Calves housed both 1.5 to the egg-producing cells, yards and 11 yards from a leading to delayed or PI calf for a week caught absent ovulation. the disease, with no nose- Source: Theriogenology, February 2003. to-nose contact. 1980 1990 2000 • Calves that were housed Ease of disease spread. in an uncleaned and non- Killed vaccine ineffective against PI. ufacturer’s instructions. In continuing testament disinfected pen immedi- Dutch researchers used a Calves born from unvac- to how easily BVD can ately after a PI calf was mixture of field isolates of cinated control animals all spread through a herd removed caught the dis- BVD to infect sets of heif- were persistently infected, where an unidentified ease. However, calves that ers that either were not as well 78 percent and persistently infected ani- entered such a pen after vaccinated or had been 60 percent of the calves mal exists, research in the pen stood empty for vaccinated with one of born from dams vaccinat- Sweden found: four days did not. two killed vaccines ed with the two different • Smearing the rubber Source: The Veterinary Journal, March 2003. according to the man- inactivated BVD vaccines. Source: Veterinary Microbiology, Nov. 2002. Mastitis Research News Treat early postpartum cases? respectively. Some things A total 1851 quarters from Meanwhile, another just work 463 cows in 16 Quebec, study applied the CMT to Ontario and New York every non-heifer and non- together... dairies were tested before diseased cow that calved day 4 in milk using the during a three-week peri- California Mastitis Test. od on an 1,800-cow dairy. Of the 355 positives, Of the 45 CMT positive roughly half were treated animals, half were given with cephapirin; half were cephapirin; half weren't. left alone to see if they Treatment resulted in a 68 spontaneously cured. The percent cure rate by day results: 28 in milk , compared ...Naturally For cases caused by a to 32 percent for non- major pathogen, 77 per- treated. Treatment also Vets Plus & Probios ® ™ cent cured with treatment; reduced the average 64 percent cured with- day-14 Somatic Cell The natural blend of two animal health experts out–a marginally signifi- Count to 189, compared to Vets Plus is a world leader in animal health and nutrition packaged products. cant difference. For cases 513 for controls. So it’s only natural that Probios, the leader in direct-fed microbial packaged caused by a minor patho- Source: National Mastitis Council Annual goods, partners with Vets Plus. gen, 78 percent cured with Meeting Proceedings, 2003. Through the alliance, Vets Plus produces and markets Probios products for dairy, beef, swine, poultry, equine and companion animals. treatment; 83 percent Vets Plus has the innovative products, programs and people who just work cured on their own–a together... naturally. non-significant difference. For details on how to buy Contact your Vets Plus, Inc. For environmental Strep a set of conference Walco representative for more information. proceedings, link to cases, the cure rates were this page at Or visit: www.vets-plus.com Animal Health & Nutrition 78-72A Probios is a registered trademark of Chr. Hansen. 87 percent and 68 percent, www.DairyHealthUpdate.com www.DairyHealthUpdate.com Spring Dairy Health Update 5
® Bovi-Shield —the only 4-way modified-live types of New from your Walco representative viral (MLV) vaccine approved for use in * 2calf scours Modified-live BVD vaccine safety of administering it pre-breed- pregnant cows and calves nursing pregnant cows. safe during pregnancy ing and again during each trimester of pregnancy, the calving rate was ® Pfizer's Bovi-Shield FP has now nearly identical to that of control ™ been approved by USDA as safe to cows injected with use in pregnant cows, when only sterile water. used according to the label. Bovi-Shield FP ® ™ Pfizer's extensive safety helps provide fetal studies showed that giving protection against the vaccine both pre-breed- IBR-induced abor- ing and then again at 10 tion and calves Require times the dose during being born persis- pregnancy caused no IBR- tently infected with types of induced abortions or fetal both Type 1 and 2 infection with BVD. In addi- BVD. 2solution tional trials studying the Ultralight Ultrasound time on a 50-minute The new Bantam™ recharge. mobile ultrasound The Bantam unit scanning unit weighs operates both a sector in at under 2 pounds– and linear transducer, including its on-board making it applicable battery pack. for reproductive scan- Powered by either ning in cattle without 110 volt AC or the at the same time lim- headset makes scan- rechargeable lithium iting its flexibility for ning in bright sunlight All scours are not the same battery pack, it offers other applications. easy, while the pop- Secretory diarrhea a four-hour mobile run The unit's EI-Site up-video monitor facil- • Birth to 5 days old • Bacterial high-resolution video itates indoor use. Now you can put the power of an MLV vaccine to work building the immunity of your entire • Gut cells remain intact ® 1 • Calls for a hypertonic solution herd. That’s because Bovi-Shield has been proven safe for use during all stages of pregnancy, Osmotic diarrhea OvaCyst™ Gonadorelin ical levels of endogenous lutein- and for calves nursing pregnant cows, when used according to label directions. So now • 1-3 weeks old • Viral and crypto RXV Products' new OvaCyst izing hormone, which stimu- Bovi-Shield delivers a high level of protection against reproductive and respiratory diseases • Gut cells are damaged brand of GnRH is labeled for lates ovulation, formation of • Requires a gentler isotonic solution to treatment of follicular cysts in the corpus luteum and proges- when animals need it most—prior to periods of peak stress. To learn more about preparing avoid further harm to damaged cells terone synthesis. dairy cattle. Its FDA approval your herd for times of greatest challenge, contact your veterinarian. is based on a bio-equivalence The recommended intrave- to Cystorelin.™ nous or intramuscular dosage ™ ™ ® OvaCyst initiates the of OvaCyst is 2 mL per cow. *New approved label indications: Bovi-Shield FP 4+L5, Bovi-Shield FP 4+VL5 and PregGuard FP 9 release of normal physiolog- Available in six-dose vials. may be administered to pregnant cattle provided they were vaccinated, according to label directions, with Bovi-Shield FP 4+L5, Bovi-Shield FP 4+VL5 or PregGuard FP 9 prior to breeding. Bovi-Shield FP Now, 4+L5, Bovi-Shield FP 4+VL5, Bovi-Shield 4 and PregGuard FP 9 may also be administered to calves nursing pregnant cows provided their dams were vaccinated prior to breeding as described above. there's Footbath acidifier the buildup Link to more information at (Abortions can result if not used according to label directions.) New ParlorPal, available exclusive- of copper in www.DairyHealthUpdate.com 1 Bovi-Shield and PregGuard are registered trademarks and Bovi-Shield FP , ™ Data on file, Studies 2434D-60-01-011, 2434D-60-00-050, 2434D-60-01-010, Pfizer Inc the environment. ly from Walco, acidifies and then ® ® Recommended usage is 15 to 25 1 Choice maintains a low pH in dairy foot- pounds per 50 gallons of footbath PregGuard FP and Beef Friendly logo are trademarks of Pfizer Inc. ™ ™ baths and bedding. That lower pH makes ammonia capacity, recharged after every 250 ® ® Deliver With Dialine can be used less volatile, thus greatly reducing cow-passes. for both types of diarrhea—without In addition to footbaths, ® ® Bovi-Shield knowing the cause. Deliver's unique the amount of ammonia released ParlorPal can be applied directly Bovi-Shield composition binds water, bacteria, into the atmosphere. and toxins in the gut, leads them out with And because ParlorPal can to the dirt pad of calf pens and the feces. Reduces scouring to 2-3 days. replace copper sulfate, either fully hutch bases before applying bed- or in a rotation, it can help reduce ding materials. ® Deliver With Dialine ® The 1 choice for all scours 6 Dairy Health Update Spring www.DairyHealthUpdate.com TAKE TIME —OBSERVE LABEL DIRECTIONS ©2002 Pfizer Inc BSD02054
Bovi-Shield —the only 4-way modified-live ® viral (MLV) vaccine approved for use in pregnant cows and calves nursing pregnant cows. * Now you can put the power of an MLV vaccine to work building the immunity of your entire ® herd. That’s because Bovi-Shield has been proven safe for use during all stages of pregnancy, 1 and for calves nursing pregnant cows, when used according to label directions. So now Bovi-Shield delivers a high level of protection against reproductive and respiratory diseases when animals need it most—prior to periods of peak stress. To learn more about preparing your herd for times of greatest challenge, contact your veterinarian. *New approved label indications: Bovi-Shield FP 4+L5, Bovi-Shield FP 4+VL5 and PregGuard FP 9 ™ ™ ® may be administered to pregnant cattle provided they were vaccinated, according to label directions, with Bovi-Shield FP 4+L5, Bovi-Shield FP 4+VL5 or PregGuard FP 9 prior to breeding. Bovi-Shield FP 4+L5, Bovi-Shield FP 4+VL5, Bovi-Shield 4 and PregGuard FP 9 may also be administered to calves nursing pregnant cows provided their dams were vaccinated prior to breeding as described above. (Abortions can result if not used according to label directions.) 1 Data on file, Studies 2434D-60-01-011, 2434D-60-00-050, 2434D-60-01-010, Pfizer Inc ® Bovi-Shield and PregGuard are registered trademarks and Bovi-Shield FP , ™ ® PregGuard FP and Beef Friendly logo are trademarks of Pfizer Inc. ™ ™ Bovi-Shield Bovi-Shield ® ® Link to more information at www.DairyHealthUpdate.com www.DairyHealthUpdate.com Link to more information at TAKE TIME —OBSERVE LABEL DIRECTIONS Spring Dairy Health Update 7 ©2002 Pfizer Inc BSD02054 www.DairyHealthUpdate.com
Your one-stop source for... Featured this season at your near-by Walco location ® ® Safe-Guard and Panacur rebates Earn double VIP points Selection Until May 31, earn these rebates on purchases by the gallon. On these Spotlight Products... Full brand-name and private-label choices Purchase... ...and earn Silver Level BI Insecticide Ear Tags • La-Co Products 4 gallons . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 per gallon Fort Dodge Factrel • Fort Dodge Polyflex 8 gallons . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30 per gallon Gold Level 16 gallons . . . . . . . . . . . . $40 per gallon Pfizer A180 • Pfizer Cattle Vaccines 32 gallons . . . . . . . . . . . . $50 per gallon Pfizer Dectomax • Schering-Plough Nuflor Eligible purchase must be invoiced between Jan. 1, 2003, and May 31, 2003. (100mL and 250mL sizes) Cannot be combined with any other Intervet Safe-Guard or Panacur Suspension programs. Available to Platinum Level producers who purchase product for their own cattle. Redemption form with original proof-of-purchase invoice, must be sent by July 31. For a redemption form, go to www.DairyHealthUpdate.com, follow the RXV Ca P IV Fluid Therapy link to this page, and click on this special offer. Through June 30 Service Free vaccine doses Earn free Dedicated, state-of-the-art service, shipping ® ® For every 900 doses of Intervet Titanium and Bio-Mycin 200 ® Master Guard vaccines Through June 27, 2003, you buy, buy 11 500-mL bottles receive of BI-Vetmedica's 100 doses Bio-Mycin 200, ® free. and you get Good through one bottle free. Dec. 31, 2003. Innovation Account histories, technologies and info Now, redeem your VIP points online VIP customers, now you can browse available rewards and redeem your points at the new online Walco VIP Company Store. Using your web browser, browse through the rewards we offer by participation category. Or search the entire catalog by price range, key word or category. To try it out, go to www.DairyHealthUpdate.com, follow the link to this page, and click on this special offer. Value Maintenance, troubleshooting, programs Call or visit us, Dairy Health PRSRT STD Dairy Health at your one-stop source UPDATE U S POSTAGE PAID for dairy health selection, service, P.O. Box 860274 LIBERTY, MO innovation and value: Shawnee, KS 66286-0274 PERMIT NO 63
Dairy Health Dairy Health UPDATE The latest on profitable health control Vol. 4, No. 4 Spring Updates: Parasite Research page 4 BVD Update page 5 Mastitis Reports page 5
E XP EC T RESU LTS Dr. Don Bliss says, ”Put your dewormer where the worms are.“ ® With Safe-Guard (fenbendazole), the dewormer goes right to where the worms are... the cow’s gut. Costly pour-on dewormers ® can have inconsistent results. Safe-Guard protects your herd and your pocketbook by killing internal parasites where they live. Ask your veterinarian, animal health supplier, feed salesman or Intervet ® representative for Safe-Guard today. Intervet Inc. • P.O. Box 318 ©2002 Intervet Inc. 405 State Street • Millsboro, Delaware 19966 ® Safe-Guard is a registered trademarks of Intervet Inc. Link to more information at 01/02 TCPA www.DairyHealthUpdate.com www.intervetusa.com 800.835.0541
Add a post-breeding synch shot? 3 Health Updates Inside • Post-breeding GnRH for heat stress this issue • Patterns of colostrum intake. A study at two sites–in Mississippi and North Carolina–during July and August confirms earlier stud- 4 Health Updates ies on the positive effect of adding an additional • Worm burdens on pastured dairy cattle • More. injection of GnRH after breeding to heat-stressed cows. 5 Health Updates The researchers first syn- • Update on BVD • Current research from National Mastitis Council. chronized the cycles of 105 Percent pregnant 6 New Products Available from Walco lactating Holsteins using the GnRH at 11 days • Live BVD vaccine for pregnant cows • Handheld ultrasound • More. OvSynch protocol. They 38% GnRH at 5 days then added a third GnRH No add'l GnRH 2 Safe-Guard wormer from Intervet ® injection to one third of 32% Put worm control where you need it: The gut. Featured the cows at 5 days after ® ™ health AI and to another third at 3 Probios products from Vets Plus 11 days after insemination. A natural combination to aid transition. products ™ They found the control cows 19% 4 COPPER HOOF 2X hoof care aid tended to have lower preg- Get nature’s full power of concentrated ionic copper. nancy rates, at 19 percent, 5 Probios products from Vets Plus ™ ® compared to the average of A natural blend of animal-health expertise. 35 percent for the treated ® cows. Although cows treated at day 11 showed a 6 Deliver with Dialine from Walco numerically higher rate, at 38 percent vs. 32 percent for The one simple choice to handle both types of calf scours. ® those treated at five days, the difference wasn't statisti- 7 Bovi-Shield vaccine from Pfizer cally significant. Finally...a proven safe modified-live viral vaccine for pregnant cows. Source: Theriogenology Journal, April 15, 2003. Colostrum intake patterns Three sets of USDA survey data Super. Natural. over the last decade show that US Link to more dairies seem to be taking to heart about this the recommendation that newborn topic at calves get at least a gallon of colos- www.DairyHealthUpdate.com trum when fed by hand. However, it's important to note that about one in five dairies still give calves less than half the recommended amount. Source: USDA National Animal Health Monitoring System. Percentages in chart represent only the proportion of calves on operations feeding colostrum by hand. Vets Plus ™ Percent of calves receiving different amounts of colostrum ® 4 quarts or more 2 to 4 quarts 2 quarts or less & Probios For Fresh Cow Management Help maintain necessary energy, vitamin and mineral levels and manage your fresh cows for greater productivity...naturally. Together, 1992 1996 2002 Probios Bovine One and Vets Plus Cal-C-Fresh and Keto-Nia Fresh Gels will help your fresh cows make a smooth transition. Some things just work together...Naturally. © WALCO International Inc., 2003. All rights reserved. Vol. 4, No. 4, Spring 2003. Published four times per year as an informational service for the dairy customers of WALCO International. Dairy Health Update is not designed Contact your Vets Plus, Inc. to render specific veterinary advice, and should not replace the counsel of a qualified veterinary professional Walco representative familiar with your dairy’s specific situation. Dairy Health Update will consider materials for publication but shall for more information. Animal Health & Nutrition not be responsible for loss or damage and reserves the right to alter any submissions at its discretion for use. Or visit: www.vets-plus.com 78-72B Probios is a registered trademark of Chr. Hansen. Changes of address should be sent to Dairy Health Update, P.O. Box 860274, Shawnee, KS 66286-0274, Phone (913) 441-3970, Fax (913) 441-3971, E-mail [email protected]. www.DairyHealthUpdate.com Spring Dairy Health Update 3
Parasite Research Notes MORE EVIDENCE OF REPRODUCTIVE DECLINE The value of fecal egg counts. 37 New York dairies–com- Ohio State researchers carefully screened and edited Dutch work confirms that pared to 17 percent posi- DHI records to create a statistically definitive recordset the commonly used fecal tive for Crypto. Canadian of 44,425 monthly summaries from 1772 herds span- egg count test probably researchers demonstrated ning 1992 to 1998. Subsequent analysis of those cleaned doesn't tell you much that the dewormer fen- records showed that, as many suspect, reproductive about the actual worm bendazole is an effective performance of the typical herd fell during the last burdens on pastures by treatment against scours decade. the end of a summer and gut damage caused Source: Animal Reproduction Science, January 2003. grazing season. The work by Giardia. First service vice First ser Calving interval rval suggests pasture worm Source: Preventive Veterinary Medicine, Calving-to-conception Calving inte conception rate (months) interval (days) conception rate (months) counts may be high May 30, 2003; Veterinary Parasitology, April 155 2000; International Journal for Parasitology, enough by autumn– January 2001. 14.3 50.2% despite what fecals say– Vaccine marginally effective. 150 14.1 48.9% that they may affect cow European researchers 145 13.9 47% milk production and report the highest protec- 140 13.7 46.9% weight gain in heifers. tion so far with a vaccine Source: Veterinary Parasitology, December. 135 1992 1994 1996 1998 13.5 1992 1994 1996 1998 2002. against stomach worms: a Services per conception Days to first service 60 percent reduction in Giardia prevalence and control. fecal egg counts, a signifi- 2.02 95 Giardia, the scours-caus- cant stunting in the size 2.0 94 ing blood parasite similar of worms, and a non- 1.98 93 to Cryptosporidium, was statistically significant 18 1.96 92 found in 4 percent of 782 percent reduction in total 1.94 91 soil samples that Cornell worm counts. 1.92 90 researchers collected from Source: Parasite Immunology, May 2002. 1.9 1992 1994 1996 1998 89 Your pallet of copper just arrived Your pallet of copper just arrived Cut foot-bath costs nearly 50 percent with the power of concentrated ionic copper. Five gallons of new COPPER HOOF 2X Typical cost replace up to one ton of dry per 50 gallon bath copper sulfate in dairy foot-baths. COPPER HOOF $8.34 1 gallon size Covert 5 + Antidote PHM. COPPER HOOF 2X saves up to 50 percent COPPER HOOF $7.18 5 gallon size Another new one from over dry copper in product cost alone. COPPER HOOF $5.78 AgriPharm. We mentioned Convenient liquid form and new 30 gallon size Antidote PHM in the last DHU, concentrated formulation saves Copper sulfate $11.00 but this one has the added MLV. additional labor and storage costs. Same story applies about the detailer. Be Unique TRSW-950 carrier maintains the copper in COPPER HOOF 2X watching for it. as biologically free, active ions. More goes to work fighting hoof prob- lems; less falls out of solution to end up in the lagoon or on your fields. Now save even more with hands- free foot-bath recharging! Combine COPPER HOOF 2X with the industry’s first programmable automatic foot-bath flush, clean, fill and dose system. No labor, no wasted product, no human error. Auto flush Auto fill Auto Charge Ask your Walco rep for details. Or contact us at: C (888) 800-5898 • Fax (831) 636-8517 COPPEROPPER © Walco International. MS-SpecSale-A1202/a HOOF e-mail: [email protected] Link to more information at HOOF TM 1700 Airline Highway • Hollister, CA 95023 www.DairyHealthUpdate.com Dairy Hoof Care Aid Working with Nature
BVD Research Updates THE CHANGING NATURE OF BVD Mechanics of reproductive damage. membrane of a vaccine A recent review of diagnostic samples from 240 BVD Australian researchers bottle with the nasal cases submitted to Washington’s state diagnostic lab compared the ovarian secretions from a PI calf, during the past 20 years demonstrates the emergence of function of BVD-infected drawing vaccine from the fetal infection patterns. vs. uninfected superovu- bottle and then vacci- Shift in the age of BVD infection for surveyed cases lated dairy heifers. They nating uninfected calves 6 months 1 year found that infection with spread BVD to those Fetal 1 week 4 weeks Over 1 year Type I BVD while the calves–even though a new follicles are developing disposable syringe and causes inflammation of needle were used. the ovaries and damage • Calves housed both 1.5 to the egg-producing cells, yards and 11 yards from a leading to delayed or PI calf for a week caught absent ovulation. the disease, with no nose- Source: Theriogenology, February 2003. to-nose contact. 1980 1990 2000 • Calves that were housed Ease of disease spread. in an uncleaned and non- Killed vaccine ineffective against PI. ufacturer’s instructions. In continuing testament disinfected pen immedi- Dutch researchers used a Calves born from unvac- to how easily BVD can ately after a PI calf was mixture of field isolates of cinated control animals all spread through a herd removed caught the dis- BVD to infect sets of heif- were persistently infected, where an unidentified ease. However, calves that ers that either were not as well 78 percent and persistently infected ani- entered such a pen after vaccinated or had been 60 percent of the calves mal exists, research in the pen stood empty for vaccinated with one of born from dams vaccinat- Sweden found: four days did not. two killed vaccines ed with the two different • Smearing the rubber Source: The Veterinary Journal, March 2003. according to the man- inactivated BVD vaccines. Source: Veterinary Microbiology, Nov. 2002. Mastitis Research News Treat early postpartum cases? respectively. Some things A total 1851 quarters from Meanwhile, another just work 463 cows in 16 Quebec, study applied the CMT to Ontario and New York every non-heifer and non- together... dairies were tested before diseased cow that calved day 4 in milk using the during a three-week peri- California Mastitis Test. od on an 1,800-cow dairy. Of the 355 positives, Of the 45 CMT positive roughly half were treated animals, half were given with cephapirin; half were cephapirin; half weren't. left alone to see if they Treatment resulted in a 68 spontaneously cured. The percent cure rate by day results: 28 in milk , compared ...Naturally For cases caused by a to 32 percent for non- major pathogen, 77 per- treated. Treatment also Vets Plus & Probios ® ™ cent cured with treatment; reduced the average 64 percent cured with- day-14 Somatic Cell The natural blend of two animal health experts out–a marginally signifi- Count to 189, compared to Vets Plus is a world leader in animal health and nutrition packaged products. cant difference. For cases 513 for controls. So it’s only natural that Probios, the leader in direct-fed microbial packaged caused by a minor patho- Source: National Mastitis Council Annual goods, partners with Vets Plus. gen, 78 percent cured with Meeting Proceedings, 2003. Through the alliance, Vets Plus produces and markets Probios products for dairy, beef, swine, poultry, equine and companion animals. treatment; 83 percent Vets Plus has the innovative products, programs and people who just work cured on their own–a together... naturally. non-significant difference. For details on how to buy Contact your Vets Plus, Inc. For environmental Strep a set of conference Walco representative for more information. proceedings, link to cases, the cure rates were this page at Or visit: www.vets-plus.com Animal Health & Nutrition 78-72A Probios is a registered trademark of Chr. Hansen. 87 percent and 68 percent, www.DairyHealthUpdate.com www.DairyHealthUpdate.com Spring Dairy Health Update 5
® Bovi-Shield —the only 4-way modified-live types of New from your Walco representative viral (MLV) vaccine approved for use in * 2calf scours Modified-live BVD vaccine safety of administering it pre-breed- pregnant cows and calves nursing pregnant cows. safe during pregnancy ing and again during each trimester of pregnancy, the calving rate was ® Pfizer's Bovi-Shield FP has now nearly identical to that of control ™ been approved by USDA as safe to cows injected with use in pregnant cows, when only sterile water. used according to the label. Bovi-Shield FP ® ™ Pfizer's extensive safety helps provide fetal studies showed that giving protection against the vaccine both pre-breed- IBR-induced abor- ing and then again at 10 tion and calves Require times the dose during being born persis- pregnancy caused no IBR- tently infected with types of induced abortions or fetal both Type 1 and 2 infection with BVD. In addi- BVD. 2solution tional trials studying the Ultralight Ultrasound time on a 50-minute The new Bantam™ recharge. mobile ultrasound The Bantam unit scanning unit weighs operates both a sector in at under 2 pounds– and linear transducer, including its on-board making it applicable battery pack. for reproductive scan- Powered by either ning in cattle without 110 volt AC or the at the same time lim- headset makes scan- rechargeable lithium iting its flexibility for ning in bright sunlight All scours are not the same battery pack, it offers other applications. easy, while the pop- Secretory diarrhea a four-hour mobile run The unit's EI-Site up-video monitor facil- • Birth to 5 days old • Bacterial high-resolution video itates indoor use. Now you can put the power of an MLV vaccine to work building the immunity of your entire • Gut cells remain intact ® 1 • Calls for a hypertonic solution herd. That’s because Bovi-Shield has been proven safe for use during all stages of pregnancy, Osmotic diarrhea OvaCyst™ Gonadorelin ical levels of endogenous lutein- and for calves nursing pregnant cows, when used according to label directions. So now • 1-3 weeks old • Viral and crypto RXV Products' new OvaCyst izing hormone, which stimu- Bovi-Shield delivers a high level of protection against reproductive and respiratory diseases • Gut cells are damaged brand of GnRH is labeled for lates ovulation, formation of • Requires a gentler isotonic solution to treatment of follicular cysts in the corpus luteum and proges- when animals need it most—prior to periods of peak stress. To learn more about preparing avoid further harm to damaged cells terone synthesis. dairy cattle. Its FDA approval your herd for times of greatest challenge, contact your veterinarian. is based on a bio-equivalence The recommended intrave- to Cystorelin.™ nous or intramuscular dosage ™ ™ ® OvaCyst initiates the of OvaCyst is 2 mL per cow. *New approved label indications: Bovi-Shield FP 4+L5, Bovi-Shield FP 4+VL5 and PregGuard FP 9 release of normal physiolog- Available in six-dose vials. may be administered to pregnant cattle provided they were vaccinated, according to label directions, with Bovi-Shield FP 4+L5, Bovi-Shield FP 4+VL5 or PregGuard FP 9 prior to breeding. Bovi-Shield FP Now, 4+L5, Bovi-Shield FP 4+VL5, Bovi-Shield 4 and PregGuard FP 9 may also be administered to calves nursing pregnant cows provided their dams were vaccinated prior to breeding as described above. there's Footbath acidifier the buildup Link to more information at (Abortions can result if not used according to label directions.) New ParlorPal, available exclusive- of copper in www.DairyHealthUpdate.com 1 Bovi-Shield and PregGuard are registered trademarks and Bovi-Shield FP , ™ Data on file, Studies 2434D-60-01-011, 2434D-60-00-050, 2434D-60-01-010, Pfizer Inc the environment. ly from Walco, acidifies and then ® ® Recommended usage is 15 to 25 1 Choice maintains a low pH in dairy foot- pounds per 50 gallons of footbath PregGuard FP and Beef Friendly logo are trademarks of Pfizer Inc. ™ ™ baths and bedding. That lower pH makes ammonia capacity, recharged after every 250 ® ® Deliver With Dialine can be used less volatile, thus greatly reducing cow-passes. for both types of diarrhea—without In addition to footbaths, ® ® Bovi-Shield knowing the cause. Deliver's unique the amount of ammonia released ParlorPal can be applied directly Bovi-Shield composition binds water, bacteria, into the atmosphere. and toxins in the gut, leads them out with And because ParlorPal can to the dirt pad of calf pens and the feces. Reduces scouring to 2-3 days. replace copper sulfate, either fully hutch bases before applying bed- or in a rotation, it can help reduce ding materials. ® Deliver With Dialine ® The 1 choice for all scours 6 Dairy Health Update Spring www.DairyHealthUpdate.com TAKE TIME —OBSERVE LABEL DIRECTIONS ©2002 Pfizer Inc BSD02054
Bovi-Shield —the only 4-way modified-live ® viral (MLV) vaccine approved for use in pregnant cows and calves nursing pregnant cows. * Now you can put the power of an MLV vaccine to work building the immunity of your entire ® herd. That’s because Bovi-Shield has been proven safe for use during all stages of pregnancy, 1 and for calves nursing pregnant cows, when used according to label directions. So now Bovi-Shield delivers a high level of protection against reproductive and respiratory diseases when animals need it most—prior to periods of peak stress. To learn more about preparing your herd for times of greatest challenge, contact your veterinarian. *New approved label indications: Bovi-Shield FP 4+L5, Bovi-Shield FP 4+VL5 and PregGuard FP 9 ™ ™ ® may be administered to pregnant cattle provided they were vaccinated, according to label directions, with Bovi-Shield FP 4+L5, Bovi-Shield FP 4+VL5 or PregGuard FP 9 prior to breeding. Bovi-Shield FP 4+L5, Bovi-Shield FP 4+VL5, Bovi-Shield 4 and PregGuard FP 9 may also be administered to calves nursing pregnant cows provided their dams were vaccinated prior to breeding as described above. (Abortions can result if not used according to label directions.) 1 Data on file, Studies 2434D-60-01-011, 2434D-60-00-050, 2434D-60-01-010, Pfizer Inc ® Bovi-Shield and PregGuard are registered trademarks and Bovi-Shield FP , ™ ® PregGuard FP and Beef Friendly logo are trademarks of Pfizer Inc. ™ ™ Bovi-Shield Bovi-Shield ® ® Link to more information at www.DairyHealthUpdate.com www.DairyHealthUpdate.com Link to more information at TAKE TIME —OBSERVE LABEL DIRECTIONS Spring Dairy Health Update 7 ©2002 Pfizer Inc BSD02054 www.DairyHealthUpdate.com
Your one-stop source for... Featured this season at your near-by Walco location ® ® Safe-Guard and Panacur rebates Earn double VIP points Selection Until May 31, earn these rebates on purchases by the gallon. On these Spotlight Products... Full brand-name and private-label choices Purchase... ...and earn Silver Level BI Insecticide Ear Tags • La-Co Products 4 gallons . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 per gallon Fort Dodge Factrel • Fort Dodge Polyflex 8 gallons . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30 per gallon Gold Level 16 gallons . . . . . . . . . . . . $40 per gallon Pfizer A180 • Pfizer Cattle Vaccines 32 gallons . . . . . . . . . . . . $50 per gallon Pfizer Dectomax • Schering-Plough Nuflor Eligible purchase must be invoiced between Jan. 1, 2003, and May 31, 2003. (100mL and 250mL sizes) Cannot be combined with any other Intervet Safe-Guard or Panacur Suspension programs. Available to Platinum Level producers who purchase product for their own cattle. Redemption form with original proof-of-purchase invoice, must be sent by July 31. For a redemption form, go to www.DairyHealthUpdate.com, follow the RXV Ca P IV Fluid Therapy link to this page, and click on this special offer. Through June 30 Service Free vaccine doses Earn free Dedicated, state-of-the-art service, shipping ® ® For every 900 doses of Intervet Titanium and Bio-Mycin 200 ® Master Guard vaccines Through June 27, 2003, you buy, buy 11 500-mL bottles receive of BI-Vetmedica's 100 doses Bio-Mycin 200, ® free. and you get Good through one bottle free. Dec. 31, 2003. Innovation Account histories, technologies and info Now, redeem your VIP points online VIP customers, now you can browse available rewards and redeem your points at the new online Walco VIP Company Store. Using your web browser, browse through the rewards we offer by participation category. Or search the entire catalog by price range, key word or category. To try it out, go to www.DairyHealthUpdate.com, follow the link to this page, and click on this special offer. Value Maintenance, troubleshooting, programs Call or visit us, Dairy Health PRSRT STD Dairy Health at your one-stop source UPDATE U S POSTAGE PAID for dairy health selection, service, P.O. Box 860274 LIBERTY, MO innovation and value: Shawnee, KS 66286-0274 PERMIT NO 63
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